Newspaper Page Text
Sheriffs Sales of Lumrkin County, will
continue to be published in tho Wofr-n Herald.
Api il 6. — 1 —'V 1"’.
Lnmpkin Sheriff's Sales.
so!u rn the first in July
V * piA *, nt the fourt-hous.'in Aunri.i, Lumpkin
county, wit flint .c usual hours of sale, the folio wing prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 22*2. IStb District. Ist Section;
(North,) of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin < mmty.
containing 10 Acres more or lessy levied on as the prop
i'ily of Viliam Ritllt’y, to satiety a fi- la- iasiicu soma
j ustiees Court, in favor of Robert G. Lane, vs. Y\ imam
Ridley. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 943, 4th District, Ist Section, of
criginallv Cherokee, now I.umpkin County, containing
40 Acres, more or less; lcvi.-d on as the property cl .lames
•Sewnan, to satisfy throe li fas. issued l orn a Justice s
< ouit, in favor of James A. Tippcns, vs. Janies Newnan.
Lew made and returned tome by a Constable.
Lot No. 372, 12th District, Ist Section, of
, : ;-inallv Cherokee, now Lumpkin County, containing
•10 Acres, more or lestf; levied on as the property ot Ja
cob tlollingshoad, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a J us
lices Court,in favorofjohii A. D. Childers,vs. ,T. tlollings
l.ead. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. Sl7,4th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of Mincha Gray, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
.-.nedfrom a Justice’s Court, in tavor of Joseph Jerry.
Lew made and returned bv a Constable.
Lot No. 293, South half, 13th District, Ist
Section; levied on as the property of Thomas Gordey,
to satisfy two small fi. fas. issued from a Justice's Court,
of Burke County, in favor of James Grubbs, vs. saidGor
dv, and Ezekial Deal. Levy made and returned to me
by a Constable.
Lot No 190, 4th District, Ist Section, lev
ied on as the property’ of Henry .McNorriil, to satisty a fi.
fa. issued from Bn'ike Superior Court, in favor of the
Court of Ordinary of Burke County, for the use of Wade
Brown and Sarah his wite, vs. said McNeniU.
Lot No. 1003, t2th District, Ist section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County; levied on .
the property of Eli Champion, to sattstv a fi. ta. issued
from the Inferor Court of Hanrock County, in favor of
Bachclder & Cos. vs. Eli Champion.
• Lot No. S3S, 12th District. Ist section, ori
ginally Cherokee now Lumpkin * ounty; levied on as tne
property of Isaac Fincher, to satisfy four fi. fas. issued
from a Justices Court of Jasper County, in favor of L. P.
Hargrove & Co.vs. Isaac Fincher. Levy made and return
ed to tut by a Constable.
Lot No. 455, 12th District, Ist section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County; levied on as the
property of David H. liarncs, to satisfya fi. fa. issued from
a Justices Court of ■ > ashington County, at the instance
ofF. Cull, ns and Son-, vs. t >avid H.Barnes. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1197, 12th District, Ist section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County; levied on a
tne property of Jason Langston, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from Washington Superior Court, nt the instance of
William Rawlings, vs. Jason Langston.
Lot No. 504. 13th District, Ist section, north
originally Cherokee now Lumpkin, County: levied on as
the” property of Nathan W. \\ nnslce, to satisfy a fi fa.
issued from Dekalb Superior Court, at the instance ot
James Ligon, vs. Nathan W. Wanslee.
Lot No. 458, 15th District, Ist section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County; levied on as
the property of John Burk, t o satisfy sundry fi. fas, issued I
from Carroll Superior Court, at (he instance of F. Ally, j
and others, vs. John Burk. ‘
Lot No. 1169, 12th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County, levied on as
the property of James Jourdan, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from a Justice's Court, of Hall County, in favor of John
I". Stanford, vs James Jourdan. Levy made and relum
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 118,13thDistrict,lst Section, South,
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin ‘ ‘ounty; levied on
ast lie property ofß. & G. Lathrop, to satisfya fi. fa. issued
fmm Chatham Superior Court, in favor of the Planters
Bank, vs. B. St. G. Lathrop.
Lot No. 153, 15th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County; levied on as
th- property of W illiain Cooper, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued
from a Justice's Court of Bibb County, in favor of H. H.
Cone, Jc Martin Hall, vs. said Cooper. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1170, 12th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin Comity ; levied on as
the property of William Vaughn, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from a Justice's Court of Henry County, in favor of P. T.
Bedell, vs. William Vaughu. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 752,12 th district, Ist Section, ofori
ginally Cherokee, now Luuipkin County; levied on as the
property of John Ray, and Daniel G. stay, to satisfy a fi
ta. issued from a Justice’s Court of Harris Countv, in fa
vor of James Abney, vs. John Ray, and Daniel G. Kay.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 406, 4th District, Ist Section, of or
iginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County; levied on li
the property of Thomas Knight, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from a Jubilee’s Court ofßibb County, ir.'favor of Georg-
Jones, vs. Thomas Knight. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 41, 13th District, Ist Section, North,
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin Conntv, levied on
as the property of James Riley, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued
rorn Jones Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Leving
ston. vs. said Uiley.
Lot No. 526,13 th District, Ist Section, North,
oforiginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County; levied on
a the property of William Westbrooks, to satisfy a fi. f.i.
issued fioiii a Justice's Court of Greene Countv, in fa
vor of Butt J... Cato, V3. said Westbrooks. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 433,13 th District, Ist Section,North,
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County; levied on
u s the property of Luke Welch, to satisty a li. fa. issued
from a Justice’s Court offiancoek Countv, in favor of
ISafloM and Porter, vs. Luke Welch. Levy made and re
lurued to mo by a Constable,
May 23. SAMUEL JOKES, Sh’ff.
LL be sold on the first Tuesday in JU
LV pcxl, at toe Court Home in Auraria,Luinp-
Kt county, within the usual hours of sale, the following
property, to wit: 0
Lot No. 1054, 4th District, Ist Section: levi
ed on as the pronely of Thomas Uievcs, jun. to satisfy
four fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s court of Hall coutv”
two in favor of P. J. Murray, one in favor of Joel Leathers
for the use of P. J. Murray, and one in favor of FrancisC
Andoe, for the use of P. j. Murray, vs. Thomas Rieves,
ju.i. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. ’
Lot No. 605,12 th District, Ist Section, ori
finally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
An:cs more or less; levied on a.-* toe property of Ransom
fctrawhorn, to satisfy four fi. fa?, issued from a Justice's
court ot txwmnctt county, in favor of John Choice Cos.
uii'i one in favor of Thomas Alen,vs. Ransom Strawliorn.
J-aOvy made and returned to me by a Constable.
I.ot No. 175,13 th District,lst Section, south:
levied on as the property of Exokiel Daniel to satisfy a fi
so. in favor of W aters Briscoe, for the use ofßichard Bul-
Constihl ■ Dan:e ‘‘ LeVy made ar,d to me by a
Lot, No. 526, 12th District, Ist Section- le
vied on as the property of James Love, to satisfy a (iVarin
Vr'nsi°^^’ te l" er * HacKney, and one in favor or William
Levy made and retu ndtome,
Let No. R6S, 11th Ditrict,Tst Section, ertgi
na'lv Chorokcc, now I.umpkin coun'y.containing-lO Acres
more or less; i-vieel on as the property o! I sere Chapman,
to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrate's Court, ot
Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray vs. Isaac Chapman.
Levy made and returned to me by aCcmstable
Lot No. 145,12 th District, Ist Section, origi
nal! v Cherokee,now Lumpkin county,containing 40 Acres
more or less; levied on as the property ot 1 liotnas t never
( to satisfy all. tk. issued tnuii a Magistrate's court,ot * tall
county, 111 favor of P. J. Murray, vs. Thomas Carver. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 127.6 th District, Ist Section, levied
on as the proportv of James KeykindaU, to satisfy a fi.
e, p, favor of P. S. Murray, vs. said KeykindaU, said lot
having been so!J at June sale, but not eomidvrd with-
SAM La. J v.kav., oil u.
April 30.
Cltcroker Sheriff*** Sales.
■MTiLL bo sold at the Court House inChc
w w rokec County, on the first Tuesday in July next,
between the usual hours of sale, tin* following property, to
One Lot of land Number 1284, 15th District;
•2nd Section ; levied on sf the property of James .Martin,
i to satisfy two ti. ns. issued from a Justice's court ot >\ as.t
----! ington county, in favor of F. Collins is. Sons. Levy
made anil returned to me by a Constable.
Lot Number 66, 22ud District, 2nd Section;
levied on as the property of Sampson N iekery, to satisfy
two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court in iJaberehain
county,in favor of Stephen Griffith, vs. Daniel \ iekery ind
Sampson A iekery. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 37, 15th District. 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Daniel Kahely, to satisty a fi.ta. is
sued from a Justice’s Court ot Gwinnett county, in t.nor
of Cleveland Tate. Levy made and returned to me by
a Constable.
Lot No. 1247,215 t District, 2d Section; lev
ied on as the property ot’ William l’urgrrson, to Satisfy a
ri. fa. issued from Elbert Superior Court for cost, in favor
of James Edmonson. Property pointed cut by tne De
Lot No. .303, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Aaron Seymore, to satisfy at:. fa.
issued from a Justice’s Court of \V alton County, in favor
of John P. Minn. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 150,14thDistrict, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of James Parker, to satisfy sundry fi
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Harris t ’ounty, in fa
vor of William C. Osborn. Levy made and returned to
me bvaCt triable.
Lot I\o. 799, 15th District, 2d section; lev
ied oil as tbc property of V ifbam Arnold, to satisfy a ti.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Gwinnett County,in
favor of James Wardlaw. Levy made and returned Isl
m • by a Constable.
Lot No. 883,15 th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Lewis Gregory, to satisfy three !i.
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Monroe County, in
favor of Charles D. Stewart. Levy made and returned to
ne by a Constable.
• lay 28. J. P. BROOKE, Sh’ff.
Cherokee Sheriffs Sales.
WILL t>e sold on the first Tuesday in July
next, at the Court-house in Cherokee county,
w ltliin the usual hours of sale, the following property, to
Lot No. 931, 2d Distrsict, 2d Section: le
vied on as the property of James Lovett, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from the Superior Court of Hancock county, in fa
vor of J. W. Scott, and t iuddleston, for the use es Reeves
Hunter, vs. James Lovett.
Lot No. 216, 4th District, 2d Section ; le
vied on as the property of Silas C race, to satisfy a ti. fa.
issued from the Superior Court of Hancock county, in fa
vor of JosiahE. Bachclder and Charles F. Gootlwise,under
the firm of Bachclder & Cos. vs. said Grace.
Lot No. 971, 3<J District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Willis Whatley, Charles McLemore
and Eliott Read, to satisfy afi. fa. issued from a Magis
trate's court ot Troup coutny, in favor of Saffold Fieare
and sundry oilier fi. fas. vs. Willis Whatley, Charles Mc-
Lemore and Elliot Read. Levy made and returnedjto me
by a Constable.
May 28. JOHN W. LEONARD, D. .S.
Cxiftmcr Sheriff's Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in .July
next, at the Court House in Gilmer county, within
the usual hours of sale, the following property, to v. it :
Lot No. 255, 10th Dist. 2nd Sec., originally
Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the property
of Sterling P. Smith, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a
Justice’s Court c.fHancock county, at th*’ instance of Ja
cob P. Turner &. Cos., and transferred to N. Childers. Le
vy madeand returned to me by a Constable.
May 28.
Gilmer Sheriff's Sale.
WILL he sold on the first Tuesday in duly next, at
the Court House in Gilmer county, within the
usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 190, 6th District, 2nd section, con
taining 160 Acres, more or less; levied on asthe property
of James Sturdivan, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Justi
ce’s court, of Jones county, in favor of Mark Womack, vs.
said Sturdivan. B. B. &UILLIAN. D. S.
May 29.
Paulding: Sheriff's r-ale.
WS7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in July
holding Courts in Paulding county, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 1285, 3rd District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the property of James 11. Faulkenberry, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from Richmond Superior court, in favor of Eugene
D. Cook, vs. Janies F Faulk ebony.
Lot No. 60, ISth District, 3rd Section, of
oiginally Cherokee, new l’aiilding County, levied on as
the property of Daniel M. Jackson, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from Butts Superior Court, in favor of N. and H
“Ward, vs. Daniel M. Jackson.
Lot No. 649, 18th District, 3rd Section, o(
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the property of Basil Lowe, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
a Justice’s Court of Butts County, in favor of E-Casc, bean,
e:, vs. Basil Lowe. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 1000, 2nd District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the property of John Port wood, to satisfy, a fi. fa. issued
from a Justice’s Court of Henry County, in favor of John
Hall, vs. John Portwood. Levy madeand returnedjto me
by a Constable.
Lot ?io. 1046, 3rd District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the property ofllicbard H. Caldwell, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of Monroe County, in favor
of Case & Goodri eh, vs. Richard 11. Caldwell. Levy
made and returned to me by Constable.
Lot No. 575, 2nd District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the property of Zuehariah Slayton, to satisfy a fi. fa.issued
from a Justice’s Court of iVilkes County, in favor of
Thompson, and for the use of Joseph “B. Gilbreath.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 698, 18th District, 3rd Section, -of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the property of Montfold V. illhight, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from Newton Superior Court, in favor ofllenrvH
Field, vs. Montford Vvillliigiit
Lot No. 178, 3rd District. 3rd Section, of
ong rally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the property of .Mary Poge, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
Hancock Superior Court, in tavor of S. A. ft. Jones, vs.
Mary Page.
Lot No. 684,15 t District, 4th Section, ofori
ginally Cherokee, now Paulding vuuntjf; levied on as
uio property of Joshua Johnson, so satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from a Justice’s Court ofMadison County in favor of A.
Crawford, vs. Joshua Johnson. Levy madeand returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot’ No. 183, 20th District, 3d Section, ot
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the propertv of Archibild Mc’Gmdy, to satisfy ah. ta.
issued from a.lustice’s Court, ofMadison County, in fa
vor of William Maronev, vs. said Grady. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 259, 3rd District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County ; levied on as
property of Janvs V> * Howard, 4k John R. Howard, to
satisfy .in execution issued from a Justice’s Court of W nsh
ington County, in favor of John Veeker, vs. said How
ards. Levy madeand returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 932, 2d District, 3d Section, ofort- .
ginally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on as
the property of Amos I’. Gnrlington, to satify a fi. fa. in
favor of Mc’Cullen Pollock, vs. Amos P. Garlington.
May 28. JACOB PARLIER, D. Sti’fl.
ITF. Proprietors of the Athens
.ffijegjfciptjCgSiijp’ ■ Stage Line, have determined
to continue their tri-wcekly lincto
Auraria. Hereafter the stage will reach this place on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and leave for Au
gusta, on Sunday, Tuesday” and Thursday evenings
This arrangement will open a direct communication by
stage tri-weekly with Augusta, Milledgcville; and week
ly with Pendleton, via Gainesville and Camesville. The
stage will also tun tw ice a week to Athens, Tennessee;
leaving Leathers'Ford on Sunday and Wednesday morn
May 28.—8—ts.
rgyiJK Subscriber respectfully informs the
IM Safe m public, that he has opened a house of
Jfi ENTERTAINMENT at Huntsville; the
Gold Mines in Paulding county. This place
is inahealthy situation,with the advantages of good spring
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded with
a romantic forest, and better than all, in the midst of the
Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-five miles from th,
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuna mines
in Cass countv and on the direct road leading fromoneto
the other. JACOB PARLIER.
May 28.—8—ts
nBlHi < Subscribers arc now receiving from
_SL New-York, a aFsortment of
Jg 31 ! PA INTS, OIL, &c., which they offer to
Country Merchants, or Tradesmen at the
Augusta prices. Their Stocl is fresh and of
th - 'best quality. LINTON & IiACON.
Athens, May 14 —6 —ts
ALT* persons except those having licence from the pa
tentee, arc- hereby forewarn'•nlfrom using the Patent
Panning* Goltl-washir.g Machines, under the penalty pre
scribed by the Patent act. Those who wish to use the
above mentioned machines in the State of Georgia, can
obtain the privilege for one year, or the balance of the un
expired time of the patent, by paying to the undersigned,
the licence price; and those who have been using them,
may avoid a prosecution by paying for a licence for the
present year, within thirty days from this date.
Altomiesfor the Patentee
April 30. —4—ts j
FROM the subscriber some time last October, in tills
county a dark Bay marc, about fourteen un<l a bait
hands high, heavy built, some wind galls about where the
ham string joins the thigh, long tail, seven or eight years
old, a natural trotter, and a bright bay horse about live
years old, this spring, well made from the girth forward,
Roman no9e, droop rumped and cat hanied, walks, trots
and canters finely, some saddle spote on the back, and had
a long tail when he left; ny person delivering said horses
to me, living on cain creek in this county, or giving infor
mation so that I get them shall be liberally rewarded for
the same, and all reasonable paid.
May 21,—7—3t
ALL persons are hereby notified, that I have the equi
table title to the undivided half of lot of land
number 77, in the third District, and first section, drawn
by Amos Ellard, and have now a suit pending in Forsyth
county, where the land lies, for the same.
Auraria May 7.—5 —ts.
~ ‘ voFiciTl
FOUR Months after date application will be made, to
the Honorable the Inferior Court, ol Newton Coun
ty, when setting as a court of Ordinal}’, for leave to sell
the whole of the real estate belonging to ‘•'. alter Poole,
late of said Countv dec.
May 21.—7—4 m
lb €. €ANO£E
RESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of
Lumpkin, and the adjoining counties, that he has
taken the new building, next door below the Post Office,
where he intends carrying on the Tailoring business in
all its various brandies. The Subscriber flattens him
self, from bis experience in business that he will
be able to give general satisfaction, and will warrant all
work done by him, to be equal to that done in Augusta,
or elsewhere. Work done according to the most appro
ved fashion or to order.
N. B. Particular attention paid to cutting.
Auraria day 28.—8 3t
be sold on Monday the 24th June next, at
Ellijay town, all the town Lots laid out -for the
county site in said county. The sale to continue from day
to day till all are sold. Terms made known on the day of
RALPH SMITH, j. i. c.
May 28.—8—Ids.
The Cherokee Intelligencer, Federal Union and Geor
gia Journal, will confer a favor by inserting the above till
the day of sale.
OF every description, done in the neatest manner
and on tho most approved plans, by the Subscri
ber, at LEA 1 HER’S f ORD. Orders for work in his
line of bushiest will be promptly attended to,at the short
est notice. He will now engage to construct frames and
other parts of buildings for applicants, in order to have
them ready to be reared up immediately after the sale ol
Town lots, or other cases of emergency.
May 28.—8—tds.
BY an advertisement in several ofthe newspapers J
discover among many others, Lot, No. 820, in ‘the
12th District,of the Ist Section of tho Cherokee Territory
offered for sale by a company of Speculator-.. [ therefore
deem it necessary to adopt this plan, as a caution to all
persons who may feel disposed to purchase tho
named Let, (820,12, 1,) as lam fully prepn-„.i -
that lam the owner of one undivided be (G • ” new,
am fully authorised by power of ort o rne- -' , d Lot, and
the other undivided half of said Lo* r-ri’. , dispose of
possession of said Lot, with a r -.M * . . a,n a ’ BO in
on, until I am dispossessed, Uirr„,„i, I “ mmat,on to hold
should that he determined urn n M 7 1 o COUrSC of law ’
person who may feel di.noed to i’ a Company, or any
J w- posca to nsa the consequences.
Mav 28.—P —4r JOS ' J - SINGLETON.
TIIF. Copnrt net ship between William!!. Underwood,
and myself in
June 11, —10—ts
THE undersigned have entered into copartnership in
the practice of the Law, for the County of Lumpkin,
and will attend to any professional business, which may
be confided to their care. Letters addressed to Harden
and Rogers,either at .‘llliens or .ftireria, will receive prompt
attentum ’ EDWARD HARDEN.
May 7. —s—wCm5—wCm
ATTORNEY AT LAW, has located at Lumpkin
Court-House —and will practice in all the counties
lof the Cherokee,and in Hall and Habersham, ofthe Wes
tern Circuit. All communications addressed tohim upon
business in his profession will be promptly attended to.
j April 6 1833—1—ts
ATTORNEY AT LAW, has located in Aurana
Lumpkin County, and will practice in all the coun
ties of the Cherokee Circuit, and the county of Hall,
Western Circuit. All business entrusted to his care,
will be tliankfu'ly received and promptly attended to.
April 6,1833—1—ts
(Lumpkin C. 11. Get.)
AB. &. H. HOLT, have removed to this place and
• will Practice Law in Copartnership in all thceoun
ties of Cherokee Circuit, and in the adjoining counties of
the Western and Chattahoochie Circuits.
April 6,1833—1—ts
~ Li.7J
THE Subscriber has established hunself in this place,
and will attend to all professional business conli
dedtohim in the several counties of the Cherokee Circuit
—also in the Counties of Jackson, Franklin, Hall and
Habersham, ofthe Western Circuit. Hi 6 office is at the
north end of town.
Auraria, April 6—l—ts
THE SUBSCIBER will attend the Superior Courts,
of the following counties of the Cherokee Circuit,
Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Cass, Murray,
Floid, Faulting, Codb. S. ROCKWELL.
Milledgeville. May 14, —6 —4t—
<avSa,?A, “■‘NFORM the Public that they have this
15 *l* JI day removed into the new Framed Build
yjjjft ingintho North end of this Town, and are
p re pj, re( ] to entertain in a comfortable man
ner, all persons who may give them a call. Thankful for
the libera! patronage hitherto bestowed, they hope that
their increased conveniences, will unsure them a continu
ation of Public encouragement.
Auraria, June 11. —10 —3t.
The Southern Recorder, Federal Union, August*
Chronicle, and Columbus Enquirer, will give the above
three insertions.
Valuable Town Property for
rg lilE subscribers offers for sale, that new
|;S'K3L Jh and truly valuable House and Lot in
Gainesville, occupied by a A. Dauvcrgne.
The House is situated on the Public Square,
and is admirably adapted for a Store and privatedwelling
or Tavern; having eight spacious and well ventulated
rooms, finished in splendid style. The other buildings
are well arranged and in good style, with a fine Garden,
which taken together, renders it by lar the most desirable
property in the place. Persons desirous to purchase,
will please call on our Agent, WILLIAM GIBSON, on
the premises for terms, which will he accommodating.
Savannah, June 11. —10 —ts.
(Jluraria, Lumpkin Counfy,)
/SSy.aN FIMHE Subscriber still continues
to occupy his Old Stand, on
Main Street, a few doors alove the Court-
Ilouse. Having extended his improvements
lie is now prepared to accommodate in more comfortable
style, those who may favor him with their patronage.
Ready access to Maps, Diagrams, &c. can be had at any
time, and no exertions will be spared to give to the Trav
eller in pursuit of information, the best knowledge of the
country, which his means of information will afford.
Grateful for the libera! patronage already received, its
continuance is respectfully solicited.
Auraria, April C—l—ts
BELIEVING il to be for the interest of Defendants,
as well as the benefit of Plainlift’s in Execution,
notice is hereby given, that land will not be sold at Sheriffs
Sale, unless the Grant is produced at the time of sale, or
uncontroverlable proof, that it has issued.
May 14.—6—ts.
A Youth of steady habits who wishes to learn tho
Tailors trade,
Auraria, May 21. —7—ts
RESPECTFULLY inform the Frinters ofthe United
States, to whom they have long been individually known
as established Letter 1 ouisders, that they have now form
ed a co-partnership m said business, and hope from their
united skill and extensive experience, to bo able to give
full satisfaction to all who may favor them with their or
The introditetion of machinery, in place of the tedious
and unhealthy process ofcastmg type by hand, a desider
atum by the European and Amcncan founders, was by
American ingenuity, and a heavy expenditure of time and
money, on the part of our senior partner, first successful
y accomplished. Extensive use ofthe machine east let
ter, has fully tested and established its superiority in ee
ry particular, over that cast by the old process ‘
The Letter Foundry business, will herca* u
on by the parties before named, und**- Vk *' tCr bc
WHITE H^;^ ~of
Their specimen
mond to 14 line-; p j rr .. ■ - complete series, from Dia
the most foqder- ti y P° bL ' in S
a "<: a ci r w hi r t i, a " onts , for - h is Smi,h
customers at the manufacturer’s priciT lUrn ‘ Sh totllC,r
Chases, Cases, Composing Sticks Ink a*>A
cle used in the Printing bulncMTen? I
nishedon short notice Old ivne t-uh jr sale, and fur
new, at nine eent?per pound tak ° n ‘"Change for^iNr^^^xTh^d'ii sivclhc ah r
as Ih’-y may selcc? m S “ ch artlcl( ' s
New York, May 29,_fr_at AVM ' HAOt:R -
JUST Received, and for sale, at very low
Cash only. The assortment is general, and are tm
offering at retail or whole sale. As the undersigned a„
anxious to close business in thi* pla c u, lhey-wil! sell
bargains. JOHN M. I OW ELL. It Cos.
Auraria, June 11, —10—ts
TH E Stage will remain in this place from Fridavrnoi-,
ing to Tuesday evening. Persons wishing convti.
ance to the adjacent country, can be accommodated. ’ ‘
May 28 —B—3t8—3t
WHEREAS Henry Kenneday applies to me for Id.
tors of administration on the Estate of John Cun,
late of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and 4
gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b,
and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw
to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters shouli
not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 28th May, 1833.
M.P.aUILLAN, d.c.c.o.
Auraria,May 28.8 —30d
“SiILOSIM , ©r
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens dj
Hall, and the adjoining counties, that he continus
to carry on the above business in its various big.
ehes, at his Old Stand, east side ofthe Court-Ho®
Square, where work shall be done in the neatest®; ’
most fashionable style. He receives the PHILADEL.
PHIA and LONDON FASHIONS, quarterly-aid-,
keeps on hand
Os every description. He returns his thanks to the pub|
lie for the libera! patronage heretofore received, and bsp<f
leave to say, he has just employed a first rate Jouran. 1
man from the eitv of Baltimore, and pledges there sii s
in future be no disappointment. G. W. BROWN. |
April 6 —l—6m
ALL persons are cautioned against trading for a roll
drawn by Holt and Maurable, dated some time i?.
April, 1833, for one hundred and twenty nine dollars ani
thirty cents, as I have received the amount thereof, fros,
them, and the note has been lost out of my possession.
Auraria, May 7. —s—ts5 —ts
THE undersigned has just received from Ne*
York and Charleston, an extensive and well seta. 1
ti*d asssortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES |
liaARDWARK £l CRCjCKERV, consisting in par, >.
of the following articles, which ho will sell low for Cashl
or Gold.
4000 yds. Sheeting and Shirting,
2000 “ Cheap Negro Cloth,
407 by S qr. London Duffle Blanket*,
<4 6by7 do do do do
75 Point Blankets,
12 pr. 11-4 Rose Blankets,
400 yds. Chester Ticks,
300 “ Union Stripes,
200 “ Pittsburg Cord,
8 ps. Moleskin, assorted colours*.
C “ Bleached Suffolk Drills,
6 “ Cotton Diaper,
30 “ Calico, 0 do. Turkey Red Prints,
I*2 “ Ginghams, 10 do Boinbazctts
6 il Furniture Cdßfeoos.
4 doz.Chints Shawls, 4 ps. Crimson Circassian, 9
4 do. Irish Linen, 8 do.Linenfold Shirting,
G do. Snttinctt, Silk, & Cotton FlagHdkis.
Jlhds. Molasses, 1 do. St Croix Sugar,
1 do. N r . Orleans do. 3 do. N. England ltuni, I
8 Bogs Prime Green Coffee,
1 Pipe Holland Gin, 1 do. Cognac Brandy,
1 or. Cask Poach Brandy 1 Superior Cognac do.-’
1 00. 11. Gin, 1 do. Madeira Wine,
G Hampers Champaigne, G Boxes No. 1 Clap*,
1 qr. Cask. Port, l do. Muscat, 3 do. Malaga, i
3 Casks London Porter, 12 Boxes Soap,
3 Bbls. Loaf Sugar, 3 Tierces Rice,
SCHM) Spanish Segars, 12 KegaCrackers,
0 Bids. Mackerel, 3 Boxes Sperm Candle?,
G do. Charleston do. 1 Bbl. Almonds,
G Boxes Herring, 4 do. best quality Tobacco,
12 do. Bunch Raisins,
2000 lbs Iron, 100 Spades,
4 Setts Blacksmith Tools, 6 X Cut Saws,
G Aj ill Saws, 400 us. German Steel,
12 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes,
12 Boxes Window Glass, Shy 10,
24 Setts Knives and Forks,
Pocket, Pen, and Dirk Knives,
Razors, Scissors, Shears, &c.
Pad, Gun, Chest and Stock Locks,
4 Rifles, 6 Shot Guns, I double barreled do. |
Everpointed Pencils, Silver Steel Pens, i|
Carpenters Tools,
2 Crates C rocker, G ass, and China Ware, J
2 Boxes Kings Cast-steel Axes, Tea-kettles, t
An assortment of Tinware,
100 Y\ nol Hats, 25 Fine Fur,
100 Suits Negro Cloathing,
tvt r TT . , S. T. rowlaaaß
N. B. Highest price given for Gold.
April 6,1833 1 —ts
THE article is strong, and well adapted to tho road!*
in this country. Enquire at this Office.
Auraria, May 21.—7—ts
The Subscriber, (late of Athens, Ten.,) has pcm*J|
nently settled himself in this place, where he
carry on the above business, in all its various branches*
He receives monthly the New-York, Philadelpliia,
Baltimore fashions, and hopes from assiduous attention!**
business to merit a share of public patronage. Ilisda*
ges will be reasonable. p, a. WILES. W
Auraria, May 21.—7—ts
~ ~ ■ —— .
Lumpkin County Town LotsfuJ
WEflLLbcaoldon the first Wednesday in July niM
. °, n n ot 950, I.2th District, IstSection •alltihi
town lots laid out for tho county site, in said county. vM
sale to continue front day to day till all the lots aiestCH
I ernts made known on the day of Sale. 1
JOHN J^rE ®i J - L& M
May 21 ,—7- .U- FIELDS, J. I C- >
fR. John H. Thomas, having settled himselfin 3
g raria Lumpkin County, respectfully tendew (19
professional services, to the Citizens of this and the
joining counties. From his experience as a practitkdH
of twelve years m the middle part of this State, and wiliM
promise of charges in proportion with the times, and
attention to calls, he hopes to merit a share of public
ronage. 1 M
Auraria, may 21.—7—ts
D ‘ ‘ IP tolled before James OwnbT,ftf
on the 20th day of May, 1833, a bay horse, neat®
nanus logh, very thin in order, about 10 or 12 years <fH
with old shoes on before; lie is light made, and ‘has saM
’ ,. lto s P” ta . on , hIH shoulders, supposed to be done by - M
eollar; he had an old bell on, thecollarsupposcd to be®
old lupstrap. Appraised by Jonathan Oxford andi'M
drew Flowers, at forty dollars. a
M. p. QUILL AN. c.m |
gratia. May 25.—8