Newspaper Page Text
This woman says that sick
women should not fall to try
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound as she did.
Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2SS5 Lawrence
St, Denver, CoL, writes to Mrs.
“X »u practically an invalid for alx
years, on account of female troubles.
I underwent an operation by the
doctor’s advice, but In a few months I
was worse than before. A friend ad-
▼ised Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound and it restored me to perfect
health, such as I hare not enjoyed in
many years. Any woman suffering as
I did with backache, bearing*down
pains, and periodic pains, should not fail
to use Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female UJs.
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear
ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don’t you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address. I«ynn f Mass.
Washington, Oct., 14.—Toe improve
ment of steam engine practice put
water power Into the background, and
kept It there for several years. But
In this age of wonderful electrical
advancement, water power is again
to the front, and hydro-electrical work
has assumed large proportions In the
South. Over 500,000 is now under de
velopment, at a cost of from forty
fifty million dollars. With much al
ready accomplished in the James Riv
er in Virginia, the Roanoke in North
Carolina, the Chattahoochee In Geor
gia, the Tallahassee In' Alabama, and
In other streams, activities are being
speeded for the making available of
millions of horsepower in the vast
region stretching from the Susque
hanna to the Rio Grande, in sections
tributary to the Potomac, the James,
Roanoke, Catawba, Yadkin the
Poe Doe, Savannah, Chattahoochee,
Tennessee, Warrior, Cumberland, the
Ohio, the Kanawha, the Red and the
Mr. Clapp declares that the Inde
pendence party has come to Georgia
to stay. He says It will be found ‘John
ny-on-the-spot.” when the election
time rolls round again, and that it
will not content Itself with making a
try for the governorship, but will go
after other State House and even coun
ty ofllces.
According to Mr. Clapp even the
Democratic coroner will not hereafter
be safe from Independence opposition.
— News.
\ We are willing that the Independ
ence party should have a coroner.
They need one in their business.
New York, Oct 13.—Vice-Chairman
Hudspeth of the Democratic National
Committee made public today a list of
the states in which he said Mr. Bryan
would receive the electoral vote. They
as follows: The solid South 16*1
Nebraska, 8; Indiana, 15; Ohio, 23
West Virginia, 7; Nevada, 3; New
York, 39. Total, 261. Necessary to
choice 242.
The Vice-Chairman put Wisconsin
in the doubtful column and said that
New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode
land and Illinois were still debatable,
with New Jersey and Connecticut fav
orable to tho Democratic party.
Georgia’s Democracy seems to be
on straight in 146 counties with the
Okefenokee swamp thrown in for good
A 17-year-old Floyd county boy pick
ed 804 pounds of cotton in 24 hours,
That boy is allright. Forty-eight hours
would have given him a bale at that
rste - uiaaa
T!,e war cloud, in the East seem
to be passing away.
Youngsters teased a wild man at a
Pennsylvania county fair until be did
get wild, and, climbing out of his Cage
a very mad negro, spanked several
kids to a finish. *'
• The republican candidate, for Con
gress, J. M. Elders, postmaster at Ha
gan, baa been arrested for embezzle
ment. If he can’t go to Congren he
may go to the penitentiary.
Ladies’s Who Drive
appreciate nothing to much aa a
■mart turnout Our carriages, sin
gle and double, with bodies resting
on spring? that leave no trace of
•Jar, or consciousness of movement
to the occupants, and running
noiselesssly on wheels of Rubber
tires, give riding the acme of pleas
aatneas. v •
We Hake a Specially of
We Sell
American Wire Fencing.
. 33c Per Rod.
J A. Jones Boggy Co.
Where Pe-ru-na Is Used As An AH-Rotmd
Reliable family Medicine.
There Are Thousands of Similar Hornet In ’
Which Pe-ru-na Is Being Used With the *
Same Excellent Results. -
FountaluvUlo, Pa., Feb. 10,1902.
3. B. Hartman, M. D. -
Dear Sir: I have been thinking of
writing to yon for aotne time to let you
know what Reruns did for me.
I am 67 years old. I lost my health
about six or seven years ago. I first
had dyspepsia and employed different
Last year I injnrod one of my kidneys,
I hod one of tho best doctors for that.
He put me to bed, not to move for two
I slowly recovered, but was so weak
and prostrated that I could walk but a
short distance. In fact I had to keep
I took several remedies, bat obtained
no relief. 1 also had oatarrh in some
My wife advised roe to take Peruna,
and It Is with pleesnre that I can say
that by taking one and one-half bottle
of your Peruna, it cured me and I feel
all right. I send this with many thanks
to you, as I enjoy life again.
My wife has also been taking your
Peruna for asthma and it helps to re
lieve her. We keep your Peruna in
the house constantly. Again I say I
thank yon for Peruna.
Sinoeroly yours,
FoonUinvillo, Pa., lfov. 8,1908.
Dr. 8. B. Hartman.
Dear Sir: I have good health now and
your valuable medicine gave me good
health. I have had no doctor for some
time, as I do not noed any. When 1
take coM I take Parana and In a short
time I am all right. My wife is subject
to asthma. 8ho takes Peruna at that
time, and she has had no noed for a doc
tor tor some time. With many thanks
for your medicine, we remain.
Sincerely yours,
Fountalnvllie, Pa., April M, 1900.
Dr. 8, B. Hartman.
Dear Sir: Wo have Peruna in the
house all the time and when we think
we noed it, we take it. We are about
sixty years old and have not called a
doctor to our plaoo tor some years.
We go out In all kinds of woetbor and
sometimes when wo go oh a trip wo
take Peruna along. A preventive Is
better than a cure. That has been our
I had poor health some years ago and
when I found your medldno I hit the
right thing. Wo both thank you for
your good modioine.
Sincerely yours,
By virtue of on order of the oourt
of Ordinary of said oounty, will bo
Bold at public out cry, on the first
Tuesday In November 1908, at the
court house In said county, between
the usual hours of sale the following
real estate situated in said county
to wit:
Lota nnmbor one (1) and two (2) in
block number ninety throe (93) on
the map of said lot as surveyed and
aubecrlbed by W. M. Bumervllle the
fifteenth (15) day of November 1890
containing two (2) acres more or less,
measuring 300 feet on tho East, 300
foot on the West and 235 feet on the
North, and 235 feet on the South, being
a port of lot 215 in eight (8) land dis
trict of said oounty in that portion of
Waycross known as New Town. The
sale to continue from day to day be
tween the somo hours until said prop
erty Is sold. Terras cash. This the
6th day of October 1908.
Lizzie Williams.
Administratrix of estate ot
W. J. Kinney, Deceased.
To whom It may concern:
Rebecca Thift having npplled for the
guardianship of the person and proper
ty of Peter Thift, a lunatic. Notice it
hereby given that said application will
be hoard at my office on tho first
Monday In Novomber, 1908. Given
under my hand and official signature
this 5 day of October, 1908.
Warren Lott.
Ordinary, Ware county, Georgia.
By virtue of the Court of Ordinary
of said county, will be sold at public
out cry on the first Tuesday In No
vember, 1908, at the court house in
said county, between the usual hours
of sale, the following real estate in
Ware county, to wit:
One hundred and ninety five aces
moro or less, of lot of land number 185
in seventh land district of Ware Coun
ty Georgia bounded ns follows: East
by lands of Tom Prescott and J. M.
Brantley; on the South by lands of
J. M. Brantley; on the West by lands
of B. A. and C. O. Bennott and Beav
ers dam fish pond; on tho North by
original land line.
Eighty acres, moro or less, of lot
of land, number 184 of tho seventh
land district of said county, bounded
as follows: West by lands of Louis
Bennett and Roe Arnold, North by land
of Mrs. J. B. Harell and Jopular Head;
South by original land line; East by
lands of Southern Pino Company.
Thirty acres more or less, of lot of
land number 184, of the seventh land
district of said county; bounded as fol
lows: On the East by lands of J. B.
Harrell; South by labdn of Mrs. J.
Mrs. J. B. Hargroves; West by lands
of W. B. Hargroves, Jr., North by land
of M. L. Hargrooves.
The sale will contlnuo from day to
Jay, between tho same hours, until all
said property Is sold. Terms ono half
cash, balance with good security In
ninety days.
’This 5th day of October 1908.
Administratrix of Estate cf W. R.
Hargroves decotsed.
Witness to Signature*.
I, John Donnelly, Mayor of Doyles*
town* Pa., have been acquainted with
Mr. Philip K rata tor SB yearn. I know
him to ba an honorable and useful do
zen. Ho, in my presence, signed the
above statement! ooncwmtng Peruna,
which X have every reason to believe
art troe in all pertteolara.
•tovan. } JOHN DONNELLY, Esq.
New York, Oct., 14.—Very elabor
ate preparations are being made for
the special cruize to Savannah which
the Automobile Club of America bos
planned to make during Thanksgiving
week in connection with the running
of the Grand Prize Race.
The entire lower deck of the City
of Savannah, which the club bat char
tered for the use of its members and
guests to and from the race, Is to be
converted . into a floating garage.
Packing space for thirty cars has-been
arranged, and a system of racks de
vised to prevent the running amuck
of cars In the event of rough seas be
ing encountered. r • • t$i i liws
Special accommodations are provided
for. tho. chauffeurs »o that the. owner
cap step directly Into his car from the
boat and be whined to the apace re
served. for him In front Of the grand
stand. It la alio Intended to embark
special chauffeur's and a private
The boat is to leave.on the Satur
day proceeding Thanksgiving Immedi
ately after-the Harvard-Yalo football
game, and la expected to tab* Its- paa-
•engera early Tuesday morning. The
homeward trip, timed BO a, to
end Monday morning In time for busi
Nearly a -huhdred member, have al
ready reserved panage. among them
H. Gary, president of the Club, and
John Jacob 'Aator, member of the
Board of Governor., both ot whom
cabled their booking from Europe.
Among those who will make the
trip are Cornellu. Vanderbilt, Dav H.
Morris, Colgate Hoyte, Henry Sander-
•on, Waldron William., George
Chamberlin, Edgar L. Maraton,
Schuyler Skaata Wheeler; William
Pierson Hamilton, Robert Lee Morrell,
1. E. Roosevelt, G. 8. Floyd-Jones,
Henry Souther, Jefferson Foment
Thompson, A. R. Pardingtloa and Phil
T. Dodge.
•to send vessels to meet
around-the-world fleet.
Waahlngton, Oct, 14.—The Navy
Department la considering the advi
sability ot .ending aeveral vessels in
home stations to meet the battleship
fleet now on Its trip around the world.
The Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, New
Hnmshlre and North Carolina, Ars
available tor such assignment. It
sugestod that those vessels meet the
fleet cither at Gibraltar or the Asores,
and become part of it It may be de
cided to aand these five available vea-
sols to Join Admiral Sperry'a fleet in
European wntera.
A . P. Perham, Sr.
Real Estate Agent
The old Jo. Lott homo No. 166 WANTED—For a cuatomer a
Plant Avenue, now belonging to Jamea
F. Creel, one of the moat comfortable
liomea In the city, Llghta, Water, Well,
Large Darn, Fine Location, Near
Schools. Complete In every respect
Apply soon for I Intend to aell this
property. /
Also beautiful new nine room houae
belonging to Mrs. R. B. Bsllard. Just
built In Central Park, n complete home
in n deslrcable section. Larie lot not
far from buslnoss center of tho city
And necessary outbullJIngs.
Austin, Texas, Oct, 14.—'T|ie State
ot Texas Is soon to begin operating
a railroad owned by Itself which was
built to handle products of the Rusk
penitentiary, principally Iron and pipe.
The Government road establishes a
connection with the Texas A New Or
leans. and . International. A Gnat
Northern,and trill carry both freight
and paaengers. The town of Peles-
tlno la now ngiutlng an extension of
the line to that point In return for
which It offers a right of way and n
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 14.—Governor
Hoko Smith, ot Georgia, delivered an
address here yesterday before the stu
dent*’ and members <of the faculty
of the State university.
He reviewed the history of the
Democratic party and eulogised Wil
liam J. Bryan.
William J. Bryan, he declared, rank
ed far above William H. Taft In exe
cutive ability.
"Since hearing Governor Hughes
speak", he declared, “I am positive
we must elect Bryan.”
Mess. Thomas Bros., on Hanard
Kill, will commence in a few days the
construction of a laboratory for the
manufacture of a blood medjelne
which they are ready to put on the
market. The formula for tholr mad-
lclne baa had an established reputa
tion for many years. It has been man
ufactured on a small scale and bo-
cause of tbs great numbers of testi
monials voluntarily given in the Mess.
Thomas Bros, acquired the formula.
The laboratory will be 16 by 30 feet
In site and Is so arranged that It can
be easily enlarged when business war
rants it. ' •
Calcqgo, Oct. 13.—Margaret Frances
Mitchell, 8 years old, said to be an
heiress to a fortune of 3360,060, was
kidnapped while on the street with
her grandmother. The little girl was
snatched by one of three men In an
automobile, and taken away after the
grandmother, Mrs. Carolina P. Mitch
ell. had bean knocked down.. The
police ara working on a clue that the
child was taken ont of the city, prob
ably to Sparta, N. C.
The kidnapping la said to be the
climax of a prolonged struggle for pos
session of the tlrl. She has bean
living with her father, Robert Mltchalt,
at'4829 BL Lawrence avenue, while
the mother Mrs. Margaret B. Mitchell
has lived separately. The fortune
was left to the girl by bar mother's
father. .i
the city for aalu or trade for city prop
erty. Good horses, vehicles, etc. etc.
A money making proposition, In per
fect running order. Apply quick and'I
III put you n" to sotne’.’t'ng good.
building lot as near the business por*
tlon of the city as possible, to cost not
more than 1300. Give me dlicrlptlon ot
lot and locution.
Also the 8 west farm, 4 miles from
the city containing 160 teres, lying on
and near the river. Fine for truck
farming and stock raising.
Also’ two fine lots In Owona Boule
vards, Block 4, No’a. 11 and 12 one a
corner lot, 60x100 feet on Owens ateret
and Roavalt Avenue. Llveral terms.
1 20 acre farm, 1-2 miles northwest
of city. All under cultivation, 6 room
dwelling and out houses.
Don’t let the other fellow get this
place. Dent him to the tank, and buy’
It today. .
-FOR 8/.LE—One of the finest farms | 322 hcrea 1-2 mile east of city limits, u
In Brooks connty.' It contains 668,100 acres under cultivation, about 76
acres and Is located 2 112 miles from j bearing pecan trass on property amt
Pnvo, a railroad atatlon, 400*hcrea of! the kind not under cultivation heavily
this farm ara In cultivation, 12 ’plows | Umbered.' _
being opjorntbd, 268 sera* of timbered This desirable property will not re- ,
land. Eight good tenant’'houses,''a main unsold very long. Strike while , '
rory comfortable and convenient dwell-
lag with 9 rooms, large flho bouse add
big born, stables and. wagon-houses,
etc, fine water,.
ALSO a farm ot 306 urea, 3 1-2 mile
from Pavo, 200 acres In cultivation, six
plows run on this place, nice resldenco,
four tenant bouaoa, targe barn, wagon
and buggy house, cow house, a large
number of fruit trace and everything
to make a model farm.. ...
The above two Incompletely described
farms ara among the vey host In the
"banner” farming county of Georgia—
Brooks. The land on both places Ik
n dark gray gravelljf' soil with red clay
anb aoll and will grow anything pro-
tho Iron Is hot
-I )u
For Sale, Beautiful brick resllervt n
|n Owens’ Boulevards, nlns rooms, atf.-A
complete, desirable location, termq n|
liberal. 0gi(
Also, 168 fast front on corner ol.ill
Plant avenue and Albany-Avenue, Juatt.’f‘>
across tha street from W. M. Wilson’s in
grocery store. Add within 100 yards at
the court house. This plot ot ground;
contains about 1-2 sera and la suited, m
for stores or residences- This to the nr
only open apace on Plant Avenue m
from the English Block to the Melon
duced In the south. Both places well ,cr - rev|d-n-o. This property baa J*.t
stocked and the stock t. alao for rate, *> ™ Placed en tee market See
This property will pay 20 per’cent c
Investment. Correspondence in regard
to these magnificent properties soli
’ Also 100 of the best -Itts In
vide P?rk. (
I I I M I Si'S • S.'u,
, FOR 8ALE—One hunJred acres of
land at Lulajon, Os., about ten acres
under fence and being cultivate!. A
good frame dwelling with four rooms
and qeparate kitchen and dialog room.
School and ohtorch In iOO yards of
bouse. Only short Jlatanea to depot
and poatoJBee. A splendid place for
any one wanting good-farm on which
trucking, stock-raising, ate., could be
carried on. Land hounds on right-of-
way of B A W, Railroad and then the
tra* t lias Immedatety north of rat!
wad.. Healthy section.' Good neigh-
FOR SALE—Four room cottage me.if
Parallel street, sewerage and water.., t’
A.nlco home, building new and In good.,-]
orJer. Two blocks from Court Houamii r
I will aell this property cheap. Applyr.w
quick before the advance prices come.
30 ACRE6—20 fcerCa dented ehd,*4, l
der wire fence, small dwelling on pjjmf.,,!)
10 a"t»e woodland adjoining.
miles north of courthouse, Bunnp Slslc. t (! ,
Good neighborhood, high dry
with good drainage. Pice (1,760. Cash
or on time with S par cant Interest., /
oil led
FOR SALE—One bouse and one gnd,-,.'>
a half acne ot land adjoining, on -But-
ler street. - wtahird
. .... . w '" ’ ' ' aolhdfrlA
FOR BALE—Two houses and ,ona .
borhood, etc., Will exchange this vacant IbC on Brewer street, also ope. .. .
property for residence In Wnycroaa. house and two vacant lota on B. street ’• -
A. P. Perham, Sr. Liberal terms. I