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ft, Teun., July 2D.—Tile clti*
ti»is city are threateniaii to
>ses Porter, a negro who is
.’re for attacking Miss Lydia
prominent white lady.
Alter nearly five years, the mystery
censed l y the disappearance of Willie
Hladen from t.iis city in Septc jer,
lf)"J, w..s solved today by the receipt
of a Ie»tf r by Mr. W. M. Bladen from
his son who r.-.ite.i from Euclair, Wis-
Wiiiie’s letter to his father states
that he has been sick for the last
three months and wants to come
He doe3 not give any infor-j
New York, July 29.—A startling
nurder was revealed today in the find
ing of the charreu remains of a wo
man in a vacant lot back of a stable
the Williamsburg section of Brook-
n. The body was badly charred
id Identification was impossible.
Vitriol had been used on the cloth
ing so all marks for identification
could be destroyed.
Joseph Rtiddick, the watchman In
the stable nearby has been arrested
:p suspicion. Ho claimed that he
discovered a fire and extinguished It,
.uf his stories differ widely.
Foreclosure By Advertisement Under
Power of Sale.
Under and by virtue and power of
sale contained in a certain instru
ment of writing executed by C. N.
Wilkinson and W. J. Murray, partners
under name of Wilkinson and Murray,
dated the 25th day of October, 19fW,
and recorded in the office of the clerk
j of the Superior Court of Liberty coun
ty on the 2Sth day of April 1908 In
J book of mortgages “A-F" Page 506
j and recorded In the office of tho clerk
I of the Superior Court of Ware conn- j
I ty on the 28th day of November 1906 [the object of si
j in mortgage book “5" Page 90. The gage In an 1 <*.i
jundersigned will sell at public outcry j an assessi
( at the court house door In said county j surauco compu
I during the legal hours of sale to the j said assoc'nt oi
[ highest bidder fi r cash on the first | co-operative am
Tuesday in August 1908 the following j capital stock,
property to wit: , that they, in «<
One 9x12 cylind> * 20 horse power, J forward as sooi
Brick Eclipse engine No. 12518 mount* | organize said e.
ou on 25 horse power boiler and boiler J cJpal office in
:i tires j complying wnh
herwisejof Georgia.
Notice is hereby given that C. M.
Sweat; J. M. Cox; Shepherd Hradle;
Watson; John T. .liar avd and L. V.
Williams, all of the county of Ware
State of Georgia, propose to file with
the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of
State, Sffuo of Georgia, their petition
asking that they, ’their associates,
successors, and assigns be made a
body corporate under tho laws of tno
State of Georgia for a period of 99
■s, under
chants* Adji
with Injector attached
Eclipse detached stationary tngi
No. 12-103 complete with fouuJati
bolts, etc., one No. 1 Frick Edip
saw mill No. 4140 with 26 feet c.
riage, lt)5 feet wayf, four head blocks, 9 4t
Idler and frame, ore., one 52 7x8 guage !
No. 3 Hoe.I. T. saw, 36 inch cut off
• name of “The Mer-
ent Company.** That \
J association is to on-
n on the business oi
co-operative fire Jn- 1
\. That Uu* plan of •
is purely mutual, 0/
that there will be no
file petit loners show
id foith intend to go
as incorporated and
npany, with Its prlu-
War cross, Georgia.
11 laws of said state
. Sweat.
J. M.
icrd Bradley
T. Harvard.
Nctic. Is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be-
een Dor^J. Cason and E. L. Gorman,
Jer the firm of Don J. Cason & Co.,
years. Willie
l wants to come
to tile cause of his leaving j is this day dissolved by mutual con-
of his experiences sent. Don J. Cason retires from the
firm and the business will be continued
at the same stand, comer of Parrallcl
and E streets by E. L. Gorman under
tht name of E. L. Gorman. The said
E. L. Gorman assumes all liabilities of
the firm and all accounts due the firm
are i ayable to him. •
..0 July 13, 190S.
during the past flv
just says he is sick a
back to Way cross.
Four years and ten months ago Wil
lie Bladen left his father's home near
this city just after supper. He was
accompanied to town by a white farm
hand who worked for Mr. Bladen.
They were sent to town for a few
small purchases. Their errand was
carried through and the two had ap
parently started back home, as they
were seen at a small store on the out
skirts of the city between 9 and 10
o’clock. s
Neither the Bladen boy nor the
farm hand arrived at home during the
night, and the next day inquiries were
made about the city for information.
Nothing could be learned as to their
£ whereabouts.
jJ-. Pantographs and a description of
jjjft'the boy were sent all over the coun-
, try, and the police in most of the cit-
■J‘ les in this section of the country were
asked to look out»for tho boy, but
ST nothing could learned.
F The Waycross Lodge Knights of
* Pythias, of which Mr. Bladen is a
f member, sent a letter with a photo-
* graph of the Bladen boy to practically
every lodge In the country, the mem
bers being asked to make Inquiries
In their respective cities. Qpce or
twice it was thought the boy had been
Don J. Cason.
E. Gorman.
By virtue of an order of the court
of Ordinaryy of said county, granted
at tho July term, 1908 will be sold be
fore the court house door of said coun
ty, on Saturday, the 8th day of August
1908, within the le:al hours of sale,
the following property of tho estate
of Jacob M. Stiger, deceased, to
One grist mill and the equipments
thereof, situated at Glenmore, Ware
county, Georgia. Terms, cash.
This July 25, 1908.
Aug S. J. T. MYERS,
4 r»
3u inch maud
and 3u feet S Inch
foot 1
* i»iy
-acta executed and dei!vi:e.
Wiikiusou aud \V. .1. Mur
name and stylo cf A’ilitinac
Av-.ry ic Co., on t.:e
in;; fou
of 3 >0.91
by C. N
:*/ nude;
,1 & Mur*
25th day
>i January, April, July and October,
.'*•7 duly stipulating interest
from maturity at the rate of 8 per
ent per annul., and ten percent at*
. tLe iiitm amount uuc
on said notes bein J1.74S.68, isgain-
ji with the co_I of thl3 proceeding
tndor power of sale in said Instru
ment given. Said mill and fixtures
afcrerald being located at Glenmore
in Ware county, Georgia, where the
same will be delivered to the purchas
er. This July Cth, 1908.
Waycross, Ga., July 18th, 1908
Notice Is hereby given that the firm
of Wood and Varnedoe 1ms this day
located but investigation proved other-1 been dissolved by mutual consent,
' Mr. J. T. Wood having sold his entire
A year or so a.?o a hypnotist who
was giving exhibitions in this city
heard of theMisappearance of the boy
and informed Mrs. Bladen that his
hypnotic Instinct or power of second
sight would tell him of the boy's
whereabouts. He asked Mrs. Bladen
to come to the opera house to witness
his exhibition and u. he
would be able to tell where her son
could be found. Mrs. Bladen res
ponded and was informed that no was
then In a North Carolina town being
known by a certain name. At consid
erable expense the BlaJen’s Investi
gated this information, only to learn
*that there was a boy of the name giv
en In this town, but he was not their
Just after the disappearance Mr.
Bladen made a three weeks trip
through several states looking for in
formation. but from the day of ills
disappearance until today practically
rethink has been learned.
Mr. and Mrs. Bladen have been op-
trating a successful truck farm near
this city, and practically everything
made on the farm has been spent In
the search for the boy.
\t certain times they would believe
him dead, and a*a!n becoming hopeful
would continue the search for infor*
m Mr** Bladen informs the Herald that
the wants her friends in Waycross to
reioice with her in the knowledge
gained today that Willie Is alive, and
hove* to see him home again at
•arly a day as possible.
Interest therein to Mr. S. C. Varnedoe
who assumes all of the debts and lia
bilities of the firm of Wood and Var-
uedoe and who will collect all debts
due and owing to said firm.
The business will hereafter be cod-
dnucted by S. C. Varnedoe alone.
J. T. Wood. «
S. C. Varnedoe.
•‘Wll’. IJon. Thomas E. Watson Get
the Rectorial vote of (ieorglar reads
a headline In the Augusta Herald. No.
Pauline, Ton. won t. Neither will
Taft. Georgia la still democratic, an.l
proud of It-
proud of It.—Enquirer Sun.
The Judiciary committee Monday af*
ternoon adopted a resolution by Mr.
Dunbar, of Richmond, recommending
that no further consideration be given
the «u«->enslon of Joseph M. Brown aa
railroad commissioner, by Governor
Smith. , ,
thirteen. The failure of the general
assembly to enter into an Investiga
tion of this matter is an endorsement
of Mr. Brown and a stab at the gov*
*»or. r *• >
Jeorgia;—Ware County.
To a.i wnoin it may concern: —
W. J. Carswell, having in propc*.
form applied to mo for permanent let
ters of administration on the estate
l. B. J. Smith, late of said county,
this is to cite ul» and tir.ff.ilur the
creditors and next of kin of B. J.
Smith, to be and appear at niy office
within the time allowed by law and
show cause If any they can, why per
manent admlnistiation should no* '~e
granted to W. J. Carswell, on B. J.
Smith’s estate.Witness «»: hand and
ifficlal signature tala luth day of July
' WARREN LOTT. Ordinary.
Omaha, Neb., July 28.—Mayor Jas.
C. Dalhraan, a Democratic National
Committeeman and candidate for gov
ernor of Nebraska, has accepted the
challenge of Mrs. Mary H. Armor, pres
ident of the Georgia Woman’s Chrls-
tlon Temperance Union for a debate
on the liquor question at Bellcview
Chatauqua on Wednesday.
Mayor Dahlman’a friends regard
the acceptance aa_a grave mistake,
and Mr. Bryan. to\hom Dahlman Is
very close personally and politically,
Is also displeased. Bryan Is seeking
this year to propitiate the friends of
temperance in Nebraska.
The friends of Watson failed to de
liver the democratic machinery of
Georgia to him for bis special use In
the Presidential race. It was no doubt
The vote of thirty three to! pen that thousands of democrats
would have voted for Taft in prefer
ence to Watson. The democratic
party has stood for a lot of tough things
but them Is such a thine •* puttinf
on a last straw.—Moultrie Observer.
Uncle.- end by virtue''oi a power of
aaie contained In u certain mortgage
executed by W. W. 8harpe of said
County to the k.ayor und Council of
the City of Waycross, on tho 9th day
of June, 1905, aud recorded in tae
office of tne Clerk of the Superior
Jo..rt o' tuid County in Mortgage
Buck "B ’ pu_,« *34, the undersigned
will sell at puolic outcry, to the high
est bidder lor cash. a t ty u *.w. .
vim cyan house of said county in Way-
-.’oiss, Geoigia, witnili thr legal hours
■i sai>-, on Tuesday the 14th day 0!
.u;.- uthe ic iowhu real estate,
Ail of lots two tumdred and tliir^.
dx end tuo hundred and Uirty
seven (237) in tuo 8th District ot
Ware county Georgia, each containing
four hundred and ninety (490) acres,
more cr less;
Said sale being for the purpose of
a certain promissory note exe
cuted by said W. ‘ W. Sharpe to th**
Mayor and Council of the City o.
Waycross for the principal sum 01
$1,293.00, dated June 9ta, 1903 and
duo twelve months after date, «nu
bearing Interest from May 16th, 1105,
at S per cent per annum, togetner
with 10 per cent attorney’s fees; the
total amount due on snld note being
a the day of sale $1,293.60, principal,
$327.70 interest and $162.13 attorney's
fees, together with costs of this pro-
reeding; said mortgage having been
nude for the purpose of securing the
payment of said indebtedness; and
proper conveyance will bo executed
to the purchaser or purchasers of
said lands.
This 20th day of June, 1908.
The Mayor and Council of tho City
By A. M[ KNIGHT Mayor.
20RGIA— Ware County.
! u All whom ii ul:. • concern:
Vloler Jones, having in proper form
. plied to me for permanent letters J
of administration on th? estate of
: or?e Hardy late of said county, this j
> Jo cite all and singular the credl- j
tors and next of kin of George Hardy J
•o be jjind appear at my office within j
the time allowed by law and show 1
cause If nny they can, why permanent
administration should not be granted
to Violer Jones on George Hardy’s
estate. Witnelh my hand and official
signature, this 11 th day of July 1908.
Warren Lott. Ordinary.
Georgia Schooi
of Technology
is 1>cttcr equipped and organized in all
departments than c\er before, and pre
pared to do the best work in its history.
Free Scholarships
In order to afford the >oung men
of Georgia high class technical educa
tion, fifteen free scholarships ate
assigned to each County in the
State. Take immediate advantage
of this opportunity and write for
latest catalog, containing all in
formation r.c^essai; for prospective
students, and sctthig forth the ad
vantages of the Georgia Tech.
Advanced Courses in Mechanical,
Electrical,Textile, and Chil Engi
neering, Engineering Chemistry,
Chemistry and At .hitccture. Ex
tensive and new equipment of
Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New
Library and new Chemical I.aborn-
toty. The demand for the School’s grad
uates is much greater than the supply.
Next session opens Sept. 30th.
For further information address K. C.
MATHFS0N, A. M., LL. D., Pres., Atlanta, Ga.
Do you want to find a Cool, Healthy,
Clean place for your Summer vaca
tion? Then go up to Warm Springs,
On., In Pine Mountains, 200 feet e!e
atiou Directly on the A., B. & A.
Ry. Here you will have the finest
Bathing in America delightful climate.
Hotel with modern equipment and con-
eniences, including electric lights,
excellent service. Rates $12.00 to $14
for one week, longer periods lower
rates. A!?o special family rates.
Round trip tickets at low prices. Write
for booklet with full information.
2G tf. Proprietor.
Cincinnati, July 28.—Tho Republi
can Presidential campaign formerly
opened here today with the notifica
tion ceremony officially apprising Mr.
Taft of his nomination for the Pres
It was a holiday event In Cincinnati.
Cannon boomed, flags fluttered and
parades swept through the streets to
the strains of street and martial mus
ic. There were speeches and bunt
ing. Nothing was lacking to make
the day a big event.
By virtue of an order from the Court
of Ordinary of Ware County, will be
sold at public outcry on the first Tues
day la July, 1908. at the Court House
door In said county, between the legal
uours oi sale tho following'described
property to wit: All that tract or
Cct Kit land lying and being In the
t.lty of Waycross, in what Is known
•:* Old Nine, and described as follows:
Beginning one hundred and fifteen feet
east of tho intersection of stroot
tnd Satllln Labe, thence funning along
-n!.l Lane ninety eight feet, thence
northerly at right nng'. * sixty three
aud one half fhet, thcnco easterly at
rf&ht angles ninety .eight feet, thence
tymthorty slxt^hrco^inl one hr.if feet
to point ‘of hegiunliiK. The ttrms of
•03 ufefes p? saoqdaiax nsg zswtQS
mrann II-
?.v. ;r "r t ; ^ouuuo oq ernroeq sj
.v.s.v:;; cinoocq 0$ A’psni s i cl I
zi 3kx sasn
sijo) j!.i sjq:m cq sjjjaq sjq lic.v.
, o$4f no3 oq uaqa isnj puv even) 50a saod
said sale
re cash.
.. 1908.
•aicr of the estate 1
i| .|I|X |K«f| -11 «.«U. iJ... Mina
joy|jnd poo|g JO|tt«»S »,aw*l$«j|
-*n|»jt HUOM *111 HltR
muni nmn| t| ••jiij t>|pu.i<l* «im of
cm »n» »i it )i -ii«j •*)) »'ii *1 i<»ii
. n»«ti ai ajnim miin u amojq UM|io h« oi
Souwlrs •a.lB ai|l ;o •apfp3Hi poon itJjsaja aqi *| If l»»n «1U (loom uoinaaxx i.vaiaLiaiu *°i -pew tuutp -tu
.qaxvTixsNowaa svh smix
Sealed proposals, or auction bids,
as may bo decided upen at the time,
will be received by the undesigned
up until 12 o’clock noon. August 14th,
1908, at site of projiosed bridge,-for
the construction of a steel highway
bridge across Satllla river, near the
Atlantic Const Lino Railroad bridge
hetween Ware and Pierce counties,
Plans and specifications to be shown
on the day of the lotting or upon thoso
now on file in tho offices of the Ordin
aries of Ware and Pierce counties,
Georgia. Bidder will bo required to
deposit a. certified check for One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) ns nn
evidence of good faith, before submitt
ing their respective bids.
The right Is reserved to reject any
or all bids.
Ordinary Pierce county, Geeorgla.
Ordinary and er-officio Chairman,
County Commissioners, Ware co., Ga.
County Commissioners, Ware Co., Ga.
Waycross, Ga., June 19, 1903.
Notice is herouy piven that the
partnership heretofore existing be-
ween G. A. Thornton end J. M.
•t’ornton under the name of Thornton
Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, (J. A. Thornton having bought
the interest of J. M. Thornton. O. A.
Thornton will hereafter own and con
duct tho business and will be re
sponsible for Its debts aud bo alone It
entitled to collect the accounts and
debts due to said firm or said com
G. A. Thornton,
J. M. Thornton.
GEORGIA—Ware County. >
Notice Is hereby given tlpat the un
dersigned have applied to the ordin
ary of said county for leave to sell
land belonging to the estate of Amu.
Polite for the purpose of distribution
Said application will be heard at l.
regular term of the court of ordnary
for tfid county to be held on tho 1st
Motffay In August, 1908. This July
11, 190$. G. P. Washington.
j SI .85
i Hrlua
! Ruhr
35.000 CHAIRS
This i« a uiox c;=c c*mc skat micm sack rockm
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Pleasant to take
The new laxative. Does
not gripe or nauseate.
Cures stomach and liver
troubles and chronic con
stipation by restoring the
natural actioqof the stom
ach, liver and bowels.
R«fu«o •ubatltutos. Ptlew OOo.
The marvelous mechanical inventions
ot today are hut mere toys compared to
tlic human laxly. This Is one machine
that must Ik* given constant and intelli
gent rare. Once permitted to run too
far without skillful repair, the wreck is
just ahead.
has repaired inure liuman Ills, relieved
! the strain on weak part* and completely
j checked the cause tliun nny other invigo*
! rating cordial. It relieves kidney clis-
■ eases, catarrh of the bladder, diabetes,
! dropsy, gravel, headache, dyspepsia, paJn
in the hack and side, loss of appetite,
1 general debility, neuralgia, sleeplessness,
; rheumatism and nervousness. STUARTS
BUCHU AND JUNIPER positively re
lieves these diseases. At all stores, ?1.00
per bottle. Write fqr free sample.
, Stuart Drug Manufacturing Co.,
Atlanta, Cat
Plant Wood’s
Garden Seeds
Our businesa, both In (Jardoa
and Farm .Seeds, is one of the
largest in this country, a .csult
due to the fact that
^ Quality is always our ~/i
p first consideration. (<
We ere headquarters for
Ora*, ami Clover Seeds. Seed
Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow
Pass, Sola Beans and
other Farm Seeds.
Woo eft Deseriptivo Catalogue
1* to. beat and mo.t prtrtJcl nliMd
eaulosnn. An op-tod. , mid rc-
eoanlMd antborto on all uardan
">d Farm rropo iTatAl/'.ae mallad
ftMoor»qiM*t. WrtwtUla
SEECHEI, - tictscoj, Vt