Newspaper Page Text
Liimpliin Shn-ift’s Sales.
WILL be soid on the first Tuesday in Au
o-usl next, at the court-hous e in Lumpkin coun
ty, within'llar usual hours of sale, tin following proper tv,
to wit:
Lot No. 253, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
property of William Levorctt, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of
Vviltiam H. ‘White, vs.said Leverett.
Lot No. 592, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levi.wl on as the
property of John Hunt, to satisfy a fi. fa, in favor of .Team
Morrison, vs, John Hunt.
Lot No. 254, 4lh District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
property of G. B. Reeves, to satisfy a fi. la. i:i favour of
Lawrence Dumphev, vs. said Reeves.
Lot No. 1137, 12th {District, Ist Section,
originally Cherokee, non Lumpkin county; levied on as
The property of F. Richards, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of
E. Wood, vs. said Rich,oris.
Lot No. 194, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, non Lumpkin county, levied on as the
property of Noah Boyd, to sarisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Tho
mas Davis, vs. said Boyd.
Lot No. 1093, 11 th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin eountv; levied on as tin
property of John Gregory, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of
iVlalcum Nicholson, vs. said Gregory.
Lot No. 335, 11th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
property of Fletcher & Fitzsimmons, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favour of Gaudry & Lcgriel, vs. said defendants.
Lot No. 448, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
property of Isaac Russel, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of
Michael Cunningham, vs. said Russel.
Lot No. 39, 13th District, Ist Section, north,
Originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property of Ferdinand O. .Mann, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor ot Michael Pendigrast, vs. said Mann.
Lot No. 55, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property of Frcderick Cullens & Son’s, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favour of Michael Pendigrast, vs. said Cullens ik
Lot No. 111, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property of J. B. Robinson, to satisfy a fi. fa. at the in
stance of M. Pendigrast, vs. said Robiiison.
Lot No. 158,13 th District, Ist Section.north,
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkinconntv; levied :is
the p* .'"tv of Jonathan Adams, to satisfy a ii. la. m is
vor of Thomas Townsend, vs. said Adams.
Lot No. 120, 13th District, Ist Section,north,
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county levied on as
the property of George and W illiam Jeffreys, :o satisfy
three fi. fas. in favou’’of Nathan Fish, vs. said Jeffreys
Lot No. 1071, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, iovied on as
the property of Patrick Sawyers, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa
vour ot Baldwin &Craig, vs’ said Sawvere.
Lot No. 1148, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lmnpkin countv; levied on as the
property of Ferdinand Smith, to satisfy four fi. las. in fa
vour of John R. Cargile, vs. said Smith.
Lot No. 1073. 4th District, Ist Section, ori
g.nally Cherokee, now Lumpkin countv; levied on as the
property ot William P. Glover, and Ric'liard Plunket, se
curity on appeal, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of AVillis
Greene, vs. said defendants.
Lot No. 232, 13th District, Ist Section,north,
originally < herokee, now Lumpkin count.; levied on as
the property of William Ridley, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of James Montgomery, vs. said Ridley.
Lot No. 1185, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as ,
trie property of Pleasant R. Mays, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa
vor of James C. Lotliridge, vs. said Mays.
Lot No. 942, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
properly of James Newman, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in
favor of James A. Tippins, vs James” Newman. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 154,13 th District, Ist Section,South,
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county ; levied on
as the property of James Brown, to satisfy sundry ti. fas,
in favor of Simeon Henderson, vs. said Brown. Levy
mate and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 659, 12th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property of Elijah Roberts, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in
favor of E. H. barren, vs. said Roberts, the other in favor
ot M. H. Brown, vs. the same. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1163, 12th District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, cow Lumpkin countv; levied on as
the property oflhe defendants, to satisfy ’sundry fi. fas.
issued Pom Richmond county, in favor of Welcome Allen,
vs. Gmrge S. Morris, &. Robert B. Lott. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 977,4 th District, Ist Section, origin
ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin coun’v; levied on as i c
property of Hugh .Vlc’Clajn, to satisfy' a fi. fa. in fav\>. of
John L. Calhoon, vs said McClain. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1006, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
properly of Benjamin George, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of Samuel Mc’Junkin, vs. said George.’ Levy made and
.returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1030,12 th District, Ist Section, or
iginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on to
satisfy two fi. las. in favor of John Choice vs. u illmm
Sims Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 656, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
property <jl Uiarles Culoerhouee, :o satisfy two fi. fas. one
in fuvor of W. Green, the ether in favor of Josiah N Wil
son, vs. said C'ulberhouse. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 297, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee., now Lumpkin county ; levied on as* he
property of Alexander Lambert, i 0 satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of John Flanigan, ve. a„id Lambert. Levy made and rc-
Vurned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 691,4 th District, Ist Section, ori
gisally Cheroaee, now Lmnpkin county; levied on as the
property of JerittiaWhorton, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of
MxJunkin St Umvs. said Whorton. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable-
Lot No. 235, 4th District, Ist Section, ori- i
gin ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
property of James Stewart, to satisfy a ti. la. f avo 0 p
Peter -aniar,the only surviving Copartner of Stovall k
Lamar, vs. said late wart. Levy made and returned to me
By a Constable.
Lot No. 90, Cth District, Ist Section, con
taining 160 Acres, more or less, originally Cherokee, now
Lumnain county; levied on as the property of Vt McLeod
to satisfy ah fa. in favor of Watson & Warren, vs. said
Leou. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
-527 ’ \ 2th Disl,ict ’ Ist Section, ori
{pnaily Cherokee now Lumpkin countyjlevied on to satisfy
Wofifas one m favor of.Samuel M’Junkin, the other in fa
vor of John Recss, vs. Samuel Dav r ... .. , V 1 ’
turned to me by a Consume J ” } Inade and rc ‘
,f i0 A Np , 776 ’ sth Distric t, Ist Section origi
nally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county levied on ?! §
property o/Daniel Wadsworth, to r 5 ,he
of John T. Childers, and 2 in S Ve ln -(" vor
Childers, ve. said Wadsworth I ci{? W |’ i^ 1 ' 1 &
to me by a Constable. made and returned
Ortfe tmfinished framed honse, 30 hy 16 feet,
being cu Hit it>l sen-tied tue Sciit; lei icd on
as the property of John (Cochran to satis/v a ti. Jo. in/avor
o/R F. Patton, vs. said Cochran.
Lot No. 222, 13th District, Ist Section, N.
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; Irvird on as the
proportv’of William Ridley, to satisfy a fi. ta. in favor of
, Robert IL. Laine, vs. said Ridley. Levy made and return
* ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 455, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lmnpkin county; levied on as the
property of David ti. Barnes, to satisfy a ti. ta. in favor
of F. CuHens & Sons, vs. raid Barnes. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No, 951, sth District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lmnpkin county; levied on as the
property of James W afford. to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of
Jones ic Simmons, vs. said W afford. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 412,13t!i District, Ist Section, North,
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property ol Basel Gowing, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor
of Patrick J. Murray, vs. sail! Gowing. Levy made and
returned tome by a Constable.
Lot No.SSS, 12th District,lst Section, origin
ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
property of T. \V. Mills, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of T.
B. Lecper, vs. saiJ Mills. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 675,4 th District Ist Section, origin
ally Ch rok ‘o, now Lumpkin conntv: levied im as the
prop?rtv of v’araway Taylor, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of
T.G.Hall,vs. said Taylor. Levy made and returned tome
by a Constable.
Lot No. 76, 4th District, originally Haber
sham, now Lumpkin county; containing SSO Aero, more
or less; levied on as the property of James Corbin, prinei
dal, and Samuel Tate, security, to satisfy sundry ti. fas.
one in favor of \ illiani R Shelton, vs. said Corbin and
others. Levy made and returned to m* by a Constable.
Lot No. 740,4 th District,lst Section,origin
ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on to satisfy
an. fa issued from Putnam Superior Court, in favor of
Lli E. Gaither, va. William H. Kimbrough & Wiley Bry
Lot No. 117, 15th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
property of Jesse Durrcncc, to satisfy afi. fa. issued from
1 at nail Superior Court, and one other in favor of Clem
Powers, vs. said Durrence.
Lot No. 971, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
Property of illis Gilley to satisfy a fi. fa. in ’iv v *f the
* mincers of Carrol! ‘ u peri or • urt, vs. said ; ■ illcy.
Lot INo. 318, 12th District, Ist Section, origi
’ ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the
‘'! • rt y of John Mullins, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Ba
”d VJunkin,vs. said Mullins. Levy made and rctur
i and fn me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1096, 12th District, Ist Section, ori- ,
ginally Cherokee, now I.umpkin county; levied on as the j
property ol the defendants, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor
ot Joannah Barron, Jonathan Barron, AVillis Barron. Ad
m rs of Samuel Barron, and others, vs. Jesse .McLain,
Augustus McLain. Rog r Harkins, itliara Candler,
Jc-s t.rLain and James ‘ tailings. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 733, 12th District, tst Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied m as the
p r "P rtv of John Strayhjrn, sen. and John Stravliorn,jun.,
toflatiafy afi. fa. ,n favor of Isaac IS. Young, vs. said
stable* 0 ™ 3 ” made am! .-( turn and to me by a Con-
Uistrict, Ist Section, origi
nally Iherekec, now I.umpkin county: levied on as the
<£ Charles Crawford, to satisfy i fi. fa. in favor of
, llllilm Ezxard, for David Young, vs. said Crawford.
L.CVJ made and returned to me by a Constable.
585, sth District, Ist Section, origi-1
nally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county ; levied on as tile
property of John T. Wantage, to satisfy afi. fa. infavorof
James . Jones & Cos., vs. said llardage. Levy made i
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 14, 13th District, Ist Section, north
originally fherok.-e, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
It, property of Isaac fi novels,to satislya fi. fa. in favor ol
Butt L. La to, vs. said Knowls. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 508,13 th District, Ist section,north,
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property ofGeorge Row, to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of
John Choice, vs. said Row. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 826, 4th District, Ist Section,origi
mone?ti'‘' r s T f ‘°’ “T L, ',', n P kln county; levied on as the
S ‘ one in fa.
!n V- C '„ )sb T nrn ' Lhc otl >er in favor of G. H. Bry-
S£S? AtweU - Lrv y I:la de and returned to me by-a
no^‘^ 69 ’ 1S ! D ‘ strict ' or ‘ginaiiy Habersham,
\A-m^ k,n C0B "‘y; • cv “--'l on as the property of Wil
liarn Williams and James Corbin, to satisfy sundry fi fas
m favor of Henry Malcomb, vs.sid U ai2S 23
. Property pointed out by William Williams one of
Constable. 8 " 18 LeTyn ‘“ de and to me°b y 0 a
J ll, 151,1 ® istrict Ist Section, ori
r operty ofmii^H 0 AlV m, i kin C ?? n,Jr; l, vi<d on astilc
S -'.L - • H : rVlston, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Gwin-
Alston? C ° Urt ’ mfaVOr ofNlil <™ ‘tHks, vs. said
trinllPy^ o ” | lO97 ’ Ir2th 1 r 2th Ist Section,ori
rtvCof?!kCe’?r L,,m P kin county; levied on as tiie
CZr orPLrt !,? Jcti Vr? lro ' Lincoln
superior court, m favor ofPeter Lamar, vs. said Jeter.
„ u t ,?°’ , 428 ’ 16th District, Ist Section, ori
‘’ > J U a"rnn I j C 0 ??", r rend
rior Court o l™*- ‘f ued fromßibbSup?
Howard and Colem!“ JC B ’ Row,and > v - aid Jackson.
witPal?i?.' gh pr ?' SUrc e g'nc,ofsix horse power,
D met ‘ lie. on Lot No! 40, Is l
incSg°a3Lto^& c h T*°.: ■ L r ,, ’ kin
pertv of Johu L%ud “ f
Plalnfiffi 80 “’ VS ’ Sald Loud ‘ Pr °P ert - v Pointed oi.t by the
Horse; ,evied 0,1 cs the property ot
■nniSctariS 7 ’ 4tl J iD '? rict ’ lst Section ’ on
’ proporev of Jefibrs?'? V umpkln county; levied on as the
J. Vil ia- B v” ? AdaniH, to saUsfy a (i. fi-. i„ favor of
to me hy*a L onsfaOl!?' ame ’ made and returned
of R ? , rt n ,°T. Lu,n P kin coun,v - ‘- vied on as
a ’ ft '"‘ tavor of
property of l i .on i south;
suidAlstou? r 01 LeW ‘ S R ’ Buai “an, for theuseof^/vs 8
- Lot No. 1051,5 th District, lst Section ori-
'VM/ r ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Au
gust next, at the Court House in Arfrarta, Lomp
kiii cbuatv, vi itlau tue miuai houre ot sale, the following
froperty, to wit:
Lot No. 222, 13th District, lst Section;
(.'ortl-.,) of originally Cherokee, now I.umpkin county,
containing 40 Acres more or Ickk ,- levied on ns the prop
erty of William Ridley, to satisfy n fi. la. issued from a
Justice’s Court, in favor of Robert G. Lane, vs. William
Ridley. Levy urule and r- turned to mo by a Constable.
Lot Xo. 942, 4th District, lst Section, of
oiiijumliv Cherokee, now Lmnpkin County, containing
10 Acres, more or less; levied on as the property of James
Nmvnnn, to satisfv three fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s
Court, in favor of Jam* A. Tippens, vs. Janies Newnan.
Levy made and returned to me oy a Constable.
Lot No 1003, I2th District, lst Section, ori- i
finally Cherokee, now Lumpkin countv; levied on as the j
property of FJi Champion, to satisfy a li. fa. issued from
the Inferior Court of Hancock county, in favor of Bachel
der & Cos. vs. Eli Champion.
Lot No. 41 13th District, lst Section, South,
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on
;i9 the property of James Riley, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued •
from Jones Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Loving- .
ton, vs. sain Riley.
Lot No. 433,13 th District, lst Section, South,
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin eountv ; levied on
as the propri ty of Luke Welch, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued j
from a Justice's Court of Hancock County, in favor of!
Bafto! t and Portei, vs. Luke Welch. Levy made and re |
unit'd to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1054,4 th District, lst Section; le
vied t\n as the property of’ Thomas Riev< s, inn. to satisfy
four fi. fas. issued from a Justice's court of Hall county,
two in favor of P. J. Murray, one in favor of Joel Leathers
for the use of P. J. Murray, and one in favor of Francis C.
Andoc, for the use ofP. J. Murray, vs. said Rieves, jun.
Levy made and returned to m” by a Constable.
Lot No. 86.*, 11th District, lst Section, ori
ginally Cherok , now Lumpkin county, levied on as the
property of Isaac Chapman, to satisfy a fi. issued from a
’ 1 agist rates Court of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Mur
ray, vs. Isaac Chapman, Levy made and returned to me
bv a Constable.
Lo No. 145, 12th District lst Section, ori-1
ginally Cherokoc, now Lmnpkin county; levied on as ‘
the property nf Thomas Carver, to satisfy a fi, fa. issued
from a Magistrates court of Hall county, in favor of P, J.
Murray, Thomas Carver, Levy made and returned to
me bv a Constable.
July 9. SAMUEL SONES, Sh’ff.
f’lscrokee Sheriffs Sales.
mariLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Au
” gu9t next, at the Court-house in Cherokee county,
vithin the usual hours of sale, the following property, to
Lot No. 163, 3d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as ihe prop rty of John {lose, to satisfy sundry fi.
fas. issued from Jones Superior Court, in favor of Hcn-y
Rose and others, vs. John Ro9e. Property pointed out
by Plain till’s Attorney.
Lot No. 179, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of I . W. Roberts, to satisfy two
fi fas. issuedfiom a Justice’s Court of Oglethorpe coun
ty, in favor of 1.. &J. Hooper, for the use of V\ . H. Bri
son. vs. said Roberts. Levy made and returned to me
by a Constable.
Lot No. 347, 3d District, 2d Section ; le
vied on as the property of John 8. Heas and Nehemiah
Summerlin, to satisfy sundry fi. fiis. issued from a Justi
cc’s Court ofGwinnett county, in favor of Mathew Strick
en, vs. said Heas and Summerlin. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 778, 3d District, 2d Section ; le
vied on as the property ofObadiah T. Dickerson, to sa
tisfy sundry f. fas. in favour of John M’Whortcr and Olli
ers, vs. said Dickerson. Levy made and returned to me
by a Constable.
Lot No. 659, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on U 9 the property of Warren Parker, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Jones county, in fa
vor of K. (irmsby, \s said Parker. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 821, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property ofSamuel Hurst, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favour of Robert Carlisle, vs. said Hurst. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 754, 2d District, 2d Section ; levied
on as the property of J. W. Hammelton, to satisfy two
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Jones county, in
favor of B Whithmse, vs. said Hammelton. Levy made
and returned to me by aC instable.
Lot No. 637, 15th District, 2d 1(A
vied on a* (ha pi-up,..■!}• of Jainns H.
fi. I.i issai-cj (nun Franklin Superior I Jp
illiani liarke't, vs. said Barton. out
by plaintiffs Attorney.
Lot No. 1083, 2d District, 2d Section; le
i ion on as the property of James Brad berry, to satisfy
sundry fi. las. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Gwinnett
county-, in favor of James Wardlaw, vs. said Bradberry.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 89, 2d District, 2d Section ; levied
on as the property of S. R. Walker, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Upson county, “in fa
vor i lly k- Cannon, vs. said Walker. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 897, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Calley, to satisfy a fi.
(a issued from a Justice's Court of Henry county,infavorof
Crawford eeker, vs. said Callev. Levy made and r
turned to me by a Constable.
Dot No. 754, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as tin- property of Wiley S. Allison, to satisfy
sundry fi. fas issued from a Justice’s Court of Butts coun
ty, m favor ot John R. Cargile, vs. said Allison. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 90, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Richard Cotton, to satisfy a fi fa.
issued from the Superior Court of Butts county, in favor
of John R. Cargifo, vs said Cotton, Property pointed
out by Plaintiff. r r g
Lot No. 684, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Cameron, to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. issued f.oru a Justice’s Court of Upson
county in favur of John A. White, vs. sai* Cameron. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 333, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Benjamin Jinkins, to satisfy two
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s ('ourtof Washington coun
ty in favor of James Ainesuorth, vs. said Jinkms. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 2,14 th District, 2d Section ; levied
on as the property of \V illium AV. W ash, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from the < “ourt of Common Pleas, of the city of
Savannah, m favoi of James R. Johnson, vs. said Wash
Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney.
Lot No. 267, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property ofEhiridge R. satisfy two
fi. fas. issued .torn a Just ce’s Court of Dooly comity, in
favor of \Vatson and Warron, vs. said K elluin. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 733, 15th District, 2d Section ; le
vied on as the piope, ty of Robert 8. Pounds, to satisfy a
! ff a Justice’s Court of Columbia county,
in favor of James Cart lege, vs. said Pounas. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable. *
Lot No. 671, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Joshua Mercer, to satisfy two i
i. fas. issued from a Jnstic ’s Court of Wilkes county, in
favor of W.l ham Glover, vs. said Mercer. Levy ,&dc I
and returned to mi by a Constable. y
Ja| y 2 > “ JOHN P. BROOKE, Sh’ff.
Cherokee Sheriff’s Sales.
be sold on the first Tuesday in Au
•*i • nCXt J , at,lic Court house in Cherokeecoun- :
r'’w” t . im tk ° U3Ua houra - ,fsale > ,ho following property,
Lot No. 273, 3d District, 2d Section; levied i
on as the property of J. D. Brewster, to satisfy a fi. fa. is- *
sued from a J ustice's Court in Campbell county, in favor
ofj. H. Hammond, vs. said Brewster. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
l,ot No. 130,14 th District, 2d Section ; lo
vied on as the property of FJenzar Hamilton,to satisfy a 1.
fa. issued from a Justice's court ol Jackson county, in la
vor of Tho. Butler, fortlic use of Sami. McJunkm, vs. said
Hamilton. Lew made amlreturned to ine liya Constable.
I,ot No. 611, 15th District, 2d Section ; le
vied oil as the property of Sunberry Pepper,to satisfy ati
fa. issued from a Justice’s court in \v T alton county, m ta
vor of McJunkin & Smith, vs. said Topper. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1049, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Wade Peyey, to satisfy a ti. fa.
i issued from a Justice’s Court of Gwinnett county, m fa
! vor ofj. P. Winn, vs.said Pevey. Levy made and rc-
I turned to me bv a Constable.
July 2. J. AV. LEONARD, D. Sh’ff
WI 1 ,L be sold at the Court House in Cher
okee County, on the first Tuesday in August
next, between the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 37, 15th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Daniel Kahcly, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
| surd from a Justice’s Court of Gwinnett county, in favor
.of Cleveland & Tate, Levy made and returned to me by
a Constable. N
Lot No. 799, 15th District, 2d Section; lev
ied on as the property of William Arnold, to satisfy a fi,
fa issued from a Justice’s Court of Gwinnett county, in
favor of James Wardlaw. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
J. P. BROOKE, Sh’ff.
Gilmer Sheriff's Sale.
WILL, be sold on the first Tuesday ir. Au
gust next, at the Court-house in tho town of
Elij.y, GiTmer County, within the usual hours of sale, the
J following property, to wit:
Lot No. 225, 24th District; 2d Section, ori-
I ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the
property o‘‘ Elisha Norris, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a
Justice’s Court of Hall county, in favor of P. J. MurraVi
vs. said Norris. Levy made and returned to me hy a
! Constable. _
Gilmer Sheriff’s Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
AUGUST next, before the Court House door
m the town of Elijav, Gilmer county, within the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 51, 24th District, 2d Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Gilmer County; levied on
as the property of Jesse M’. vlinn, to satisfy a fi fa. issued
from a Justice’s Court, in Habersham county, in favor of
Thomas B. Cooper, vs. said M’Minn.
Lot No. 167, 12th District, 2d Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer County; levied on as the
property ot John M’Canless, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from Habersham Inferior (.‘ourt in favor of Thomas ii
Cooper and John R. Stanfoul, vs. said .Vl’CanlM^.
Lot No. 71, 9th District, 2d Section,^■gin
ally Cherokee, now Gilmer eountv; levied on as ■Epro
aof Hezekiah Finley, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued ojn a
ce’s Court of Habersham county, in favor of jhlnes
H. Cooper, vs. said Finley.
Lot No. 171, 6th District, 2d Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on ns the
property ot Thomas Pruit, to satisfy ili. fa. issued from a
Justice’s Court ofHall county, in fa#l of Jones & Sim
mons, vs. said Pruit.
Lot No. 187, 2&h District, 2d Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, nov\*iilmer county; levied on as the
property of William Clme, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
a J ustice’s Court of Houston county, in favor of Howell
Cobb, vs. said Cline.
Lot No. 35, 12th District, 2d Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the
property of |Mjfor D. Whaley, to satisfy two fi. fas. is
sued from a court of Monroe county, one in fa
vor of James C.Xwtry, and the other in favor of D. M.
Blackworth, vs. said Whaley.
Lot No. 137, Bth District, 2d Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the
property ofThomas Pierce, sen. and Thomas Pierce, jun.
to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Burke
county, in favor of James Russell, vs. said Pierces.
Lot No. 212, 6th Districted Section, origin-
Blly Cherokee, now Gilmer count' ; levied on as the pro
-1 perry of Charles Muggredge, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from a Justice’s court of Scriven county, in favor of John
M Wade, vs. said Muggridge.
Lot No. 65, 9th District, 2d Section, origin
ally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the pro
perty of Thomas B. Share, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
Chatham Superior court, in favor of Durham & Leonard,
vs. said Share.
Lot No. 138,5 th District, 2d Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the
property of W illiam Goodman, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from the court of Common Pleas of the City of Augusta,
in favor of E. Williams, vs. said Goodman.
Lot No. 65, 9th District; 2d Section; levied
property ofThomas B. Shaw, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued on
as the from the Court of Common Pleas of the City of
Savannah, at the instance of William A Care, vs. said
Lot No. 8, 7th District, 2d Section, origin
ally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the
property ofCliarles W. Nixon, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of A. L. Robinson, vs. said Nixon.
I.ot No. 136, Bth District, 2d Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the
property of John Kimbrough, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favour
of J. Hall, vs. said Kimbrough.
Lot No. 47,11 th District, 2nd Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the
property of John Hoffi to satisfy a fi."fa. in favor of the
officers of Court, &c. vs. said Hoff.
June 2. B. B. Q.UILLAIN, D. S.
Haul*!ins Sheriff’s Sale.
“VMTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in AU
• • GUST next, at the place for holding Courts in
Paulding county, the following property to wit:
Lot No. 960,2nd District, 4th Section, of
orginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as
the property ofGeorge D. Lester, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa
vor ofSamuel Hay, vs. George I).Lester.
I.ot No. 1205, 3rd District, 3rd Section, of
originally Oil. .okee, now Paulding county; levied on as
the property of Alfred Brody, to satisfy a small fi. fa. is
suer! from a Justices court of Bibb county, in favor of H.
H. Cone. Levy made and relumed to me by a Consta
Lot No. 2005, 3d District, 3d Section of ori
ginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the
property of Alfred Brady, to satisfy a small fi. issued from
a justices court of Bibb county, in i’avor of H. H. Cone. —
Levied and returned to me hy a Constable.
L.ot No. 1101,2d District, 4th Section; levied
on as foe property of ‘* illiain W. Lawrence to satisfy a
f. fa. issuer! from a Justice’s Court of Richmond county,
|in favor ol A illiain Kibbe, vs. said Lawrence. Levy
j made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 229, lst District, 4th Section; levied
on as the property of Murdock iVJc’Leotl, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from Justice’3 Court of Pulaski county, in favor of
Watson tc vVarren, vs. said Mc’Leod. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 635,20 th District, 3rd Section; levied
on as the property of Allen H. Perkins, to satisfythree fi.
fas. issued from a Justice's Court of Pulaski comity, in fa
vor of W atsor, & Wareen, vs. Baid Perkins. Levy made
. and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 272, Ist District, 3d Section, of ori-
ginally Cherokee, now 1 auldmg county; levied an -,
property of William Worsham, to satisfy sundty ?■
issued from a Justiccs Court of Carroll county j a >,./
Joel D. Hicks, and William A. Hicks, vsi saida.
ham. Levy made and returned to me by a Constab!*
Lot No. 148, lst District,4thSection,of,
ginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied 0n,,!
property of Joseph H. Page, and Solomon Page t OM| “
twofi. las. issued from tho Superior Court of Wasliir!!
county, in favor of Enoch B. Smith, vs. said Joseph
Solomon Page. ‘
Lot No. 1231, 2d District, 3d Section, of,,
ginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on,!!
property of A. Sweatman, to satisfy a K. fa. issuedfJ
Justice’s Court of M onroe county,iri favor of John Pi|w
vs. said Sweatman. Levy made and returned form?
Lot No. 377, 3d District, 3d Section, ofen
ginally Cherokee, now Paulding cou ity; levied on sj
property of James M. Foster, and James Shaw, so a
a fi. fa. issued from a J ustice’s Court of Henry count *
favor of B. Ragland, vs. said Foster and Sliaw,
made and returned tome by a Constable.
Lot No, 920, 3d District, 3d, Section, of®:
ginally Cherokee, now Paulding county-; levied on
property of Samuel Davis. Leonard P. Brucklour,
William Durdon, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from fa
county Superior Court, in tavor of William B.
vs. said defendants.
Lot No, 115, ISth District, 3d Section,of)
iginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on#j
property of Bartlet Whoiton, to satisfy afi. fa.
from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of D. N. Pitify,
for the use of Jeffrey Pittman, vs. said Whorton,
One Anvil and Vice; levied on as the propr
ty of James Keeton and James Buttmm, to satisfy a K|
in favor t f Walter “Wadsworth, vs. said Keeton ands
‘tt’M ) TILL be sold on the first Tuesday in J,
* gust next, within the usual hours of sale it j
place of holding Courts in Paulding county, the ’fdl*
iug property, to wit:
Lot No. 499, lst District, 4th Section,!
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied cm
the property of Stephen W'L Blount, to satisfy sundry t
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Broke Coumi
favor of N.L. and S. Sturges, vs. Sturges and Bloi
Levy’ made and returned by a Constable.
Lot No. 744, 19th District, 3rd Section,
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied a
the property of William Doyle, to satify’a fi. f a . fe
Burke Superior Court in favor of Rcddeck Rutland,i
said Doyle, and Southward Harlow, endorser.
Lot No. 292, 2d District, 4th Section,,
originally Cherokee,now Paulding county; levied;
as tiie property of Benjamin Devane, to satisfy an ess
tion from Scriven Superior Court, in favor of Step!
Corker, administrator, &c., against the said Devanc,
Lot No. 1085, 21st District, 3d Section,
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied os
the property of Henry M’Norril), to satisfy a fi. fa.|
Burke Superior Court, in favor of the Court of Orditc
of Burke county for the use of Wade Brow n, and Si
his wife. vs. the said M’Norrill.
I.ot No. 593,215 t District, 3d Section,!
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied cm
the property of Samuel Tilly, to satisfy two small S. i
issued from a Justice’s Court of Burke county, in fata
Joseph Perrv, vs. said Tilly.
April 30. ’ WILLIAM S. HOUOF, SM
RE AINING in the Tost Office at Harben’sSe
Lumpkin county, Geo. on the first day nf Jr
1833, and if not taken out by the Ist of October, £i
sent to the General Post Office as dead letters.
Isaac F. Alexander,
David Allison,
Lewis Arthur,
Joseph E. Abridge.
H. S. Beach, *
Reuben E. Brown,
George Brown,
Thomas M. Boswell, 2,
Francis B. Bulfinch,
Maj. 8. W. Blount,
Samuel Burnett,
Richard Butler,
Edmund Blalock,
Al/rcd Breedlove,
James F. Burkelaw.
E. W. Cullens, C. H. Nelson, 4,
Clerk of thcln/e iorCourt o/Pryor Nance.
Gilmer County, 2.
John Oofiec, 3.
John B. Chastain,
Hedges T. ongcr,
William F. M’Cord,
Gabriel Capers,
Thomas Chaffin,
James B. Carswell,
F. Cleveland,
Lewis Clark,
James H. Carrington.
Judge Duncan,
Dr. Thomas H. Dawson,
Daniel Davis,
David Delk, ‘
James Donahoo.
Westlev Edwards, 2.
James Eppenger,
Ashley Eason.
Anthony F. Foster,
John C. Fereill.
Joseph B. Gonder, 3.
George Gary,
James A. Groves,
Jeremiah Gattrell,
Samuel Guinn,
Thomaß J. Green,
Arthur Gilbert,
Obadiah Gravatt.
Richard M. Head, 4.
Joy Hatton, 3.
John S. Higgcnbotham.
Enoch Hall,
John W. Hooper,
William Hamilton, 2
G. M. Hatton,
William Hicks,
Francis M. Hunt.
Al/red Harris.
In/erior Court of LumpkinJamcs Taggert,
County. John T Curvier,
Inferior Court o/Gilmor Co.Abraham Taylor,
Thomas G. Jones,
H. Johnson,
William Keenum,
Mr. King.
Harvey Kendrick.
J. J. Land,
William D. Lucas,
John S. T. G. Light/oot,
Thomas Lewis,
Horace Lawrence,
John Lumpkin,
James Lloyd,
Auraria, July 2.—13 —3 t
Felix Lewi e
Hugh M’Lcan,
John Moore,
John M’Gukey,
Madison M’A/ee,
Dennis M’G'oy,
Thomas M’Cleskev,
Mr. M’Laughlin,
John Messer,
William Marquis,
William Mize.
Marlin Mahaffoy,
Galba Mathews,
A. C. Marshall,
Samuel C. Mayfield,
Joshua Martin.
Christianna Ogles,
William Owens.
Robert S. l’atton,
.Mr. Patton,
Alexander Pope,
John Paskev,
Charles Patterson,
William W. Peans,
James Parker,
Richard Perry,
Burrell L Pacaning.
Allen Pinsen, 1
Henry Quillaiu,
IIG Royal,
H IF St J L. Riley,
Wiliam Rollin',
Findley G Stewart,
Sheriff & Clerk 0/
John Sprnddin,
J Swelling,
JFillliam T Spencer,
Sheriff o/Gilmer cou..;,
William Sloam,
MosesM Smith,
Sheriff of U nion coun'.'i
Asel Smith.
John Tumell,
Edmund T atom,
James Tait,
John B Taylor,
John Thornton,
HardyC Tatum,
Ellis Tredawav,
Pres’on 1 hursby,
Tatum & Snow,
David Taylor,
B B Trent, 2,
John Thomas,
tVm or Nat Tracy,
B’m Varnimi,
W’ra TFoors,
John IF Ningfield,
Richard M IFillson,
Peasant IForlcv,
John IFimbv, 2
Rix IFiggiiis,
Horace R TFurd,
Wm Williams,
Jacob & Daniel WW®* 1
Wm Yarbrough,