Newspaper Page Text
SxA'MH . .
.vionif s iitiv *
rir.L Ik*. soil! on the first Tuesday 1:1 Dc
w w c ‘mber next, at th*; court-home in Lumpkin
otuntj, witiui) the usual hourshl sale, thu following plop- j
CitV.UHlt: ,
L*it No. 122, 12th District, Ist hcrtion: 1< -
oh as the pruporlv of John Mullins, ?o ‘ili'rty two !i.
fiii. n*<vd from a Justic ’a Court of l lalieountv, in luvor
of t 'hilip Gr?tf% vs. said Mullins. L*vy iiwiic and rc- j
futned lo ue by a Constable. .
L„t No. 921, 12th District, Ist Section; ie*- j
C: lon as tUc property <*t A I'-, Huggins, to satisly a fi, (
fi issued from Justices Court ot .liclunon>l county, in ta
vor of ; am-s Johnson, vs. paid Hudgins. Levy made
ond returned to me by a C oastablo.
Lot No. 735, sth DiMriet, Ist Soction; le
vied on ns the property of Janies Smith, to satisfy * ft. ta.
~<ued from a j usUcvs Goiirt of Walton county, m lam
of James eynoUs, vs. said Smith. Levy made an
returned to mi by a Constable.
Lot Vo. 756,4 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Henry italoy, to satisfy a ti.fa.
isiuod from a Justices Court of Warren county, in tav..r
of James Layl.-ss, vs. sat.l Jalcy. Levy made and n •
ta, nod to me by a (•unstable.
Lot No. 372,13 th District,lst Section,north;
levied on as the property of John .1. Bass, lo satisfy a ri.
fa. issued from tne Superior <'ourt of Henrv county, to
favor of the Administrators on the citato of Stephen Ip
fcOD, dee’d, \s. said Bass.
Lot No. 391. 13th..-District, Ist Section,
north: levied on as t!i ‘ ur**fi MHJi*lw , y, to
eatisly sundry ti- fas. is-m *<J from a Justices Court ot Jack
son county, iu favor of Ja:n* s I’h- r*ip.**on, vs. said ,Vc-
Cluskcy. Levy made aid returned to nie by a Consta
Lot V©. 492, 12th District, Ist Section ; le
vied o:i as the property of ilba.n albs, to satisfy a fi.
fi. issu and from a Justices Cort ■f vJva.’b county, in fa
vor of r\ La. Goza, and one in favor of Villiam G. Cuda,
cs.said allis. Levy made ai.i r turned to me by a
Lot So . 4 1**, 12th District, Ist Section; levied
Cfc as the property of I'altnn shoemaker, to satisfy two
ftfis. issu * i from a Justices Court of Libert county, in
favor .of John Vaascr, one In lavor of riiomasJ. Pennon,
for in* us vof John Kail, and one in favor of Villiam
Fauiiv irr. vs. sai l Shoemaker Levy made and returned
torn by H. Greene, BaiiitF.
All the right, title and interest nfWm. Ro
pers, i:i and to c rt.un buildings in tiic town of Aurarm.
recently occupi ■.! os tite Chcro'aee Hotel; levied on ns
the property of. he sail lingers, to satisfy two fi, fas. i?-
rueil from a Justices ourt ol Baldwin county, in favor
of J.-hn Manning, vs. said lingers. Levy inadf and re
turned to me by H. Greene. Bati iff
Lot No. 122, 12th District, Ist Section; lo
ci. .1 o.j as th- property of aimi 1 King, lo satisfy a ti.
fa. issued from a Justices Con t of Lump in county, in
favor of Jesse Jay, Ole in favor of •r,siy No, rid, for The
use of Mathew Long, and one in favor of Caleb Clark,
vs. sail Ring Levy'made and returned to me by H.
Greene, Banff. •
Nov. 2. SAMUEL JONES, Sh’ff
On flic first Tuesday in December next.
Lot Vo. 82.5, 12th District, Ist Section;
trvi 1 on as the prop rtv of T i-mas .1. t’ow. It, to satisfy
sundry ft- fas. iss e and (Von a msfiecs *’ourt of Rabun
count . ifavo of fhona-B oop ■•-. vs etii Powell.
Lev. nil ni -”i i I In oy (Constable,
Lot Vo. 820, Ith District Ist Section; le
vieion as tie property ofjames Hogan, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from Habersham uperior ’ ourt, in favor of Har
rison .. Carle, vs. said Hogan.
Lot No. 423, 4th District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property fPhi'ip Hancock, to satisfy a
fi. fa. isru and from a Jostle- s Courts,t gVthorne county
in fav tro* i .ewis J. Dupree, adm'r. of Samtul strange,
dooA*a ..,V >. vl . -ok. Levy mudc ftlld returned to
me by u •‘unstable.
Lot No. ISS, District, Ist Section; le—
Vic I” l as l he property ~ 1 illiam tvng. ~to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of Ricnatd Butler, vs. said i o. Levy made
and r t imed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 337, 13th District, Ist Section,
South; I’ vied bn as the property of James 11. Smith, to
ratisfv a fi. fa. in favor of Sam <1 Knox and others, said
Smith. La vy made and return--d to m- by a Constable.
Lot No. 149, 15t'i District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property o r Wilson C ockett, to satisfy a
ft. fa. issued from Butts “Superior Court, in favor of Ebcr
Thompkins, vs. said Crocket.
Nov 2. SAMUEL JONES, Sh’tl
Cherokee Slu viffs Sles.
WTLL bo sold on the first Tuesday in De
eember next, at the Court house in Clicrokcc
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit :
Lot Vo 723, 3d District, 2d Section; le
vied 0:1 as th • property l. oyle, to satisfy a ii.
fi issued from a Justices Court of Gwinnett county, in
favor of MMunkin &. Smith, vs. said Doyle. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Let Vo. 1034, 15th District, 2d Section; lc
viisl on as the property of James ‘■ Jalleher, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justices’ -ouit of Madison gctinty, in fa
vorof Janje? -“.I ■ -airher. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 340,215 t District, 2J Section; levied
o-i as the property of Josias 13. Heal, to satisfy a fi. fa.
sud from the Inferior Court of Coweta county, in favor
of Grantland & Orme, vs. said Beall.
Lot No. 723, 15th District, 2d Section; lc
vied on as the property of Josep i .S, Pelot to satisfy two
issued from a Justices Court of ‘■ hatham county,
in favor of O Johti-on, & co. vs. said Pelot. Levy made
aj>d returned to me by a’ Constable.
Lot No. 101 H, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied om as the property of Fountain Thompson,to satisfy,a
ti. fa isseed from a Justices Court of Columbia county,
in favor of Lamar it Dani I, vs. said Thompson. Levy
tnad and returned to n>* by a Constable.
Lot Vo. 691, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Gib* 1 own, to satisfy a ti fa. is
eued from a justices Cou tof alien county, in favor of
John itees, vs. said Lowry. Imade and returned to
trie by a Constable.
One Bay Mare; levied on as the property of
William Daniel, to satisfy a S. fa. issued from the Supe
rior • ourt of Coweta county-, in favor of John Lepper, vs.
said Daniel, and Henry S. Ltd iijuh.
Lot .Vo. 375, 3rd District, 2nd Section; le
vied on as the property of Philip t >■ Brien, to'satisfy two
fi. fas. one ii favor of Gaudry and I egri. 1, issue and from
th • Court of Common Pleas, ail I < >yer and Terminer for
the City -.f Savannah, the other ill favor of J. !>. Herbert,
(£. Cos. for the use of John Gilmartin, issued from the In
ferior Court, of Chatham countv, vs. said linen.
Lot Vo. 1210,15 th District, 2nd Section; le
vioponas the property of Joseph Deane, to satisfy a fi.
fa. from a Justice’* Court; of Chatham county, in
fav of ■ ieri-u Howard, v, sai l Deane. Levy made
an I return o n by a Constabfit.
I.oC No. 723. 3rd District', 2nd Section, le
vied on as th - . -ope tv <f joinL. Doyle,', afi.
r :l .. I, and ■ ,Ju tie , Court of te in ll .in
fav i of sal’ a-ii.l Hall, for the use of Joseph rSm-l. , vs.
sat Doyle. L vv made and r turned to me by a Con
stalil’ ■
Lot No. 328, 2lsr District, 2d Section; le
d on -is the pron-rly of Vndr w B od, to satisfy a fi.
fa iss'icd from tho Supi-rior Court of alton county, in
f.. ,ol Fre man K.ctiifg, ’ s a „j Boyd.
2ivv. 3- JONES, D. Sh'ff.
\ iir.nnNEE postVuNfjj sm'JUr¥3 saiJ.
l ot No. 34, 13th District, 2d Section; levied
v - !i. dvojn ty ofßurwcll L. llariku, L saii ! y U.
’ Irrm a Ju-niccs Court of Miuicock touuty, ui
f.\ * t;i ilobcji'.s. aiK 1-artMt, . I.’Vy and
r i; ..;r'o m. i.v a
led No. 852, 2<l District, 2d Section; levied
i*. a- *’ tv ; i ity of tlton Cooper, t(* sati?t two fi. fas.
s> i ] f.,>iM i just’c. s Cuiut of atlisoo county, one in .
i \tr oi J-i-.’4b tor the use of John fin-j
ot hi, fav . .if AS .diam ‘Vhitak(T,vs. sai 1 Cooper. Le- j
w i.umld aii-1 rrhirintl tome bv a Constable.
Lot No. 1114, 2d District, 2d Section; 1c-
on as the property of i hoiriHs l Inuks, to satisfy a fi
fa. issued from a Justices i ’onrl of Jasper county, in tavor
lof v ltlidm Kctddy, vs. saui tlauks. Levy made and re
turned to ni< by ible.
Lot So. 102 G, 3d District, 2d Section; le
vit don as file property of HetlrvJ. • allean, to satisfy a
ti. fa. issuad tVoin a justice's Court of ’fiatbamcou’i
;v,in favor of Millen, vs, said Vultean. Lvv
a : ami returnt'd to me by a onsta'.Je.
l ot No. 957, 21st District, 2d Section; I
- onas the property of Ja ucs siani lo s..tis!y t :n t
fas. issued from a Justices Court of arren count i
fairor of Jeremiah Butt., vs. sail Sallis. Levy mud'* a"-
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 301, 11th District, 3d Section; lc
v onas the property of Silas t> satist’ -no in
ti. sis. issueil front a Justices Court ot • asbinyton <N7im
!y, in favor of Williain bHsh w Cos. vs, ■-.lid Sliirce. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 40S, 3.1 District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of George •*. w ns. to satisfy a ti.
fa. issued bom 1 fall Inferior Coti t in favor of Thomas J.
i Read, ail others, vs. Oivcns.
Lot \i>. 465, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vid on as the prop rty of John /. O *"ournor, to s list
t w . y li th>. issueUtVo u.l lusticoac .urtofi ‘hatliain couti
ty, one in favor of tcorg. .'Hil ‘ , th- other in fv..r of
jasper Itos.-y. vn. said Degotmor. Levy made and re
turned to me by a constable.
N.v.2. ‘ 1 /. J >N*. . A
\ i moi S ‘ a •
be sold on the first Tuesday m
V W . K*c ‘iniier before the ourt House door
inti; town of Blijav, -*ihn con i ty, within the usual
liou sos sale, the f’Slowing property, to wit:
Lot \o. 113, 27tb District, 2d Section; Ic
vied on as t!ie prop rtyofJ.L. arris, t satisfy afi hi.
issued from a Justices (’ourr of Rabun county, in favor of
d\ V c-eks, for the us* of illiam H Aorr v, vs. said
Karris, l.cvv made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 201,25 th Distri I, 2d Section; !t,-
V! on -.5 rh •prop (yoflTi ui v a ii< I, t. a ti.
fa. issued fro a.fustic* s Court of Emanuel epunty, in
favor of illiam vs sai Oani.d made
and r turn -1 in by a heist ible.
Lot No. 305, 12th District, 2d Section; le
vi donast'ie ro erty of Larkin Vinaon, to satisfy an
execution in favor of L Richards, vs. sai<l Vinson.
Levy made a id returned to me by a < ‘onstable.
Lot No. 154 6th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as th property of hn.nas J. illiams, to satisfy
a fi. fa. issued f oin th * i nf*rior J'ourt of jrwinnKt coun
ty, in favor of Eaton Bass, for file use of •'illiam Gilbert, i
V3. said illiams,
Nov 2. J. C. KING, Sb’ff!
Vnl ‘ ale
“rwLL ne sold on th-’ first Lut sday in D*-
▼ v te:nb r next,between the usual hoursofsale, in
the town of Blairsville, non county the following pro
perty, to wit :
Lot No. *287,8th District, Ist Section; le
vied on a- the prop- rty of A u son 1 icks an- 1 Aaion B.
Hardin, to satisfy a fi. fa. issue t from a Justices Court of
Hall county, V3. said d* f ndants Levy made and re
turn** 1 to me bv a Constable.
Lot No. 67, 17th Distiict, ist Section; le
vied on as the p opurly of A hs’iNp, r satisf. sun
dry fi fas. issut-d from a iuetic - n*.f ii ail cou ty, in
favor of John R. Stanford, vs. said Bishop. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 2a7, Sth District, Ist Section, le
vied on as the property *.f Anderson 1 licks, to satisfy a
fi. fa issued from a Justices court of ! hibcrshatn county,
in favor of i liam Jacksoe and sundry oth rti • .
vs. said Jackson. Levy made and returned to me bv a
Lot No. 256, 10th District, Ist Section ; le
vied on asJhe prop rtv of John /’.••veto'satisfy twofi. ts.
issued from a Justices court of alto’i county, n favor
of Samuel 1 ’ Junkin, vs. said Lov *. Levy made and re
turned to me by a < ‘onsUiblc.
I hereby giv * nofic", that I will not B*4l any Lo? un
less the i*!at and I rant is produced at the day f sale, or
a certificate from the Governor.
Nov. 2. * JAMES CRO ,Sh‘ff
Paulding herl V*s Sale.
■wnLi. bo sold on the first Tuesday in Do
• ” e,,i!.;i n. xt. W ithin the usual hours of sale at
the place of holding l ‘ourls in i ‘.milling County, the l'crl
owing property, to n it:
Lot No. 559, 3d District 3d Section; levied
on as the projierty of’ lenr-r., s :0i,r,1, to satisfy a ti. la. is
sued frg’it a Justices court of Dekalb county, in t ivor of
/anjf-S rvirkpatriek, 1 Heard.
Lot .No. 24, 20th District, 3d Section; levied
on as 111 property ofjuda Ellis, to satisfy a li. fa. issued
fro , Putnam fupc-ior Court in favor 0f... Gaither.vs.
Juda Kills
Lot No. 541, 2d District, 4th Section; le
vied on as th ■ property of Ephraim Sanders, to satisfy -i
ti. fa. issued from a J ustices court of f Jpson county, in ii.-
vor of Smith D/organ, vs. said Sanders. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable
Lot No. 825, 18th D'itnet, 3d Section; le
vied onus th property ot i’liani Flournoy, to satisfy a
i *}• f a - issued from a Justiens Court of Epson county,’ in
tavor of Michael Kaih v, vs. said Flournoy. L vy made
anil returned t 6 me by a Constable.
Lot No. 9, Ist District, 3<l Section;* le
vied on as the property of illiarn F-ournov. to satisfy a
fi. fa. issu’ and fr.*ni i Justicesi ‘ urt ol Epson eounii, in fa
vor of ie a1 lv lly vs. sai l ‘lurnoy. Levy irtbile lid
r. turn-d to me by a Constable
Lot No. 1134, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the prep- rty of Peter Airingto i, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issin and Coin a ./ustices 1 ‘ourt of : pson county, in favor
of Kelly & Cannon, vs. said ‘rrington. 1 aivy mode and
returned to me by- a C'oristabli
i -Lot Nc. 438, 3d District* 3d Section ; levied
on as the propci ty of John K. Smith and Richard bnetli,
to satisfy a h. fa. issued from a Justices Cou t of . , tnk
hn county, in favor of Natl an id flimeau, vs. said .-irion
dants. Levy made and r i m-n- dto mo by a Constable.
Lot No. 599, Ist District, 4th Section; le
vied on as the property of Jon • s until and Richard
Smith,to satisty a fi. la. issued from a Ju.-tic s Cou lot
Franklin county,'in fa,in of .Nathaniel Duncan vs. aid
defendants. Levy made and returned to me by a 1 on
stable. _ •
Lot No. VO2l, 3d District, 3d Section; le
vied oa as the property of Benjamin Bishop,to satis!, -
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of ibop couni-.
favor of R. . iehards,. C-. vs. said Bishop, t
made anil returned tome by a <lonstabh
Nov. 2. JACi iB i A ill I KK. D. Sl.'fi
At the same time and place, on the first,
in December nect.
Lot No. 148, 3d District, 3ii Section ; I.
on as the property of John Pilmon, to * .tisfv a fi
sued from a justices Court of Henry county, in favo.
Jolm ft. Cfargue, vs. sal.t r'itmon. Lev? made ‘anil re
nod to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 5-10. 18th District, 3tl Section; le
vied on ns th.: property Charles W .Cosb}, to -atisfy a fi.
fa. issii. ct from a Jostle** Court of V> slton county, in ta
vor of Johnston I*. Gann-, vs. said Cosby. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 427, 2d District, 3d Section; levied
on as th© prop* \ “1 Jane. Ann Bah. c, to satisfy n fi. ta.
issued froni u Justices Court of Chatham eounty, in favor
of J & M, Prud rgast.
Lot No. 322,3d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of Jonath in Buffington, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a “Juflice’s Court of Cambell county, in
favor of > filbert OojHy,
Lot No. 363,19 th District,3d Section; levied
on as the property of(* irge J Tippurcr, to satisfy fi
fa. issued from a Justices Court ot Chatham county, in
f* v*• of lichacl Cunningham, vs. said Tipprrer. Levy
ir ! and r*turned tn me by a Constable.
Lot No. 485, Ist District, 3d Sec tion; le
v .'. on *rs the property of Pierce I toward, and Andrew
!o;var<t, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Justices (-ourt of
bat ham county in favor ot J. & M. I’rudcnrast, vs. said
fondant*. 1 .cvy made ami returned to me by a Consta
ble. A
Lot No. SCO, 2d District, 4lh Section; levied
mi as the p >pertv of Jfremiah ili: r , to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices < ‘ourt of Franklin county, in favor
ot Dumas, vs, said Milner. Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. H 44,1 Sth District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of Jam a Holland and If’. Hol
land, to satisfy a.ri. fa. issued from a Justices i’nurt ot
Hark • *\)i-ifv in favor of A. S. Jones, vs. said defen
dants, L"vv mad and returned to me lv a Constable.
* -,v. •> jacob p >il! i it, n i fi:
S ; 8
M7ILL iic sold on the first Tuesday in Dc
w w ceiiiher next, at th place so- holding. Courts in
Paulding county, the following property to wit;
Lot No. 9j7, Ist District, 4th Section; le
vied on as the property of iHiains illsaps, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from Payette Superior Couit, in favor o!
Join Butler, vs. said lillsaps.
Lot No. 10S6, 2 District, 4th Section; le
vied on tStoe p *,perty c*l ark illiams, to satisfy a ti,
fa. issue;i from a Justices ou.‘’ f altosi county, in fa
v rof anu I cjunkin, vs. said . > illiams. made
a nd returned to me by a Cn9ta')l'.
Lot No. 1106, 2d District, 4th Section: le
vir don as the property of Ayi Tambell,to satisfy three
fi. fas. :sßUi'*l fro i a Justices i ourt of Lincoln county, in
favor of Abner \\ t llbom, vs. said Gambcll. Levy made
and i etumod me by a Constable.
Lot No, 306, 21st District, 3d Section; le
levi ion as the properly<>f illiam S helys, to satisfy
thro fi sis. issuetl from a Justices Court of riw th r
county tw r o in favor of George V. . Butler, and one in f■-
vor of Janes K. ill. vs. said . v helys. Lev. mad an
return and to me by a Constable,
2v ‘ lI.LIA S. lIOGUF., Wff.
The Governor on the information of J
Henry Liciitfoot Sims, (
vs. I ~
f iciiAEL Everett. J
Gilmer Superior Court , August Term , 1833.
T v. ?•'* the Oouti bv* the'••tU'r; of? *v }*•'•: nffj
S It:: -our;: - !•: t ihc deten :.**ir m the above
stated east., w not to be found in said county.and it further
appearin g by the affidavit of the Informer, that ite does
not belivt ihat the said defendant resides in the state: It
is therefore ordered,that service ofsaid Sci Fa. be ejfeeted
bv publication, and t!*at the defendant do appear at the
next I'erm oftiiis Court, to be held on the Thursday Rftcr
tb fourth onday in February next, to answer to said
suit, and that this Rule be published once a month for
t!f.‘*e months, in one of the public Gazettes of this State.
True extract from the minutes of the Superior Cou.; of
iilmer county, this fcUth day of August 1833.
- r v-v...,
Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1833.
* gTHE petition of John iv ebb. Administrator of W ilie
(Jowari, <1 cased, aspect fully sbeweth, that he
has fully oomph ted the administration upon said i staD
and prays letters of Dismission theitfrom. hereupon t
is or iered by tb ourt, that all persons having vallii ob
jeefions to said John ebb, administrator as a for* said
being dismissed from th<; further administration of said
’.state, be and appear at the next Term of this Court,
which shall sit next, after the due publication of this rule,
then and there to make them, as in default thereof, tins
< ‘ourt will then am! there proceed to grant letters of Dis
mission to said John Vv ebb, administrator as aforesaid,
agreeable to the statute in cases made and provided; and
that a copy of this Aul. be published in one of the Public
Gazettes of this State, once a month for six months.
A true extract from Jie minutes.
L. titJPKINS, c. c. o.
Q ont. 14,-23. —1116 m.
The Governor on the information of 1
Elijah Uulset, I
vs. • f 7a.
Janos Farmer,
.Murray Superior Court, September Term, lß33.
S T appearing to the Court that the defendant, Jacob
•3 Farmer resides without the State of Georgia, on mo
tion, ordered by the Court, that the defendant appear arid
pi ad at th. next term of this oult, and that this rule be
published in one oftlie public Gazettes of this state, in
Vims of the law, and that said publication’ be deethed suf
ficient service of this case. -•
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21. 24.—m3m.
The Governoron th. information of I
William artin, 1 .. . _
vs. f Ci - To.
PvENT” kk Jackson, J
Cob!) Superior Court, September Term, 1833.
BT ippi aring lo the i ourtfrom the return of the Sheriff,
that the defendant is not to be found, and by the af
fidavit of til. informant, that he believes that the defen
dant dotis not reside in (lie state, it is therefore ordered by
the Court, that service be perfected by three months pub
lication of this rule in one or more of the public Gazettes
of this state.
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21. —21—rn3in.
%| >IIEEABLJ to an order granted by he honorable
. the Inferior Court of Newton county, when sitting
as a Court of ordin? ry, w ill he sold on the first Tuesday in
Itee-mb'-: next, at the Court house j;i Sumpter county,’
Lot of Land, o. 146, in the 32d District, of originally
Im , now Sumpter county, belonging to the E-tato
of ‘.lizabeth Hudson, deceased. Terms made known
on tie- dav of sale.
Sept. 14.-23 tils.
A \ green !y u> an orile- t ,f the honorable the Inferior
5L ‘ourt of Newton county, when sitting as a court
.! I Italy, v. itWB sold on th. first Tuesday in Febru
i Tt, at tli. Court House in the town of Covington,
a ..m county, aNegro woman by the name of L. ah,
. r child Clarinda. Sold as the property ofthc minor
a-s of Joseph Howard, deceased. Terms made
w . mi the day.
’ THOMAS J. GRAY” Guard,
-icv. IC.—32—Ha. J
4’ ;UFE YISL V to an order granted by thebonorable,
tin Inferior Court of Newton county, when silting
as , Court of ordinary, will be sold on the first uesdny
December next, at the Court-Idouse door in the tow
of Covington, Newton county, the Lot of Land will reou
John Norton formerly lived; situated m the 16lh District
of originally Henry, now Newton comity, lying-on the
waters of Yellow River, with good improvements thereon.
Sold for tile benefit of tho heirs and creditors ot John
Norton, deceased. Terms made known on tlie day ol
Sept. I.—23—tds. |
4HIKLABLY to an order of the honorable the Info- ;
ior Court of JVewlon county, when sitting as a
(hnirt of ordinary, will be sold on th** first Tuesday in be- ,
bruary next, at the Court house in Stewart county, Lot of i
Land No. 113, 20th District, of originally Leo, now j
Stewart county. Sold as the property of V\ alter Poole,
deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale.
Tfdv. 16,—32.—tde.
WILL be sold on Friday, the third day of January
next, in the Town of Auraria, Lumpkin county,
between the usual hours of sale. All the perishable pro
perty of Joseph Howard, late of said county deceased,
consisting of a >* addle, Bi idle, and A aitingius a Trunk, •
Brace ot Pistols, Watch *kc. Sold for tin: Benefit ofthe
Heiis and Creditors, of said deceased. Terms made
known on theday of sale.
Nov. 16.—32. —tds.
4FTER the expiration of sixty days, application will
le made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
I .umpkin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell all th. negroes, belonging to the estate of
Robert Ligon, sen late of said county deceased.
ROBERT LIGON, jun. J Admr s *
Sept. 28.—25—60d
AGREEABLE to an orderof the Inferior Courtsof
‘ampbcil and Linco n counties, will be sold on Duo
first i uesday in February next, in tin* Town Tulonega,
Lumpkin county, betwt en fhc usual hours of sale. Lot
No. 944, 12th District, Ist Section* Sold for the benefit
of * ‘ illiam and Ivesiah Jeter, * h-phan© &c.
V\ ESLEY WHEAT, > aardß *
(i c t. s,—26—tand
Lumplei’ Court-house, Georgia.
PSA IK undersign.d respectfully informs the public
JB. that he lias removed from his fonner residence, a
hah mile south from Lumpkin Court house, to this place,
and has opened a House of Entertainment at the sign of
the Indian King .N Queen. Where he is now prepared
tor tile reception of Boarders and Travellers. ‘J osuchas
have heretofore patronised him, he relies for recommen
atmn on the satisfaction which he may have been able to
give,andfrom those who have’neither proof or the testi
mony of others, on which to rely, he respectfully solicits a
call. TheTableof tile Indian King an ! Quo. n, will he
bountifully supplied with the best the country affords;
pr naicl he trusts, in a style w hich will be satisfactory to
appetites the most fastidious- his Liquors will he of the
best quality a i l stables, which are In superioi order, af
fording the utmost security as well as comfort, will be at
tended by the Inst ofOstlers. Grateful forth patronage
with which, in his old station, lie has been so libera My fur
furmshed,he solicits a continuance at his new stand,
w here hi; hopes to be able to administer successfully and
satisfactorily, to the various wants and npp tites of his
guests. JOHN O. BRACKEN.
Sept. 23.—25—t5.
H AS opened the Central Hotel, in the extensive Fire
Proof Brick Buildingjrecently erccteil in this City.
The Locatfon is central to the business of the place, and
the House is convi niently arrangod lc r the accommoda
tion • if Famili -s or singW persons,! ilher as regular or tran
sient Boarders— The Beds and Furniture throughout,
arc new and superior. The Tabic and Bar will always
be furnished with the bcst.tho *arket affords, and no
pains wilt be spared by the Proprietor, to render comfor
table and agreeable, all who favor him with their custom,
.and lie hopes from his long experience, and’ the satisfac
tion heretofore rendered tile community, to merit from his
friends aifd the public, illiberal share of patronage. Ex
tensive and convenient’ Stables are attached to tlie Hotel.
“travellers kkwt.
t'* ■ PJjIHE undersigned, takes this m< thoiLto in
ii ■- Jl form the Public generally, that h has
‘i taken the House, recently occupied by Les
~targette, m C'icghoriij as a Tavern, at the Al
latoona Mines, in Cass County; and is now ready to ac
commodate as many as may find ittotfieir interest to vis
it this interesting, Golden Region of country. Trav
ellers who stop to rest, will find*his Table supplied with
the very best the country will afliird, his Stables well fur
nished with provender, and attended by afirst rate Ostler,
and no exertion wanting oil his part, to comfort constant
Boarders, or render .greeable the situation of the Iran
sien visitor. E. R. Mc’LAIN.
July 2,—13 ts
THLu Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
the public generally, that he has opened a House
ol entertainment, at the Allatooney Gold Mines, in Cass
county, the above place is a handsome and healthy situa
tion, wit the advantages of good spring and well water,
an 1 the pleasant ouatain breeze, and is surrounded with
a romantic forest, in the centre of the Gold Region, Alla
tooney, is 45 miles from the Carroll Mines, 70 from Au
(raria in Lumpkin county, and on the direct road leading
from Auraria, to the Carroll mines/
N.B. the post office is removed from Sanfordville tothis
July 9, —14—ts
Kubf< r > her respectfully informs the
• SilfiHk H public, that he has opened a house of
U*|gf ENTERTAINMENT at Huntsville; the
Gold Mines in Paulding county. This place
i.s inalicalthy situation,withtheadvantagesofgnodspring
. water, pleasant iiioiir.tain breeze?, and surrounded with
a romantic forest, and better than all, in the midst of the
/Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-five miles from the
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuna mines
in Cass county,and on the direct road leading fromoncto
Ihc other. JACOB PAItLIER.
M ay 28.—9—ts
THE Subscriber rcspertfully informs his fiionds and
till- Public in general that he is now opening a
- Tlouse of ente taimneut in Ca6sviile, Cass count v, where,
from his knowledge of business, h hopes to shear a rea
sonahl portion of their patronage.
July 9, —14—
‘ The Southern Banner, will please g vetbe above throe
Insertions and forward their account for payment.
I at. j
Dim k .
HAVING recently removed to Ant-aria, offers his
professional services to the people of .Lumpkin,
,411(1 llie adjoining counties,
F Oct- s.—26—Ct
FOUR Montlis after rlatr application will l c m.,’..
tho Honorable the Inferior Court, of Hall coiniA
when sitting for ordinary purpose?, for leave to sell JJJr J*
al .estate of William V\ heeler, sen. lotc ofsaid caimt!’
deceased. JOHN GARMON, Adinr ’’
Sopl 23.-95—w4m—
IjIOUR months after date application will be made t
1 the Honorable the Inferior Court of Newton Count
I when silting as a < iourt of t h dinnrv, for said County f ?
I leave to sell the whole ofthe Real Estate bclongin.toJel’
!so M. IFliite decoascd for the benefit of tho rrei(it ors Jf
1 said deceased.
July 16—15 —w4m. %
INCUR Months after date application will be m,id,,
1 to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Lumpkin
cotinty, when sit till” for ordinary purposes, lor leave u
sell the real estate of UobertLigon, sen. late ofsaid coun
ty, deceased.
Hubert liuon, jun. .Aamfs.
i Sept. 88,—25—w4m
laniuls icr Laic.
42 1 1 252 3 2 445 “t
265 1 4 445 21 2 82S 21 n
201 1 3 638 4 1 ho -
198 12 47 4 4 299 m a
776 2 1 805 4 j , 32 J” \
633 2 2 714 4 1 2 j s ’
113 2 4 933 4 1 1146 Jr i
387 2 4 15 4 1 768 1/ }
602 2 4 610 4 J |6l ~ „
95 i 2 2 252 4 4 775 ,
19S 1 2 254 4 1 JOBB ~ ,
779 2 1 113 4 2 6l j, 1
633 2 . 531 4 1 23 ,* *
113 2 4 213 4 1 so .,
397 2 4 1237 4 4 |>o p ,
602 2 4 423 4 3 j 3O ,7,
952 2 2 522 4 i 152 1 o
158 1 2 A 1 368 li
455 2 4 I°2 1 4 3 731 12 o
167 3 2 54 5 1 , 05 ~
331 3 1 |49 5 l ]g9 ~
967 3 1 ,187 5 1 44 12
205 3 1 291 6 1 85 12 J
89 3 2 29t 6 4 41 J 2 3
286 33 2 ‘B 7 2 58 ] 2 ,
10 ’° 31 fi o 255 13 1 ?
SIS ii i-1 nS
Ul 1 ! ■*| | a mI! *■
58° 3 1 J 3 8 J 74 , 3 .
349 3 1 55 9 l 739 H ,
1026 3 2 , 7 9 2 803 j.j ,
558 3 4 , 2 53J 14 (
177 3 2 ®4 9 2 245 u ,
1050 3 1 *8 ! 9 2 *368 IJ ,
803 3 4 4.3 18 2 4 C O 13 1 q
469 3 2 6J O 13 2 370 21
238 14 3 404 33 3 433 ’2l ;;
21° 11 m ,019 o 3 • 13‘ 21 2
623 15 W 706 33 250 Si 2
723 15 2 666 “ f 2! 2
548 15 2 248 3 ‘ 766 21 8
465 15 1 2 ,s 1J J 054 21 2
503 15 2 070 j 3 \ 771 21 2
58-1 17 2 J <> s2 p 3 GOO 21 2
881 16 2 ~s j 33 27 22 5
452 16 2 271 2 801 22 8
32 16 2 190 I 23 2 22 3
IS II 5 iSSSj —! 1
ss s j ! ;s * | 5
679 16. 8 ■ U 49 , y “ > 3
ii? ? $- i 11
610 17 3 2p 3 ®4 2a
nta 17 O 7 / ?
506 17 2 jgG6 29 3 U !;! 25 S
I|| * g2O 3 274 % J
231 Is 3 l\ 2 % !
CO 10 2 IJ6 *ll *’
32S IS 3 B a 713 3 1/ 18 1
For Terms, apply to J. C. HABERSHAM,<i
11. KiNU, Auraria
Oct. 6. —29 3t.
THE Lubscribevoffers for sale the following Lards,
to wit:
No. Dis.
1)8 10 Adjoining
127 10 > Can ollton,
130 10 ) Avell impr’t!.
To . 10
34 4
98 6
13G fi
49 5
337 7
49 9
No. Dis. See.
119 15 2
55G 15 *2
258 11 2
.165 8 1
266 11 X
.For Terms, apply to A. G. FAMBROUGIJ,
Auraria, Sept. 7.—22—ts. >
ALL persons arc cautioned against purchasing a
following Lots which were drawn in the ID o j* *
teries, and have been conveyed to me by good and .
cient titles.?
No. Dis. Sec. iNo. Dis.
487 H 1 1181 I s J
1243 19 3 ,198 3 I
ICI G 33 241 3-
1134 12 1 1129 11 2
356 19 2 156 6 3
49 9 3 1012 11 t
926 14 970 4 t
982 17 2 • 1103 4
- 409 1 2 926 17
310 19 2 738 14
109 G 2 1 296 15]
143 3 4 132 12
207 10 3 416 21
Glynn county Leu.
Sept. 23,—23—4t
For sale at this oflicc.