Newspaper Page Text
Subscr : bs For
$ Herat d
‘Briej Nelps from Ober The World At Large:
The Atlantic Cout Line depot at
Pearaon was looted and then burned
by robbera Saturday nlfht. The de
pot aafe waa blown open with dyna
mite and looted of about $260,00 and
the building waa then aet on Are.
Practically everything in the depot
waa destroyed, including 25 bales of
cotton, aeveral barrela of opIriU of
turpentine and roaln and numeroua
articlee of merchandise consigned to
Pearaon merchanta.
Tie robbery la supposed to have oc
curred between midnight and 1 o'clock
Saturday night.
CANDIDT/S IS 101,143.
Atlanta, On.. Oct. 11.--Compicto
though not official returns by counties
for the stale election of last Wednes
day give Jos. M. ilrowo, democratic
candidate for governor, a total vote
of 113.666, and that of his opponent,
William Yancey Carter, 12.412, making
Mr. Brown's majority, 101,143, the
greatest ever given a candidate for
governor of Oeorgla. A curious co in-
cldedce Is that Mr. Brown received
within a fow thousands the same vote
In the genoral election as he got in
the primary.
from- St. Joseph, Mo., wnere last night
he got a rousing reception. The west
ward Journey will begin early iue*-
Jay morning. Speaking of the results
of his campaigning so far, the Demo
cratic candidate declared himself as
being confident of success. He stated
that reports received by him Indicate
,ii constantly Increasing sentiment to
ward the Democratic party,
Berlin, Oct 11.—Tho International
balloon raco which startoj today from
the suburb of Schmargendorf, waa the
occasion of a thrilling accident, two
American aeonauts having a miracu
lous escape from death.
The American balloon Conqueror,
the only Amorlcan built craft In con
test, having on board A. Holland For*
, boa and Augustus Post, less than two
minutes after tho start burst at an
altitude of 4,000 feet.
For 2,000 feet it shot down like a
bnllot, and thon tie tom silk bag as
sumed tie shape of a parachute, thus
checking tho rapidity of the descent
coming close to the earth, however
the basket smashed into the roof of
a house, but the two men escaped
with but slight Injuries.
Manila, Oct. 12.—Five new cases of
cholera wore reported hero during tie
day ending Sunday morning and throo
new cases during tho day ending Mon
day morning.
Mexico. Oct. 12.—FoJeral health
authorities are investigating the re
ports from Oaxaka of several cases
of cholera In the town of Pochutla.
The disease is said to have been
brought by a tramp steamer from tie
Pensacola, Fla, Oct. II.—News of
a disastrous fire, which ssrept over
Carrabelle. Fla., a small town east of
' Pensacola, late Thursday night, waa
brought to this city today by the
ateamer Tarpon. Nine buslneashouses,
a residence and many thousands of
feet of lumber ware destroyed, entail
ing a loss estomated to be more than
Among the buildings destroyed were
the United States custom house, post-
office, freight and passenger depots
of the Oeorgla, Florida and Alabama
railroad, and th-> warehouses and
wharves r-f the 8t. Andrews and Oulf
Steamship company. The Are started
In one of tho stores and. fanned by a
high wind spread rapidly. All t
muulcatton with the town waa out off,
the telegraph oAloes having been
among the buildings burned.
White Plains, N. Y„ Oct. II.—The
■tearing of the sanity plea of Marry
Thaw before J sal tee Mills, of the Su
preme Court today waa dlsmlaaed and
Thaw waa remanJed back to Matlee-
waa asylum.
. Berlin, Oct. II.—Yorkes and Post,
the American aeronauts, whose bal
loon burst with them yesterday while
they were 4,000 test In the air, had
sufficiently recovered this morning to
side out and examine th\ wreck of
their craft
YOkahoma. Oct 11.—Preparations
Tor the reoeptloe of the American
Beet have reached tremenJuona pro
portions. The popular demand to
participate In the welcome to the
American Jackies exceeds anything
ever before scon In Japan, not ex
cepting the homecoming of Admiral
Thgo's victorious squadron.
Savannah. Ga„ Ot. 13.-Republlcan j ^ fol|ow|ng card ,, from Hon . A .
congressional candidate and Fostmae-, L Hatcher Elector for the
ter J. M. Eiders, of Hagan, was ar- ;, ]tl Congre „| olu ,i district, and we
rested yesterday by the federal o®- I commend it to the Democratic voters
cent nnd Is held to United States grand War# county
Jury on the charge of embezzling post-1 ch4|rn]aI1 oeuocnUc Executive
office funds. Committee.
HI. arrest has crested a Iprofound , Me Ware county.
sensation here. The specific charge ^ _ Qltt .
la that he has tanj.ej «... -loney or-
Jer department.
Dear Sir:—
i The National election la near at
! hand now bringing with it the bright
est prospects for Democracy since the
} There haa been a great deal of apa
thy throughout the state, but the re-
Fair View, Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 11,
Having spent several ^le^ted
week on the stump W. J Bryan to- ^ & doubt ^ Gcorg|a wl „ g0
day devoted moat of hi. time lores* , (or Democracy. still
ing np prepar. ory to a W ««« jw( rauat up )n lho flght , but
of campaigning In NebrnsKa, Colorado! ^ con , tantly bcfor e thG
and Wyoming. .. . people Impressing upon them that a
He arrived hero this morning direct ,h„„ Mr.
Cannonnburg. Pa., Oct. 11.—William
M. Potts the football player, who was
Injured in a game here on October 3,
died today, after having been uncon
scious since last Monday. He was
eolzoj with convulsions for the aecond
time yoaterday and an operation
brought no relief. Potts, who wqa 21
years old played on the scholastic
team. During a game with the,high
school cloven ho was kicked ou the
Buffalo, N. Y„ Oct. 12.—Chairman
Connors, of the state democratic com
mittee, predicted today that Cbanler
would be elected governor by two
hundred thousand and that Bryan'B
plurality In New York would be one
hundred thousand.
Rome, Oct. 12.—Tho story Is cur
rent In high society clrclea that Mist
Katherine Elkins, tho American
holrosa, has Jilted Duke D'Abruzzl,
cousin of King Vlvtor Emanuel. One
rumor Is tbnt Miss Elkins refuted to
change her religion which was neces
sary In coao .she became the bride of
D'Abrusxl. Official eonArmntlon of the
reported broken engagement cannot
be obtained, but It la hinted that the
announcement will be made some
time shortly.
Sposla, OcL II.—Ths Italian Aeot
which bss j«t returned|gjim,ltsv am
nual maneuvers, was today ordered
to hold Itself In readiness to move to
ssa at a momsnt'a notice. This Is
bellsvod to moan that Italy la not sat-
IsAsd with tho progress of tho move
ments In the Balkans and desires to
have us war vessels In readiness for
any call that may ho made upon thorn.
Belinda, OcL 11—Tho National
Assembly In extraordinary seat
this morning voted $2,040,000 as a mil
itary emergency appropriation and
adopted resolutions pledging Its top-
port to the Government.
Spartanburg, OcL It.—Nine arrests
have been made by soldiers In connec
tion with an attempt on the part of a
mob Saturday to .take- JOSS’''Irby;
charged with assaOU oh Mist Lillie
Dempsey, from JalL While excite
ment hero hu waned to a considera
ble extent, thro Is still much suppress
ed feeling and ugly threats ere being
heard on til eldee.
Three companies of state militia are
still on guard and It Is beltsved they
have the sltuattoa well In hand.
Richmond. Va, OcL U-—Virginia's
electrie chair the Rpranncnt succes
sor to the gffibett In the G&rM&la-
loo. this morning claimed Us Brat vte-
Henry Smith, a negro raplsL
went to hie death at 7:30 o'clock. The
execution was successful In every do-
vote for any other candidate than Mr.
Bryan means a vote for Mr. Taft. I ask
you to Impress this upon the minds of
voters In your county, for It Is not
now the time to divide the democratic
vote under any vague Idea of compli
menting a Georgian who la doing all In
his power for the Republican ticket.
There la no doubt In my mind but that
Mr. Bryan Is our greateat living states
man, though twice nominated and de
feated, once by our own party. He was
nominated by no machine or bunch ot
office holders, but by the plain people
ot America who knows his purity ot
purpose and who have faith In his
It will bo Impossible for mu to get
Into all the counties ot tbe district,
but I will bo glad to aaalst you all I
can In getting the people enthused over
thU matter anJ In getting out a good
vote on election day.
With nope of success, I am,
Yours truly,
A. U Hatcher,
Democratic Elector 11th District.
New York, Oct. 12.—The cotton mar
ket here and at Liverpool showed a
Armer tone .this morning an a result
of a settlement of the English mills
strike. Prlvcs advanced 75 cents a
London, OcL 12.—Tho strike of tbe
of *the cotton operatives at Lancash
ire la practically settled. It Is de-
flnltely settled that many of tho men
will return to work daring the pres
ent week ns n result of a conference
between the spinners, weavers and
masters' associations.
Five per cent, reduction In wi
was accepted and employers will coop
erate with the operatives In reopen
ing and settling the the wage ques
tion'on~ a belier basis three months
Empire, On.. OcL 11.—Literally rid
dled with bullets, the dead body of
Henry White, colored, was found by
Sheriff Taylor, ot Dodge county, this
mornlngtln n place ot woods about one
mile from Yunker, a small station east
ot this place on Uw WrighUvtlle A
TcnnUle railway.
Tho negro white late yeaterday af
ternoon went to the home of Thomas
Allen, a respected ettlsen, and AteJ at
Mr. and Mrs. Allen, It Is stated. Tbe
negro. It appears, succeeded In run
ning the gentlemen nnd hit wife from
their home. They quickly spread .the
news nnd n posse of determined cltl-
sens was formed and .the negro was
soon run down, arrested and landed
In the Yunker'a lock up. The arrest
ing parties telegraphed the sheriff at
At 11 o'clock a band of unknown
men gathered at foe guardhouse -and
made quick work In securing White.
T,hey carried him to a point n Uttle
way from town and his body was shot
Into fraimsnts.
When Sheriff Taylor arrived this
morning from Eastman ho summoned
the coroner. .The sheriff stated that
everything waa quiet when he arrived
on Ihe scene.
Before making the attnok on Allen
and -his wife, it Is stated, the negro
While met another negro near the Al
len home and Insisted that ho go back
half a mile with Hm( Wiitlo) and old
In killing the family. When the ne
gro approached by White refused.
White opened Are and wounded the
man. The exteat of hit Injuries are
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 13.—Judge Hen
ry McAlpin, of the Corn* of Ordinary
will not have to spy on the dealers in
near beer to make them pay the tax
required by the state. Tile Comptroller
has replied to a letter from Judge Mc
Alpin making inquiry as to the best
method to collect the tax by atating
that It is tbe duty of tbe dealer to so k
out the ordinary and not the duty of
the ordinary to. hunt up the dou er.
Dealers who fall to pay the tax ure
liable to Indictment by the (A uni
New York. Oct. 13.—The receiver
ship hearing In the case of the de
funct atock exchange firm of A. O.
Brown & Co., waa enlivened today
by the testimony of Edna Wallace
Hopper, the comic opera queen to
whom A. O. Brown gave an automo
bile and hit life insurance policy for
$26,000. Miaa Hopper testified that
■he waa engaged, to Brown and that
they would be married »hortly.
Fined $100 In Recorders* Court.
Savannah, Ga., Oct., 13.—J. R. Bon
ham, 2nd officer of the steamship City
of Columbus, of the Ocean Steamship
Company, was fined $100 by the Re
corder yesterday for a most unusual
offense for a man occupying Ms posi
tion. He was caught by the Chief of
Police peeping into the room of two
ladles at the DeSoto Hotel. He was
the fire escape at the time he was
discovered. He admitted the crime to
the recorder who very promptly gave
him the maximum aum that he could
fine him in his court.
Charlotte. N. C., Oct. 12.—Henry
Yamagauchi, the Japanese acrobat,
and manager of Haw Brothers’ Lon
don Show, who yesterday murdered a
fellow countryman at Newton, this
state, today confessed that he killed
Kltsuchi because the latter had mis
treated two little Japaneie girls con
nected with the show and for whose
* safety he waa responsible.
| After shooting ills victim five times
jhe beat his head Into a Jelly with a
I stone. Following a preliminary hear
ing today Yamagouchi was held with
out bond for the next term of Cataw
ba superior court.
DcatijfeittL. Oct. 13.—MaJ.
Tucker,'Quartermaster General of the
United States Army, was arrested on
a train at Decatur station this morn
ing on a charge of deserting his wife,
a daughter of the late Gen. John A.
Logan. The major was accompanied
by the woman for whom he deserted
his wife and whose name was not
learned. The whole party ia now in
St. Louis whence they went in charge
of the Chicago police. They will re
turn to Chicago today. Tucker was
enroute for Hot Springs for his health.
Held Annual Election.
Savannah, Ga., Oct 13.—The an
nual election of officers of the Ocean
Steamship Company and the Central
of Georgia Railway, developed no sur
prises yesterday. All the directors of
the Central were re-elected except
Stukrt R. Knott who was displaced for
Judge J. R. Lovett, of New York. They
are both Harrlman men and It Is pre
sumed Mr. Harrlman decided that
Judge Lovett would be of more service
tp him In this territory than Mr.
Knott. All the old officers were re
Annuali Meeting, Atlantic Compress
Savannah, Ga., Oct 13.—The annual
meeting of the AtlantlcCompressCom-
pany waa held hero today. There were
no changes in the officers. The affalra
of the company are in excellent shape.
It owns compresses in many of the
principal cotton shipping points in
Georgia and Alabama.
Delegation Left For Claxton.
Savannah', Ga., Oct 13.—A delega
tion of Knlghta of Pythias left Sav
annah today for Claxtqn where they
are to attend the convention of the
8th District Knight of Pythias. The
meeting promises to be one of much
Interest Mr. J. W. Arnett, of Sylvan-
la la president of the organisation.
The address of welcome will be re-
«ponde4,.to by Mr. W. O. Sutllve,
former President of the. , organisation.
Gel. p'Leary Received Commission.
Savannah, Oa* Oct 1$.—Cot M. J.
O’Leary, of tbe first Regiment ot in
fantry, National Guards of Georgia,
who has just received his commission,
commanded bis regiment for tbe first
time last night He will make
splendid officer for this crack com
mand of Infantry.
Cleveland, Ohio, OcL 12.—Whilst
pulling Into the jrardn hen this morn
ing ths train boaring Wm. Howard
Taft waa Jeralled by Uw sprawling of
th. rails. Little damage was done
and none were Injured. After twenty
mlqutee delay the candidate for Pres
ident renamed hit Journey.
A SL Loots woman says
romea ara Han.- Wonder It she Is Tartar Is being curved np before
to society:—Macon Teto graph. Thanksgiving day this year.
Barnesvllte. Ga.. OcL 12.—For tho
second tlmo within the past tew weeks
Yatesvllle has had a disastrous Are,
Cve stores being totally Jeetroyed
there this morning at 1 o’clock fills
Tbe lots Is only slightly covered
with Insurance, to that the net loss
will probably amount to nearly $12,000.
It Is believed that the Bra was of In
cendiary origin. The snfferara then
are willing to pay n liberal reward tor
the apprehension of the gnllty parties.
Berlin, Oct. 13.—Arnold and Pow
ell, in charge of the SL Louis entry
In tho International balloon races,
last night had a narrow escape when
their balloon precipitated them Into
the North Sea, thirty miles from
shore. Trey wore reseped by a Ger
man steamship.
New York, OcL 11.—Atop the great
Iron tower at the Brooklyn end of tho
Williamsburg bridge a thrilllnfc strug
gle took place today while hundredts
of persons looked on from below.
An Insane man, who had eluded the
tower watchman, climbed an Iron
stairway at the top of th. tower 636
feet above the East river and was
preparing for a leap Into the river
when two policemen climbed up after
The appearance of the polleemen
distracted the matt from hla purpose
and he turned upon the blue coats
with n razor, Tbe Ineane man mill
ed to attack them and then on the
narrow footing at the dlssy bight, a
ten mlnnte battle took place which
hold nil who witnessed It epeechleM
with horror... ... , V
.Back find forth tho trio struggled,
now on the jergo of toppling to de-
strnctlon and then tottering back to
the ranter of the small platform. To
those who gazed aloft It seemed boors
Instead of minutes before the mao was
overpowered. Then be waa handcuf
fed and taken. eUU straggling, down
tho lower ladders, trying nt every
step to throw himself and bis raptors
Into space.
At the Eastern district hospital
where Ihe prisoner was taken he
gave hla name as Joseph Knits, of
Brooklyn, Ha was placed In a padded
Rome, Oct. 13.—The engagement be
tween Miss Elkins and Duke Abruzzt
ia undoubtedly broken, according to
announcement Issued from court cir
cles today. The statement bears tbe
semi-official stamp and practically
confirms the prediction in these dis
patches of Monday. The breaking
of the engagement Is attributed to the
constant discussion ot the match Id
the European and American press.
mammoth footprint.
A stone bearing the Imprint of a hu
man foot of large else that was discov
ered near lock -4 la causing consider
able curiosity among the local paleon
tologists. The footprint is very dis
tinct, the impression being of a depth
of about a quarter of an inch. The stone
was discovered in the bed of a small
branch that flows into the river and
was probably brought to light by the
erosive effect of the stream. The foot
print is well proportioned, its length
measuring 16 inches and the width
of corresponding size.—Birmingham
Age Herald.
That must be Yancey Carter’s track
hn he was making for the west.
Philadelphia, Oct. 13.—A secret au
topsy today revealed the fact that
Capt. Erb, who was shot and killed
by his sister-in-law, was poisoned be
fore he was shot.' The poison was
admiolstered In n "hik'd ball' and there
was sufficient of a deadly drug ia hla
stomach to kill oven If tbe shoi had
not been Bred.
The theory ot the police Is that the
murderer’s versioned that when the
<lrag did not take quick effect they
feared that Erb would become suspi
cious and It was necessary to kill him
ts keep him from discovering the ploL
New York, OcL 13.—Senator John
son, of Alabama, was a caller at the
Democratic headquarters today, and
said In a talk about lae ru.onea
apathy In the Democratic ran-psiga
that the report waa unfounded.
"Apathv dn sn't exist outside ot
New York," he sold. ' Mr observa
tions ot the sentiment w.ere I have
been Is that the Democrats ire ag
gressive and united, while ihe repub
licans are listless and.spMe'.le. :f
there Is any evidence In the actions
ot human beings, then w? hare the
election won."
London, OcL It.—War clouds In tb.
Balkans are still diminishing. Austria
today made representation In fan
British Foreign Office which Indicates
her willingness to participate In an
International conference. However,
It Is understood that Austria Is not In
accord with the British plan of arbi
tration which 'contemplates the tem
porary surrenderor by Austria of Bos-
ulii and Herxi-gnvhla.
Bulgaria, It Is said, still maintains
an Irrational attitude as does Bervla.
A Sofia dispatch says that Bulgaria '
Is ready to declare war within three
days unless Turkey recognises her In
dependence today, .That country has
called out all classes of her army re
Having bet $500 tbit be bed seen
1,000 snakee In one day near Martina-
bnrg. Ark. Michael Kelly, a drummer,
won the wager when he took the com
mittee to n big care sued-with rep-
-hkfdsVBWtohWi Telegraph.
James Hamilton Lewis ban a Bner
and more Bowing heard than the
Vlra-Prestdentlal candidate. Seme ray
that Mr. tawls u a better speaker.—
Savannah Pres*.
Remember Mr. Kern did not hare
the advantage of being born In Geor
gia. Barring thin handicap he ie all
Oovornor elect Brown wUl in ■ few
days resume the tour of tho state
which he began about six weeks ago.
lie Is putting ulle nU personal busi
ness that il-es not demand bis per
sonal nttemlen. for the pnrpoee of be
ing able to keep ills promise to visit
■II sections of O orgte and meet the
people wboee chief executive be le to
become. He has accepted xeveral In
vitations for the present month. He
will pay n second visit to Savannah
In about two weeks, will go to Au
gusta aeon sad! other plteee Brom
which he hu received' cordial Invito,
tloas at the. earliest opportunity.