Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Coco, the Swell.
The elegant Mr. Coco, late of Lo
« Only an Old Farmer.
This is a fast age, a fast world, a
fast people, in truth l.tost people
are in such a hurry to get through don, has met New York society apd
life tlmt they never think to look back conquered it. Formal dinners' and
in memory, or up in gratitude. We other swell functions' are being lav-
are led to make these remarks by a uhed upon him. So-called American
little incident that cajne under our . democracy lias so far forgotton her-
. fnm HnvB illTO. An Old 1 enlt' In' 1\<:
observation a tew days ago. An old j self as to' bow in adoring subjection
man, perhaps seventy years of age. j ; 0 the charms of this elegant foreign
residence “back east,” having a few e r
weeks of “spare time/' concluded to Mr. Coco, bo it understood, lias an
take a look at some of the country. ; authenticated ancestry which makes of r
Slaving some friends in this section ' those of the oldest English and Amor- fc ’ ih0 cu P ltal Blo . ch
lie made it a point in his trip to visit jean families appear short indeed. In
OF WARE. To the Superior Court
of said County:
The petition of J. B. Whitehead, H.
F. Haley, J. R. Haley and J. T. Hup-
ton, respectfully shows:
1. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and as
signs, to become incorporated under
the naiuo and stylo of “THE WAV-
COMPANY,” The terms for which
petitioners ask to bo incorporated is
nty (20) years, with the privilege
al at the end of that time.
of said
this place. He was dressed plain-
ly byt neatly, and when he hobbled
on his cane through the street ev
erything about his feeble preseucc
seemed to say, "going home.
“Who is he?” asked a well dressed
fellow with a glossy mustache, of his j livin;
companion, who replied: “Only an j costi
old farme
the circles where long lineage counts,
Mr. Coco Is an easy winner. His pro
genitors, according to the great Dar
win, have been traced even beyond
the time of primitive man. When
the ancestors of New Y<
on roots and shivering in cav<
ed even
ellest ballroom
poration is to be two thousand ($2,0U0)
dollars, divided into shares of one
hundred ($BK>.00) dollars each. Pe
titioners, however, usk the privilege
of increasing the capital stock from
thne to time, not to exceed in the
aggregate twenty thousand ($20,000)
Jurors for Next Superior Court.
The following list of Grand a
■ .luro
, for
hand and seal of of-
•il 18th. 11*05.
Clerk S. C\. W. C.
dollars, nnd similarly to decrease the J 1905, betwe
GEORG!A—Wuiv County.
Will be sold before the court houso
oor of Ware county, on Juno G,
November tehu of the Superior
t of Ware county:
y t- ::i I M. D. Black shear,
i : - * j B. II. Thomas,
W. U. Bradley,
>unent I*' - A - McGowen,
of 11 !o W. D. O’Quinn,
j J. B. Taylor.
! J- W. Mallou,
Daniel Corbitt,
I F. If. McGee,
I John Lynn,
, G. W. Gray.
ill. A. Harris,
1; n. S. Taylor.
N. J. Stewart.
F. B. Hargraves.
W. (). Thrift,
W B Goodrich,
M l> Cason
O li Hahn.
W. L. II
W. L. Ca
is a world of meaning in the Mr. Coco’s ancestors
k’s 40rt were j Banie from time to time to any amount
uot leas than two thousand ($2,000)
corporation shall not be
the creditors of I *'*°. t
iu any amount i«■■ «-*•,
for such I \\ a jt e:
• ■ iuc hum eoijiuiauo
more decollete than j individually liable to
[room belle of today, the said corporation
ter which has since become cultivat
ed in the drawing rooms of New York.
For the elegant, long-lineaged Mr.
Coco is a baltoon.
He is a baboon veneered with mod
ern society manners. He hns easily
mastered those few thin conventions
that distinguish the common baboon
from the ordinary swell.
Mr. Coco drinks tea or cocktails
with a deftness and indifference that
marks the highest culture. He wears
his dress suit with on easy obvious
ness that charms the ladies and driv
es the mere men with not more than
one or two generations of soft-hand
ed gentility back of him mad with
envy. Mr. Coco shakes hands in tl»e
latest approved fashion. His smile
lights his face into geniality and in
telligence quite rare in exclusive cir
cles. IIo drives an automobile and
spends much leisure time driving in
the parks in a brougham.
Mr. Coco Is the rage. Swell women
fawn upon him. No high social affair
is complete without him. He strik
ingly illustrates how little of brain
and of human quality is needed to
make a great swell-
name If It had only been spoken in • sit Ion to look down upon them from •
reverence, and thereby hangs a beau- j high life and patronizingly discuss
tiful lesson, a life’s story with scarce- I them in much the same sort of chat-
ly more words than years. The wri
ter has the honor of the old gentle
man’s acquaintance. In the morning
of life he left his ancestral. home In
Tennessee, came west and in a tangled
forest built a cabin. The walls were of
hewn logs, notched down close at the
comers to keep out the piercing winds
of winter, arid the floor was of ^plit
puncheons. There the young pion
eer loved his family, served God, and
lived peacefully In the little home
built with his own hands and beauti
fied with busy fingers.
Nearly fifty years have leaped the
dark precipice into the tomb of ages;
the log cabin has changed into a neat
cottage with a shingled roof, vine-
clad windows and carpeted floor, tho
forest has disappeared, and the broad
acres bless the garden with a bounti
ful harvest when pompous autumn
smiles and the withered banners of
the corn are still.
“Only an old farmer.”
One of the many who have tolled
for home and food and substance,
fostered civilization, revolutionized
commerce, fed nations, pampered
kings, and heapened the granaries of
a thrifty people. Go home, weary
toiler, to your quiet home, "over the
hills and far away,” around whose
hearthstine the ghosts of burled
hopes, fallen virtues and broken vows
do not throng, and over whose thresh
old the vulture of dissipation never
flew. The merchant prince in his
counting room, or the cattle baron
wMk his “cattle on a thousand hills,”
t greater or moro blessed than
Vrehonest farmer who Is king of his
fireside. A residence in the throng
ed city may be palatial and grand,
but after all, the peaceful home among
the flower-clad hills of the country
is dearer, and he sun bronzed hand
that guides the plow and sows the
seed and garners the harvest holds
In his brawny clasp the wondrous
key that unlocks the storehouse of
the world.
“Only an old farmer.”
Gray haired and grand old gentle
man! • The fair forms of children
clamber on his knee, nestle In his
arms and bless the fleeting years with
tho prattle of innocence;; field and
forest tan his tawny cheek with the
sweet odor of the morning, and tho
dew-gemmed flowers bathe nnd kiss
his feet at evpntlde. Totter on,
"pale wanderer to that hollow vale,”
wearing a crown or tufted snow and
a garland of wrinkles won in the bat
tle of life. Tho black wings of death
will put out the light and herald the
awful night of gloom, but fold thy
placid hands In peace; it has touched
the string In the harp of life that set
the world a throbbing; and more, it
built a little home and fought the
wolf from tho door, helped the penni
less and forged a link in tho golden
chain that leads from earth to heav
en. Then gather around the drop
ping mantle of purity woven of good
deeds, and he soul of the "old far
mer” shall exist through eternity as
It has lived through these last seven
ty years, honest and simple and free.
—Southern Odd Fellow.
Notice is hereby given of an inten
tion to apply to the next General As
sembly of Georgia for the passage of
bill, the tltlo of which is as follows:
An act to repeal, an act to author
ize the establishment and malnten-
enco of a system of sewerage nnd
drainage in nnd around tho City of
Waycross, and a system of water works
for s.iid city: to provide f ir the --.p
point rent of satR.irv and W.t-’r
orks commissioners for said city,
and to prescrlbo their duties anu pow
ers, and for other purposes, approved
September 19th, 1S89; to provide that
all the duties and powers conferred
upon the sanitary and wan works
conmils®.oners und=?r tin not afo*e-
said, shall be by this Act conferred
upon tho Mayor and Council of the
City of Waycross or upon tho Regu
lar Standing Committee of the Coun
cil upon water works; nnd all that
could heretofore be done by said
Board may, after the adoption of this
act, bo done,by tho Mayor and Coun
cil of tho CRy of Waycross or by tho
Regular Standing Committee upon
atcr works, and for other purposes.
J. A. JONES, Mayor.
The Ribbon Girl.
There’s a ribbon for a collar,
There are ribbons in her hair,
'Tls a ribbon forms a girdle,
Which she folds w^h greatest care.
£bo hns frocks all trimmed with rib
bons • *
of attractive kinds and hues;
Decks her hats with ribbons jaunty.
And with ribbons ties her shoes.
All her lingerie Is lovely,
TOth its ribbons run in lace;
AijBftsettes of dainty ribbon
hose supporters grace.
Course this girl’s so fond of ribbons.
Surely will be fond of beaus.
She will marry and be happy,
Well, she may—one never knows.
She will carry bridal roses;
With their yards of ribbon tied,
In a coach with white be-ribboned
To the train In state she’ll ride.
When the honeymoon is over,
Then the artful little thing
Will proceed to tie her husband
To her ribbon apron string.
▲ man Is never alone when ho hat
the company of a good book.
Notice is hereby given that appli
cation will be made to the next Gen
eral Assembly of Georgia for tho pas
sage of an Act, the tltlo of which Is
as follows:
An Act to amend an Act entitled
an Act to amend Sections ()2 and
Nino of an Act Incorporating the
Warcsboro School District, in Ware
County, approved August 15th, 1904,
by adding after tho flgures"177” and
before the word "and” In tho four
teenth line of the title of said Act,
the figures 57, 58, 80 and 104, and by
adding after the figures "177” and
before the word “all ’ n the tenth and
seventeenth lines respectively of
Sections two (2) ot said amendment
to said Act the figures 57, 80 and
104. 6-37 lm
Notice Is hereby given of an Inten
tion to apply to tho next General As
sembly of Georgia for the passage of
a bill, the title of which is as follows:
An act to authorize the Mayor and
Council oft the City of Waycross to
issue bonds In the sum of sixty-three
thousand dollars ($63,000.00), payable
In thlrtyt30) years and bearing In
terest at a rate not to exceed 5 per
cent, per annum, for tho purpose of
providing additional school facilities
fer the City of Waycross, for
purpose of paving the streets of said
city and for, the extension of
water mains and sewerage system
thereof, and for other purposes.
J. A. JONES, Mayor.
All tha Georgia poUtteUu are
fighting ring role. Ererjr other ring
except their own. . . .
J. G. Justice,
to the highest bidder tor cash, lot 1 G. (J. Barker,
numbers throe, live and six of block ( C. Rouse,
• City ot’ Way- \ J - S. Bailey,
accordii.. to Gee j H- B. Ballard,
t said city levied i " • H- Cason,
on In possession of the defendant, | Win. Corbitt,
under an execution from the Superior J M. L. Goodyem
Court of Pierce county, in favor of
been actually paid iu. I Thoinasvllle National Bank, for use,
4. rue object and purposes of said , , ,» .
proposed corporation Is pecuniary ' etc " AS®* 1181 U ’ J - McIntosh,
gain and profit to the stockholders.. F. Millor, N
The particular business proposed to j This May Mil, 1905 Sheriff.
bo carried on by said corporation Is I {
the bottling and sale of carbonated j
coca cola, mihcral waters, fruit flu-1 Citatio .
1 all other carbonated drinks. GEORGIA, WARE COUNTY.—
Keen having applied to the
of said county for
ant as the stockholders
for stock actually subscribed for
• J. Tho whole of said capital stocli
* of two thousand ($2,000) dollars hat
John Bourn,
i L R. Rouse,
Geo. W. White,
Bryant Crows,
j I.. S. Taylor,
j C. A. Fret well,
I J. R. Whitman,
R. A. McCranlc,
D. A. Jordan,
J E McClellan,
C II Lowthor,
! J. J. Henderson,
• Win, Grlflls,
W. D. Booth.
P. S. Archibald,
i C. W. Tyre,
5. Petitioners desire that said cor- *
poration shall have tho right to buy,'court of Ordin;
lease, hold nnd owu real und per
sonal property necessary for the
furtherance of the object of the cor
poration; to borrow money and to
pledge the proporty of said corpora
tion, real and personal, as security
therefor, by mortgage trust deed, or
other form of security, nnd ulso to
issue bonds and preferred stock when-
e. er necessary and convenient for
the carrying on of the business of tho
corporation; to act as general or spe
cial agents for other persons or com
panies in selling or handling any ar
ticle or class of articles appertain
ing to the business of such coy'. ra
tion, or usually or conveniently ,jou-
nected with tho business hereinbe
fore mentioned.
G. The principal oillco and place
of business of said corporation shall
be in the City of Waycross, Geor
gia. with tho right to establish
branches, and to . do business, any
where In the state of Georgia or else
where, through ugencles established
for that purpose, or otherwise, as
may bo deemed meet and proper.
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to
bo made a body corporate, under the
name nnd style aforesaid, entitled to
the rights, privileges and immunities,
and subject to the liabilities fixed
by law.
Attorney for Petitioners.
Original filed In ofllco this April
22nd, 1905.
the Superior Court of said county:
The petition of A. M. Knight nnd Si
mon W. Hitch of Waro county, Geor
gia, nnd George W. Haines of Duval
county, Florida, respectfully shows:
That petitioners with their as
sociates desire to become Incorpor
ated under tho provisions of the laws
of Georgia and to bo made a body
politic under the name and stylo of
That tho object of said incor
poration is the prosecution for profit
to its stockholders of tho business
hereinafter specified, and the particu
lar business proposed to ho carried
on is tho buying and selling of real
estate nt Waycross, In Waro county,
Georgia, and elsewhero In tho stato
of Georgia, tho purchaso and Improve
ment of real estate for Investment,
the renting of property and collect
ing the rents thereon, nnd generally,
the doing of all the acts of a person
engaged In tho buying, selling und
hnndling of real estate.
3. Tho chief ofllco of said corpor
ation shall bo at Waycross, Ware
county, Georgia, but petitioners pray
the privilege of having branch offices
at other places and pointB where
said corporation nmy desire to do
4. The capital stock of said cor
poration shall bo Uie sum of twenty
five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars, di
vided into two hundred and fifty
shares of one hundred dollars each,
no part of which has yet been paid
in, but petitioners desire tho privil
ege of commencing business under
the charter to bo granted hereunder
as soon as ten per cent of said cap
ital stocy has ben paid In cash, and
to Issue stock fully paid and non-as-
sessable In the purchaso of and pay
ment for proporty of any character.
Petitioners desire the right to In
crease the capital stock from time to
time to any amount not exceeding
fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars by
a vote of two thirds of the then out
standing capital stock.
6. Petitioners desire the privilege
of borrowing money upon real estate
and other property owned and ac
quired by them and securing such
borrowed money by making a mort
gage, deed of trust, issuing bonds, or
otherwise in a proper legal way* se
curing tho same.
6. Petitioners pray to bo incorpor
ated under the laws of the state of
Georgia for a period of twenty (20)
years, with tho privilege of renewal,
as allowed by law, and to bo clothed
with all tho powers and privileges
incident to such a corporation, In
cluding tho power to sue and be sued,
plead and to be impleaded, have and
use a corporate seal, to make con
tracts of every character In keeping
with its corporate business, to pur
chaso, hold, mortgage and convoy
real estate and other property ac
quired in tho course of Its corporate
business, and to fix by Its by laws
the number of Its directors and of
ficers, their duties and compensation,
and by its by laws to regulate Its
affairs and provide the method of dis
posing of sny portion of Its proper
ties, and by iu by laws generally to
regulate the carrying on of Its cor-
S. L. Henderson,
G. II. Roberts,
Joe Loft,
C. C. Buchanan,
VV. M. Wilson,
J. A. Loti,
G. W. Been.
G. P. Polhmi,
A. M. Morgan,
II. J. Jeffords,
J. It. Bunn,
... ........ ... T - 11 K| 1K.
in said court by tho First Monday (Jesse Griffin,
In June, next, if any they can, why j. j. Hargraves
said application should not ho grant- m*u h
1 Me 1’ov,
E. Walden,
Geo. Howell,
; a. M. Knight,
Geo. A. doom,
J. T. Strickland,
P. L Ilnloher,
I I. Allen
■nt letters of administration
tho estate of W. B. Keen late of
said county, deceased. All persons
concerned nro required to show cause
This May 1st, li*
Appointment of Guardian.
Singleton, a resident of tho
Stato of Georgia, having duly applied
bo appointed guardian of the per
son nnd property of Burrell Single-
minor under tho ago of 14
resident in said county, no- *
tlce Is hereby given that said nppll- j
cation will bo passed an at the "next •
Court of Ordinary for said county, j
Borrkin Tingle..
Lemuel West berry,
B. C. Baum.
J. A. Douglas,
W. A. McDonald,
E. D. Moore,
C. A. Sheldon,
W, L. Knox, •
J. B. Thomas,
M. E. Henderson,
J. A. Vann,
J. M. Miles,
F. B. Irons,
J. M. Henderson,
tho lirat Monday In | M ’ A - Tll| ei«'».
II. B. Pittman,
It. C. King,
J. W. Adams,
II. L. Herrin,
E. P. Peabody,
J. M. Kirkland,
<’. It. Harley,
\\\ RImion,
Cicero Wilkinson,
II. J. Smith.
J. L. Stephens,
|W. M. Keaton,
J. A. Miller,
John Jordan,
J. It. ThlKt»*m,
Jns. Knox,
Brad Watson,
to bo held - „ ,
June, 1905. j J ' u ; Newton «
Witness my hand and otficlnl slg- | " ^ son *
nature, this April 27, 1905. j ^ Hnrllng,
Warren Lott, i *• A - Martin,
Ordinary. ■ l' 00 *
. J. W. Gatos,
J. A. M. Johnson,
II. J. Thompson, Jr.,
A. J. Music,
GEORGIA—Ware County.—To all
whom it may,concern.
B. Fisher having applied for tho
guardianship of the person and prop
orty of Ruby Pearl, Chestor Arthur,
Henry Grady, William Leo Fisher,
minors ofB. F. Fisher, Into of said
county nnd state, deceased, notice Is
hereby given that said application will
bo hoard at my ofllco on tho first Mon
day in Juno 1905. Given under my
hand and official signature this, Cth
day of May, 1906.
Warren Lott,
County.—Notice Is horeby given that
tho undersigned have applied to the
Ordinary of said county for leave to
sell certain land, described In the
petition which Is of file in the ofllco
of said Ordinary, belonging to tho
estate of W. W. Beach, for the pur-
|K)so of distribution. Said applica
tion will bo heard at tho regular
term of tho Court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on tho first
Monday In June, 1905.
This, tho 20th day of April, 1905.
Administrators upon the Estate of
W. W. Boach.
Freni alt parts of Southwest Geor-
gh' come reports which indicato that
■ perhaps never boforo In tho agricul-
| turnl history of tho section havo cot
ton fields been so inextricably In tho
grass. Tho situation Is without pre
cedent, tho result of Increased rains
and an almost heart-breaking scarci
ty of labor. Some fields, according
to reliable reports, have been entirely
abandoned In order thnt others might
bo rescued from tho clutches of tho
grass.—Albany Herald.
Notice is hereby given that n
will be introduced at tho approaching j
session of tho Legislature of Georgia, j
Incorporating tho town of Millwood, J
In Ware county, Georgia, giving tho j
municipality thus created tho usual j
{towers Incident to such a corpora- j
tlon. This May 9, 1905. » '
B. A. Bennett, ..
C. O. Bennett,
E. L. Rouse.
Good health at 1 cent a
1 dose is cheap, and in ma
larial climates Lamar s
Lemon Laxative insures
freedom from
Biliousness, Indigestion
Torpid Liver, Headaches, Etc.
It is a harmless, vegetable compound, pleasant and cer
tain in effect. Hon. J. R. Young, Mayor of Dothan, Ala.,
says: “I havo sold Lamar’s Lemon Laxative for some
time, recommending it to all who suffer from disordered .
liver, etc. I use it in my family and sell lots of it.” *
old 1
Prescribed by physicians, sold by good druggists,
50 Doses, 50 Cents.
— OF —
Notice Is hereby given of an Inten
tion to apply to the next General As-!
Hcmbly of Georgia for the passago of :
a hill, tho title of which Is as follows: |
An act to amend section 17 of the
charter of the City of Waycross re- j
lating to the "power and authority j
vested In the Mayor and Aldermen of ;
said city to open, lay out, widen, j
straighten, or otherwise change tho
streets and alleys thereof, and for
for other purposes therein named,”
approved November 1st, 1889, by giv
ing authority to tho Mayor and Coun
cil of Waycross to provide for the
paving and improving of tho streets
alleys and sidewalks of said city and
to nssess tho cost theseof, including - • •
two-thirds of the necessary curbing A forfeit of $5.00 wUl be made if a course ot jonn-
TonlcwUl not eradicate every trace and taint of
the street on which the side walk Is ,
so Improved, and tor other purposes.
Lasting all SUMMER. By Special ar
rangements with The