Newspaper Page Text
Saturn is the wonder of the solar
system. Its mean distance from the
'Bun is several million miles. It re
volves around In twenty-nine yearn
and*five -months. A man named Gall
leo the first telescope discovered
the first ring in 1610. This ring is
about 175,000 miles in diameter,
the circumforance is about -seve
five miles. TJte composition t of
ring has caused much speculation,
has three division*. The Innermost
ring Is dusky and transparent; In con
tact with it Is the brightest ring, calle l
ring B.; then comes a gap, an i taon
the outer ring, known as ring A.
Ih the scenery of Jupiter is magnifi
cent, that of Saturn Is unique. Here
we have a universe, a collossal sys
tem, eight moons revolving outsMe
Its limits, traveling like pearls strung
on a silver thread. No one has evei
seen Saturn come into l»e field of a
large telescope for the first time with
out saluting the spectacle wit \ oxcla
matlons of surprise and delight.
Kalamazoo. Michigan. — Benjamin
Pearce yesterday married Mrs. Myrtle
Ktjbinson-Force-Oeforest-A I ns worth, an
thereby became fatuer-in-law of bis
sister and uncle and grandfather of bis
wife's son’s child.
Mrs. Pearce, by her husband, be
came the mother of David Force. The
latter led to Lie alter Gladys Pearce,
Bister of Benjamin Pearce. They
have % a baby. As the husband of his
ulster's mother-in-law. Benjamin
Pearce become* his sister's father In
law. As the plain brotner of his sis
ter, ho naturally is her child's uncle.
And as the Hpouse of her sister's
grandmother, he is the Infant's grand
Savannah, Ga., July 30.—That the
financial depression has not hit Sav
annah so hard as might have been ex
pected Is evidenced by the annual re-
]»ort of hto Savannah Postofllco for
the fiscal year ending June 30. which
shows a substantial increase in the
business done. Tne total business of
the iKMtolflco Hr the year was $221,-
404.65, tin Increase of $7,000 over the
proceeding year. Tno receipts for
Rtntnp sales for the year were $211,-
797.08. The receipts the previous
year were $204,635.68. There was con
siderable falling ‘off in the money or
der business duo it Is thought to the
going into effect of prohibition.
+* **************** ******** *&:^
Our Modern Ideas Enable us lo Treat
Fill. Crown or Extract Teeth wilh Least
Possible Pain. Our prices arc "dhin x
reach ol all. Cive us a Trial and be Sat
isfied. COME TO-DAY.
Dental iparlors Over Central ipb^rniacv,
UJBYCttOSS, • COtftGUr..
,3one Pains, itch
ing Scaly Skin,
\Pimoles, 01 i
c- *;• * * * * * >!• •:* * -j- *:• *:• ►-,
General Demand
of the Well*Informed of the World has
always been for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
value; a laxative which physicians could
sanction for family use because its com
ponent parts are known to them to be
wholesome and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable to the system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In aupplying that demand with its ex
cellent combination of .Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies
on the merits of the laxative for its remark
able success.
That is one of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given
the preference by the Well-Informed.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine—manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale
by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents
per bottle.
New York. July 30.—The National
Prosperity Association Is to issue a
circular letter appealing to business
organization* throughout the country
for their cooperation In checking res
trictive legislation agnlnst railways,
the association says, have not kept
pace with other business interests In
regaining prosperity.
Notlc ■ Is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween Don J. Cuhoii and E. L. Gorman,
tinder the firm of Don J. Cason & Co.,
Is this day dissolved by mutual con*
aent. Don J. Cason retires from the
firm and the business will be continued
at tho same stand, corner of Parrallol
nnd E streets by E. L. Gorman under
tht narno of E. L. Gorman. Tho said
1-1 L. Gorman assumes all liabllitlea of
tho firm and all accounts due the firm
are payable to Urn.
. h.s July 13. 1903.
Don J. Cason.
K. Gorman.
By virtue of an order of the court
of Ordlnaryy of said county, granted
at the July term. 1908 will bo sold be
fore the court house door of said coun
ty, on Saturday, the 8th day of August
1908, within tho logml hours of sale,
the following property of the estate
of Jacob M. St Igor, deceased, to wit
One grist mill and the equipments
thereof, situated at Glenmore, Ware
county, Georgia. Terms, cash.
This July 25. 1908.
Aug 8. J. T. MYERS.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the post office, Waycross, Ga., week
ending July 27, 1908. When calling
for thhsc letters please say “Adverti
Alin A C
Bristol R
Berry James
filld Sam
Campbell C S
Curry J C
Dixon Erasing
Drinking L
Drnten D
"y Greene Edw J
Hunter S J
• Ilaminerly H C
Homer Jack
Hubbard Luther
Jobson H C
Jones Burlo
Knight J M
Lundy M C
Lee O B
McSwain James
McGehee 31
Michel Mack
Nelson Charley
Rawles L
RuyTron J C
Smith T M
Pope & Smith
Sheridon Liston
Stanton J C
Scarbos Hawk
Standifer A M
Walker W Boyd
Wilson A K
Waycross, Ga., July 18th, 1908.
Notice U hereby given that the firm
of Wood and Varnedoe has this day
been dissolved by mutual consent,
Mr. J. T. Wood having sold his entire
Interest therein to Mr. 8. C. Varnedoe
who assumes all of the debts and lia
bilities of the firm of Wood and Var-
nedoo and who will collect all debts
due and owing to said firm.
The business will hereafter be con-
dnneted by 8. C. Varnedoe alone.
. j. T. Wood.
8. C. Varnedoe.
Allen Susie
Allen Irene
Allen Ida
Burvllle Ssllle
Cheatham Mrs O P
Horne Bess
Hudson Minnie
Hardy Sue
Hooper Webster
Jackson Mamie
Jones Lillie
Keating Emma
Lane Minnie
McWhorter Clara
Nixon Mrs John
Splver Delila Anne
D/& 0. L01T
Peach & Pecan Land
We are offering slv attractive
peach, pecan land tracts, rang
ing in size from thirty to4iixty-
five acres each, at low price and
easy terms. It Is elevated land
and near the railroad. “SEE
Offices For Rent
i Residence for Rent
l Several good residences for
I rent, and rooms furnished or un-
J ,Urn,S,led - .... _u Jtliftj
D. & 0. LOTT
Sores, Suppur
ating Swell-
6 “ r ings and ail
Blood Humors.
an i Son-»-Eruii;I< n. and
k>y h-il-
on tbo rod sJow of ]
Hi.iuiafc, Blurred F.>»- Blood but Bully
B3i?TK5fr gK: cw«htb.ii.b.
StU.Tu h:n« Skin. »nd all orldonco* of lm-
t.ure blood. Uka Botanic Blood Balm. It
•tupa all *'hn and pain* and heal* every
•■-•ra by almply purifylna and enriching the
blood. For ranreroua aorea. ahoot lna, allod
ia* pain* it U the b**t remedy made.
and purifiea tba blood and h-al* the aora*.
m by Drvcdsts. or by Express. $1.00
w ; B. B. core* when all all
idvlwJ for old obetlnate eaa
Staple free by writing Ic
of floui we make many varieties o!
Each kind is different in shape, dil-
ierent in method of makl^s and un-
iereiit U flavor. Hardly necessary .o
F{ kiy thf.: all are txcehvnt. V\
nothing that we cannot recomn.e'.i
HY should you burn ^\
a hod of coal and make the fcV^tfOTCgjl
whole house uncomfortably
warm just to heat aflat iron'
••Nothing hot but the Iron”
Simple, safe, sure, economical,
clean,always ready. Heat turns on
and off like an incandescent lamp
electric flatirons on trial
If he is poor, he is a bad manager.
no is rich, he is dishonest.
If he needs credit he can’t get It If
he Is prosperous, every one wants to
do him a favor.
he’s In politics, it’s fo rpie. If he
is out of politics, you can't place him,
and he’s no good for his country.
If he doesn’t give to charity, he’s a
stingy cuss. If he does it’s for show.
If he Is actively religious, he is i
hypocrite. If he takes no interest
in religion, he is a hardened sinner.
If he shows affection, he's a soft
specimen. If he seems to care for no
one. he Is cold-blooded.
If he dies young, there was a great
future ahead of him. If he lives td
an old age, he has missed his calling.
—Christian Guardian.
Restored to Health by Lydia E,
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound*
Head What They Jay,
Mlsw Lillian Ross. 530
East 84th Street, New
York, writes: “Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegeta
ble Compound over
came irregularities, pe
riodic suffering, and
nervous headaches,
after everything else
had failed to help me,
and I feel it a duty to
let others know of it."
Lafayette St., Denver,
I Col., writes: "Thanks
to Lydia E. Pinkham’s
! Vegetable Compound I
am well, after suffering
for months from ner*
▼ous prostration.”
Miss Marie Stolta-
man, of Laurel, la.,
writes: “Iwasinarun-
fered from suppression,
indigestion, and poor
circulation. Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound made ms
“*•11 and strong.”
Miss Ellen M. Olson,
of 417 N. East St., Ko-
jwanee, Ill.,says: ** Ly-
diaE. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound cured
me of backache, side
ache, and established
my periods, after the
best local doctors had
failed to help me.”
For thirty rears Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs,has been the
standard remedy for female
Large granite dish pans 50c values, 10c on opening day, Stew
pans, large granite 4 quart 10c.
I will cary a full line of dishes, glassware, crockery, tin ware
granite ware, notions, small hardware, candles, hosiery, flavoring
extracts laces, ribbons, and many other articles.
Come and be convinced. Bargains every day.
Watch the Window.
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, flbroid tumors, Irregularities,
rlodic pains, backache, that bear-
g-down feeling, flatulency, indiges-
tion,dlzzlne8s,ornervous prostration.
Why don’t you try it f
Mrs. Plnkham invites *11 sick
women to write her for advice.
She ha* guided thousands to
, Lynn, Mass.
Weak Women
Hi weak aodaUiaf women, that* U at kart am
war to help. Bat with that war. two treatment* I
must bo combined. Out to local, coo to con*tltt>
gtssstis? —H
" tnmtlve. the Constitutional.
8hoop'*Nl*htCurv»-U» topical
Fj as lu name IeqdIIc*. dor* Its
*■ i tore and Inflem-
wtakne*** anJ
Dr. tShoop’s
Night Cure
| Whose Say=so Is Best? j
With nearly all medicines put np for sale
through druggists, one has to take the mak
er’s say-so alone and exclusively as to their
curative value. Of course, suoh testimony
is not that of a disinterested party and ac
cordingly is not to be given the same credit
as if written from disinterested motives.
Dr. Pierce's medicines, however, form
a single and therefore striking exception
to the above rule. Their claim to the
confidence of invalids does not rest
solely upon thei^owners' and makers'
say-so or praise. Their ingredients are
matters of public knowledge, being
printed on each separate bottle-wrap
per. Thus invalid sufferers are taken
into Dr. Pierce’s full confidence. Scores
of leading medical men have written
Central Pharmacy
Union Pharmacy
30 days’ treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
For the Kidneys, Bladder
and Rheumatism.
enough to dll volume, in pmlM of the
curative value of the aevenfl ingredient,
entering into then well • known med
icine.. —
In favor of Dr. Pieree’a medicine. i>
the trank, confiding, open, honect state
ment of their full composition, giving
every ingredient an plain Englith, with
out feu of successful criticism and with
confidence that the good tente of the
afflicted will lead them to appreciate
this honorable manner of confiding to
them what they ere raking into their
atonuch. when making un of then
WHAT THEY CURE. People often
ask "What do Dr. Pierce's two leading
medicines—'Golden Medical Discovery^
and 'Favorite Prescription' cure?"
Briefly, the answer is that "Golden
Medical Discovery" is a most potent al-
Invigorator, and acts especially favor
ably in a curative wav upon all tbs
For weak, worn-out, over-worked wom
en—no matter wbat has caused the
break-down, "Favorite Prescription"
will be found most effective in building
up the strength, regulating the womanly
functions, subduing pain and bringing
about a healthy, strong, vigorous con
dition of the whole system.
Dr. Pierce believes that our American
forests abound in most valuable medi
cinal roots for the cure of most of our
obstinate and most fatal diseases, if we
would properly Inv
tfi cohnhnatio!
he points with
vHoua cures effected by his "Golden
Medical Discovery," which has proven
itself to be the most efficient stomach
tonic, liver invigorator. hSS tonic and
regulator, and blood cleanser known to
medical science. Not less marvelous,
in the unparalleled cures it is constantly
making of woman's many peculiar affec*
tions, weakness and distressing derange*
menu, is Dr. Pieree’a Favorite Pieacrip-
tfon, ea la amply atteated by tbouaanda
ot niMolicited teatimoniala contributed
by grateful patient, who have been
cu 'f®, by it of leucorrhea, painful
perioda, irregularitiea. prolapaua and
other diaplacemenu, ulceration of uterua
irnd kindred affectiona, often after many
other advertised medicine, had tailed.
Both theae world-famed medicine,
are wholly made up from the glycerin
B 'l ' "^1' — ‘ °I native, medicinal roots,
ning anrfacee, aa oi the naaal found in oor American foreata. The
paaaagea, throat, bronchial tnbea. etom- processes employed in their manu-
ach, bowel, and bladder raring a large f * c j n ™ original with Dr. Pierce,
percentage of catarrhal caeee whether and they are carried on by akilled chem-
ibe disease affects the naaal paaaagea, ljta * n “ pharmacist, with the aid of
. BBftjrtjptra ass
jdcohoP uid IS Sa»”fi!mW?bebi“
forming drags. What la taid of their
it Is generally encceaefnl In affecting P°»“ » rare the .evenl dlaeaaea for
cures. In fact the "Golden Medical which they are advised may be easily
Discovery* is without doubt, the moat taroed by sanding wont name end
successful constitutional remedy for all —
forma of catarrhal diseases known to
modern medical eeianee. In Chronic
Nasal Catarrh Dr. Sage'* Cata*rh Rem
edy fluid shoo id be need fur washing
and cleansing out tha nasal paaaagea
whlia raking*the "piKove.y»ferTm
blood cleansing and specific, heeling
eOactt upon the mucous lining mam.
brsnes. This combined local and gan-
ani treatment will cure a eery *
percentage of tba wont caaea of '
naaal catarrh,
other pelvic organa. Eveniu thechronio
ulcerative Sage* of theae atfectiona,
■■.no matter of bow many
tan’ standing they may be.
■As to the "Favorite Prescription.- B
la advised for the rate of one cIaaa~of
dlsearea only—those weaknesses, de
rangements and irregularities peculiar
“-ipiled , c-- t ^ booklet which he bea
ontalning copious extracts
Qua standard medical books. I
from numarouas^ ,
which are consulted as authorities by
°Jj ba 15™™* acbool( o*
practire tor their guidance in praaerib-
Apo ^* ic ^
. Piaroe’a Pleaaant Pellets cure
C)oo *hpationhJt5cause
Sin I°wtte cause and
yoo care tba dlatatt. Out "Pellet" it
They are tiny tocai^OAltd