Newspaper Page Text
The SheiifPs Suits of Lumpkin County, will
t'onlißW lo l>c f*ubiisltrl in tlie estern lloraiii.
S AMUI L JONES, Sb’ff. L. C.
A prll 6. 1 —ay liv.
Lunipkii) Siicriil *s ; uU%
be sold on the first Tuesday in
v w j n , at the Coutl-liouse in Vurnria,
I •unptivi c>untv, withio t.ic usual hoursol stir, tii; t .1-
I*> w iisr |* opcify, to vi i: :
One Negro man, named it ami at, about 21
> ;r? of age; levied on as the property of William Rtcli
ii dson. to satisfy two fi. fas. from Hancock Superior
• ‘ourt, or in favor of Mart to Cooper. Guardian ri.r Jo
> ph Cc*opcr, vs. Williaii) Richardson. and Gabriel .VNk-*,
enriiy, and one in favoi of Martha Coojxt, Guardian,
&.r. vs.” William Richardson, and David Kendall, security.
Property pointet! out lv Tbonias ‘A . Harris.
Lot No. 1054, 4th District* Ist Section, Gri
nina Hy Gherohee, now Lumpkin County, containing 40
Acres, more or loss; levied on a- th ‘ projvrtv of l Iromas
Jtieves, jun. to satisfy three ft. Ins. I rout llad Superior
i curt, in favor of P. .1. Murray, vs. Tlumias liievt s, and,
Jot! Leathers, security on stay of one of the executions.
Let No. 1054, 4th District, Ist Section, as
above described; levied on Hie prop? t v of Thomas
i:i ‘ves iun. to satisfy fourfi. fas. issued from a JusticcV
C ourt of l Jail county; two in favor of P. J. .Murray, on**
:i ( .or of Joel Leal tiers for the use ufP. J. Murray, ami
one in favor Francis O. Andoe,for tlie use of P. J. Atur
rov, vs. Thomas Hieves, jun. Levy made and returned
U iiV’ l-v a Constable.
Lot No. 635. 12th District, Ist Section, ori
i finally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing iO
Acres Inorc or less; levied on as the property of Ransom
Straw horn, to satisly four fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s
Court of Gwinnett County, in favor of John Choice & Cos.
undone in favor ofThoinas Allen,vs. Ransom Strawborn.
Levy marie and retained to me by a Co.stable.
Lot No, 1082, 12th District, Ist Section,
rririiwllv Cherokee, now Ltun|kin county, containing’
4 J Acres, more orless: leviedon as the property of Edwin
Pettigrew, to satisfy four fi. fas, issued from a Justice’s
Court of Hall county, in favor of A. K. Blackwell, and
cue in favor of John l liils, vs. said Pettigrne. Levy made
a:xl returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 251. 15th District, Ist Section, ori
q:nalh Cherokee, now Lumpkin count}*, containing 40
veros, more or less; levied on as the property ot Laoon
’ toncrief, to satisfy a v. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court
of Talliaferro county i favor of Linton &. Evans, vs. La
bom A1 onerief. L \y made and retained to me by a
l ’on stable.
Lot No. 929, 12th District. Ist Section, ori
finally Cherokee, now I.utnpkin county, containing
.-(I Acres, more or less; levied on as tlie property of N\ il
];am Ni Lon, and William Knight, to satisfy a H. fa. is
sued from Jaspei Superior Court, in favor of Archibald
:~nrd< fer,adnfr. of A. Golson, deceased, vs. William
Nelson and William Knight. Levy made and relumed
to me by a Con stable.
Lot No. 4C6,13th District, Ist Section, north;
■ vied on as the property of Anderson A.C. I ludson, to sa
tisfy afi. fa. in favor of A. 11. Palmer, vs. Susannah Hud
s m end Anderson A. C. Hudson, and Samuel M’.Tunkin,
indorser. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
Let No. 195.15 th District, Ist Section, south;
on as the piopeny of James F. Norris, to satisfy* a fi.
th. in favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Norris. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 175, 13th District Ist Section, north;
levied o i as the prope tv of Ezekiel Daniel to satisfy a ti.
la. in favor of \N ater> Briscoe, for the use of Richard But
jer, vs. said Daniel. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 526, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on the property of James Love, to satisfy a ti. fa.
in favor of Stephen Hackney, and one in favor of “Wil
liam U. Morrow, v*.said Love. Levy made and retum
io me by a Constable.
Lot No. 394, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as lho property of Wiley Rigsby, to satisfy n ti.
fa. in favor of 1 Jenry Strickland, vs. John Rigsby, ilrv
Ri*rslv, and Si'as irpifcts. Levy made and returned lo
me bv a Constable.
April 30. SAMUEL JONES, Sh’fl.
itinplilii Sheriff's Sale.
■arSTiLL be sold on the first Tuesday in
w w JUNE next, at the Court-house in Auraria,
Lumpk'n county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing pry<rly, to wit .
Lot .No. 740, 4th District, Ist Section, uri
cinally Cherokee, now Lujnpkm county, containing 40
Acres,more or less; levied on as the property of William
J T. Kimbrough and Robert Beall, lo satisly a !i. fa. issued
from Putnam Superior Court, in favoroi \\ illiam Varner,
Trustee of Priscilla Ward, vs. said Kimbrough and
jJoall. WILLIAM A. STATUS, 1). S.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
JUNE next, at the Court-house in Auraria,
Lumpkin county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing property, to wit :
Lot No. 1051,5 th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
40 Acre, more or less: levied on as the property of James
Walters, losati-fy three ii. fas. issued from a Magistrates
i tourt of Hall county, in favor of P. J. viurray, vs. James
Watterr. L vy made and returned to
Lot No. 863, 11th District, Ist Section,ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing -*0
Acresj move or less: levied on as the property of isnac
Chapman t. satisfy a 6. fa. issued from a Magistrates
Court, of HaU county, in favor P. J. Murray, vs. Isaac
Chapman Levy made and returned to ine by a Consta
Lot No. 71, 15th District, Ist Section, efoii
mnaliy Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres more or less; levied on as the property of James G.
i hi vis, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Alagistrates Court
of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. James U..
0:n is. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 385,5 th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
“, move or less: levied on as the propu l v of Basil
Cowing, to satisfy a h. fa. issued from a Magistrates
Court, of Hall county,in favor ofP. J. Murray, vs. Basil
< vowing. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 274, 4th District, Ist Section,of ori
.-iiially Cherokee, now L nnpkio county, conla: ting 40
Vc.vsj c r” or less: levied on as the property of Lewis
Whiiehea i, to satisfy a li. fa. ke.rd from a Magislrales
t ii o'H all county, ii) fjvor nl’P. .Murray, vs. ta uls
V, bT h ad. Levy made and retuned tomel.y a Con
i’ .■ ! number 145, 12th district, Ist section,
... tt;u.l!vCherokee, now Lumpkin count containing .
‘v: . i.ior'* or less: levied oil as the property of 7'hoin- |
af ; ; lo satisiy an execution issued l r om a Magis- i
’ .it(* < I .irt. fHall coilntv, in favor of P. J.Mu
‘flu; i.r.R fjasvvr. Levy made and returned tome by a Con-
Lot number 127, 6th district, Ist section,
i on in in i -,’x 100 acre? more or less, ol’oriirinally Chcirol. ‘ -
w Ln-i.pkih county: levied on os the property of jainis
Xt vkiu<\ to selify a fi. fa.issued Horn a >
‘ rVt of 11; ! county, in favor of P. ,T. Murray, vs. James
KeykiiuUli. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 3'J2, sth District, IstSeclion, ot ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containin'. 40
Acres, more or less; levied on as the property of
liii!rmc"d,satisfy a fi. fa Tsucdirom a Mag rtrate’s ’
Court, of Hall county, in favor oi P. J. Murray, vs.
Fielding Thurmond. Levy made ami returned to me
by a Constable.
One Lot, No. 103, 12tli District, Ist Section
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
Forty Acres, more or less. levied on as the property ol
! Milos* M’deskev to satisfy a 6. fa. issued bom the Su*
pevio: Court, of Hal! countv, in favor of Jones & Sim
mons, vs. Miles A I’Cleskey.
April SO. SAM E. JONES, SlffT. L. C.
XkP'Gilmor Sheriff S:\los, will be published in tins pa
per. LEVI W. ?11 • FFSUTTLER,S’hfi:
(.'i!iiK'r SlieniTs Salt's.
‘IJT'ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
V w JUNE next, at the Court-house in Gilmer ooun
v. within tlie usual hours of sale, the follow ing property,
to wit.
Lot No. 50. 26th District, 2nd Section, cri-
Umally Cherokee, now Gilmer county, containing out*
‘Kindred ; nd sixty Acres, more or less; levied on as the
property of Isham Pender, to satisfy a ti. fa, issued from
i Justice's Court in Hal! count}, in favor ofP. J. Murray,
v* said Ponder. Levy made and returned to me by a
Constable. v
v Lot No. 157, 9th District, 2d Section, cty
(*hv:okue, now Gilmer county, containing one!
ari l sixty Acres, more or less; levied on as the
property of Josiah liickman, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from a Justice’s thnirt of Hall county, in favor of i\ J.
Murray, vs. said 1 iickman. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 2*25, 21th District, 2nd Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now (•ilnicr county, containing one
hundred anti sixty Acres, more or less: levied on as the
| property of Elisha Norris, to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from a
; Justice’s Court of Mall county, in favor of I\ J. Murray,
vs. said Norris. Levy made and returned to me by a
JCjHPaulding Sheriff Sales, will bn published in this
paper. WILLIAM HOGUE, Slitt
Pauldinsr Slieritt’s Salt*.
~WM/ r ILL be r-oli! on the first Tuesday in June
w w next at the place for holding Courts in Paulding
ountv, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 499, Ist District, 4th Section, of
originally Cher.J'-ec, now PauldingCounty: levied onus
t Improperly of Stephen Vv. Blount, to satisfy sundry fi
las. issued from a Justice’s C ourt of Bmke County, in
favor of N. L. and 8. Murges, vs. Sturgcs and Blount,
levy made and returned by a Constable.
Lot No. 319, 2nd District, 4th Section, of
orHinafv Cherokee, now Paulding County: levied on ■
as the property of Samuel Barron, to satisfy two ti. fas.
issued from a justice’s Cou-t of Burke (bounty, in liivcr of 1
Joseph Perry. Levied an 1 return *d by a Constable. I
Lot. No. 744, 19th District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, no v . Paulding County : levied on as
the property of William Dovle, l* satisfy a fi. fa. from
Burke Superior Court, m (sivor of Reddcck Rutland,
vs. said Doyle, and Southworth Harlow, endorser.
Let No. 292, 2d District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county .* levied inon
as the property of Benjamin Devane, to satisfy an exccu ,
tion bom Scriven Superior < ’ourt. in favor of Stephen Cor- {
ker, administrator, &c., against the said Devane.
Lot No. 10S5, 21st District, 3d Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county : levied on as
the property of He:irv M’Nornll, to satisly a ti. fa. from
Burke Superior Court, in favor of the Court of Ordinary,
of Burke county, for tlie use of Wade Brown, and Sarah
his wife. vs. the said Al’Norrill.
Lot No. 806, 19th District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county: levied on as i
tho property of James Polhill, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor!
of Lowe, Tayb r*c Cos. vs. said Polhill. ’
Lot No. 148, Ist District, 4th Section, of !
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county : levied on as
the property of John ii. Page, io satisfy a sin: li 6. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of AN abington county, in Iri
vor of Edwa.d Garlick, vs. sai;l Page. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 593, 21st District, 3d Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Pauldie” county : levied on as
the prop* ity of Samuel Tilly, m -alisfy two small fi. fas.
issued from* a Justice’s Court of Burke county, in favor of
Joseph Perrv, vs. said Tilly.
April 30. * WILLIAM S. HOGUE, Sh’ff!
PIjMiK Subscriber .cs}M-clfi:!iy informs the
siy >■ JsL Public generally, That he has opened a
Leathers Ford, on the Chcstatee River; this
place is as healthy a situ lion as any in the up country; it
is fifteen miles miles from Gainesville, and four miles
from Auraria, Lumpkin county, and a central situation in
Surrounded with curiosities, ixth natural and artificial,
well calculated to cheer the spirits of the weary or engage
the attention of those in pursuit of pleasure. His Mouse
is large and commodious, with suit;;Mo rooms for the ac
commodation of all Families or private poisons that may
think proper to call on him. His table will be furnished
with the best the country a (Tort is ; his bar supplied with
choice Liquors : his stabkswilh plenty of provender, and
no exertions v ill le spared on his part to comfort tiic
Tit.v .-Her at Home.
April 6.—l —SL
**if*ir—ni if Sr / ni itnailiwl cb tea? mm 9
(Auraria, Lumpkin County ,)
FBI HE Subscriber still continues
to occupy his Old Stand, oil
;‘ a ' n r, ’ r L a ‘‘ u ’ doors above the Court-
House. Having cxteiined his improvements
be is now prepared to accommodate m more comfortable
style, those who may favor him with their patronage.
Ready access to Maps, Diagrams, &c.canbe had at any
time, and no exertions wi! I he spared to give to the Trav
ell**r in pursuit of information, Hie best knowledge of the
countrv, which his means of information will afford.
Grateful for the liberal nation age already received, its
continuance is respectfully solicited.
Auraria, April fi—l—tf
rCr'The Georgia Journal, Federal Union, Colum
bus Enquirer, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Constitution
alist, Southern Record'-, am! Savannah Georgia.*, will
give the above J insertions, and forward theit account to
4stfa TIA V E opened a liousc <i
liHiM r vTERTAIN VHJNT, in tlm Town
of A iirari.i Lumpkin Cc.-mly. They cocupy
Ihf* EsirtillisiiTif"it iornvrly occuj.ictl by Mr.
Nuckolls, who lias resigned Lis cn.iri; business to (heir
J’ereons whogive them a rail will receive as good ac
commodations as thecountry will afhVrt.
:i7T J G-Ofgo v. Pascliall will continue to ;>rac
’fec Law ot tho above plate.
-I\ilC. 1833 I ts
Bi'’., 1... .itto be for the i.:l< est of Defendants,
ns well sis the benefit of FUiutifl's in Execution,
.. CO■: ber.liy g IV- n, that land will not bo sold at Sheriffs
.unless the Grant is pjodiiced at the time of sale, or
: . --.nt ov rtahlc proof, that it ha ■issued.
’ May]!.—C—lf.
riHli ■J. -yii'v l iia* jn't n'<-i'ivcd from Now-
JS > oik ami ( liar!fti>n, an extensive-n‘l well se w
t((l assK>rtm''nt of DU\-GtiODS,
lIAtIOWARI. \ Clb CKKRV, consisting m juirt
ut iiie toHovvinr? articles, which he will sell low for Cash
Or Chilli tr
4000 yils. Sheeting ami Shirting,
2000 “ ('liei.p Negm Cloth.
•10 7lv .8 jr. London !Hi tile Blankets,
“ Hby7 no d> do do
7 > Point Bl.inkeiM,
12 pr. 11-4 Rose Blankets,
-100 yds. Cliestet Ticks,
300 •* Union Stripes,
200 “ Pittsburg 1 -onl,
5 ps. Moleskin, as sort oil colours.
6 ** Bh-achcd Sutlblk Drills,
( “ Cotton Diaper,
30 u Calico, 0 1. Turkey Red Prints*
12 “ Ginghams, 10 do Boaibazetts,
t “ Fui nituro Calicoes,
4 doz.Chints Shawls, 4 ps. Crimson Circassian,
4 (10. Iris*i L,in< n, do. Lin< nlold Sliii ting,
(I do. Sattiuctt, Biik, Flag Hdkfs.
I Bids. Molasses, l do. St. Croix Sugar,
1 do. N. Orleans do. 3 do. N. England Rum,
W 8 Bags Prime Green Coffee,
1 Pipe Holland Gin, 1 do. Cognac Brandy,
1 or. Cask Peach Brandy I Superior Cognac do.
1 do. H. Gin, i do. Madeira Wine,
G Hampers Chantpaigno, G Boxes No. 1 Claret,
1 or. Cask Port. : do. Muscat, 3 do. Malaga,
3 Casks London Porter, 12 Boxes Soap,
3 Bids. LoufSugar, 3 Ticrcrs Rice,
5090 -Vpanisb S,gais, I*2 KcgsCiackers,
G Bbls. Mackerel, 3 Boxes Sperm Candles,
G do. Charleston do. J Bbl. Almonds,
G Boxes liming, Ido. best quality Tobacco,
12 do. Bunch Raisins,
2000 lbs. Iron, 100 Spades, Longhandlcd Shovels,
1 Setts Bl.'cks:.iim Tools, 6 X Cut haws,
G Mill Saws, 400 lbs. German Steel,
12 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes,
12 Boxes Window Cla c s Bby 10,
24 Setts Knives and Forks,
Pocket, Fen, and Dirk Knives,
Razors, Scissors, Shears, &c.
Pad, Gun, Chest and Stock Lock?,
4 Rifles, 6 Shot Guns, I double barreled do.
Kverpo'ntcd Pencils, Silver Steel Pens, &c.
Carpenters Tools,
2 Crates Crocker, G ass, and China A\ T arc,
2 Boxes Kings Cast-steel Axes, Tea-kettles,
An assortment ofTinware,
100 Wool Hats, 25 Fine Fur,
100 Suits N.gro Cloathing,
N. B. 13 ighest price given f<>r Gold.
April G, 1833—1 —ts
THii SGbscribe* respectfully informs tho’ citizens of
iioll,an(l the adjoining counties, that lie continues
lo carry o:i the abov. business in its various blan
ches, at his Old Btand, cast side of the Court-House
Square, where work shall be done in the neatest and
most fashionable style. Ho recc ives the PHILADEL
PHIA and LONDON FASHIONS, quarterly—and
keeps on hand
Os every description. Fie returns his thanks to the pub
lic for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and begs
leave to say, he lias just employed a fust rate Journey
man from the ci tv of Baltimore, and pledges there shall
in future be no disappointment. G. W* BROWN.
April G—l—sm
TO misa-:iss AND
PVTfMJfijtASERS OF €201.0.
Subscriber has established a Laboratory in
JHL this place*, for the purpose of Assaying, Refining,
and Fluxing GOLD, and analysing every description of
metallic ore. Persons applying to him may rely upon
having these operations conducted with care and accura
cy- 7
Vein and deposit mines, will continue to he examined
and tested,and all AGENCIES relative to mines trails j
acted by him. Pumps and Y\ heel bn rrows, of the most
approved consl ruction, ibr mining purposes, will also be
kept on hand, for sale at his Office.
•ay 14.—6—3 t.
iTHER stolen, strayed or Runa
way from the Subscriber, two Hor
ses, and one Mare; one of horses is a
hay, four years old, about fifteen hands
high, somew hat lean; the othe; is a roan, six years old,
above sixteen hands high, w ith his left hind ancle swolen;
The mare is a small grey about ten years old, back a
little sore; she has a peculiar catch in her gate while at% I
tempting to pace down a hill. Any person giving satis
factory information about them, shall be amply rewarded
for their trouble. IRA R. FOSTER.
Auraria, Lumpkin county, Geo. April 9.—ltf.
jflB /> H E Proprietors of the Athens
-®- Stage Line, have detci*mined
to continue their tri-w eckly line to
Auraria. Hercafles the ‘stage will reach this place on Sun
day, Wednesday anti Friday mornings, and leave for Au
gusta, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings.—
This arrangement win open u direct communication by
stage tri-w'cokly with Augusta, Milledgeville, and week
ly with Pendleton, \ia Gainesville and Camesville. The
stage will also run tw ice a week leaving Leathers’Ford on
Sunday pnd Wednesday morning.
May 7—s—ts.
ALL persons are cautioned against trading for a note
draw n by Holt and Maurable, dated some lime in
April, 1853, for one hundred and twenty nine dollars and
thirty cents, as ! have received the amount thereof, from
them, and the note lias been lost out of my possession.
Auraria, May 7.—s—ts
A PUBLIC meeting will lie held in tlie Court House,
of this place on Thiirsdy next at 10 o’clock, A. jM.
for the purpose ol making arrangements for clearing and
repairing the etiects of the Town. The attendenee of the
Cilizensis respectfully requested.
Auraria, May 21—7
article is strong, and well adapted to the roads
JL m this country. Enquire at this Office.
Auraria, May 21.—7 If
rjlTiE Subscriber, (late of Athris, Ten.,) has perma-
J. nently settled himself in Uiis place, where he will
carry on the above business, in all its various brandies.
1L reoeiv monthly the >'cw-Yorh, Philadelphia, and
Baltin, ore fashions and hopes f- om assiduous attention to
business 1c merit a n f*are of public patronage. His char
svs w ill ho reasonable. D. A. WILES,
May 21. 7—if
Oilier cf 111© Western Herald,
IC?* TIIE Office of the Western Herald, being fur
msned With a great variety of Job Type, the Proprietor is
prepared to execute Job Work of every description, in a
style which it is hoped wiU be perfectly satisfactory to
applicants. Orders tor Blanks or Job Work of other de
scriptions, willbe promptly attended to.
April 6. —I—ft.
A UK practicing law in partnership and will attend all
JQ. the courts in the ChcioUec circuit, and those in the
counties of Hall, 1 lahersham, and Gwinnett, ot the W es
ter: circuit. The former has an office in Gainesville,
Hall county, and the latter an office in Aurana, Lumpkin
Auraria, May 7. —s—ts5—ts
T IiK undersigned have entered into copartnership in
the practice of the Law. for the County of Lumpkin,
and will attend to any professional business, which may
be confided to their eare. Letters addressed to Harden
and Rogers cither at .ilhens or Jhmiria, will receiv e prompt
attention. _
May 7.—s—w6m
A TTOUNEY AT LAW, has located at Lumpkin
Court-House —and will practice in all the counties
of tin Cherokee,and in Hall and Habersham, oft lie Wes
tern Circuit. All communications addressed to him upon
business in his profession will be promptly attended to.
April 6 1833—1—ts
A TTORNEY AT LAW, has located in Auraria,
Lumpkin County, and will practice in all tlie coun
ties of tire Cherokee Circuit, and the county of Ilall,
Western Circuit. All business entrusted to his care,
will be thankfully received and promptly attended to.
April G, 1833 —I—ts
lav r.
(Lumpkin C. JL Ga.)
A B. & 11. HOLI, have removed to this place and
.xSl* will Practice Law in Copartnership in all tho coun
ties ofCherokee ( ’ircuit, and in the adjoining counties of
the Western and Chuttahoochie Circuits.
April C, 1833—1 —ts
FEU IE Subscriber has established himself in this place,
JI and will attend to all professional business conli
(Ud to him in the several counties of the Ciierokee Circuit
—also in tlie C •unties ol Jackson, Franklin, IJflll and
Habersham, oftlic Western Circuit llis office is at the .
north end of town.
Auraria, April 6—l—ts
TH!’ IE JSUBSCIBER will attend the Superior Courts,
_M_ of the following counties of the Cherokee Circuit,
Cherokee, Forsytii, Lumpkin, Cass, Murray,
Floid, Paulding, Corn. S. ROCKWELL.
Milledgeville. May 14, —G—lt —
A LL persons except those having licence from the pa
ifi tentee, arc hereby forewarned from using tlie Patent
Pamvnfh GoLf-wasUir.g Machines, under the penalty pre
scrib'd by the Patent act Those who wish to use the
above mentioned machines in the State of Georgia, can
obtain tho privilege for one year, or the balance of the un
expired time of the patent, by paying to the undersigned,
the licence price; and those who have been using them,
may avoid a prosecution hy paying for a licence for the
present year, within thirty days from this date.
Alto r dies for the Patentee
April 30. —4 —ts
Lumpkin. County Town JLotsfor
tiSJILL he sold on the first Wednesday in July next,
V V on lot No. 950,12t1i Distfict, Ist Section ; all the
town lots laid out for tlie county site, in said county. The
sale to continue from day to day till all the lots are sold.
Terms made know n on the day of Sale.
May SI,— 1 7—ts
The State Rights Advocate, Federal Union, Southern
Recorder, Macon Messenger, Georgia Constitutionalist,
Augusta Chronicle, Southern Banner, and Washington
News, Columbus Enquirer, and Democrat, the Knoxville,
Republican, and Nashville Banner, Ten. Charleston
Conner,Miners Journal, Charlotte, and Raleigh Star,
N. C. and Huntsville Advocate, Alabama, will confer a
favor by inserting ihe above till day of sale.
DR. John 11. Thomas, having settled himself in Au
raria Lumpkin Couutyg respectfully tenders his
professional services, to the Citizens of this and the ad
joining counties? From his experience as a practitioner
of twelve years in the middle part of this Slate, and with a
promise of charges i; proportion with the times, and strict
attention to calls; he hopes to merit a share of public pat
Auraria, May 21. —7—ts
FROM the subscriber some time last October, in this
county a dark 15ay mare, about fourteen and a half
hands high, heavy built, some w f ind galls about where the
ham string joins the thigh, long tail, seven or eight, years
old, a natural trotter, and a bright hay horse about five
years old, this spring, well made from the girth forward,
Roman nose, droop romped and cat hamed, walks, trots
and canters finely, some saddle spots on the backhand had
a long tail when he left; ny person delivering said horses
to me, living on cain creek in this county, or giving infor
mation so that 1 get them shall be liberally rewarded for
the same, and all reasonable expenccs paid.
May 21, —7—2 t
||,V)UR. Months alter date application will be made, to
Jart the Honor::hie the Inferior Court, ot Newton Coun
ts', when setting as a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell
the whole of the veal estate belonging to Walter Poole,
late of said County dec.
May 21. —7—4 m
THE Subscriber, will sell on liberal ternss, Lots No.
307,14th'district, 3rd Section, No. 47, 10th district,
3rd Section; No. 233, 14th district, 4th Section, No. 157
Bth district, Ist Section; No. 260,17 th district, 3rd Section-
No. 111, 2nd district, 4th Section; and also One south of
Lot No. 858, J2thdistrict, Ist Scciion; the halfofLot No.
20i, 3rd district, IstSection; near the hightower. For
terms apply to WILLIAM VV.CARLISLE.
May 21.-7-21 Troup County, Geo.
f fi'’ I Subscribers are now receiving from
XSi f ■Jj*- r or k> a general assortment of
iSaßZat PAINTS, < IL, iic., which they ofler to
“ountryMerchants, or Tradesmen at the
Aligns, ui prices. Their Stock is fresh and warranted of
the best quality. LINTON & BACON.
Athens, May 14—C—ts
AY outb of steady habits who wishes to learn the
i uilors trade,
. . „ „ t>. A. WILES.
Aurana, May 21.—7—ts
OOST-M ASTERS, below tl ,
O'fT 9-r5aP A counties formed out of the Chtu.
■ -“9 • a ijr kec territory, will please not to forw a u
letters and packages directed to othe
offices, to Cherokee Court-hows* —there are three ati
routes passing parallel, through what was originally
Cherokee; the lower route by way ofDeKalb County “a
Sandfordville, (Dawson,) in Cass county, to the head
Coosa in Floyd County; the middle route hy Warsaw ij
Gwinnettcounty, Hickory Flat in Cherokee county, mj
Cherokee Court-House, to New Eehota in Murray conn,
ty; the upper and loti'; established route, hy Gainesville
rind Murraysville in Hull county, New Bridge ir. Lumti
kin county, Hightower in Forsyth county, Hamageyilf,
in Cherokee, Talkingrock in Gilmer, to Spring place j t
Murray county. If a little attention is given to the above
much difficulty and dissatisfaction can hcobvialcd by
sending letters and papers to offices to which they arene
directed. A POSTMASTER*
April 30.—1
WHEREAS it Iras been my good lorlnnetodrarvii
the late Gold Lottery, Lot No. 541. 2nd district
anti 4t!r section, and which lot, I am informed, is veryvak
liable: —And whereas this Lot is subject to executions;,!
the amount of nearly $ 400, which have been obtains
against me at sundry times and places: —And whereas
it is very important that this Lot should not be sacrifice
for the payment of these debts, hut rather he made ta
bring a fair price, for my benefit and the advantage, t j
the just purchaser: 1 have seen cause to issue this my
Proclamation, to the citizens ofCherokee county, and tin
divers other counties carved thereout, and admonish then
and tire good citizens generally, of Ibis “ rebelious Stater
to keep a vigilant lookout for these kind plaintiffs inert,
cution, and toil their designs to pur chase the said Lot fa
a nominal sum.
Given under my sign mannal,and done at Talbottft
this the 22d day of April, 1333.
May 7.—s—f
OWING to the delay’of some of the Surveyors, it
making their returns, and the consequent dclp
tint has unavoidably attended the publication ofthe Go!)
Maps ofCherokee, 1 have concluded to rcduce'the price
of them from TEN to SIX DOLLA RS. TheGolu Map
is divided into three parts, and the price of the three, com.
prisingall the Gold Districts, with tlie exception of tte
eleventh, in the first section, which has not yet been ro
turned, will hereafter he six dollars, or two dollars lift;
cents each. I have also now preparing, which will!’
completed in a few weeks, a CHART representing all
ery Lot on my Land Map, which, together with the Map,
will be sold set FIVE DOLLARS. All persons win
have purchased and all who may hereafter purchase tic
Land Map, shell receive a list ot the Qualities, gratis, s
soon as completed.
April 6—l—ts „
THE Subscribers talus this method of informing
Public, that he imsjustcontracted for, and got inti
operation, anew Stage Line, from i h ndieton, South Car
olina, viaCamesville, Georgia, to Gainesville, Gtorgia
under the following regulations, viz :
Leave Pendleton every Monday morning—arrive at
Carnesville the same niglit—and at Gainesville on Tires
day night.
Leave Gainesville every Thursday morning—arrive at
Carnesville the same night, and atPendleton on Friuavat
5 o’clock, P. M.
The abovecomplctos a line of Stages from Salem Nodi
Carolina, to Lumpkin Court House Georgia, in the im
mediate vicinity ofthe Cherokee Gold mines. It is sis
the most direct route from North Carolina, or the uppe
part of South (farolina to the Gold Region in Georgia; a’
it is intersected by Cross Stages, both at Carnesville and
Every dibi t will be made to render comfortable tlios
who may favor me with their patronage.
Carnesville, Ga. April IG, 1832---2—ts
County of Ciierokee
I HAVE now in the hands of the Engraver, wliiii
will b’ completed by the first of November ncxfi
general and accurate Map of the Cherokee Count:’,
drawn from the returns of the District Surveyors. 0w
ing to the great number of Lots, into which the countn
has been divided, particularly the Gold Region, and tin
large dimension of the sheet it will require, to have i
those numbers distinctly and accurately laid down, I baa
thought it advisable to form the Map into separate an
detached Sections, which I designate as Cold Map an!
Land Map.
All the Land District? in the Territory are laid down
on one sheet, and constitute a distinct and seperate Map
by themselves.
* The Districts reserved and surveyed as Gold District.',
arc divided into three sheets or Mans. Districts No. 1
2,3, 4, 5,11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, cl the first section, fond
he first Map.
Districts No. 1,2, 3,14,15, IC, 17 IS, 19, 20, 21, and
22, of the second section, form the second Map.
Districts No. 1,2, 3, 4,17, 13, 19, 20,21, and 22, of riio
third section, and Districts No. 1,2, 3, 16, and 17, of the
fourth section, form the third Map. On these Maps will
he found each District in the Territory, with every square
Lot of Land and Fraction distinctly laid down and number*
cd—all Mountains, Rivers, Creeks, Branches, Roads,Fer
ries, &c. are correctly and faithfully delineated.
The Map will he handsomely engraved, printed c?.
strong silk paper, coloured and put up in morocco case?,
at the follow ing prices, viz :
Land Map, $5 90
Gold Maps $3 50 each, or for the three, $lO 00
For Gold and Land Maps, comprising the
whole Territory, S!3 00
Persons desirous of obtaining this valuable Man, will
do well to infonn the publisher soon, as but a limited
number can be obtained during the drawing of the Lot
All communications addressed to the subscriber,
Milledgeville, Ga. ( postage paid of course,) will meet
prompt attention. ORANGE GREEN,
Milledgeville, August 23,1832.
The following is a list of Lost Oilices established ii*
this Judicial Circuit, to wit: —
Cherokee County. —At the Court liousc, Win. Gr>
Harnageville —ll. T. Simmons, P. M.
Hickory Flat —Eli M’s onnell, P. M.
Cass County —At the Court House.
Ttco Runs —Chester Hawks, P. M.
Jlditirsville Barnet S. Hardeman, P. M.
HanfoatviUe —John Davison, P. 3VI.
Pine Log —James A. Ihoinpson, P. IVI.
Floyd County —At the Court House, Head of Coofi ;
G.M. Lavender, P. M.; Vann’s Valley, James Hemp
hill, P. M.
Forsuth County —At the Court House. Hightower;
J. M. JScudder, P. Ad.
Gilnitr County —At the Court House. Talking Rock (
C. H. Nelson, P. M.
Lumpkin County —At tlie Court House, Harbcn’s Store.
N. B. Harbcn, P. M.
New Bridge; Robert Legon, P. IVI.
Murray Coimty —New Echota; William Tcrvin, P*”
Spring Place ; W. N. Bishop, P. M.
Paulding County —At the Court House.
Union County —At the Court House.