Newspaper Page Text
The Western Her aid.
Edited by A. G. FAMBROUGII.
Terms. —Three dollars per annum, payable within six
months after the receipt of die first number, or four dol
lars if not paid within the year. Subscribers living out of
the state, will be expected in all cases, to pay in advance.
No subscription received for less than one year, unless
the money is paid in advance; and no paper will be dis
continued until all arrearages are paid, except at the op
lion of the publisher. Persons requesting a discontinu
ance of their Papers, are requested to bear in mind, a set
tlement of their accounts.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates;
when the number of insertions is not specified, they will
be continued until ordered out.
IdP All Letters to the Editor or Proprietor, on mat
ters connected with the establishment, must be post paid
in order to secure attention.
tCT 1 Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes, bv Ad
mi listrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be published
sixty days previous to the day of sale.
she side of personal Property, in like manner, must be
published pc rty days previous to the day of sale.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be
published forty days.
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of
Ordinary for Leave to sell Land o’ Negroes,must be pub
lished four MONTHS.
Notice that Application will bo made for Letters of Ad
ministration, must b.- published thirty days and for
Letters of Di mj'asion. six months.
fy* We are authorized to anrn<unc Allen (J.
Matthews, lisq. as a Candidate to represent Lumpkin
county, in die Senatorial branch of the next Legislate
(Cj* We are authorized to announce Isaac R.
tV.'.liter, Esij. as a candidate to represent Lumpkin coun
tv, in the representative branch, of the next Legislature.
’ July 9,-14
[Cy* We are requested to announce the name
of Dr. Ira It. Fosteras a candidate to represent Lumpkin
county, in the next Legislature.
Oty* We are authorized to announce the name
of.Maj. David Irwin, as a candidate to represent Lass
county, in the Senatorial branch ol the next Legislature
July 111— 13 —
We are authorised to announce tne name
of John .vliller, iisq. as a Candidate to represent Lass
county in the Representative branch of the next Legist
July 16.—15
H'‘ removed his office to Lumpkin Court Hour
Henry B. Shaw will continue his office in u
eiria. Individuals haling business with the firm of
Walker and Shaw, will find one of them at either of
Ike above mentioned pluses.
July 30 —17—.1.
T r IE Subscribers takes this method of informin their
■ lends and the public generally, that their o
is completed and furnished in a styl-• inferior to “ cin
the upper Country, and they flatrer themselves ‘'at the
Man of family or the fashionable visiter will til . one
of il:e . nost pleasant summer retreats in the up; er coun*
Try. I’hey hope by strict attention to merrit a continu
ance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestov and.
X. B. The Copartnership of A. & W. N. Bishop wa
by Mutual consent dissolved on the Ist Jau. last, a d
ihe establishment is now conducted by.
A. fc W. F, BISHOP.
July 30—17—3 t
fWlHE undesigned, Commissioners ofTenncssee (lanal
JL having heard that some alarm exists from a report
of the Cholera having bioken out among the hands, t: e
tliis occasion from their personal obsert ation on the 1... ,
and from information on which they can rely, to assn e
tiie public, that it is certainly unfounded.
No case ofCholcra has iccured upon the Canal nor has
there recently been any severe case of sickness or and ath.
There are “at this time employed, from 500 to GOO hands
who are well fed, comfortably lodged, in good health, and
arc in the regular receipt of higher wages, than are gen
erally earned by others in the surrounding country.
JOHN. CRAIG, Pres’t.
subscriber is authorized to employ 500 or two
thousa’nd hands at Sls per month for the above compam
lie n av at all times he found at Leathers Ford or in Au-
Mria. 0. C. GIBSON.
June 25th, 1833
AGREEABI Yto an order, of the Pionorable Inferior
Cn. uft of Newton County,when sitting! for ordinary
nurnosei wxll besolu On the first Tuesday in October next,
> c oal hours of sale, at the Court House in
‘ “'V, the one half of Lot of land number 3?
C ?2S, district of originally Baldwin now Mm
ZVr t .: C , l9 * t bn” part oftl.e real estate of W' G
gan County, it be. t Q a i,isville in Hall County <>•
ZPgS deceased., V oTember next
h^ Tut ; 9 , a nd 0 a y ‘li. 1 ’ Bth Disirict,of Hall County, sold
for tbebe°nefif;f n the e °* Baid dccd ” Tcrms mU<lt
known on the day of sale. HENRY LANE, Admr.
July 30tli—17—tds.
THE proprietors of lot number 662 ■/‘.'if to warfs P tta
part of this town, on the Street learJiu, . ■ ,
Station,having laid oflthe same i.t lots . P?. P ,
6ize will offer them for sale at public outcry 0 , V_
the 19th of August next There are several \\. r > “
**me lots lying on the Street which are also in *• ,maD L
iWationa for business, persons wishing to purchase’ “
do well to examine for themselves.
The sale will commence at 10 oclock A. M. at thO
house of tlie Subscriber. Terms made known on that
July 30—13—tds.
ALL persons are forwamed, from trespassing on Lot
Na 666,12 th District, Ist Section, as the Law will
. tSw*Ksa.:'“
July 23.—16
AGREEABLY to an order of the Inferioi Court of Ra
bun couunty, wilt be sold on the lirst Tuesday in
October next, at the Court House, in .Marion county,
Lot ofLand No. 36, Ist District, of originally Musccre
now Marian county, sold for the ber efit of the heirs and
creditors of James otrawther late Oi Raburn county, de
July 23, —16 —tds
THE Publication of the Georgia Almanac, which
was regually printed in this office, hut failed for two
years, owing to circumstances which could not be con
trolled by the former editor, will hereafter be continued
every year, with the calculations of Robert Grier, Esq.
The almanac for 1834 will be priti ted with new type and
now Zodiacal and Astronomical signs, on good paper,
and carefully superintended. Persons w ishing to pur
chase by the Groce are to make early appli
cation ‘ the price will be ay low as it can he afforded, to
save expense and a small profit. —Consilulumulist
Augusta, July 23, 1833.
TAKEN up by William Dozier, and taken before
Lewis 11. Powell,a chesnut sorrel mare, about three
or four years old, four feet eight inehes high, with a blaze
face, and her left hind foot and leg white, appraised by
John D. Mullens and Elijah Coxton, to thirty dollars, this
first day of May 1833. A true extract from the Minutes.
R. B. HARRIS Clerk I. C.
June 18, —11—ts.
ON Wednesday the,Olst of August next, will be sold
to the highest Bidder, at the new Village or county
Site, of Lumpkin couutv, the remainder of the Town
Lots, of that place. Terns made known on the day of
Sale. JOHN D. FIELDS, j. r. c.
JOHN C JONES, j i. c.
A. K. BLACKWELL, j. i. c.
JOHN OXFORD, j. t. c.
July 16, —15—tds
THE subscriber, living in tbe lower part of Eliijay
Town in Giliner county, on the dirci t road leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
fit nislied himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
ot or necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search of Lands, in the above
Section of country, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may be 1 desirable to owners, or others interested,
he will also act ns Agent in piirchaseing lands at Sheriff
Sale, in Gilmer county, his charges will be reasonable in
proportion to his trouble. James B. Henson.
June 16, —15 —ts.
Prudence Capehart, 1
x-s. . Libel for Divorce ,
Henry Capehart, >
In the Superior Court of Holt County.
ts appearing, by the return of the Sheriff) that tile de
ft r.dant is not to be found, he is tie refore hereby no
tified to appear at the next Superior Court, (or Hall coun
ty, anil answer to the said east or !'io sane will proceed
exparte as to him, and Judgement will he entered up
against him. WILLIAM fi. UNDER -O D.
Sol pro T.ib.iUmt.
TH E Subscriber re ipectfully informs his friends, nnd
thd public generally, that he has opened a House
of entertainment, at the Aliarooney Gold V ines, in Cass
county, the above place is a handsome and healthy situa
tion, with the advantages of good spring and well w ater,
and the pleasant Mountain breeze, and is surrounded with
a romantic forest, in the. centre of the Gold Region, Alla
tooney, is 45 miles from the Carroll Mines, 70 from Au
raria in Lumpkin county, and on the direct road leading
from Auraria, to the Carroll mines.
N.B. the post office is removed from Sanfordville to this
July 9, —14—ts
The Editors of the Georgia Journal, Columbus En
quirer, Augusta Chronicle, Macon Messenger, w ill pleas
publish the above twice a month for six monlhs, and for
ward their accounts to the subscriber at Allatooney for
payment. J. DAWSON.
A LL persons are desired to take notice, that I have
this day and do hereby revoke a power of Attorney,
which 1 have heretofore executed to one Stephen Hanie,
authorizing him lo sell Lots No. 851), ISth District, 2d
Section, and 75, Bth District, Ist Section, and I caution
all persons from trading for said lots, from said Hanie.
July 9.—14 —4m
JUST received at the office of the Western Herald, a
large supply of Materials, suitable for Job work,
anions; which arc fancy Bordering;, Coloured Cards, do.
Inks &c. Blanks of all kinds of approved forms,
on hand for sale, all orders tilled with
neatness and dispatch.
July 9.—l4—tf
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and
the Public in general that he is now opening a
Hous t of entertainment in Cassville, Cass county, where,
from bis knowledge of business, he hopes to shear a rea
sonable portion of their P at ™ a^ ALACffl JOKES .
July 9,-14
The Southern Banner, will please give the above three
Insertions and forward their account for payment.
M. J.
Two Valuable Gold Lots,
No. Disk See.
461, 3, 2. 1
1189,16, 2.
I will sell on the 4th Saturday in July, to the highest
and last bidder, at the Store House of Moses Wright,
F.sq., in the county of Oglethorpe, the two Gold Lots
above described, drawn to my name in the late Lottery,
where satisfactory evidence can be given as to titles. One
third cash, and the Terms of the balance of the purchase
mntiev on the dav of sale.
July 2.—13—3 t
sherTff s deeds and
Os the most approved form?, for sale here.
It comes, the Herald o*• a Golden World.
lias just received from New
-M. > ork and Charleston, an extensive and well selec
ted assortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES,
HARDWARE & CR CKKRY, consisting in part
ol the following articles, which he will sell low for Cash
or Gold.
4000 yds. Sheeting and Shirting,
2000 “ Cheap Negro Cloth,
407 by S qr. London Duffle Blankets,
oby7 do do do do
75 Point Blankets,
I*2 pr. 11-4 Rose Blankets,
400 yds. Chester Ticks,
300 “ Union Stripes, j
200 “ Pittsburg- CordJ|
8 P 4 *. doleakin, assorted colours. •
6 “ Bleached Suflolk Drils,
6 “ Cotton Diaper,
30 “ Calico, 6 do. Turkey Red Prints,
12 “ Ginghams, 1o do Bonbazetts,
6 “ Furniture Calicoes,
4 doz.Chints shawls, 4 pi. Crimson Circas9 u,
4£ do. Irish Linen, 8 do.Linenl'old Shitting,
6 do. Sattinett, Si!!:, oi. Cotton Flag'lidkts.
Hlrds. Molasses, 1 do. St. Croix Sugar,
1 do. N. Orleans do. 3 do. N. Englaad Rum,
8 Bags Prime Green Coflee,
I Pipe Holland Gin, 1 do. Cognac Brandy,
1 qr. Cask ‘each Brandy 1 Superior Cognac do.
1 do. H. Gin, 1 do. Madeira Wine,
6 HampersChampaigne, 6 Boxes No. 1 Claret,
1 qr. Cask Port, I do. Muscat, 3 do. Malaga,
3 Casks London Porter, 12 Boxes Soap,
3 Bills. LoafSirgar, 3 Tierees Rice,
5000 Spanish Segars, 12 Kegs Crackers,
6 Bbls. Pickerel, 3 Boxes Sperm Candles,
6 do.Char!eston do. 1 BMzstrtioiids,
6 Boxes lining, 4do. best quality Tobacco,
12 do. Bunch Raisins,
2000 lbs. Iron, 100 Spades, Longliandied Shovels,
4 Setts Blacksmilti Tools, 6 X Cut Saws,
6 Mill Saws, 400 Ills. German Steel,
12 Kegs Nails, assorted sixes,
12 Poxes \ indow Glass, Bby 10,
24 Setts Knives and Forks,
Pocket, Pen, and Dirk Knives,
Razors, Scissors, Shears, &c.
Pad, Gun, Chestaiid Stock Locks,
4 Rifles, 6 Shot Guns, 1 double harreied do.
Kverpointcd Pencils, Silver Steel Pens, &c.
Carpenters Tools,
2 Crates Crocker, G ass, and China Ware,
2 Boxes Kings Cast-steel A* s, Ton-10-tdes,
An assortment of Tinware,
100 Wool Hats, 25 Fine Fur,
100 Suits Negro Cloatliing,
N. B. Highest price given for Gold.
April 6 1833— 1 —ts
T r ’ ‘•* undersigned have en‘ov*<l into cor.?rtnership in
j'racticcoftho Law, lor the bounty of Lumpkin,
ami will attend to any profession il business, which may
be confided to tttcir care. Letter* >*ddressed to .Hard- ”
and Rogers, either at Athena or Auraria , will receive prompt
Alay 7.— s —w6m
ilWKKftßrsi'X A/J!
HAS permanently settled himself in Cass county, at
the place selected for the county Site. H wifi at
tend punctually to all business intrusted to his care in the
Cherokee Circuit.
Communications may be addressed to Two Runs* Eos
ass county.
June 11.—11—ts
The Soutlum Recorder, Columbus Enquirer and the
Washington News, w ill give the above three insertions
each, and forw n\l their accounts to this office for payrm n
THE undersigned have entered into Copurtncreliii .
in tbe practice of L \ V, and hope by strict a) I<
lion to business confided to their care, and the assistant
of Judge Underwood, to merit a share of public- patron
age. I'hey will practice in all the Counties of the Oh* -
okee Circuit, ana the adjoining counties of the Western
and Chattahoochee Circuits. Their office is at the Co- r
House in Lumpkin county.
July 2.—l3—tf
W' WT HEREAS Robert Ligon and Robert Mitchell
v t apply to me for letters of administration on the
Estate o ert. Ligon, sen., late of said county dec’d.
Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular,the kindred and creditors of said deceased *o he and
appear at my office, wittiin the time prescribed by law, to
shew cause, if any they have,why said letters should 1101
he granted. Given under my hand, this 25tli day June,
June 22. —12—30d
DR. John H.Thomas, having settled himselfin Au
raria Lumpkin County, respectfully tenders his
professional services, to the Citizens of this and the ad
joining counties. From his experience as a practitioner
of twelve years in the middle part of this State, and with a
promise of charges in proportion with the times, and strict
attention to calls, he hopes to merit a share of public pat
Auraria, May 21.—7—ts
ITIOUR Months after date application will be made, to
the Honorable the Inferior Court, ol Newton Coun
tv, when setting as a court of l )rdinary, for leave to sell
the whole of the real estate belonging to W alter Poole,
late of said County dec.
May 21. —7—4 m
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of
Hall, and the adjoining counties, that he continues
to carry on the above business in its various bran
ches, at his Old Stand, east side ofthc Court-House
Square, where work shall be done in the neatest and
most fashionable style. He receives the PHILADEL
PHIA and LONDON FASHIONS, quarterly—and
keeps on hand
Os every description. He returns his thanks to the pub
lic for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and begs
leave to say, he has just employed a first rate Journey
man from the city ofßaltimore, and pledges there shall
in future he no disappointment. G. W. BROWN.
April 6—l—sm
Athens, July loth, 18.33.
JMcssrs, Editors —A report is prevailing, and ;
to which wide circulation has been given bv the j
newspapers, that I have changed mv opinion j
on the Bank question. Lest silence on my !
part might seem to give it even the semblance >
of tmth, I am constrained reluctantly to appear
in your paper to contradict such an unjust and ;
unfounded suggestion. Such report, as I un-1
derstand, hw#gone forth by reason of a letter j
addressed to some individual in Philadelphia ;
through the agency of one of tilt; Directors of
the Branch of the United Stales’ Bank, at Wash
ington * ity, by giving information of a transac
tion in that Bank relative to niyseif, which it
shall be the purpose of this communication to
explain, and will, I have no doubt, he perfectly
satisfactory to every human being, of the least
liberality, who shall do me the justice to read it. ;
When I left home, in November last to take j
my seat in Congre-s, I carried with me a large !
sum of money, in Georgia currency, to fulfil a
contract for machinery in the City of New
York. I applied at the above Bank to exchange
it for United States, Bills, hut upon being in
formed that a premium of seven percent, would
he -ii n anded, I declined it, and determined to
Sfiti'i it back so Augusta, for the purpose of pur
chasing a Bill of Exchange, where, as I was
informed, one could he obtained for one and a
half'per cent. Accordingly, by a safe private
conveyance, I forwarded it to an individual,
with an earnest request to effect the purchase
end return the draft without delay, a.- by mv
contract I was to be entitled to a deduction
of three per cent, for prompt payment. This
took place on the 13th of January, and on the
28tl> of the same month, I received a letter from
the bearer of the funds informing me of their
delivery, and enclosing the receipt of the person
to whom they had been remitted. From the
last individual I could learn nothing, though re
peatedly addressed. Thus strongly threatened
with a heavy loss, and still more harrassod by
the consequences it was likely t<> involve, I, of
cours-.awaited the ex'-tit with unusual anxiety
and. as might well be imagined, with no little
interruption to my public duties. 1 was held
in this suspense during the whole session of
Congress, and finally, was informed by a friend,
to whom I had written on the subject, that my
agent had used the money and had failed.
This information I received on the sth of
March, the day after Congress adjourned, and
hot twodavs alter 1 had voted, in a minority oi
41, that I beliex'ed the Bank of the I nit'd States
an unsafe depository of the public money. It
is impossible, if it were necessary to descrih’
the state of my feelings at the moment. 1
large sum of money faithlessly embezzled- in
urgent contract claiming performance—without
the means of satisfying the demand—from
home, and- qurtitly away from all my e -
sources—in a land of strangers, and compelled
I . circumstances to r< main at Washington, it
may readily be conceived what was mv situa
ti n, and th ‘ situation may be safely submitted
t the reaction of a!> • ini con munity. 1 had
sutficien* proof, at the time, what generous
minds will do under such an unlooked for diffi
‘ii ty. As soon as I read the letter announcing
mv misfortune, I handed it over to someone of
the gen l-tnen will w hom I bearded, and, men
uon and the distressing perplexity it occasioned j
in the failure of my engagement, a matter of
much more concern to me, than the less itself.
In an instant and unsolicited,General Hohmson
a Senator from Indiana,stept aside to a table,
mid knowing the amount I wanted, (being con
siderably h s# than I had lost) dr< w a note for it,
endorsed it himself, and was immediately and
voluntarily succeeded in that kind and magnan
imous act by Judge Manghatn, and General
Hawkins of North Carolina, Judge Bouldin of
Virginia, Col. King of Alabama, and Captain
M Intire of Maine, who returned and presented
11’ me, remarking that they hoped it would re
lieve mv present embarrassment. In the glow
of feeling which such a generous a< t inspired,
and certain!v in violent contrast with those un
der which but a few moments before I had suf
fered, I accepted their kind offer, though it was
to borough money from a Bank against which,
politiciaHy, I was and am still opposed, not
however without expressing mv apprehension
that their friendly interlerence w'ould he una
vailing, or that an improper construction would
be placed upon the transaction. To obviate
which Col. King, with that, readiness deman
ding my most tinginlified acknowledgements,
repaired with the note to the Bank, explained
fully all the circumstances under which the
loan was asked, and was wholly instrumental
in Qnrfuking the accommodation. The Bank
asked, and I have no doubt expected, nothing
else but ample security for their money. And
though the above endorsers are worth two hun
dred thousand dollars, yet to observe strictly
the rules of the Bank, its officers required of
me a town endorser, or xvhat was tantamount to
it. This was complied with. But a day or
two after, Gen. Van Ness, the President of one
of the City Banks, hearing of my loss and tin
great inconvenience to which it subjected me,
wry generously offered me the same accommo
dation. Thus then, a loan sought in conse
quence of an urgent and unforeseen necessity,
created by as unexpected ar act of perfidy—ac
quired in the most open manner —upon the best
security—from an institution whose business it
is to lend money for gain—professing to be im
partial in its favors, and made in strict compli
ance with its rules, has been tortured into a
peace offering, designed and so received by
me, to quiet mv opposition to its re-establish-
’ inent! 1 ,anguage tails me to xpress, in a sense
of becoming sell-respect, the scorn which is due
to such heartless illibcrahty. I will however,
do the officers of the Bank the justice to say,
I do not believe they intended their agency in
this matter, to have any such effect, and there,
fore can not be so illiberal as to expect it, what -
ever may he the views of a single director, in
the unkind and not less false suggestion to
which his'gratuitous information has given rise
1 have taken the liberty to mention the names
of my endoisers, w ith no motive of an ostenta
tious display of the high character, w ith which
my credit has been supported, but to avail my
self of their distinguished reputation to sustain
the facts of my statement, so far as connected
with the Bank transaction ; and to a public not.
always too creduh us or indulgent towards a
narrative intended to tefuse a slander, I have
thought it not amiss to tender a list of the wit—
nesses. A, S. CLAYTON.
P. S. It is reasonably expected that this
communication will find a place in all those pa
pers where it has been deemed a matter of such
public interest to convict me of inconsistency.
The Mammoth and the City Banks.—lt
is said that the U. S. Branch Bank in the city
of New York, aided by the parent institution,
has pushed th< local hanks for specie, for sever
al weeks, with unusual urgency, and that the
consequence is a pressure upon the money
market and restricted die* ounts. It is not ne
cessary to show that the Bank has a particular
design in this, to establish the fact that it pos
sesses an undue power over the local banks and
over the money market ; and that it may ex
ercise the one and control the other to the inju
ry of the hanks and of the community. Wheth
er it be the effect of its own previous over is
sues, or the result cf a scheme to narrow tho
means of the local banks and to add to its otva
strength ; the conclusion is still inevitable, that
it possesses undue and dangeious pow ers, atnl
that they are liable to be wielded by passion or
caprice, or for sinister objects, t<* the public in
jury, if not to the ruin of individuals, It is not
to be denied that the power of this institution,
for evil if not for good, is very much increased
by the forbearing course pursued towards it by
th” general government. Indeed, it may bo
said that the money of the government, against
its own wishes and interests, enables the Mon
opoly to oppress the local Banks, and to accom
plish nearly any scheme of advantage or of ven
i eance. The immense sums kept in deposito
by till government, have lent it the means not
only to sustain itself against the public opinion ,
but to carry on a war, w ith fearful odds, against
the State institutions ; to cripple their means,
and to restrict their ability to serve the public
in seasons of pressure or of increased demand
for money. It tends also to conv y the im
pression that the Bank enjoys fully the confi
dence of the government, and is essential to
the public convenience ; and that, whatever
may have been the expressions of the popular
opinion nnd expectation, and however fully
that opinion may hav< been responded to bv
the Executive and by the representatives of the
people it must be sustained, not only in its
measures against the State banks, but in its
means, however questionable, to procure the
renewal of its charter. The whole subject
merits the serious consideration of the govern,
ment; for it is not easy to predict what mav
he the consequences of a continuance of the
present state oi’ things.
A Southerner had a large shaggy Hop, of whui
is commonly called the cur species, of which
he gave in th*- presence of a number of persons,
the following character ;
‘He’s a litth tin keenest critter you ever did
see real wild eat—muscle and grizzle all
over—can eat a hedge hog—dodge a thunder
clap and whip any four legged animal that ever
talked the earth.’
‘IL mi. t he ascrowger,’ raid a hog-merchant
present—*hu(, I’ll bet you a cool ten dollars that
I’ve got an old hoar, in the field out yonder that
he can’t make run, no day-’
‘ ‘.’--exclaimed the Southerner—takin
out th money, which was coveted by that of the
hog dilx-r. It was acold winter morning, and
‘he company had to wade tnrough the snow ere
they coaid reach the old hoar. When they ar
rived at the field, the animal was pointed out; he
was standing passively in a corner ; and no
sooner uid the dog perceive his antagonist than
he seized hint by the throat and they both rolled
into the snow together.
“He’s a screamer; shouted the Southerner.
—‘May he so,’ replied the hog driver, holding
out hi-, hand for the stakes, —‘but he aim agoing
to run—for he was frozen to death last night
nnd dead hoars dont use their legs now a-days.
—Huron Refflsctor.
The bride of Aaron Burr is represented to be
no less than “three score and ten years ofao-e
1 rench, rich and attractive.” A friend who has
often met Mr. Burr represents him as one of the
most remarkable of tnen in many rejects an
octogenarian, with the activity and vivacity of
‘weuty five, and a gieat lover of works of fiction,
grasping atthe last new novel with theavidit,’
of a miss in her teens. Ilis gallantry is well
known, and his great good sense has. on evinc
ed in the choice of a lady of an age suited to his
Why is a Lady’s Corset like an opposition
Steam Boat?
D’ye give it up. Because it reduces th*
Fair (fare.)
AO. 18.