Newspaper Page Text
Lamtikln Sheriff* M|K'-
*fr[Ll, be sold on the first Tuesday m Oc
®W ~,,,r nc ,, at the court-house in Lnmpkm
Jnu . w,tn the u’sual houraof sale.t.u f0110w...? pmp
city* to wit: . -
Lot No. 539, 12th District, Ist Section; le-
Levy made and returned to me by a l onstabh.
Lot No. 379, 13th District, South halt, Ist
t-„,; on . 1 vied on a the protreTty of Thomas -mold, to
ratify a ti. fa. from TFa-ifinglon Superior Court m tavor
•cS organ Brown, vs. said Arnold.
Lot No. 1030, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the properly of Joseph O. •"b'courftv it
afi. fa. issued from a Justices t our ofßibbcounty m
favor of Tow ns & Riley, vs. said Johnston. Levy
mid returned to me by a Constable,
Lot No. 775, 12th District, Ist Section? le
vied on .:s the property of M. Smith to saU,ty a ii. ta. ,n
tivor of Hogan O. Smith, vs. said Smith.
Lot No. 110,12 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Henry Holcombe, to satisfy a
0 fa. in favor of Benjamin Hash.
Lot No. 37. 4th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of Stephen Marmot, to satisty a h.
a. in favor of Luther & to. vs. said M DennonL
Lot No 66,12 th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of Thomas Mann, to satisfy a ti. ta. in
favor of David Sutsonyva. said nann.
Lot No. 452, 13t!i District, Ist Section,
fvmth: levied on as the property of Brvan O’Neal, to sa
tisfy a’fi. fa. in favor of Harwell Russell, vs. said Bryan
O’Neal. .
Lot No. 792, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property t Martin. HMlo eausl'yahTii.
to favor of Thomas ( amp, vs. said Relish. Levy made
and returned to mo by a t- onstable.
Lot No. 310, 4th District, Ist Section; le
vied Oil as the property of John A. Hogg, to satist v a ti
fa. in favor ot E. Bird. vs. said Hogg. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable. . ,
Lot No. 337, 13th District, Ist Section,
South half; levied on as the property of Samuel Knox, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Joseph Smith, vs. said Knox.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1254, 11th District, Ist Section;
levied on a? the property of Joshua Grace, to sattsfy a fi.
ft. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hancock county, in
lavor of Eli Champion, vs. said Grace. Levy made and
levied oh as the*properfy7sr*l**w l s jiumii, io a ...
fa. in favor of R. M. Richards &. Cos. and other fi. fas. vs.
oaid lihun. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
Lot No. 732, sth District, Ist Section; le
* iod on as the property of Isaac Tate, tS satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of William B. Shelton, vs. said Tate. Levy made
end returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 249, 13th District, Ist Section,
South; levied on as the property of Alfred Webb, to sa
tisfy a fi. fa, in favor of John Choice .V Cos. vs. said Webb.
Lev made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 49,12 th District, Ist Section; levied
on as thi’ property of Jonat an Cray, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of John Choice & Cos. vs. said Gray. Levy made
nd returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 408, 15th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property ofThomas James, to satisfy a
C. fa. in favor of John Gordon, vs. said James. Levy
made and returned to me by Constable.
Lot No. 575, sth District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of James Dunaway, to satisfy a fi. fa,
issued from a Justices Court of Lincoln county, in favor
of Lewis Parks, vs. said Dunaway. Levy made and re
turned to me or a Constable.
Aug. 61. “ SAMUEL JONES, Sh’ffi
On the first Tuesday in October next.
Lot No. 253, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of William Leverett, to satisfy a
fi. fa in favo r of ‘\ iliiam H. . bite, vs said Leverett.
Lot No. 76, 4th District, 1-4 Section, of ori
ginally Habersham, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property of Jame§ Carter, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in
favor 0 f (rdliam B. Shelton, and others, vs. said Car
ter. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1003, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on os the properly of Eli Champi on, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Hancock county, in
favor of Bachelder & Cos. vs. said Champion.
Lot No. 412, 13th District, Ist Section;
South; levied on as the property of Basel Gowen, to sa
tisfy a fi. fa. in favor of P J. AJurray, vs said Gowen.
Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable.
Lot No. 297, 12th District Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Alexander Lambert, to satisfy
oti. fa. in favour of John Flanagan, vs. said Lambert
Levv made and returned to me by aConstable.
August 31. SAMUEL JONES, Sh’ffi
Gilmer Sheriff’s Sale,
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
October next, before the Court House door
in th” town of Elijay, Gilmer county, within the usual
Lours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 167, 12th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of John M’Canless, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a J ustice’s Court Habersham countyj in
favor of Thomas B. Cooper, and John U. Stanford, vs.
said “’Canless.
Lot No. 71, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Hezckiah Finley, to satisfy two ti.
las. in favor of J. H. Cooper &. Cos. vs! said Finley. Levy
tnade and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 51, 12th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Jesse Meckim, to satisfy a fi. fii. is
bued froma JusUce’sCourt ofHabersliam countv, in ;a
vorofT. B. Cooper, vs. said Meckim. Levy made i.ud
returned to me by aConstable.
Lot No. 138, sth District, 2d Section; levrod
on as the property of\\ iliiam Goodman, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from the Court of Common Pitas of Augusta, in
Favor of Alexander Williams, vs. said Goodman
f lierokee Sheriff s Sales.
be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
ty, vithin the usual hours of sale, the followin’- nroperty
to wit: ■”
Lot No. 264, 22d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Green, to satisfy three
fi. fas. issued from a J ustico’s Court of Washington coun
ty, in favor of Harris St Solomon, vs. said Green. Levy
tna <<’ and retu ied to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 924, loth District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the properly of Samuel Powel, to satisfy sun
dry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Stewart coun
ty, m favor of William Crocker, vs. said Powel. Levv
tna e and .eturned to me by a Constable. 3
Lot No. 327,3d District, 2d Section ; levied
on ay he property of Thomas ibis, to satisfy three fi.
fts. issued from a Justic s Court ofßibb countv, in favor
ct V. S. Townslcy,vs. said Willis. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable,
Lot No. 404, 21st District, 2d Section; le
on as the property of Henry Ligon, to satisfy tJuec
(s& issued from a Justice's Court of Talbert County
in favor ofMareos Vandcvcr, vs. saidLigon. Lviv madi
snd rotumed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 21.4 th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Chailes Kyle to satisfy two h fas.
issue,! from a Justice’s CourtofT a l , aferro cou ty i'’ “
vor of Jacob Johnson, vs said Kaple. Levy made and
return oil to me by a ('onstable.
Lot No. 797, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Eli Eberbart, to satisfy three h. las.
issued*Ox)m l a > .Tusliee’sOourt of Oglethorjie county, in fa
vorL B Hopper, for the uso of J. H lI ,°PPV> , ,
Eberbart. Levy made and returned to me by a Constat .0
Lot No. 64, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of James L. Lawless, to satisfy a It. ta.
issued from a Justice’s Court of Lumpkin
ofJ. J. Logan, vs. said Lawless. Levy made amt re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 905, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vi-d on as the property of John Folkner, to satisfy a h
issued from a ill-tree’s Court ot 1 roup county, in fa
vor of Elbot Keott, vs. said Folkncr. Levy made and r -
turned to uie by a Constable.
Lot No. 467, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of > Trammel, Jo, satis.y
tine, fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of ( o.umbm
county, in favor ot Thomas Lyon vs. said 1 rammel Le
vy made and returned to me b_v a Constable.
Lot No. 700,215 t District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of James B. Randall, to satisfy a
ti. fa. issued from the Superior Court ofNc'vton eumy,m
favor of Harriet Jack, vs. James B. Randall and Robert
L. Edwards.
Lot No. 347, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of John S. Head to satisfy sundry h
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Gwinnett county. >”
favor of Mathew Strickland, vs said Head and Nclre imah
Summerlin. Levy made and returned to me by a Con-
Lot No. 764, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of U iley S. Allison, to satisfy sum
dry ti. fas. issued from a Justice s Court ot Butts County,
in favor of John R. CargiL . vs. said Allison. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constabl \
Lot No. 654, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Cameron, to satisfy
sundry fi, fas. issued from a Justices Court of Upson
county, in favor of John A. White, vs. said Cameron. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 733, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Robert S. Pounds to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. issued from a justice’s Court of Columbia
county, in favorof James Cartledgc and others, vs. said
Pounds. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 408, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of George H. Owens, to satistv a fi.
fa. issued from i io.ll Superior Court, in ta\or of I nomas
J. Reed, vs. said Owens.
■* (—r •* **■ o<l .Qiw'iu'kiv lp.-
fi. fa,issued from Franklin Superior Court, in favor of
’ illiam Hackett, vs. said Barton.
Lot No. 803, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Angus M’Cormack, to satisfy tw o
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hall county, one
in favor of William M’Kinsy for the use of John Epperson,
the other in favor of Jonathan Betts, vs. said M’Cormick.
Levy made and returned tc me by a Constable.
Lot No. 609, 21st District, 2d Section ; le
vied oil as the property ofSeth Royal, an ‘ B njamin Mo
bley, to satisfy a fi. fa issued from a /ustic's Court of
Buri e couuty, in favor of A. S. Jones, vs. said’ Royal and
Jtfobley. Levy made and returned to me by a ‘unstable.
Lot No. 63, 22d District, 2d Section ; levied
on as the property of Zachariah K, Hamilton; f o satisfy
two fi,fas. issued froma Justice’s Court of Crawford coun
ty, in favor of Samuel & J. L. Calhoun, vs, said Hamil
ton, Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1205, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the properly of Mathew Stevens, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice's Court of Habersham coun
ty, in favor of Fountain Moss, vs. said Stephens. Levy
made and returned to mo by a Constable.
Lot No. 34, 13th District, 2d Section, levied
on as the property of Burwell B. Bartlett, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of Robert Bird. vs. said Bartlett.
August 31. JOHN P. BROOKS, Sh’ff
Clierokee Sheriffs gules.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober next, at the Court bouse in Cherokee
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 748, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of •'• iliiam King, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from the Inferior Court of Elbert county,in favor of
John Kins, for the use of William King, vs. said King.
Lot No. 1u2,13th District, 2d Section; le
vied o i as the property ofßiley M. Willingham to satis
fy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court in Coweta county,
in favor Samuel .V’Juokin, vs. said Willingham. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 981, 2d District 2d Section; levied
on asthe property of Riley Willingham, to satidy a
fi. fa. in favor of Samuel .Vl’Junkin, vs. said Willingham.
Levy made and returned tome by a ‘’unstable.
Lot No. 987, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of ■ Triffan Owen, to satisfy-a ti. fa. is
sued Justice’s < ‘ourt of Walton connty, in favor ofSam’l.
AlMunkin, and others, vs. said Owen.” Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 401, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the properly of Henry Niles, to sati fy a fi. fa.
in favor of John B. Hawkins, vs! said Niles. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot IS o. 559, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of E. C. Hatcher, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of Francis A. Kirkland, vs. said Hatcher. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No, 340,2d District, 2d Section ; levied
on as the property of Josias B. Beall, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of Samuel Ai’Junkin, vs. said Beafi.
Lot No. 1109,215 t Districted Section; le
vied on as the property ofSamucl Miller, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of Samuel A/’Junkin, vs. said Miller. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable. J
Lot No. 609, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Edward Jackson, Amos Jack
son, and B. I-. Miller, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Zaeh
anahKcytlo, V s. said defendants. Levy made and re
turned to me by aConstable.
Lot No. 967, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Carrington Knight, to satisfy a fi
fa. in favor of Samuel APJunkin, vs. said Knight.
Lot No. 900, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on asthe property of Drewry Roach, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of James Adams, Adin’r. of Richard Cannon”
deceased, vs said Roach. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
August 31. JOHN W. LEONARD, D. Sh’ff.
PanJ siny SlieriJTs Sale.
WM, T ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Or
,ober next at the place for holding Courts in
t aulding county, the following property to wit:
Lot No. 294, 2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property oflsham Law s, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justices Court of Newton county, in favor of
Shaw & Banks, vs, said Laws. Levy made and return
< and to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 583, 21st District, 3d Section- le
vied on as the property of Green Y. Thornton, to satisfy
a fi. fa, issued from a Justice's Court of Newton county
in favorof John Boston, bearer, vs. said Thornton. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable, J
Lot No. 640, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on a;’ e property of I?“ n 'el Johnson, to satisfy a fi.
_• 1 and ii a Jusfic< ’H • ourtof A'ewtori in fa
vorot to y.ioids, vs. said Johnson. Levy made and
returned to me by Constable.
Lot No. 510, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the nnmertyof James Tmssell, to sattsfy sundry h.
Trussell. Levied on and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 406,215 t District, 3d Section ; le
viedon as the property of V.
three fi. fas. issued from a Justico s ® _ V s. said
county, in favorof James H. Hill i 1 ‘ ‘ |
Wbeelys. Lew made and returned to me by n tonsta
ble. _ . ,
Lot No. Hl3, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied ou as the property of Daniel Stewart, to satisfy two
fi fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of 1 lall county, m
favor of Henry ‘ ‘unit, vs. Daniel Stewart. Lc\ yma
and returned tome by a Constable*
Lot No. 661, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of K. ’•!• Callaway, to satis y our ’*
fas. issue? from A Justice’s Court ofHentr county, lll f“’
vor ofO. W. Cox. and others, vs. E. M. Callaway. Le
vy made and ret units I to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 703, 19th District, 3d Section; le
v! lon as the property of John Washington to sattsfy a
li. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Henry county, m
favor of John Davlev.vs. John Washington. Levy made
*'August* 3l. mC WILLIAM & HOGUE, Shff
Paulding Sheriff’s >alc.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober next, within the usual hours of sale, at
the place of hoiding Courts in Paulding County, the fol
lowing property, to wit:
Lot No. 220, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on asthe property orstephen Cole, to satisfy a h. fa.
issued,f;om a Justices Court ot H ulton county, in favor ot
J. A. Cocknato, _ ~ ,
Lot No. 188, Ist District, 4th Section; le
viad on as the property of Samuell Heald, to satiety a
fa. issued issued from a Justices Court of Walton county,
in favor of Samuel M’Jimkin. vs. said Heald.
Lot No. 82,18 th District, 3d Section; le- |
vied on as the property of Hosey Camp, to satisfy ah. fa |
issued from a justices Court of ‘• altou county, m favor
of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Camp.
Lot No. 751, 20th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of William O.Neal, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of W alton county, in ,
favor ofSainucl M’Junkin.
Lot No. 657, 20th District, 3d Section; le- |
vied on as the property’of John Brown, to satisfy an. a,
issued from a Justice’s Court of ‘ v alton County, in favor
of Samuel .Vi’Junkin, ve. said Brown.
Lot No. 817, 2d District, 4th Section; levied
on as the property of V illiam Freeman, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justice’s Court of V\ alton county, in tavor
of Samuel M’Junkin, bearer, vs. said Freeman.
Lot No. I§3, 20th District, 3d Section; le
li ta. issued tfon. v ofR. & Scroggins, to satisfy a
favor of Samuel M’JunKin, vs. saia sdbggms.
Lot No. 788, Ist District, 4th Section; lc
vi and on as the property of Hiram Williams, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, m
favor of Samuel M’Junktn, vs. said Williams.
Lot No. 499, 2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of right Shipcr, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of 1 ’oweta County, in favo,
of M’Junkin & Perry, vs. said r-hiper.
Lot No. 360,2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of J. D. Danby, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, in favor of
Samuel -Vl’Junkin, vs. said Danby.
Lot No. 272, Ist District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of William ’ ’ ashain, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justice's Court of Butts county, in favor of
Jolin U. Cargil, vs. said U ashain.
Lot No. 68S, 20th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of John Dickinson, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hancock county, in
favor of B. L. Cato & Cos. vs. said Dickinson,
ougusisi. JACOB PARLIER. V. S.
Union Sheriff's Sale.
“W^ r ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
® ■ tober next, between the usual hours of sale, at
the house of Jack Butts, the place of holding Courts, in
Union county, the following property to wit.
Lot No. 272, 18th District, Ist Sect : on ; le
vied on asthe property of William L. Burk, to satisfy
sundiy fi.fas. issued fro n a Justice’s Court of Morgan
county, in favor of Rich..rd Butler, vs. said Burk Levv
made aud returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 3, 18th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of John Mills, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from a Justices Court of V\ alton county, in favor of Rich
ard Butler, vs. said dills. Levy in id J and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 25,17 th District, Ist Section; levied
on asthe property of Pascal H. Sanford, to satisfy sundry
fi. fas. issued froma Justice’s Court of Walton county, in
favor of James Orr and others, vs. said Sanford. Levi
made and returned to me by aConstable
Lot No. 259, Bth District, Ist Section; le
vied op a” the property of Jane Joyner, to satisfy sundry
fi. fas. issued from a Justices ‘. ourt of Houston county, in
favor of High ‘. iggins & Cos. and othc-s, vs. said Joyner.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Sept. 7. JAMES CROW, Sh’ffi
Jit the same time and place on the first Tuesday
in October next.
Lot No. 332, 10th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Reuben S. Hatcher, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from H llkinson Superior Court, in favor of
Thomas James, for the use of William Lucas, vs. said
Lot No. 252, 16th District Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of James Hall, to satisfy sundry
fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Gwinnett county,
in favor of Samuel M’Junktn, vs. said Hall. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 27, Bth District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of John S. Kaiford, to satisfy two fi.
fas. issued from a Justices Court in favor of lienry S.
S. Jones, Adin r of Batt Jones, vs. said John S. Railord
and Malcont Nicholson. Levy made and relumed to me
by a Constable.
’ September 7. JAMESCROW, Sh’fl.
JU the same time and place.
Lot No. 33, ISth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Kdwara .Morgan, to satisfy a fi,
fa. issued from a Justicu’s ( ourt of //all county, in favor
of Pleasant//ulsey, vs, said Jl/organ. Levy made and
returned to me by a Coastable.
August 3! OE( ‘ROE It . GADDES. D. S.
WILL be sold on Tuesday 9th of October next,at the
late residence of Jesse VI. White, deceased, the
whole of the personal property belonging to said decea
sed. Terms made known on the day. Sale to continue
f ran day today, until all is sold.
July 16. —15—tds
AGREEABLY to an order of the Inferioi Court or Ra
bun couunty, wil. be sold on the first Tuesday in
uctoher next, at the Court House, in Marion county, ‘
Lot of Land No. 36,15 t District, of originally .Muscoee
now Manan county, sold for the benefit of tlm heirs and
• roditors of James btrawth.r late of Rabun, county, de-
July 23, —If—tds ‘
4 GREEAB. .Yto an order, of toe Honorable tofenm
A Court orNewton-f (Sober ne*.
purposes will be sold ontlie Court House in
wi.hmjhc legal hours of £,. 1 landnumber 30,
Morgan County, theone half ot Lot ol anu
one in the 19th District rforigmaHy BMmm q
l^iglrtdeceased ! . m al9oatGainsvillcin Hall County on
““i o, S Nro U l3B°?, 'fire L2thKmrrehof Hall County, sold
for toe benefif if tU: heirs of said deed. Terms made
known on the day of sale. HENRy la ne, Admr.
July 30th—17—tds. -
t tiarillaa's gate.
AGREEABLY to an order of the Honorable, the ln
lerior Court of Newton county, when sitting tor
ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday m -
tobor next, w'ito.n the legal hours of sale, a the Court
House in the Town of Covington Newton*oun‘S'. 1
tracts ofLand, (numbersunknown,) situated witton 112
m iles ofCovington, adjoining lands owned bvtary W°°d,
T Hannon and others. Soldfor the benefit of theorplmns of
T. TX'ureton, dec’d. WILLIAM BROITN,Guar.
July 16. —15 —tds.
AGREEABLT* to an order of the Inferior Court of
l labersham County, when sitting for ordinary pur
poses, will be sold to the highest bidder on the first Tues
day in November next, at the Court house in Lumpkin
county,Lot Number one hundred and eight, in the fourth
District of formerly Habersham, now Lumpkin county,
belonging to the Estate of Cunningham Ellison, deed.
Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said de
ceased. Terms made known on the
August 24.—20—tds. ‘
Prudence Capeiiart, )
vs. > Libel for Divorce,
Henry Cafehart, S
In the Superior Court of Hall County.
IT appearing, by the return of the Sherifl, that the de
fendant is hot to be tound, he is therefore hereby no
tified to appear at the next Superior Court, for Hall coun
i tv, and answer to the said case, or the sa nc will proceed
i ® Sol pro Libellant.
July 2, —13—m3m
INCUR Months after date application will be made, to
1 the Honorable the Inferior Court, o! Newton Coun
ty when setting as a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell
the whole ofthe real estate belonging to U alter ioole,
late of said County dec. , „ ,
iviav — l •ami
FOUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Newton County
when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for said County, for
leave to sell the whole of the Real Estate belonging to Jes
se M. White deceased for the benefit of the creditors of
said deceased.
JOHN SMITH, ), . ,
ZACHEUS PRICE, j Adlllrs ’
July 16—15 —w4m.
THE Subscribers takes tliis method of informing their
friends and the public generally, that their House
is completed and furnished in a style inferior to none in
the upper Country, and they fialrer themselves that the
Man of family or the fashionable visiter will fiind it one
of ilie most pleasant summer retreats in the upper coun
try. They hope by strict attention to inerrit a continu
ance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed.
N. B. The Copartnership of A. & W. N. Bishop was
by Mutual consent dissolved on flic Ist Jau. last, and
the establishment is now conducted bv.
A. & W. F. BISHOP.
July 30—17
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
the public generally, that he has opened a House
of entertainment, at the AUatooney Gold Mines, in Cass
county, the above place is a handeomo and healthy situa
tion, with the advantages of good spring and well water,
and the pleasant M ouatain breeze, and is surrounded w ith
a romantic forest, in the centre of the Gold Region, Alla
tooney. is 45 miles from the Carroll Mines, 70 from Au
aria in Lumpkin county, and on the direct road leading
from Auraria, to the Carroll mines.
N. B. the post office is removed from Sanfordville to this
July 9, —14—ts
, ,i FBMJE undersigned, takes this method to in
ii a -M- form the Public generally, that he has
taken the House, rec’ ntly occupied by Les
targette, & Cleghorn, as a Tavem, at the Al
’atoona Mines, in Cass County; and is now ready to ac
ommodate as many as may find it to their interest to vis
i. this interesting, Golden Region of country. Trav
ellers who stop to rest, will find his Table supplied with
the very best the countiy will affiord, his Stables well fur
nished with provender, and attended by a first rate Ostler,
and no exertion wanting on his part, to comfort constant
Boarders, or render agreeable the situation of (he tran
sicn visitor. £. R. Mc’LAIN.
July 2,—l3—tf
THE undersigned respectfully informs the public tha
he has opened a house of Entertainment at the
Court House of Lumpkin county, and is now pre
pared for the reception of boarders and travellers. Trust
mg to the efforts which he will make to give general satis
faction, he deems pledges and promises as altogether
useless-—suffice it to say, that he hopes none will go
away dissatisfied. His charges will be as moderate as
circumstances will allow.
July 2—l3—tf
npiiE Subscriber ro- . .f 4 ***®
|!5Sy, J. public, that h U -Of informs the
j!liMi ENTER!' * vIF-ro’ opc ?? d a t,ouse of
f§MO_ rjIHE undersigned lias taken the house for
itlilt n “fly occupied as a Tavern, by Mrs.
Raschal &. Sons. The house having under-
I ,? one a thorough repair, ho is now able to
ccomodateallpersonsdisposed to patronize him. His T
able will be supplied with the very best that the country
thn tji 118l . abcsw, th plenty of provender and an aN
five ostler j his liar with the best of liquors; and every
possiblo attention shall be rendered on his part, to ensure
a share of that custom, which lie intends to merit.
Auraria June 8, -11—ts. R ’ A ’ WATKINS -
(Auraria, Lumpktn County,)
JL—A Subscriber still continue,
IjSiilL -■- t 0 occupy his Old Stand, o a
iUUPn Main Street, a few doors above the Court.
House. Having extended hta improvement,
he is now prepared to accommodate in more
style, those who may favor him with their palraw
Ready access to Maps, Diagrams, &e. can be had it tr .
time, and no exertions will be spared to give to the Tni.
cllcr in pursuit of information, the best knowledge of fe
country, which his means of information will assort
Gratetul for the liberal patronage already received, a
continuance is respectfully solicited.
Auraria, April 6—l—ts
The Subscriber respectfully informs his friends utf
the Public in general that he is now opening,
House of entertainmeut in Cassville, Cass county, wliae
from his k nowledge of business, he hopes to shear a to,
sonabto portion of Uicir patronage
July 9, —14 —
The Southern Banner, will please givethe aboveftm
Insertions and forward their account for payment.
AC. MARSHALL has just received, and is no*
• opening in front of the CHEROKEE HOTQ,
in Auraria, a Splendid and Fashionable ABsortmcntof
Among which arc
Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gold Lever and L’Ews
Pins Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, and Bead Gw
Chains, of a great and beautiful variety.
Rodger’s fine Pen Knives.
Watfe and Butchers, and Rogers Razor..
Pistols and Dirks.
Silver Spectacles and Goggles.
Silver Thimbles,
j Ever pointed Pencil Cases,
uurVi. - D..a1.1n0 onri Rroonlnfo
Moleskin and Bead Purses.
Pocket Compasses.
Wood and Britania Shaving Boxes, Brushes and Sir.?,
Walking Canes.
Silver Table and Tea Spoons, &c. &c.
■, W atchcs and Clocks repaired, and warranted.
I Auraria, August 10.—18 —ts.
THE undersigned have just received, and arc recoin;
direct from Baltimore and Philadelphia, a liif.
| general and elegant Assortment of GOODS, which to
offer very low for Cash. Their Stock they believe to
general. They can therefore with confi'ltnct', imi'.t-u/l
friends and the public in general, to call and examine,!’
they are resolved to give bargains. Their Stock consid
in part of
Blue, Black and Invisible Cloths,
Clarat, Olive and Grey do.
Cassiroercs and Sattinctts,
Circassian, Bland and Scotch Tor talc,
Silk and Tabby Velvets,
Black, Merino and fancy Cord,
Silk and Cotton Vestings.
Black, Lustring and colored Florence, and gross lien;
Black Lace Veils and colored silk Handkerchiefs,
Black and White Prints, and Fancy do.
Block and White painted Muslins,
Black and While Ginghams,
Checked and Plaid I’onge Silks,
Silk and Pocket Handkerchiefs,
Linens, Brown and Irish,
Bleached, Brown and Plaid Domestics,
.VlcNow’s Blankets, Hats “White and Black,
Shoes and Boots, Coarse and fine,
Silk and Cotton Umbrellas,
Cutlery, such as Chissels, Augers, Handsaws end Hit
mers, Hinges, Waffle Irons, Grid Irons, Pad Lotii
Double bolted do. pocket Knives and Razors, Spade
and Shovels,
Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, “Chocolate and Ta
Wine, &c. &.
August 24.—20 —ts.
J UST Received and now offered at very low ptk'M
Lumpkin Court-House.
Holland Gin,
Jamaica Rum.
Cogniac Brand}-,
Rye Whiskey,*
Cordials assorted,
Claret, Mcdeira, Tencriff, and .Malaga Wine;,
Porter, Ale and Beer,
Soda and Seidlit Powders,
Lemon Syrup,
Cheese, Beef, Sausages and Crackers.
Rice and Raisons,
Candles and Tobacco,
Cocoa and Brazil Nuts,
Almonds and HazlcNuts,
Scotch and M. Snuff
A general assortment of Patent Medicines,
Cigars, Spanish and common,
Shoe Black, Paste and Liquid,
Cologne and other Perfumary,
Fancy Cake, and Ball Soap,
Sugar and Coffee,
Fire Crackers, St;rch, Pearl Ash, &c. for,
A general assortment kept constantly on list*’
above. pi, Ji JJaRBEV
August 31.—21—ts.
*®*KLS sHOAIi”
rffIHE undesigned,Commissioners ofTennessoeCte’
JL having heard that some alarm exists from a
of the Cholera having bioken out among the hsmds, S*
this occasion from their personal observation on then*
and from information on which they can rely, to a*® l
the public, that it is certainly unfounded.
No case ofCholera has oGeured upon the Canal nor -
there recently been any severe ease of sieknesaorai*®
There are at this time employed, from 500 to 600 W)
who arc well fed, comfortably lodged, in good health,** 1
arc in the regular receipt of higher wages, than are
erally, earned by others in the surrounding country, ’
be subscriber is authorized to employ 500 or I**
thousand hands at sls per month for the above comp* l !
he may at all times be found at Leathers ford or ini*
ra " a - D. C. GIBSON.
June 25th, 1833
A MAN experenced :n the Mining business who 0*
give the best references for his character and
Uie3, wishes to get employment in a mine,vein ct doi** 1
Enquire at this Office.
August, 10-—lß—tf,