Newspaper Page Text
An Account of tho Consecration
the Now Houoe of Worship.
Unknown Man Killed.
Thu services connected with tho
consecration of Grace Church, open
ed on Monday evening with evensong
and addresses by the Archdeacon of
Brunswick and Rev. C. G. Bradley.
The consecration Itself was ou Tues
day morning.
Notwithstanding the heavy rains
tho church wns comparntlvey filled
when at 10:30 the procession of cler
gy lef tho sacristy and proceeded
through the cloister to the west door
of tho church, where tho Bishop
knocked thrice exclaiming "Open!"
Tho vestry were grouped ns "inner
guardians'* of tho building and CoL
Toomer, the senior church warden,
responded to the demand with the
question: "Who comes there?"
The reply came bnck—heard through
the open windows—"The Bishop of
Georgia, to take possession of this
building." The Senior Warden an
swered, opening wide both leaves
of the door, "Entor! Blessed is ho
that comoth In tho name of the
I^ord." The Bishop followed by the
clergy nnd the vestrymen then
went up the main alalo to the chan
cel, saying the 24th Psalm. The
Bishop took his aeat at the north
aide of the sanctuary at the foot of
the altar stairs, and the clergy occu
pied the stall In the choir, the star
ers being In the organ chamber at
the north.
At the Bishop’s command, the Rec
tor read the "Instrument of donation"
which Is the deed of gift from the
parlshoners to Almighty Ood, and the
request to the Bishop to consecrate.
The Bishop then knelt before the al
tar and after offering thanks to God,
stood up
and offered prayers for all who
should be worshippers and who
should .-receive tho various sacra
ments of the church in this homo for
The rector then road the Bishop's
formal sentence of consecration, set
ting aside tho building forever from
all unhallowed, worldly and common
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., May H.—An un
known man was found dead on Marla
street, Plttston, with two bullets In
his body this morning. The resi
dents neafby say they heard sounds
of a quarrel, and then heard five
shots in rapid succession, and saw
several men running away. So far
ns tho police have learned, the dead
man was not a resident of Plttston.
List of Unclaimed Letters Remaining
in the Post Office at Wsycross, Oa.,
Week Ending, May 2nd, 1905
Brown, Johnnie E.,Baxley, I. R. 3;
Craig, Willie; Chancey, C. L.;Coun-
ells, C. P. T.; Corns, George; Cohan,
G. A. Cannoan, H. It.; Coleman, Hen
ry; Davis, Bartow; Hutelman, J. H.
II.; Erdman, W. H.; Fretwell, O. A.;
Griswold, J. M.; Godson, Jonnie;
Hill, II.; Hobson, H. F.; Jackson,
Androw; Jordon, A. L.; James, W. C.
Johnson, G. A.; Kohn, J. A.; Lee,
Jns. B.; Morris, Charles; May, Char
lie; Mitchell, Henry; Marson, John;
Moody, Rev. J.: Music, Milzla; Me-
Dunn, John; Robertson , A. W.;
Robbins, B. A.; Standard, James,;
Thornton, M. O.; Taylor, Gusto,;
Tinley, Rev. Walter,; Walker. Bob,;
Bradford, Salile,; Brown, Cora,;
Brewer, Miss Eugene,; Broyett,
Lucy,; Butts, Mrs. Rena,; Crawford,
Carrie,; Coleman, Lucinda,; Frazier,
Jennie,; Hinton, MolUe,; Jones, Mag
gie,; Bcovllle, Mrs. W. L.; Williams,
Allice,; Watson, Annie,; Wood, An
nie,; Williams, Mamie.
Hard to Kill.
A. DoArmond, one of the m
gera of the milling plant of the Bar-
n®X and Smith Car Company, at Mill
and faced tho congregation * _ . . v „ .. ,
town, Ga., waa struck by lightning
Friday afternoon and had a mlracu-
I loua escape from death.
Mr. DeArtnound was standing on
the porch of his office at tho mill
when the flash of lightning came,
hurling him to the ground. His head
r.t-uck tho atepa as ho full. His body
was severely burned by the light-
* u nlng, and It was at first thought that
purpose*. and giving It unrerarvedly, hB h#<) ^ |aiU „ t|y kmei|> bllt
to Almighty God for the solo purpose
of Divine worship and religious in
Morning prayer, with appropriate
psalm* and lessons from 8cripturc,
followed, and after the hymn, "Come
Jesus, from their Sapphire Throne, 1
the Holy Euchaftst was offered, with
full chorus accompnnlmont. An elo
quent sermon was delivered by the
Bishop, afer which tho choir ren
dered most skilfully TrlmmoU's an
them from the prayor of Solomon at
the dedication of the Temple, "I have
Surely Built Tlieo an House, otc."
After the close of tho services, the
clergy and congregation repaired tc
the Elk’s Hall In the Lott-HItch build
Ing, whero a bountiful
pared by tho ladles, was daintily
served. Addresses were mode by
the Bishop, and by Mr. French, who
paid well deserved tribute to all who
had contributed to make tho building
it sticcoH, und especially to Mr. T. J.
Col. Toomer wns then called upon.
After n brief nllualon by Mr. French
to tho fact of his near departure from
us. Col. Toomer responded briefly but
eloquently nnd to the point, and
called upon Prof. Pound aa "the next
best Methodist," who replied with
n few happy remnrks In his best
style, nnd the luncheon came to n
At tho evonlng service throe young
men from Thoinanvllle wore continu
ed. The sermon wns by Rev. G. 8.
Whitney, of Thomnsville.
tor four hours of effort ho was finally
brought back to consciousness.
The case of his watch and other
articles of metal In his pockets were
racltod by tho electric fluid, and the
carbon torn from the pencil which
he cnrrlod In his vest pocket
The Fish Law.
Section 1.—Be It enacted by the
genoral assembly ot Georgia, and It
la hereby enacted by Authority of the
same, that It shall bo unlawful for
any person to catch or tako any fish
with seine, net, gig or spear, or llko
devise, from any waters of this state
betwoon tho 15th day of March and
the 1st day of July In each year;
provided tha the provisions In this
section shall not be const mod to for
bid the catching of fish by means of
cast nets, traps, baskets or with hook
nnd lino.
Section 2.—Be It further onactod by
tho Authority aforesaid, that tho use
of flro arms, dynamlto or any other
exploslvo and destructive subst^pce.
PETITION FOR CHARTER. I regulate the carrying on of IU cor-
8TATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY 1 poraie business in a manner not in-
OF WARE. To tho Superior Court consistent with law.
of said County:
The petition of J. B. Whitehead, H
F. Haley, J. R. Haley and J. T. Lup-
ton, respectfully shows:
1. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and as
signs, to become Incorporated under
the name and style of "THE WAY-
COMPANY," Tho terms for which
petitioners ask to be Incorporated is
twenty (20) years, with the privilege
of renewal at the end of that time.
2. Tho capital stock of said cor
poration Is to be two thousand ($2,00«»
dollars, divided Into shares of one
hundred ($100.00) dollars each. Pe
titioners, however, ask the privilege
of increasing the capital stock from
time to time, not to exceed In the
aggregate twenty thousand ($20,000)
dollars, and similarly to decrease the
same from time to time to any amount
not less than two thousand ($2,000)
the said corporation shall not be
Individually liable to the creditors of
the said cori>oratlon in any amount
or sum whatever, except for such
amount as the stockholders may be
due for stock actually subscribed for.
3. The whole of said capital stock
of two thousand ($2,000) dollars has
been actually paid In.
I. The object and purposes of said
proved corporation Is pecuniary
gain and profit to the stockholders.
The particular business proposed to
be carried on by said corporation Is
the bottling and sale of carbonated
coca cols, mineral waters, fruit fla
vors, and all other carbonated drinks.
5. Petitioners desire that said cor
poration shall have the right to buy,
lease, hold and own real and per
sonal property necessary for tho
furtherance of the object of the cor
poration; to borrow money and to
pledge the property of said corpora
tion, real and personal, aa security
therefor, by mortgage trust deed, or
other form of security, and also to
Issue bonds and preferred stock when
ever necessary and convenient for
the carrying on of the business of the
corporation; to act aa general or spe
cial agents for other persons or com
panies In selling or handling any ar*
tide or class of articles appertain
ing to the business of such corpora
tion, or usually or conveniently con
nected with the business hereinbe
fore mentioned.
G. The principal office and place
of business of said corporation shall
be in the City of Waycross, Geor
gia, with the right to establish
branches, and to do business, any
where in the state of Georgia or else
where, through agencies established
for that purpose, or otherwise, as
may bo deemed meet and proper.
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to
be made a body corporate, under tho
name and style aforesaid, entitled to
the rights, privileges and Immunities,
and subject to the liabilities fixed
by law.
Attorney for Petitioners.
Original filed In office this April
22nd, 1905.
Respectfully submitted,
Attorneys at Law for Petitioners.
Clerk's Office Superior Court. I, E.
_ Berry, Clerk of the Superior Court
of said county, do hereby certify that
the above and foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the original pe
tition for charter of A. M. Knight
et ul, as to the Waycross Investment
Company us the same appears of file
iu office of Clerk of Superior Court.
Witness my hand and seal of of
fice this April 18th, 1905.
Clerk S. C.. W. C.
Waycross has fixed tne license to
J.T'*£- ba ;£™„nZ * Ve •»cU Intoxicating drlnkf within It.
Court of Ordinary of said county for limits at $30,000 per annum. Even
permanent lettexs of administration as prosperous a buslncs as the liquor
ou the estate of W. B. Keen lata of 5 Us j neaa cannot pay that license.
co^raJTaVreqXd torto^e "ore than W.m annuaUy U
In said court by the First Monday saved to the citipens of Waycross
in June, next, if any they can, why by this prohibition of the liquor busi-
said application should not he grant- —Atlanta Constitution.
This May 1st, 1905.
Appointment of Guardian.
R. L. Singleton, a resident of the
State of Georgia, having duly applied
to be appointed guardian of the per
son and property of Burrell Single-
ton, a minor under the age of 14
years, resident In sold county, no
tice is hereby given that said appli
cation will be passed an at the next
Court of Ordinary for said county,
i Charles F. Hatfield, a "rainmaker"
who has been working since Decem-
. her to produce eighteen inches of
’ rain for Southern California by May.
uqon phr.r.e *.f leveral Angeles
citizens to pay him $1,000 if he suc
ceeded, has completed his demonstra
tion, and has been paid a large pro
portion of the sum promised. There
are a lot of fools In the world yet.
Application lur Charter.
Mail- ut Georgia—Countv of Ware:
To the Superior Court ot raid county:
T..e pvt.non ot George W. D.-eu, A.
M. Knight ami S. E Ellington respect
fully shows:
1. That they desire for themselv
their s-otocides, successor* sud as
signs, io be ome incorporate i u ider
the usnu* and style ul tne Wayeross . . .. . n . . .
Turpeutin** Company. Tue terms for! 1° b® held on the A™* Monday In
which petitioners a-K to be incorpor* l June, 1905.
ated is twenty (*o) years, with the I witness my hand and official slg- saries of life are guilty of a moral
time ***** ° f reuew * 1 “ l lhe end ol lU,lt I nature, this April 27, 1905. crime, even though our lax laws do
9. The capital stock of said cornor* I Warren Ix>tt,
stion is to be fifteen thousand [915,*- 1
000.001 dollars, div.ded into shares of • Citation.
GEORGIA—Ware County.—To all
whom It may concern.
A. B. Fisher having applied for the
guardianship of the person and prop-
While condemning the crime of
President Bigelow, let us not over
look the crime of other men who
speculated In a commodity that is
of prime necessity to the public.
Men who speculate In the neces-
net make It a criminal offense.—
Ordinary. Bryan's Coromoneer.
one tundred (9100 00) dollars each.
Petitioners, however, ask the privi*
legs of Increasing the capital stock
from time to time, not to exceed in
thtf aggregate one hundred aod fifty
thousand (S150.ouu.00) dollars,and site
ilsriy to decrease the tame from tlme.erty of Ruby Pearl, Chester Arthur,
the Superior Court of said county:
Tho petition of A. M. Knight and Si
mon W. Hitch of Ware county, Geor
gia, nnd George W. Haines of Duval
county, Florida, respectfully shows:
That pctltlonera with their as
sociates desire to become incorpor
ated under tho provisions of tho laws
of Georgia and to be made a body
politic under the name nnd style of
2. That tho object of said incor
poration is the prosecution for profit
to Its stockholders of the business
hereinafter specified, and the particu
lar business pro|M)sed to be carried
on is the buying and selling of real
for tho purpoHo killing n,h. .« hcroi gSS^ 1 .UftESJSL
l»y prohibited.
Approved, August 15th, 1904.
Negroes Sent to Gang.
In tho City Court yesterday after
noon. William Body, a negro, plead
guilty to thrpo indictments for cheat
ing nnd swindling. He was given
six months tn each case, milking
eighteen mouths In all that he will
have to devote In hclplug to improve
the public roads of Ware county.
William Utley, another negro for
simple larceny, wns given six mouths
on the gang without the prtvelege of
paying a fine.
Thomas U. Rood said many clever
things, hut nothing, In the opinion of
tho Snvnnnah Press, to excel his ro-
nmrk that what ho most ndmlred In
Theodore Roosevelt waa "his enthus
iasm at his own discovery of the Tea
Some of these days the South, the
Solid South, will be called upou to
settle tho revolutions and labor trou
bles which will Inevitably arise in
tho east and west. Dixie Land will
eventually savo tho Union. Don* for
get this prediction.
Columbus, Ga., is considerably
swelled up over the fact that one of
her citizens drank thirty-five bottles
of beer Saturday night. True, that's
drinking 'em some, but thnt great
Columhusite would be n tin horn In
Savannah.—Augusta Herald.
Western Union's New Manager.
Mr. Chas. T. Strickland, who ten
dered his resignation some time ago
as manager of tho Western Union
telegraph office in Waycross. was re
lieved yesterday by Miss Belle Dixon,
of Daytona. Ha , who assumes the
management of the office. Miss Dix
on Is a very pleasant young lady, nnd
For n dry town. Cedarton has rath
er a rocky record for Sunday drunks.
A week or two ago Marshall Jolly
made six arrests for plain drunks on
Sunday, und doubtless "there were
others" In town.—Ccdartown Stan
Congressman John Sharp Williams
lu> with tho Western Union for I adrtsea tho farmers of Mississippi to
aotne time. Her assistant Is Mr.
M. Carswell, of Quitman. Mr. Strick
land, who retired aa manager yester
day. has seep ted a position aa dis
patcher for the Atlantic Coast Line
In Waycross, and aaumed his new dn-
Ilea last night
plant less cotton, and Governor Var
danian -tells them to do as they please
about reduction of acreage. Guest
they are doing as they please. The
Georgia farmers are.—Macon News.
Before the wild animals of Vene-
taels rashly provoke President
Roosevelt to fight, they should lead
ap on what the president baa beta
doing to the wild animals out la Col
orado.— Atlanta Journal.
Presbyterians throughout the world
have been Invited by the moderators
of the general assemblies of the
Church of Scotland and the United
Free Church of SeoUnad to Jola in a
celebration of Sunday, May 21, this
year, at the four hundredth anniver
sary of tho birth of John Kaos.
G«H>rgln, ami ctlscwhero In tho state
of Georgia, the purchaso and improve
ment of real estato for Investment,
tho renting of property and collect
ing tho rents thereon, nnd generally,
tho doing of all the acts of n person
engaged In tho buying, selling and
handling of real estate.
3. The chief office of said corpor
ation shall bo at Waycross, Waro
county, Georgia, but petltiom-r* pray
the privilege of having branch offices
at other pluccs und points where
said corporation may detdro to do
4. Tho capital stock of Hald cor
poration shall be tho sum of twenty
five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars, di
vided into two hundred and fifty
shares of one hundred dollars each,
no part of which has yet been paid
In, but petitioner* desire the privil
ege of commencing business under
the charter to be granted hereunder
as soon as ten per cent, of said cap
ital stocy ha* ben paid in cash, and
to Issue block fully paid nnd non-as-
ses.sable in tho purchase of and pay
ment for pro(>crty of any character.
Petitioner* desire the right to in-
rrcaso tho capital stock from time to
time to any amount not exceeding
fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollar* by
* vote of two third* of the then out
standing capital stock.
5. Petitioners desire the privilege
of borrowing money upon real estate
and other property owned nnd ac
quired by them and securing such
borrowed money by making a most
gage, deed of trust, issuing bonds, or
otherwise in a proper legal way se
curing the sAme.
6. Petitioners pray to be incori>or-
ated under the laws of Ike state of
Georgia for a period of twenty (20)
years, with the privilege of renewal,
aa allowed by law. and to be clothed
with all the powers and privileges
Incident to such a corporation, in
cluding the power to sue nnd be sued,
plead and to be impleaded, have and
use a corporate seal, to make con
tracts of every character in keeping
with Its corporate business, to pur-
chant* hold, mortgage and convey
real estate and other property ac
quired In the course of Its corporate
business, and to fix by Its by laws
the number of Its directors and ot
to time to any amount not less than
fifteen ($15,000.00) dollars. That the
stockholders of the said corporation
•hall not be Individually liable to the
creditors of the raid corporation in
any amount or sum whatever, except
for each amount a* the stockholders
may be doe for stock actually sub
scribed for.
3. The whole of eeld capital stock
of fifteen thousand (Slh.OoOiOO dollars
has actually been paid in.
4. Tbs object and purpose of said
proposed corporation Is pecuniary gain
and profit to the eteekboldera. The
particular business proposed to be
carried on by said corporation is the
manufacture and sale of spirits of tur
pentine, nayal stores and the various
nrodnet* of everr k’nd end de*crlp*
tion whatever, which may be manu
factured from pine trees, including
the logs, tops thereof and stumps, for
sale, end also the manufacture and
sale therefrom of all kinds of soap,
paints, varnish aod creosote, aod any
other articles that cao be manufac
tured therefrom
5. Petitioners desire that said cor-
K ration shall have the right to bur.
ise, hold and own real and personal
property Decenary for the farther*
ance of tbeoblect of the corporation;
to borrow money and to pledge the
property of aald corporation, real and
personal, aa security therefor,by mort
gage, trust deed, nr other form of se«
curity, end also to issue bonds and
preferred stock whenever necessary
and convenient for the carrying on of
the business of the corporation; to act
aa g eta era! or special agents for other
R rraons or companies In selling o<
andl!ng any article or class of art!
dee appertaining to tha business ol
•uch corporation, or usually or con
veniently connected therewith, and to
exercise the usual powers and to do all
usual, necessary and proper acta which
pertain to or may be connected with
the badness hereinbefore mentioned.
6. The prlnelpel office and place of
bnalneea of eeld corporation shall be
In the city of Waycross. Georgia, with
the right to eatab'lsh branches, and to
do business, anywhere in the State of
Georgia, or elsewhere, through agen
ciea established for that purpose, oi
otherwise, m* may be deemed meet
and proper.
WHEREFORE petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate, under the
name and style aforesaid, entitled to
the right*, privileges and immunities
and subject to the llabilitfe* fixed by
Attorney for Petitioners.
State of Georgia—Countv of Ware.
I, K. J. ll-«rry, C eric ot the Superior
Court of Ware county, do hereby cer
tify that tho above is a true copy of
the original petition filed In my office
bv the partle* named,for the incorpor
ation of-the Wavcrors Turpentine Com-
psuv, as appears from the original pe
tition of file therein
Witness my hand and seal of office
this 24th day of March. 10O.Y
R. J. nERRY,
Clerk 8. C. W. G.
Henry Grady, Wlllt&m Lee Fisher,
minors ofB. F. Fisher, late of said
county and state, deceased, notice Is
hereby given that said application will
be heard at my office on the first Mon
day In June 1905. Given under my
hand and official signature this, 5th
day of May, 1905.
Warren Lott,
County.—Notice Is hereby given that
the undersigned have applied to the
Ordinary of said county for leave to
sell certain land, described In the
petition which la of file In the office
of aald Ordinary, belonging to the
estate of W. W. Beach, for the pur
pose of distribution. Said applica
tion will be heard at the regular
term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first
Monday In Jane, 1905.
This, the 20th day of April, 1905.
Administrators upon the Estate of
W. W. Beach.
The South overdoes things when
she starts out. She has glutted the
markets with watermelons and canta
loupes, has overrun the world with
cotton, and now six hundred thousand
dollar! worth of strawberries are rot
ting for want of transportation in
North Carolina. Peaches will soon
be here and we hope they will have
better luck.
It la gratifying to note the oil por
trait of Gen. John B. Gordon that has
been selected to hang In the 8tate
Capitol, la from the brush of a Geor
gia artist—that of Mrs. Varaadoe, of
Valdosta. The portrait waa placed
In competition with several others by
painters of considerable reputation.
That It should have been accepted
from among the lot Is sufficient proof
of Its merit, and Is a high compliment
to the artlstlo ability of Its painter.
We extend to Mrs. Varna doe congrat
ulations upon her triumph; and at
the same time we are pleased to
know that we have in Georgia talent
that can enter such a competition
tion and win.—Savannah News.
Georgia has seven million bearing
peach trees and a large number of
them will do their duty this year.
The Toldo Asahi bluntly describes
the- French mu u ranees that they would
preserve r.eutm'lt), as faliehoods and
declares that Japan would be justi
fied In bombarding French territory,
and calls upon the government to
take vigorous action.
Ain't it a shame, a measly shame,
the way those Chicago people are
treating the poor negroes.
It Is thought that the Csar's fleet
Is nearing the scene of Its Anal ap
pearance before the footlights.
Lamar’s Lemon Lax
ative is a reliable, harm
less, old-time remedy
Indigestion, Constipation, Headaches.
It is prompt, pleasant and perfectly harmless,
being purely a vegetable preparation, cleansing
the system, toning up the bowels, kid
neys, liver, etc. to a condition of per
fect health. Good doctors use it, and
good druggists sell it
50 Doses
50 Cents
Georgia—Ware County
Notion is hereby driven that the un*
dersigued has applied to the Ordinary
of said c< uutv. for leave to sell certain
, .V rt ., b ? lon ‘ r,n * ‘otheestata of D. B.
hngllah, said snle being mate for the
purpose of paying the debts of the raid
t'Mtate, end for distribution, said spnli
catl n will be heard at the May
term 1905, of the rourt of ordinary of
raid county, which is to bo held on the
first Mondsv of raid month. This the
Nth day of Md-ch. Ilio.Y
A. I*. Engl «h Administrator of th-
cstate of D. It Eonll-i.
— OF —
u4 by It, by lam to ntnlato lu
■Un ud pro ride tho method ot dlo-
poolac ol say portion ot IU
pom* of say portion ot IU nopot-
Um. had by ttt by him n—rally to
Adminl.trator'* Sal*.
GEORGIA, Ware county.
WUI bo sold before tho Court House
door of mid county, between the legal
hour* of sale, on the Brat Tuesday In
M.iy next, to the highest bidder, for
cash, tho following described property
to-wtt: Commencing at the north
west corner of Albany avenue and
Mulberry lane, tbeneo westerly along
aald Albany avenue (79 feet, more or
leas, to - 'B" street, thence northerly
along aald *'B'* street a distance of
276. thence easterly parallel to »atd
Albany avenue a dlitance of (79 feet
more or less to Mulberry lane, thence
southerly along aald Mulberry lane
276 feet more or leu. Io a point or
place of beginning. Sold u tbo prop
erty of the estate of June, Knox, 8r„
deceased, for the purpose ot paying
debts, and for dtitrlbuUoa. Bold un
der and by virtu* of an order from
the Court of Ordinary of laid county
authorizing raid rale.
This AprU «, 1905.
James Knox, Jr., Adm'r.
Application for Homuttad.
Mr*. A. L. Cron, wit* of R. K.
Crou, hat applied for oxomption of
peraonalty, and ratting apart and val-
natlon of bran tetrad, and I win pan
upon the ram* at It o'clock, a. m..
Lasting all SUMMER. By Special ar
rangements with The
A forfeit of $5.00 will be made if • coarse of John-
son’s Tonic will not eradicate every trace sad taint of