Newspaper Page Text
Parana Is Used In the Farm
er’s Home for all Sorts of
\ Catarrhal Aliments.' (
mHajdalena Winkler,
For Children's
Mr*. Henry
Martin, La
Motto, la., R.
R. No. 1, write*;
“After suffer
ing for some
time with sore eye* I was advised by
a friend to try Peruna, which I did
at once.
“The first bottle relieved me, and
after using four bottles I was entirely
“I do recommend Peruna to all who
are afflicted with catarrh. 1 have
found it to bo a great remedy also for
coughs and colds of children f a dose
at bedtime will relieve them from
xlrs.Hemj Martin .y'.
[firs. Lcnora Dodenhemer(
Indigestion and Nervousness.
Mrs. Lcnora Bodenhamer, R. F. D. 1,
Box 00, Keroersvilie, North Carolina,
writes the following letter to Tl>e
Peruna Drug Manufacturing Oom<
“I suffered with stomach trouble and
Indigestion for some time, and nothing
-that I ate agreed with me.
“I was vsry nervous and experienced
a continual feeling of uneasiness and
f«r. J 7
“I took medlclns from the doctor, but
II did mo no good.. I found 1 & one of
your Peruna books a description of my
symptoms. I then wroto to Dr. Hart-
man for advice. He said 1 had catarrh
of the stomach.
“I took Poruna and Manalin and fol
lowed liie direction* and can now say
that 1 feel aa well aa I evor did.
“1 hope that all who are effllated with
tho same aymptome will tsko Peruna,
t# D bw wtsialy cured m**”
Now Perfectly
Mrs. Magdalena
Winkler, Routo 6,
Westminster, Md.,
“I thank yon very
much for your ad
vice. I can safely
say that Peruna and
ManaHa havo saved
my life.
“When I wroto to
yon tho first time,
asking your advice,
my condition was
so poor thst I did
not expect to livo
through the winter,
but now I am perfectly healthy.
“I cannot praise your medicine
enough, and I recommend it toothers.”
Catarrh of Stomach.
Mrs. Mary Allen, Route 6, Franklin,
Tenn., writes:
“1 am glad to be a|le to tell you that I
am well of oatarrh Of the stomach, for
which I am sincerely thankful to you
for your advice. If lt^had not been for
Pcruua I would never have been well.
'•1 hsd three physicians. One of them
told my husband that be could not
cure me.
“I hsd been sick about nine months
when a friend asked mo to try Pernna
to gratify her*, so I commenced taking
“I eon eat and walk and work. Every
body says 1 look as well as I evor did.
“Ob, you don’t know how thankful 1
do feel to you.
“I havo got several other pooplo to
take Peruna, I praise it to every-
bwtr.” , -
coughing all night. I always keep it on
hand, and recommend It.”
Catarrh for Seven Years.
Mrs. T. Freeh, R. R. No. 2, Hickory
Point,Tenn., writes: “1 am happy to
tell you that I am cured of catarrh. 1
have followed your good and kind ad-
vlco faithfully. I bless the day when I
wrote you of my condition, and I will
always praise Peruna. I think It Is one
of the grandest medicines on earth.
“Having been afflicted with catarrh
and stomach trouble for seven years,
and after having tried four different
doctors they only relieved me for a little
while. I gave up all hope of being cured.
I only weighed one hundrod and thirty
pounds, and was so weak I could hardly
got around tho room.
“I was Induced to try Peruna, and to
my greatsnrpris© 1 am now entirely well.
My wolght Is now ono hundred and
clghty-cight pounds, my health nover
wns better In my life, I shall always
praise Dr. Hartman and his remedies.” i
The Former’s Wife.
Who Is in a better position to know than the farmer’s wife herself what
Is roquired in the farmer’s homo f She must moot its troubles, solve its prob
lems, ward off disease, nurse the sick, she mast do all theso tilings herself,
and 6he learns by valuable experience what is best and what is not best.
In numberless farm homes Peruna is relied upon as the family medicino.
Peruna books aro consulted in health and disease. Peruna is used as a preven
tive as well as a corrective in disease.
The wives of the farmers of tho United States constitute a solid phalanx
in favor of Peruna. Against this testimony the slanders of a few critics will
not prevail. One sensible mistress of a farm homo who has used Peruna
knows moro about Peruna thau all tho magazine critics in tho world.
Peruna in Her Home.
Mrs. Anna Linder, R. F. D. No. 5, Das-
scl, Meeker Co.. Minn., writes: “For two
years /. suffered with that terrible dis
ease, chronic catarrh.
“Fortunately I saw yonr advertise
ment in my paper and I spoke tomy sis
ter about your medicine. She wrote to
you and I got your advice freo of charge.
I took Peruna and am well and a mother
of two children.
“Iowoikall to Peruna. I would not
be without that groat tonic for ten times
its cost, for I am well and strong now,
and cannot speak In too high terms of
its value as a medicine.”
Iu a letter dated June 12,1006, Mrs. Lin
der writes: “I cannot express my thanks
enough to you for all the good your medi
cino has done for me and my family.
This spring 1 took cold and it settled Is'
my kidneys. At first I thought it was
kidney trouble.
“I took Peruna as directed on tho
bottle and in a few days I was all right,
so I owe my health to Dr. Hartman
and his remedy.”
Miserable With Catarrh.
Mrs. Hettie Green, R. R. 6, Iuka, Ill.,
writes: “Last November I had catarrh,
and felt to miserable, I thought that I
would go into consumption.
“I tried so many doctors and medi
cines, but nothing did me any good, only
“After I began the use of Peruna Z
began to Improve In every way.
“My head does not hurt so much,
my stomach la all right, my bowels
are regular, my appetite good, my
complexion, clear, my eyes are bright,
and I am gaining in flesh and
“I think Peruna haa no equal as *
catarrh remedy.”
Waycrou, Oa|. May CIb. 1908.
To The Public: '
When the Bank of Waycross made
an assignment to the First National
Bank of Waycrose It was reluctantly
accepted and when Hon. A. M. Knight,
Preetdent of said Flrat National Bank,
was appointed a Receiver for Mid
Bank of Waycrose, ills appointment
was right and proper should be done;
and lu all tho service* rendered by me
as Mr. Knight's counrcl from the be
ginning to the end, I challenge the
pointing out ol a single thing that was
not done to promote the best
of all parties concerned.
When the case was referred by Judge
Parser to Judge Whipple-he passed au
wee acquiesced lu with the hope that, order contlnui.rr Mr. Knight n» sole
by pursuing a wise and conservative
policy tho best Interests of ell parties
concerned would be conserved aud
WaycroHS generally benefited thereby.
Messrs. Wilson, Bennett & Latubdln,
Attorneys for said Bank of Waycrose,
aud myself as Attorney for said First
National Bank of Way cross, prepared
and represented the assignment and
would be left iu the position !u which
It was then sending.
* Upon the ca-:e being referred tc
J-dgc Seacbrcok ar.d notice giren
that he Would hear the ar.nte at Sav
annah on April 25th and It having
been decided that Mr.'Knight would
take a sea trip for his health and could
not therefore be prceent at said men*
lng, a supplemental report waa prepar
ed by mo for him, snowing the prin
cipal transactions from the date of
hla original report and the existing
status of the case for the information
and benefit of the court and counsel,
which report was signed by him and
upon his request it was understood
that I would attend raid hearing to
represent him as hi3 counsel, which I
„ dld * /fiW'-
C0Un8 ° Being requested Ay the court to
plain my relations with the case, I pro
ceeded to do ho and In that connection
submittedK^d supplemental report,
together wltlitcrtnin orders, statin^
Receiver and api>olntlng Messrs, Ben
nett & Lambdin and myself
for tho Receiver upon the express
condition that the reasonable compen
sation to bo allowed by the court
should not be Increased by reason of
“>• number °t counsel so employed; (bat roy „ r>
and my appearance for him was as he
.and at the same time other necessary
orders were also granted, but upon
It was understood that we would con- 1 protests being filed by counsel re
tinue, to represent the Receivership. | presenting tho complaints nud other
In tho absence of any appointment parties at interest, a hearing wa-i ha*
by the court of counsel, upon tho re* whereupon Judge Whipple declined to
quest, employment and approval of ( to talte and exorcise jurisdiction and
Mr. Knight, I represented him, giving passed an order revolting ail the or-
understood, unauthorised and there
fore a breach of the ethics of tho prof
ession and that 1 would not be ap
pointed as counsel for the. Receiver,
ami furthermore, that the fact that
Judge Whipple had revoked the order
appointing counsel had as he bad been
such advise and rendering such legal]dors aforesaid, including t-at cominu-I ( n f ormc( j withheld from Mr. Knfch*
•ifVlcM »« becwM HMMMTjr »*«»! tag Mr. Katcht ua sole Itecclvw «»U], na , hnt | 10 : . aJ bfen led lo believe
time to time, Including the prepara
tion of the bonds for the Receiver-
tae making und filing of Mr. Knight**
original report ae Receiver, the pre
paration of Receivers natus aud trust
appointing counsel for th* Receiver. I thttt ga ^ 6rder {n fotce . y
for the purpose* ns stated, of re3tor- ( cou j d oc |y sa y that there was evident-
lug the ease to its original status Jus.
as it stood in ail respects when refer
red to hi.n and this action was pub-
receipts for the Hanover National j fished in the press und bo understood
Bank of New Vorts aud tho Savannah
Trust Co., the obtaining of certain ne
cessary orders and the preparation
of the papers censumativ* certain Im
portant settlements, advise upon the
question of set offs sod older matters
and Attendance upon the court aa Mr.
Knights counsel when ever requested;
MaJ. J. Kerris Cann representing Re
ceiver, W. M. Da vent and hla euccesor,
Mr. Bacon, his bill of egpenad In con-
by- a’l putties concerned.
Aluotiih Judge Cuno stated that ho
l.v a misunderstanding as Mr. Knight
and etary one concerned knew that
said order had been revoked and that
In the absence cf any appointment by
too court aa stated and the services
cf counsel being absolutely necessary,
did not think any attorney connected that I bod Elnce^then aa-1 had been
with tho previous litigation .should be •* doing before, advised, aided and as-
appointed by tho court as permanent j slated Mr. Kulght as hi* counsel in
counsel fer the Receiver, yet in Che j kdn’.inlsterlng the affairs of said Bank
mean time, with the knowledge that I j Waycrce* and as stated, upon h!j
was representing Mr. Knight as Maj. j request, employment and Apprpv^l had
Cann *<» rc.^roscnUa* Mr.. Bmwm. apscmnsJvM, .aid hearing to rcyrwent
at the lawt Scaring held by Judge Cano I bio uyon hla «pedal roQuett; and
before leaving Ute bench, It van tutted jbence t protected against the imima-
aoclkm therewith baring been ordered that no order In relation fnereto would tlon that my representation of him
paid out of the Receiver.' fund, »» >* j.ue.l by bint but that .tho Mtpywas without-bl» authority or that he'
!n any way been miilead In refer
ence to tee notion of the court, and
Jhevforo I had in no wise or sense
violated the ethics of the profession.
It Is true I stated upon said hearing
that It was generally thought that Mr.
Knlg'nt ought to be continued os a re
ceiver and If he was, he 0113 bt to
have tho benefit of my services S3 his
counsel to advise, aid and assist him,
and that there whs no objection to the
appointment of a Co-Receiver it deem
ed necessary and also the eppointment
of Messrs. Myers 4. Parks, counsel tor
oomplainaut. as couasol also for the
Receivers. On account however, of
tho contentions and opposition mani
fested and the opinion apparently en
tertained by many, that the affairs of
the Bank of Waycross were being ad-
ucd as receiver, my services wore still and fishes and of far greater value
.to desired >by him and that anything than gold. ,
said to the comrary was the result of
a misunderstanding.
Mr. Knight has been left entirely
free to do as he thinks best iu connec
tion with the future administration of
the affairs of the said Bank of Way-
cross as receiver, and while of course
ray connection with the case as acting
counsel for tho Receiver is ended and
I havo no criticism to make upon the
appointment as made of temporary
counsel for the Receiver, yet I desire
to say that neither Messrs. Wllgon
Bennett & Lambdin nor myself favor-
cd an injunction against; the stock
holders of said Bank of Waycrose
beyond the enjoining of attempted
Very truly yours,
Savanah, May 7.—This afternoon on
the Avondale Rifle Range the annual
meeting of the Savnanah Rifle club
will take place. It is not thought that
there will be any changes in the offi
cers although come of them want to
bo relieved. Mr. F. C. Batey Is presi
dent of the Ride association. He has
held that position for several years.
The Rifle Association is one of the
crack social organisations of the city,
fraudulent transfers of property, and Its annual banquet is always an af
fair looked forward to with much
pleasure by the people of this city.
This afternoon there will bo a shoot
on the range before the meeting is
ministered with a view of benefiting \ while we believed that the debtors of
the First National Bank, instead of pro 1 said Bank of Waycross should be. rc-
nioilng the interests of those direct jquired to make partial payments and
concerned in said Bank of 'Waycross,' as speedily aa practicable settle up
I hod reached the conclusion and so their entire indebtedness with said
informed Mr. Bollinger, cashier of said j Bank In order to pay off all creditors.
First National Bank, and others, that including tho depositors, and if pos- ONE MORE WEEK
while I would attend said meeting, yet
upon tho return of Mr. Knight, 1
should insist upon those connected
with said First National Bank, tnciuo
lag mysolf, savoring all farther connec
tion with the Receivership so as to en
tirely eliminate said First National
Bank, in order that it might bo wholly
sible realize something in the end for
the stockholders, yet we have nover
favored pursung & policy and adopt
ing such drastic measures as might
have the oiiect of forcius parties into
bankruptcy 'and destroying a large
proportion cf the assets cf sold Bank.
I well understood that because of
relieved from any and all criticisms j the position which I had always taken
la the future whatever might be the re- and maintained aud because of the
suits atnl&ed in administering the af- u*.ngouism resulting therefrom, that
fairs of said Bank of Waycross and die opposition, and especially certain
from any and every. Mure, whatever, j parties' in Savannah, wo,-a .Iron** j t0 bulla „ tba birevtnt 10cure(1 .
Since tee return of Mr. Knight he j prejudiced against ino and would do*
has emphatically stated that he was j all In their power to discredit ice as
of course aware of the fact that the 1 far as -possible, and while L might be
order referred to by Judge Whipple • thought I should even now maintain
appclntlro. counsel for the receiver,’a discreet silence, yet I am Just as, . . . ir
.. .. , | I Judge of -toe City Court of Waycross
together^vna the other orders passed much disposed in my mature years to'
by him. has been revoked and that my fight agatnst the attacks made upon
representation of him since ao It had me, which I believe to be unwarranted
been previous thereto, waa upon - his 1 oftdArajuat, os I ever was even in my
request, employment and approval aayouth, when I endeavored to do my
•'In ccurs.1 zrA that It was ct’flic epee- duty in fighting fer the cause cf the
fai instance ami request that I had af- j Joutli which I believed to be
tended the meeting in Savannah tin ’
the 25th to’represent him as hla coun- j
sei fu hts
Savannh, May 7.—Savanah will wait
another week on the Vanderbilt Cup*
Commission to determine whether the
big Big Vanderbilt Cup Auto race
shall bo run over tho Savannah
| course or uot. In the meantime the
County Commissioners are getting
the material well in tianiB to be useu in
pairing the roads aud in building the
new road which it will be necessary
I hereby announce my candidacy fcV
subject to forthcoming Democrat!
primary and. respectfully and earnest
ly solicit the support of tho voters o
the county cf Ware. ~
Respectful)/ submitted.