Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 02, 1911, Image 5

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WAYCROSS IN’NG HERALD Centemeri Ladies* Kid Gloves *1.25, *1.50 *1.75, *3.50, *4.25 Ladies! Puffs r.v Hoe Just received, all shade* Pepperill Sheeting Toweling Bleached 10-4 30c j &'<•<* Heavy q 9*4 27c j sc, 10°# ^2 1-2 Broad Cloth Kneeland Shoes and Oxford For men, all late slmpos, tans, Patent Leather, Gun Meta!, Box Calf, button and lace....* Ladie^’ Switches Length 21 Inches, special $2.CO Pla.u and striped, green, navy ;lack, red, Copenhagen and blue >■! inches,wide Persian Belts The Iat£ stylo Patent Leather Tacks TURKISH BLEACHED BATH TOW* ELS, Large sizes 13c and 25c UNBLEACHED SHEETING TURKISH BATH'TOWELS Lnbleached. targe sizes.. 10c and 13c BROAD CLOTH lit plain white, 54 inches wide ye; yard •.... Oxfords and Pumps.... $1.50 to $4.50 Sheets EXTRA VALUE 68x90 50c—81x90 75c—90x90 90c LADIES CLOTH BUTTON SHOES Towels^Towels! Wool Serge NAPKINS Ready hemmed H. J. Benton & Company kneeland SHOES FOR MEN PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS JOHN REMSHART WITHINGTON, Mr.. \V. L. Story,, .formerly of Al- Waycross, is in the city. ■SMlS'iv. CLASSIFIED January 2. at one a. m., John R. AVithlngton passed into Eternity. Mr. Wltliington was a native of Savannah, of failing health. ^preface, clrfcumlovv,- tual reservation The Her- everybody a happy aiyl New Year. I Without 1 r tIon or/™ 1 ! and on account moF% to Waycross about six years jbo. . His hertith improved mill last Feb., he was attacked with lagrippe. Since that time lie has gradually grown fee bler, until the end came last night. Ho was a man of sterling integrity, and earnest Christian faith, but so modest and reserved, It was only hi? close friends who new his worth. He was the son of Edward Otis, and Pamelia Remshart Wltliington of Savannah, apd is survived by his wife and six children.' The funeral services will ho conducted at their home In Waycross this afternoon at font* i'clock, and the remains taken to Sa vannah tomorrow, Tuesday morning. The burial'will be at Laurel'Grove. TO RENT The Waycross banks are closed to- ijr, and the Postofflce is obserying From Dr. CoeSf ,r latest fi/wt'ograph taken at /*. *V. V., November, ijto, jvr Hampton't C-pyri-'h! HaJ. Jl. Hamfin ’ Mr. Bernard Zac berry left today for Oeilla, Fla., whore ho will spend a week with friends’ Mrs. C. K. Fleming of Oliver Is In io city the guest of Mr./mid Mrs. J. ARE VOU DEAF? IF IT1FW10CERIE3 VOU .WANT COME i.-'-fHE STOife THAT HAS THE STOCK, TO SELECT FROM. WE HAVE THE GOODS. 31 2t WILSON OF/OCERV CO. Tito announcement of the marriage of Miss Ruby Biggs to Mr. Harry C has been In the city s.veral day, Tookie x after business in connection with her Hoboken property left todi.y with her secretary for Albror. ( Dear Herald:— , I-received, “my share," of the Guessing Contest, and am very much obliged. I think the “HFrald" 1s due a rote ol thanks, for givUTg its. read era such an Interesting contest, anc . I am sure everyone enjoyed it Im j mensely. Wishing you allgood things for the J-New Yes’?, I am most sincerity. Annie May Phelan Young. [Dec. 31, 19101 Ed. o. c. K. Meeting fer January at the home of Mrs. IVea Jnesdsy afternoon «t J mu attendance fa request- Brewe The Salvation Army will conduct a very apecial meeting nest Wednesday | night at the Parker class room. Ma jor white ol Atlanta and also AdJ. Quirk, the converted Irishmen. The Adjutant la a One bango player. Beats will be free. AU'are welcome.’ ■ENT FLOUR 75c. 241> HYFE1S Specials at 1 f. J 1. 1 teuton & Company. Percales. GOOD QUALITY 36 Inches wide, only 10c yd Gingham Mahy new prices in Stripes, Checks and Plaids. Suitable for Children^ and Ladies dresses and waists 10c YD. Japonika. Silk All colors, figured and plain c, 35c and 40c Double width,' medium and hea vy quality, -brown, blue ant/ black, Special.... 50c yd Wood Plaids For childrens dresses..; 25c, 45c and 75c WHITE ALL-WpOL SERGE 44 Inches wide, only 05c Dimity 36 Inch width 10c yd Taffetta Silk 26 inpti width, black and colors, now.. $1.00 yd CHINA SILK All colors. 50c yd Special White Linen 3G Inch, width 25 efts. HEMSTITCHED 90x90 .. 98c Pillow Gases Hemstlched 45x36 15c Plain 45x36 T. 20c Outing ' Light and dark colors 10c yd .BUSTER BROWN HOSE Lndfec, Mens and Childrens, all sfzes .... .... ..fc.25c 4 Montba Guarantee. Table Damask Splendid qualltlea 25c, 50c, 75c, 85c, 85c and *1.25 5c, 10c, 13c, 15c, 25o 50c and 75c 10 doz. STANDARD DUCK 20c tn P-ent Leather, Gun Metal imu suede $3.50 RED STAR DIAPER CLOTH He-1 quality 22, 85c—24, #0c—27, 98c misses cloth top patent LEATHER SHOES. .*1.75, *2.00, *240 Wool Flannel White and red . ,20c, 25c, 35c and 50c LADIES READY TO WEAR SUITS -*12.50—*15.00—*18.00—*20.00—*25.00 LAOIE8 READY MADE 8KIRTS LINEN NAPKIN BOOKFOLOS 12 in folds. .*1.00 *1.50 *2.00 *250 *3.53 2.50 to 12.50 LADIES OUTING GOWNS, ,50c’ to *1 LACE CURTAINS *1.50-*2.50—*4.00—*6.50 Silk Petticoats Black an<f colors ..$3.50, $4, *5, $6.50 MENS’ HEAVY FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR .... gse LADIES RIBBED AND FLEECE LINED UNDBWKAR., 25o, 45c, 50c Kabo and Amer- can Lady CORSETS $1.00 to $3.00 CORSETS KNITTED CORSET COVERS 25c and 48c Cotton Suitings Plain and stripes, checks, double width 10c, 15c and 25c L‘- Mm. John Mllleyol Chicago is with 27th, is received with interest here, her daughter' Ms J. U. Blaine foi ; Mins Biggs Is the sister of Mr. John Tl^pae weeks. Mre. Miller baa vliilted Bigg, 0 f thiiVIfy^ and has a number oar city before hnd has a number of 0 f friends and- acquaintances hera friends here. 7 j Mr. and Mrs. Pnyne will make their : {home at Raleigh. N. C. .’’itrs.Lydta fforaian of Chicago, whuj In the January i«uc of HAMPTON’S MAGAZINE — the magazine that published Commander Peary’s Own Story of the Conquest of the North Pole—Dr^ Cook frankly admits that he docs not know whether he reached the North Pole or not. ; • * Since the sudden and mysterious disappear ance of Dr. Frederick A. Cook in November, 1909 until the publication of this series no word 'has been received from this man who stood so conspicuously for a brief while before the world, the recipient of unprecedented honors. Why did Dr. Cook disappear? Was not this a tacit admission that he had presented a fraudulent claim to the discovery of the North Pole? Or did he ever possibly believe in himself ? Where j has he betfti ? What has he done ? In his story—a human document of the most extraordinary interest and importance—Dr.Cook has held up his own naked soul for public exam ination; has searchingly and mercilessly analyzed the mental processes which precceded his extra- ; ordinary actions since his return from that barren j world where, he says, “ I felt what few men of J cities feel” — the tragic isolation of the human 1 soul — a thing which, dwelt upon, must mean I madness, I think I realized the aching vastness of 3 the world after Creation, before maq was made, f On its own merits, we print Dr. Cook’s Own Story in the January issue of HAMPTON’S January issue now on sale —15 cent* THEATRE W COULTER FOfl RENT—A convenient flat; rooms, 37 flicks street. 31 ; MUSICAL COMEDY, j i Monday, Tuesday and Wdenesday f ;! ‘Kijchief Makers* | Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ! “Ollivette” ' ! TWO SPLTNDIO REELS OF MOTION PICTURES. FOR RENT—Hardy Bros, Grocery hland on Plant avenue lor rent Jan* uary J, 1DU. See D. & O. Lott. 2w2w Get FOR SALE FOR SALE—Sowing Mnchlno for nale; Singer make; in good condition, vory cheap. Apply to 18 Brunei street Quick. 27 6t Try A Want Ad. : Catrrh Is Probably the Cause. Rid of the Cause. | If you have catarrh and have con- ‘ stunt ringing noises in your ears look 1 into the matter at onto. i ’ ' , | • It's a pretty sure sign that catarrh <? spreading and is making Its way through the Eustachian tubes tliut) lead from the nose lo the ears. When catarrh gets to the ears imr- tial deafpesa follows. If you have ringing noises in yottr ears go lo G. U. Brinson & Co., and get a HYOMK1 outfit and drive out catarrh. To cure Catarrh HYOMEI should be breathed through a pocket Inhaler for a fow minutes, four or five times a day. Just pojur a few drops into the hard rubber Inhaler and breathe it.. It kill, the germ.; loathe* the irri tation; heals the In (tarnation; atop* hawking, spitting and .nuirilng, ltYOMEI keep* the throkt free from tt»;cua and prevent* emit, in nose. I The complete HYOMEI outfit which Include the little Indestructible hard t rubber Inhaler, a bottle of HYOMEI' and simple Instructions,for use costa 11/A jt.riiatc Lr’ilri of HYOMEI coats 5ft cent* at O. R. BrJnson tc Co., and druggists everywhere, on money back plan. Dee. 13, 23, Jtn. 2. FOR SALE—Fow settings, pure BulT Orpington eggs, and ono lluu year-old cock. J, E. Wndley. 2 3L u LOST AND FOUND - ed llirdugh mjtftako at Aid Uomo Theater last night. Party having; tamo will please leave It at Herald office and get their hat, 31 It * WANTED We will pay you tea cents each f nr new names and addresses of amateur photographers. Carver, Box 504, Wa terloo, Iowa. tf POSITION WANTEO-By hustling young man as furniture salesman, but will take something else. Can also good references. Address ’Furnltnro’ Herald office. 29 8t AGENTS—Sell genuine guaranteed hose 70 per cent profit. Make *10 dally. Live agents,and beginners in vestigate. Strong Knit, Box 4029, West Philadelphia. tf WANTED—Several small sets of books to keep by an experienced book keeper. Address "Bookkeeper” care Herald office. 2w