Newspaper Page Text
’ ‘ *
Edited by A. G. FAMBROIGII'.
Tes. —Three dollars per annum, payable within six
months after the receipt of the first number, or lour dol
lars if not paid within the year. Subscribers living out of
t!ie state, will be expected in all cases, to pay in advance.
No subscription received lor less than one year, unless
lire money is paid in advance; and no paper willbcdis-
Limtimieu until all arrearages are paid, except at the op
non ofthc publisher. Persons requesting a discontinu
ance of their Papers, arc requested to beur in mind, a set
!lrmcnt of their accounts.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates;
nhen the number of insertions is not specified, they will
be continued until ordered out.
;CP All I.otters to die Editor or Proprietor, on mat
ters connected with the establishment, must be post paid
inorder to secure attention.
SCP Notice of the sale off. and and Negroes, by Ad
mi listrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be published
sun dats previous to the day of sale.
The sale of personal Property, in like manner, must £ie
published forty dais previous to the day of sale.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must he
published FORTY DATS.
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of
Ordinary for Leave to sell Laud or Negroes,must be pub
lished four months.
Notice that Application will barnacle for Letters of Ad
ministration, must bo published thirty days and for
betters of Oi ‘.mission- ux months.
(£/- fe are authorized to announce G. A.
PARKER, Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriffat the ensu
in'’ January Election.
July 16.—13
£y*We are authorized to announce the name
of John 1. Rowel, as a candidate r t ■ Olork of the Supe
rior Court,of Lumpkin c uuty, at -■ next January Elec
Oct. 19,-23
er Wc .ire authorized to announce the name
of James F. Foster, as a candidate for luce iver of Tax
returns for Lumpkin county, attlie next Jauuaiv Election.
Oct. l‘J, —28—
(£jr*VVe arc authorised to announce Samuel
.McCarter. Esq. as a candidate for Sheriff, at the ensuing
January Election.
Nov. 9.—31
Gold Lots for Sulc iti Cherokee*
No. 257, 2nd District, Ist Section,
No. 579. 3rd Distrtct, 4th Section. Forfurther
i 1 formation, address A. B.GREENE,
Nov:!).—3l—lf In Augusta, Georgia
IOST or mislaid, a Note of hand for Thirty Dollars,
ji dated the 6th of February last, and due th” twenty
tilth of December next, made by William Rowel!, ofCar
nUcounty, and payable to William Bailey or bearer,
The maker is hereby notified not to pay said note to any
person but my self, and all persons are cautioned from
Hading for the same. WILLIAM BAILEY.
November 9.—3l*—3t
f*M to) subscriber oilers tor saie,that valua
■*- hie House and Lot in the town of
Gainesville, Hall county, formerly occupied
by L. Cleveland for a Tavern. The LJt>us.
i.4 situated on the Public Square, frontingthe Court House,
i i n the most eligible part of said Village, ar.d is well adapt
ed fora Tavern, having fourteen well ventilated rooms ;
four Chimmes* with eight fire places; a good Pump, and
nil the other necessary out buildings; a good Garden and
enable lot, well unproved. A liberal will be given.
Sept. 7.—22—ts. *
THE Subscriber wishes to sell the Lot ofland where
on Wiley Bishop now lives, near the junction of the
Uhestatee and Chattanoochic rivers, containin': one him-
Jfed and fifty Acres, more or less, thirty-five orforty Acres
of cleared land, with pood fences, and comfortable dwel
ling and out houses ; with an excellent fishery and Mill
i'licul. For terms, apply to
Gainesville, Geo.
Juno 4.— 9 —ts
up some short time boot, a
I bay horse, 12 or 13 years old, 14 nr
15 hands high, with a star in hisforehcad.
The owner can have the same, by prov
ing property and paying all necessary expenses. For
farther information apply to the subscriber, living some
12 or 15 miles, on the road leading from Auraria toElli
jiv. ’ DAVID G. COBB.
Oct. 19,—28—1t
. Jtk T*STRAYED or stolen, from the sub
'iliUmk ri scriber at Lumpkin Court-house,
lAIJ about thc ,o,h of A P nl la3t ’ a small sor ’
rcl horse, five or six years old, with a star
i'lliisforehead; racks well. The above reward will be
fti'l for his delivery to toe, and all reasonable expenses
paid. Any information respecting said horse, will be
thankfully received.
Sept. 7.—22—ts
IjWttlM a Cherokee Indian, on tl e 23d of September
1 last, living near the Big Savannah, in the 15th dis
tort, IstSection, a bay stud Pony, about fourteen hands
kgh, fouryears old, three white, and the left fore foot ln
c’uned to be roan, and han on bis right side,a roan or white
s pot; a star in his forehead. Any person giving infor
mation tome, living at New Bridge, Lumpkin county,
aid be compensated for their trouble.
A'mnt forLumpkm county.
Oct, 6.—20 If,
A LL persons indebted to David Neely, late of Newton
county deceased, arc required to make immediate
payment, -and all those holding demands against said
estate, are hereby notified so rentier them in according
to law. SAR.AU NEELY, Admi’x.
Sept. 23.—25— 10d. _____
for sale at this office,
A FEW Copies of the Rul*3of Court, which can be
on had npplicatifin.
Augusts 1.—20-
Pikfitii. toost Store.
HAN p. just received, and ofler for sale at low prices,
* - ash, an extensive assortment of
Among which arc the following.
. Ready-made Clothing, various qualifies,
Shoes Coarse and fine,
Hats, Callico's, Shirtings,
Bombazettes, blankets, Flannels,
Shovel and Spades, Quicksilver, &c. See.
being Agents for ALLENS & PADDOCK, of Au
gusta they can Exchange at all times, IT. S. Bank
Bills, for Georgia and other Bills, and draw draffs at
sight, on A uirusta and elsewhere, on moderate terms.
Get. 26 -29 4t.
•4nd Commission liusiness.
rgIHE undersigned think it proper to inform their
friends and Ihepublic, that they still continue the
above business*, at their
X‘-\ iV i'lrc Proof Warehouse,
Thoy intend having nothing to do with the
purchase of Cotton, but will devote themselves exclu
sively to business confided to their care. They are pro
pared to make necessary advances, and respectfully re
new the offer of their services to the public.
August, 10 —IS—2m.
RAM , WAV ;- ~
gX ETjIRO.M tile subscriber on the 10th
3? inst. a Negro Fellow by tile
name of John; ho is a fellow of small
‘“'LdjjpM size, dark complected; about 25 or 2S
■B. years of age; has been hired to Mr.
ly'ii'A William Rogers during the sumqier,
/y os a Cook in a Public House in Aura-
V .. rin, and has been hired, also, to Mr.
Watkins m the same place as a Cook.
The boy is well known by many. Any person deliver
ing him at iny Gold Mine on Cane Creek, No. 861. or to
meat my residence, shall receive the reward of ten Dol
lars on delivery, or confine him in any jail in the State.
Oct 28.—29—ts.
the subscriber at Lumpkin Court-
Qn& House, on the night of the 20th instant,
jdJjL my Negro man named Adam, about4oyears
rSjpA old; about five feet, eight inches high; dark
complocted; talks the Cherokee tongue; for
merly belonged to FFilliam Robinson, at
Leathers’ Ford; he has a W'ife in the Nation
at Sally \l’Daniels, Mother-in-law to Joseph Van. Any
person that will deliver me the above named negro,
shall be entitled to the sum of Ten Dollars in hand.
Oct. 16.—29—ts. * I
To Post masters and the public.
¥7l OR the future all letters intended for persons at
. Lumpkin Court House, and its vicinity, should be
directed Lumpkin Court House Georgia. All letters in
tended for persons at Nuekollsville, Harbin’s store Aura
ria and its vicinity, should be directed Auraria, Lumpkin
county, Georgia. POST MASTER.
October 5, —20 —Ct—
A LL persons are desired to take notice, that 1 have
/. this day and do hereby revoke apower of Attorney,
which 1 have heretofore executed to one Stephen Hanie,
authorizing him to sell Lots No. 859 ? ISth District, 2d
Section, and 75, Sth District, Ist Section, and I caution
all persons from trading for said lots, from said Hanie.
July 9.—11 —4m
THE subscriber takes this method to inform the Gold
and Land" Speculators, that Lots No. 23 in the loth
District of the 2d Section, and No. 134, in the 9th Dis
trict, and 2d Section, are now for sale. Persons wishing
to purchase eith rof said lots, will call on Tho nas Chat
fin of Crawfordville, who is my legal agent, and the only
person who is legally authorised to dispose ot the same.
Oct. 28. —23—t:n2m.
THE subscriber, living in the lower part of Elhjay
Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road leading
from saidtown to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gu
mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search ol Lands, m the above
Section bf country, to show lands or give such mlorma
tion as may be desirable to owners, or others interested,
he will also act as Agent in purchnscing lands at Slientl
Sale, in Gilmer county, his be reasonable m
proportion to his trouble. JAMES B. HENSON,
J une 61, —15 —ts.
SIXES goldmine for sale.
TOE Gold mine No. 212, 15th district, 2d section,
knownasthe Sixes mine is for sale. It is unne
cessary to dcaeribe thc lot as it is well known to miners,
as the most valuable mining lot in the district. 1 here is
n sufficiency of water for 20 rockers, and cabins are bin
for the hands. Letters post paid addressed to me at I al
lahassr c Florida, will be attended to. The purchase mo
ney, ifw,ll secured can bav^^^naMc^incfo^run.^
Sept 28,-25 —4t,
i'o ( ii(i Mine Sjiccalators,
Tl IE Undersigned tenders Ills services, as an Lxpt
rienced practical Miner, to examine and test any
Lot in the Gold Region, disbelieving inauv certain theo
ry until provenby practice, he will warrant bis opin.orr
when given to be correct, his price tor eriminmgand giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be reqmred ofany
“7t will be twenty five Dollars Letters enc loseufg that
Lnount in Cash, will be strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, he may at all tunes be found atLeath
er’s Ford ortn Auraria Lumpkin county. c GIBSON>
AugnstlO. —13 tt .
AVI \N expercnccd in thc Mining business who can
,rive the best references fo* his character and abi -
des, wishes to get employment in a,vem or deposit.
Enquire at this Office.
August, 10-ISF-tt
It oin es, the Herald of a G > : e li World.
Sheriffs* ‘•‘ales for December,
hot Dis . Sec. Property of To satisfy.
292 1 1 M Dvncnn, RVC&W W Re
651 2 1 J N M’Cluer J Herdeson,
1063 3 1 J Everett, E Wood,
485 2 IRW V, iston, .1 Aaslin,
14 11 1 J allice, J L /foberte,
260 3 1 D Shay, Kotion &\V atersonl
500 2 1 T Blair, S Barnes,
504 3 1 J W Gum, J Gray,
84 1 1 S Cook, J H Tarrrmrl,
! 1240 14 1 J Reese, Scott & Kennedy.
1116 4 3 .T Sandford, S Al’Junkin,
873 21 2 V Braswell, . S APJuakin,
1118 4 3 J Thompson, S M’Jnnkiri,
924 17 3 R Beasley, S JlPJunkin,
265 16 3 Leonard fct Cos. fi fa T. S.'-Coui;,
922 21 2 A Carperil, J G .Smith,
164 16 2 J Birthlet, P Bradley,
‘B5l 4 3 W& N Howell, fi fa-Just court, J. co
1013 21 2 S Williams, H R Wood,
415 21 2 G Reynolds, J Daly,
537 21 2 E Kennington, Bryant & Clements-
2b9 23 3 TB .Vartin, U W Walker.
157 15 4 R Ware, J White,
155 15 4 R Ware, J hite,
145 16 4 R Ware, J White,
1016 3 4RH Coldwell, IF T Short,
58 24 3 G Rbede,” R Smith,
153 24 3 T Yarbrough, J H Jones,
488 16 4 J Willson, • Smith,
303 4 4 J Hamilton, ct. al. A’Junkin & Smith,
194 11 3 IF Barber, J Hammond,
134 1 0 3 BGoync, W - Roberts,
9 9 3 S Hoyls, Kelley & Camion,
278 10 3 It R Dardin, Jft Gibson,
212 14 3 U ilkerson, W B Towns
1113 16 3I! IFillip, .1 L is. A D Abram,
373 18 2 T Turnington, 1’ Li> ason,
886 2 3 V Nichols, JL A hrarri,
554 16 21, M Mitchael, G W Elliott,
453 17 8M Vickery, J Gault,
1257 16 2 T Willis, A\\ ellborn,
595 16 2 JTramel, do
I*3 IS 2 J Held, do
223 49 2 R Murphey, do
16119 2 H Ross, ‘ DKelk,
390 16 2 R Bynum, J M Fuller,
iVd'UKD&v? £ AO? //■
HUNG removed to Auraria, Lumpkin
now tenders his professional services to
and will practice in all the counties oft! ■ Cherokee
cnit; and Carroll, Campbell, DcKalb, Hall ami I
sham counties. HH
Having been engaged for three years in gold
he will, (assisted by Air. George S. Moody, from
Carolina) act as agent in the examination, and su^H
gold ints. mm
Letters upon ‘■it'.vr branch of the ahnv business,
dr, ss dto 111 , will he promptly and fait tilv
August 24.—20—ts.
THE undersigned have entered into
in the practiccof L AW, and hope by strict
turn to business confided to their care, and the
of Judge to merit a slime of public
age. They will practice in all the Counties of the < iHI
oken Circuit, and the adjoining counties of he
and Chattahoochee Circuits. Their office is at the L
House in Lumpkin county. Hlj
July 2,—l3—tf
LAW lO riCB.
TflE undersigned have entered into copartnership in
the practice of the Law, for the County of 1 .umpkin,
and will attend to any professional business, which may
Tic confided to their care. Letters addressed to Harden
and Rogers, either at * Wiens or Auraria , will receive prompt
May 7.—s—wOm
ill? ASK ILiiTO®
HVS permanently settled himself in CassviHc, ass
unity, and wdl regularly attend to any buair.ess
directed to his care, in the Cherokee Circuit.
Angust 17.—19—w2m.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trading for
tlie following notes: one for eighty dollars, princi
pal; another for three hundred and seventy Dollars; also,
ai. obligalion on Asa Keith, and Vincent D. Keith, for
cightytwo headofhogs, made payable to Beojamiii .'/■
Smith; as the consideration for the above notes an ! obli
gation has failed, and wc are determined nottipay then
unless compelled bylaw'.
Also, a bond given to the said Benjamin M. Smith to
make titles to Lot No. 12, in the 6th District, 2d section ;
also abond to make titles toLot No. 164,8lhDistrict, 3d
section; as the consideration for the said bond have fail
ed and I am detcrmideJ not to make titles i ir pay the sann.
Oct. 12— 27—ff
The FIRM OF A. N. BAIRD & C. was dissol
ved on the 6th inst. by mutual consa.t.
a. McLaughlin.
Sept. 7. 1833.
ALL persons having business with die late firm ol
A N. Baird, & Cos. will call and settle the same
with A. N. Baird, who is duly authorised to dose the
business of said Firm. A. M'i, Al.I LIN
Sept. 7,1833.
A I.L persons indebted to the said firm, arc hereby me
tified to come forward and settle the same imm.-ci
ately with thc undersigned, at his residence, <>imei
Retreat,” as longer indulgence cannot be given
A. IN. ci'Alit-J'.
-Sept. 21.—24—ts.
miners hall/^
fjniHe undersigned haft taken the house for
]!!•£' JL mcriy occupied as a Tavern, by Airs.
Paschal & Sons. The house having timer
rtone a thorough repair, he is now aideto
ccomnHat. all persons disposed to patronize him. rlis la
ble will be supplied w ith the very best that the country
affords ; bis Stables with plenty ofprovend- r and an at
tive ostler; hiTbar with the best of liquors; and every
possible attention shall be rendered on his part, to ensure
li share of that custom, which he intends to j n^ INS-
A.fraria JujcS, 11—ts
rt. How should an honest man subsist, who
neither begs, borrows, nor steals l l subsist
upon the productions of my trade.
A. Then you cgpourage your own industry.
Are you a baker ?
It. No.
A. Are you a butcher ?
B. No.
A. A fanner ? /
B. No. /
A. What are you then?
B. A wig-maker. /
A. Do you eat your wigs ? /
B. No; I do not eat them any more than no ,
•ran who lives by making bricks, eats hrick-hp, _
•r than the blacksmith who lives by his aijil,
cats horse shoes. I exchange the productfns j
ot” my industry for bread and meat, as every
other man docs who makes any tiling to Fell,
and in that way 1 encourage my own iidiitry.
A. My friend, vou make a mistake. It/con
sutning bread mid rut at, you do not oncoliinge
\ our own ind istry, but the industry o the bik r
and butcher, Who are foreigners to/ou. You
ought to cat.your own wigs, and .n that way
encourage your industry. Have you never
heard our great statesmen say tbit it a cotton
planter swops cotton for English broad clothe
he encourages foreign industry, :nd il a ii
sylvania farmer swops (lour for lussia in tl:
encourages foreign industry 1
B. No, I have never heard aiy of our gur.
statesmen say so; but I have iuird maty ot on.
little politicians, who thought tltemselves s'ali -
men, say so. But li, vvr < .li believe thet.i,
so long as I cm sure, as 1 now am, that I > ■
eouraoe my own industry wlitn I buy bread o:
the baker and iicef of tho butcher. Besides,
even if it were true that ouT planters and farmt r
encourage foreign industry, would it not be true
that foreigners encourage otir American indus
try, precisely to tho extent to which tiiey take
cotton and flour in pavmetft for cloth and iron;
and would nol the account be balanced upon
this occasion, and should we not gam as much
on one hand as wo sh**nld lose on the other.
I can easily see that the baker and do
not want as manv wigs as I want loaves ot bread
and beet steaks;’but I can also see that parsons
and judges want wigs, and as I do not waul(Hie
sermons and law decisions that they are willing
to give for wigs, I transfer my (Jam. upon them
tor the amount, to the baker and the butcher,
who, if they do riot want sermons and law, may
transfer it to somebody else who does. I hut
matter would bo made very plain, if instead of
using money as t:is instrument of effecting ex
1 should ; i- th.- bnki r :tmj butcher ts
r:.,te,-;i| uJiuing to p:iv on demand
HSS29 °* *- H ‘ value ol five dollars. In sue;j
HjHHI stitiiilcj soon have a customer eominp
shoji to buy a wig. who would offer n>>
n not o in payment, and could I then
■■■hut I had exchanp. <J inv wig for bread
y~y friend, you appear t* have beer, sin-
HHH the delusive no*mns of the politic til cec-
1 have only been studying the maxims of
{■? ‘<■- iHop of Water.the Brook, (he Hirer, ar.ti
On an.- - A ,;,op of water that spark'* ! like.
in the sun, once fell from the clouds into
mountain “.rea ■ .andereitic 4ls and ntity
in all the anguish o: Desolation
hi- what a rastrophe—l am swallowed up i;i
—The little stream laughed as it
■ p'-'l down the rnoutitain side, at the lamen-
B>on of such an insignificant thing as a drop of
and, vain of its consequence, continued
Hiding its crystal way in all the pride of con—
superiority, until at length, with a sudden
it leil 1 1 iidloe.g a n.ijshty ii\< i and
the drop o( water, was ost in a moment.
oul, in its last agonies, “1 , Tate ! who
have thought a brook of my size could bo
■wallowed so easily ?” The river murmured
eontenpt tor the little terdish strecn and
■ontinued its course, gathering its strength and
ido, breaking through mountains, tearing rocks
Bom their scats, and bursting in a thousand
meanders through flowery meadows,
Bit;! ii found its way to the vast and melancholy
Hcean, in whose boundless Waste it lost its way
Btc the drop of water, and the little mountain
that 1 fav been thus collecting tribute*
Hun half u world only to become nothing at
■st V ’
with thee, 0 man!—Thou beginnos*
like the drop of water; thou
a laughing, lerping, brawlin; thing.
He the brook; thou vast proud and pn at, like
■c mighty river; and ere thou canst sa), in the
Hand of thy heart, “What an illustrious mortal
■m I,” thou art lost in eternity.
■GEOIUiI \ I S A.IbLA i l i.L.
I Monday, Nov. 4.
By .Mr. Echols of Dalton. To alter and am.
act, entitled an act, to regulate the gcr.-
HBxi) Elections of this State; and to appoint tho
Hue of the meeting of the Legislature, so far an
H have biennial, instead of annual sessions, and
Ho repeal the 3d section of said a- t
■ By Mr. Conor To reduce tho price of Grant?,
Both for the Gold and Land Lots.
Tuesday, Nov. 5.
■j—jlMr. Cooper of Gilmer :to define the- dircc
tjfhs for a road to be w orked on by the pnblic
finds, now near Gainesville, in the k direclion to
1 Zast Tennessee.
t / Mr. Waldhour: To report a bill to incorpcr
ite the Waldhmi! ville Institute.
Mr. Baxter : To report a bill to authorize tho
/Executive, upon the receipt of information, that
any of the Banks of the State have failed, to
appoint two receivers to take into ihcir posses
sion all the papers and assets of the Bank, col
lect the same and pay them over to the holders
of Bills of said Bank, and to require the Direc
tors of all (he Banks in their report, preceding
the m< eting ofHbo Legislature, in each year; to
give in said repott the names of their debtors,
and the amounts respectively due from each,
. and the names ol tkeir endorsers.
Mr. Liddell. To report a bill to dispose of
i and distribute hy Lottery the fractional parts of
Surveys in the ssvcrul counties of this State, ly
ing within the late Cherokee Territory.
Mr. Wellborn : To report a bill to guard moro
effectually the interest ot the Planter, who may
have prodtu i in store in any of the market
towns of this State.
Mr. Ilill; To it port a bill authorizing the
citizens of this State who may be entitled to
vote for Governor, Electors of President and
Yice-Presidc t. &c. to vote for such in any
iinty in tins -v .
!>o a con rnitt< ‘to require the several re
.l rs of tax r turn in this State, to advertise
U r thirty cay d.t names of all defaulters
win may a!Lr that t. nc be subjected to double
Mr, ( ochrnri : To run a straight line betweelv
L ; .p” ■ li and foot) i i.unties.
Mr. Butt: To di fun what lots the natives of
i dually Cherokee vounty, are entitled to un
der the law—and to ascerflut who shall bo con
sidered natives.
Mr. Irwin : To make permanent the public
buildings of C Isa county, at Cassville, und to
i.ic rpornti th “ siime, and to appoint commij
, toners therefor.
Mr. I rwm; ts form anew Divisionofthe Geor
gia Mthtii!, out of the- ten counties composite
: the fcherokets Circuit, and organize the same.
i At 1 - 0*1 ! 4, to-day the President and mem •
i bers 0u- Senate,repaired to the Representu
aveChamber, when th Govefaior'eler t was in-
I troduee ! by the joint Committee, attended by
Uu< ‘tat* ilou.-u officers, .lodges ot tho Sir--
jierior Courts, and Solicitor Genoral. ‘J'hi*
f G ivernor address ‘d the General Assom-dv era*.
. | took the usual oath of office.
MO. 33.