Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 04, 1911, Image 2
W\YC~ " C L EVENING HERALD AN EASY AND HARMLESS WAY TO DARKEN THE HAIR. Formerly of New York City, 'Will locate permanently In Waycross, after Oct. 15th. Save Your Piano Work! POTTER & McMAHAN GENTS FURNISHINGS, TAILORS and BARBERS. •Tailoring AtjReasonable PJices, TSE U GRANDE B4RRER SHOP 10 Plant Ave. LaGrande Bldg. for a local tune r . that will K 'cr It In good shape at all times Leave orders wltli J. S. Knight,. G. II. Brinson or Majestic Theatre, or 'phone 21H UVfflKf'! THi, EVENING HERALD the herald'"publishing co. A. p. Per ham, $r. A. P. perham, Jr, Editor# end Proprietors, Mis# Carrie Parham’, Personal, Society and Local. Tho Way dross Herald founded in 1885. The Pally Herald founded in 1892 by A.-P, Perham. Sr. Telephones Duainesa Office 25 Editorial Oflle 25 Residence 268. /Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycross, Ga„ Post- office as *<j<ond clasft mall matter. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 * Month | .45 V. Months 11.25 6 Mon Ur. $2.50 1 Year r.-.i $5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE „ All obit par/ notices, cards of thanks, rexolutlonK 1 and notices of entertain-, merits, where charges arc* made, will l>e charged at advortlalntf rale* of f> cents n line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do .not receive the paper promptly and early will please ring-up the Circula tion. Manager and report the trouble to him, a« this is tho only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD 18 THE Official organ of the City of Waycross, Official Organ of the County Hoard of Education. Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District or Georgia. WAYCROSS, OA., JAN. 4, 1911. dark, *ofr, gl»«*y and : matter of fact. ?« af of hair, nti'j ably. or sale and rec ee Pharmacy. Two Klara or the world’s aviators fell Saturday, Hoxey lost hlw lift? at I .os Angelt-a and Moiatmnt wat lulled at New Orleans. 'An Alulmtiia fanner has made aev ^ eu bales of cotton on three i We oxpect to see three bales to the acre raised in Georgia before long. ‘ H* WhAeUlie guests were assembling at the homo of Miss Annie Leonard of Dublin last week to witness her ' marriage, to Collier Walker of Allan ta, the bride eloped with an married lhomaa lleafl. This Is a case where i|u* loser Is the lucky man. . —•—- ‘-liable, will have dliapiwnred from tilt, country,;’ I, Hie (tartllng end soniowlm foollidt ,Uteinem of aoiuo would-be notorious, who believe* thut 2020 will ice ill mlniM tlieae homo rarlrH Who ciiaee no inurh pleoaure ■and worry. STILL TALKINO ABOUT CONGRESSMAN BRANTLEY. I Wiio iIt-, nor I: [Stunswick New,. j "«• * m }_ « i _l ,! ‘ ur Congressman Brantley, of this city, la still h*ln| discussed as a probable candidate for the United .State* sen ate. In the Savannah News yea tor- day appeared the following under a ' tnr»- Waycrosp date line: • I ’ Well grounded rumor* from Allan- * la state that Congressman' William I y iW i] G. Brantley, of the eleventh district ,l i0 ,' may become a candidate for United i by r rftates senator, ills friend* ave long insisted that he was the lfvht man for the place if he would consent to make tho race, arm tim Atlanta reports arc taken to indicate tuat wine one \ hat* tpiked about, the matter congressman. ''.Mr. Hrantley might get* ** j south Georgia vote than any other j n an proper.* I for the place. The fact : that Soul.i Gto-vla la .split Into Smith j and Drown factions la given a* one | tcason wity Congressman Drantley j IliOV v might poll a heavier vote. Senator j j oue Terrell is popular alike with Brown am! Smith men, but might not get the vote in the southern counties Mr. Drantley would, should lie become a candidate. Just what the Eleventh district congressman will do lias not l-ien found out: us he has made no slat omenta.” min amended by Choro- kith the vv., , \ Cougiesman Hoiisoti has been making some of his statistical speech • cs to Alabama uudicnccd, ami Mu Anniston Hot Blast says iiu has tig- <1 red* put that 781,00(1 people dh Alcoholism 111 tjie United States every year. Tno Alert I mac hero might hav mndo It 785,Odd. so as to have hi llgurttu; easier. BRANTLEY AND LUMBER* The llmnswlck Journal with timely force says: “Nd'Siwmer than the Democrats get Into power than there Is talk of pun* Istilttg somebody, \V. G. Brantley Is upioug that number. The reason as signed 1b <;iat he voted for a small tariff on lumber. As a matter of fact he voted against the entire tariff bill. But the Democrats had best get together on promoting their strong motv, rather than by punishing auy* ■body.” A Georgian whose name is not known hg.? applied to ItcpieK ntalhe Rainey who 1* attempting to inves tigate Roosevelt's expenst.- while traveling around the United States, for an Investigation Into the Smith- sonlan institute hunt, in which Ted dy hiirself participated. He believes that money was wasted ami ftqunti- deted In u ahameleaa degree and wants to see how and whole ami why it was done. .Mr. Rainey lias taken to tho suggestion and Is going to have 4 probed to the limit. HOW8THI87 * 1 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for anv case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last in years, and believe him perfectly honorable in nil business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligation# made by his Arm. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale Drngggisfs. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Taka Hall's Family Fills for consti tution. acid that my kid- i out of 111 V blood, i y feet, Joints, and j ny for me to s»tep. j ■y TMJJs for three ! vD«'n I was aide to get up ami j about and the pains were ail This great change In condition to .Folcv Kidney Fills and re- commend tiicm to anyone suffering as I have.” Gem Pharmacy, EEDS Freih, ftaliibl*. Pur* Quarantnd ta Pltat* V.verf Gardener and Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained By Senpine, New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made • 1} Tiie ; Woodworth Co., 1161 Broad way, New York City, requesting an , experimental package of Senpine, the i great discovery for Asthma, Hay Fe ; v-r. Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which ; Iz mailed free of charge to ail who ; write for it. It is curing thousands of j the most stubborn ca*es. It makes no j difference how Ion? you have been suffering cr how severe 1he climatic i conditions are where you live. Sen- nine will cure you. if you have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to find a cure do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonderful truly incrltoua remedy which is scientific compound discovered by a Professor of Vienna University, and Is being recommended by thousands. Sat. tf. 1 p«. *0 P*J Thu tern drown seed*. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 10 CENTS we will icnd pnst|irti<l our FAMOUS COLLECTION GRKAT KOUTIIKKN Rockford, ItttnoU NOTICE. An election will be held in the city of WnyorosH on the first Saturday in January, 1911, for the purpose of elec ting three aldermen and n member of e Board of Education of the City of Waycross for (lie ensuing terms as provided by* law. All persons duly gislerod wHI lie entitled to vote at ’yiiti election. The polls will open at e Courthouse and the Opera House, cm six o’clock a. m„ to seven o'clock P m„ Central Standard Rail road time, !'!u' registered voters are requested xote n said eleclton. J. M. Cox. Mayor. FINE SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED FOR SALE. Lot select ltd Scu [stand Cotton Sued for^sale for planting purposes. Fresh from tho Island at $1.00 per bushel, fob Valdosta, (la. W. B. Staten, law 3w R. F. D. !. Valdosta. Ga. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank von from tho bot tom of my heart.’* wrote C. B. Rader, of l.ewlsburg, W. Va.. “for the won derful double benefit l got from Elec- frlc Bitters, in curing me of both a severe ease of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from wwlcb I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my ease ns though made Just for me.’’ For dys pepsia, Indigestion, jaundice and to viu the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bot tle Is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at All Druggists TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Supervising Architect, Washington, D. ('., November 26, 1010 Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. in., ou the 7th day of January, 1011, aud then opened, for the construction (Includ ing plumbing, gas piping, heating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) o fthe United States Post Office at WAYCROSS, GA., In accordance with drawings and specification, copies of which may he had from the Custodian v! site at Waycross, Ga., or at this office at the discretion of the Super vising Architect. James Knox Taylor, S»t «ng Architect Have J’ou purchased your Winter suit? If not Sam Heller will eell you t ue and V,t you wear Just by pay- j Ing a litMe at time of purchase tf | If it It a Sweater you want you have no excuse : these cold days. Fo. Mr. Brantley voted, when the tariff a can be had just by bringing a little 1*111 was taken up in detail, tu perfect ' ii KepubTtcan measure: but when that measure wn,s on Its passage as a whole ho voted against It, Under.a Republican udmiubirltioa the country was committed to a protective tariff. The Democratic party was commit- j t**d to a tariff for revenue. What Mr, I l»l*ot!ey voted for was a small reve- ' *’V nuc tariff ou lumber—-not a prohibi- , tit*, tariff. j The Teh *vaph Is on® of those dyed-. in due-won! tariff reform Democrats tnat IndorsiMi Brantley’s vote at the titro and defended it afterwards Ilia Vo?« was simply in the direction of do- £*jprnndlng of the Republicans a square deal in tho application of their own | * doctrine or t>ortcctlon, and yet hts ^ toU did not go beyond the Democrat f k doctrine of a “tariff for revenue with' incidental protection.”—Macon money to Sam Heller’s, 47 -Albany, avenue. tf THE PACIFFIC MONTHLY'S SPEC IAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER. The Paclffic Monthly, of Portland, Ore., is a beautifully illustrated month ly magazine which gives full Informa tion about the resources and opportu nities of the country lying West of the Rix hies. It tells about the Gov ernment Reclamation Projects, free Government land and tells about the districts adapted to fruit raising, dairy ing, poultry raising, etc. It has splen did stories by Jack London and other noted authors. The price Is $1.50 a year,, but to In. traduce It we will sehd six month* for fifty cents. This offer must he accept ed on or before February 1, 1911. Send your name and address accom panied by fifty cents In stamps and learn all about Oregon. Washington, Idaho, and California. Address: The* Paclffic Monthly, Port tand. Oregon. x a m tf. SHAOE TREES FOR SALE. 5,000 Oak and Maple hade trees for sale. Will set thejn out and warrant their living. Price $1.00 each, careful ly set out. Orders solicited. R. W. Lewis, 13 ads St. Aug. 2o Smooths. Don't forget to come and get your Xmas present. Sam Heller & Co. tf Why pay $;s, $30 a n*l $40 for a suit of clothes, all cash of course, when you can purchase one of Sam Heller and pay as you w ear It? A fit’or no sale? A customer pleased Is a cus tomer made n A RELIABLE CO&GH MEDICINE Is a valuable family friend. Foley’s Hone* and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Diaries Kline. X. 8th St. lyistou, l‘a., states: “Several members of my family have been cur ed of bad coughs and colds by the u-ic ol Foley’s Honey and Tar and t mil never without a bottle in the house. 1* soot,ics mid relieves the irritation InHhe throat and loosens up the cold. I have always found It a reliable emich cure." Gem Pharmacy. Buy your Cjrocenes from the old reliable Groc ery sotre THEi WlLaUt! GROCERY CO. r Wilson • [Block PHONE 128 iViegrmph* SAVES TWO LIVES. "Neither me sister nor myself might be living today, t? it had not been tor Dr. King’s New Discover*writes A. D.« McDonald, of Fayettovllle, X. C., R., F. D.. No. 8, “For we both had frluhffu! coughs that no reined.** could help We were told my sister had consumption. She was Very weak and had night sweats but yoiif won derful medicine completely cured us loth. U !* the best l ever used or • heard of." For sore lungs, coughs, cold:*, hemorrhage, lagrippe. asthma. • hay fever, erbup, whooping cough,— ; all bronchi cal troubles,—Us supreme. | . J-.lyil Trj^bottU »L». Qrtr-. ut€td by Ail Dfufsuti; >. i.ns, • K -SEEDS BOCUETS SEEDS SUCCEED! * SPECIAL OFFER; F»a4* to k«Ui n*w HMhm Atridft , nuksjrosour psnasorstcutotncr. , Pibc.miwtmi srheasau, _ Sl'AIUntES TO ru.UL , I Writ* to-day; Mention thh Paper. I oosoMOMoaaoasooMNuwwu* i SEND 10 CENTS - ——t “jMK Uh nMI. J kEV.Mto, ABOUT IRONING DO YOU KNOW THAT BY USING AN ELECTRIC FLATIRON YOU CAN CUT YOUR IRONING LABOR IN HALF? HOWEVER. BECAUSE Cr THE GREAT.SAVING IN TIME. THE COST IS LESS THAN BY THE "HOT STOVE" METHOD. WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO PROVE THIS TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. AND A REQUEST WILL BRING AN IRON TO YOU FOR A WEEK’S TRIAL. Ware County Light & Power%f Company. , Telephone 30 BE ECONOMICAL SAVE MONEY ON MEATS. The Lisk Self-Basting Enameled Roaster WILL CUT YOUR M EAT BILL IN HALF. It is easy for the housewife to reduce living expenses If she , Uses A Lisk Economical cuts of meats may be properly and deliciously cooked and will yield more nutrition because the juices hnd flavors are retained. Ro- quires less heat, therefore less fuel. Fewer utensils required, for SEVERAL ARTICLES MAY BE -COOKED AT THE 5 SAME TIME. I ‘ , It is to the American People what the Casserole Is to the French, ^ * RUN NO RISK—BE.SURE IT IS A LISK. | .> ' r '• Watt Hardware Co. What Is Your Time Worth? Read and Re Interested! See.and Be Convinced! Good Investment Is Worth A Lifetime of Labor; Now is the Time to Invest in REAL ESTATE Waycross is Growing—A big Boom is sure to come. Why not get in on the ground floor? Do it now. Values are Increasing Every Day. Waycrossi Dirt Will (Never be Cheaper than Now. If You Want to Buy, Sell. Rent or Trade, Sec Us RAINWATER BROS. Jane Street. Under Vird in Hot.l. PHONE 470.