Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 04, 1911, Image 5
\ a * I I m WAYCKOSS EVENING HERALD SCREVEN HOUSE Savannah, Georgia. I American Plan. THE MOST CENTRALLY LO CATED HOTEL IN SAVAN NAH. 1. EOR I'pTH THE COMMER- j CIAI^SAN AND THE MER- 1 euWrelyMKiao ALL THE LATEST IMPROVE. ME NTS. TELEPHONES IN ALL ROOMS. Forest City Hotel Co. G. Jaeckel, Manage. PEPSICOLA MAKES YOU EATr BETTER. FEEL BETTER. 8LEEP BETTER, LOOK BET- ;r. Red he&f inger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPSI COLA BOTUNG WORKS. D. L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE S37I Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best'Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok- *ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Wayeross, Ca, By PITTMAN CIGAR COf. _ „ JRST -CLASS IBAKERY BREAD, CAKES lad PIES n»H EVERY DAY PHONE72 WayoroM Bakery M Bntlrr Ural. PUBLIC STcM»ORAPHER. Public SMaocnpCer can be found at Harald oBca. Work doao at reasooiUo . j t -J4Jt List Your Country and Cjty Property WITH US We Ar^ Having Demands For Both IVE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. D, & 0. LOTT, R. L & l Co. 00000000000060000>ooooo< oooo-c>ooc*c*oooooooo FIRST Mias WILSON ENTERTRAINS. Miss Julia Wilson was hostess Sat urday afternoon at n reception given In honor of Miss Moyne Taylor, of Montgomery, Ala. The gueata were met at the door by Mra. George Mayo and ushered Into the parlor. In the receiving line were Mias Wilson, Miss Taylor, Mra. Chas. E. Harper and Mra. Harry M. Wilson. Punch bowl was presided over by Mias Suale McGee. A delicious salad course was 'served. Those luvlted to meet Miss Taylor were: Mlaaes Stella Williams, Clyde I/itt, Stim'McGee, Margaret Murphy, Kate. Wilson, Florence Opllnger, Mia ses Florence. Vonice and Anabel Adams, Mlssea Mary, Kate and Mar garet Stanton, Misaea Ruth Beatrice and Sophie Lambdln, Mlaaes Jewell and Ylrdle Cason, Miss Pearl Cason, Miss Sara Salisbury. Miss Josie Ow ens. Miss Annie Lee Smith. Miss Aij nle Laura Walker. Miss Della King, Miss Susie May Watt, Miss Edith Lockhait, Miss Emily Walker, Miss Minnie Cole, Miss Vera Sweat. Mis, Louise Daniel. Miss Malt Thlot, Miss Matzie Brewton, Miss Ernestine Pur- dom. Misses Cleo and Tula Johnson, Mlaaes Mlnnfe and Annie Muriihy, Miss Myrtlce Beach, ,Mlss Aline Jef fers, MIbscs Lillian and Ida Nichols, Miss Frances Ketterer, Mrs. George Mayo. . * Why not save enough fuel to buy a good range. The Monarch will pay for Itself. Let the Weycross Fura. Co., tell you about 1L 3 St WOOOI WOOD! WOOOl Wood, any length, at Thomas Bros. J. W ADAMS A COMPANY Getting ready for their JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Everything will be ready National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 NEW BUIUDIIVG New Safety Deposit Boxes THOSE PER80N8 HAVING BOXfcS RENTES IN OUR OLD BUILD ING WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAK STATEMENTS AND ACCEPT THIS AS NOTICE THAT WE CAN NO LONGER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR DEPOSITS THERE. WE ARE NOW IN OUR New Building in the PHOENIX BLOCK WHERE WE-HAVE-ALL 'MODERN-AND UP-TO-DATE CONVENIENCES —UP-TO-DATE SAFETY BOXES, Oi.00, 810.00 AND $18.00 PER YEAR. IN A MODERN FIRE-PROOF VAULT. THOSE WISHING BOXE8 WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAKE THEIR SELECTIONS. WE INVITE Oljfe FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ALL TO CALL AND SATURDAY A. M. IN8PECT OUR NEW HOME. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US FOR THE NEW YEAR. WE PAY 4! INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. RESOURCES NEARLY $700,000 L. J. COOPER, President. J W. BELLINGER, Cashier. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000,00000000000000000 TO THE PUBLIC. We Are Agents for Parisian Sage, and We Know the Guarantee la Genuine. G. R. Brinson & Co/ Parisian Sage, the quick-acting hair invigorator is guaranteed— To atop falling hair, To cure dandruff. To cure itching of the scalp, To put life into faded hair, To make harsh hair soft and duxu- riant. To make hair grow, or money back, lit is the moat delightful lib Jr dress ing made, and is a great favorite with ladies who desire beautiful and luxu riant hair. Price 60c a largo bottle. AT THE Our New Year Leaders Call and See if Our Prices Are Not Right THEATRE Hi COULTER MUSICAL COMEDY. Monday, Tuesday and Wdenesday, ‘Mischief Makers* Thursday, Friday and Saturday, “Ollivette.” TWO 8PLTNDID REELS OF MOTION PICTURES. \ Globe-War nlcko book sections ar'o the best yet For sale % by tho-'Way- cross Furn. Co. Uo trouble for iis to show you our complete line. 3 2t For wood phone 215. 20 la The Monarch Ranges are fast tak ing the lead. They arg the most mod ern ranges on the market and will soon pay for themselves .in fuel sav- 3 2t 1 The EXCHANGE BANK Solicits Your Bank Account And Influence. ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS!! SAFETY AND LIBERA LITY —Are tbs Marked Features of Our Business. We Invite You to Try Us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. C. 5Vf. Sweat, President. W. H Buchanan, Cashier. Stork Embroidery Scissors 50 Cts. Strawberry Emory 20 Cts. Solid Silver 1 [ Thimbles 15 Cts. 50 Brass Fern Dishes Will be Sold at $1.75 each Ladies’ iGold Filled ^ Watch $10.00 Others up to $50.00. Rich CUT GLASS 8 inch Bowls $3.50 Ladies’ Chain Purses 1.75 to 15.00 Our* stock isfcomplete with High Quality Goods at Moderate Prices. LITTLE & ODOM PHONE 8 JEWELERS and OPTICIANS mm m