Newspaper Page Text
. - 3J'’
S_i:.i*s"'•"*'' , ' t -J''•*
•WJJTII.L l<- sold on the fit=-t Tuesday inFo-
V £ #t 1 ’ ’
com J , i the lifU stif;-..! .. * lO'.-'Vvim: proj'-
qfh, tf* wit :
Lot No. SOS. mil T>ilrirt, I*t Section; le- oit as th’ w. eriv of D.v.t * ; .nton J. .to satisfy
twoti f-.s is.-no'-i f.o-,„ a Jirsti.Vs V t.t of a', wham
county, one in tevor of David ( ‘aulon *>r. an-. the oloor
in l,iv ir ot A dliain B. t’ .’ ‘ rio.i. I- cvy mace and re
turned uni by a Constabl e.
Seven Acres of Land more or 1 c -^, Ivin;: on
(Ik l>.sl side of tht* t’ hestaUe h’ivor, iniT.Eh.g t e Tav
ern wli-ie V> illiam Reagan now lives, L at-n a
Ford; on as the prom rt Vof Hardy ’ 7'atoiu, to
sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice's Court ot
Hall county in favor of Jefferson Zil- tn, and others.
L. n made and retumod to me by a Constable.
Fraction No. 15, 4th District, Ist Portion;
levied on as the propertv of James White, f satisfy a ti
fi. iu I from Habersham Superior Court in favor r !
John 11 ode rick.
Lot No. 981,12 th District. !>t Section; ie.
Vied on * the property of William A/trs*, s’ satisfy a ti.
ta. I sued from II allohlnferior Court, in favor ot the In
ferior Court of said county, vs. said Aiicuf.
Lot No. 67, Ist District, of originally Haber,
ehatn now Lumpkin county,containing two humlr. il ami
liftv a -s; levied on as the property ot Thomas-i;unison
to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a J ustice’s Court, of this
county, in tavor of A. N. Beard. Levy made and return
ed to m- by a Constable,
Lot No. 430, 12th District. Ist Section; !c.
vied on us the property of F.nocu Sla'ton, to satisty a ti
a issued from a Justices Court of Hall county, in tavor
of Thomas Warns, vs said Station. Levy made and re
turned to me by a < ‘onsiable.
Lot No. 337, 13th Pis. Ist Section;S. half;
evu and <n a? the profit? t/J&mos Smith,to satisfy a ti.fa.
issur l from a /uslic’ s Court ot Pranklin county, in
ofMos' s H. Penman, vs. said Smith. Levy made and
fctnrncito me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1071, 12th District, Ist Section;
fcvi'ii on as the property of John Conner, to satisfy a li.
fa. issued from the Superior Court of CJarkcounty, in fa
vor of El bridge Jackson, vs. said Conner.
Lot No. 616, 11th District,’ Ist Section;
levied on as the property of Randel Burnett, to satisfy a
ti. fa. issu r from a Justices Court of Walton county, n
favor of Jonathan eaeock, vs said Barnett. Levy made
■and returned to me by a Constable
Drc. *2B.
■■■■ 1 ■’ 1 ”• —————
tciMK'’t’ ‘s icriff- Silt ■
YKTiLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Fc-
US’ Iwuary next, at the Court house in Cherokee
countv, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, io wit :
Lot No 182, 2d District, 2d Section; le.
vied on isthe property of- ‘arks Hayns, to satisfy a li.
fa. issu I from the Sup -i irCourt of “Cherokee county,
Cl favor of P. J. dfurray, vs. said Hayes.
Lot No. 139, 2d District, 2d Section; le.
levied on a- t’le prop -rtf of John Hunt, to satisfy a fi. la.
issued from the Inferior Court of Jones county,"in favor
ts raise Newell, vs. said Hunt.
Lot No. 30, 2d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the prop-’rty of J a s Rj Hue! Tfi
George T ff and William Tuff, to satisfy sundry fi. fas.
issuid from a Justices Court of Crawford county, in fa
voref E. Stone a- Cos vs. said det< ndaiils. Levy mad
tr. i returned to tn by a Cor.stable.
Lot No. 974, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as fie prop rty of Jac ob Eanmtine, to satisfy fi.
fa. issued from a Justices Court of Fayette county, m fa
vor of T. D. ti G. C. King, vs. said Barantine. Levy
mad’ and elurned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 134, 15th District,2d Section;levied
on as the property of John .V’ t' :;r>h~ to satisfy a ti. fa.
issu’ and from tne Inferior Court of llibrrsham c.mntv, in
f.iv> f Thomas B. Cooper ar.J Jolm R. Stanford, vs.
eid “Canless.
Lot No. 000, 15th District, 2d Section; le.
v& on as the property Drury h'i ach, to satisfy two fi
{as i ‘ tavot of James Adams, issu- and from a Justices court
oft a'< rsham county, vs. said Jtoach. Levy made and
return'd to me by a < onstablc.
Let No. 858, 2d District, 2nd Section; le
vied on as the property of William Marriage, to satisfy a
(i to issued from a Justices Court of .Newton county, in
favor of James Henry, v*. said Hatriaee. Levy mad*-
and return’ and to me by a Oonstablc.
Lot No. 301, 23d District, 2d Section; levied
on asth’ property of Thomas B. .Ifartin, to satisfy a fi.
a. issued from a Justices Court of I iarris county, in fa
vo-of if. I V. IV.dkcr, vs said ‘fartin. Lev}- made and
clarm-d to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 155,15 th District 2d Section; le.
vied onus the property of Ezekiel Underwood, so satisfy
a 5. fa. issued from a Justices 1 ‘ourt of Elbert countv, in
avorof’ enry Bowen, V3. said Cmd-rwuod Levy made
end returned to me by a Constable,
tyc. 30. G. V. JONES, D. Sh’ff'.
‘.-liner S eiifTs Sse.
WILL be sold on the firs tTuesday in
February next. before the Court House door
rathe town of Eiijay, Gilmer county, within the uaual
ton sos sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 161, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
ca as ;li<'propcity of EuY.a and Johnson, to satisfy a fi. fa.
16*0 and f?om a Justice* court of \\ alton county, in favor
’ .2.’ u 1 I’Junkin, vs. said Johnson, Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
L No. 79, 10th District, 2d Section; levied
is'hi: property “f vioses If vs, to satisfy a fi. fa is-
I fro. n a Justices Court of Walton county, m favor of
i'tinuel >l’Junkin, vs. said Keys. Levy made and re
t :r t"d to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 16, 9tu District, 2d Section; !■ vied
-as the f ropertv of anal Vines, to satisfy a fi. fa. is.
e . ! fro : a Justices t ‘nurt of Walton county, in favoi ot
a uel vi’Junkin.vs said Vines. Levy made and n>
r dto m hy a Constable.
J. C. KING, Sh’fl.
‘V ••. -28.
44 lines SRetfUF's gj,,je.
VI LL be sold on the first Tuesday in Fe
nruai-y next, in the town of Eiijay, Gilmer coun
t. r'en the usual hours of sale, the following proparty,
t > vit:
Lot No. 42, 6th District, 2d Section ; levied
d3th” property of Isaac Potts, to satisfy -t ti. fa.
f oin a j ustices Court of Habersham county,in |
f. if V'illia n (3. Shelton, for the use of E. T. ‘-]ta
• aid ‘a 11 1 ’.'air i-1 to no ‘.• a Constnbe.
. pr>ITPONGD SHE'vii-’F’S SALLrt.
y- K t same time and place, on the fust ‘Jjpeaday
in Ftbruanj next,
! .->t Vo. 101.9 th District 2d Section; levied
cm he property- fF. ‘vverd Johnson, to satisfy a fi. fa,
rev;- ifom a ,l*ti Court of alton county, in favor
c£ --j . ! ‘ ‘ Junk'm, vt. savl Johnson. Levy made and
t -e Itome b : a Constable.
I. * no. 79, 10th District. 2d Section; le
i S -s prop-ityof oes Regee, to satisfy a fi. fa.
,r- -r.'-n n Justices Court of alton county. ‘in favor
- - -t’Jirikin, >s. said RegC3. Levy’made and
t •■ • t by a i nestable.
i, J, 19th District, Ist Section; i< viod
, ~~ . i rty of Fame! Nina*. to satiety a It. fa. is-
sued tiatn a JusiicesComt of Walton county, in favor
ofbaii-.n I ’Junkln.vs. s.i 1 Nines. Levy niadr and j
returned to me bv a i unstable.
Dee. *23. ’ 13. B. lU'TLLIAN, D.Sh’ff
s"* t •■ln'rlff’s >air.
‘BK r l i,L lie sold on tlie first Tu s-.iny in I‘c-
W w bruaiy in xt, at the place for ‘o! mg - ourts in
latii ! g county, the tblfowuiir p*'Y’ r, > R‘ :
I.ot iSo. 843, 2nd District, 4lli Section; le
vied bn as t!v,|)ro|”. rtv of Ab:i; r J f suf . -f) >an
dry ti. ta**. issu< ilfroni a Justice s t -ourt of * l*> rt couniv.
one io tavor of • iio oas : iyut s, V3. sain Jordan; one li
favor of icDonald Sc Havn- s, vs. ibncr Jordan and oth
t'. ii. fas. \s. sud Aim* r joixlan.
Lot Xo. 363, 9t Distriot, 3rd Bertinn, and
’ 371. m t':f 2nd Hstiii’ 5: •• lovi. and on as the
. proptrt> if lii’orgo J. ‘/sippnci, o saiisly a ti. In,issuetl Jii?txe,s Coiiil of (’batliam coimr., in favor ot
Alii ! a< i runninirham. vs said 7dp- oror.
Lot \o. 3.34, 21st I>istrict, 3d Section; levied
on as tho pr>pt‘rt\ of .10. n 1 “hb.iid. tt* satisty a ti ta.
issiwt irotu a Jiisdct M bm • iutfliain cuiinty, m lu
vor of Joliii 3. Gaud , vs. s.i* i ‘ lubUarri.
Lot No. 175,’ 2nd I ustnet 4th Section, and
Lot No. 559, 2l*t Hist- t, 3d s tion; levtnloniis the
property of Hurd y Blackwell, to sutisly sum!.; !:. I'a. is
sued from s Justice’s < ourt oft ‘Sort county, one in favor
of ilham iss, on- m favor of >trphcn ‘ urlton, and
one in favorofßcnnet ■ rook v. vs. -aid B ackwed.
ILLIA.NJ s ii* Vil.'E, >b’ff
! Pec. 23.
PauDiii S •’ * S •
l c sold on the first Tuesday in
* ‘ arch next, at -v t so • holding Courts in
i ’aukling county, the following property to wit:
Lot No. 924, 21st Histiiel, 3d Section; le
vied on a- tiie propinty of at 1 \r sparks, to satiny a
ti. fa. is-ued from .inn fi rit>r I'ourt, in favour
of James i%. vs s.nd i etendant.
Lot No. 584, 3d ihstrict, 3d Section; levi
cd on as flic ptopt itv o* ill; in Smub, {• satisfy •fi
fa. iupil from N tvton nor Court, in favour oi A"-
h> rt F. Po* , vs. said Snntii.
I.ot No. 729, 2d Pistnct, 4th Sccliou; levi
tdon as property oi Jod . f tardson, to sai sfy au.
! i issued foil, a JustioiS 1 *ti t t f I iaJjeraiiaiii comity,
in favour of i . K. vs. a : Harrison. Levy ma t
and returned to me by a o s; blc.
Lot No. 541, 2d District. 4th Section; levied
an a*- the prop* tv ff dt rs to s. tisl a fi, fa.
d from fi .lusiir* Con tof ’ pson county, in favour
of VV . • . ‘A a ! k r. vs. sud an lei’s. Levy made and
returned to me by a ; onsta: It .
Lot No. 171, 2il Distriet,4th Seetii n; levied
on as the propert-. oft. i..mi amlers, to s. tisft a fi. i.
issued from a Justic s Court of Upson county, in favour
;of Lev nworth rv . oward, vs. said Sanders, Levy
made and returned to me hy a Constable.
Lot No. 1055, 2d District, 3d Section; le
vit don as tlie pioj rtv of Tohn King .y - o-nry Nmg. t •
sati fv afi fa. issu'd from aJ-istices ourt of Wash
ington County, in favour of John H. Newton vs. said
defendants. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
Lot No. 120S, 18lh District, 3d Sei tion; le
vied on as ’.h. prop; rty of a:k iiliams, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Josh rs ‘ urt o'” Lincoln Count, in
favour of Peter I. ainar,-uvm g Copartner of /Stovall
& Lamar, vs. said iiliams. Li vy made and returnee
tome by Cen.uble.
Lot No. 738, 19th District 3d Section; le.
vied on as the property of Peter Trammell, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court ol k dkes county, in
favour es Abner ellbom vs. said Trammell, l'. vv
made a-id returned to ine by a Constable.
Lot No. 120, 1-t District, 3rd Section; levied
o-i a- th- property of J. V. Celter and Henry s, |
to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of. lull;
county, in favor of A. B. lianlin. vs. said ;l fondants.
Levy made and returned to me by a < ‘unstable.
Lot No. 2, 3rd District, 3rd Section; levied
on as the prop, rty of Aoel , - -on. to saUsfi a fi I’ . is
sued from a J ustice 3 Court of Hall county, in favo ot
J Vv. James kC'o. vs. sai l Person. Levy na -and
returned to me by a i oils’ bin.
Lot No. 64, 2d District 4th Section; Icvtcu
on as the property o Ja .es • . ‘ teudly, to satisfy a li. H.
issued from a Justi c’s ourt of l p-ou County in favor
of Kelley ami Cannon, vs. -aid endky. Levy made
andreturned to me by a ‘ o istaM
Lot No. 1221, 2isl i i-tre t,3rd Section; lb
vied on as tni property of li, in B. Johnson, to -misty
a fi. fa. issued Irotn E’rankh up rior Court, in tavor of
Patrick J. Murray, vs. said Johnson.
Lot No. 800, 2nd iistnet, 4th Section; le
vietl on as th> prop :t. ofjerueiah doer, to sr,t;sl\
fi. la issu’ and fro a fusti. ‘a ‘ ou tot Franklin ciuntv,
in favor of Ucorge Stovall, vs said iln r. Levy made
and returned to rv by a -mstahle.
Lot No. 722, 18th District, 3rd Section; le
vied on as the property of John F. ’ lb i y, to satisfy
twofi. fas. issued from a Juslti ■ <• u • cunk
j county, in favor of . atson ft Cl. v- aid Bellamy.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 278, 2<l District, 3rd Section; levied
on as t h priii ■ty of Lewis J. Ramsey, to sntiafv !v. . fi
fas. issued from a Justice’s I .'ourt of I lousion county, m
favor of Allen I haistain, vs. said itaniscy. Levy matte
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 274, 3rd District, 3rd Section; le
vied on as the property of David McVay. Sauiu 1 ...
.Smith, and V. illiam B. Smith, to satisfy (j. ft.
from a Justice’s Court of Houston county, is favor of
John It- Senterfit. Admr. vs. sail and I’-ndauC. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 750, 2nd District, 3rd Section; I
-on as the property of illiam Ihlki gb* so satisfy
a li. fa. issued front a Justice's Court of Cow ta county,
in favor ofSaißßel cjunkin.vs. said Filkington. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 517, Ist Distri t, 3rd Section; le
vied on as the property of David Jcmegaii, tus.ti-fva
fi.fa, issued fro.n a Justice’s Comt.ofGreen county, m
favor ol Elijah Jordan, vs. said Jerucgan. Levy made
and retained lo me by a Constable.
Dec. 28,
Ban order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of
tichmond countv, when sitting as a Court ot (ir
dina y, will be sold at the Court House in Union county,
on the first I’ui-sday in February next, a Tract of Land
containing one hundred and sixty . mres, No. 225 16 1
of formerly Cherokee, now Union eounty. fold so the
ben lit of the heirs and creditors of F. f I. Combs, deed
Dec. 14.—35—tds.
A i .iiBLY to an old. rof the honorable the InF
arlL tor Court of Newton county, when sitting as a!
1 -ourt ol o: dinary, will be sold on tin Hist Tuesday in Fo- !
bruary next, at the i mart house in Stewart county, Uhl of
Land No. 115, 20th District, of originally Lee, now
’ tewart county. Solo as the property of alter Poole,
deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. *
Nov. 16,—32. -tds.
A OREFABLF. loan order of the Inferior Courts of
-vS. Campbell and Linco n i-.ounti s, wi 1 be sold on lb.
first Tuesday in February next, in tii Town Tuionega,
Lumpkin county, between he usual hours of sale, Cot
No. 944, 12th District, Ist S’ ciion. ? oM ‘hr the l> , it
of William and Kcsiah Jeter. Orphans Kc.
ct. s.—26—td-: }
A Aereer.blvto tin orde: of the Imner,ihf- thc.iut'eiior
/m Ceurt of ’-'ewton eunntv, when fitting ns a court
ofoidini,! wiUberoM >U tlb lirst T’> stlav tu F. bi-u
----rr 11. XI, Ji tlie Court tlouaeui the town of Cov irgto-
Newton comity, u Negro woimm bv th< nam- ol I. a-..
! and tier child Clai m.!.'. Sold a- the property o'th, minoi
orphans of Joseph Mown-tl, a- e asotf. terms ma-
Joioav i m tHeihii ‘ „ _
\s J, (LiA\ Guanl.
iv. lA- ■’? n M. _
A (tRE ABI.A to an •’ gr.-mtod by he honorable
ii t ‘nferiorColl.tot NiWton eo nty, when sitting
sm Court nfordm, iv, ill.i -soid on tl>. first Tuesday in
March next, at thet’oiif linos - in t’nbb county, I.ot
of I am! No. 00,in tln‘l? !i Di-tiiet, 2d Section, o'rigin
allv Clu-roki e. now t ‘obi- i-ounty.
Also, on the siuniday at the Court house in ( dina r
county, Lot i-f Land, No 103, in the 11th District, 2d
Section,o.-igiuullv < lierok-.-etiow *"ilm* r county. Also
on thi-sanv lav at the the 1 ’ourt h mse inTauldingcottn
t\, I 1.1 Ilf I and N . 711, in the 20th District, 2,1 ‘-ee
ti. -i,n i.i lal'y Cheuiknow Can I . ling county, Sold
so the In ufi't ot‘ tlie louts anil creditors of Jesse V,
White, a- ceased. Terms made known on the day of
’/.AC HEUS CRICR, J Anmr s.
, Dec 28.—36—15.
A It'.’ APIA- toanor er gr nted l>y the honor.* h •
die Inferior Court ot > • vvton county, w I sen sit; i ;
i*> a ‘*\um off Ordinary, wi !l besoW on the first Tin sri. ‘
in arrli next, at tlie < niirt Itousc in th*- town of* oliid •
j bu* * luucogee county, Lot of Land Mo. 145, in tin-
Distriet (/original!\ Lee. now \!nsqoi;co county, bt lon
in*/ to tu F.statc of Elizabeth tin Ison, deceased, i’ mis
made known onthedav of sale.
J 11N IJKNRV, \d
Dec. 21.—36—tds
Court of Ordinary, September Term , 1533.
petition of John -A 7 ebb, Administrator of W ib
A Cowart, dec ased, respectfully sheweth, that
■is fully couipli tt ! the uduiinistrat on up.n s:*id F.stat
aid prays letters of Dismiss on fliers from. hen upon
s ordered bv the * ‘ourt, that all persons having valii ob
j* rt ions to said John ebb, administrator as a for s.i
b iitr distnissi and from the furtht r administration of said
slnt* b ano ai p ar at the next Trim of this Con*',
which shall sit next, aft the due publication of this u
tlien and there to make them, us in dt fault thereof, this
ourt will then and there proceed to grant •ett r. of Dis
mission to said[John H ebb, a ministratoi as aforesai.’
agre*;Wile to the statute iii cases made and provided; and
| that a copy of this u! •he published in one of the Publit
i ■ iazettes ot this State, once a month for six months,
A true extract from lie minutes,
L. HOPKINS, c. c. o.
Sc P f 14-—23.—m6m.
l ; .As Andr vv Miller and umeF. Henson,
v ▼ ipply te in for letters of >is mission from th
fun . dministrafio on the tstate of Jar. Bt<other
late of said count v, deceased : . *
- ,
l‘hose are therefore to c it. and admonish'\d] and -
gular th krndr and mci c.editors f said deceased, to b*
a*id appciir at im .dfice witlii i the time prescript and by law,
to s s’w tans, if ih y have.*, why said letters should Lot be
granU and Avcn under my -and ibis Ist I>t comber, 1833.
JAC< CAP Eli RT, e. e. <.
Dec. 14 45 - m6m.
r !R Nancy ‘Anchor and John * ‘lark, apply
V v •> m ‘ for tt rs of administration with tlie i
ana* xi onto .stateot John Fmchur, lat ofsi'id cm .
ty, dec. used.* re thcr fore to cite and admonish ull and sr -
•rular. th kindred a den iters of said dec :ise to
an*l appear at my offie within tie tirra** presc ib -
’ i*i ••, to si vv ca msi- if any they have, why sai.i letb
should not bo planted.
Given under my hand I It!* December, 1833
L. U’ fPivLV r. e .
?>■c 21.—36—30d
tRd LBbibSK
rj I ®.! K undersigned, takes this in the
U form the i uh’ic l* Mcr. llv, that
■ * t take i tb” lb use, ice fitly occupied by
lari ttc,3. Cieoliom, as a i avern, it t l
**n incs, hi Cass ! ounty. and is now ready t
D ; Mate as many as may find it so their nit usi t, ‘
’ n iit r-stinir, olden Region of country. ,jv
<i!is u o stop to st, w ill liu<! !>is Table supple d• ti
tn v I) t• e Hintry vviT ufiord, bis Stable s well fu -
i ‘ with pmv* nd< r, and attended by n first rate st’
“• x i w . itingmi bis part, to comfort con?!.’
H-ar'-i-* or render agreeable the situatin of dv
, sien visitor. F. 11. Mc’LAIN.
July 2,-13 —ts
f IE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
■ the public generally, that h -has opened a House
of nt -.'ainment, at the Aiiatoon y : ■ old ‘ ines, in ‘ ‘ass
county, the abov* place is a hund.sotne and healthy situa
tion, wit 1 the advantagi sos good spring and v ‘i
and the pleasant contain breeze, and is siirrm. ded e ■
a romantic forest, iti the centre of egi..n, .la
tooney, is 45 miles from the “mill lines, 70from .Yu
ana in Lumpkin county, and on n, c direct road leading
.{join Auraria, to the f'a roll mines.
N. B. the post office is removed from Snnfordville tolliis
: place. Ji )HN DAV. SON
July 9,-1! ts
j L. VV. iL1.11.11,
f FOR DS the public that ehas opened a I louse of
ill r'oinment iti Alliens, ; poss sstons lately own
'd by Doctor Thisl-v. ‘To proprietor i'l ■ n-1.-tivor t
eepsueha House, as to insure liberal patronage. The
great and usual promises of good ’l'abiis, Bars,’"and < tst
lers. is so common thatit is useless to mention them. It
Will nt all times lie the endeavor of t> proprieto. to ren
der Ins customers good accomi odations ; such as will
prove satisfactory to them anil gratifying to the prop.ic
tor. The house is now prepared for the reception of
Travellers and Boarders,
ov. 2.3 36 6f.
umj -'jb
r JpHF. Subscriber respcetltilly informs the
public, that lie lias opened a house of
ENTERTAIN -ENT at IJunteviHr; f ,
, ~ s Gold Mines in Paulding eounty. I’iiis plucd
s in a healthy situation, wit h the advantages of good spring
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded with
a romantic forest, and better than all, in the midst of the
Gold Region. U unlsville is twenty-live miles from thi
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatnna mines
in Cass county, and on the direct road leading from one to
May 28.—8—ts
’fMf public that tlu y huv-’ takrn the above
Commodious rtous of Entertainment at
:nid nr- prepared to accominof late* all win* maybe rFis
posed to *tronise them, with the best the country at-,
fords. TiD'ir charui*s will h* a low as circumsten es
will pos-il!y permit and no pahs or attention will h
spared to render their custome rs eon fortabk and s.if
tsfi-d. ‘T heir *Srabies shall be ever well supplied with prov.
• n latte ich'd by faithful stic-.M. li.*vdlcrsor oth
; :.r;‘ invit dto call and see for them selves.
Jan. II, —30—tt
H - opened the Central Hotel, in the extensive Fire
l’roof Brick Building; recently erected in this C itv.
• 1 oention is* central to the business ot the place, and
the 1 louse is conveniently arranged for the accommoda
tion of Familios or single persons,(ither as regular or tran
sient Boarders. The Beds and Furniture throughout,
tre new and superior. The T able and Bm will always
be furnish-d with the best the arket affords, and no
pains will be spaced by the Proprietor, to render condor
table and all who favor him with their custom,
and he hopes from bis long experience, and the f-ati.dac
tion heretofore rendered the community, to merit from bis
friends and the public, a liberal share of patronage. Ex
tensive end convenient Stables are attached to the Hotel.
Sept. -21, 24- ts
t <!sfllHFi subscriber respectfully informs hi
lias purchased the abovementioned Esta
blishment, formerly kept by Mr. J HN
JACKSON. The I louse will be ready for the accom
modation ofTransient and regular Boarders,ither single
vi in Families, on as moderate t rnis as can lie afforded
in tin place, by the first of Jan narv next. The undivided
i.ttention of himself and family, will be constantly direct
* and to the comfort and pleasure of all who may call on
1 lis Stables are ample, his Rooms generally commodi
mis, and no pains or exp use will be spared in furnishing
I iis Table with tin 1 best the market wiM afford.
‘ hcns. Oec. 28, —36—3m
*5 T TOM a Cherokee Indian, on tl e 23d of September
4 last, living near the Big Savannah, in the loth dis
ci, Ist Section, a bay stud Pony, about fourteen hands
*• h, four years old, three white, and the left fore foot in
, lined to be roan, and has on hi* right bide,a roan or white
.ot; a star in his forehead. Any pet son giving infbr
• h tion tome, living at New Brich r e, Lumpkin county
will b( compensated for their trouble.
Agent for Lumpkin county.
Oct ■ - 26- ts
, 7i;H’ (‘t*- latrrs.
fav I'ndersigncil tomlers liis narv ice?, as an Expf-
M ri m-i-il practical inor, to i-xaminc and test any
Lot m tlit- ‘old Region, disbelit-veing in any certain tile
ry until proven by practice, lie will warrant ‘- isopini.e
----” w iien giv n to be correct, bis price for examining anil giv -
i isr a ve'bal,oi- written opinion, as may be required of e -
I ot, will b twenty five Dollars Letters endoseln;-11
amount in Cush, will be strictly’ attended,and all necessai y
iiiformation given, be may at all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in Auraria Lumpkin county.
Augnst 10. —18—tt,
A |,l, persons are hereby cautioned acninst trading for
’ tin. following notes: one for eighty dollars, princi
! : , jinotber for three hundred and seventy Hollars,* also,
,:i obligation on Asa Keith, and Vincent ■. K* ith, lor
eiglity twj head of hogs, made payable to Benjamin M.
Smith; as the consideration for the above notes and obli
gation lias failed, aiid we are determined not.topay them,
unless compelled by law.
Also, a bond given to the said Denjamin VI, Smith to
make titles to Lot No. 12, in the 6th List rid, 2d section ;
also a bond lo make titles to Lot No. 164, Bth District, 3d
section; as t!i consideration for the said bond have tail
i and 1 am determide 1 not to make titles or pay the same.
>ct. 12.—27—ts
’ ffll suiiscnber, living in the lower jiart of Hllijay
j . >wn in ■ Jilmer county, on the direct road leading
ii nd town to Sanders, on the Federal Roai*, having
i lished lnniß< ls with laps, Lottery Registers, and
i accessary information in relation to Lauds in L*ii
, ii| t!i adjoining counties, t-nders his services t
those who may be in s( i arch of Lands, in the ah-v
<t ion of country, to show lands or give such infonnu
,,n a4 may be <lesiral>le to owners, or others intereste.
c W'li tlsoact as Agent in purchaseing lands at ; dl
n M ti •. county, iis charges w ill be reasonable i
lion Jo bis trouble. JAMES B. HENS’ N.
—fo —tt.
Frau** ! Fraud !
LL p rsons :.r • warned not to trade for F ct
No. 94! ,12th l >isuict Ist Section, drawn •> y
a • :ec n lv. as I atn determined to use all l.nirta:
uie.iiisto s ii. idea title obtained from me by tlu < •!-
He *jr: o > acasci, lat a Representativ* f n
array com i \ hrongh th<must foul and wan'on .
re,'ie3Ui nations.
B’llkes county, Ga. J iti. 4. —38, it
i':.t following Gold and Lan. Lots :
No. 407. I th s. i- . north, lau Luu<liumpla(-<
501, l.i ‘ “ Mi.
796, 2 4
■M'.. 5 I
172, 3 2
248, 3 2
533, 3 2 My Interest.
435, 15 2
316, 5 2 Land.
119, 1 ... 2
3D, 7 2 Land.
Apply o the subscrib rin ri-ratur, Dn Kalb (totmly.
iLLIA .Vl .1. iilijj j, ‘
- Nov. 1 G 32— ts. .
K. AINI “G in the Fost Ofiic at Auraria, Lump
.-,i:i county, Georgia, ou the first day of January,
I at, and it uoi taken out before t first ut April next,
will be sent toliie General FoSt Uffice as dead letters.
vul Allis iii,
Joseph Allison,
Rtuii .burr,
John A eiugton.
Ja t'. :ao!,J.
Nathaniel Black,
. olmn ii Boatner,
.dial, tab Bumes,
, eorge Bell,
;it hi s lloclair,
il'i.nn - Black,
William Boyten,
Gouda A. Bissoll,
Enoch Belangec,
Thomas Butler,
I!. Bruce,
G. C. Bestor,
L. K. Baiolield.
Stephen O. Crane, 3.
Howard • - Council, 2
William Crane,
A. A. (aid well,
\\ illi im Cleveland,
A K.< rnig,
John Clayton,
Beniamin Clemons,
Ambrose Christ’ | lo r,
‘/.udock Cook,
John po.i.ilson, 3.
James Dolloson, 2.
Matthew Jjuncnn,2.
,Alias Kellys,
IV!r. Kellogg,
Roswell Kinff.
Benj, 11. Lany,
George > Binds, y,
Samuel Lester,
A. Langford.
. teoh.n. cLaughlin,
A. McLntigldin,
i,lias A-iIK r,
M alter Aladdox,
Gilbert Moony,
George -i ’Swain,
George .Uaslin,
Jonathan Miller,
Ueotge oloiuitcastie,
Martin ruceks,
R. B. utcLeurc,
Philip I) Maroney,
Jontt ingle .oil.
John Noldit.
TPiiliairi M’Nabb,
Walter K. Nunelee,
John G. Oliver,
Roland sburn,
Jourdan t duin.
William \ . Pearce,
Thomas Pounds,
John Powell,
Silas Palmer,
John Davis,
Moses and Simon Dunn,
Richard Davidson,
Thomas Dodson,
\\ illiam Deadmqn,
Mary Darter.
James F.dmunson,
Alexander Earnest.
Jonnthnu Foster,
Coleman Forgusson,
G. Falls.
Hiram Gailey,
James Grier,
Samuel Galliher,
Frederick Guthrie,
L. 1). Gtvync,
A. AV. Green,
A. G. Grant,
Joshua Gist.
ilas H. I lenley,
> illiam S, Hoskins,
('shorn Magood,
. D.Hill,
Abel 11. Harrison,
W. iiitchcock,
George S. Haynes,
William Hancock,
ary Jack,
Henry Jennings,
Bart let Jones,
Noblet Johnson,
Philip Jackson,
Seaborn Junes,
Elijah Knight, 2.
Asa Keith,
James Kelly,
)) 3 AJcKinzie,
H. Kellian,
Erly Kb,
Jan. 4.—38,—3t
Ig. F, v! AIN IMG in the Post Office at Gainesville Hall
SL ..county. Georgia, which if not taken out before the
Hi a of April r 834, will be sent to tlie GeheralPost Office
as dead letters.
F. C. Ando,
M.-.ry Ashworth,
illiam Adams,
ad well. Ay res,,
.has Allred,
-amuol Bo'iver,
aron Brown,
nlm A. Bates,
Jelm D. Brown,
lliam T. Bell, 3.
John S Bell, ’
Daniel H. Bird,
John Bates, 2,
‘/illiam Banks,
John Blalock,
i homas Bottoms,
Enoch Bradley,
David Barton,
Archibald Bishop,
I-’. Bishop,
it, li. Braziel,
Jas. or Jos. Clevelay,
William Cross, jr.
\ i illiam Culverhouse,
John Chambers,
Edmund Chalmers,
John Collins,
And:i w Chalmers,
ai is P. Casey,
Samuel Clemmons,
Jo'.. : j soy,
Absalom D. chandler,
A, Chastain,
ai tin Dodd,
A. I, Davis,
Elija Davis,
James . Daniel,
Benjamin Dunagan,
Brail ly Dolton 2.”
mhn Deavours,
J- hn 1 orscy 2.
Henderson Ekes,
ioi* Ebc-rhart,
illiam P. Eliott.
i -nam Fielding,
ah Garrison,
Aiiiuh Garrison, W illiam Slayton,
• fie uardian of the or-Irvin Stricklan,
iiiisofJolui ‘\ilson,dec. •}>
JiKba Gossette,
‘.-chard Uoesettc,
.1 3 ‘.'i i..niton,
J'j.ia fioweil,
George Hauno, 3.
ijsbern Uagood,
Jacob Hollensworth,
./elm fiend,
1 ‘.i.i’ is ilowel,
Janies Hud;
Hiliory Hendrick,
a Ulrs . Jones,
James D. Inzer,
J. if ■ a,-2.
/fuss il ./ones,
ary Jones,
B. Julian,
/fichurd or John Hoy,
L. ‘
’ illiam Lindsey,
David X- o'wery,
Jan 11.—,39 —2f.
Lubbcribcrofiers foi sale the followin'? Lands
. to wit:
No. Dis.
98 10 j Adjoining
127 10 > Carrollton,
130 10 ) well nnpr’d
34 4
98 6
13G (j
49 5
337 7
49 9 ‘
No Dis. Sec.
119 15 %
556 15 ?2
258 11 2
165 8 1
266 11 1
lor Terms, apply to A. G. FAMXJRQCCK,
John L. Park,
T. J. Pearce,
IF. II Park.
Clements duillain.
Mrs. Caroline Rodwcll,
Rusk k itockwcll,
James C Rawls,
S. T. Rowland,
Thomas Ricvcs,
Willis Rentfrow-,
Samuel Rutlierford,
William ltacklcy,
M. B. Robinson.
Jesse Stancel,
Larkin Saterlield,
Mary Ann Smith,
William Sentell.2,
H. Shelton,
John Spreaden,
Clementine Southern,
Jonathan Sutton,
ft iliiam Southlin,
James T. Sutton,
John Thomas, 2.
John Towns, 2.
John Tow nsend 2.
John L. Turner,
Asa Thompson,
Charles J. Thompson,
Lemuel Thomason,
Dosier Thornton,
Abner Terry,
-Margaret Teague,
R. A. Watkins, 2.
William Wheclor, 3.
Joshua Welch,
William E. Walker,
Henry Watkins,
AV. P If'ooddy,
H illiam D'oods,
William JFahaven.
M illiam Lowrey or Isaac
Noah Langley,
Joh r G, Lotte,
Godfrey Luther,
Bartholomew Murphy,
T alker Mason,
John M’Cutcheon, 2,
John Moore,
Edward ‘'sticks, 1
Tliomas A/cDow-ell,
Thomas B, A'cDowcil,
G eorge A/organ,
David Myers,
J, J. McCleskcy or L, I\
John Miller,
David H, JVJcCleskey, 3.
A\ illiam G. Afonis,
Abraham MeCorkin,
William Myers,
E ias A/illcr,
IF, McLauglilin,
David C. Ncal,
Alexander Nuckolls,
Andrew Nelson,
David TANARUS, Owen,
Benjamin Porks,
IF. T. Prichard,
IFilliam Power,
William Riley,
William D, Herd,
Bartmus Itenolds. 2,
Seabird l! lira,
James Rib v,
’ S.
Jacob i au/.ilvis 2.
John Smith,
William Smith 2.
James Mint he 2.
John S. Stanford,
Dennis Simons,
James tstnith,
Nathan Shepherd,
Drury Smith,
A\ iilis Smith,
” illiam J, Sanders,
David J. Turner,
Richard Thobipson,
IL Thornton, 3.
Benjatrnai 7ayior,
Ab, Thompson,
Al. L’derwood,
t W,
John Williams,
Anderson Wilkin*,
Alsey At rite,
Gatliarine Wiley,
A. F, v, ooliv,
William \X alker,
Chiua|W alkegi
V. hue Y. oodlifij
Henry V, utters,
Lewis 5\ iners,
Jesse Windsor,
Francis W helchel.
Jolm ‘ alters,
James Young,