Newspaper Page Text
The following story from yesterday's
Jacksonville Tlraes-Unlon U an ac
count of a body of timber near Way-
cross, recently purchased for the J.
Lee Ensign Interests. It Is an under
stood fact that within the next sixty
days Mr. Ensign will recommence the
construction pf ills mill in Wayeross.
which was begun at the beginning of
the panic. The proposed mill will
have a dally capacity of 75,000 of lum
ber and Is to be constructed west of
the city limits. The Tlmes-Unlon
story Is as follows:
Mr. Charles M. Council, of Ameficus
has Just closed the most Important
deal In real estate, perhaps, ever ef
fected here, Involved os It does, 71,000
acres of undeveloped timbered lands
with a cash consideration of $171,000
says the Arnerlcus, (Ga.). Tlracs-Ite-
This amount—! 171.000—represent s
a fortune In Jtseif, but It Is destined
to more than double Itself to the pur
chaser of this magnificent domain In
the pines. 1
Mr. Council Is receiving many con
gratulations from friends upon his
successful deal.
The silence of this primeval forest
has never been broken by the ring
of the woodman’s axe, and remains
an undeveloped mine of wealth.
Stretching along the Southern bord
ers of four Georgia counties and skirt
ing the nothern limits of the land of
flowers Is this magnificent pine for
The purchase of Mr. Council per
fect titles to this property, which was
once bought by Col. 8. H. Hawkins,
of AmcrJcus, as an investment. Mr.
Council llkewlso secures the
Dowling and ft. Lee Ensign Interests.
Mr. Ensign la well known In Aroeri-
cus, and throughout southern Goor-
gla, nn an extensive and successful
lumberman and operator.
With title thus perfected Mr. Council
owns the largest timbered tract In
Georgia, and the most ratable one at
The acqlrement of the vast property
where so many Interess were invol
ved, was long and tedious, necessitat
ing many visits to Florida with his at
torney Judge James A. Hlxon, in the
Anal consummation of the deal.
But success has crowned persistent
efforts, and Mr. Council will reap a
magnificent fortune from his purchase
and that quickly.
It is tho purpose of those Interest
ed to form a company for tho develop
ment of this vast property. Monster
saw mills will be established and tho
miles of the pine forest reduced to
merchantable lumber. As It Is of the
finest quality tho highest prices, will
be obtained for It in tho markets of
the world.
Mr. Council proposese to sell this
company only toe timber on the lana
to bo paid for by the cutting company
as used. The salo of this land Is
not Involved therein. Mr. Council
owning all of the lands anJ selling
to the cutting company the timber
privileges, only, and in which he. too.
Is Interested.
Mr. Charles M. Council will Be presi
dent of the company, owning a full
half Interest therein; Mr. J. L. Ensign
will be vice president and general
manager, nnd Mr. John M. Council
secretary and treasurer.
The lands are. located | n Clinch,
Echols, end Wore counties, In Geor
gia; Columbia, and Taylor counties
In Horida; the Bennett, Peagier,
Dickerson and Dougherty Interests In
one tract, and the Burnett, and Lang-
dale interests In another.
This timbered tract fronts for six
miles on both sides or the Georgia
8outhe. M and Florida Railway, thus
rendering it most nccerlble.
Mr. Ensign wjl look ufter the cut
ting of timber and operation of mills,
t'ne company having , vj plants at
* »rk already. Another mill wp. bo
located at once with a dally capatli/
«f 7.7,000 feet of lumber —worth t
prv« nt prices, very nearly $2.o> o -
.ium deity Income.
New York, Oct. 28,—Deciding the
fate of Charles W. Morse and Alfred
l*. Curtis, on trial over the certifica
tion and other violations of the na
tional banking acts rests solely upon
the testimony ol the defendant* them
selves, Their counsel announced to
day that their cases will he completed
by Monday. Morse’s attorneys de
clare that their client had no know
ledge of t'.ie now famous Leslie Whit
ing dummy loans.
Foreclosure By Advertisement Under
Power of 8ale.
Under and by virtue an-: power of
nale contained In a certain instrument
of writing executed on the 14th day of
August, 1907, by F, A. Bates and re
corded In the office of the Clerk of
tho Superior Court of Ware county,
Georgia. In book of mortgages number
(5, of said county on page ninety, the*
undersigned will sell at public dutcry
within the legal aours of sale, before
the court house door in said county,
to the highest and best bidder for
cash, on the first Tuesday In Decem
ber. 1908, tho following described
property, to-wlt:
All the following land or real estate
In Ware county, Georgia, viz:
1. Tho east half of lot number
twelve (12) of block (120) one hun
dred and twenty, being a part of oi-j
iglnal lot number one hundred and j
twenty In the 8th district of said Ware j
county. Georgia, containing four and j
one-half (4 1-2) acres, more or less,
and being the land conveyed to D.
F. Kirkland by Mrs. Zollle Stuart and
husband, Geo. II. Stpart, by deed of
October 27th 190C, recorded in Book
“CC” Folio 4, which Is here relerrej
2. Also tho weal half of lot of land
number twelve (12) in Block one hun
dred and twenty (120), being part of
the original land lot number 120 In
the 8t'.i district of said Ware county,
Georgia, containing four and one-half
(4 1-2) acres, more or less, and being
the land couveyed to said D. F. Kirk
land by H. Murphy by deed of Novem
ber 30th 1904, recorded In Book "Z”
folio 401, which la here referred to.
The two above described parcels of
land constitute a tract of nine (9)
acres, more or less, in the 8th district
of Ware county, Georgia.
For the purpose of paying principal.
Interest and ten per cent attorneys’
fees on a certain promissory note for
$2,300.00 principal, besides interest and
ten per cent attorneys’ fees, said note
having been executed on August 14th,
1907, to the Bank of Wayeross, by
F. A. Bates, and becoming due ninety
days after the execution thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of olghi,
per cent per anum and stipulating
therein for the payment of ten per
cent attorneys’ fees provided said
note should be collected by law. The
total amount duo on said note to date
of this foreclosure. Including prlnc!
pal, Interest and ten per cent attor
neys’ fees being $2,775.67. together
with the costs of this foreclosure un
der power of sale given In said above
described Instrument.
This October 28t'a, 1908.
A. M. KNIGHT and
Receivers for the Bank of Wayeross.
Toledo, Oct. 28.—It Is reported here
that after his speech at Niles, Ohio,
exSecretary Shaw called the- Republi- Comer acquired the controlling inter
can National Headquarters up ova* ,n Euf au to cotton mills which was
- - - - w recently sold at auction and intends
long Jistance telephone and told them
was lost to Taft. The bank Adjusting the mills affairs. It Is said
Niles recently and the Democratic <to
posits guarantee plank has become l * rs on repa,r8 an<1 Dew machinery
dhd will resume running In a few
months .
popular. It is also learned that
Henry Needham, a prominent maga
zine writer, who after Investigating
politics In Ohio informed friend Taft
that he would yhave an exceedlngl
close escape of defeat In his own
at reduced prices. 2.50 ihlrts for
$2.00; $2.00 shirts for $1.50. The
Wayeross Pressing Club, F. L. Page
Prop. tf.
A well dressed woman interrupted a
political speaker recently by contin
ually coughing. If she had taken
Foley’s Honey and Tar It would have
cured her conga quickly and expelled
the cold from her system. The genu
ine Foley's Honey and Tar contain:
•r, opiates and Is In a yellow packaj:
'’'faro Cubati-utes.
C ntrU & Union Pharmacy.
A ;.;r.rrled man who permits any
.?r of his trunlly to take any*
L.Ing except Foley's Honey and Tar
!i r coughs, colds and lung troublo Is
guilty of neglect. Nothin? else in.
us good for all prolmonary troubles.
Tho genuine Foley's Honey ami Tar
contains no opiates and Is In a yel
low^ package.
, C. 1 & Union Pharmacy
Eufaula, • Ala., Oct. 28.—Governor
that he will spend fifty thousand dol-
Rome, Ga., Oct. 28.—Engineer Pease
and a colored fireman, both belonging
For tho next ten any. wo win MU 5,1 A,,anU - were lnslaa ‘ ,y kl , llad th ' 8
the famous Jewel tailor made shirt. when a “Orth-bound freight
train of the Southern struck an open
switch. The switch lock had been
broken and taken away. It is be
lieved to be the work of train wreck
The Georgia law requires a majorl
ty vote for presidential electors. Mr;
Bryan must get a majority over aljr
the opponents, otherwise an extra scs-^
slon of the legislature must bo called
are costly.
But the extra cost is not all tho.
'rouble. The republicans, and those'
tiding them to defeat a majority vote
.or Bryan, claim that an extra session
•anndt locally act in the matter.
They propose to raise technical points
vnd carry the matter to Washington
an l rob Georgia of her electoral vote,
9 wr; 7l9?i^a cheated In the Tllden
1 »ctl- n.
Foreclosure By Advertisement Under
Power of Sale.
Under and by virtue and power of
sale contained in a certain instrument
of writing, executed on tho 6th day
of April 1905, by W. A. Price, Inex E.
Sharpe and 8. E. Ellington to the
Bank of Wayeross. and recorded in
hook "C" of deeJs. folio 3S4 in tho
office of the clerk of the Superior
Court of Ware County, Georgia, the
undersigned will sell at public outcry-,
within tho legal hours of sale, before
the court bouse door In said county,
to the highest and best bidder for
cash on the first Tuesday In Decemher
1908. the following described proper*
All that part of original land lot
number two hundred nnd three (20d)
in the Sti land district of Ware coun
ty, Georgia, situated in what is known
as "New Wayeross,’’ and bring a part
of the "Hobbs’* property, nnd more
particularly described as follows:
Fronting seventy-eight nnd three
tenths 178 3-10) feet on the west side
of Eads street and running back of
uniform width a distance of one Hun
dred and seventy (170) feet to a lane
which separates said property from
that of Johnson. Hawkins, Lowtncr
nnd Wall. Said property la bounded
on the north by land of J. B. Lewia
and Mrs. U Johnson, on the east
by the west side of Eads street:
on tilt Math by —— Lowther’s lot
and on the west by the above men-
‘toned lane. It being the purpose
For the best bicycle Urea at the futd Intention of the undersigned to
least price eee J. T. McGee, SI Al- wl! all of the property described In
Mr*. Ada 1.. Croom.the widely kuown
proprietor uf the Croom Hotel, Viuighn
Miss., says: ’FVr several nnnth* I
suffered with a severe cough, aud con
sumption seemed to have its grip cn
me, when a friend recommended Dr.
King’s New Discovery. 1 began tak
ing It. and three bottles affected h
complete cure.” The fame of this
life saving cough and cold remedy,
and lung and throat healer is wort!
wide. 8oid at all drug stores. 52c
and $1.09. Tr!i» bottle free.
tierce to rerfeet this scheme ex:
• in-* t o to.v.r aV# actlvltv of the
-public; n«. It explains why Watzon
■s not left Georgia, but exerted all
». energies here. It explains why
1 this republican and so called Jet-
rsonlan literature has been scattered the state. •/ -
The object is to defeat Bryan’s ma«
orlty that ugly complication may
erDe. *0
But when our people understand
what Is up, they will arouse them
selves and roll up such a majority
that will be & scathtng rebuke to those
in the deal to defraud Georgia of her
rights In the electoral college. The
Herald predicts a big vote, an over
whelming majority in Georgia for Bry
an. No "Returning board" for Geor-
gia. qi
Within the next year or so four
members of the United States Su
preme Court must be appointed. It to
Important to the South that a Demo-'
crat be the appointing power. ThD
of Itself is enough to Inspire voters
to po to the polls and give Bryan n
rousing majority.
has not been heretofore released ny
the Bank of Wayeross or its receiver
For the purpose of paying the bal
ance due as principal, interest nnd ten
per cent, attorneys’ foes on a certain
fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dollar
promissory note, besides Interest and
ten per cent, attorneys’ fees, said
note having been executed on August
13th 1907 to the Bank of Wayeross by
W. A. Price, S. E. Ellington and Inez
E. Sharpe and becoming duo ninety
(90) days after the .!ate of execution
thereof, bearing interest at tho rate
of eight per cent per annum from
date, and stipulating therein for the
payment of ten per cent attorneys'
fee*, provided said note should be col
lected by law.. The total amount due
on said note to date of this foreclos
ure. including principal. Interest and'
ten per cent attorneys' fees, being
Six Hundred, forty-eight and 35-100
($648.35) Dollars, together with the
costs of this foreclosure, under power
of sale given In said above described
This October 38*5*. 190*. '
A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire
Ga., W. A. Floyd by aame, says:
"Bucklin'* Arnica Salve cured
two worst sores I ever saw: one on
my hand and one on my leg. It 1*
worth more than Its weight In gold.
I would not be without it If I had
to mortgage the farm to got it.” Only
25c at all drug stores.
LAST NIGHTS MAIL FREIGHTED I mobile Club', publicity committee to
. -WITH AFFIDAVITS. *eome to Savannah tor the purpose of
Inspecting the world famous automo
bile course arrlrod till, morning. They
Foley’s Honey and Tar cures
coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs
and expels colds. Get the genuine In
a yellow package.
Central & Union Pharmacy.
To quickly check a cold, druggists
ao dispensing everywhere, a clever
Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Pre-
ventics. Preventica are also fine for
feverish children. Take Preventica at
the sneeze stage to head off all colds.
Box of 48—25c. All dealers.
Cleveland, Oct. 28.—Tho Central
Trust Co., New York, today applied
for a receiver for the street railway
system at Cleveland., The Central
Trust Company Is trustee for three
to choose the electors. Extra sessional bond issues made by the old Cleveland
Electric Railway, which is now a pare
of, the Cleveland Railway Company’i
People with kidney trouble are so
weak and exhausted that they are
only halt alive. Foley’s Kidney Reme-
y makes healthy kidneys, restores,
at vitality, and weak, delicate peo
ple, are restored to health. Refuse
eny but Foley’s
Central <c Union i .tut mac j
Our while fainllv has enjoyed tood
health since we l» « using
King's N.w ufe liil*. three years
ago,” says L. A. ’-artlett, of Rural
Route 1, Gilford Maine. They eleau<e
tnd tone the system In a gentle wa»
:hat doe* you good. 25c at all drug
This woman says that sick
women .should not fail to try
Lydia E. Plnklinm'* Vegetable
Compound a* she did.
Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2h55 Lawrence
St., Denver, CoL, writes to Mrs.
“ I was practically an invalid for six
vears. on account of female troubles.
I underwent an operation by the
doctor's advice, but in a few months 1
was worse than before. A friend ad
vised Lydia E. Piukham’s Vegetable
Compound aud it restoied me to perfect
health, such as I have not enjoyed in
many years. Any wo.nan suffering as
1 did with backache, Warlng-down
pains, and periodic pains.should not fail
to use Lvaia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
For thirty vears Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
st&ndgrd remedy for female ills,
and hM positively cured thousands ox
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, alee ra
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear
ing-down feeling, flatulency, indices
tion,dizxiness or nervous prostration, i
Why don’t you try it?
. Mrs. Plmkham Invites lU stek I
women to write her for advice.
Savannah, Ga. Oct 28.—last nights
mail to Atlanta was freighted with
affidavits from the recently elected
officer* of Chatham county. They hur
ried their reports to the Comptroller
General upon the amount of money
they bad spent In their election on
Oct. 7. Only one Savannah office bold
er *wore to having *pent any money.
Waring Russell. Jr., gave up $1.25 for
a small table upon which to plac: tick
ets near the court house. With the
others the election was a romp and
dint cost a cent of money. The offi
cers in Chatham County almost slept
upon their rights as they let the time
within which the affidavit* should be
filed almost pa** before attending to
Second Day of Convention.
Savannah, Ga.. Oct. 28.—The Second
day* convention of the
ision of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy began tills morning with
a business session at Lawton Memor
ial. Announcements were made and
chapter reports read. These report*
showed that the Daughter* are taking
an active Interest In the affairs of
their organization and that most <
the chapters are in excellent shape.
The WIrz monument committee and
the United monument committee
to make report* during the session
today. The WIrz monument commit
tee will make suggestion* that noth
ing be done toward unveiling this
monument until there is further dis
cussion as to where It shall be erect
This afternoon the convention will
adjourn and tho Daughters will spend
the rest of the day at Tybee enjoying
an oyster roast as the guest of the
Confederate Veterans of Savannah.
The Confederate Veterans Association
has prepared a splendid entertainment
for the visitor* and the aftrnoon and
early evening wll be Very enjoyably
spent. This evening there will be
a historical meeting. Mrs. A. Van-
Hoose, the Chairman of the Medal
Committee Symposium will make her
report and the Historical Committee
Symposium of which Mrs. H.
Franklin is Chairman will also report.
The Arlington Monument Committee,
Mr*. J. A. Rounsavllle, of Rome,
Chairman will also report tonight
Last night at the home of Mr*. A. B.
Hull, the President, of the Savannah
Chapter, there was a most dollght-
ful entertainment The Daughters at
tended in large numbers and all spent
a most enjoyable evening.
Tomorrow there will be a business
session folowed by a reception tend
ered to Mis* Anna C. Bennlng, the
state regent, of the D. A. F. This
will be attended by the members of
the U. D. C., and the D. A R The
n6xt U. D. C. Convention will be held
at West Point
Brown Was Declared Sane.
8avannab, Ga.. Oct. 28.—Yesterday
afternoon T. B. Brown, a local attor
ney, wa* given a hearing before a lun
acy Jury in the court of ordinary and
after a long trial was declared sane.
Brown’s wife had 'aim arrested. When
taken into custody It was believed
that he had been drinking too much
for bis own good.
ere taken In charge and have hen
ntertained all day. This evening they
will be given a dinner at Bannon's
Lodge after a trip around the course
In automobiles. The visitors are en-
jbying themselves and the day Is being
made a holiday with many of the
members of the dub.
Judge Speer Will Not H$ar Case.
Savannah. Cft., Oct. 28.—Judge
Emory Speer has announced that he
will not hear the case of the American
Naval stores Company en November
?th the date for which It was assigned
The announcement has caused the
greatest disappointment here.
Ijondon, Oct. 28.—A sensation has
been created by the publication In
the Dally Telegraph of a letter from
an English business man detailing a
remarkable Interevlew with Emperor
William of Germany, wherein his
majesty charges the' English press
with persistent nagging at Germany’.
He declared that Englishmen in gen
eral seem to have hatred for all things
German. The Emperor then cited in
stances of Germany’s history of
friendship for England and said one
of his dearest wishes was to live to
see best terms with Great Britain.
He said that the English people seem
to prefer to listen to those who misin
terpret and distrust his actions.
‘My three year old boy was badly
constipated, had a high fever and was
In an awful condition. I gave him
two doses -of Foley’s Orlno Laxative
and the next morning the fever was
gone and he was entirely well. Fol
ey’s Orlao Laxative saved his life.”
A. Wolkuah, Casiaer, Wls.
Central L Union Pharmacy.
Notice Is hereby given that the regis
tration books for the city of Wayeross
will be open at this office from Nov. 1
to Nov. 30, Inclusive from 8 a. m. to
12 m and 2 p. m. to 4 p. m.. Sundays
J. W. Strickland,
11 lm. Clerk of Council.
New York, Oct. 28.—The Jury in
the qase of Theodore Whitmore,
charged with the murder of his wife,
was taken to Lampblack swamp where
Lena Whitmore’s body was found last
Christmas Day. After satisfying
themselves on all points involved, the
Jury returned to court where the hear
ing of the testimony resumed.
C. H. Klugcr, T'«
V'rgtnia Ave., Inaatr i
“I wo* so week fr~*r "
Hit I could hardly
-cet. Four Bottle
rty Remedy clc; rod l..
r, 1060,
’*»v trouble
’ red
i Kid-
Mustered in Thl« Morning.
Savannah, a., Oct. 28.—The battah
Ion of BeneJIetlne Cadet, wae mutter
ed into tho etate tervice at ten. thirty
o'clock thle morning. Col. Jordan F.
Brook* wae the muetering offleer. The
ceremony took place on the campus
of tho school.
Newspaper Men Entertained.
SavAnah, Ga„ Oct.. 2S.—The news-
paper men of the etate who accepted
the invitation of the Savannah Auto-
■r.y tocticc' and the Irregular-
f'reppearej ' I can now al
ter. <- tcrlne.F every day, and rec-
commend Foley, Kidney Remedy to
all eufferers, os It cured me after the
doetora and other remedie, had fail
Central & Onion Pharmacy.
DaTld Parker, «f Payette. N. Y„ a
veteran of the civil war. who lost a
foot at Gettyaburg, lays: “The
Food Electric Bitters have done is
worth more than five hundred dollars
to me. I spent much money doctor,
Ing for a bad case of stomach trouble
10 little purpose. I then tried Electric
Bitters, and they cured me. I now
take them as a tonic, and they keep
me strong and well." 50c at all drug
4- + -i-.-t- * -j- v + j--H- + 4 * T+T
'***»« ia *«««■
ttk /o'te.‘£«aMe J 'cvr% Meo; “uaroilclj?
ilt of its entire va tic with the state under iw., . .. 5 *
ri‘4*' U«?po*il* law m wluva: oon* are suL-iof-r t
an absolute impossibility. * u J **. lender aucii ro*s
Attorney-General Han, of Georgia said reeontlv *-r^ » 4*
could afford to trine with fcl* Llfo Insurance •* i„ * - .Tf 4 . 1 1,0 *
Ulercfore. keen vour eve on SFr iuitv ■ 0 la *^ug ia.ura-
Uay Avenue. s.o.d. above mentioned Instrument which
WtKfou Gl
therefore, keep sour eye on SEC iRITY.'
The State Ufe Insurance Cc .iiany of In.,
posits Ua reserve ANNUALLY with the” D ®"
poait on the amt of list from" ra !f c ‘- °>1» do-
lions Eigh Hundred Thousand Cc.-laro. F ° T » P>ve Mil-
ASSETS 1P07 SMM.744.