Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 04, 1911, Image 1

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OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION VOLUME XVIII V WAYCROSS, GA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1911 NUMBER 12? ECOUNTY NEGRO ARRESTED BUNN-BELL HAS DEPOSiiORY ^OR MISDEMEANOR BIG ATTENDANCE MONEY WAS TRANSFERRED YES TERDAY BY J. r. HARBIN, THE NEWLY ELECTER TREASUR ER. SPRING TERM BEGINS UNDER FA VORABLE CONDITIONS. Yesterday morning J. F. Harbin changed the funds of the county from the Exchange Bank to the Citizens Bank. The Exchange Bank has been the county's "depository, but with the In coming of a treasurer, it was chang ed, and the Citizens Bank is now the county’s depository. Mr. Harbin had quite a job trans ferring tJA? county’s money, which amounted to $10,110.70. I. W. uivlttgaton, a. / negro, was brought in from Glenmoie this morn ing and lodged in the county jail on I — two misdemeanor charges.’ Ho will ( Bunn-Bcdl Institute starts the spring probably be tried In City court, which j term under very favorable circum- convrnes on the third Monday In Jan- stances. uary. j The attendance is larger than the j most optimistic predictions, and shows I 1 that this Institution Is being appre ciated through South Georgia. The new domitory erected for boys is practically completed, and gives the Institute relief from crowded condl- BRUNSWICK DEMIST SNOT BY BURGLAR DR. HOWELL AND THIEF HAVE FURIOUS FIGHT IN DARK. to WHISKEY CLAIMS 258. bundle, und wasn't long In making its pietcjl by the Southern Railway Corn- presence felt. The weather man’s j pany which announces than it ex- wnrnlng was a little ahead of time, • peels to begin operation of passenger but it gave many the chance of got- j mul freight service o>er the new line ting in a supply of wood and coal, jvoiy soon after the beginning of the There’s a warming up process that • Sew Year. Brunswick, Ga., Jan. 4-Grappling t * im Bai ' U8t unu * cft ' Juuge *• A * j Is due tb start In North Georgia Thurs- j The extent of this improvement with a burglar at his home early yes- j Parker ’ nnd otkor8 * Short talks wero I ( j, iy This means CtrUt before the end | alii be realized when it Is understood terddy morning, Dr. Howell, a prom-1 ma<!e by ,hose namc ‘ l nnd hy Prof * j of. thejweek it will be normal again j that there has boon an entire change ineni dentist, was seriously shot In j Ray j ln lhl »' s-ctlon. ot line for seven lullss from Winesup, | north of this city, to Dnrraid on the tions. Exercises today were attended by Rev. A. M. Bennett, pastor of the SOUTHERN iU MABEL PAGE DOUBLE TRACK! HERE NEXT WEEK • TEMPERATURE WILL FALL TO ALL THOUGH PASSENGER TRAINS ! ATTRACJ1QN8 OF GOOD REPUTA* ABOUT 20 DEGREES. If thej-weafher hill of fare does not suit you todgy, try this tonight and tomorrow. Continued, fuir and colder. Temper ature will* fie about 20 degrees'in Koutlur* parrot Georgia. The blizzard arrived in a largo WILL BE RUN OVER NEW; TION AT PARKER THATER. GRADE. j • ■* j Mabel Page, ploying with an ex-'^ Lynchburg, Vo., Jan. 4.—(Special) j cellent supporting company, will bo The gigantic task of building a low. at Purker Theater Monday and Tues- g.,u!e double track line through the j day nights, next, at popular prices, rugged hill country on which this | The company has enjoyed a run of cMy tests und across the ravines over a year at Jacksonville, and It m round it has just been eom- ' Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 3.—Liquor the foot with a shotgun, which has caused 258 out of i&e 630 homicides since necessitatedTlTuputatIon of the FORT8 TO TOUR 1 WORLD. Id Alabama, during the Inst two limb. • | Newark, N. J., Jan. 4.—Governor years, according to Attorney General A series of daring burglaries have Fort, of New Jersey, wtan he retires Garber’s annual report, which was been committed In this city recently j from office this montli to he succeed- made public today. , : and only’ yesterday when Dh Howell > od by Woodrow' Wilson, will prepare — j wa>c-rtfiT.ed ot the burglars operating j to go oti a trip around the world in *W4LL GET THE CEN8U8 In his neighborhood did he procure j con.pany with Mrs. Fort. Mr. and well known here. Wednesday, Jon# yl, “A Minister's Daughter" will be the 'tflfractlon. This is a comedy by a good company, and has enjoyed fine patronage ln all cities so far tbit season. Seat sale at Scruggs. Saturday night of this week "The Smart Set” will be the attraction.* The gallery reserved for negroes. The company giving this Is composed of actors of ability, and there Is no hot ter negro organization on the rt^d today. BUZZARD HITS SOUTH \ i | south, fiie most important construc- FROM COLD NORTHWEST • tion features being tho following; a Louisville, Ky., Jan. 4.—Attended tunnel] 300 feet long under Rivermont, IN CHURCH CELEBRATION by freezing temperatures as far south' n snrburb of. Lynchburg; a iunuel SEVENTEEN MEET D£AJH« h« the Gulf of Mexico, a blizzard ln 120 feet long under Park avenue; a Kentucky and more or less snow „teei bridge 1,860 feet long and 16) throughout portions of half a dozen 1 feot high over the James rker; m FIGURES THIS WEEK, the gun from which lie received the Mrs. Fort will leave San Francisco | states,} the sonVh la today'feeling ihojgtecl viaduct 600 feet long and U6 _ wound. - -about February 23. .They will stay effects of the cold wave which bteli over Harris creek, 1,000 feet Jung Washington, D. C., Jan. 4.—It wav Suddenly awakened by the intruder, one week In Honolulu lind then pro t ! * ,ar ted to sweep across the county n J and 136 feet high ovo* lilac’.water announced by the Census Bureau wfio Jlrucfc a 'chair Jr: the ‘ffentlst'a coed to Japan for the cherry blossom • days a &°* [* rc!{ > sind r »00 feet long and SO feet here yesterday that during the pres- room, the latfcF'cL^S out tc> know season. They will be hack in this ent week full reports might be ex who wasl there. No response came country enrly In September. pected from the towns in Chatham, and then tlje doctor sprang for his j - —• Kfflnghnin; Bryan, Bulloch, Tattnall weapon.’ The struggle for minatory' CABBAGE PLANTS, and other counties in the First, See was horde, but with most unfortunate j For Cabbage Plants sen me. ,cnd and Eleventh Georgia districts results. The burglar escaped. tf A'. P. Porham. Sr. rinp > J*Tft r n Ip ?n West You Can Mgke No Mistake By Wearing a Suit Made by The Stein- Sam W. Peck Block Co. and Co. Strause & Bros. The best dressed men you meet on the street are wearing them. They are- the best on the market today. You can get them at: H. C. Seaman Anything You Need For Boys. The coldest weather this mornlnit j hijrh over Fis:.;?/ creek; was noted In Hint leetlon of th^eoun- viaduct TOO feet Ions carry! try lying between the Itochy Moun i S1 , L <i ovor.Uic railroad yard* tdlns end the Alleghenies, Zero teni- ; \ yuelihurjj; a concrete viaduct 150 perntures extended into nnvthvrn ( r {et long ettvlying the kynebborB wn- Texas .and Oklnfionta. ■ Calveaton ro■ j.t r supply, a steel viaduct 150 font ported- -iuddsrfva. ■Cljovg zero and long; carrying nPV ,r track pi tho N'pr New Orleans 30. j folk and tVeslcrn llullroad; and a The snow was preceded by heavy j concrete bridge 80 teet long carrying rain* In eastern Tennessee, portions' Twelfth Stieet. . V , of the Caiolinss nod the more north-1 The eeinplctfon ot this greu't work crly seel Ions of .Mississippi, Alabama | ,n l.ynehhurg which has been under and Georgia. 1 w uy four and a hall years, the contract ’ Intensely cold weather In tho ntld-1 having been let on April 2, 190(1, and die west today while Minnesota and | the Drat work done In May of that the DaVotiis recorded temperatures ; year, will he of great Interest through ranging from 20 to 30 degrees help* out the tioulli us well as In the nd- r.ero. , jncent territory for the reason (hat I the resullng benefits wjll not be con- Snow and Sunshine Reported Al [ fined to the country immediately aur Alexandria. ! rounding ttila ctly, hut every point Alexandria, La,, Jan. f.—The ground 1 on the Southern nullway system, wa« completely covered with snow | south of Lynchburg, will be given here this morning and at 9 o'clock ■ ,;t,, r facilities for freight and pass with the sun shining, the thermometer ensor , C rvlco to and from.the Bast, Mexico Clly, Jan. t.—Fite and panto while a new year religious celebration was In progress In a chuich on an hacienda near Ran Lula Potosl, coat tho lives of seventeen and serious In jury of more than eighty, chiefly wo men and children. Ncwa of the dla- aster reached this city today. The victims wero workmen mciubet-B of their family. The church, which wa» n small af fair, e,-ns packed to its ulmokt capaci ty. .. In tho coarse of the ceremonies and nlted a quantity of dry moss wHh wljtch the, building was decorated. regtatered 19 degrees above r.ero. The coldest recorded last night was a tern- peraSure of Id. Terrible Earthquake Predicted. Mobile, Ala., Jan. 4.—A serlea of Violent earth shock* were recorded by the seismograph at Spring Hill station Ihla'cvenlng, commencing at 0:18 ana Continuing for twenty-four minutes, tho inerr-rmini being reached at 0:29 o'clock. One heavy shock was also recorded at >1:07 o'clock. Tremors were recorded almost continuously throughout the day. Sclentlats estimate that the center of the disdtluu.'e fh uvcr,3,0t>0 miles distant. FIND NOTE IN LONDON. Hay Clly, Mlch.^Jan./—A wild eat note issued for tl by a hank here In 1926, was recently picked up on a street In London, Bnglanif. and sent here to be redeemed, arriving yester- dsy. Ray Ctty was lower, Begins* 3-4 of s century tgg. The letter which wag accompanying the note, written by William R. Miller, was turned over lo a bank here which will redeem the 6305000 IS PAID FOR 305,000 ACRES Lake Charles, La., Jan. 4.—Thomas L. Meant and Leslie Symmes of San j Francisco, yesterdsy closed t deal for 305,600 acres of overflow prairie land. The deal Involved a cash payment of $305,000. The old line now In use crosses the James river at the foot cf tho ItllU and passes through a very restrlctca section on Urn east, side of the ctty, Tho bridge over ihe James, Is at a very low rtvol. Consequently every Southern freight and passenger train going out of Lynchburg, north or south bound, has to climb a very hea vy grade. Ry Ihe use of the new Hue which runs through the western part ot tun city on a much higher p'iit^e, ihe hes- y grades, north und south of Lynch- burn, which are now such an obsta cle to through I raffle, will he avoided and trains will pass through the city without having to climb a grade ex ceeding 40 per mile. This great Im provement In grade and the substitu tion of double track for the present -tingle track ’will *<puK Jn better handling of freight and paaaenger traf lie over this section of the line which is assured to prove of 'benefit to the patrons of the SobtMrn Railway. All the through passenger tralna of the Routhern will be run ever tho new line and all through freight will also go over It. Ihe local freight terminals, now lo use, will be main tained and local passenger trains will use the old line and stop at the pres ent passenger station, f#5s being In accordance with the wishes of tha ptuple of LyncMMirg. KILLED BV EXPLOSION. San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 4.—Hubert £chiilx, aged 19 years, was killed to day at Yoakum, Texas, while firing on anvil In celebration of New Year’s Day. An Iron ring which he placed be tween two anvils filled with powder burst when the explosion occurred, a • , piece of tho ring striking Schult In the c-anrnch and passing entirely thru Ihe body. ' . . "*1 ■ ALLEN TAKE8 OATH. Gainesville, t>i„ Jan. 4.—Hon. J. 8. Allen,'senior member of the firm of Allen Brothers, of Gainesville, has assumed his duties as clerk of the superior court of Hell county. He win ] have In the office with him as assls- tsnt clerk, Mr. Claud Ness*. , No. 26 Howe -Street For Rent Ten rooms--suita ble for boarding bouse. $25 FER MONTH A. M. « Kmgkt an< Son REAL ESTATE Insurance and Renting Agts. PHONE 266. Southern Building. Large shipment of matting just re ceived at the Waycross li*u;n. Co. 3 2t