The Western herald. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Ga.) 1833-1???, July 23, 1833, Image 4
sjmKßiuNKjP Lumpkin Sheriff's Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Au gust next, at the court-hous • in I .umpkin coun ty, within the usual hours ot sale, the toll, wing property, 13 wit: Lot No. 253, 12th District. Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as llte property of \\ illiam Lcverctt, to satisfy a !i. fa. m favor of \Vuliam H. \V hite, vs.said Leverett. Lot No. 592, 12th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; leviad on as the property of John Hunt, to satisfy a ii. fa. in favor of John Morrison, vs, John Hunt. Lot No. 254, 4th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of G. U. Reeves, to satisfy a “ti. fa. in favour of Lawrence Dnmphey, vs. said Reeves. Lot No. 1137, 12th District, Ist Section, originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; teviixi on ‘is. the property of F. Richards, to satiety a ti. to. in favour ot B. Wood, vs. said Richards. Lot No. 194, 12th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; leviad on as the prop Tty of Noah Bovd, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of Tho mas i J.o'is, vs. said Bovd. Lot No. 1093, 11th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of John Gregory, to satisfy a ii. fa. in favour of Malcuiii Nicholson, vs. said Gregory. Lot No. 335, 11th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now I annpkin county; Irviedon as the property of Fletcher ti Fitzsimmons, to satisfy a ti. fa. iu favour of l ian.iry ti Lcgriel, vs. said defendants. Lot No. 445, 4th District, Ist Section, ori e'mallv Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Isaac Russel, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of Michael Cunningham, vs. said Russel. Lot No. 39, 13th District, Ist Section, north, originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Ferdinand l'. Mann, to satisfy all. fa. in Ihvor of Michael Pendigrast, vs. said Mann. Lot No. 55, 12th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as me property of Frederick Cullens tk Sons, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favour of Michael Pendigrast, vs. said Culkns k Sons. Lot No. 111, 4th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as ifie property of.T. B. Robinson, to satisfy a fi. fa. at the in stance of M. Pendigrast, vs. said Robinson. Lot No. 15S, 13th District, Ist Section,no th, originally Chero .ee, now Lumpkin county; levied as the property of Jonathan Adams, to satisfy a ti. lii. m fu vor of Thomas Tow nsend, vs. said Adams. Lot No. 120, 13th District, Ist Section,north, originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin countv, levied on as the'property of George ands illiam Jeffreys, lo satisfy three ti. fas” in favour of Nathan i ish, vs. said Jeffreys. Lot No. 1071, 4th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpki i county; 1 vied on as Sc property of Patrick Sawyers, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vour of Baldwin &. Craig, vs. said Savvy “s. Lot Ne. 1148,4 th District, ist Section, oii ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Ferdinand Smith, to satisfy four ti. fas. in fa vour of John R. Cargile, vs. said Smith. Lot No. 1073. 4th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lump .in county; levied nn as the property ol A illiam P. Glnv- r, and Richard Plunk, t, so. curitv on appeal, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favour of Willis Greene, vs. said defendants. Lot No. 222, 13th District, Ist Section,north, originally < hcrokee, now Lumpkin count •; levied on as the property of William Ridley, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Montgomery, vs. said Ridley. ” Lot No. 11S5, 4th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on ~s the property of Pleasant R. Mays, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vor of James C. Lothridge, vs. “said Mays. Lot No. 942, 4th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property’ of Janies Newman, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in ! favor ot’ James A. Tippins, vs James Newman. Levy jnade and returned to me by aConstable. Lot No. 154,13 th District, Ist Section,South, of originally Cherokee, noyv Lumpkin county ; levied on tts the property of James Brown, to satisfy sundry ti. fas, in favor of Simeon Henderson, vs. said Brown. Levy maee ami returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 659, 12th District, Ist Section, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property ofElijah Roberts, to satisfy twoti. fas. one in favor of K. H. Burrett. vs. said Roberts, the other in favor fM. H. Brown, vs. the same. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 1163, 12th District, Ist Section, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property ofthe defendants, to satisfy “sundry fi. fas. issued from Richmond county, in favor of tlcome Allen, vs. George S. Morris, & Robert B. Lott, Levy made and Ktumed to me by a Constable. Lot No. 977,4 th District, Ist Section, origin ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin coun'y; levied on as the sroperty of Hugh Mc’Clain, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of ohn L". Calhoon, vs said Mc’Clain. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 1006, 4th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin countv; levied on as the property of Benjamin George, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor Os Samuel Mc’Junki:, vs. raid George. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 1030, 12th District, Ist Section, or iginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin countv; levied on lo eatisfy two fi. las. in favor ot John Choice vs. illiam Sims. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 856, 12th District, Ist Section, oii ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on asthe property of Charles Culberbouse, to satisfy twofi. fas. one in favor of W. Green, the other in favor of Josiah N. Wil m, vs. said Culbcrhouse. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 297, 12th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county ; levied on as the property of Alexander Lambert, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor f John Flanigan, vs. said Lambert. Levy made and re turn J o me by aConstable. Lot No. 591,4 th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin countv; levied on as the property ot Jeptlia Whorton, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favorof MiJunkin fc Smitii, vs. said Whorton. Levy mode and jCtumed to me by a Constable* Lot No. 235, 4th Dictrict, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin countv; levied on as the property ol James Stewart, to satisfy £ fi. f u . , n f avoro j- Peter Lamar, the only surviving Copartner of Stovall & Lamar, vs. said Stewart. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 90, 6th District, Ist Section, con taining ICO Acres, more or less, originally Cherokee now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of M. McLeod to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Walson Warren, vs. said AWLeod. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta- Lot No. 527, 12th District, Ist Section, ori- F m c ,lcro . now Lumpkin county ;lcvied on to satisfy cFL ° n r? m fuvor °r rfamuel M’Junkin, theolher in fa var of John Reese, vs. Samuel Day. Levy made and re turned to me by a Constable. n i? J ?’i N °L 776, 5t r h Di9tric *’ lst Section origi nally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as die property,./ Daniel V adsworth, to satisfy afi fa in tav™ and/ John T. Childers and one in Childers, VS said A adsworth. Levy made 19 me by a Constable. reaumea Orrn unfinished framed house, 30 by 16 feel. 1 icing on the lot selected fin the County Scite; levied on is the property of John Cochran to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of B. F. Patton, vs. said Cochran. Lot No. 222, 13th District, Ist Section, N. originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as tin* I property of William Ridley, to satisfy a ti. ta. in favor ot Robert L. f .aine, vs. said Ridley. Levy made .and return ed to me by a Constable. Lot No. 455, 12th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin rountv; levied on as the | property of David 1 1. Barnes, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Cullens Sons, vs. said Barnes. Levy made and returned to mo by a Constable. Lot No. 051, sth District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county: levied on as the property of James \\ atlord. to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Jones & Simmons, vs. said Wafford. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. • Lot rjo. 412,13 th District, Ist Section, North, originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Basel Cowing, to satisfy • fi. fa. in favor of Patrick J. Murray, vs. said I evy made and returned tome by a Constable. Lot No. 588, 12th District,lst Section, origin ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of T. \Y. Miles, to satisfy a fi. fa. m favor of T. B. Cooper, vs. said Miles. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 675,4 th District Ist Section, origin ally Cherokee, now Lu ipkin eountv; levied on as the property of Caraway Taylor, to satisfy a fi.fa. in favor of T.< t. Hall,vs. said Taylor. Levy made and returned tome by a Constable. Lot No. 76, 4th District, originally Haber sham, now Lumpkin county; containing 250 Acres, more or less; levied on as the property of James Corbin, princi dal, and Samuel Tate, security, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. one in favor of ‘ f illiam B. Shelton, vs. said Corbin and others. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 740,4 th District,lst Section, origin ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on to satisfy a fi.fa issued from Putnam Superior Court, in favor of Eli E. Gaither, vs. William 11. Kimbrough &\\lb y Bry ant. Lot No. 117, 15th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Jesse Durreuce, to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from Patnal! Superior Court, and one other in favor of Clem Powers, vs. said Durrence. Lot No. 971, 12th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Willis Gilley, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of the* Officers of Carroll Superior Court*, vs. said Gilley. Lot No. 31S, 12th District, Ist Section, origi nally C < iokee, now Lumpkin count) , levied on as the oj* rty of John Mullins, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of Ba iin 1 •l*Jii:iki’i,v*. said mil ms. Levy mode and rctur n <1 to ine by a Constable. Lot No. 1096, 12th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of th. left ndants, to • atisly sundry fi. iis. m favor <t Joannah Barron, Jonathan Barron, Willis Barron. \d m’rs of Samuel Barron, and others, vs. Jesse* Lain, Augustus McLain, Roger Larkins, illiam Candler, Jesse ‘fcLain and James Stallings. Levy made and re turned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 733, 12th District, st Section, ori- Cherokee, now L n.n tv ‘ vi :i -n as the : f ‘ .-u!n Strayhorn, John Stray horn, jun., I tc satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Isaac N. Young, vs.‘said 8 tray horns. Levy made and returned to me by a Con- 1 stable. k°f, 4th District, Ist Section, origi- . nally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the Property of Charles Crawford, to satisfy ti. fa. in favorof illi; in Ezzard, for David A oung, vs. said Crawford. L’vy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 555, sth District, Ist Section, origi nally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county ; levied on as the I property of John T. Marriage, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favorof I James -... Jones & Cos., vs. said 11 ardage. Levy made 1 and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 14, 13th District, Ist Section, north originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Isaac satisfya n. fa. in favorof Butt L. Cato, vs. said Knowls. Levymadeand returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 508,13 th District, Ist section,north, i originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as , the property of George Row, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of ; John Choice, vs. said Row. Levy made and returned to j me by a Constable. Lot No. 826, 4th District, Ist Section,origi ■ nally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the | property of Janies Atwell, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in fa ', vor of William C. Osborn, the other in favor of G. IJ.Bry j an, vs. said Atwell. Levy made and returned to me by a j Constable. Lot No. 69,15 t District,originally Habersham, now Lumpkin county; levied oil as the property of ‘ il liam M illiams and James Corbin, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. m favor of Henry Malcomb, vs. said V. illiams and Cor- b i m- . F ro P rt ? P ointc<l ol 't by . illiam illiams one of the defendants. Levy made and returned to me hv a Constable. * Lot No. 111, 15th District, Ist Section, ori el-ally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; h vied on as the property of Philip H. Alston, to satisfy a’ fi. fa. from Gwin nett Superior court, in favor of Millen & Hawks, vs. said Mston. ■ 1097, 12th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee,now Lumpkin countv; levied on as the property of Samuel Jeter, to satisfy a fi". fa. from Lincoln uperior court, in favor of Peter Lamar, vs. said Jeter. T ;P‘ No. 428, 15th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as flic property of illiam Jackson, Harman H. Howard, and .nbert Coleman, to satisfy a fi.fa. issued from Bibb Supe rior Court in favor oflsaac B. Rowland, vs. said Jackson, Howard and ( oleman. One high pressure engine, of six horse power, with all its appendages, as it now lies on Lot No. 40, Ist District, originally Habersham now Lumpkin county, mchiding amalgamators, &c., &c.; levied on as the pro- P'’. rl J’ of John Loud to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John G. Plaintiff 80 “’ VS ’ Sald L ° Ud- Pro P ert y Pointed out by the rx °PP,^P y Horse; levied on as the property ot David v cl .lwee, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John H Jones, jun. vs. said eElwee. ■ , 307, 12tb Histrict, Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Wm. O. Dabney I o satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Ogletliorpe Sup. nor court, one in favor of Samuel Appleton, vs. said Dabney. ot N°. 987, 4th District, Ist Section, ori ginally C.Vrok ‘C, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the TO?.' of Jenerson Adams, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favorof J. vv illiams, vs. said Adams. Levy made and returned tome by a Constable. Lot No. 177, 13th District, Ist Section, south, originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the properly of RotiertGill, to satisfy afi fa. in favor of Sophia Pndgeon vs. said Gill. | J? No -;, 111 > l3th District, Ist Section, south; fi r 6 Pr°P°f'y of Philip H. Alston, to satisfy a i saidAUtonT° r *” B ~’ fo ’ the use of Ac, j m J O3l, st , h District, Ist Section, ori liyrokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the I property of James W alters, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. tn fa- i vor of P. J. Murray, vs. said A attere. Lot ,. N °; , 13th District. Ist Section, north, onginalfy Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of James A. D. Lawrence, to satisfy a fi fa in favor ofThomas Kiles, an J others, vs. said Lawrence Ju >y 2 - SAMUEL JONES, Sh’ff LUMPKIN POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Au * gust ncst,at the Court Housefin Aurau*. Lump kin countv, wulun the usual hours ot sale, tbc toUowing property, “to wit: Lot No. 222, 13th District, Ist Section; (North,) of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40 ten s more or less; levied on as the prop erty of William Ridley, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice's Court, in favor of Robert G. Lane, vs. w imam Ridley. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 942,4 th District, Ist Section, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin C onnty, containing 40 “Acres, more or less; levied on as the property of James Newnan, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court, in favor of James A. Tippcns, vs. James Newnan. Levy made ami returned to me by a Constable. Lot No 1003,12 th District, Ist Section, ori-: ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied ou as the i property of Eli Champion, to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from Iht* Inferior Court of Hancock county, in favor of Bachcl der & Cos. vs. Eli Champion. Lot No. 41 13th District, Ist Section, South, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as tile properly of James Riley, to satisfy two ti. fas. issued from Jones Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Leving ton.vs. sain Riiey. Lot No. 433, 13th District, Ist Section, South, of originnllv Cherokee, now Lumpkin county ; levied on as the properly of Luke Welch, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice's Court of Hancock County, ill favor of Safioll and Portei, vs. Luke Welch. Levy madeand ro urn'd to me by a Constable. Lot No. 1054,4 th District, Ist Section; le vied on as the property of Thomas Rieves, jun. to satisfy four fi. fas. issued from a Justice's court of Hall county, two in favor of P. J. M urray, one in favor of Joel Leathers for the use of P. J. Murray, aud one in favor of Francis C. Andoe, for the use ofP. J. Murray, vs. said Rieves, jun. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 863, 11th District, Ist Section, ori ginally Cheroki e, now I.umpkin county; levied on as the •."■operty oflsaac < hanman, to satisfy a fi. issued from a ’ I agist rates Court of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Mur ray, vs. Isaac Chapman, Levy made and returned to me hy a Constable. Lo No. 145, 12th District Ist Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property ofThomas Carver, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates court of Hall county, in favor of I*. J. urray, Thomas Carver, Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. July 9. SA.VIUEL SONES, Sh’ff. Cherokee Sheriffs Sales. “Wtt7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Au - ® gust next, at the Court-house in Cherokee county, vithin the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot No. 463, 3d District, 2d Section; le vied on as the property of John Rose, to satisfy sundry ti. fas. issued from Jones Superior Court, in favoi of Henry Rose and others, vs. John Rose. * Property pointed out hy Plaintifl’s Attorney. Lot No. 179, 15th District, 2d Section; le vied on as the prop rtv of A. W. Roberts, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Oglethorpe coun ty, in favor of L. tc J. H ooper, for the use of W. f- 11. Ori son. vs. said Roberts. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 347, 3d District, 2d Section ; le i vied on as the property of John 8. Ideas and Nchemiah ] Summerlin, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from n Justi ice’s Court ofGtvinnctt county, in favorof Mathew Strick . ten, vs. said Heas and Summerlin. Levymadeand re j t urned to me by a Constable. * Lot No. 778, 3d District, 2d Section ; le vi<*d on <is t)i%iproporly off ’badiah T. i)ickc*rson, to sa tisfy sun' 1 v fi. fas. in favour of John M’ Whorter and oth ers, vs. S.L.. Oickcrson. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 659, 15th District, 2d Section; le vied on as the property of Warren Parker, to satisfy a ft. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Jones county, in fa vor of E. Ormsby, va said Parker. Levy made and re turned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 821, 2d District, 2d Section; levied on as tile properly ofSamuel Hurst, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Robert Carlisle, vs. said Hurst. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 754, 2d District, 2d Section ; levied on as the property of J. W. Hammelton, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justice's Court of Jones county, in favor of B Whithurse, vs. said Hammelton. Levy made and returned to me by aConstable. Lot No. 637, 15th District, 2d Section; le vied on as the property of James H. Barton, to satisfy a fi. f issued from Franklin Superior Court, in favor of illiam Hackett, vs. said Barton. Property pointed out by plaintift’s Attorney. Lot No. 1083, 2d District, 2d Section; le vied on as the property of James Bradberry, to satisfy sund-y T fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Gwinnett county, in favor of James ‘,'ardlaw, vs. said Bradberry. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 89, 2d District, 2d Section ; levied on as the properly of S. R. W alker, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of L'pson county, in fa vor Kelly & Cannon, vs. said Walker. Levy made and returned tome by a Constable. Lot No. 897, 15th District, 2d Section; le vied on as the property of Thomas Calley, to satisfy a fi. fa issuedlrom a Justice’s Court of H enry county, m favor of Crawford eeker, vs. said Calley. Levy made and re turned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 754, 15th District, 2d Section; le vied on as the property of Wiley S. Allison, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’sCourtofßuttscoun ty, in favor of John R. Cargile. vs. said Allison. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. liOt No. 90, 3d District, 2d Section; levied on as the property of Richard Cotton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Butts county, in favor of John R. Cargile, vs said Cotton, Property pointed out by Plaintiff Lot No. 684,15 th District, 2d Section; le vied on as the property of Thomas Cameron, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Upson county, in favor of John A. White, vs. said Cameron. Le vy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 333, 2d District, 2d Section; levied on as the property of Benjamin Jinkins, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of \ • ashington coun ty in favor of James Ainesworth, vs. said Jinkins. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 2,14 th Districted Section ; levied on as the property of 4V illiain W. Wash, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Court of Common Pleas, of the city of Savannah, in favor of James R. Johnson, vs. said ash Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. Lot No. 267, 2d District, 2d Section; levied on as the property ofEldridge R. Kellum, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued Tom a Justice’s Court of Dooly county in favor of Watson and Warren, vs. said Kellum. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 733, 15th District, 2d Section ; le vied on as the pioportv of Robert's. Pounds, to satisfy a ! h. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Columbia county m favor of James CarUege, vs. said Pounds. Levy made ! and returned to me by a Constable. 1 Lot No. .671, 15th District, 2d Section; le vied on im the property of Joshua satisfy two. fi. fas. issued froru a Justice’s Court of Wilkes county, in’ j favor of \. Ilham Glover, vs. said Mercer. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. y ! Ju, y 2 ’ JOHN P. BROOKE, Sh'ff Cherokee Sheriff's Sales. be sold on the first Tuesday in Au. * 7,. “ 9t nex, j ? l ‘he Court house in Cherokee conn to’wit ‘b'” US “ a ‘ OUrB ° fßalC ’ ,hC followin S property, Lot No. 273, 3d District, 2d Section; levied on as the property of J. D, Brewster, to satisfyja fi. fa. is I sued from a Justice’s Court in Campbell county, in favor ofj. H. Hammond, vs. said Brcwstor. Levymadeand returned to me liya Constable. Lot No. 130, 14th District, 2d Section ; le vied on as the property of EleazarHamilton,to satisfy an. fu. issued from a Justice’s court of Jackson county, in in* vor of Tho. Butler, for the use of Rami. McJunkm, vs.srud Hamilton. Levy made and returned to me hya Constable. | Lot No. 511, 15th District, 2d Section ; le- ‘ vied on ns the property of Sunbcrry Pepper,to satisfy an fu. issued from a Justice’s court in Vv niton county, ill ta vor of McJunkin St Smith, vs. said Pepper. Levy made , and returned to me hy a Constable. Lot No. 1049, 15th District, 2d Section; le vied o’i as the property of ado Pcvcy, to satisfy a ft. fa. , issued from a Jus'ice’s Court of Gwinnett county, in fa vor of J. P. Winn, vs. said Pcvcy. Levy made and re-, turned to me by a Constable. _ _ July 2. J. W. LEONARD, D. Sh’ff. CHEROKEE POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALES. WI I ,L be sold at the Court House in Cher okee County, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the following prop erly, to wit: Lot No. 37, 15th District, 2d Section; levied on as the property of Daniel Kahc’y, to satisfy a ft- fa. is sued from a Justice’s Court of Gwinnett county, m favor of Cleveland & Tate, Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 799, 15th District, 2d Section; lev ied on as the property of *A illiam Arnold, to satisfy a ft. fa issued from a Justice’s Court of Gwinnett county, in favor of James Wardlaw. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. J. P. BROOKE, Sh’ff. Gilmer Slicrifl>s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Au gust next, at the Court-house in tho town of Elijay. GiTmor County, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot No. 225, 24th District; 2d Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the property o e Elisha Morris, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. said Norris. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. L w . HUFFSTUTLER, Sh'ff Gilmer StieriT** ale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, before the Court House door in th, town of Elijay, Gilmer county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot No, 51, 24th District, 2d Section, ot originally Cherokee, now Gilmer County; levied on as the property of Jesse M’viinii, to satisfy a fi fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, in Habersham county, in favor of Thomas B. Cooper, vs. said M’.vlinn. Lot No. 167, 12th * >istrict, 2d Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer County; levied on os the property of John M’Canless, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Habersham Inferior Court in favor of Thomas B. Cooper and John R. Staufoid, vs. said M’Canless. Lot No. 71, 9th District, 2d Section, origin ally Cherokee, now Gilmer county, levied on as the pro perty O Hezekiah Finley, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of ilahcvsham county, in favorof Janies H. Cooper, vs. said Finley. Lot No. 171, 6th District, 2d Section, ori ginally Cherokee,now Gilmer county; levied on as the property ot Thomas Pruit, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hall county, in favor of Jones & Sim mons, vs. said Pruit. Lot No. 187, 25th District, 2d Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the property of William Cline, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Courtof Houston county, in favor of Howell Cobb, vs. said Cline. Lot No. 35, 12th District, 2d Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the property of ‘Valter D. Whaley, to satisfy two fi. fas. is sued from a Justice’s courtof Monroe county, ono in fa vor of James C. Awtry,and the other in favorof D. M. Black worth, vs. said A halcy. Lot No. 137,8 th District, 2d Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the property ofThomas Pierce, sen. and Thomas Pierce, jun. tosatisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Burke counly, in favor of James Russell, vs. said Pierces. Lot No. 212, 6th Districted Section, origin ally Cherokee, now Gilmer count ; levied on as the pro perty of Charles Muggredge, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s court of Scrivcn county, in favor of John M. Wade, vs. said Muggridge. Lot No. 65, 9th District, 2d Section, origin ally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the pro perty of Thomas B. Sliarr, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Chatham Superior court, in favor of Durham & Leonard, vs. said Sharr. Lot No. 138, sth District, 2d Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the property of W illiam Goodman, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the court of Common Pleas of the City of Augusta, in favor of E. Williams, vs. said Goodman. Lot No. 65, 9th District; 2d Section; levied property of Thomas B. Shaw, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued on as the from the Court of Common Pleas of the City of Savannah, at the instance of W illiam A Carr, vs. said Shaw. Lot No. 8, 7th District, 2d Section, origin ally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the Hetty ofCharles W. Nixon, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor . li. Robinson, vs. said Nixon. Lot No. 136, Bth District, 2d Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the properly of John Kimbrough, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of J. Hall, vs. said Kimbi ongii. Lot No. 47,11 th District, 2nd Section, ori ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county; levied on as the property of John ilofii to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the officers of Court, &c. vs. said Hoff June 2. B. B. Q.UILLAIN, D. S. Paul.’ins f-her; h"s Sale. be sold on the first Tuesday in AU * ® GUST next, at the place for holding Courts in Paulding county, the following property to wit : Lot No. 960,2nd District, 4th Section, of orginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the property of George D. Lester, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vor of Samuel Hay, vs. George I>. Lester. Lot No. 1205, 3rd District, 3rd Section, of originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the property of Alfred Brady, to satisfy a small fi. fa. is sued from a Justices court of Bibb county, in favor of H. H. Cone. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta ble. Lot No. 2005, 3d District, 3d Section of ori ginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the , property of Alfred Brady, to satisfy a small fi. issued from ; a justices court of Bibb county, in favor of H. H. Cone.— Levied and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 1101, 2d District, 4th Section; levied on as the property of illiarn VV. Lawn rtcc to satisfy a r. la. issued from a Justice’s Court of Richmond county, iin favor of William Kibbe, vs, said Lawrence. Levy i made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 229,15 t District, 4th Section; levied on as the property of v i urdoek Mc’Leod, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Justice’s Court of Pulaski county, in favor of Watson & Warren, vs. said Mc’Leod. Levy mado and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 635,20 th District, 3rd Section; levied on as the property of Allen H. Perkins, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justice's Court ofPulaski county, in fa vorofW atsor.&Warron, vs. said Perkins. Levy ma c and returned to me by a Constable. i Lot No. 272. Ist District, 3d Section, of ori ginaliv Cherokee, now Paulding county, levied on u a property of William Worsham, to satisfy sundry fi, es issued from a Justices Court of Carroll county, in fm-Ji Joel D. Hicks, and Vv illiam A. Hicks, vs. said IV™? ham. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable*” Lot No. 148, Ist District, 4th Section, ofc r ; ginally Cherokee, now Paulding eoun’y; levied on a S |L property of Joseph H. Page, andSolomon Pass,to saw’ ! twofi. fus. issued from theSuperiorCourtof Waslii n ? I county, in favor of Enoch B. Smith, vs. said Solomon Page. Lot No. 1231, 2d Districted Section, ofoii. j ginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on ns|L i property of A. Sweatman, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Justice’s Court ofMonroe county, in fn vor of John Pitto^ | vs. said Sweatman. Levy made and returned to me by ’ i Constable. 1 | Lot No. 377, 3d District, 3d Section, ofep. | ginally Cherokee, now Paulding cou it.y; levied on asL i property of James M. Foster, and Janies Shaw, to satis! j a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Henry county favor of B. Ragland, vs. said Foster and Shaw, uj made and returned tome by a Constable. Lot No, 920, 3d District, 3d, Section, ofoti. ginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on astfc property of Samuel Davis, Leonard P. Brucklour at! William Durdon, to satisfy u fi. fa. issued'from Tajv county Superior Court, in favor of William B. MarsU vs. said defendants. Lot No, 115, ISth District, 3d Section, ofot. iginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on asfo property of Bartlet V. hoiton, to satisfy a fi. fa. j sai( j from GwinnettSuperior Court, in favor of D. N. Pittam” for the use of Jeffrey Pittman, vs. said Whorton, One Anvil and Vice; levied on as the proper, ty of James Keeton and James Buttrum, to satisfy a in favor, f Walter Wadsworth, vs. said Keeton and lij! trum. JufvS. JACOB PARLIF.R, D.S. PAULDING POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE. JB/STM-L he sold on the first Tuesday in ® gust next,within the usual hours of sale at j. place of holding Courts in Paulding county, the folia*, ing property, to wit: Lot No. 499, Ist District, 4th Section, t | originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on * the property of Stephen W. Blount, to satisfy sundrvt fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Bu -ke Count)’ i favor of N. L. and S. Sturgcs, vs. Sturgcs and Bio® Levy made and returned by a Constable. I.ot No. 744, 19th District, 3rd Section, i originally Cherokee, now Paulding County; levied on a the property of William Doyle, to satify'a fi. fa. Burke Superior Court in favor of Reddeck Rutland, n said Doyle, and Southward Harlow, endorser. ’ Lot No. 292, 2d District, 4th Section, ij originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied c; asthe property of Benjamin Devane, to satisfy an exoc; tion from Sc riven Superior Court, in favor of Stephr Corker, administrator, &c., against the said Devane. Lot No. 1085, 21st District, 3d Section, j originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on a th. property of Henry M’Norrill, to satisfy a ti. fa. f rea Burke Superior Court, in favor ofthe Court of Ordinait ol Burke county for the use of Wade Brown, and sin! his wife. vs. the said M’Norrill. Lot No. 593,215 t District, 3d Section, o! originally Cherokee, now Paulding countv; levied ons the property of Samuel Tilly, to satisfy two small sis„ issued from a Justice’s Court of Burke countv, in favcis Joseph Perry, vs. said Tilly. A P’il eO- w ILLIAM S. HOUGE, Sh'ff. Administrator's Sale. WfLL be sold on Tuesday 27th August next atlb late residence of Jesse M. White, deceased, ti* whole of the personal property belonging to said decs sed. Terms made known on the day. SaletocoMiiK from day to day, until al! is sold. JOHN SMITH. ZACHEUS PRICE. < Ad,nr ‘ July 16.—15—tds NOTICE. FOUR months after date application will be made i: the Honorable the Inferior Court of Newton Count when sitting as a Court of Ordinaty, for said Countv. St leave to sellttie whole of the Real Estate belongingtoJfv so M. White deceased for the benefit of the creditor. S said deceased. JOHN SMITH, . ZACHEUS PRICE, \ Adms July 1G —15—w4m. Lnawlian’s Sale. AGREEABLY to an order of the Honorable, the It lerior Court of Newton county’, w hen sitting it ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Ot tober next, willun the legal hours of sale, at the Cott House in the I own of Covington Newton county; Tv tracts ofLand, (numbers unknown,) situated within!M miles of Covington, adjoining lands owned b. Carv JVooi J. Harmon and others. Sold for the benefit ofthe orphans;: T. T. Cureton, dec’d. WILLIAM BR< > WN,Ctw. FOR SALE. THE following Gold, and Land Lots, a? offered for Sale, viz. No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec. No ois.ff 185, 2 1 100, 12 2 547, 20 3 379, 2 1 292, 13 2 1162,21 3 423, 2 1 102 15 2 35, 23 3 812, 3 1 431, 16 2 99, 23 3 254, 4 1 712, 16 2 94, 27 9 152, 6 1 309, 17 2 197, 27 8 105, 8 1 423, 17 2 350, 1 4 195, 8 1 624, 17 2 372, 2 1 346, 12 1 597, 19 2 520, 3 4 1214, 12 1 197, 27 2 88, 5 4 642, 14 1 573, 33 39, 8 1 1267, 14 1 396, 4 3 19, II 1 211, 1 2 44, 5 3 42, 13 4 364, 1 2 205, 6 3 201, 14 4 537, 1 2 256, 8 3 404, 16 4 835, 2 2 283, 10 3 177, 3 2 107, 12 3 149, 4 2 158, 15 3 274, 4 2 260, 16 3 24, 6 2 668, 19,3 230, 9 2, -For particulars apply to either of the subscribers. JAMES EPPINGER. WILLIAM WILLIAIfe. Auraria,July 16,-15 —4t The Cherokee Intelligencer, will please give the abJ’ ! 4 Insertions. SSOO, ON or before the first day of January 15341 pro®* . *° pay, Joshua Holden, or bearer five hundred* tars, tor value received, February 9th 1833. JESSE SANDERLft. All persoi s are hereby forwarned from trading for “f original of the above note, as the said note was fit” 1 ® lently obtained the consideration having whoty failed,t® 5 I am determined not to pay the same. HESSE SANDERU> V of Savant . July 16,—14—tf The Savannah Republican, will give the ahove 41- actions. J. STRAYED OR STOIFJt -n-| f7*ROM the Subcribcr a small I #{ h BWp|BgU r Horse, eight or nine years old, * 1A “ feet high, Branded on the left lap M,. ns I now recollect with a perpendi line, three or four inches long, drawn through two *■ cles. A liberal reward will tie paid for his delivery “> 1 and all reasonable expenses paid. , a NATHANIEL NUCKOU> July 16—15—ts. The Southern Recorder and Cherokee will please give the above three insertions, and their acccounts to Aurnria, for payment w’ *