Newspaper Page Text
The Henry
County Weekly
Official Organ of Henry County.
B. S. ELLIOTT, Editor.
Advertising Rates 25c n*>r inch, posi
feon 5c additional—special contracts
latered postoffice at! McDon
«sgn, Ga., as second class m »il matter
Treitrn Advertising Representative
McDonough, Ga., April 27 1923.
Rev. T. B. Hincy filled- his ap
pointment at Luelia Sunday a. m.
and at this place in the afternoon.
Mr. Hincy is young in the min
istry, but he can interest you on
*pir itual things.
Messrs. Jim Dingier and Ray
mond Rape spent Sunday in
JSpralding County.
Mesdames N. W. Woodw rd and
Joe Pendley, Misses Esther and
I’blly Woodward spent Saturday
with Mrs. Ben Pendley.
Miss Ethel Roan visited friends
it Bartlesville last week and at
tended the B. Y. P. U. Convention
S&at was in session there.
Mrs. H. W. Rowan went, to East
ffbint Wednesday to the funeral
of her nephew, little J. G. Gloer.
Mr. George Moore’s family will
move to Butler Ga, at an early
4*te. We hate to give up any of
our old neigbors.
tittle T. B. Hincy is greatly im-
SBwved of his serious illness.
Miss Ethel Roan is visiting in
Atlanta this week.
Mrs. Allen Rape spent Saturday
•ih Mrs. Milt Walker.
Miss Mattie Craig was the guest
wlMt’s. Martha Rape last week.
Uncle John Copeland and
daughters, were visitors here
The friends of Miss Hattye
Seger will be interested to hear
tfher marriage at Williamson.
They will make their home in At
Jhnta. She has often visited her
•aster, Mrs. Hugh Morris here.
m W" wmmmm the ingredients printed
g on the label of your bak
ing powder tin include
Cream of Tartar —your
cakes, biscuits and other
foods will be more health
ful and have a finer tex
ture and taste.
That is one of the rea
sons why thoughtful
women insist on
Baking Powder
The ONL Y nationally distrib
uted Cream of Tartar
Baking Powder
Cor4rns r io Ala: * —Leaves
No Bitter Taste
Morris Grove News.
Well we are having som : fine
Misses Allie and Ellen Corley
were the Sunday afternoon guest
of Misses Elma and Mary Brown.
Prayer Services were enjoyed
Saturday p. m. by a large croud at
old Liberty.
Mr. Willie Evens escorted Miss
Prudence Humphries home from
prayer meetting Saturday p. m.
Viola and Dorothy Brown spent
Sunday afternoon with Bernice
We sympathize with Mrs.
Mamie Evans for axidently killiog
her pet peacock.
We were quite suprised when
we saw Mr. Mack Walden with
Ruth Humphries Saturday night.
Mr. Henry Denson walked home
from church with Miss Allie Corley
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brown spent
the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Jarrett jr.
Mr. Emmett Starr and Mr.
Walter Pidllius passed through
our community Sunday a. m.
Miss Gertrude, Frances and
Sarah White spent the day Friday
with Miss Willie Mae Walden.
Miss Irene Coker, of Atlanta
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Laura
Jarrett this week.
We are expecting to plant some
corn next week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. K mbell and
little daughter. Dorris aie visitiug
their mother, Mrs. Fannie Kimbell
We are sorry to know that Miss
Belle Jarrett was sick and could’nt
be with us Saturday night.
Mr. Mercer Humphries went
to Atlanta Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Evans spe t
the day Sunday with Mrs. Hays.
Mr. Terrell Jones is looking
blue since Miss Grace Humphries
is in Atlanta for a month.
Miss Dora Evens and Miss
Evelyn Denson were out Walking
Sunday afternoon.
There was a party of nine went
fishing Saturday afternoon and
had the good luck of catching
two cat fish and a purch.
Mr. Sam wood, of Atlanta, was
the week-end guest of Emmett
Miss Ruby Jarrett spe it last
week in Atlanta.
Rose Bud.
Open The Door Io Progress
You Can Do This By Trading At The
* GLOBE CO. INC. Griffin, Ga.
Everything that is new in Dry
Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies,
Suits, Dresses, and Millinery can
be found here. Our prices will
more than pay you for your trip.
Read a few items taken at random*
Gold Bank Corticella Taffata Silk at sl+49 yd*
French Plaids in Ratine Effects sl*so val at *75 ”
The New King Tutt Voiles at *49
See the New Jersey Voiles at *@s ff
100 Pieces fancy Voiles all colors 50c val* at *25 u
50 ” Good Dress Ginghams at *lO ”
150 ft fine Dress Ginghams all colors *ls ff
Everything in Dry goods at a SAVING*
Every Express brings New Dresses at proper prices, you must see them,
all prices.
Our Millinery Department Was Never More Complete—Hats & More Hats
—Every Style represented and the price will cause you to buy. Get in your
car, come to the Globe for bargains.
Don't forget we are Men and Boys Outfitters frem head to foot. Give us a
call. Thank you.
The Globe Co. I me.
Phone 171 Griffin, Ga.
Stop the Loss of Grain
Between Field and Thresher
io a\oid loss of grain from shattering, many farmers have adopted grain-tight racks for hauling
to stack or thresher-a step in the right direction. But what about grain lost from shattering
while passing through the binder, or damaged while
in the shock? IZ«ss=
reduces this loss idi
improvements ever made
in a harvesting machine,
Force Feed that automatically adjusts itself to
Eievalor light or heavy grain in different
fields, or in different parts of the
same field. The flow of grain to the packers
is continuous and so gentle that there is no
Relief Rake prevents trash from gathering on
the inside end of the cutter bar.
You don’t have to leave your seat to remove it,
or carry a stick for that purpose.
Come in and let us show you other features
you will like.
In operating most binders weeds catch on the inner
corner of cutter bar and retard the butts of the grain,
allowing the heads to be elevated first. Hence, instead
of having a smooth bundle with heads all at one end.
you have a BUNCH of grain. When such bundles
are shocked, some of the grain heads are in contact
with the ground, causing them to sprout or rot.
The relief rake on the Champion keeps trash cleaned
away, preventing grain being dragged through uncut.
1 he kicking motion of the rake straightens the grain
so it ascends the elevator in proper position.