Newspaper Page Text
Waycross Weekly Herald
Mobile, Ala., May 7.—Eva Parmaly
Burgett, the little daughter of Daniel
W. Burgett, a prominent business
Tuan, died here this morning of burns
received while playing ‘ fire engine.”
The little girl’s pasteboard engine
caught fire from a candle which illum
inated it and sue was fatally burned
hying to save her toy from destruc
3an Francisco, May 7.—San Fran
cisco rose to tlie crowning heights of
patriotism today to do honor to the
American fleet within its harbor.
Twenty-six splendid warships steam
ed through the Golden Gate yesterday
and cast anchor in the shadow of the
United States fort in the harbor.
This marked the culmination of the
leng trip, and the enthusiasm which
is being tendered is evidence of fne
feeling of the people.
The preachers are waiting for the,
gubernatorial campaign to be over be
fore starting a revival. Gracious
knows trier will be a heap of sins to be
repented of , and a heap of people
woh will have ao sing, “Cleans us and
make us whiter than snow.”—Marleta
. Journal. Will the revival services be
Inauguarted to cleans the the preach
ers or the other politicians?
There will be 1,002 delegates In the
Democratic National Convention, with
CC8 necessary for a choice. Bryan
has 148 Instructed delegates and Judge
Gray 6.
Savannah, Ga., May 6.—Wm. Brad-
ham, a thirteen year old boy has been
confined to his home for the psst
three days suffering from a kdlTe
womd In his back Inflicted by John
Ct-csby another boy about the same
a It la believed he will recover from
tin effects of his Injuries though it
tv* thought at one time they would
prove fatal. Crosby says the Bradhgm
boy had been teasing him and that he
threw the knife to the boy to whom It
belonged so he could have a fight with
him. Bradham got in tho way and
the knife penetrated his back. Crosby
Is held at the barracks.
Former Congressman C. L. Moses,
of Newnan, will address the voters of
Waycross and Ware county in this
city next Saturday morning at 11
o’clock and at ufght at 8 o'clock.
The morning speaking will be held
In the court house, ami at night Mr.
Moses address will bo delivered in
Phoenix Park.
Th? ^larine Band of Brunswick lino
beeu engaged for the day and will
furuteh music before and after Mr.
Moses’ address.
Mr. Moses Is a warm trieud of lion.
Jos. M. Brown and has consented to
make a few campaign addresses in
Mr. Brown's interest during the prea
ent month. His speeches at Way
cross will be among the first he has
| , i-:.. BLIND TIGER J. R.
; Savonah May 7.—lit the trial of the
ACTION OF LEAGUE. 1 1 “ il,or u “ to thia iimu ,n th ‘
Tho Covington Company wholesale The following Is from tho pen of
dry goods and notions merchants or, air. Geo. F. Wooten of this’city:
Jacksonville, have just opened a suite I j ow Brown is n man of cotnmemla-
of sample rooms in the new LeGranJ j ble nerve and distinguished backbone
Hotel building (n this city. The, and his conduct in this campaign
rooms are on the third floor of the proves It. Having a just cause for
ciss In South East Georgia. j personal grievance against Governor
The other day pa got to tellln*
About his base ball stunt.,
And, MY! but he was just a syellin'
With plays that he made once.
And course I thought his talk was
Cause P« is forty and 1 am eight
I ast him out just kinder quiet,
Ami Ma sez: “Yes, do, dear;’*
And he sez: “Well—all right, I’ll try
Though he looked orful queer;
And course I thought he'd catch jest
''Cause Pa Is forty and I am eight
He put the mil o»* wrong end tother
And set: “Now, let her go;”
And then I winked at Hen my brother,
And pitched one, not too slow;
I didn't think he grab too lute,
'Cause Pa Is forty and I am eight.
The shades are down the house is quiet
And Doc's come !» a hack;
I'm up stairs cu a water diet,
Jest 'cause u.i eye turned black;
I'll get a Hckh. I ta.: late,
'Caute Pa ii, .w:ty ui.u I am eight.
Denver Republican.
.Mr. Calvin W. Parker, formerly a
traveling salesman for the company,
is sales manager of tho new sample
rooms. He lias given up his work
on the road and will be found at ail
times at his office here.
Tho sample rooms have been estab
lished by the Covington Company for
the permanent convenience of their
patrons in Couch East Georgia.
An absolute complete line of sam
ples of everything the company han
dies will be kept hero at all times,
and merchants in this neighborhood
passing through Waycross can order
their stocks as conveniently and as
cheaply as if they wero at the main
offices of the company in Jacksonville.
Arrangements have been made for
tho prompt delivery of all orders. In
fact un order for gooJs placed with
tho Waycross branch will be filled by
the Jacksonville house on the same
day order is received here.
It Is to give the merchants of this
section tho opportunity of seeing the
complete lino of the Covington Go’s,
stock that the sample rooms are es
tablished in Waycross, and a propo
sition Is made to all merchants by the
company to pay the round trip rail
road fare to Waycross to all custom
ers who come here to buy their goods.
Special arrangements have been
made to give prompt attention to ail
mall orders received at the Waycross
sample rooms, and there will be no
delay in filling all orJerz rent to Mr.
The Covingtcn Company has sev
eral times within the past few years
been compelled to enlarge Its ware-1
Smith,'he, unaided and alone, launch
ed, for his personal vindication, oi
anti-Smith movement which has de
veloped 4nto cyclonic proportions. Ir
respective of the merits of tho con
troversy, and giving uli due credit to
fee contending factions, we cunnot
but admire the .sublime courage of tho
tuan, who boldly stepped into
arena and flung the gage of battle in
the /ace of one flushed with the vic
torious indorsement of 123 counties In
the state.
He certainly has the courage of bis
convictions, and It he develops other
attractive qualities In proportion to
the manliness and boldness of his
present position, ho will prove a po
tent political ractor in the not distant
That bis cause Is just Is practically
demonstrated by the laborious efforts
Governor Smith is making to break
’.ho forqo of his opposition. There
Is “terror” in “Little Joe’s” threats,
and tho governor does not “pass them
by a.* the Idle wind which he Regards
not”' This Is the first Ume a gov
ernor has bad to “scramble” for his
endorsement—a second term— and
there rau :t be something radically
wrong about the governor and his poll
cy, or h4* would not split the ambient
air with such unceasing clamor and
piteous appeals for re-election In ac
cordance with democratic precedent.
The late governor Atkinson said that
his second term came so easy be wish
ed he could have had the second term
first. Why is It Governor Smith's Is
The answer Is plain as noonday, and
Here is the way the Athens Bannor
“** lt: :Alft
LittlJ Joe—Big Joke.
Silent Contempt—Holy Hoke.
Bigger Joe—Smaller Joke.
Trouble Brewing—Anxious Hoke.
Governor Joe—No Joke. *
23 for—Citizen Hoke.
Denver, Col., May 7.—Robbers mur-
| dered the express messenger on a
tra!n of the Rio Grande Railroad ear
ly today. They got away with only
* $100 as they conoid not open the
treasure chest. -
The humming birds are humming
'mid the syeet magnolia flowers; thr
oleanders white and pink, are form*
ng shady ■- bowers, while tho cooing
dove* and mocking birds delight with
sight and song, making this life a
blessing the whole day long^ond
there are klekera.—Titusville Adver
Mobile, Ala., May 7.—The Conven
tion of the Gulf Coast Canal Associa
tion convened here at noon today.
President John Graft, of tho Com
mercial Club of Mobile, and Mayor Ly
ons delivered the addresses of wel
come. Warren Bread, Xomorth Le-
land and J. Henderson, secretary of j cilities of that city,
the Apalachicola Board of Trad a were ] The merchant? of the South are
the other speakers. j learning that Southern wholesale
Mr\Henderscn stated that tho pur-1 houses ere in t position tar sell all
pose of tho organization wes the open- zooftg as cheaply a3 the^iiorthem con
ing of an Inland waterway to Apalach-;, and tholr tendency is ;o pat-
icola, thence across the Peninsular to J roi'lzo home cntorprkca.
the proposed Atlantic inland waterway j The merchant:; of this section are
to New York. (cordially Invited to call end s’eo Mr.
Charles G. Smith, of Columbus, Ga-.U^rkcr whenever ^koy come io Way-
is the father of tho proposition to ‘ cro3?. The samplo rooms are within
connect by canal the Tennessee river j c
with the Chattahoochee, thence to the &
Gulf. ! visitors.
houses In Jacksonville because of in- should serve as a warning and admonl-
crcasin*- business, and tho concern Is j tion for future candidates, in his first
now standing at the head of all whole-1 race the governor bit off more than he
sale houaep. handling it* line of goods J -:*#• lu chew and digest, and from bis
in tae South. Their new four story j inauguration to the present he has
bulIJIng In Jackscnvlll? In cno of the j been affrighted with a hideous night-
handsomest in that city. a.--*-* { n*are of broken promlios and pledges
Mr. R. V. Covington, president cfjnud unredeemed pledges—promises
the company, was formerly a residett end pleJges which he kt.ew were Iro*
Atlanta, Ga., >$ay 7.—Rev. Dr. I**n
G. Broughton, who returned to the
city today from Florida, where lie has
been for lilfl health, asserts In a state
ment given out for publication that
City Court the defends-*
have had It «u tho at at-. There na»
been four case H tried xnd only one con
viction secured. Tula cvnvicilon was
after a man bad beeu ir>od twice. J
It. llanberry was Hie man convicted,
the jury first made a mistrial, but just
as soon as tills had beeu done the d«-
fendent was placed on trial again and
he was convicted in thirty minutes.
C. 11. Schroder was then placed on
the Georgia Anti-Saloon I-cague i, 113 1‘rial ami arter .... aour. con .ISoratlni.
destroyed lu. usefulness as result " f «n case the jury returned ofverdict
of tho action yesterday of Us trustees I uf nut e»llty. Still other cases are I
in passing* a resolution indorsing tho
candidacy of Gov. Hoke Smith. Ho
says It would have been the same had
tho trustees endorsed Brown, that they
had no business getting into politics,
and he concludes with this statement:
There Is no doubt about it, boys,
you made a mistake, and if yon don't
get sweet mighty quick, you have hurt
both your man and prohibition.”
The Georgian this afternoon con
cludes an editorial on the subject with
the following: “Yesterday the Anti-
Saloon League was an organization
whose sole aim was to uplift human
ity. Today It Is a political tool pure
and simple."
cf Waycross, In fact the company w:: 1 osslble of fullracnt—and that
first established in Waycrrse, tho re- J lucklessly mado to stimulate the class
moval to Jacksonville having become Vrejudicu to which ho appealed. That
necessary because of the saving i.i 1 performance has fallen short of prom-
freight because of the steamship ft-’!«: admittedly all. rnd thousands of
voter* question the wisdom of re-elect
ing the man who has stirred up a tem
pest in a teapot, and has allowed all
his pledge* to evaporate Into thin, hot
Call It what you may—politics, gen
ius or cunning—Joe Brown U a posi
tive force and formidable factor, whose
single brain and personal grievance
can rally to his standard thousands
who are resolved to dethrone the Idol
block of the passenger station, | they erected for their devotion,
a warm greetlug always awaits j GEO. F. WOOTSX,
Waycross, Ga,
Savannah, Go., May 0.—That It is
going to be very hard to convict a
man In Chatham county of running
a blind tiger was shown by thfcj
of H. H. Hanberry, tried In the
Court yesterday. From the first the
attorneys for Hanberry fought the
case ms hard as possible and placed
many legal obstacle? In the way of
the prosecution. It was alleged that
the first warrant was defective. This
was granted by the solicitor w7io~uI«*
missed It and had another warrant
drawn at once. Hanberry was re-ar
rested. A demand was made for a
preliminary trial. Judge Freeman of
the City Court at once bold It. He
oi dered the defendant to trial on the
warrant and the defense plead for
time saying they had not had sufficient
time to prepare their case. Judge
Freeman overruled this and the case
went ahead. It wns proven that Han
berry had a stock of liquors In his
plade of business. He admitted rfmt
this was true but said it was part of
the stock left over when he closed his
locker club by Judge Speer's direction.
bo tried. Some of them will bo tried
today. The rendering of these ver
dicts would indicate that juries in
Chatham county arc loath to convict
men charged with violating tho laws
against selling liquor. It Is hard to
get a Jury with all the morobors of it
In sympathy with tho prohibition move
ment and they huvo so far failed to
accept as true the idea that tho defen-
dents were violating the law. The ex
cuses usually made by tho defendants
In these cases are that they had the
stock of liquor on hand as the result
of having kept a locker club or that
It was Intended tor personal use.
A London paper thinks, America
should raise a better class of million
aires. But the troublo Is they wouldn't
be millionaires If they didn't have the
chips to return the raise.—Ex.
'he elevators In the LeQrande Ho-
building were run for the first
time today, and several passengers en
joyed tho novelty of riding on the
first electric elevator In Waycross.
The elevators seem to run as
smoothly as It they had been In uae
for months, but there Isju^ld to be a
lot of adjusting and oiling to do be
fore they will be turned over to the
hotel company by the elevator people.
The first elevator run waa that In
the hotel lobby, and the one In the
office section of the building waa not
tested until thta afternoon.
The Ml Hedge vilie Nows says there
Is no denying the fact that Blood worth
for congress and Brown for governor
will probably be the popular plank In
Baldwin county. Baldwin had alwajra
been concceded to Smith.
Tom Watson probably knows aa
much about Hoke Smith as any man
Thfl case went to the Jury otter living, llo has .ladle.) tho governor 1 .
short argument and after being out
for nmnv hours It was unable to agree
Judge Freeman kept the Jury out aa
Ion/ an ho thought consistent and then
ordered a mistrial declared. Other
cases are being tried of the same
character but it is said to bo doubtful
If a sing!** convtatlen will be secured.
Savannah,. G... May A.—Mr.' J. P.| Wc-.hlngton. May 7.~Presldent
Eckstein, President cf Post A. T. P. A., j Root-vtltvJift this morning for Pino
has been notlffed tha. he w!!l receive! Albemarle ocint< Virginia, on
a gold medal because cf tie ,.:aay ad ; a fc , mllas end a , hlng tf; „, „ B
illdons to hi. post since the state • a , a£rt fol!r or Cv „
coBventloo In Rome. There have! Jot;1 Barrouyhr, tho naturalist, ac
companied him. Two secret service
men and two white house attache*
V*r sixty-seven additions to Post A.,
In two months. The natlonsl organisa
tion is tending Mr. Eckstein-the medal
>- At anyrate It has past the stage
where Hoke can criticise Joe's sprint
ing qosli notions.
Completed the party.
Texarknnn, Texas, May 7.—Imme
diately following the preliminary trial
at Napals, Texas, yesterday on tho
charges of assault with intent to mur-
dor and rob. John V.’llilams, a negro,
.'us takeo from the officers by a mot banged to a tree. Williams was
recently captured at Pensacola, Fin.
J. R. Smith, the local merchant who
of all others was most Instrumental
In getting Mr. Brown Into tho race
and woo Is now managing his cam
paign, has been n life-long prohibi
tionists and wns In the delegation of
business men who urged upon the
legislature last summer tho enactment
of the present law.
record closely and he has his action.
In public life. Watson says Smith baa
been found wanting. And the majority
of the people In Georgia agree with
Watson.—SylvanlR Herald.
Colton Is still on the downward
track. It means lltle to tho planters
of Brooks os there Is little cotton In
the county a present, but the fact ot
tha offerings at rackbottam prices (bid
ing no buyers Is of Interest, on It Indi
cates shoals ahead In the coming sea
son’s market.—Quitman Advertlner.
And John Templo Graves btn ap
peared before the Independence Party
Convention In New York. And w* did
think John Temple was a Democrat In
One month from tomqrrow "Little j whom there wan no guile!—Amerlcus
Joe- Brown will be elected governor j Recorder.
says tho Athens Banner. He will cer- i When and where did you ever hnow
talnly be on Iho road to election, bo John Temple Graves to be n straight -
win he nominated. ! democrat, friend Gamble?
-Texas wants Bryan 'to jmtd tbb
Democratic presidential ticket Texan
wiU probably get her wants.
In the Legislative race In Bat-
tow county the” Issue was raised be
tween Brown ami'Smith. ~ tie result
waa the Brown man'swcpt'tbe 'Seld
gtoJ tod dean.
.. . ..ytz..
Complete lists of the registered vot
ers ot Ware county may be obtained
from the Herald office immediately af
ter the county ' registrars complete
the work ot revising the books. Can
didates desiring-Ail*'will please leave _ „ , t
their ordera with the Herald na soon Fulton County Joe Brown cinh at the
an possible. U. MU of 100 per day.
At Brown beadgugrten It Is Teamed
that Mr. Brown Is preparing another
statement to be glren out within the
next few days. In . which he will ans
wer certain charges sgahnit Ylmself
and his rather, which have been made
by Governor Bmltb. It wan att^ed
that additions we being made to the
INiIIm /Va..hS., * ' Net -- : . A* ,L