Newspaper Page Text
The Western Herald.
| AJ,D •
Kited by A. G. FAMBROUGH.
Three dollars per annum, payable witliin six
after the receipt of the first number, or four dol-
Sis not paid within the year. Subscribers living out of
■ state, will be expected in all case 9, to pay in advance,
■so subscription received for less than one year, unless
■money is paid in advance; and no paper will Ledis
■tinuea until all arrearages are paid, except at the op
■of the publisher. Persons requesting a discontinu
‘■jof their Papers, arc requested to bear in mind, a set
■icnl of their accounts.
will he inserted at the usual rates:
■„ the number of insertions is not specified, they will
tinned until ordered out.
■T> 411 Letters to the Editor or Proprietor, on mat-
Konnected with the establlsiiment, must be eos.r paid
■ r jcr to secure attention.
Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes, by Ad
■Ltrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be published
E, pats previous to the day of sale.
■ hc ga te of personal Property, in like manner, must be
forty days previous to the day of sale.
to debtors and creditors of an estate must be
■lishcd FORTY DATS.
■ioticcthat Application will be made to the Court of
Binary for Leave to sell Land or Ncgroes,must be pub-
■Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Ad-
Bustration, must be published thirty days and for
■ten of Di mission, ux months.
are authorized to announce Allen
Btthcws, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Lumpkiq
Enty, in ihe Senatorial branch of the nextLcgislature.
Huly 16.—>16
HK/” We are authorized to announce John D.
ifieldsas a candidate to represent Lumpkin county in the
Batorial branch of the next Legislature.
Utugust 34. —21—
I jO-W e arc authorized to announce Isaac R.
I Walker, Esq. as a candidate to represent Lumpkin coun
■ in the representative branch, of the next Legislature.
Hi uly 9, —14
are requested to announce the name
■Dr. Ira R. Fosteras a candidate to represent Lumpkin
■mtv, in the next Legislature.
■fulv 16, —15
O£J- We are authorized to say that Henry
■ms, Esq. is a candidate for J ustice of the Inferior Court
loffaid county, to fill the vacancy of W'na. Dean removed.
■August 31. —21—
■ 53“ ‘V c are authorized to announce C. A.
IPAIUvER, Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriff at the ensu
■ January Election.
■July 16.—15
053’ We are authorized to announce the name
■Maj. David Irwin, as a candidate to represent Cass
Himtv, in the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature.
■July 16 —15—
o!r> We are authorized to announce Cornelius
I(p f'IS Esq. as a Candidate to Represent Gilmer county,
■tin: Senatorial Branch of the next Legislature.
■July 16. —15
It- We are authorized to aunouncc James B.
Henson,Esq, as a Candidate to ReprcsentGilmer county,
■ the House of Representatives at the next Legislature.
H/uly 16.—15
11.53“ W’e are authorised to announce the name
Ml John Miller, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Cass
■ inly in the Representative branch of the next Lcgisla
■ July 16.—15
VHE Lubscriber offers for sale the following Lands,
to nit:
No. Dis.
98 10 4 Adjoining
127 10 > Carrollton,
130 10 ) well impr’d.
76 10
34 4
98 6
136 6
49 5
S 337 7
49 9 6
No. Dis. Sec.
119 15 *2
556 15 2
258 11 2
165 8 1
266 11 1
for apply to A. G. FAMBROUGH,
Auraria, SC/*- 7.— 82-ts.
-TIT Lbe to the bidder, •> Saturday
th.sp ace, Lot 660 12 1.
:tra9 made known on the ay oisa TILLER.
August 24.—20—3 t
gainst all such as may mo g GALLIHER .
August 24.—20 —2t
A FEW Copies of the Rules of Court, can b.
had on application.
Aug Ist 21. —20—
IN obedience to an order of the Court of Ordinary of
Newton county, the undersigned, as guardian of the
orphnns of Jesse Champion, will. at public outcry, sell,
on the premises, all the Lots in the town of AURARIA,
Lumpkin county, Georgia, beginning the sale of said
Lots on the first Tuesday in November next, and con*
bnumgthe sale from day to day until all will have been
80 "” -Fhe Lots vary in size, from sixty by one hundred
an 11! a G * ee h to five hundred and fifteen by six hundred
and fifteen feet. This thriving town is located on the ;
ndge dividing the waters of the Etowah from those of the
Chcstatee; and as regards salubrity of air, purity of wa
ter, fertility of soil, and quantity of the most precious me
tol, is surpassed by no neighborhood in the Southern :
States. 11l rapidity of improvement, it is unequalled by
any town or village in Georgia; and, as the sources of its
prosperity are inexhaustible, its importance must he du
rable. The terms will be made known on the day of sale.
gust 24 —2o—tds.
WE will sell at public outcry on Tuesday the 24th
September next, a number of Lots—laid out on
Lot No. 981, 12 1, adjoining Lumpkin Court-house;
many of which are well situated for business, and others
for private residences. Terms liberal, and made known
on the day of sale.
A plan of the survey, shewing the relative situation,
size &c. of each Lot, may be seen at our office in Auraria,
and at the Clerks Office at Lumpkin Court-House.
A. B. & H. holt;
Agents for the Proprietors.
August 31.—21—tds.
Cherokee Town Lots for Sale.
WILL bc'sold on Monday the 30th day of Septem
ber next, the Town Lots at the county Site of
Cherokee county, upon Lot number 167, in the 14th Dis
trict, 2nd Section, it being at the place geneaally known
as Jack FFright’s old place. Sale to continue from day
to day. Terms made known on the day of sale.
WILLIAM B. KEY, j. i. c.
August3l.— 2l —3t,
WILL sold on the Bth day of October next, the town
Lots at Pleasant Grove, Paulding county. The
undersigned, in making a selection for their county town,
have endeavored to please the fancy, and suit the conven
ience of all, and none who have seer, the Pleasant Grove,
will pretend todoubt for a moment,that they'have not been
wanting in attempting either. The sale will be conti
nuedfrom day to day, till all the Lots are sod. Terms
made known on the’ day of sale
JOHN BROOKS, j. 1. c.
GREEN CARNES, j. 1. c.
August 31 —21—tds.
AN A WAY sometime in June
.BY last, a Negro Man named Har
rison about fifty years of age; he for
merly belonged to the Estate of Whit
mire of this'county, and is well known
in the Cherokee Nation, where hc has
been seen several times since his elope
ment. He is stout built, head a little
grey, and has rather a thickness of
speech. The above reward will be paid upon his delive
ry to me in this place, or lodged in any sate jail, so that I
get possession of him.
Gainesville, Hall Cos. Geo. August 17—19—ts.
Jfa ■MNROMthe Subcribcr a small blac a
ifflfti® Jr Horse, eight or nine years old, five
f C et high, Branded on the left hip as well
as 1 now recollect with a perpendicular
line, three or four inches long, drawn through two half cir
cles. A liberal reward w ill be paid for Ins delivery to me,
and all reasonable NUCKOLLS.
J uly 16—15—ts.
FROM the subscriber, living in Auraria, a Sorrel
Mare about eleven or twelve years old, lourteen
hands high; her left eye oat, a lump on her back, one
white foot, and branded with the letters B. H. Five dol
lars will be given to any person who will deliver said
mare to the subscriber. n R COU NCIL.
August 17. —19 —
TAKEN up by the subscriber at Leather’s Ford
Lumpkin county, on the 28th Inst, a dark Chesnut
colored horse, about four years old, with one white hind
foot, and one small white spot on his forehead and three
small saddle spots, no brands
Angust 31.—21—3 t,
FROM the subscriber, some time in May last, at the
Burnt stand in Lumpkin county, a small Bay mare,
seven or eight years old, blind in her nght eye, a natural
trotter, supposed to have been raised in Habersham coun
ty, any information thankfully received and any trouble
or expenses liberally paid for. jyj DOB BS.
August 10, —18—4 t.
MFRRITT & Cos. will pay Forty-five Cents Cash
for Merchants and Planters Bank Notes, or 50
Cents in Goods, at Auraria, Lumpkin cowty, or Shef
field Newton County,
August 24. —20 —ts.
jjfk before me William Lind
nmtt J. sey, a Justice of the Peace for said
county, a bay Horse, both land feet white,
supposed to be seven years old, lourteen
high, shod all round; taken up by
William Ragan, appraised by Bos well Hall and Samuel
Tatum, to forty dollar V ILLIAM LINDSEY, J. P-
Atrue extract from _ c
Sept. 7.—22—3 t -
M •*7l STRAYED or stolen, from the sul*.
Jdi scriber at Lumpkin Court-house,
about the 10th of April last, a small sor
rel horse, five or six years old, with a star
racks well. The above reward will be
paid for his delivery to me, and all reasonable expenses
mrid Any information respecting said horse, will be
thankfully received. p R jypcRARY.
Fcpt. 7, —22 —ts
It comes, tlie Herald of a Golden World.
H AVING removed to Auraria, Lumpkin county,
now tenders his professional services to the public,
and will practice in all the counties of the Cherokee Cir
cuit; and Carroll, Campbell, DcKalb, Hall and llalter
sham counties.
Having been engaged for three years in gold mining,
, he will, (assisted by vlr. George S. Moody, from North
[ Carolina) act as agent in the examination, and sale of
gold lots.
Letters upon either branch of the above business, ad
oressed to me, will be promptly and faithfully attended to.
August 24.—20—ts.
THE undersigned have entered into Copartnership,
in the practice of L AAV, and hope by strict atten
tion to business confided to their care, and the assistance
of Judge Underwood, to merit a share of public patron
age. They will practice in nil the Counties of the Cher
okee Circuit, ana the adjoining counties of ihe Western
and Chattahoochee Circuits. Their office is at the Cour
House in Lumpkin county.
July 2.—l3—tf
THE undersigned have entered into copartnership in
the practice of the Law, for the County of Lumpkin,
and will attend to any professional business, which may
be confided to their care. Letters addressed to Harden
and Rogers,either at .ither,a or .iuraria, will receive prompt
May 7.—s—w6m
J. 11. STOKES,
HAS permanently settled himself in Cassville, Cass
county, and will regularly attend to any business
directed to his care, in the Cherokee Circuit.
Angust 17.—19—w2m.
To travellers.
FOR the accommodation of Persons travelling in the
Gold Region, the undersigned will run a Stage
weekly, from Clarkesvilleto Lumpkin Court-house. ler.v
ingClarkesvillc every Thursday morning, and arrive at
Lumpkin Court-house the same evening. Returning,
leave Lumpkin Court-house every Friday Morning and
arrive at Clarksville same Evening. Thus meeting the
direct Line for Augusta and Athens, once a week at
CamesviUe, Sept, 7. —22—4 t
rw*HE Proprietors of the Athens
ijjlgraKyyQrerreMF ■ Stage Linc, have determined
to continue their tri-weekly lineio
Auraria. Hercaftcrthe stage will reach this place on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and leave for Au
gusta, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
This arrangement will open a direct communication hy
stage tri-weekly with Augusta, Milledgevillc; and week
ly with Pendleton, via Gainesville and CamesviUe. The
stage will also run twice a week to Athens, Tennessee;
leaving Leathers’Ford on Sunday and Wednesday morn
May 23.8 —ts.
To Gold Mine Speculators,
THE Undersigned tenders his services, as an Expe
rienced practical Miner, to examine and test any
Lot in the Gold Region, disbelievcing in auv certain thoo
ry until proven by practice, he will warrant his opinion
when given to be correct, his price for examiningand giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be required ofany
Lot, will hr twenty five Dollars Letters encloseing that
amount in Cash, will be strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, he may at all times be found at Leath
er's Ford or m Auraria Lumpkin county.
Angnst 10.—18—ts,
FOR SAMUEL EATON, who broke jail in Clay
ton, Raburn Countv, Georgia, on the nighlnf the
25th inst. Said EATON is about 25 years old near six
feet high, stout built, fair complexion, dark hair, blue
eyes, quick spoken, possessing considerable intelligence
and apparent decency. I will give the above reward if
hois apprehended, and delivered to me in Raburn County.
JOHN S. HENLY, Jailor R. C.’
August, 10—18 —4t.
THE subscriber, living in tbe lower part of Ellijay
Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search of Lands, in the above
Section of country, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may bo desirable to owners, or others interested,
he will also act as Agent in purchaseing lands at Sheriff
Sale, in Gilmer county, his charges will be reasonable in
proportion to his tronble. JAMES B. HENSON.
June Cl,—ls—tf.
ONE small pocket Wallet, containing one note on
Robert M’Crary, payable to James Gowdy, for fif
teen Dollars, eighty-seven and a half cents, dated some
time in April last, and due the first of September -next;
one twenty dollar bill on the State Bank of Georgia; four
ten dollar bills on the Farmers Bank of Chattahoochee.
The maker of said note, is hereby notified from paying
the same to any person except myself, and all persons
are cautioned against trading for the same. A liberal re
ward will be paid for (he above, delivered to the subsen
ber at Lcathei’a Ford, Lumpkin county.
August 24.—20 —ts.
THE Publication of the Georgia Almanac, which
was regually printed in this office, but failed for two
years, owing to circumstances which could not be con
trolled by the former editor, will hereafter bo continued
every year, with the calculations of Robert Grier, Esq.
The almanac for 1834 will be printed with new type and
new Zodiacal and Astronomical signs, on good paper,
and Carefully superintended. Persons wishing to pur
chase by the Groce are requested to mako early appli
cation ! the price will be as low as it can be afforded, to
save expense and a small profit. —Consitulmalist
Augusta, July 23,1833.
Factorage and Commission Business,
THE Subscribers beg leave to announce to their
friends and patrons, and to the country in general,
that they have removed to the large and commodious
vim a
rrif ware /gnu
On tlie soutii side, upper end of Broad street, lately occu
pied by John C. Holcombe, where they will continue to
transact the above business in all its legitimate branches.
They renew their pledge to abstain from all speculations
upon cotton, and arc prepared to extend their usual facili
ties upon produce in store. They return their thanks for
the liberal share of patronage already conferred, and soli
cit its further continuance.
August 17.—19 —Ct
+lnd Commission Business.
TIIE undersigned think it proper to inform their
friends and the public, that they still continue the
above business, at their
New Fire Proof Warehouse,
PLjL— 6 AUGUSTA. a&iasiilk
They intend having nothing to do with the
purchase of Cotton, but will devote themselves exclu
sively to business confided to their care. They are pre
pared to make necessary advances, and respectfully re
new tlie offer of their services to the public.
August, 10—18 —2m.
THE Subscribe! takes pleasure in announcing to the
public, that he lias opened a Confectioners Store in
this place, where persons can be supplied with every arti
cle, usually kept in his line on the most accommodating
He is prepared to make Candies of every description hi
order at the shortest notice. Those who buy to sell again
can be supplied at 45 cts. per pound.
Gainesville August 24, —20—41,
THE CA iP MEETING for the Chestatco Mis
-Bion, will commence on the t hirteenth day of Sep
tember next, at Edward Aduir’e, in the Oothcaloga Val
ley, Cass county. Such Preachers of the Gospel, as feel
willing to laboi for the advancement of the cause of Re
ligion,arc affectionately requested to “come over and help
August, 10—18—
OR. John H. Thomas, having settled himself in Au
raria Lumpkin County, respectfully tenders his
professional services, to the Citizens of this and the ad
joining counties. From his experience os a practitioner
of twelve years in the middle part of this State, and with a
promise of charges in proportion with the times, and strict
attention to calls, he hopes to merit a share of public pat
Auraria, May 21.—7—ts
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trespass
ing on Lot No. 1095,2d District, 2d Section, either
hy digging gold, or in any other way, as the law will in
every case be enforced against persons thus trespassing.
/ackson County.
Aug. 31.—21—2 w.
TWENTY Days after date, application will he made
to the Honorable, the Inferior Court of Newton
county, when setting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to
sell the Negroes belonging to the Orphans of Joseph
Howard, dcc’d. THOMAS J. GRAY, Guard.
August 31, —21—3t,
THE Subscriber wishes lo sell the Lot ofland where
on Wiloy Bishop now lives, near the junction oi the
Chestatee and ChattaJioochie rivers, containing one hun
dred and fifty Acres, more or less, thirty-five orforty Acres
of cleared land, with good fences, and comfortable dwel
ling and outhouses; with an excellent fishery and Mill
Shoal. For terms, apply to
Gainesville, Geo.
June 4.—9—ts
WILL be exposed at public Auction, at the Court
House, ofLumpkin county, on the first Tuesday
in September next, that valuable and well known Lot No.
1)86, in the twefth District, of the first Section. )
Terms made known on the day o r sale. A good Tit.e
will be made to the purchaser, tree of all incumbrances
of Hall County.
August 10. —18 —tds
tLL persons arc desired to lake notice, that 1 have
this day and do hereby revoke a power of Attorn-} 1 ,
which 1 have heretofore executed to one Stephen Hanic,
authorizing him to sell Lots No. 859, I9th District, 2d
Section, and 75, Bth District, Ist Section, and 1 caution
all persons from trading for said lots, from said Hanie.
July 9.—11—4 m
JUST received at the office of the Western Herald, a
large supply of Materials, suitable for Job work,
among which are fancy Bordering, Coloured Cards, do.
Inks, &c- &c, Blanks of all kinds of approved forms,
kept constantly on hand for sale, all orders filled with
neatness and dispatch.
July 9—l4—tf
THAT large and convenient HOUSE, in the Town
of Gainesville, just finished in the best style for an
up country Tavern; furnished with as good or better fur
niture, all new, than any similar Establishment in the
State. Early application should be made, as tlio House
is now ready to commence business. Servants will al
so be furnished, if required. Apply to the subscriber. j
Gainesville, Hall Cos. Geo. August 17. —19—if
From the New York Courier and Enquirer.
As there is a large class of our readers which
are precluded by business, or some other awk
ward circumstance, such as a light purse or hav
ing notes to pay for instance, from enjoying
the imaginary delight of visiting West Point, the
Mountain House, Satagota Springs, Niagara
Falls, the White Mountains, Nahant. and the
Sea Serpent, we have determined to administer
to them all the consolation in our power. For
this purpose, we have been at great pains to
make a collection of all the miseries attending
the search after pleasure, with the benevolent
view of reconciling those fortunate people, who
think themse'ves very unfortunate in being con
fined to a comfortable home, and an agreeable
domestic circle to their fate.
First. Raising the wind, by going to a broker
and paying a premium of one or two per cent, a
month for money. Borrowing it of a friend,
under the high pressure of great doubts, whether
we shall ever be able to pay him—or appropri
ating what fairly belongs to the tailor, to travel
ling expenses. N. B. Many people are eo
used to these modes, that they don’t mind it;
but very particular persons like our worthy rea
ders, who are obliged to stop at home, have con
scientious scruples.
Seco. and. Getting up two or three hours be
fore one’s usual time; dressing in a great hurry ,
trudling off to the steamboat—and when wo
get there, finding our trunk has dropped off be
hind the carriage, and losing our passage for
that day.
Third. Waiting with infinite impatience for
breakfast, and finding the tables all full when
we get down into the cabin. Going up again
and solacing our melancholy, by reading a new
novel, and coming too late for the second table
—at last sitting down between two hardened
yillians, as hungry as wolves, who take toll from
every dish witliin reach—stick their knife and
fork into fish, flesh and lowl indiscriminately,
and while gazing in astonishment at their tren
cher feats, to discover all at once, that the table
has been cleared away, by the Doctor Pedro
Portive Snatchaways of the steamboat.
Fourth. Having a wretch, switch away your
trunk for safe keeping, and when you want to
go ashore, not being able to find the fellow or
your trunk by which means,you lose your pas
sage in the stage to the Springs, and are obliged
to bore a whole day in Alabany, sighing at tha
jokes of mine host of the Eagle.
Fifth. Arriving at Saratoga, and getting lodg
ings among the fashionables—being shut in a
little seven by nine room, opening on a long
1 passage common to the whole house, and nev
er quiet, day or night—getting up at six in the
morning, and groping your way through a fog
to the spring, and drinking water till your head
is like to split into atoms, under pretence of its
being good lor your health—getting no sleep
except in the day time—getting no body to ad
mire or tail in love with you—getting no partner
in the datice—getting tired to death—and get
ting into a stage to go somewhere else to hr
equally tired.
Sixth. Riding on a rail-road, which is nearly
equivalent to riding on a rail; or being crowded
in a hot day in a steamboat, with eight or nine
hundred people—arriving at Albany in a heavy
shower after dark, and set adrift to look fur
lodgings—finding them at last in a little room
six stories high, and as hot as purgatory. Roast*
ing all night, and thinking of a comfortable bed
at home.
Seventh. Breaking down in the stage —having
a horse kno< ked up or getting the blind sloggers
i half a dozen miles from a tavern, raining pitch
j forks all the time—swearing at the driver, his
horse, his master, and consigning the whole con
cern to kingdon come—finally, being obliged
to put up with the whole matter, and having the
’ consolation that you have sworn a great deal to
no purpose, and got into a passion for nothing.
Eighth. Being obliged to eat a dinner at some
infernal rural village, got up in the true spirit of
rustic cookery, achieved by an article who roasts
meat to a cinder, butters it to fanaticism, and
forcibly reminds you of the old proverb about tbo
and 1 sending cooks, &c.
Ninth. Travelling so fast from one place to
another, you temember nothing of the country
through which you pass; getting up before day
light and riding after dark—arriving at the hotel
late—eating a huge supper—going right to bed,
getting the nightmare and dreaming of being
smothered in onions.
Tenth. Sciaping acquaintance with an ex
ceedingly polite gentleman, with a travelled an,
and paving w'llh your pocket book, for the hon
our of his company; or getting very thick with
a fellow just out of the State Prison; or being
seized by the button by a politician, who insists
on your arguing the question of the tariff and
internal improvements ; or what is worse than
all, being beleagured by a villian with his head
full of canals and rail roads, whose tongue goes
faster than a locomotive, and yet never arrives
at the end of its journey.
Eleventh. —Fleas, bugs, musquetoes, feather
beds, equivocal sheets, crooking bedsteads, dir
ty waiters, dusty roads, lame horses, supeiau
unted stages, drunken drivers, incat swiming it,
greese, new whiskey, sour wine, sweet vinegar,
heavy bread, muddy codec, oily butter, tough
mutton, tough chickens, tough waiters and tough
landlords, rainy days, weather bound at the tav
ern with nothing but the almanac, the book of
martyrs with horrible wood cuts, or an old court
try ’newspaper, to pore over ; and every now ami
1 then tantalized with a prospect of dear weather,
t winding dp with a pelting shower, iuing on i><-
NO. 33.