Newspaper Page Text
Waycroce, Ga., Oct. 15, 1908.
Mr. C. h. Sweat
Chairman Finance Committee,
WaycrpM. Oa.
Dear Sir:
I hand you herewith my report of
the Clerk of Council for the
quarter, lt08.
Collected for at Pavln* 442..16
Collected for sidewalk paving 30.00
Collected for lnt., on bote .. 30.00
Collected for wat«r rent ... 2,552.30
Total $3,054.40
fly City Treasurers Receipt* $3,054.46
Very Respectfully Submitted,
, J. W. Strickland,
Clerk of Council.
To the Mayor nnd Council, City of
1 '.wive checked the books of J. W.
Strickland. Clerk of Council and
found them correct for the 3rd quar
ter, 190R.
C. M. Sweat,
Chairman Finance Committee
To the Hon. Mr. C. M. Sweat, Chair
man of the Finance Committee,
Dear Sir: I herewith hand you re
port of t'no City Marshal for tho 3rd
quarter of 1908.
Fines and Forfeits $120.00
Street Tax 1CC.00
Tax Executions 53.38
Impounding fees 19.25
Ffiillirer sale 6-50
Tie preliminary bearing of tho
case against Chas. Goddard, ebargad! WtU K*
with adultery before JuJge W.
McDonald yesterday afternoon, re
sulted In the court binding over the
man for trial In the city court The
evidence waa conclusive that God
dard bad registered for himself and
the woman, Mrs. Bailey, at tie hotel
as “ Mrs. Chas. oGddard and lwfe,
and this and other evidence waa con
sidered sufficient to hold the man
over for trial. Judge McDonald fix
ed Goddard's bond at $200, but the
man waa unable to obtain ball.
Immediately after tho preliminary
bearing, M. D. Bailey, the womans
husband, swore out a warrant
mtalnst her for the same offense
with which Goddard Is charged, and
•he was placed under arrest. She
alio was unable to obtain ball.
Goddard and Mrs. TJullcy were nji
carried to Jail but were placed un-
iler the care of an officer, the three
spending the night at tie hotel.
During tho evening Mr. Bailey
made a proposition to the woman to
withdraw tho charges against! her
nnd to furnish her u railroad ticket
to any point she desired to go. Tho
woman declined tho offer, so It Is
ptate<i. preferring to remain with
Tim trial of the case against the
oman and Goddard has been set for
tomorrow heforu Judge Myers.
t m Pu Pacific Skfr. HU
Washington Address is tjisgthSL,
N. Wn Washington. D. C
• Total 1371.13
Credited by Troas. receipts $371.13
Respectfully submitted
» John W. Colley,
City Marshal.
To the Hon. Mayor and Council ot
The City of Waycross:
I have examined the hooka of John
W. Colley, City Marshal, for 3rd quar-
tor and find t'aem correctly kept.
C. M. Sweat.
Chairman Flnanco Committee
Roport of Warren l.oU, City Treas
urer, 3rd quarter, 1908.
Vouchers herewith
Balance on hand ..
( Total $46,049.45
On hand last roport $40,500.56
Received of C. A. Sheldon Tax
Collector .. 2,589.60
Rocelved of J. W. Colley, City
Marshal 371.12
Received of J. W. Strickland,
Clerk 602.16
Loan (loss discount) 2,086
Total $46,049.45
Overpaid last roport $5,800.00
Paid nlterest Public Improve
ment Donds 1,750.09
ToUl ¥ $7,560.00
Rccelrod from Genoral Fund $7,550.00
/ Total *7.550.00
Note, on hud 122.575.70
Ills grace tho Duko of Argyll was
nddrfrsln^ a select company In a
l-nndon drawing room on tho present
state of things In South Africa,
look forward to the time." bo said,
"when the Englishman will marry the
Doer girl and have an English wife
as well!" Respectablo dowagers loos
ed their surprlao, and the men began
to smile. Then the duke carefully ex
plained .that he moant, of course
that the Boer girl should become an
Englishwoman to all Intents and pur-
New York, Dec. 22.—Tho statistics
of life Inauranco people show, that
in the last twenty-five years tho aver-
ngo length of a man’s Ufo has In
creased 6 per cent, or two whole
years from 41.9 to 43 9 years. —- -
Now York, Dec 22—From all Euro-
pean countries comes news lof Increas
cd aeronautic activity, an Indispu
table signs that aerial science is
growing rapidly In popularity. Franco
still tho lender for widespread
aeronautic interest and accomplish
ment, stneo the last Inquirer revlow
hut tho other countries are not so
far behind. Belgium, England, Ger
many, Italy and Russia also furnish
much Inportant aerial history.
Total $22,575.70
Notea on hand last report.. $22,123.18
Cash on hand last report ... 452.52
Total $11,575.70
Overpaid last report ...... $7,960.14
Vouchers herewith $2,315.14
Balance on hand 217.16
* Total $10,518.44
Received from J. W. Strickland,
« Clerk *; 2.552.30
Rocelved from Oen. Fund ... .7,966.14
f _
I Tptal
Vouchers herewith
Balance on hand
. 448.67
K Total ...$1,517.78
On hand last roport $592.47
Rocelred of B. A. Pound. Sec $935.31
1 Total $1,527.78
Doposlt 1st National Bank $16,390.50
Deposit Bank of Waycross .$5,165.09
F Total
Balance General Fund ..
Balance Wateryorka Fuud
Balance School Fund ....
.. 448.67
{ Total
Chicago, Dec. 22.—Under a new
contract between tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Co., and tho Pullman Co.
tho latter will pay. for the first time
In Its history, a railroad company
for tho prlvllego of running Its roll
ing stock on Its lines. Tho Pullman
Co., la to furnish tho Pensylvonla
50C all steel sleeping and parlor cara
to bo delivered early In 1910. The
Pullman Company will pay the rail
road $700 a year for oach car.
lion. Thos. Gale, who was elected to
Congress from Alaska, is well known on
tho Pacific slope, whore ho has resided.
His Washington address is 1312 9th ML,
N. W., Washington, D. C.
Washington, D. C.
Pc runs Drag Co., Coin abut, Ohio.
Gentlemen: I cmm cheerfully recom
mend Paruns an n very efficient rem
edy for coughs and colds.
Thomas Calc.
Hon. O. Stamp, Congressman from
Virginia, writs#: “ I bars used your val
uable remedy* Parana, with beneficial
results, and can unhesitatingly rscorn-
•lend your remedy as an invigorating
tonlo and an effective and permanent
cure for oatanrb.”
Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative.
SO t* Tsmidi,
to Km*
Tims ter T»s
New York, Doe. 19—Norman Mick, f
rh.irm.p ot ttio Democratic Nation-
.“! ss-esasstasssw
golden opportunity,
In dlicuMliic him.
To oeeuro FREE of ehnrgo A Clock, the
* ueh guaranteed for ten years
under consideration tho question ot
prosecuting the newspapers whom
the President considers guilty
criminal libel In connection with tho
publication regarding the Panama C*
nal purchase.
New York, Dec. 19.—Mrs. Mary
Clapp .a pretty blonde of years, was
arraigned this morning and Is held
for extradition upon Information irotu
New Ilranford, Tex, charging her with
forgery and the larceny of valuable
papers from her husband, Henry
Clapp. Mrs. Clapp refused to em
ploy counsel and said she would re
turn to Texas.
Chicago. Dec. 19.—Margaret Wish-
well, aged 21, nn actress known as
Peggy Perry, Is dying In a hospital
ns a result of a bullet wound near
tho heart after a mysterious shooting
early this morning in her apartments.
The shooting occurred in the pres
ence of her room mate, Elizabeth
Jane, who says that Miss Wlshwell
discharged her revolver accidentally.
Tho police learn that the girls were
out last evening with two male escorts
who ore being searched for. Miss
Wlshwell Is a pretty blonde and la a
sister of Mrs. Wlshwell O’Neal,
Birmingham. Ala.
It Is actually depressing; to con
template what opportunities In the
way of reforestation In this state are
being wholly neglected. Look out
of your car window as you speed! the 18th da y of January,
along, especially if you are traveling j following real estate, to wit:
through that once splendid yellow All of the following property In
pine bf?lt that follows pt wtiryfnjr • Wnycrosa, Ware county, Georgia,
♦ One lot leginning at the Inter-
Under end by virtue of « power
ot .ale contained In a certain mort
gage) executed by A. S. Horton ot
said county to the Mayor and Clun-
ell ot t*ne City or Waycras, a muni
cipal corporation, organlied and ex
isting under the laws ot tbo State ot
Georgia, on the 21st day ot February
1906, and recorded In the office ot
tho clerg ot tbo Superior Court ot
Ware County In Mortgage Book -B*-
page 410. the undersigned will sell
at public out-cry to tiic highest bidder
tor cash, at the court-house of said
county tn Waycross, Georgia, within
the legal hours of sale, on Monday,
1909, the
Wiahtngton. Deo. 19.-Attorney I «jen a JjfjS^TEBO FOR TEN YEARS.
General Bonaparte, after a confer-1 WORD OF THIS 6REAT “ '
enee the Present, announced!
today that Deputy Johnson hsa JtlU jtree I. the { thing In
the world. All you have to oo
sa *r , /.°r?h. , iry B ir.p p ^
package of handsoma portraits
of Gsorga Washington, and
ask you to show, them to your
^l&eseportralta are copies ol
the best known painting of tha
first Presidsnt of the United
States, and are dlffersnt from
and handsomer than any pio*
ture oj the kind you ever
“This Is Just the picture
for the dining-room or sit
ting room. and. because tne
strengthens the love
of home and country In old
and young alike, everybody
will want one of them ana
will be glad to pay for it
on the liberal proposition
I will authorise you to
make. You only have to
collect $5 In this way to
make this OlorJouq Clock
yours forever. —,— _ _
will b. delighted with. On® of these gift, I will .end to you FREQ Abo PRE
PAID .. won a. I th, postal card with your name on It The ether
I will gtv, to you tuat for being prompt in following my lnitructiena -
■ “ * ill® second extra gift wh.n^t s.nj the tbit
will tell you all about
1 will do a. eooa aa I hear from you, so
for your trouble. Also, if you gel sis
or Tor any ether reason fell to collect alt of the ft, I will par rou well for wS
you do* go you see, TOU CAN'T L03R.O elt right down and writ, to nil.
follows:' -D. R. OSItORSK, Hanager, NeehrUT
trait, .1 Genera. XVastlagtoa aad complet.
Coldra Clock, with th. rnagmtaadmg that <h
■M cat- Then put your name and address.
Pleoao send me th. nor
mal ge» earning the ci.riona
I doe. set Mad au fe Hr »•*
Washington. Dee. 19.—The House
yesterday afternoon allowed a elalm
of the Cltlsena Bank of New Orleans
for 121,000 to reimburse them for the
moneys seised by General Butler at
Iho time of tho capture ot New Or
leana lu 1862. The House also at-
lowed *19,000 to rclmburso tbs own
ers tor tha llleswl seizure ot tho Hex-
lean steamer Tabosqueno during the
Spanish war.
New York. Dec. 19.—Harry 8udan,
curb broker, with offices on Broad
street, was shot and fatally wounded
by J. C. LumsJcn. the Inrentor,
the former’s office today. The mo
tive t, a mystery. Sudan !• uncon
scious and Lnmsden doggedly return
od to talk. Members ot 8udan'e of
fice force overheard a quarrel
tweea the two men but were unabte
to learn the canoe.
widths our amplu coaatlnc. and wit*
ness the unrepaired destruction that
tias been wrought. Tho turpentine
stilt and tho saw mill have blasted
tho splendid forests like a scourge
and where once that monarch or the
forest, tho long leaf pine, roared bis
head lu countJosa numbers now are
only seared stumps and file begin
ning of new growth—not of yeeiow but ot scrubby oaks and ot old
Hold pines and their llko. The atUt
and the mills did not leave oven
enough of the long lost to furnish
the natural meant ot reforestation,
Not only .we lost our noblo forests of
yollow pine but those lands where
new jgrowfh might he offering its
promise to coming generations there
Is no prospect of so happy a conium-
Respectfully submitted,
f Warren Loll.
■ - City Treasurer.
To the Hon. Mayor' and Council ot
The City of Waycross:
I havo examined the books and
checked same for the 5rd quarter
IPOS and find them correctly kept
City Treasurer.
C. M. Sweat,
Chairman Finance Committee.
Mr. a M. Swoat, Chairman Finance
Summit tee.
Sens Sir: Below End my report.
Ltnsence Tax, tor third quarter, 19**.
July II 212.75
August 24 1210.00
September I *75.50
October 15. .\ ST.25
Total 5559.50
Buy Tress. Receipts *580.(0
Very truly yours.
Chas A. Sheldon,
Tax Collector.
To the Hon. Mayor and Council ot
fie City ot Waycross:
I havo examlnod the books of Chat.
A. Sheldon and checked came nnd
find them correct
C. M. Sweat
Chairman Plannee Cummin*,
What n pity U Is that the owners
of these lands have not the means
and the disposition to begin their re
forestation! What a pity It la that
tho state ot Georgia la so careless ol
her future, so careless of her future
wealth and of bur future citizenship,
that she has dotto nothing to oncour
age the replanting or these lands—
and Instead leaves them there, rob
bed of their wealth, worthies now and
with no promise ot ever being any
thing .else than worthless. They
might be growing up In hopeful young
pines or n sort that wouM untlmately
make trees ot value—fnitdad they
are upgrown with worthless scrubs
that are not now and win not he ot
any value, unless it be for firewood.
We have practically ffntshed the
destruction of onr yellow pine forests
and yet not one step ham wo made
In the direction ot replacing them.
Thera might fee some excuse It the
lands had been put to some other use
hut bow much ot them hat been left
lust as the, were when (ha axeman
passed on! We have taken away to
our selfish uses ths wealth ot the
tend—and era have put aethlag bach.
We have hacked aad hewed—and we
have not even pot back the seed for
another crop. Was there ever another
people so wasteful, so shortsighted
regardless ot their children and
their children’s children?
And can’t we do anything about tt?
section ot tho west boundary lino
Eadst street with the south boundary
lino of Marlon Btreot; thence south
along Eads street sixty feet; thence
neat at right angles to Eads street,
one hundred and forty-two and one-
half feet to alloy; thence North along
said alley sixty feet to Marion street;
’.hence East along Marlon street one
hundred, forty two and one halt foot
'■> the »f Uginning;
Also one lot beginning at the Inter
section of the West boundary lines
ot Eads street with the -North bound
ary line ot Chandler street; thence
North along Eads street sixty two
feet; thence West one hundred, forty
two and one half feet to an alley
thence South along said alley sixty
two feet to Chandler atreet; thence
ea»l along Chandler street one hon-
dred, fort, two and one half feet to
tho point of beginning. The said lots
described In two dcods from J. 8.
Bailey and M. C. Parker to A. 8.
Horton, dated April 26th 1904 and
recorded In Book “Y”, folio 155,
Clerit’i office. Ware Superior Court,
to which reference Is made.
.Said sale being tor the purpose
1 paying one certain promissory
note executed by said A. 8. Morton
to the Mayor and Connell ot the City
ol Waycrou tor the principal mm ot
*659. 09. dated February *1. 1*05.
and due one year after date and bear
ing Interest after date at S per cent
per annum, together with 10 per cent
attarnys tees; tho total amount due
on said note being, on the day ot sale,
*669.00 principal, IS05.6J Interest, and
*8556 attorney's fees together with
coots of this proceeding; said
Sal* having been made for the pur-
pose of securing tha payment of said
Indebtedness; and proper conveyance
wfll he executd ID the purchaser or
purchasers ot said lands.
This 22nd day ot Dec, 1908
By A. M. KNIGHT. Mayor.
Whenever you heur.ot any appoint
ments by Ills Majesty, Hen. Hoke
Smith, you may pat It In yodr pipe
and smoke It that the fortunate ones
can show u clean Hoke Smith health
certificate. None but the True blue'
need apply.—Macon County ClUsen.
famous futility says kissing. Nothing wrong shout that we are
should be couineJ to tha lower sure. Governor Smith should remem-
Most ct us would he wilt her Ms Mends sad an things betas
lag to step down a notch or two to equal. Governor Brawn should As the
•si lata n cM time Ussln* mho, t sums MU%
Georgia School
of Technology
b better equipped and organised in all
department* than ever before, and pre
pared to do the best work in It* history.
Free Scholarships
In order to afford the young ire.
of Georgia high class technical educ
tion, fifteen free scholarships c:-_
assigned to each County in tic
State. Take immediate advantafo
of thb opportunity and write l
latest containing a M iV
formation neceawrr for prosp'.-uSv
students, and eetthig forth the ad
vantages of the Georgia Tech.
Adranccd courses In Meehanirri.
Electrical, Textile, and Civil tngi-
rccringr, Engineering Chemi:try,
Chemistry find Ai ihltccture. Lv
tmtlvc cri new equipment cf
Sh©A, Mill, Labo:a.orlca, etc. New
Librr.ry nnd new Chemical Lafc^ra-
:>• Ttz demand for the School's r-“d
teals much ^rmter than the supply
K::.i opens Sept. 30th. •
addrees K. 6.
/.U.r.’a, Cr.
|| F:r further Ir.fonratlcn nd
Jifl rimzoy, a. vl,h rrc:..
In Ten Week*
(~;HARTIER !:••.: 'i
staple rules, l.rurnc.1 ki *«?-: <.:r >
tlrne required for old systems. Unwt'-t* *
lioitiinff positions with ifHKtinr firms *il • n
tho Hou111 iifier eight to iwelvs wcpL»' :
courses, tend for the proof. _ i
DOOKK REPING tf.Ufht’|jy -Arwif
fhif'most Tcnnsncttonj'’j ,rom ,l, r * trr5, P
eouri# tnnjrbt In UieFonth. wVo V >• >- n
Pfctei our t uurto can koep auv »U ut' U~*^ *
tor snjr lino of business. jj
.TELEGRAPHY. Thl* deparUarrt !
eoarcj ot %n opetstor oi iwumy jre*r i <
• Writ# today tor Handsomely Tlloitratsd Catsloe- * 5
Ctoem by MilL J. O. BAGWELL* Pres®, 1W Peachtree St.* ’Atlanta, Ga. |
♦ + +■+ + + 4. + •£••5+ 4* + + + + ^
y” 10 ?.* 1 jtoh, k . «hsolumiy ssto beaus* It Is seemed
oy ft deposit ot bonds with the xovyrnment
■ASS’ 1 tl!L l - a .*. ,i y. clf Pu'lcy l* equally ae ante as a NaUonal
rtJll’dSS.p’iaw £”’“**““**“n'Vlt'aor'because’the
u ab«Bute bnpoaihlilHt ><i! ^ reBd «" “ ch to **
*Vi or i ey ‘^ enera * Hfirt, •»! Georgia said recentlv *Tlsat no mar
Srrefore”kap yom e W yo'‘oS , l E U Cup , ?f ,niUr ‘‘
Z*. Fcur
SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS 1907 .... " aroysM''
Wsyerau G«.