Newspaper Page Text
tui kin sihsTiit's Sale*
WILL be sold oaihe first Tuesday in Jan
uarv next, at the Caurt-house in Lumpkin
cou ty, within t iic usual hours of sole, tin* following prop
eri\,t * wit:
On i fourth of Lot No. 14, 13th District, Ist
Sfe.Uon % north; on ‘ iuiit'oi Lot No. 30, 13th Dis’rit f, Ist
Si cii■ • i. north. -i<itne Silver ‘Vatoh;'levied on as tin*
r,ro;c ly of Jo*. Howard, to eatisfV i fi. ft. issu >: from
ilai! superior Court, in ihvor of Daniel Cline vs. said
Howard. . *
Lot No. 1093,4 th District Ist Section; le
r i'-l on ns ?.h<- property of G. S. Matht-ws, to safety a fi.
fa. !**u*hl from a Justices Court t Clark county, in lator
■of Si imel’ i alii her Cos. vs. saH Mathews. Lory made
&.\u returned to me by a Constable.
Lot*No. 628, 12t!i District, Ist Sccti-.rtt;
levied on as the property of Llijah KelJuin, with sundy
tr. fas. issued Iron a Justices Court of Henry’ county, in
Savor of Leona - Bisscl, vs. san Kellum. Levy made
u>id returned t > me by a Constable.
Lot No. 7G6, I2th District, Ist Section;
levied o;i X* t!i property of John Cray, to satisfy sundry
ti. fas, iatfuc&froin a Justices Court of Columbia countv,
in favor of David Hole man, Llx'r. on the estate of M. f\
Davis and oth re, vs. said Gray. Levy made and return
ed to me by u Constable.
Lot No. 740, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of James Hatcher, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from e Justices Court of Crawford county, In
favor fi.N. C. Ruffin.vs. said Hatcher. Levy made
L3 ! burned tome by a Constable.
Lot No. 270,4 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on a9 the property of Bri tian (', R*vse, to satisfy
David > ’ooper, bv virtue of a fi. fa. issued from a Justice s
Con-t of clumbla county, i favor of Keneth McKenzy,
vs- Urittian C. Reese and David Cooper. Levy made
tnd r tu ne.i to rae by a Constable.
Lot No. 104,12 th District, Ist Section; levied
on as 111 i property of Elisha Gr y, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
rnm i Justices’ ‘onrt of iVlikes county. i’i favor of Da
vid Oonpor, vs. said Grey. Levy made pnd returned to
njc by a Constable.
The remainder of an urtexnirod Lease on a
I loos and Lot for the remaining term of eight years, in
the I lt!i District of formerly Hail, now Lumpkin county;
ievi and on a? the property of Isaac -U’Gchee, to sail fy a ssu and from a Justices Court of Lumpkin comity,
in favor of B. L. Goodman, vs. said M’Gehee. Levy
jpadea i<l returned to me bya Constable.
On the first Tuesday in January next.
Lot No. 925, 12th District, let Section; le.
CVie on as the propertv of Thomas .1. Powell, to satisfy
tmlryfi. fas. issued from a Justices Coutt of Rabun
county, in favor of Thomas B. Cooper, vs. said Powell.
Lev ma Is and returned to me by a Cunstable.
Lot No, 620,4 th District, Ist Section; le.
vied on as the property of James Hogan, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from rlaliersham Superior Court, intavor ot Har
rison & Earle, vs said Hogan.
Lot No. 372,13 th District, Ist Section,north;
Icvicdon as the property of John J. Pass, to satisfy a fi.
fi. issued from t l ie Superior Court of Henry county, in
favor of the Administrators on the estate ot’ Stephen Up
Bon, dec’d. vs. said Pass.
Nov. 30. SAMUEL TATE, D. Sh’ff.
’ erokee Sheriff's Sales,
Wi LL bo sold on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary nest, st the Court-house in Cherokee coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following propertv,
to wit:
Lot No. 1273, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vi -d on as he property of Isaac “A heaton, to satisfy sun
dry fi. fas. issued from a Justices Court of Jones county,
in favor of 11. D. A. Bradley and others, vs. said V, hea ■
tin. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 645, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Hiram .'Jan, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a justices Court of Bibb county, in favor of
John tlo’.zendorff, vs. said Man. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 581, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied Oil ns the property of Tillmon D. Gooch, to satisfy
two i. fas. issued from a Justices Conrtof Rabun county,
in favoi of Andrew Miller, vs. said Gooch. Levy made
and returned to me by aConstable,
Lot No. 392, 15th District, 2nd Section; le
!o as tiv property of Thomas Gardner, to satisfy a
• issued from th’ Inferior Court of Bibb county, for
use of Robert Birdsong, assignee, ts. said Gardner.
..ot No. 134, 15th District, 2d Section; le-
I as the property of John M’Canless, to satisfy a fi.
. 3 ued from the Inferior Court of Habersham countv,
v >r of Thomas B. Cooper, and John R. Stanford, vs.
Cherokee Sheriff* £nies.
be soldonthe first Tuesday in Jan
” unry next, at the Court house in Cherokee
unty, w ithm the usual hours of sale, the following prop
ty, to wit:
Lot No. 312, 15th District, 2d Section; le
an the property of Robert Rogers, to satisfy a fi.
•s i fr i a Jupfic s eurt of Franklin county, in
•. .. of’ - oim il. ‘tauford, vs, said Rogers. Levy made
( • a rned !o m e by a C on*tahle.
Let No. 1100, 3d District, 2d Section; le
as ir property of ffilliam Wright,to satisfy two
>. ssu-ri from a Justices Couat of Hall county, in
• i ,f Josiah Roberts, vs. said (Fright. Levy mada
tu. tied to me by a Constable.
,t No 1176, 2d District, 2d Section; le
er ihe property of Johnston L. Dunaway, and
inawav. to satisfy a fi. fa’issued from a Justi
s Lincoln county, in favor of Thomas Ly’on,
■riaway. Levy made and retuv.ied to tne by
-• -le
.->. 513, 3rd District, 2nd Section; le
nt property of.<ames .rtarchtuan, to sutisfy a
■Hmm a Justices Court of i utnam county,” in
a . eriwether, vs said Marcluitpu.
and returned to me by a Constable
. ’ <• 49, 14th District, 2d Section; levied
op. riy of Jbhn L. .Sims, and Richard 1 i. Les
■fyafi. fa iasued from u Justices Court of
u ty, in favor of J. Wardluw, Agent fur
ta.nniond, vs. said defendants. Levy made
’ to me by a Constable.
14, 2d District, 21 Section; le
top :v o; ’ nomas i tanks, to satisfv a fi.
istic s Court of Jasper county, in favor
. vs. said Hanks. Levy made and re
s’ unstable.
J 2 14th District, 2d Section; le
■c : of,-lias shiree, to satisfy sundry
’ i -tie- s Court of . ashington coun
.. - ; i'ish X C. vs. said Shlrce. Levy
. ■ o l ie by a Constable.
t District, 2d Section; levied
X- ‘ aiiel ‘ ufer, to sativy.i fi. fa.
■ 1 r ’ ‘onr’ ot’ D:bbcounty, in favor
h -a., aivrs.
G. ■ . J< -KES, D. Sh’fiT
.Ti Pfi.l’s ale.
\ “ idle first Tuesday in Jan
■'t i< usual hour-of sale, m
> •di ouiify thaiddowing pro
1 Loit Ka. U>ih liis.tu,C't, Ist Seclicvi; I^*!
vied on as the property of Austin Rrvant, to satiety n ti. j
fi.issued from a Justices Court of Campbell county, in
t’jyor ofßmnet R Congers, vs. Samuel Wilkerson pnn
cipal, and Austin Bryant, security. Levy made and re
!urued to me bv a Constable.
Nov. 30. ” GEORGE W. GADPF.S,P. Sli’ff.
Bui r.ler of the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Richmond county, when sitting as a Court ot
:i iarv. will be sold at the Court House in Union couuty
on the first TuesilaJ in February next, a Tract of 1 .an’
cnntainiug one hundred and sixty Acres, No. -dp 16 I
of formerly Cherokee, now Union county. Sold so the
tea-fit of the heirs and creditors of F. H. Combs, decal.
Dee. 14. —35 —tdi
4, REE A BLN” to an order of the honorable the Infe
rior Court of Newton county, when sitting as u
Court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Fe
bruary next, at tin, Court house in Stewart county, Lot of : No. 115, 20th District, of originally Lee, now
Stewart county. Sold as the property ot’ Walter Toole,
deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale.
HARDY li. POOLE,Adrn’r,
Nov. 16, —32.—tds.
ILL be sold on Friday, the third day of January
VI next, in the t own ofAuraria, Lumpkin county,
between the usual hours of sale. All the perishable pro
priety of Joseph Howard, late of said county deceased,
consisting of a'saddle, Bridle, and Martingillsa Trunk,
Brace of Pistols, Watch !tc. Sold for the Benefit of the
ilcira and Creditors, of said deceased. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
Nov. 16.—32.—tds.
4GREEABLE loan Order of the Inferior Courtsof
Campbell and Lincoln counties, will be sold on the
i first Tuesduy in February next, in the Town Tulonega,
! Lumpkin eountv. between the usual hours of sale. Lot
I No. 344, lSth f'istrirt, Ist Sretien. Sold for the benefit
| of William and Kesiah Jeter, Orphans &c.
WESLEY V, HEAT, > “ ares ’
Oct. s.—26—tand
A Agreeably to an order of tlie,!e the Inferior
.sm. Court of Newton county, when sitting as a court
ofordiniary, will be sold „n tlie first Tuesday in Febru
; ary next, at the Court House in the town of Covington,
Newton county, a Negro woman bv the name of Leah,
and her child Oiarmda. S6ld as the proueitv o! the minor
orphans of Joseph Howard, deceased. Terms made
known on the day.
Nov. 16.—32—tds.
The Governor on the information of I
Hesrv Lightfoot Sims, j „ . ~
vs. f
Michael Everett. j
Gilmer Superior Court, August Term, 1833.
BT apjiearina to the Court by the return of the Sheriff; j
of i e'.fair ciui.ty, that the defendant in the above
st rted a-. is nr: tob-. found in said eounty.and it further |
app-rtrmg hy the affidavit <4the Informer, that he does |
pot h-elive that the saio defendant resides in the state: It |
- , -vo ord-.'Kd,tbat •■ voce ofsuid Sci effeetcrl ;
by p,i„!ica! : . n. i.u.d ihat the defendant do appear at the!
next term of this f ourt, to be held on the Thursday after j
the fourth Monday in February next, to answer to said
suit, and thatthis Rule be published once a month for
three months, in one of the public Gazettes of this State.
True extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of
Gilmer county, this 29th dav of August 1833.
Sept. 14 —23—m3m.
Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1833.
THE petition of John Webb, Administrator of W ilie
Cowart, deceased, respectfully sheweth, that he
has fully completed the administration upon said Estatr
and prays letters of Dismission therefrom. V. hereupon t
is ordered by the Court, that all persons having valln ob
jections to said John \\ ebb, administrator as aforesaid
being dismissed from the further administration of Baid
Estate, be and appear at the next Term of this Court,
which shall sit next, after the due publication of this rule,
then and there to make them, as m default thereof, this
Court will then and there proceed to grant letters of Dis
mission to said John Webb, administrator as aforesaid,
agreeable to the statute in cases made and provided, and
that a copy of this Rule be published in one of the Public
Gazettes of this Slate, once a month for six months.
A true extract from the minutes.
L. HOPKINS, c. c. e.
Sept. 14. —23.—m6m.
The Governor on the information of j
Elijah Hulsey, ! ~ . ~
vs. [ Sa - Fa -
Jacob Farmer, }
Murray Superior Court, September Term,lß33.
IT appearing to the Court that the defendant, Jacob
Farmer resides without the State of Georgia, on mo
tion, ordered by the Court, that the defendant appearand
plead at the next term of this ourt, and that this rule be
published in one of the public Gazettes of this state, in
teims of the law, and that said publication be deemed suf
ficient service of this case.
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21.—24.—m3m.
The Governor on the information of 1
William Martin, I „
vs. [ Sei - r<L
Pyent E. Jackson,
Cobb Superior Court, September Term, 1833.
IT appearing to the Court from the return of the Sheriff;
that the defendant is not to be found, and by the af
fidavit of the informant, that he believes that the defen
dant does not reside in the state, it is therefore ordered by
the Court, that service be perfected by three months pub
lication of this rulein oneormore of the Gazettes
of this state.
A true extract from the minutes.
Sept. 21.—24—m3m.
FOUR Months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Hall county,
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the re
al estate of William Wheeler, sen. late of said county,
deceased. JOHN GARMON, Admr.
Sept 2fl.—2s—w-lm
SNOUft Months after date application will be made>
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lumpkin
county, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
*el! tho real estate of RobertLigon, sen. late of said coun
ly, deceased.
ROBERT LIGON, jun. \ Admr’s.
.Sept. 28, —25—w4tn
For sale at this office.
Whereas John Humphries applies to me for Letters
of administration, or the Estate of James Rod
well late of said county deceased. These arc therefore to
cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and Cred*
itors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office with
m the time prescrilieii by law, to shew cause it any they
have why said letters should not he granted. Given un
der tnv hand this 11th November 1533.
M. P. (AUILLIAN.c.c.o.
V..V; a ■ _ill,t
Gi‘ ?’-.Gt.\, RABUN county.
WHEREAS Andrew Miller and Jamcsß. Henson,
apply te me for letters of Dismission from th
further administration on tho estate of James Strother,
late of sain county, deceased:
These are therefore to eite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office w ithm the time prescribed by law,
to shew cause if they have, why said letters should not be
granted Given under mvhand this Ist Deodiih ‘ 1833..
JACOB ‘ APEiI KT.-o. .
Dee. 14.—35—m6m.
Lumpicin Court-house, Georgia.
THE undersigned respectfully informs the public
that he has removed from his former resilience, a
half mile south from Lumpkin Court house, to this place,
and has opened a House of Entertainment at the sign of
the Indian King & Aueen. Where be is now prepared
for the reception of Boarders and Travellers. To such a?
have heretofore patronised him, he relies for recommen
dation on the satisfaction which he may have been able to
give,and from those who have neither proof or the testi
mony of others, on which to rely, he respectfully solicits a
call. TheTableof the Indian King and Queen, will he
bountifullv supplied with tho best the country affords:
prepared he tiusts, in a style which will lie satisfactory to
appetites the most fastidious—his Liquors will be of the
best quality and stables, whieh are in superior order, af
fording the utmost security as well as comfort, will be at
tended bv the best of’ tstlers. Grateful for the patronage
with whieh, in his oh! station, he ha's been so liberally fur
fnrnished,hc solicits a continuance of it at hisripw stand,
where he hopes to be able to administer successfully and
satisfactorily, to the various wants and appetites of his
guests. ‘ JOHN O. BRACKEN.
Sej t. 23.—25-11.
HAS opened the Central Hotel, in the extensive Fire
Proof Brick Bujldingjrecently erected in this City.
The Location is central to the business of the place, and
tin- House is conveniently arranged for the accommoda
tion of Families or single persons,cither as regular or tran
sient Boarders. The Beds and Furniture throughout,
are new und superior. The Table and Bar will always
be furnished with the best the Market affords, and no
pains will be spared by the Proprietor, to render comfor
table and agreeable, all who favor him with their custom,
and he hopes from his long experience, and the satisfac
tion heretofore rendered the community, to merit from his
friends and tho public, a liberal share of patronage. Ex
tensive and convenient Stables are attaciied to the Hotel.
Sept. 21.—*24 —tf
undersigned, takes this method to in
• A form the Public, generally, that he lias
irtiniinrA ta^en the House, recently occupied by Les
• * targetle,& Cleghorn, as a Tavern, at the Al
j latoona Mines, m Cass County; and is now ready to ac
i commodate a9 many as nmy find it to their interest to vis
it this interesting, Golden Region of country. Trav-
I oilers who stop to rest, will find his Table supplied with
i the very best tlie country will afford, his Stables well fur-
I nished w ith provender, andattendf*! by a first rate Ostler,
and no exertion wanting on his part, to comfort constant
! Boarders, or render .grcoable the situation of tho tran
eien! visitor. E. R. Mc’LAIN.
July 2, —13—ts
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
the public generally, that he has opened a House
of entertainment, ut the Gold Mines, in Cass
county, the above place is a handsome and healthy situa
tion, with the advantages of good spring and well water,
and the pleasant Mountain breeze, and is surrounded with
a romantic forest, in the centre of the Gold Region, Alla
tooney, is 45 milesfrom the Carroll Mines, 70 from Au
raria in Lumpkin county, and on tho direct road leading
from Auraria, to the Carroll mines.
N.B. the post office is removed from Sanfordville tothis
July 9, —14—ts
FM3UE Subscriber respectfully informs the
Jw public, that he has opened a house of
J£hl![ ENTERTAINMENT at Huntsville; the
Gold Mines in Paulding county. This place
is inahealthy situation,with the advantages ofgnod spring j
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded with J
a romantic forest, and better than all, in the midst of the
Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-five miles from the
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuna mines
in trass county,and on the direct road leading from one to
the other. JACOB PARLIER.
May 28— B—ts
To Ooiti -e me Speculators.
THE Undersigned tenders his services, as an Expe
rienced practical Miner, to examine and test any
Lot in the Gold Region, dishelieveing in any certain them
ry until proven by practice, he will warrant his opinion
when given to be correct, his price for examiningand giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be required ofany
Lot, will be twenty five Dollars Letters encloseinar that
amount in Cash, w ill he strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, he may ut all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in Auraria Lumpkin county.
Augnst 10.—ISa-tt,
A I.! “rsons are hereby cautioned against trading for
the following notes: one for eighty dollars, princi
pal; another for three hundred and seventy Dollars; also,
at. obligation on Asa oith, and Vincent D. Keith, fur
eighty two head of hogs, made payable to Benjamin
Smith; as the consid* ration for the above notes and obli
gation has failed, and we are determined not to pay them,
unless compelled by law.
Also, a bond given to the said Beniamin M. Smith to
make titles to Lot No. 12, in the 6th District, 2d section ;
also a bond to make titles to Lot No. 164,8 th District, 3d
! s< ction; as the consideration for the said oond have fail
ed and 1 am detcrinideJ not to make titles or pay the same.
Oct. 12.—27—ts
INFORMS the public that he has opened a House of
Entertainment in Athens, the possessions lately own
ed by Doctor Tinsley. The proprietor w ill endeavor to
keep such a House, as to insure liberal patronage. The
great and usual promises of good-Tables, Bars, and Ost
lers. is so common tliatit is useless to mention- them. It
will at all tinjes be the endeavor of the proprietor to ren
der his customers good accommodations ; such as will
prove satisfactory to them and gratifying to tlie proprie
tor. ‘lire house is now prepared for the reception of
Travellers and Boarders,
Nov. 23—36—6 L
The Washington News, Georgia Constitutionalist,
Georgia Journal and Federal Union, are requested to
give the above six insertions and forward their recounts to
to this office for payirte-
THE subscriber, living in the lower port of Elh|*y
Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road lending
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Itoad, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil*
mor, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may bo in search of Lands, in the above
Section of country, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may be desirable to owners, or others interested,
lie will also act as Agent in purchaaeing lands at Sheriff
Sale, in Gilmer county, his charges will bo reasonable tn
proportion to bi 9 trouble. JANIES B. HENSON.
Juno6l, —15—ts.
,_* -
FBTi IE subscriber offers tor saie,that valua- 1
B blc House and Lot in the town of
lyAwaS Gainesville, Hall county, formerly occupied
bv.L. Cleveland for a Tavern. The House
is situated on the Public Square, fronfingthe Court House.
in tlie most eligible part of said Village, andiswell adapt
d for a Tavern, having fourteen well ventilated rooms ;
four Chinunes with eight lire places; a good Pump, and
all the other necessary out buildings; a good Garden and
ta!-le lot, well improved. A liberal credit will be given.
Sept. 7.—22—ts.
THE Subscriber wishes to sell the Lot of land where
on Wiley Bishop now lives, near the junction of the
Chestatee and Chattahoochie rivets, containing one bun
’ > e<! and fifty Acres, more or less, thirty-five orforty Acres
of cleared land, with good fences, and comfortable dwel
fing and outhouses; with an excellent fishery and Mill
-hoa 1 . For terms, apply to
GoincstiUe, Geo.
June 4.9 —ts
M-gC* STRAYED or stolen, from the sub-
MIA scriber at Lumpkin Court-house,
about the lOtli of April last, a small sor
rel horse, five or six years old, with a star
in his forehead; racks well. The above reward will be
paid for his delivery to me, and all reasonable expenses
paid. Any information respecting said horse, will be
thankfully received.
Sept. 7. -22—ts
g.|l ROM aCherokee Indian, on tl e 23d of September
JsL last, living near the Big Savannah, in the 15th dis
trict, Ist Section, a bay stud Pony, about fourteen hands
high, fouryears old, three white, and the left fore foot in
clined to be roan, and has on his l ight side,a roan or white
spot; a star in his forehead. Any person giving infor
mation tome, living at New Bridge, Lumpkin county,
will be compensated for their trouble.
Agent for Lumpkin county.
Oct. 5,-26 ts,
HAVING removed to Auraria, Lumpkin county>
now tenders his professional services to the public
and will practice in all the counties of the Cherokee Cir
cnit; and Carroll, Campbell, DcKalb, Hall and Haber
sham counties.
Having been engaged for three years in gold mining
he will, (assisted by Air. George S. Moody, from North
Carolina) act as agent in the examination, and sale of
gold lots.
Letters upon cither branch of the above business, ad
dressed to me, will be promptly and faithfully attended to
August 24.—20—ts.
To Post masters and the public.
IjlOR tlie future all leiura intended for persons at
Lumpkin Court House, and its vicinity, should be
directed Lumpkin Court House Georgia. All letters in
ti nded for persons at Nuckoltsvflle, Harbin’s store Aura
ria and its vicinity, should be directed Auraria, Lumpkin
county, Georgia. POST MASTER.
October 5, —26—6t—
Bullion anil Exchange Office,
PURCHASES Gold in Bar or Dusk, fit the highatt
ji rera:uin. Gold can be as correctly assayed in
this city, as at the -Mint. Cannestere sent to the above
office, will meet with the greatest despatch, and the pro
ceeds paid by draft at sight. 1-4 per cent Commission.
Nov. 16.—32—w6m
THE subscriber takistnis method to inform the Gold !
and Land Speculators, that Lots No. 23 in the 15th
District of the 2d Section, and No. 134, in the 9th Dis
trict, an<j 2d Section, are now for sale. Persons wishing
to purchase cithr rof said lots, will call on Tho nas Chat
fin of Crawfordville, who is roy legal agent, and the only
person who is legally authorised to dispose of the same.
Oct. 26.- 29—tm2m.
By the Subscriber, on the 19 of the presentmonth. at
the house of John Jones, in Ihe 3 District 1 section
a Sorrell ir.are 4 or 5 years old, 4 feet Five inches high—
both htnc feat white above the foot-locks, a snip on the
nose—and a white spot in the forehead,
her left hip rather smaller than the right she had on when
taken upsn old bell, the owner is requested to come aad
prove property, pay cxpenccs; and take her away.
Lutupkm County;—Nov.—23d— 33
ALL persons are forewarned against trading for a
note given by myself to a time! Tapp, for seventy
dollatsdue tlie first of December next. As thecsnsidcra
tion for whieh said note was given has failed and I am
determined not to pay thesama unless compelled to do so.
LOST or mislaid, a Note of hand for Thirty Dollars
dated the Cth of February last, and due the twenty
filth of December next, made by \\ illiam unwell, ofCar
roll county, and payable to illiam Bailey or bearer,
The maker is hereby notified not to pay said note to any
person but my self, and all persons are cautioned from
tl ading for the same. WILLIAM BAILEY.
November 9.—31 —3 t
A VIAN cxperenced ;n the Mining business who can
give the best references for his charcter and abil
ities wishes to get employment in a mine,vein or deposit.
Enquire at this Office.
August, 10—18—ts.
Gold Lott) far Saif, in Clierokee,
No. 287, 2nd District, Ist Section,
No. 579, 3rd District, 4th Section. Forfurther
information, address A. B.GREENE
Nov: 9. 31—ts In Augusta, Georgia
/L Copies of the Rules of Cffurt, w hicl) can be
-ewL-hfid on application.
Augusts-).—20 fc ’
THE Lubscriber offers for sale the following Lands
to witi K
JNo. Dis.
98 10 ) Adjoining
127 10 > C arrollton,
130 10 ) well impr’d.
70 10
34 4
98 G
13G G
49 0
337 7
49 9
No. Dis. Sec<
119 15 2
556 15 2
258 11 2
IGS 8 1
26G 11 1
For Terms, apply to A. G. FAMBROUGtIft
Auraria, Sept. 7.—22—ts.
Lands for Sale.
42 1 1 252 3 2 445 21
255 14 445 21 2 928 21 o
201 1 3 633 4 I 140 10 4
198 1 2 47 4 4 299 10 4
776 2 1 805 4 I 132 10 4
633 2 2 744 4 J 218 10 3
113 2 4 933 4 1 1146 11 |
387 2 4 15 4 1 768 11 f
602 2 4 610 4 1 61 U 3
952 2 2 252 4 4 775 11 1
198 12 254 4 1 1088 11 1
779 2 1 113 4 2 61 12 1
633 2 2 531 4 1 23 12 1
113 2 4 213 4 1 504 12 1
357 2 4 1237 4 4 180 12 l
602 2 4 423 4 3 130 12 i
952 2 2 522 4 1 153 I2 a
198 1 2 167 4 1 368 12 I
455 2 4 1021 4 3 731 12 2
167 3 2 54 5 1 105 12 4
331 3 1 149 5 1 189 12 4
967 3 1 1187 5 1 44 12 2
205 3 1 72 0 1 85 12 2
89 3 2 29 1 6 4 41 12 3
286 33 218 7 2 58 12 1
1040 3 1 47 7 3 255 13 IS,
839 3 2 311 8 2 239 13 1 N
952 2 2 161 8 1 H3 13 I N;
253 3 2 199 8 3 276 13 4
SSO 3 1 73 8 1 74 133
319 3 1 160 9 I 739 14 l
1026 3 2 127 9 2 803 14 1
558 3 4 Ci 9 ! 631 14 1
177 3 2 104 9 2 -245 14 1
1050 3 1 164 9 2 363 14 I
803 3 4 473 18 2 460 13 IS,
469 3 2 SSO 18 2 370 21 3
238 14 3 4<J4 18 3 433 21 3
210 14 3 jOl9 ‘ 3 3 131 21 2
623 15 2 706 18 3 250 21
723 15 2 666 18 3 809 21 3
548 15 2 249 18 1 766 21 2
465 15 1 2iß 19 3 054 21 •
509 15 2 .076 19 2 774 o, 8
584 17 2 252 19 3 CO6 21 2
881 16 2 28 19 3 27 22 2
452 16 2 271 * 9 2 201 22 B
32 1C 2 190 19 2 252 22 3
197 16 4 ,119 19 3 242 22 3
173 16 3 ,330 19 2 SCO 23 3
101 1C 1 138 19 2 2243 33
406 16 3 752 19 2 351 23 3
679 16 2 p 49 19 2 35 23 3
135 1C 2 a' s I® 2 87 23 3
668 10 2 406 19 3 216 23 31
97 17 1 2 SC 19 3 276 24 2
610 17 3 gla 19 2 M S3 g
618 17 8 77* 20 3 66 26 0
506 ]7 8 ,oG6 20 3 109 2{J B
541 18 2 S B3 20 3 67 27 B
*96 18 I ,28° *0 3 674 27 2
281 13 3 4*l 21 * 87 27 3
98 18 2 I*6 21 1 218 1)8 3
325 13 3 e 97 18 2 H 7 18 I
For Terms, apply to J. C. HABERSHAM,o p
R. KiNG, Auraria.
Oct ‘6. —2D —3t.
A1 or befor ‘ the 25th of December next, we or either
ofus, promise to pay Vincent D. Keith or bearer,
one hundred and fifty Dollars, for tlie hire of a boy named
FhiH, 20th November, 1833.
WE hereby caution all persons from trading for the
above note, as the consideration having failed lor which
it was giv. n, we are determined net to pay the same, ex
cept compelled by law.
1 will also, give a liberal reward for a certain sortel
Horse, five feet high, light short mane; long tail; one
hind foot white; the lid of one eye has been cut, so that the
scar may easily be seen; and has a habitof stump sucking.
I have reason to believe that said Kciih lias carried him
away. Any infonnation communicated to the subscri
ber at Monticello, Jasper county, Ga. will be thankfully
Nov. 30. 34-lt.
The Georgia Journal, will give tne above three inser
lions, and forward their accounts to Monticello.
IS hereby given that I shall on the 3d Monday of De
cember next, make application to the Inferior Cotut
of ri nil County for the lienefit of the Oath, and act,
and provided for honest debtors, of which all interested
will take due notice.
Nov. 30—34 —1 t.
The following Gold and Land Lott :
No. 407, 13th Dis. IBt Sec. north, tlie Landrum p’art.
SIM, 13 1 North.
796, 2 1
208, 3 X
172, 3 2
,243, 3 2
533, 3 2 My Interest.
435, 15 2
316. 5 B Land.
119, 1 2
Apply!to the subscriber in Decatur, De Kalb ere •j
Nov. 16.—32—ts.
S IBERAL prices will be given for Negroes Appty
. JLdattbis otucr.
’ NOV. 63^33—4f