The Western herald. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Ga.) 1833-1???, July 30, 1833, Image 3
■deception, in promising to restore the land, and Kbat personal violence is threatened him. J r EXTRACT. I An affray took place some time ago, between ■John Fields, and his friends, and 00-ne-hut-tv, End his friends, which, by the by, was more se ■rere than the one you have mentioned, in your Better, it took place in Lnvander’s store ; I did Biot see it, I had left the company a short time Before, it was after a ball-plaij. 00-ne-hut-ty’s Brother Tobacco-Stack, was trying to quarrel ■vith John Fields, before I left there ; I am told B- got warmer and warmer in abusing Fields ; Bou must know he belongs to Ross’s party ; he Haiti Fields was a traitor and ought to be killed. Bllexaiider Brown came up and pulled the fellon ■f from his horse, beat him and kicked him ve ®v severely, and, at last, struck him with a club Bn the head and once on the arm, which broke B and left him lying in the road, Brown having Bken his horse, this was done on the road be- B'een the ball-play and Lavander’s. Brown Bid Fields went to the store ; 00-ne-hut-ty and Bme others were coming behind, found To- Ecco-Stack lying in the road, and asked him Be matter, he stated that Fields had beat him. 80-ne-hut-ty and his other brother, Aat6T, ■De-s(ah-e]road on to the store and went in, Bw John Fields in the middle of the floore, one B’them struck him with a pair of ball-sticks, Ed the other one struck A. Brown while he ■as lying on the counter, killed him dead, for ■ while ; John Fields and Ty-e-sky llew at cm, at that At6T, [De-stah-e] drew a life and cut John Fields, he, also, drew bis, it they were parted for a moment or two and knife taken away from Fields and the other an was taken out of doors, but Fields procur -1 him another knife out of the shelves in the ore, ran at his man, he was met; he has been it up, nearly, into pieces, not less than ten or elve stabs ; in parting them, Ridge’s Peter as cut in two places. Aat6T, was stabed, ry bad, in the breast and once in the arm.— u-ne-hut-ty was cut in the neck. They ve all got, pretty well out of danger.” ■Cherokee Intelligencer. Gold— 7lo Ilanter—no Exoneration. —We joii’c at the good fortune of those Miners, st ofus, that can from their rich deposits, pro icc 32 dwts. per. diem to the hand ; we admit, thout controversy, that many days such prof 1, will raise any man from poverty to wealth, liilst the deeds of others, iu this regard, are ling abroad, we just ask permission to say, at at the Sixes’ Mines, a few days ago, our )ithv friend General Lawhon, realized from ie of his washers 14 dwts. to the hand and that one of the same Mines, Colonel Cald velj ticured a piece, weighing 38 dwts. 8 g. We would not by any means, wish to convey e idea that all the Mines of the region, that e operated upon, are yielding an enormous ofit, far from it, this business, like most other, s been overdone or rather many Mines have en worked that do but a poor business and my have been abandoned. The Sixes, we ink, are amongst the most valuable yet dis vered. —Cherokee Intelligencer. Physicians’ prescriptions, when written, are intelligible enough, as every poor fellow ows who has had to swallow them, but I übt if the man can be fond so bold as to take 3 following compound verbatim ei literatim. worthy disciple of iEsculapius had orocred i patient to take quinine and magnesia—two ry simple simples, though not quite so sim e as the poor nogro wench to whom the order 13 entrusted to procure them at the Apothe ry’s shop. She had no written prescription ith her, and in order to refresh her memory ie continued repeating her instructions till she itered the shop. It can easily be conceived at by this process quinine might become chan id into cayenne, and magnesia into magnolia ■ any other similar name —but what was the itonishment of the apothecary’s boys when ic enquired for “ an ounce of Queen Anne ind ashilling’s worth of imagination —what e docter scribed tor!” Jokes jrom my Jest Book. —Yankee shrewd !9s is often shrouded under a rough exteror—- ke the following as a sample. One of their !down-easters,” whose coat had weathered venty winters, was travelling in a stagecoach trough a rich section of New-England, when issing the well-stocked farm of a .'real land wner, the number of his cattle was stated to e over one hundred ; “ Yes,” replied our Yan ae who seemed to be entirely at home in the eighborhood—“ Colonel and I, own the irgest number of cowsofany two men in town.” Colonel and you!” responded a number f the passengers in the same breathy and with vident surprise at the boldness of the assertion why how is that?”—“ Why plain enough,” elurned our Yankee with great self compla ency, “ Why Colonel ——owns a hundred and i cows, you see, and I own one •at makes a hundred and twenty-six cows, and Biat is more than belongs to any other two men ’ y town 1” MARRIED On the 15th inst. at the house of John Robinson in ; arroll County, by the Rev. Mr. Stegall, Thomas IcGuire, Merchant of Carrollton, to the amiable and tcomplished,Miss Susan B. G. Lavender. “ A matchless pair. With equal grace, and equal virtue formed, Hers the mild lustre of the blooming morn, And his, the radiance of the risen day” We are authorized to announce the name f Maj. David Irwin, as a candidate to represent Cass ounty, jn the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature. July 16—15 3* Col. Joseph Marable is a Candidate to epresent Lumpkin County in the Senatorial Bianeli of he next Legislature tt-We are requested to announce the name it Ur. Ira R. Foster as a cundidatc to represent Lumpkin bounty, in the next Legislature. (C/“ We are authorized to announce Isaac R. tValkcr, Esq. as a candidate to represent Lumpkin coun in the representative branch, of the next Legislature, ‘ , t'-i'V-ji 0“ H e are authoriseu to announce flic name of John Miller, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Cass county in the Representative branch of the next Lc-is'a ture. “ July 16.—15 JO THE CITIZENS OF LUMPKIN cT i 1? ‘‘cent occurences connected with my private busi * •"’ess, renders it necessary for me to announce to my fellow Citizens that I am no longer a candidate, to rep resent them in the next Legislature. , , „ A. K. BLACKWELL. July 30—17—It. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. rßlhe pnwrietors of lot number 662 lying in the upper -®- part of this town, on the Street leading towards the Station, having laid oft the same in lots of appropriate size will offer them for sale at public outcry on Monday the 19th of August next. There are several verv hand some lots lying on the Street which are also in suitable situations lor business, persons wishing to purchase will do well to examine for themselves. The sale will commence at 10 oclock A. M. at the house of the Subscriber. Terms made known on that day ALLEN MATTHEWS, Agent. July 30-i 3—tds. s MUSCLE SHOALS The undesigned. Commissioners of Tennessee Canal, having heard that some alarm exists from a report of the Cholera having biokcn out among the hands, take this occasion from their personal observation on the hue, and from information on w hich they can rely, to assure the public, that it is certainly unfounded. No case ofCholera lias occurcd upon the Canal nor has there recently been any severe case of sickness or death. There are at this time employed, from 500 to 600 hands who are well fed, comfortably lodged, in good health, and are in the regular receipt of higher wages, than are gen erally earned by others in the surrounding country. JOHN. CRAIG, Pres’t. JAMES JACKSON, J. LANE, J. K. SWOOPE, THOMAS FEARN. ‘■dp’ The subscriber is authorized to employ 500 or tw thousand hands at sls per month for the above company he may at all times be found at Leathers Ford or in Au raria. D. C. GIBSON. Juno 25th, 1833 LAW NOTICE. Isaac U. Walker, lias removed his office to Lumpkin Court House. Henry B. Shaw will continue his office in Auraria. individuals having business with the firm of AV alker and Shaw, will find one of them at either of the above mentioned places. July3o—l7—tf. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order, of the Honorable Inferior Court of Newton County, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, at the Court House in Morgan County, the one half of Lot of land number 30, one in the 19th District of originally Brldwin now Mor gan County, it being part of tire real estate of William G. (Fright deceased, also at Gainsville in Hall County on the first Tuesday in November next. Lot No. 138,in the 12th Disiriet,of Hall County, sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deed. Terms made known on the day of sale. HENRY LANE, Admr. July 30th —17—tds. GEORGIA HOTEL. GAINSVILLF HALL COUNTY. FJYne Subscribers takes this method of informing their JL friends the publick generally, that their House is completed and furnished in a style inferior to none in the upper Country, and they fiatrer themselves that the Man of family or the fashionable visiter will Kind it one ofihe most pleasant summer retreats in the upper coun try. They hope by strict attention to merrit a continu ance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. A. BISHOP WILEY F. BISHOP. N. B. The Copartnership of A. £1 W. N. Bishop was by Mutual consent dissolved on the Ist Jau. last, an J the establishment is now conducted bv. BIgHOp July 30—17—3 t. GEORGIA ALMANAC. THE Publication of the Georgia Almanac, which was regtially printed in this office, but failed tor two years, owing to circumstances which c-ould notbe con trolled by the former editor, will hereafter be continued everv year, with the calculations of Robert Grier, Esq. The almanac for 1834 will be printed with new type and new Zodiacal and Astronomical signs, on good paper, and carefully superintended. Persona wishing to pur chase by the Groce are requested to make early anpli cation : tire price will be as low as it can be afforded, to sav. expense and a small profit.— ConsMnmahsV Augusta, July 23, 1833. Luiupkin Sheriff's Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, at the court-house in Lnmpkin county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop erty, to wit: . Lot No. 657, 12th District, Ist Section, oi originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the°property of John Mc’Michael, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Jasper Superior Court, m favor of Zenos Bronson, vs. said ilc’Michael. . Lot No. 419,13 th District, Ist Section, South, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Felix Luncy, to satisfy a h. fa. issued from a Justice's Court, of Chatham county, m favor of Jesse Sanderlin, vs. said Luncy. Levy made and return ed to me by a Constable. Lot No. 304,12 th District, Ist Section, leve ied on as the property of John D, Holbrook, to satisfy “ fi. fa- issued from a Justice’s Court of Franklin county, Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 235, 13th District, Ist Section, North levied on as the property ofTheophilus Lewis, to safirfy a (i. fa. in favor of R. A. Watkins, and others, vs ori-inaUy Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as nronerty of John |Bull,to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Cliat- K Superior Court, in favor of James Sanderlm, vs. said BU JLot No. 35, 13th District, Ist Section, south; levied onas the property-of John C. Willingham, to m tisfv sundry ti- fas. issued from a Justice s Court o Wal ton County, in favor of G. T. Symces & Cos. andE. B. Beall, vs. said Willingham. Lot No. 896, 4th District, Ist Section, of or i (dually Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; leveid on as the nroperty of Seaborn Whitaker, to satiety twoh. fas. issued From a Justice’s Court, of Franklin county, one m favor of John R. Stanford, the otlier in favor of Thomas T. W tale, • vs. said Whitaker. Levy made aiid returned to me by a i Constable. . _ T , ’ Lot No. 311, 13 th District,lst Section, North, ■ of orieinally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on asSoperty of Jesse Dupree, to satisfy a L fa. issued ■ from a Justice’s Court of Houston county, in favor of . Huah ■ Virgins, and others, vs. said Dupree. Levy made f to me by a Constable. Tnt No. 923,12 th District, Ist Section, ol • • ii rhprnkce now’ Lumpkin county; levied on as ’ the”nropcrfy °f Jonathan Baugh, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued 5 a Wire’s Court, of Jackson county, in favor ol Pc -1 r fortbe use of Talbert Strickland, vs. said 13auh? Levy made and me by a Constable Lot No. 825, 12th District, Ist Section, of 1 originally Cherokee now isse:Ksr&’ a-,**-*. til l houias B. Cooper, vs. said Powell. Levied on an returned to me by a Constable. JiOt No. 320, 13th District, Ist Section, North, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, lev ied on as the property ol Gilbert Fry, to satisfy sundry li. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Campbell county, in favor ofHaituet!, St. Clark, vs. said Fry. Lcvymadeand returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 434,15 th District, Ist Sectiorl, ofori ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on a. - ” the property of William Griftin to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued 1 from a Justice’s Court, of Washington county, in favor of John Whicker, vs. said Griffin. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 834, 12tli District, Ist Section, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; lcvcidon as the property of Leonard Peck, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Hancok county; in favor of Mark Barefield, vs. said Peck, Levy made and return ed to me by a Constable. Lot No. 163, 13th District Ist Section, North, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hancock Inferior Court, in favor of James HulIJ admr. &c. vs. Mitchell Bullock, & Samuel B. Foster. Lot No. 482, 13th District, Ist Section, iNorth, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; lov ed on as the properly of Bryon Oneal, to satisfy sir: ’ry n. fas,issued from a Justice’s Court, of Morgan county in favor of Cook, & Jinnings said vs. Oneal. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable, Lot No. 390, 12th District, Ist Section, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of IFilli.un Dunn, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Henry county, in favor of J. Jones, &, Johnson, and others, vs. said Duun, Levy nadc and returnedto me by a Constable. Lot No. 174, 11th District, Ist Section, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on to satisfy a fi. issued from a J ustice’s Court oi Dooly county, in favor of J. Powel,Com. &c. vs. Carney JV. Brock, Je r emi&hLamkin,&. B. G. Pollit. Levy made and and re turned tome by a Constable, One Negro man, by the name of Moses, lev ied on as the property of J. Madin, to satisfy a f. fa. iscued from the Court of Common Pleas, of the City of Augusta in favor of Webster Parmel'e, &co. July 30. SAMUEL JONES. Sh’ff! AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE. Lot No. 962, sth District, Ist Section, of or iginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, levied on as the property of Bartlett Whorton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issuer’ from G winnett Superior Court, iu favor of Jeffrey Pittman. Lot No. 628, 12th District, Ist Section, of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county; levied on as the property of Elijah Calhoun, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. iesuetl from a Justice's Court, of Henry county, in favor ofShavv &. Banks, and others. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. June 30. WILLIAM A. STATON, D. S. Union Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, between the usual hours of sale, at the house of Jaek Butts, the place of holding Courts, in Cl lion county, the following property to wit. Lot No. 322, 10th District, Ist Section, lev ied on as the property of Reuben S. Hatcher, to - ~isfy a li. fa. issued from Wilkerson Superior Court, in favor of Thomas James, for the use of VV illiain Lucas, vs. said i taicher. Lot No. 158, Bth District, Ist Section, levied , i as the property of Jubal E. Watts, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Morgan Inferior Court, in favor of Edwin ! aye, vs. Jubal E. Watts, & David B. Butler, Dili's & Voung, Stokes, Security on stay. Lot No. 19, 10th District, Ist Section, levied on asilic property of William L. Burke, tusutrsty sundry fi. fas. issued from n Justice’s Court of Morgan county, in favor of Thomas Grant vs. said Burke. Levy made and rerurned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 296, 10th District, Ist Section, lev ied on as the property of John Glen to satisfy snndrv fi. fas. issued from u Justice’s Court, of Dekalb county, in favor of William Gilbert, and John A. D. Childers, vs. said Glen. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta ble. Lot No. 256, 10th District, Ist Section, lev ied on as the property of John Love, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued from a J ustice’s Court of alton county, in favor of S. McJunkin, vs. suid Love. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 252, 16th District, Ist Section, lev ied on as the property of James Hall, to satisfy sundiy fi. fas, issued from a Justice’s Court, of Gwinnett county, in favor of S. Mc’Junkin, vs. James Hall. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable, Lot INo. 268, 9th District, Ist Section, levied on as the property of Nimrod E. Ducker, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice.s Court, of Houston eountv, in tavor of Watson, Si Warren, vs. said Ducker. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot Na. 165, Bth District, Ist Section, levied on as the property ofTbeophilus Hill, to aatislv a fi. fa. isued from a Justices Court, of Washington county, in favor of Edward Garlick, vs. said Hill. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 27, Sth District, Ist Section, levied on as the property of John S. Raiford, Si Malcolm Nich olson, to satisfy two fi. fas. in favor of Henry S. Jones, Admr. ofßatt Jones. Lot No. 2C6, 11th District, Ist Section, lev ied on as the property f William Holton, to atisfy a fi. fa. in favor ol Daniel Mc’Rca, Indorsee, vs. said Holton. Lot No. 264, Sth District, Ist Section, levied on as the property of James Crow, senior, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Hall county, in favor of Kcllog, & Sanford vs. said Crow. Levy made and returnedto me by a Constable. July 30. JAMES CROW, Sh’ff. Gilmer Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, before the Court House dooi in the town of Elijay, Gilmercounty, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot Na. 288. 10th District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of John Smith, to satisfy a fi- l issued from a Justice’s Court, of Coweta county, in t-ivor of Me’ J unkill & Perry, vs. said Smith. Levy madcand relumed to me by a Constable. Lot No. 102, 9th District, 2d Section, levied on as the property of Turner Drake, to satisfy a fi. la. is sued from a ‘justic’s Court, of Madison county, in tavor of James Long. vs. said Drake. Levy made and return ed to uie by a Constable. Lot No. 209, 6th District, 2nd Section, lev ied on as the property of William Raughton, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued train a Justice’s Court, of Washington coun ty, in favor of John H. Newton, vs. said Raughton- Levy made arid returned to me by a Constable Lot No. 211,27 th District, 2nd Section, Icy-j id onas the property of William Joines, to satisfy a fi- la issued from a Justice’s Court of Washington county, in favor of John H, Newton. Levy made aid returned to me by a Constable- Lot No. 177,8 th Dictrict,2nd Section, levied on as the propertv of Stephen Titshaw, to satisfy three fi. las. issued from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, in la vor of Samuel Mc’Junkin, vs. saidTitshaw. Levy made and rctmned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 16, 9th District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of Parnal Vines, to satisfy two fi- fys issued from from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, in favor of Samuel Me’Junking vs. said Vines. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable Lot No. 97. 9th District, 2nd Section, levied | on as the property of Sarah Bacbelar, to satisfy a ti- fa- is 'sued from Walton Superior Court, in favore-f S-’inuel j .y/c’Junkiiis, vs. said Bachelor. 1 Lot No. 51, 12th District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property ofLamuel Williams, to sutisfy u ti. fa. , tissued irom a Justice’s Court, of Aladison county,in favor . ol James Long, vs. said Williams. Levy made aad re urn ed to me by a Constable. Lot No 238, Bth District, 2nd Section, lev ied oil as tile property of Lawrence,Baggett, to satisfy ” o fi. fas. issued troin a Justice’s Court, ol Coweta coun ty, in favor of J. L. &A. D. Abrahams, vs. said Baggett. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 111, 11th District, 2nd Section, lev ied ipo as the property of John Wiggins, to satisiy a fi. fa. issued Amm Campbell county, in favor of J. L. Aorahams. vs. said Wiggins. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 262, 11th District, 2d Section, lev ied on as the property of Thomas At. Harris, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Coweta county, in favor of Jacob L. Abnri’arn, vs. sum Harris. Levy made and returned to me by a Co.' ’Stable. Lot No. 152, 2-sth District,2nd Section, lev ied on as the propetty of James WJson and Thomas Grantham, to satisfy a ti. fa, iu favor of Smith. Eour head oi’Horses, and stiil and stands, aJI taken as the property of Harry Downin, to satisfy ah, la, mfavor otß. j. Murray, vs. said Downm. July 30. 13. B ULTLLIAX D. 8. Cherokee Sheriffs Sales. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep- ■ tern her next, at the Court-house in Cherokee,coun ty, A'itiiin the usual hours ol sale, die ioliowing property, to wit: Lot No. 699, 2nd District, 2nd Section, lev ied on as the property of Toliver L. Hicks to satisfy a li. la, issued from Coweta Superior Court, in lavor of George Ncwhali, vs. Toliver L. liicks, John Mc’ilnight. Lot No. 1247, 21st District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of >. illiam Fergcnson, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Clbert Superior Court;in favor ofJolm *v ilson, endoaee, vs. said Fcrgerson David Caar Lot No. 651, 15th District, 2nd Section, lev u;u on us the property of Daniel Barker, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Richmond county, in fa vor of illiain lvibbc vs said Barker. Levy made anti ivturned to me by a Constable. Lot N o. 1271, 3rd District, 2nd Section, lev ied on as tiie property of Thomas Coleman, to satisfy a h. li. issued Ironithe Inferior Court of Richmond county, in favor of John Rees, vs. suid Coleman. Lot No 986, 21st District, 2nd Section, lev ied on us the property of iieiny Keller, to satisiy a li. fa. issued from Coweta, Superior Court, in favor of Henry Fieldc, Lot No. 695, 3rd District, 2nd Section, lev ied on as the property m *L t Fraser to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from Linc 01. ‘ uperior C< uii in favor of Jewett Ab ! co. Edward Ballard > ii Fraser. Lot No. 453, 2nd District, * Section; levied on as the property ol James 11. ...j. o sut.s/y a ti, fa, . uiu uoui u jushce’eCourt of If alton county, in favor ojll icuu:u But.-., saiu a. erry, Levy made and return ed to me by a Constable, Lot No. 444, 3rd District, 2nd Section, lev- ‘ ied oil as tiro property of John iYlc’Micheal, to safisfy a fi. fa. issued from Jasper Superior Court, in favor of Zenos Bruson, Bearer vs. said Mc’Alicheal. Lot No. 141, 14th District, 2nd Section, lev on as the property of James Smith to satisfy twofi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, Coweta county, in favor of I J. L. Abrahams, vs. said Smith- Levy made and return ed to me by a Constable. Lot No. 164, 4th District, 2nd Section, lev ied on as tire property of John Dean to satisiy two fi. fas, nf.Vae.ob L? Abniiams, vs. saidDecn. Levy made and returned tome by a Constable. Lot No. 182,3 rd District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of John Robertson, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Jnslice’s Court of Coweta county, in tavor of Abrahams, &, vs. said Robertson. Levy made and returned tome by a Constable. Lot No. 967,2nd District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of Carrington Knight, tosatisfy a li. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Carroll county, m lavor of Jacob L. Abrahams, vs. said Knight. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No 825,15 th District 2nd Section, levied on as tile property of Porter t auik, to satisfy two li. f ~ • issued from a Justice’s Court of V ilkmsoii county, in fa vor of John Upton & others, vs. sard Faulk. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 292, 13th District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of Patrick Gray, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, ofChatham county, in lavor of Samuel J. Bryonforthe useof James Eppmger. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 957, 21st District, 2nd Section, levied on as rhe property of James Sellers, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court ol Warren county, in favor of Jeremiah Butt, vs said Sellers. Levy made and returned to me by a Constahle. Lot No. 382, 21st District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of Zarkariah BL Hamilton, to satisfy twofi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Craw ford countv, iri favor of Samuel &J.L. Colham, vs. said Hamilton. Levied on and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 795, 15th District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property ot William l ’wejVto satl fJ lhr ‘' c fi. fus. issued from a J ustice’s Court of Hall county, in fa vor of Jones &. Simmons and others vs. said Owen. Levy made and returned to nit by a Constab.e. Lot No. 958,3 rd District,2nd Section,levied on as the propeity of A. Franks, to satisfy sun dry fi. fas. issued from a J ustice’s Court, of Franklin coun ty"in favor of Samuel Knox. vs. said Franks. Levy made and returned to me by a ’stable. Lot No. 1220, 1 ith District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property o!” James Gosset, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Hall county, in favor of Jones, & Simmons, vs. said Gosset. Levy made and returned to me by a Oonslable. Lot No 807, 15th District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of Phillip Thumians, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Lincoln Interior Court, m tavor ol Henry Richardson, for Dennis Mahoney. Lot No. 762, 15th District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of Wilks E. Chapnel, to satl * f >’ a fi.fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of W alton county, ill favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Chappel. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. MO, 3rd District, 2nd Section, levied on as the property of | William llcwit, to fi. fa. in favor of Richard Butler, vs. saidHewit. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 897, 2nd District, 2nd Section* levied on as the property of James H. Perry, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a Justice’s Court, of Walton county, ,n favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Perry. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. j Lot No. 669, 21st District, 2nd Section levied on as the property of Peter Herrin, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from ajustice’s Court ofCoweta county, in tavor of lll ! i;, m Hitchcock, vs. said Herrin. Levy made and rclum- I od to me by a Constable. Lot No. 804,15 th District, 2nd Section levied i levied on as the property of William Sneed to satisfy ah. fa.issued from Franklin Superior Court, m favor ol Jo.m R. Stanford. Lot No. 403, 2nd District, 2nd Section, lev ied on as the property of Thomas Holcomb, sat j s |y “ fi. fa. in favor of Homy Propels, vs said Holcomb. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 301,14 th District. 2nd Section, lov ed on as the property of Silas Slireo to satisfy snndry fi. ifas. issued from a Justice’s Court,of Waslungton county in t\ vor of William Fish, Levy made and returned ■ rr ■ by Lot No. 613, loth District. 2nd Sect on, levied on as the property of Sarah Fanner, to satisfy t” • fi firs in favor of Turman Waithu!!, vs- David Dav. son, & Sarah ‘l anner- Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 251, 2nd District, 2nd Section, lev ied ou as the property oi’ John Stwart, to satisfy three t-. fas. in favor of Joel Baily, and others, vs. sa.ii Stvvart- Levy made- and returned to me by a Constable. Juiy 30. JOHN P. BROOKE, Sir’ll. Ciierokee Sheriff’s Suits. he sold on the first Tuesday in Sep teiub /r next, at t lie Court house in Cherokee county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pron oi ty, to wit: Lot ISo. 408 3rd District, 2d Section, levied on as the property of George H. Owens to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from FTa.fl Superior Court, in favor of Thomas J. Rend, vs. said Owens. July 30. JOHN W. LEONARD, D. S. Paulding 1 SlieriiFs Sale. he sold on the first Tuesday in S<: - V ” tember next, at She place for holding Courts in Pauldi.-'g county, the following property to wit: Lot No. 552, 19th District, 3rd Section, Paulding county; levied on as the property of James Mal let to satisfy a fi.fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Han cock county", in favor of Jesse Mallit, vs. James Ma'lit. Levy made and returned tc me by a Constable. Lot No. 84£, 2nd District, 4th Section, lev ied on as the property of Abner Jordan, tosatisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court ofFranklin cauntv, in favor of Dudley M. Jones, vs. sard Jotdan. Levy “made and returned to me by a Constable. One Negro boy twclvr or thirteen years of age, levied on as thi property of John Mc’Bride,"to satisi'v afi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Reuben Phillips, vs. lJodye. Rabon, L Jolm .Mc’Bride, July 30. triLLIAM S. HOG UE, Sh’ff Paul ng SlierllTs Sale. W97TLL jc sold on the first Tuesday in Sep — ® tember next, within the usual hours of sale, at tli place of holding Courts in Paulding County, the fol lowing property, to wit: Lot No. 713,19thDistrict, 3d Section,ofori g Cherokee, now Paulding county levied on as the property- cfßichard Speake, to satisiy sundry fi fas. in fa vor of John R. Cargile. vs. said Bpcake. Levy made and return- and to me by a Constable. Loi No. 495, Ist District, 4th Section, of or - iginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the property of Walker Fitts, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of John R. Cargile, vs. said Fitts. Levy made and return ed to me by a Constable. Lot No. 1C22, 2nd District, 3rd Section, of originally Cherokee, now Paulding county, levied on us tire property of John J. Smith, to satisfy a small fi. fa in favor of John R. Cargile, vs. said t-mith.” Levy made and returned tome by a Constable. Lot No. 1034, 20th District, 3rJ Section, of originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as | the property ol’RobertJCilcrease, to satisiy an Execution, issued from Butts Superior Court, in favor” of Richard Bar ley. Lot No. 1139, 19th District, 3rd Section, of | originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on an ’ the property of Rober t Kilcrease, to sutisfy a fi. fa. issued from Butts Superior Court, in favor of the” Officers of said Court. Lot No. 120S, 18lh District. 3rd Scrlinn. la. in tavor of Peter Lamar, sun iveing copartner, cf Stc vull, and Lamar. Lot No, 191, 2nd District, 3rd Section, lev ied on as the propel ty'of Richard Keeling tosatisfy a fi. la. in favor ofPeter Lamar, vs. said Keeling. Lot No. 554 18th District, 3rd Section, of originally Cherokee, now Paulding county, 1- vied on as the property of Eduard Istttns. to satisfy a fi. fa. in fav or of A. .\lc"Bmyer& Eubanks, vs. said Isums. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. LotNo 759, 21st District, 3rd Section, of originally Cherokee, now Paulding county, l- vi ‘ onas the property of Join Fortwood, to sati tv afi f -sued from a Jus,ice’s Court, of Henry county, in fuvo, oft). vV. Cox, vs. said Port wood. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 923, 2nd District, 4th Section, of originally Cherokee, now Paulding rounty; levied on as lire property of James M. Smith, to satirtv sundry fi- fas. issued from n Justice’s Court ofCampbell county, in favor of Thomas A. Latham, vs. saiil Smith. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 522, 3rd District, 3rd Section, of or iginally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the property of Jonathan Buffington to satisfy a fi.fa. is sued from a Justice's Court, nfCampbi 1 county, in favor of Gilbert Coffy, vs. said Bufiingtcn. Levy, made and return’ and to me by a Constable. Lot No. 163, 20th District, 3rd Section, ol originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied ones the property of Archibald .Vc’Grady, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued from a Justice’s Court, of Madison county, in favor of William Maroncv, vs. said Mc’Giady. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. ISB, Ist District, 4th Section, of originally Cherokee,Jiuw Paulding county; levied ones tluTproperty of Samuel H raid, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Ccuit of alton countv, in favor ofßich ard Butler, vs. said lleald. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot No. 782, 2Cth District, 3rd Section, of originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the property of John lvelly, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, of Washington county; in favor of John H Nee ’on, vs. said Kelly. Levy made and returned to me by a Con;- table. Lot \o. 811,19 th District, 3d Section, of original!'■ Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as liio Prop, i. ” of Harris (Gilli no, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John R.’Cugile, vs. said Gillianc. Levy made and returned to ue by a Constable. Lot No 14S 3rd District, 3rd Section, of originally Cherokee, now Paulding county; levied on as the propv: >v of John Pittinon, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John !t. Cargile, vs taiil Piltmon. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. July3o. JACOBPARLIER, D. 8. IT9 EPSON'S having business :n tin JEA yt * y Office of the Clcik, of the Sup*- g&pF-Sp nor Court, of Lumpkin ciinnly. are hereby notified that the office is remov ed to the Court House. u mLEV> ck , : , July 23,—1C NOTICE. AI.I. persons are forwarned, front trespas enro l I. n Xo. OGK, 12th District, 1-t S -ction, as the Law vy !> he re-idlv enforced against thus-- who may violate tli iLmef • LEWIS ADERHOLD. July 23.—1 G—it A DMINI ST R AT OH’S S A LE. a OREEABLV to an order of llie lufeiiorCourt ol 1! i buncouunty, vvil. he sold on the first Tuesday m October next, at the Court Mouse, i:i Marion county, Lot ofLand No. 36, 1-I isfict, oi ongnully Alu-icoge now Marian countv. told for the benefit el the la us ami orcdiuirs of James Itiav.tU r late of Rabum county, de ’ CaSC<l ’ JAMES HENSON. ? ul , lrV * ANOUK .V .V!IJ.E ■■ J 1 ’ Tulv 23 —16 - t-M