Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. Paul Cmavnr.t II.itei From 210 Monroe Street, Topela,
Kaneae, Concerning Peruna. Head Her Letter Below:
In Spring and Early Summer a Tonic is Needed.
The Kiurce of good blood ii fre»h lir and well-digested food. If anything interferes with diges
tion the blood becomes impure.
A catarshal condition of the stomach prevents perfect digestion. Such a condition allows the
food to ferment and decompose in various wars, instead of digesting. The blood is thus contaminated
with various materials that do not belong in the blood.
This gives rise to spring fever, eruptions on the skin, general lassitude and constipation.
Peruna corrects all these difficulties by striking at the source of them. By eradicating the ca
tarrhal condition of the stomach Peruna at once restores digestion, the blood is thereby purified, and
the whole machinery of the body is put in working order.
Peruna has probably made a more remarkable record in cases of catarrh of the stomach than any
otner medicine. .These cases are very frequent, and we have a host of testimonials in which Peruna
hasreceived lavish praise for prompt and permanent relief in cases of catarrh of the storaach-
Mn. fynily Kellogg, 50,0 S. Lawrence St., South Tacoma, Wash,
Gicet Her Experience With Peruna. Head Her Letter Below:
v : *
Mm. Paul (*a«avant, 219 Monroe atreet, To|**ka, j
Katina*, writ#!*:
“I liavo found Peruna very effective in restoring ,
iny health and t-trenglh ufter I Lad Iwcn w*»i
out and run down for a long lime. J |»egnn
V Bp
uno It about Mx mouths ago wh
leave tyy lied. My n-rvotis ».y**tem wi«
and I wan dally loifaz fle«h and Mr* ng
condition was completely altered nft* r j
tleHof Peruna luul l#c-e|| u -.1 and I 1.: Jit
it until I was dually ri-Horcd to p*»rfo
and Imd gained a'n.u! fit teen j>otind.-4.
“I feel so grateful for what your m**d
done for me that I am jdeiw d to give it u
endorsement and tdiull aiway* be glad
a good word for It.”
Tones up the System. \
Mr*. William Meliowrtf, WavorJy,
tdbk I
liable to ]
,R -calf^s
b°Rtcu h
Hogg, .V.19 S. Lawrence .St.,
.ember of Ladies of the Maci
-r> I had an attack of hilioti.-nt
ii i:::der:r.!no'!»y l;e 3 ::h •
aleli ii. R*»rtell, Poll
roubled with catarrh of tho h* ad, throat and
mes I would vomit Iwforoand after eating.
Isottlea of your Peruna, and Iain glad to nay that it has
cannot praise It
incdlf ln> to ta.'.e j
Tak< u in tlie up
system r ml rets n
A Hood Tonic.
Mr. J..e T,c-onard
UufTalo, N. Y., wr
‘•I have good ren
ns I hnv»> fouml it
lating tho syHtei;
under great pree
tmml ondui-nneo
••title stimulant.'
Flat .‘l
J Allen Ft.,
‘•i take great plea
catarrh, arid I thank
those who have r-uffet
rccoinmr n
d n.-f I havo
id IV
a good toule, Htlirm-
nmi Sustaining it
nre, Imparting tin-
i aiding
wmk mncli longer and han
sysleirt could possibly do wero It
for tho great power-* with which it
dovved mo. It given one nerves of ire
Splendid for Ln Grippe.
Mr. Frank II. Fb -filer,*813 * soasent
Avc., Montgomery, Ala., formerly j of Jlaynesvdly High Cehool,;
then the ' writes:
'* •*" t J “I can truthfully nay that Peruna is a
i* | splendid remedy for la grippe, nud a
i good tonic for building up tho system.” i
Cf riOGE-
I Mr. William liogc, President Commercial- Travelers Association, S5--3
S Broadway, Now York, N. Y., writes: /
/ “I ondor-o"Peruna us the most effectual remedy for catarrh I have been
v able to lir.d in my travels in this country or |>urope. I can truly say that
c 1 iiave spent thousands of dollars in this country alone trying to find a cure,
i and it tv as not until I was induced to give Peruna a trial that I obtained nuy
c thing like p. rinanentYvlief. Aa a tonic it is simply great. It ought to ho in
) th«I grip of every commercial traveler on tho road. It cured my w ifo as wcl^
as myself. We havo not had t'leslightest symptom of catarrh foralong time.”
In a later letter Mr. llogo says:—“I have used Peruna for many years,
never without a bottle in my grip. I am tho youngest feeding and youngest
looking man of my age in New York, which I think is entirely due to Peruna.’’
t found In a few day
5 usual sick headach
/ any longer. In f.v.
tailing Peruna, which I did. I took
tlueo bottles, am! I can say I am cured.
“Thanks for kind advice and Peruna.”
liny Fever and Catarrh.
Miss May me K. Smith, 414 East
Mound St., Columbus, Ohio, writes:
“Have used Peruna for catarrh and
hay fever, Tho results being remark
able, I can highly recommend it to nil
whoarcsuff»*ring with ihcabovcdiscases.
I am happy to be able to say it lm!>ht*ipcd
mo wonderfully.”
Eyes Red and Watery.
Mr. William S. JTcnrn, 1003 Segal St.,
Camden, N. J„ writes:
“For about two years I was troubled
! with my eyes being red and watery, un J
J my genera! health was very poor.
| “Finally a friend adviced mo to try
' Peruna. I had tried almost everything
'cl c, so 1 purchased a bottle of Peruna
| and commenced to tnko it at once, and
' before I had finished tho first bottle I
. found I was improving.
“I wrote you for special advice con-
I corning my eyes, which I received. I
; continued to tako tho Peruna until I had
used six bottles.
J “Now my eyes are absolutely well,
: and I feel like a new man in every way.
| “I honestly advise any ofae similarly
afllicted to try Peruna.”
Peruna Tablets.
Some ppoplo prefer to take tablets,
rather than-to take medicine in a fluid
form. Such people can obtain Peruna
tablets, which represent tho medicinal
ingredients of Peruna. Each tablet is
equivalent to one average dose of Peruna.
33 C1TI2E
New York. May 21.—Many articles!
lmve from time to time Appeared In j
tho public prints retarding tho fnbu- j
Ions wealth of Trinity Pariah, have led I
Its officials to state that tho niruuni;
Income of th«* corporation last year!
from all sources was levs thnn $775.-
000, not Including collections and con
tributions to the church (these latter
urc all used for church work wllnln
und without the parisi.)
Out of this annual Income the cor
poration paid all the expenses of
Trinity church and Its eisht chapels In
eluding the care and maintenance of
buildings and grounds, salaries of the
clergy, music, schools, and mitny ofj GERMAN-AFRICAN COLONIES
the parish charities; also the expense, Berlin, May 21,
and care of Trinity liostdinl and Trini
ty cemetery.
Wash In (ton. May 21.—The produr 1
tion of metallic mirrors for search
lights and other such uses Is now l -
demand In Eur^ijie, according to Infor
mation received at the war department
| These made of glass now used are oh
il« t tiotiable. owing to their liability*
t* f ■ • to when the guns nrdlred on
! ships, nml the silvering on the mlr-1
j rors blistering and seperatlng from the j
iglass. A new metallic mirror, partial-:
ly made by electro-deposition. Is be*
ling Introduced.
I torative Is rego.'jnlzcu everywhere ns a
genuine tcnic to these vital organs. It
-builds up and strengthens’ the worn-
lout weakened nerves; It.sharpens the
j failing appetite, and universally aids
j dlgestlcn. It always quickly brings.
OFFICERS OF CLUB V/ERE ELECT- j renewed strength, life, vigor, and aa-
j bltion. Try It and be convinced. Sold
$13.00 REWARD.
For name of any man or boy caught
tearing off the Joe Brown matter
placed on cur bulletin board, or dam
aging any banner erected by this club
for Joe Brown. Our notices and pic
tures nre being destroyed, after we
Waycross Gun Club w
osLoiday with a good
i oi gam |
teniber- i
I bv All Dealers
The more we think of It, the less
The officers elected are Fred j reason we can see for toe action of
. president; Geo. \\\ Been first the State Executive Committee in
The Gennau
jfiety for the protection of wild animals j place them on our board and it 1 3 a
j la to protest against Professor Koch's \ desplct able and ln-excusable act. and
I proposal that the larger* animals la should be condemned by all fair luiud-
j African colonies be exterminated, \ ed voters.
since they harliored the tsetse fly
which feeds upon thtlr blood. The i
president of the society, the Duke of J
Katibor. urged, on the contrary, that]
the example of the London Zoological ]
Society, ami of the British society, for )
preservation of tho Fauna of the !
Empire, btfollowed, and that every;
I^os Angeles, M: : 21.- The total
citrus crop for the season will aggre
gate more thnn £5,900 car load*. O f
this more than S.Oho were lemons.
Navul Oranges total X7.h«»0 car load^fj j.-,
Valencias something more than 4,000 ■ means be taken to preserve from
.pud other varieties about 2.000. Ac-1 tluctlon tile w jUl animals in the Ger*
Voiding to conservative calculation,; m ., n A f rlcan co ionles.
the return* to growers will bo about j
$15.000,Oof), of which amount for haul- j annual FOREST OUTPUT
ing the fruit to market, the transpor-; (s $i,2oo.OOO.OCO FOR 1905.
tattou companies Will divide $3,000,000. j Washington. May 2L**- ; be anmul
.j -- ” 1 **■ out put of forest products In tho Unit-;
THREE LABOR EDITORS : t .,j states has been estimated U* the
RUNNING FOR DELEGATES. Department of Agriculture as amount; 1
New York. May 21.—There are three! ing to $1,200,000,000. These figures (
labor editors running for TJelogate | w ere for 1906, This compares favorah
from the Internnticntal Typographical; ly with the entire mineral utput which
Union to the American Fe«Ieratlon of j in the corresponding year approximate,
Iaibor Convention at Denver next year i « d $750,000,000. The largest item ot
The Joe Brown Club.
The original
LAXATIVE cough remedy,
For coughs, colds, throat and lung
troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic.
Good for every body. Sold everywhere.
Tho penuino
aYellow package. Refuse substitutes.
Froparod only by
Foley A. Company, Chicago.
vice-president; M. R. Ca(heruA)ol, sec
ond vice-president; Hump Parker, sec
retary and treasurer.
The first weekly shooC of tho gun
club will be held tomorrow afternoon
beginning at 4 o'clock. The shoot-
in? grounds are at the foot of Mary
street. The!club has erected a small
liju.e for tho storage of traps and
birds. , •
A gold medal has been ordered
which will be contested for orery Fri-
! day afternoon by the members of the
| club.
| Tomorrow the public Is cordially H.-
jvittd to attend and participate In the
J shoot and applications for member-
i ship will be received.
from Waycross to Tampa and
making Us unheard of rules In re
gard to the selection of delegates to
the state convention.—Dublin Times.
The rules were made by Governor
Smith and tho committee was ordered
to endorse them and enforce them.
To all male persons between th
ages of 16 aru 50, subject to stree
f ax within the Ctty *>f Waycross. Th
Street Tax will b<; $2.00 for the yen
if paid before July 1. After that rat
the amount will be $4.00. Mr. C. E
Cason Is street .ax collector, but al
policemen will receive payments an
receipt for same. By Ordinance,
a. W. COLLEY, City Marshal
Special train will leave Waycross at
.00 A. M„ Tickets limited to return
;atll June StU, 1908.
For Pullman reservations and other
tf '.'.'formation apply to Ticket Agents or
9 1 DO YOU FEEL BADLY? E. M. North. F. C. West,
logtcti. (D. C..) Trades-Unionist, is Uo.000.000.000 board measure feet ofj if so yot r liver Is wrong and you D;v. Pass Agent. Trav. Pass Agt.
cne; Frank A Kennedy, editor of the lumber valued at $650,000,000. Next lu * • ed L.* L L. Ask your druggist. Savannah Georgia.* *
Omaha (Neb.,) Western laborer, is I order was firewood of 100,000,050 cord, • ibout it. ^ ! 15 lOt. Montgomery, Ala.
another, and Charles W. Fear, editor j valved at $350,000,000,000. These two
tt the Joplin (Mo .) Missouri Trades-J are >3 percent of the entire forest out-
Uniontst, Is the third. put.
return $5.23 Through Pullman cars ] years and'tnat troubled me for years
choachcs - to Tampa without Jund trat yield cd to no other treatment
Sold nude.' guarantee li all drug
Bj Bank of Waycross Receivers,
Southern Hotel Block. Jesse Tliomp-
-sen, et al., vs. Bunk of Waycross, et.
al.. In Ware Superior Court, April
Term. ll't’S.
Under order or tr.e Court in above
slated matter, the undersigned Re
ceivers will,-at eleven o’clock a. in.
June 2uth. 190S, in front of said build
ing, roll, at public outcry for cash, to
ho highest bidder, what Is known as
the Southern Hotel Block, Including
bank, hotel and postoffice fixtures and
personalty. Said .block covers an
area of S7 1-2 feet wita a street front
age of 375 feet.
The abpvQ described Southern Ho
tel Block Is the mom centrally located
business block in the City of Way-
cross. It Is a two story, brick build
ing, has 33 offlee rooms on tlie second
door and 10 stores on the ground floor.
Rental, i>er year under present leases,
between six and seven thousand dol
lars, most of the leases expire In
about two years. If present leases
were out, between nine and ten thou
sand dollars could now he realized
from the rents cm svid property
. This property contains tho firescnt
postcfSce, Is within one block of
« hero the new. one hundred thousand
dollar postoClce building U> soon to be
built. It is also opposite and within
about twenty yards of the Union Pas
senger Depot where about forty trains
pass daily.
Waycross has a population of about
Sam Do Nedrv. editor o.' the Wash- j value In the lumber production
"The iukiest day of my life was
hen 1 bought a box of Rucklen's Ar-
lea salve;*’ wrlea Charles F. Budahn,
.' Tracy California. “Two 25c boxes
ired me of an nnnoyanc e case of itch j
;ics. which had troubled me for. 15,000 aud on account of the $2,000,-
■•VO Atlantic Coa-:t Line Shops,
‘ | whlcn are just completed, and of the
other great industries which are soon
to begin operatjens here, it Is conced*
' ~ ;Cd that the. population will reach 20,-
HUMAN FILTERS. ! .'00 within the next two years.
The function of U.s kidneys Is to! A. M. KNIGHT aud *
strain cut the impurities of the blood j - A. P. Brantley,
which constantly passing through them j Receivers for The Bank of Waycross.
Foley's Kidney Remedy makes t'.ia ——
K.dtteys healthy so they will strain i Big values and better bargains Fri-
out r.l! yaist mater from the .blood, j day and Saturday at
Take Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once ) Grace-Brantley Co.
and It w>»! make you well. For sale' -
b* all dr-ggist*.
! read the WANT ADS. 111