The Western herald. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Ga.) 1833-1???, August 17, 1833, Image 1
The Western Herald. VOL. I. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MOKRiffG BY O. P. SIIAW, AND Edited l>y A. <5. FAMBROUGH. Terms. —Three dollars per annum, payable within six months alter the receipt of the first number, or four dol lars if not paid within the year. Subscribers living out of ilie state, will be expected in all cases, to pay in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, unless the money is paid in advance; and no paper will bo dis- C ontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the op non of the publisher. Persons requesting a discontinu ance of their Papers, are requested to bear in mind, a seta i lenient of their accounts. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates; r. hcn the number of insertions is not specified, they will be continued until ordered out. jCj° All Letters to the Editor or Proprietor, on mat ters connected with the establishment, must bo post paid ii order to secure attention. ’CP Notice of the sale of Land ond Negroes, by Ad mi li-trators, Executors, or Guardians, must be published sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be , published fortt days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of (irilinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes,must be pub lished four MONTHS. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Ad- i ministration, must be published thirty days and for j Letters of Di (mission. tut months. OWe are authorized to announce Allen Matthews, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Lumpkin ■ountv, in 1 he Senatorial branch of the next Legislature. July 16. —-15 W’e are authorized to announce Isaac R. IS'ulki r, Esq. as a candidate to represent Lumpkin coun v, in the representative branch, of the next Legislature. July 9.—14 fjp. We aro requested to announce the name ifDr. !ra R. Foster as a candidate to represent Lumpkin county, in the next Legislature. July IC,——ls eflp Weave authorized to announce the name if. Via; David Irwin, as a candidate to represent Cass aunty, in the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature. July 16 —15— W’e are authorized to announce Cornelius V>pcr, Esq. as a Candidate to Represent Gilmer county, i the Senatorial Branch of the next Legislature. July 16.—15 j W’e are authorized to aunounee James B. [i-nson,Esq. as a Candidate to RepresentGilincr county, i the House of Representatives at tho next Legislature. July 16,—15 £3=- We are autboiized to announce G. A. AIiKER, Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriff at the ensu r January Election. July 10. —15 We are atiihorisod to announce the name Miller, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Cass unity in the Representative branch ofthc next Lcgisla ire. I July 16.—15 NEW ESTABLISHMENT. 1 Over Mason & Ran dole's Ware-House , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE Subscriber; ons of the late propri etors of tho Eagle and Phoenix Hotel, ■liSffilJrespectfully informs nis friends and the puh lie generally, that .he has taken the upper Brief that spacious Fire Proof WARE HOUSE, for- Ict'y Mr. John C. Holcombe’s, where he proposes to Ken a HOTEL, on the 1 5th September next The Bouse was originally built with a view of appropriating Be upper part as a Boarding House,and is advantageously ■ranged for that purpose, and additional improvements ■ll bo made as to render the accommodations superior ■ Boarders and transient visitors, (Ic pledges himself ■ his patrons that in “'int of comfort there shall not be By exerli', n wanted j 0 render this Establishment one ■decided preference. The Rooms are large and airy, Bch having a fire place, and two can at pleasure be tum- I into one by folding doors. To the planters, and mer ■anta in the interior it is not necessary to give a further Bscription of the building, as it is generally known to be ■llie centre of their business. There is a large and Hnvenient stable with an extensive enclosed lot tor nors- I, careful Hostlers will be provided to give the attention ■He solicits a share of patronage, and from his friends ■dr influence, which he will at all times endeavor to mer ■ Fiom practical experience he flatters htrnselfj he ■ccive a liberal share of their support A first rate Man Biok is now under engagement from Charleston. It ■able and Bar shall at all times be furnished with the best Bs and the markets of Charlcston^and^Savannah^wni L WANTED.—A first rate BAR KEEPER and a ■w good SERVANTS.—AppIy as above from 4 to 5 ■dock, P. M. ■ Augusta, August 10—18 —ti. >0 DOLLARS reward NOR SAMUEL EATON, who broke jail in Clay . ton, Rabum County, Georgia, on the nightot the tn inst. Said EATON is about 25 years old near six it high, stout built, fair complexion, dark hair, blue es, quick sunken, possessing considerable intelligence and apparent decency. I will give the above reward if, is aDDrehended, and delivered to me in Rabum County. JOHN S. HENLY, Jailor It. C. August, 10—18 —4t. CAMP MEETING. ViE C V.IP MEETING for the Chestateo Mis . sion, will commence on the thirteenth day of Sep nber next, at Edward Adair’s, in the Oothcaloga v al y,Cusa county. Such Preachers of the Gospel, ns fee! illi’ifr to lnboi for the advancement of the cause ot Kc> rion,itre affectionately requested to “come over and help August, 10—IS—* AURARIA, LUMrtKIX COUNTY, GEORGIA, AUGUST IV, 1533. WITCHES CLOCRS&c. A C. MARSHALL has just received, and is now [lm.* opening in front of the CHEROKEE HOTEL, i in Auraria, a Splendid and Fashionable Assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY , OITLERY. PL TED W iR£, Aiumg whic’! are Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gold Lever and L’Epine Watches. Silver Lever L’Epine and common do. Ladies, and Gentlemen’s Ear and Finger Rings, Breast Phis, Gold Chains, Sealsand Keys, and Bead Guard Chains, of a great and beautiful variety. Rodger’s fine Pen Knives. Waae and Butchers, and Rogers’ Razors. Pistols and Dirks. Silver Spec acles and Goggles. Silver Thimbh s. Ever pointed Pencil Cases, Ladies Belt Buckles and Bracelets. Moleskin and Bead Purses. Pocket Compasses. Wood and Britania Shaving Boxes, Brushes and Straps. Walking Canes. Silver Table and Tea Spoons, &c. &c. Watches and Clocks repaired, and warranted. Auraria, August 10.—18 —ts. A LIST OF LETTERS. REMAINING in the Post Offiec at Newbridge, Lumpkin count , Ga- on the Ist of August, 1833, and if not taken out by the Ist of October, wiil be sent to : the General Post Office as dead Letters. A. James M. Kellv, William L. Adams, 2 Leander King,’ B. L. Moses Brian, Theopilus Lawless, Davis Blalock, James M. Lively, 2 C. Jabey Lewis, Lawson Copenning, Nimrod Leathers, Jonathan D. Chastain, N. Isaac Craven, David Nellums, ” illiam E. Carson, Luman Norris, James B. Chick, O. D. Koivland Osbum, John Duncan, P. Mathew Duncan, Wiley Patterson, Charles Spillers or Denny Charles Patterson, E. Hud Benjamin Parka, Samuel and James Day, David H. Porter, E. William Pool, James Elledge, James S. Jones or Peter G. Parkison. Robert Galliher, R. Mr. Gills, Samuel Robertson, Doct. VV m. A. Graham, Thomas Reagan. Obidiah Gravett, S. Jesse Grover, William Stoeks, H. Middleton Sherbert, John H. Hardy, 2 John H. Starr, Isaac Herd, T. Major Hancock, Ellis Tredaivay, Andrew rlowell, Jamas Turner. Fielding Hill, W. Messrs, E. Henderson&Co.David Weaver, J. Jason H. Willson, 2. Joel Jones, Thomas White; K Martin Wiseman. A. K. BLACKWELL, P. M. August 10.—18 —3 t. FOR SALE. THE following Gold, and Land Lots, are offered for Sale, viz. No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. See. 185, 2 1 100, 12 2 547, 20 3 379, 2 1 292, 13 2 1162, 21 3 423, 2 1 102 15 2 35, 23 3 812, 3 1 431, 16 2 98, 23 3 234, 4 1 712, 16 2 94, 27 3 152, 6 1 309. 17 2 197, 27 3 105, 8 1 423, 17 2 350, 1 4 195, 8 1 624, 17 2 372, 2 4 346, 12 1 597, 19 2 580, 3 4 1214, 12 I 19 7 , 27 2 88, 5 4 642, 14 1 573 33 39, 8 4 1267, 14 1 396, 4 3 19, It 4 211, 1 2 44, 5 3 42, 13 4 364, 1 2 205, 6 3 201, 14 4 537, 1 2 256, 8 3 404, 16 4 835, 2 2 283, 10 3 I? 7. 3 2 107, 12 3 149, 4 2 15% 15 3 274 , 4 2 260, 16 3 24, 9 2 668, 19,3 230, 9 2, For particulars apply to citherof the subscribers. 1 JAMES EPPINGER. WILLIAM IFILLIAMS. Auraiia,Ju!y 16, —15 —4t The Cherokee Intelligencer, will please give the above 4 Insertions. . #25 REWARD* STRAYED or stolen from the Sub -1 tfflWraaji senber about the 3rd of this month, a - bright sorrell marc,flax main and tail, about five years old, five feet high, with some -YuMe spots on her hack, considerably wind-galled be ow tho hocks of the hind legs, and newly shod all round.— The above Reward will be given for the delivery of the mare and,thief, or twenty dollars for the thief and suffi cient evidence to convict him; or five dollars for the mar alone. If stolen the thief has made his way towards Ten nessee. The supposed thief is about thirty or thirty-five years old, sandy hair, blue eyes, five feet, 6 or 8 inches Lgh, recently (WlcMinn Auraria. June 28. —12—ts. The Warren Register, Tennessee, and the Cherokee Intelligencer, will please give the above two insertions in their paper and forward their accounts. NOTI E. * I X, persons are cautioned from trading for a note, A. given by reoto B. F. Patton, for six hundred Dol lars dated 27th February 1912, ami due months after date, as 1 have substantial defence against the said note the consideration having entirely faded and Ido not intend to pay the same unless combed August 10, —18—3t. __ ESTRAYEI) ORSTOLEN FROM the subscriber, some time in May last, at the Burnt stand in Lumpkin county, a small Bay mare. Burnt Sianu m k in her right eye, a natural seven or eight > , avg ’ been ra j se< x j n Habersham coun or expenses liberally paid for. juiTIN DOBBS. August 10, —IS—4* It coincs, the Herald of a Golden World. And Commission Business. TANARUS! IE undersigned think h proper to inform their friends nd the public, that th y still continue the above business, at their Yew Fire Proof Warehouse, MP^BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA. JbsliSill They intend having nothing to do with the purchase es Gotten, but will devote themselves exelu sively to business confided to their care They arr pre pared to make necessary advances, and respectfully re new the offer of their services to the public. STOVALL Sl SIMMONS. August, 10—18—2 m. NOTICE. WHEREAS there is now Circulating, an immense number of Dimes or ten cent pieees, which are pass i! off or put upon the people, at twenty five perCcnt above their real value, and as the circulation is rapidly in creasing . i. c believe that a loss must be sustained and that ii i s operating not only to our injury, but to the injury of man of the good Citizens of this and the adjoining counties, .v e therefore resolve, t hat in future we will not receive more than one at the same time, for more than their real value. George HZ Brown, Richard Banks, •Miner If. Brown Cos, E. Palmer, Andrew Barr, JTloses E. JMc HViortcr Edmund Ferguson, James C. Tate, Thos. S. Tate, Joseph Rivers, James A. Johnston, James Law. Caincsvill Hall cuunty, Augut 10.—18 —3t FOR SALE. WILL be exposed at public Auction, at the Court Louse, ofLumpkin county, on the first Tuesday in September next, tha> valuable and well known Lot No. 986, in the tweflh District, ofthefirst Section. Terms made known on the day o r sale. A good Title will be made to the purchaser, free of all incumbrances whatsoever. WILLIAM CONNELLY, o/ Hall County. August 10.—13—tds NOTICE. $ 500, ON or before the first day of January 18311 promise to pay, Joshua Holden, or bearer five hundret dol lars, for value received, February 9th 1833. JESSE SANDERLIN. All persoi s are hereby forwarned from trading for the original of the ahovc note, as the said note was fraudu lently obtained the consideration having wholy failed, and lam determined not to pay the same. JESSE SANDERLIN. ofSavannh. July 16,—14—tf The Savannah Republican, will give the ahovc 4 In sertions. J- S. STRAYED OR STOLEN, jgjj -w-qRQM the Subcribcr a small blaca fIMU ‘ I? Horse, eight or nine years old, live - feet high, Branded on the left hip as well GMtfxffisfeL as I now recollect with a perpendicular line, three or four inches long, drawn through two half cir cles. A liberal reward will be paid for his delivery to me, and all reasonable July IG—ls—tf. The Southern Recorder and Cherokee Inteligenc.r, will please give the above three insertions, and torwaid their acccounts to Auraria.for payment a*- 1 GEORGIA ALMANAC. TE Publication of the Georgia Almanac, Which was reffually printed in this office, but failed for wo years, owing to circumstances which could not be con trolled by the former editor, will hereafter be continued every year, with the calculations of Robert Grier, Esq. The almanac for 1834 will be printed with new type and new Zodiacal and Astronomical signs, on good paper, and carefully superintended. Persons wishing to pur chase by the Groce are requested to make early _ appli cation i the price will be as low as it can be afforded, to save expense and a small profit. ConnMionulis Augusta, July 23, 1833. GEORGIA, COBB COUNTY. f BIAKEN up by William Dozier, and taken before I Lewis R. Powell,a chesnut sorrel mare, about throe or four years old, four feet eight inches high, with a blaze race, and her left hind foot and leg white, a PP‘| ,,s ‘" l John D. Mullens and Elijah Coxton, to thirty dollars, tta firs* dav of May 1833. A true extract from the M .nates. hrs„ aay 01 y r. B. HARRIS Clerk I. C. June 18,—11—tf. NOTICE. ON Wednesday the2lst of August next, will be sold to the highest Bidder, at the new Village or county Site of Lumpkin conuty, the remainder of the town ‘ioKra heldY"' &a JOHN C JONES, j 1 c. A. K. BLACKWELL, J- 1. c. JOHN OXFORD, j. 1. c. July 16, —15 —tds ’ NOTICE 4 XL persons are desired to take notiec, tbatl^v 0 \ t hii day and do hereby revoke a power of Attorn, y, which 1 h*veheretofore gjl*“ authorizing him -g t , c ti’ o n,and I caution July 9.— 14—4m NOTICE. JUST received at the office of the Western Herald, a supply of Materials, suitable for Job work, .Jhirh are fanev Bordering, Coloured Cards, do. Tks J Blanks of all kin£ of approved kept constantly on hand for sale, all orders hlled with neatness and dispatch. July 9.—l4—if *• LAW NOTICE. ISAAC R. WALKER Hj’ S removed his office to Lumpkin Court House. H *nry B. Shaw will continue his office in Au rarin. individuals having business with the firm of Walker and Shaw, will find one of them at either of ! the above mentioned places. ! July 30—17 ts. LAW NOTICE. THE undersigned have entered into copartnership in the practice of the Law, for the County ofl aimpk in, and will att. nd to any professional business, which may be confided to their care. Letters addressed to Harden and Rogers,either at Athens or Auraria , will receive prompt attention. EDWARD HARDEN. JAMES ROGERS. May 7. —s—wGm ACHILLES D. SHACKELFORD. HAS permanently settled himself in Cass county, at the place selected for the county Site. He will at tend punctually to all business intrusted to his care in the Cherokee Circuit. Communications may be addressed to Two Runs Tost Office, Cass county. Junell.—ll—tf LAW NOTICE TH E undersigned have entered into Copartnership, in the practiceof LAW, and hope by strict atten tion to business confided to their care, and the assistance ofJudge Underwood, to merit a share of public patron age. They will practice in all the Counties of the Cher okee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of he Western and Chattahoochee Circuits. Their office is at the Cour House in Lumpkin countv. EZEKIEL W. CULLEN??, GASTON M. UNDERUOOD. July 13—ts TO 5 •M> HF TER 1 T’ ” subscriber, living in tbe lower part of Ellijay Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road leading from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having furnished himself with Maps, Lotlerj Registers, and other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to all those who may be in search of Lands, in the above Section of country, to show lands or give such informa tion as may bn desirable to owners, or othere interested, he will also act as Agent in purchaseing lands at Sheriff Sale, in Gilmer county, his charges will be reasonable in proportion to his trouble. JAMES B. HENSON. June 61,—15—tf. SILSCLESIIOALS THE undesigned,Commissioners ofTenncssce Canal, having heard that some alarm exists from a report of the Cholera having bioUo. ..t., to, I’ l , lids, take this occasion from their personal obe, rvuil -.i , n ;he hue, and from information on which they can rely, to assure the public, that it is certainly unfounded. No ease ofCholcra has occured upon the Canal nor has there recently been any- severe case of sickness or death. There are at this time employed, from 500 to 600 hands who are well led, comfortably lodged, in good health, and arc in the regular receipt of higher wages, than are gen erally earned by others in the surrounding country. JOHN. CRAIG, Pres’t. JAMES JACKSON, J. LANE, J. K. SWOOPE, THOMAS FEARN. (CP The subscriber is authorized to employ 500 or two thousand hands at #ls per month for the above company he mav at all times be found at Leathers Ford or in Au raria. D. C. GIBSON. June 25th, 1833 -MHHE Proprietors of the Athens Stage Line, have determined . i£ to continue their tri-weekly lineto Auraria. Hereafter the stage Will reach this place on Sun day, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and leave for Au gusta, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings This arrangement will open a di ect communication by stage tri-weekly with Augusta, Milledgeville; and week ly with Pendleton, via Gainesville and Camcsville. The 4a<*c will also run twice a week to Athens, Tennessee; I aving Leathers’ Ford on Sunday and Wednesday morn -111". May 28.—8—ts. VALUABLE LAND FOR THE Subscriber wishes to S'Titlo Lot of land where on Wiley Bishop now lives, near the junction oi the Chcstatee and Chattahoochie rivers, containing one hun dred and fift y Acres, more or less, thirty-five or forty Acres of cleared land, with good fences, anil comfortable dwe - ling and outhouses; with an excellent fishery and Mill Shoal. For terms, apply to ARCHIBALD MSHDP, of Gainesville, Geo. June 4.9 —ts TAILOEINCL THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Halt,and the adjoining counties, that he continues to ca-rv on the above business in its various bran ches, at bis Old Stand, east side ofthe Court-House Square, where work shall be done in the most fashionable style. He receives the PHILADEL PHIA and LONDON FASHIONS, quarterly—and keeps on hand . _ READY-MADE CLOTHING, Os every description. He returns his thanks to the puh lie for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and beg leave to sav, he has just employed a firet rate Journey man from the city of Baltimore, “*d pledges theresludl in future be no disappointment. G. W. An il 6 —l—sm TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. T|f proprietors of lot number 662 lying in the upper part of this town, on the Street leading towards the Station,having laid ofl the same in lobs of appropriate size will offer them for sale at public outcry on Monday the 19th of August next. There are several very hamJ some lots lying on the Street which nre ulso in suitable situations for business, persons wishing to purchase will do well to examine for themselves. , The sale will commence at 10 oclock A. M. at in. house of the Subscriber. Terms made known on tnat dßy ALLEN MATTHEWS, Agent July 30—13—tds. NOTICE. ALL persons are forwamed, from trespassing on Lot No. 606,12 th District, Ist Section, as the Law will beregnny enforced against Miscellaneous Extracts. Advice lo Hot People. —Now a-days nobody f is cool—every face is as red as a beet, and every I” man’s blood is hot enough lo boil an egg.— bat is to be done ? Imprimis, keep your tem per—it will never do to get in a passion at this season—reserve your wrath till the first frost, and you may then blaze away as much as you please. Secondly, tise early, even before the sun, and enjoy his astonishment at seeing him self beat. Wash your whole body, put on clean linen, and take a walk of twenty minutes and fifteen seconds. Don't jump out of the way at j any sudden alarm—it is much better to be qui ; etly run over by a cart or two, than to jump into a fever. Sit down to your breakfast mod erately—don’t bolt into your chair as if you were thrown out of a third story window.— Drink no coffee, it is too beating—tea or milk yon may take in any quantity, but eat no meat as you esciew caloric—every mouthful is an incipient firebrand. After breakfast proceed slowly to your place of business. If any thing has gone wrong, dont scold—scolding is al lowed only in winter, If you meet any friends on the way, give a gentle look of recognition, but do not bow or say “ good morning” talking is very exciting. If you can conveniently meet with a little misfortune, do so—melancholy is very cooling, and what is more, it makes others cool towards you. You gain considerable comfort finm their icy reflection. “As the day grows warm and high,” you become thirsty. You are afraid to drink cold water; you therefore mix a little brandy (or a good deal) with it to prevent any bad conse quence—you put in a lump of ice, and quaff it oft’ without ceremony ! You goose! cold bran dy and water, taken suddenly into your stom ach is just as dangerous as cold water—so is cold punch ; cold any thing else ; so would a parcel of live coals be, if you could freeze them. Your best beverage is claret -and water ; you may cool it if you please, you must sip it very gradually. We mean real bona fide claret; none of your poke-berry juice, which is abso lute poison. Do not cat much dinner; animal food puls the lion in a fever, and so will it serve mac.— Ifyo i find that you have much appetite, eat a lump of sugar, or take a walk into the kitchen, just before the table is set. The best =• ‘ l ' r ,nu is a lit.:., hash and mask ’ s o,Jloes ’ 11 -saves a great deal of laUWr for the jaws. You may smokr twosegars afterwards —the smoke warms your mouth, and causes a rush of air into it which overbalances the artificial heat. In tho evening you may read novels or listen to music; it must be slow music, however: the “Dead March in Saul,” or something like it. “ Yankee doodle” would give you a fever in five minutes. Go to bed early, leave your windows open; the free, pure air, never harms any body that is us ed to it, and if you are not, it is high time you were. Take as many airs upon you ns you can ; the hen perches all the summer night upon the fence, and takes no cold. Are you not ashamed to be more delicate than a hen ? Winchester Republican. Washington. —The annexed graphic des cription of the “ Temple of Fame,'” and its illus trious inmates, is from the very eloquent ad dress delivered by the Hon. G. M Dallas, before the Societies of Princeton College “ The liveliest attachment to your country, may be larther and rationally justified by recol | lections of a kind less abstract than those thus briefly referred to. Visit for a moment gentle men, the tee.pie of fame. Let fancy guide you, with truth and history as your companions, up its elevated steps, and into the resoundint ball, where are congregated the sculptured images of all the wise, the good, and the great. As you enter the vast rotunda, see, whence is he whoso majestic statute fills the proudest, loftiest niche? whence is he, toward whom ancient sages, he roes and statesmen, staring from the crowded walls, seem to look and lean as acknowledging his supremacy ? whence is he whom Leonidas, Thrasybullus, Aristides and Epaminondas grouped congenially together, are gazing at with deference and admiration; before the calm dignity of whose front, the blood -hot eye ot Macedonian Alexai dcr sinks rebuked, and even the accomplished ‘• msar throwshis laurel crowns away, sighing with the fatal memory of the Ru bicon ? Whence is he towards whom Socra tes points the attention of his pupil Alciluades, as an illustration of the virtue he had fruitlessly inculcated ! for whom as a kindred, a superior spirit, Camillus, Cincinnatus and Cato,seems to glow with welcome, and in presence of whose sublime simplicity, the Trajans, and the Anto ninus’ are hiding the vain ornaments which en circle their brows” Let us draw neaier to this pre-eminent object. As we approach, its re cess enlarges, and clustering round the pedes tal ol the chief figure, are many who seem prin cipally to delight in, and to boast of their asso ciation with him. Whence and uho is he ? The world can answer. In the smooth ada mant on which he stands, no one lias thought it necessary to chisel his name. He is the one without parallel; beyond all Grecian and all Roman fame : never to be forgotten, never to be mistaken.” The Gold J ,dts purchased by the different Companies were sold on Monday, pursuant to their advertisement. Tho amount of the sale, we understand was upwards of $60,000. Lot No. lOSt brought $15,100, and Let No- 746s 10,350 dollar.* NO. 19.