Newspaper Page Text
To Our
i rs
\\ r e w ish to say to /mr f r iends
and customers that we are now
quartered in our new store, next
door to Cairo Banking Co. in Paulk
Baldy’s old stand. We wish to
*av too in this connection, that
we have now, more room, more
goods, and can give vou • letter
service than ever before. We
have two big stories and the up
stairs we wi ill Have “chock-a-block
with ail kinds of popular priced
furniture, bed springs, mattresses.
trunks and so on. In our down
stairs we will carry stoves, sewing
machines and all kinds of fancy
dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats
and groceries.
\y<> are going to sell every thing
in oia store from this date on
Cheaper than Cheap
from beginning to end of <>ur enor
mous stock. We guarantee to
Save you money
on everything you wish to buy.
We have got the goods to sell and
they must be sold if price and
quality and good treatment will
sell them. Come to us to buy
entire bill. We can and will
you up in everything Most Satis*
iactorily Bring us your chick
ens, eggs, hides oacon, meal,corn
itud everything you have to sell
We will give you the very
price possible aud sell you eteiv
thing way down cheap, just
i* heap as we would if vou had
ten dollar bill in vour hand,
are here to sell you goods and
vour produce and please vou m
every detail. If we fail ted us and
we will make things right.
We wish to here we have a
good lot of winter goods yet on
hand, capes, over coats, McIntosh
coats winter dress goads, outings,
flannels, mens undershirts and
Oil which we will sell at strictly
Ten per cent
Above First
Now is the chance of your
to make money by buying
necesities now. Our winter
Must Go at a Great
The very first une you come
Cairo come to see us, we gua
tee to save you money on
purchase. Remember make
•tore headquarters, We
ample horse racks back of
store to accomodate you.
warm fires in cold weather,
of good drinking water at
I times, comfortable chairs to
in and last but not least
Good Goods for
All these good things
should make you happy,
ing one and all for your
patronage since our coming
Ciiro and asking you
for a continuation of same we
gain earnestly anxious to
Your Friends
W. i. Robinson &
K S. .Mr. Richard Pearce
1 0w witH us and will be glad
an<} sjervp all his old
and ( ‘ustuliters here.
jCocai Stems Jtnd^
^Personal iffention . j
Here we come. i
Well now. I told you so. i
This is a free copy to all.
Stock-taking time is at hand, j I
Cairo now has a weekly news
! paper.
! Remember us if in need of
| printing ot any kind.
Mr. W. E. Dunn was the first
subscriber to the Messenger.
Read the letter from Forester.
Brothers which appears in this
Miss Hattie Blackshear of
Susina is the guest of Mrs. J.
L. Paulk.
Bring your country produce
to Cairo and get the very best
of prices f< r it.
Mr. F. M. Brannon went up
to Thomasville Monday after
noon on business.
The Messenger will have a
'phone in a few davs. Please
report vour visitors.
We are glad to note that Miss
Wood, who has been real sick,
is able to be out again.
Mr. J. W. Marshall, Jr., cf
Macon, spent Tuesday in the
citv among the merchants.
Horace Cochran, of Thornas
vill was in the city Tuesday af
ternoou orf a hunting trip.
Mr. G. Nichols was down
from Thomasville Tuesday af
ternoon for a hunt in nearbv
The Messenger wants good
correspondents at . every „
| office in this section, Send
the ne ws.
Messrs. E. G. Kolbie. and R
D. Walker, of x lie Messenger ’
spe ;nt Sunday at Camilla w
Messrs W. T. Crawford, C. F.
Sanders and Dr. W. E. Oliver
paid Bainbridge a visit Tuesday
Dont wait for us to ask you
to subscribe to the Messenger,
but come in and add your name
to our list.
Some one has remarked that
Cairo people are like those of
Atlanta—a unit on anything to
help Cairo,
Misses Brown returned last
w veek from Climax, Ga. While
there they were the guests o
Misses Curry.
The Cairo Furniture Co.
a handsome adv in this issue
which we direct the
of our readers.
Mr. C. F. Sanders, the
has something to say to the
lic in this issue, Don t
reading his adv.
Miss Ona Neel, of
passed through Cairo
enroute to her school
seven miles north of town.
It is useless to ask the
of the broad smile that Mr.
is L. Mauldin is carrying
days, that ii big boy” of his
es it, but later it will very
ably not all be smiles.
A couple of handsome new
brick stores are assured for the
near future. It is impossible to
keep down a growing town.
We want your chickens and
eggs, will pay highest market
price. Forester Bros.
Cairo, (fa.
Miss Annie Lou Blackshear
accompanied by her friend Miss
Quail were the eharmeng guests
of Mrs. J. L. Paulk on Saturday
Among the prominent vis
itors in the city last Friday were
[oe Herring, CM vary, E. P
Clay, Chas. and G. L. Bari ok of
Pine Park.
If you need a suit of clothes,
you can save money bv taking
advantage of the low prices at
which Forrester Bros, arc now
selling all winter clothing.
Mrs. R. F. Evans returnedj
Wednesday from M o u 1 t r i e
where she lias been vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. B. D. >
W. II- Robinson & Co. are
represented in ourjcolumns with
an adv this week. Our readers
will do well to read what they
have to say.
Wanted —Raccoon skins, ot
ter hides and all kinds of Mer
chantable Furs and Hides, for
which we will pay highest
prices. Forrester Bros.
Mr. B. D. Hartsfieid, a for
mer good citizen ot Cairo now
t ! j residing o at Moultrie, 7 was greet- o
* friends in the citv a couple r
| of dav* this week.
| We direct attention to the
i attractive adv of Mauldin Bros,
jin this paper. nev are too
1 well known for comment and
, the adv speaks for itself.
The Star Brand, Walk-Over,
Dixie Girl and Trv-Me shoes
i are sold and guarantee'll by
Forrester Bros.,
Cairo, Ga.
Mr. W. E. Dunn left Sunday
morning for his home at New
ton, Ala., after having spent
several weeks in this citv at
work upon the Citizens' Bank
building. It is likely that he
■ will return in a short while as
: “r uildings are so °” t0
Mr. L. B. Powell and family
left Tuesday for Decatur county
for a short visit. Of course Mr.
Powel took his ’possum dog and
will find recreation from his du
ties as depot agen in tramping
the branches of old Decatur
with a pme torch and a dull
axe. Success to him.
Mr Marvin Butler has accep
ted a position as book keeper
with Wight Bros, at Cairo. " " *
Mr. Tom W. Wood, an old Ca
milla boy formerly with Wight
Brothers is now book keeper at
the Citizens' Bank of Cairo vr # *
Mr. B. D. Hartsfieid and family
former residents of Camilla,
have left Cairo and moved to
Moultrie.—Camilla Enterprise.
Shoes bearing this TJEff rail
Mark are best to Wear .
Sold by j. L. Oliver
Clearance Sale.j
February ist we begin our Annual Stock 'Taking and in er
to reduce our Stock as much as possible before that time, \V v
to rut the Price on Everything in our Store ,
From 10 to 25 per Cent
Have a large mi varied
of d Emi
socKers il TtrpTi
' —Willow, Oak, Large,! m
m Small, High, Low,! 5
and, in fact, anv kind; M
o f a Rocker v o u «■
! might o want and, dur- —
ing the remainder of January they will go at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
We also have a large stock of
Bed Springs, Mattresses, Center and Dining Tables, Chairs,
Matting, Art Squares, Rugs, Window Shades, Etc.
In Stoves and Sewing Machines we have the Best Mad© and it will pay
you to see us before buying. We carry a full stock of Window Glass—all sizes.
Uairv iurwifut?
M Mil I I I I I I I I I I I Iil li i i i imiii * nu n i iimi in iot i Min Wi|M|l’|;l| I I II I I II II II I I I I I II t
:?£ Q
We sav Bargains because everybody h on a move and are
looking for bargains.
SOc Coffee Mens & Bovs
S’nd’y shirts
Under wear
Rice, Tobacco, for All. Mens
Potash, Tinware. Boys & Ba=
by’s Hais and Caps. Pants and Overalls for boys, Spec*
tacles, and many other things.
Remember we sell nothing for more than 2$ Cents.
Come and see what Ch eap Bargains we have on
our S aaund lO cent Counters.
Yours Truly,
Jo R. Everts, The Ten Cent Store.
~e,«;« • c l I I • * * « 1 I I i • Ml I ! I 111 I • I I m i ii i t m m irii I I f I I 1 I I I I | Ml « • fa •' t I I I I I III If
We Are Headquarters
Stoves, „ ff Hardware ■ I ... _-i m ^ , ~T~ Tinwa m
j , i O
Cutle ' High
Sporting ry, $mm finings Grade
Ifllsl- —V’TT- SUjipli€S# +
mOOGS; * C. I I I CO; Q
.............. ............ ......... ■
Oils and Wagon Material, in fact Anything in Hardware.
® Harm Fence a Specialty.
Also carry Coffins, Caskets and Burial Supplies.
j Sapp Hardware Company.
rr jsnr
lf you have any peanuts for
sale, we want them.
Forrester Bro$., Cairo, Ga.
bv Wt ry SI5 SHOES ARE
Sold by j. L Oliver
Office next to Wight & Browne
Dru«: Store.
Put your feet Into s pair of 1*5*
Sold by J. L. Oliver
Notice to My Friends.
I wish to say to m v old friends
and customers that I am now
with W. Ii. Robinson & Co
They are occupying Paulk &
Baldy’s oid stand next door to
Cairo Banking Co. Here I will
be glad to see and serve all my
old friends and former custo
mers. We sell you good goods
for little money. Come to see
Very truly your friend,
Richard It.arck.