Newspaper Page Text
- . 'A curious fact about diamonds is
that it Is not uncommon for the crys
tals to explode ^s soon as trey are
brought up from the mine. Some
times they have burst in the pockets
cr the warm hands of miners, due to
the*, effect ^of increased temperature.
Large stones are more likely to do
this than small ones. Valuable
atones have been destroyed In this
To safeguard them' some dealers
place large diamonds in raw pota
toes for safe transport from South
Africa.—Indianapolis News.
Redding & Co., druggists hare brok-
en all records and have received the
first shipment of Irish Liniment ever
made to this section of the United
States. Irish Liniment was
cribed by Dr. DeCoursery, who in bis
day, was the best known man in Ire
land, where the name of the wonder
ful article waa a household word. It
will cure an y case of Eczema on top
of earth and for Rheumatism In any
form, the results aro beyond expres
sion. It will bring the impurities to
the surface, which means a cure, and
which no other preparation was ever
known to do. Book with every bottle
tells of other ailments that will sur
prise you. Go to Redding & Co., and
get a bottle of Irish Liniment and you
will bless the da y you did it. Cut
this article out and keep it for ref
erence. If Irish Liniment will not do
all we claim for it, go back to Red
ding & Co., and they will give you
50 cents for the empty bottle on your
honor as an American citizen.
50 cents at your druggists or CO
cents by express prepaid to your
home. Gilhooley Irish Liniment, Co.,
St. Paul, Minn. Dec. 14-28
J. P. Morgan & Co., say that while
they received and receipted for the
$400,,00,000 Panama canal pa>ment
thev di.l pot dcstrlbute the money
Mr. Cromwell says that the $4,000,-
f00 was divided, $25.«00.Q00 being
paid to the liquidator, tjie old do Les-
seps Co., and $15,000,000 being paid
to the new Panama Canal company.
This is almost as blind as J. P. ^or
gan &. Co’s answer.
Prior to the sale of the deLessepa
company’s assets to the new Panama
Canal company Its obligations could
be bought at a few cents on th dol
lar. The old company was hopelessly
bankrupt. Who bought the old obli
gations and divided up the $25,000,-
000 paid for them?
Who were the new Panama Canal
company which divided up $15,000,-
Who participated in the $5,000,000
syndicate and furnsihed the cash to
buy up the old obligations finance
the manufactured Panama revolution
and put through ths canal Job?
Lt congress Investigate fully at
once, openly* and Impartially. The
people <ft the States who paid. —
fthjf $40,000,000 are entitled to knoW fact that hryan polled nearly
I havo had a good meal for a
nickel,” declared the poet.
So have I,” replied the promoter,
"but. I’ve had a better one for eight
It will cost fourteen million dollars
to take the next census. But it will
be worth it for the census takers
have to mako the tell their
ages.—Anderson Mall.
But they don’t do it,
who were the ultimate recipients of
It.—N. Y World jj
It is a remarkable and instructive
fact that the careers of four of the
most renowned characters that ever
lived closed with violent or mournful
Alexander, after looking down fronf
the dizzy heights of his ambition upon
a conquered world and weeping that
there were no more to conquer, died
of intoxication in a scene of debauch
or, as some .suppose, by poison min
gled in his wine.
Hannibal, whose name carried ter
ror to the heart of Romo Itself, after
having crossed the Alps and put to.
flight the armies of the mistress of
the world, was driven from his coun
try and died at last of poison admin
istered by his - own hands in a for
eign land ,unlamented and unwept.
Caesar, the conqueror of 800 cities
and bis temples bound with chaplets
dipped in. tho blood of a million of
bis foes, was miserably assassinated
by those he'Considered his nearest
Bonaparte, whose mandate kings
and emperors obeyed, after filling the
earth with the terror of his name
closed bis days In lonely banishment
upon a barren the midst of the
Atlantic ocean.
Such the four men who may be con
sidered representatives of all whom
the world calls great and such their
end—Intoxication' or poison, suiolde,
murdered by friends, lonely exile.
a million and a half moro votes than
Parker Is accepted as an Indication
that a near Democrat is better than
a near Republican as a presidential
candidate for the 'Democratic party.
Next lime wo will show what a real
Democrat can do.—Augusta Chronicle.
V~ '— * —'
The duty 6f the young man toward
his future self is the greatest duty
ho has, says David Star Jordan. It
fc ls greater*than bis duty to parents,
friends or society, for It Includes all
of these. Weshould so live that our
future selves shall have nothing to
roproach ub for. Keep clean, keep
the body clean from vice, from drink,
from Drugs. Keep the mind clean.
Don’t fill it with poor Jokes, wltn
cheap music or foul thoughts.
. An unsophisticated gentloman stat
ed this morning that If we'd furnish
tbe possum fenced In with well cook
ed sweet potatoes (hat he’d Bhow us
how to eat him. That would be 'teach
ing an old dog new tricks, Indeed It
Examine A Five Dollar Bill, If, You
Have One In Your Possession
If, during this happy Chirsttfas
season anyone in Waycross Is fortun
ate enough to get a flve-dollar
hill and can keep it long enough to
examine It, he might do well to take
note of several points.
There has Just been Issued by the
secret service division of tho treas
ury department tlie following descrip
tion of the counterfeit $5 notes’which
are being circulated over a large part
of tho United States:
"Act of August 4 1886; series of
1809; check letter D; face and back
place numbers indistinct or missing;
Vernon register of treasury;
Charles H. Teat treasurer of the Unit
ed States The serial of the
only note thus far seen Is D 17,278,-
“This is a dangerous and deceptive
counterfeit, tho face of which is ap
parently a photographic pkylnum
print. Th,e‘general effect of this very
closely approximates the -genuine.
Tiie color of the seal, dcnomlnat-
llonal design and numbers is darker
than the genuine, tho seal being par
ticularly bad uni suggesting brush
work. The last three, letters of
bearer,’ tho word ‘on,’ and tho first
two letters of ‘demand’ In scrip right
right face of the note, appear-to have
been placed on tho noto with ft po*
or brush. Tho back of tho note is de
ceptive, but it is blue-green nnd dark-
than the genuine. \Vh.erover the
noto is sharply folded tho ink on tho
back appears to break and scale off.
Tbe noto is particularly deceptive
from the fact that lt Is printed on
genuine paper which has been obtain
ed by bleaching a note of smaller de
nomination, probably n $1 bill. In
bleaching the note tho color has been
t2k.fin out of some of the distributed
silk fiber lying close to the surface,
but the deeply Imbedded fiber is still
visible in th,o paper, though the blue
has been changed to a purple and the
red has been comowhat lightened.
This note made its appearance In
New England.”
Baltimore, Md., Dec. 18.—MaJ. Gen
eral J. Franklin Bell, chief of staff
U. . 8., who was the principal speak
er at the annual banquet o the North
Carolina Society tonight, declared
that millcnium and the substitution
or arbitration for war would bo coin
cfdent and that the latter would put
u block upon the wheels of human
He said that sinco the war with
Spain this had ceased to bo an isolat
ed ration and ho urged American sta
tesmen to glvo due consideration to
our external affairs and to soo to lt
that futurp generations shall find
themselves well protected in the mat
ter of national defense and prepar
ed for the war for trade that he a»-
Tied is inevitable in tho futuro of
this country.
Nuremberg Journal recently
printed an article on the effect which
tho prevailing business condition is
having on tho German toy Industry,
Consul H. W. Harris, reporting
to the Department of Commerce and
It is stated that of a total product
of German -toys lit 1907 estimated
worth $25,000,000 .about $19,000,000
worth were exported Of this trunc
the United Stages and England took
more than half. Financial stringency
In both countries, it is stated, already
has caused a marked falling off in
shipments to them, showing that this
branch of German-trado Is In a mark
ed sense dependent upon prosperity
BECAUSE: You examine your purchase and are assurred of satisfac
tion before investing your money.
BECAUSE: Your homo merchant Is always nady and willing to make
right any error or any defective articio purchased of him.
BECAUSE: When you are sick or for any reason It is necessary for
you to usk for credit, you can go tot ho local merchant. Could you ask
It of a mail order house
BECAUSE: If a merchant Is willing to extend you credit you should
givo him the benefit of your cash trade.
BECAUSE: Your homo merchant pays local taxes nnd ex.erts every
effort to build and bettor your market, thus Increasing both tho value of
city and country property.
BECAUSE: Tho mull order mordant does not lighten your taxes or in
ly way help the value of your property.
BECAUSE: The mail order merchant does nothing for tho benefit of
markets or real estate values .
BECAUSE: ‘‘If your tow-n is good enough to livo in It is good enough
to spend your money in."—Governor Folk of Mlssiourl.
BECAUSE: The best citizens in >*dui% community patrohizo homo in
dustry. Why not bo ono of the host citizens?
BECAUSE: If you will give your homo merchant an opportunity to
competo, by bringing your order to him in quautlteis you buy out of town
ho will demonstrate that .quality considered, ho will save you money.
married Second time
Tho Thcmssvile T.VE-, say* they
ba<l a "beautiful shower”. Well Way-
cross had a wet shower yesterday.
Tho T.-E., say* that U* TJiDmasvWlo
The Macon Telegraph holds that the
elemental rights of men are being
trampled upon, and that this Is res
ponsible for much of the crime that
occupies public attention, such as tho
'night riders,’’ and the Reelfoot Lake
trageJy. Men whoso sense of Justice
Is outraged are ferquetnly apt to turn
to violence as their .only means of re*
dress. While correcting thlf'tspdep-
cy the evils that havo brought about
tbe lawless outbreaks should not be
Ignored' and allowed to continue as
Incentive to futuro and even great
er lawlessness. #
Senator Bacon declares^ that . the
portion of the President’s annual
HE FOnuui.
“Before I answer your question, 0
said the gr,eat alienist, according to
the Western Christian Advocate, "per
mit mo to refresh my momory.”
Hereupon he consulted a notebook.
"May I ask," resumel the lawyer,
“why you found It necessary to con
sult some memorandum before an,-
8wiring! a simple hypothetical ques
tion of only a few thousand words *•
"Tho fact is, ” replied the alienist
sauvely, "that I did that to get the
point of view. I’d forgotten which
side I’d been retained on In this par
ticular case. Kindly spring your
conundrum again.”
Tlfton, Ga., Dec. IS.—That
course of true love neve.- rm» smooth
was evident last nl*lit, wtpn Mr. J.
L. Piahop and Miss No.*# Tyre wore
man led a second time r.t tie home of
Mr. George Paulk, near Chula, by Rev.
A. L Bishop, brother of tho groom,
About six years ago Bishop and his
Mio of last night wore divorced nili
have since Jived apart, Miss Tyler
living with' her parents and Bishop
nera Harding 4 .
It is atrango t(f s a y th it tho mar
riage of last night was tho result
of an elopmont, tho groout having to
steal his wlfo of tho second time,
and It being near 11 o’clock whon they
rpachod tho homo of Mr. Paulk,
where the ceremony was performed
If Santa Claus
Rode in a Carriage
Reprimanded for whispering In
church, .even young women of th.
South Norwalk (Conn) Baptist ehuren
have formed a “mum aoclety,” or “si-
lent secen." They meet, sew, dsnee
and play games, but every time one
speaks she Is fined, the money going
toward the support of a little girl out
In Turky.
The members are becoming very
proficient In the deaf and dumb code,
Dr. Hugh B. Carpenter, who rebuked
the girls from tho pulpit, says he will
not hesitate to do the earno again If
■uch result may be obtained.
Estell Sweat, Steward Lee, Bob
Lee, J. W. Sweat and Lee Smith were
messages referring to the use of Sc-1 arrested Saturday by Deputy Sheriff
cret Service detectives to discover p jj. Young, charged with being lm-
crlralnsl actions on tho part of mem-1 tho shooting up of Ueacu
women could vole, the' ecu- -could here of Congress, was tho most care- .‘Friday night,. Tho warrants which
never again them her heed In that fully worded Insult ever sent to a | wcre |, IU ed by Justice Sweat at
city. I parliamentary body. Through “Insult” ( Beach, charge “attempt at murder.
-i' I referred to. the Panama canal scan- ^ The meB were admitted to Ball In tho
WoodwrrdV blends'In Atlanta say dal, the Brownsville Incident, the tar-
ho is taking th msdictuo like a man Iff revision and probably one or more
Weed ward ..’.catl be careful what • additional meeiages from the Prei-
ktnd cf medicine he takes.
The municipal political pot has
reached the boiling stage In Thomss-
vllle says the Ttmes-Entvrpriro. The
•VM-laating cow question Is tho hone
of rinlenilifn;
* v
Readers of the newspapers remem
ber that something over a year ago a
young man named Jack Apple broke
his nock white diving Into the ocean
mrg U Tybe* Island near Savannah.
The young man did not die but since
“that time has been unable to move
’any part’of his body below the neck,
lying duties his waking hours In an
Invalid’s' c'Jlr. The hones cf his neck
were reset at the time of hi, accident
but he never regained a by use of him
■elf. But despite hie great physical
handicap this young man' has not
gtroved a useless harden to hie peo
ple. He bae turned hie thoughti to
amMteetnre' and has dealgaed the
Idont, the Congress and the American
people wll have their time fully oc
cupied. After March 4 will come a
much needed relief. All eyes can then
turn toward the Junglee of Africa.—
Amerlcus Recorder.
" - *1*
London, Dec. 18,—A peculiar cere
mony took place In the Old Gate
House-Hotel, the other evening when
the eon of the owner went through
he ancient cuatoni of “nwearlo* o.i
the borne."
The oath was odmlnistred by the
landlord In block gown, mask and
wig accompanied by n clerk who car
ried tho hqras. The landlord after-
warde acquainted bib son with the.
quaint privilege* of a freeman ofJhe
The hotel which Is the oldest Inn
In London nnd one of tbe eights of the
elty, bee been licensed to* more than
'sum or (500.00 egch for their appear
ance at the nest term of Ware 8u
perlor Court. Mlsa Mamie Taylor,
who was hit by a bullet during tho
fusllsde of shots St Bcich Friday
night, Is said to be getting along very
well .
It Is now understood that there L
three applicants for the solicttoreblp
of the Brunswick circuit to which offi
ce Lawton Walker, of Blacksheav,
now dead, had been elected. The
prospective applicants are Col. Lamb-
aft, of Waycross, Col. Estes, of Block-
shear and Col, Marcus Dickerson, of
Tho Honalil learns that there Is
much doubt In regard to tho govern
or’s authority to appoint a Solicitor
to an Mr. WolkeTs place and we are
not enfflclently familiar with the con
stitution and laws of the state to ven
ture an opinion.
If the governor hoi no power to
make an appointment or nitMP an
election. Col. Jno .W. Bonnett'tho
present Incumbent will bold far the
Best two yearn. The qsestlom will
i* •$»■ * • I
Blakely Nows.
Bro. Langston and bln excellent
family left us today for Waycross
where they will make their future
home, and where ho will take up his
work Presidios Elder of the Way
cross district, one of tho most popul
ous ' and extensive divisions of
South Georgia Methodist Conference.
Bro. Langston caroo to Blakely threo
yaers ago as ‘ pastor of tho Blakely
Methodist church and during his ad
ministration the church’s affairs havo
prospered greatly In every depart
ment, notwithstanding he succeeded
one of the moat indefatlguablo work
ers In the South Georgia Conference.*
in tho South Georgia Conference.
Not only tbe church • of which he
has been pastor has felt tho quicken
ing Impulse of his conscientious work
and unflagging zeal but tho commu
nity at large has boon bettered by
his stay among us. It was largoly
Up* ugh tbo Jo|nt J*bors of himself
and Rov. N. W. Hurst of tho Bap
tist church that the legal salo
whiskey was stopped In Early county
more than a ya$r before state prohi
bition became an established fact
through legislative enactment
We have always found him a geni
al and companionable gentleman .tol
erant of tho opinion of others ,ond
during his residcnco here thcco has
been less of denominational rivalry
than wo have ever knowp before. He
alway* workd In harmony with his
fellow ministers of other denomina
We commend him to the peoplo in
his new and enlarged field of labor
as obo who will servo the mwcll and
meet unflinchingly tho duties devolv
ing upon him.
May Providence smile upon his la-
b-ra and ma’y Heaven’s richest bless-
Inis ever rest .upon him and bli
dear ones.
Ia saying these reserved good
htogt cf Bro. Langston wo woulj
rot havo his worthy successor ,Rev
T. G. Lang, feel that he will not bo
welcomed. Wo hope not only his own
congregation but those of other de
nominations and the city at largo will
begin at oneo to make him feel that
It la good to bo here. We want him
to find bis way to the News office
Just often at he can,to feel free to
call upon «a i
Instead of a sleigh he cer
tainly would prefer one of .
the elegant vehicles on
view here. They are so
handsome, so graceful and
so easy riding. Make your?
self a present of one if no
body else will make It for
you. You couldn’t put
your money into a more
durable gift or a hand
countess up for
Washington, Doc. 18.—"I a
wife of Count Brockenhfluui Von
Lowenblelm, a Dane.”
Thl* «o> tho itatement made Pollco Court her/- today by Mrs.
L. Rogers, an American, who was
convicted of .tenting alx illver forks
whllo housekeeper at tho home ot
Ralph L. Galt, in thte city, and sen
tenced to ninety daye In.jail In de
fault of $50 fine.
Mrs. Roger* te,tilled her father was
a eucceesful builneu man In Datloa,
Tex., where rfie wo* married In 1S>7
and that she bad separated from h/er
It wax another one of thoee Inter
national marriage*,” cold ehe. "My
kutul Unci ton one morning, walk-
St. Louli, Dec. ((.—A apeelal com
mittee of tho St. Louis Aero Club box
been appointed and Is receiving sub
scriptions for two medals to bo given
to the Wright brothers. Each medal
will coat in the neighborhood of $1,000
There fs also a committee to rocelvo
funds for tbe erection of a monument
to Lteutensnt'Seltrldg*.
Washington, Doc. $$.—Tho menu
for tho White House dinner at Chris
mas Include all the national delicac
ies, and if tho aim of tho steward to
banWh, as far as possible. French
dishes from thojbljl oftfare. Tho de
tails of such ^(terUIBtnems are Ipft
very ninety to: the soward. Tho Pres
ident Is (b W-ig-nlo—«r epleure,
neither dor* Mr scorn tho ficsh poU./'
but a mt * w* h*$ baton * ever
compflr’ on Western plains, and
to bo content with a winters'
retina* tor weeks’nt 4 time f* apt to y
tmt films Osl 1* mar taw
F'.fi ■