Newspaper Page Text
[The W ester n Herald.
Edited by A. G. FAMBIiOUGH.
Terms. —Three dollars per annum, payable within six
lonths after the receipt of the first number, or four dol
us ifnot paid within the year. Subscribers living out of
,e state, will be expected in all cases, to pay in advance,
h’o subscription received for lcs3 than one year, unless
ie money is paid in advance; and no paper willbcdis
uiitinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the op
oil of the publisher. Persons requesting a discoritinu
uce of their Papers, are requested to bear in mind, a set
fment of their accounts.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates;
:hen the number of insertions is not specified, they will
c continued until ordered out.
All Letters to the Editor or Proprietor, on mat
■rsconnected with the establishment, must be tost paid
i order to secure attention.
itT* Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes, by Ad
lilistrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be published
sty days previous to the day of sale,
flic sale of personal Property, ill like manner, must be
(Wished forty days previous to the day of sale.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be
llblishcd FORTY DAYS.
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of
rdinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes,must be pub
ihedFOCß months.
Notice that Application will bo made for Letters of Ad
inistration, must be published thirty days and for
etters of D i wssion. ux months.
IJ We are authorized to announce Allen
atthews, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Lumpkin
unty, in die Senatorial branch of the next Legislature.
July 16. —,15
YVc are authorized to announce Isaac R.
‘alkcr, Esq. as a candidate to represent Lumpkin coun
, in the representative branch, of the next Legislature.
July 9.—11
c$- We e requested to announce the name
I ‘ Dr. Ira R. Foster as a candidate to represent Lumpkin
I junty, in the next Legislature.
I July Id, —15
We are authorized to announce the name
;Muj. David Irwin, as a candidate to represent Cass
junty, in the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature.
July 16—15
We are authorized to announce Cornelius
ooper, Esq, asaCandidateto Represent Gilmer county,
i the Senatorial Branch of the next Legislature.
July 16.—15
We are authorized to aunounce James B.
lcnson,Esq, as a Candidate to Represent Gilmer count)',
i the House of Representatives at the next Legislature.
July 16.—15
13 s - Wc arc authorized to announce G. A.
ARKER, Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriff at the ensu
re January Election.
July 16. —15
tjf We are authorised to announce the name
f John Miller, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Cass
aunty in the Representative branch of the next Lcgista
July 16.—15
Factorage and Commission Business ,
Subscribers beg leave to announce to their
. friends and patrons, and to the country in general,
t they have removed to the large and commodious
| )n the south side, upper end of Broad street, lately occu
-9 lied by John C. Holcombe, where they will continue to
9 ransaetthe above business in all its legitimate branches.
9 They renew their pledge to abstain from all speculations
.? ipon cotton, and are prepared to extend their usual facili
-1 tea upon produce in store. They return their thanks for
1 he liberal share of patronage already conferred, and soli
-1 :.t ils further continuance.
1 August 17.—19—6 t
I And Commission Business.
IflTlE undersigned think it proper to inform their
if 9-1. friends and the public, that they still continue the
I Above business, at their
I New Fire Proof Warehouse,
l AUGUSTA. ttßsMai
i I [JVv intend having nothing to do with the
I lurchas'of t n^’ l . but will devote themselves exclu-
I lively to business coniine,l to their enre ±
Kyarcd to necessary advances, and respec.iui y
■wear the offer of their services to tho public.
I m Au S us ‘> *o—lß—2m.
I OMlSfiUb-
K W llHEundesigned,Commissioners ofTennesseeCanal,
I 5 X having heard that some alarm exists from a report
the Cholera having bioken out among the hands, take
■this occasion from their personal observation on the line,
from information oil which they can rely, to assure
public, that it is certainly unfounded.
I I No case ofCholera has occured upon the Canal nor has
recently been any severe case of sickness or death.
I I There arc at this time employed, from 500 to 600 hands
Rwho are-well fed, comfortably lodged, in good health, and
■jure in the regular receipt of higher wages, than are gen-
Herally earned bv others in the surrounding country.
i JOHN. CRAIG, Pres’t.
ill The subscriber is authorized to employ 500 or two
jl thousand Hands at gls per month for the above company
[■he may at all times be found at Leathers Ford or in Au
• ? -ana. D. C. GIBSON.
I Vnnc 23th, 1833
SPiUßEtiaiaa lEKMEBifc,
Over Mason & Randole’s Ware-House ,
f#*#) nP“ E Subscriber; ono of the late propri
* ? r ?, of V he Ea #! e und Pboenix hotel, I
iYiiJipl respectfully informs his friends and the nub- !
llc generally, that he has taken the upper
part of that spacious Fire Proof WARE HOUSE, for
merly Mr. John C. Holcombe’s, where he proposes to
open a HOTEL, on the 15th September next. The
House was originally built with a view of appropriating
the upperpartae a Boarding House,and is advantageously
arranged for that purpose, and additional improvements
will be made as to render the accommodations superior
for Boarders and transient visitors. He pledges himself
to liis patrons that in point of comfort there shall not be
any exertion wanted to render this Establishment one :
of decided preference. The Rooms are large and airy
each having a fire place, and two can at pleasure be turn
ed into one by folding doors. To the planters and mer- i
chants in the interior it is not necessary to give a further !
description of the building, as it is generally known to be !
in the centre of their business. There is a large and i
convenient stable with an extensive enclosed lot for hors
es, careful Hostlers will be provided to give the attention
He solicits a share of patronage, and from his friends
their influence, which he will at all times endeavor to mer
it Fiom practical experience he flatters himself be will
receive a liberal share of their support. A first rate Man !
Cook is now under engagement horn Charleston. His
Table and Bar shall at all times be furnished with the best
this and the markets of Charleston and Savannah will
aflord. JOHN J. BYRD,
icy WANTED. —A first rate BAR KEEPER and a
few good SERVANTS.—AppIy as above from 4 to 5
o’clock, P. M.
Augusta, August 10 —18—tl.
AC. MARSHALL has just received, and is now
• opening in front of the CHEROKEE HOTEL,
in Auraria, a Splendid and Fashionable Assortment of
Among Yvliich are
Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gold Lever and L’Epine
YV atches.
Silver Lever L’Epine and common do.
Ladies, and Gentlemen’s Ear and Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, and Bead Guard
Chains, of a great and beautiful variety.
Rodger’s fine Pen Knives.
VVaae and Butchers, and Rogers’ Razors.
Pistols and Dirks.
Silver Spectacles and Goggles.
Silver Thimbles.
Ever pointed Pencil Cases,
Ladies Belt Buckles and Bracelets.
Moleskin and Bead Purses.
Pocket Compasses.
Wood and Britania Shaving Boxes, Brushes and Straps.
Walking Canes.
Silver Table and Tea Spoons, &c. &c.
YV atches and Clocks i epaired, and warrented.
Auraria, August 10.—18 —ts.
WHEREAS there is now Circulating, an immense
number of Dimes or ten cent picees, which are
passed offorput upon the people, at twenty five per Cent
above their real value, and as the circulation is rapidly in
creasing. We believe that a loss must be sustained and
thatit is operating not only to our injury, but to the injury
of many of the good Citizens of this and the adjoining
counties. We therefore resolve, that in future wc will not
receive more than one at the same time, for more than
their real value.
George ff*. Brown,
Richard Banks,
Miner ff . Brown Cos,
E. Palmer,
Andrew Barr ,
Moses E. Me Whortcr
Edmund Ferguson,
James C. Tate,
Thos. S. Tate ,
Joseph Rivers,
James A Johnston,
James Law.
Gaincsvill Hall cuunty, Augut 10. —18 —3t
To Gold Mine Speculators.
THE Undersigned tenders his services, as an Expc
ri need practical Miner, to examine and test any
Lot in the Gold Region, disbelieving in auv certain theo
ry until proven by practice, he will warrant .is opinion
when given to be correct, his price for examining and giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be required of any
Lot will be twenty five Dollars Letters enclosing that
amountin Cash, will be strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, he may at all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in Auraria Lumpkin county.
cr 8 . D.C. GIBSON.
Augnst 10. —18—ts,
yjfISWW Proprietors of the Athens
JL Stage Line, have determined
to continue their tri-weekly lineto
Aurarta”tiereaiter the stage will reach this nlace on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday mornmgs, and leave for Au
eusta on Sunday, Tuesday and Thuisday evenings.—
Sij. irr-mrmmcnt -will open a direct communication by
Lge t -wfr kiy Augusta, Millcdgeville; and week
|Zh Pendleton, via Gainesville and 5 antes The
starre will also run twice a week to Athens, Tennessee;
leaving Leathers’ Ford on Sunday and Wednesday morn
Mav 28.—6— ts,
It comes, the Herald of a Golden World.
REMAINING in the Post Offiee at Newbridge,
Lumpkin county, Ga- on the Ist of August, 1833,
and a not taken out by the Ist of October, wiil be sent to
the General Post Office as dead Letters.
A ; James M. Kelly,
William L. Adams, 2 Leander King,
B. £’
Moses Brian, Theopilus Lawless,
Davis Blalock, James M. Lively, 2
r Jabcy Lewis,
Lawson Copcnnmg, Nimrod Leathers,
Jonathan D. Chastain,
Craven > David Nellums,
v\ imam E. Carson, Luman Norris,
James B. Chick, o.
T , _ Rowland Osbum,
John Duncan, p
| Duncan, Wiley Patterson,
! rle ! Spdlers or Denny Charles Patterson,
L. Hud Benjamin Parka,
bamuel and James Day, David H. Porter,
. William Pool,
James Elledge, James S. Jones or Peter
D U ■ Parkison.
Robert ualhher,
Mr. Gills, Samuel Robertson,
iwcj : c\5 L C' rtdiani , Thomas Reagan.
Obidiah Gravett,
Jesse Grover, William Stoeks,
T j T ANARUS, TT IL Middleton Shcrbert,
Jolm H. Hardy, Q John H. Starr,
Isaac Herd,
Major Hancock, Ellis Tredaway,
Andrew Howell, Jamas Turner
Fielding Hill, w.
Messrs. E. Henderson&Co.David Weaver,’
r , , J- Jason H. Willson, 2.
Joel Jones, Thomas White;
K Martin Wiseman.
August 10.—18—3 t.
THE following Gold, and Land Lots, are
offered for Sale, viz.
No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sea
185, 2 1 100, 12 9 547, 20 3
!I ! 292 > 13 2 1162, 21 3
423, 2 1 102 15 2 35, 23 3
812, 3 1 431, 16 2 93, 23 3
254, 4 1 712, 16 2 94, 27 3
152, 6 1 309, 17 2 197, 27 3
105, 8 1 423, 17 2 350 1 4
195, 8 1 624, 17 2 372 2 4
346, 12 1 597, 19 2 520, 3 4
1214, 12 1 197, 27 2 88, 5 4
642, 14 1 573, 33 39, 8 4
1267, 14 1 396, 4 3 19, 11 4
211 > 1 3 44, 5 3 42, 13 4
364, 1 2 205, 6 3 201, 14 4
537, 1 2 256. 8 3 404, 16 4
835, 2 2 283, 10 3 177, 3 2
107, 12 3 149, 4 2 158, 15 3
274, 4 2 260, 16 3 24, 9 2
668, 19,3 230, 9 2,
For particulars apply to either of the subscribers.
Auraria, July 16, —15—4t
The Cherokee Intelligencer, will please give the above
4 Insertions.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of
Hall, and the adjoining counties, that he continues
to carry on the above business in its various bran
ches, at his Old Stand, east side ofthe Court-House
Square, where work shall be done in the neatest and
most fashionable slyle. He receives the PHILADEL
PHIA and LONDON FASHIONS, quarterly—and
keeps on hand
Os eveiy description. He returns his thanks to the pub
lic for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and begs
leave to say, he has just employed a fiistrate Journey
man from the city ofßaltimore, and pledges there shall
in future be no disappointment. G. ‘V. BROWN.
April 6 — l —sm
HAS removed bis offiee to Lumpkin Court House.
Henry B. Shaw will continue his office in All
- Individuals having business with the firm of
Walker and Shaw, will find one of them at cither of
the above mentioned places.
July 30-17-ts.
THE undersigned have entered into copartnership in
tho practice of the Law, for the County of Lumpkin, j
and will attend to any professional business, which may
be confided to their care. Letters addressed to Hard 11
and Rogers,either at Athens or Auraria, wil I receive prompt
May 7.—s—wCm
THE undersigned have entered into Copartnership,
in the practiceof LAW, and hope by strict atten
tion to business confided to their care, and the assistance
of Judge Underwood, to merit a share of public patron
age. They will practice in all the Counties of the Cher
okee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of he n estern
and Chattahoochee Circuits. Their office is at the Cour
House in Lumpkin county.
41 mmgt&WX ILAW©
HAS permanently settled himself in Cassvillc, Cass
county, and will regularly attend to any
directed to his care, in the Cherokee Circui t.
Angust 17. —19—w2m.
A LL persons are desired to take notice, that I have
Jw this day and do hereby revoke a power of Attorney,
which 1 have heretofore executed to our Stephen Hanic,
authorizing him to sell Lots No. 859, I9th District, 2d
Section, and 75, Bth District, Ist Section, and I caution
all ueisons from trading for said lots, from said Hanie. ]
July 9.—14—4 m
MCTIce; j
“JUST ‘tccivcd at the office of me Western Herald, a
Z 0 large supply of Materials, suitable for Job work,
among which are fancy Bordering, Coloured Cards, do.
Inks, Ike. &e, Blanks of all kinds of approv’ and forms,
kept constantly on hand for sale, all orders filled with
neatness and dispatch.
July 9. —14 —ts
A BSCONDED from this place about the 7th mat.
Pajing their just debts, STEPHEN J.
ANDERSON, ami GUY E, ELLIOT, T iilors by trade,
, both young men about 20 or 2 i vears of age. The sub
scribers having been swindled out of tbeir just dues by
the above named individuals, have thought it their duty
to caution tlie community against them. Any informa
tion with regard to them, will be thankfully received.
Athens, August 17.—19—2 t.
tTB ANA WAY some time in J une
Aw last, a Negro Man named Har
rison about fifty years of age; he for
merly belonged to the Fstate of Whit
mire of llais county, and is well known
in the Cherokee Nation, where he has
been seen several times since bis elope
ment. He is stout built, head a little
grey, and has rather a thickness of
speech. The above reward will be paid upon his delive
ry to me in this place, or lodged in any safe jail, so that I
get possession of him.
Gainesville, Hall Cos. Geo. August 17— 19 —ts.
FROM the subscriber on Chestatoe River, about four
weeks since, a small brown Mare, four years old
last Spring; about fourteen and a half hands high, with a
long switch tail, no white marks, walks remarkably fast,
and was shod ail round. She is supposed to have taken
the road to Clarkesvillc, on her way to South Carolina,
where she was raised. Any person taking her up. and
giving notice to the subscriber, or leaving her at Jl/r. Ro
bert A. Watkins’ Hotel, in Auraria, shall be liberally re
August 17.—19—3t
FROM the subscriber, some time in May last, at the
Burnt stand in Lumpkin county, a small Bay mare,
seven or eight years old, blind in her right eye, a natural
trotter, supposed to have been raised in Habersham coun
ty, any information thankfully received and any trouble
or expenses liberally paid for.
August 10, —18—4t.
B t * ie Subcriber a small blac a
IHIOSL ff- Horse, eight or nine years old, five
tSIJ high, Branded on the left hip os well
as I now recollect with a perpendicular
line, three or four inches long, drawn througn two tialfcir
cles. A liberal rewand will De paid so: hisdcliveryto me,
and all reasonable expenses paid.
July 16—15—If.
FROM the subscriber, living in Auraria, a Sorrel
Mare about eleven or twelve years old, fourteen
hands high; her loft eye out, a lump - on her back, one
white foot, and branded w’itb the letters B. 11. Five dol
lars will be given to any person who will deliver said
mare to the subscriber.
August 17. —19 —
WILL be exposed at public Auction, at the Court
House, of Lumpkin county, on the first Tuesday
in September next, that valuable and well known Lot No.
986, in the tweflh District, ofthe first Section
Terms made known on the day o r sale. A good Title
will be made to the purchaser, free of all incumbrances
of Hail Comity.
August 10.—19—tds
THE Subscriber wishes to sell the Lot of land whne
on Wilev Bishop now lives, near the junction ofthe
Chestatoe anil Chuttalioocbie rivers, containing one hun
dred and fifty Acres, more or less, thirty-live orforty Acres
of cleared land, with good fences, and comfortable dwel
ling and outhouses; with an excellent fishery and Mill
Shoal. For terms, applv to
Gainesville, Geo.
June 4. —9—if
THE subscriber, living in tbe lower part of Ellijay
Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search of Lands, in the abov.
Section of country, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may be desirable to owners, or others interested,
he will also act as Agent in purchasoing lands at Sheriff
Sale, in Gilmer county, his charges will be reasonable in
proportion to his tronblc. JAMES B. HENSON.
June Cl, —15—ts.
4LL persons are caution ol from trading fora note,
given by meto B. F. Patton, for six hundred Dol
!ar*. dated 27th February 1932, and due twelvemonths
after date, as I have substantial defence against the sau.
note, the consideration having entirely fiA*o an( * not
intend to pay the same unless compelled by Law.
August 10, —18—3t.
THE CA P MEETING for the Chestateo Mis
sion, will commence on the thirteenth day of Sep
t mbcrnoxt, at Edward Adair’s,in the Ootlicaloga Val
iev, Cass county. Such Preachers of the Gospel, as feel
willing to laboi for the advancement of the cause of Re
ligion,arc affectionately requested to “come over and help
August, 10 —18—
DR. John TI. Thomas, having settled ‘./unself in Au
raria Lumpkin County respectfully tenders Ids
joining ermines. From his experience as a practitioner
ot twelve vears in the middle part ot this State, and w ith a
promise of charges in proportion with the times, am strict
attention to calls, ho hopes to merit a share of puelic pat
A u raria, Vay 21- —7—if _ ,
For Sale at t&is Office,
| at thi office,
W* two srpart active lads as ap
ticca to the printing business. Ap
plication must be made immediately.
Auraria, August J 7.—19
Sheriff s for Sep ember it*
Let. List. Sec. Property of To satisfy.
100 1 2 R Skinrnr, YVm. V. antly.
811 12 L B Bridges, A R Smith et. al.
437 18 J iV.unow, A Crawford & Cto
1088 17 J V Moon, do.
335 19 2 J Albright J Long.
375 17 2 W Carrin oh, do.
993 16 2 W Munoh, do.
108 bl 7 2 M Carrington, do.
980 16 ? V. Bacus, J Kirkpatrhk.
944 1 6 2 J Dun more, A Boggs.
1154 1 9 2 T Butler, E Featßerston.
740 17 2 JP Campbell, W B Elbngtcir.
1213 16 2 DM’Murrcw, N C Monroe.
861 19 2 E Brown -- G Shaw - .
106 19 2 R Birdin, J M’Mullin.
807 f 2 T Lean, J Lofton.
132 IS 2 W Harkins, J Dorry, et. hi:
325 1 9 2 WPlant, OF Jackson.
331 18 2 E Green, WYVarren.
840 16 2 J M Alien, YV Freeman.
776 17 2 J Hancock, W Pye and othsV?.
400 33 R Stans eld, SYV Harper.
126 20 2 J Bcasly, J Hood.
1048 33 J Wilson. J R Cargill.
789 1 9 2 Ft Gillian, do.
1200 2 3 JIT Edward 0, do.
1128 19 2 M Rainey, do.
942 1 7 8 E Ural, J Grubbs et, o’,
23 18 2 E Pickrin, A T Jones.
1078 16 2 M Porlhrcs, AT Jones.
1104 16 2 A Henderson, T Scarbrough.
685 33 E Nash, Boy! & YVebb
2SI 20 2 A Brooks, J Boy 1 .
189 20 2 H& S Land, A Casclberrr.
281 16 2 YVCamcs, J Boy!.
596 17 2 M Chandlers, do.
359 19 2 E Hodges. H Wooster.
214 16 3 W Goodman, B Blocker.
1276 1 7 3 YV Covington, YV L Wilketsfin.
1007 21 2 S Dean. TSTate.
19 16 3 G R Brazeil, S Riplv.
675 4 3 MDJSlade, Town's & Riletr.
209 21 2 M Gideion, Biassengamc. -
417 4 3 J Everett et. al. E YVood.
323 22 2 J Hughs, J Gillett.
1045 17 3 T B M’Dowel), J T Bradford et. SL
446 21 2 J Allen, A Mandreville.
435 4 3 T Stewart, JYV Snell.
810 4 3 L M’Leroy, G A Gorden.
653 4 3 J Hills, AS Jones.
72 22 2 A Bullock, YV Williams
86 6 3 F Huntington, C J Brown.
986 21 1 H Keller, B H Conyeaft. -
288 23 2 J G Barnett, et. al. Henry county.
434 21 2 G A Porker, L L Lynes.
693 14 .1 J Priest, J W Jones £c Cos.
1295 3 1 W Owens, et. aL JR Stanford.
1117 2 1 YVLoden, TSTate.
326 3 1 A Nelson, YV T Brown.
336 3 I L Wilson, CII Dasher.
29j 3 I E Sanlord, J Wilson.
354 14 1 YV H Cridenton, A Crawford & Cos.
988 2 1 TYV Shivers, J Ford, & Cos.
1139 3 1 da do.
362 1 I A Hollon, J Disrauck.
144 14 1 M Kendrick, Adams & Towfis,
694 2 1 J Dickerson, Hoyl & Jones.
1183 1 4 1 B Goolsby, Stovall & Lamar;
301 1 l PK fccuileck, R M Pitt.
244 1 1 J Florcns, P. Lamar,
571 14 1 J Cubhage, J. D. Hdngineh,
38 3 1 R. Cult, no, T. L. Garret,
206 1 I M J D Moon, S M’Junkin,
935 14 1 DC Cash. J Sanderlin,
505 3 1 E T i', J Sanderlin,
781 2 1 Mitchell N Wray, Johnston & GOffii,
141 1 1 J f Owens, T Lawrence,
306 2 1 J Lunsford, E Pitner,
397 1 1 J L Burton, J ii. Caigile,
973 14 1 YV Browning, i Dunn,
235 24 3 YY U Jones, J 11 Newton,
196 5 4 t - Hutchens, S iVl’Junkin,
15 3 4 W C Cambell, C M’lntire &. Cos,
72 23 3 YV Ezzell, J Smith,
303 4 4 J Hamilton, M’Junkin & SmitTij
145 22 3 P Voung, B. Camp,
1212 3 4 G V. Voung, S. Hale,
145 16 4 PE Posey, H. Peoples,
6 14 4 B Almoathy, II Peoples,
55 14 4 H lialstan, J H Jones,
83 24 3 T Carrell, YV Stubbs,
1010 3 4 YV Carlisle, J M’Cutcheny
245 14 4 I A .Scott, J Morgan,
1046 3 4 R II Colwell, L Gahagan,
190 23 3 YV Morris, eL al. YV. Benncl,
506 16 4 P M Thomas, J. Upton.
131 14 3 J N Fry, J Sanderlin,
207 23 3 J Beholds, G. Smith,
131 10 3 W St. wart, Kellog&Sandforti.’
227 8 4 D Cnpbel), C J M’Donald,
IS;- 8 4 J Cain, RVCRufiiii,
286 10 3 II A. Daniel, RVC&YV Ruffin.
80 13 4 A Smith, J. F. Cash,
167 10 3 J Oxford, J Brooks,
50 27 3 J M’Kinzie, Kc]log&Sandforti,
321 7 3 M& J Jacobs, T Kellog,
8 3 A M’ltoy, Kellog & Sandforti..
123 18 3 M !’ Philips, Irwin & Bryan,
264 27 3 J Alton., I. Waffer,
19511 3 W Barber, VV Roberds,
152 7 4 C Kees, C M’Cartcr,
223 28 3 J Manning, YV South,
38 la 4 J Simmons, J Bullard,
2 27 3 J L Doyal, M’Junkin A Smith,
36 14 3 D Holland, High & Higgins
193 11 3 T Hogan, Cost & others,
12 12 3 DM. Fitts, A.M’lntire,
245 11 3 DM Fitts, A M’lntire,
302 27 3 J Hubbard, J B Gaudry,
209 9 4 11 Tynan, M Rooney,
277 10 4 AW illimns. Mrs. Ann Raleigh,
323 28 3 A Gdlis N Cos. M. Pendegrast.
16 11 3 Z Jordan, J B Gaudry.
289 11 3 II M’Dimuld, M Pondergrasf,
300 9 3 A R M’Laughlin, do
229 26 2 E Wood. D Chandler.
143 24 3 II Keller, ct. at. 11 H Fields.
138 7 4 F Green, WBrasswol!.
I 193 11 3 T M Hogan, JRCargile.
1 127 S 3 B Rl.ce, JL Marlin.
322 13 7 !’ Hell'll JH Newton.
68 27 3 iv a R l’ittman, 1 Warren.
319 10 3 lGruv, J H Kidd.
55 8 3 i‘.’ Chitwood, TANARUS./ Harper h. Cos.
201 11 4 W V Smith, JV.’Miillin.
29 14 3 C Gentry, JMorris.
i 283 6 4 HR Atkinson, J .71'Neil,
214 14 3 E Camp, Tremble & Suffic'd,
262 26 3 N E Mucker, YVatson & U'urreu.
293 4 3 C A/uggredg,’,
NO. 20.