Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 04, 1911, Image 8

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD 5 We Are Wide Awake in (he Sleep Producing Business /Tfjsfe-. vyLI-.IJJJ I Brass Beds fl , _ _ 4 iSsslEg' yip Ecadiy like illustra- IfFKsW tion, heavy 2 In. I. " ■ • •••(» 'cotinnous perils, 12 Sffiw! HI TMlf?- fillers, finished in finest grade enslish “ fc laquei, pel- Q01 Cfl istied at - ULI.uU others up to $59. y$ cash, baJ. 30, 60 & 90 days. A BED WITHOUT A PEIR' j|ffy at the price we sell it. Exactly like cut, - Tmg«S has 2 inch continu- uSjf§|f [i]T| ifjSUjr: ous norils, 10 fillers, LuaWr fi >ished in higherit m ./jT | V grade white enam- ‘ eled - . - - - ■$ In the popular and durable Vernis Martin finish - - * In the new quart r d cak finish - - , Yd casn, hatanee 3B. 60 and j0_dayi Our Peerless Cotton Mattress ii full 49 ibs. weight, has roll edge good quality tick, the berit mattress on the maty <gQ ket at this price - - - ^»OiVV $1.00 cash, 50c per week. THE FAMOUS MANHATTAN MATTRESS Full 5*i lbs . high grade felted cotton, best qual- itv twilled tick, roll edge, imperial dtttched, guaranteed n^ver to lump. Our price $I0.5fJ IflIS IS A GREAT VALUE A strong, servicahle ir >n bed exactly like cut, finished in berit grade white enameled lull size, guaranteed locks. 2 CA 50c per •Ov week This beautiful bed is rilrictly high-class in k. every resp ct, 2 inch 74 continuous posts, heavy ft fillers, brass trimmed. Berilquality brass rollers finished in best grade iff white enamel $14.50 % cash bal. 30-60 90 days £ We Carry This Excel lent Mattress in Stock The LuxYoury embodies all that is required of a per fect mattress. It is Insured. Sanitary—Comfortable—Durable THE GENUINE NATIONAL 8PRING Is guaranteed never to sag, is a bsolutely noisless, Is made entlrelyjpl steel, requires no slats, is absolutely sanitary. JJBpyl inch tube side rails, 1 1-2 inch by 2 inch steel end angles, 5,1*2 inch malleable comer blocks, and 58 oil tempered helllcal steel springs In the ends. On our easy payment plan, from $3.35 to $6.00 THE DIFFERENCE IN COMFORT Jn riding In an ox-cart and a Pullman Palace car. is about the same an the difference In comfort in sleeping on an old fashioned, sagging noisy spring, and one of the new guaranteed NATIONAL kind. For BaubyJs Sake @ CHIFFONIERS We have a great value,exactly as ‘illustrated, has french bevel mirror 12x20 ins 70 ins. high, 6 drawers,, solid odk, quartern), sawed front. Spot cash Prices on 30, 60 and 90 days We pay our customer, 10 per cent in trade cou pons, to make payment, at the store. Insist thaUne pillow be j NATIONAL SANITARY VENTILATED The Store of Great Values where Your Credit is Good WALKER-IHULUG/IN FURNITURE GOM’PV Phone 499. A, R. HOOD, Mgr. 106 Plant Ave. $1 cash75c week j Don’t fee) like you arc imposing on us, when you pho.ie to us to send out samples. .. CLASSIFIED WOMEN'S HAIR DESTROYED. TRAMPS CAPTURED AT QUITMAN AND THOMAOVILLE cry wagoi Apply "GT Best line mattress' In Wayct the Waycroi, Furn. Co. . BAY, STATE LEG( STABTEp' FOR SALE—Sewing Machine lot Rale: Singer make; In good condition very cheap. Apply to is Brunei street' Quick. »7 g, | Boston. Mass., Jan. J I cltu.ctL, -tvtRiatnre met at L lor Its annuel session and g with lite customary rqfje M January IT the lealsla’' I ceed to the election of a L’nurw f? , es enalor to succeed llenry Caiiofo Lodge, whose term win expire In? March. Senator Lodge is a i tndldet'i for re-election and aa the Republican- ar* In a slight majority In the 1. sis latur.r It Is rrciYvalfy believed that h. will be ol’lltn to succeed himself- despite the’Vrenuous that CoWl %. WANTED—Reliable man for gro- «rnor*eteU Toss is marine against h o D. C„ Jun. 4.—After then come in and so® us about this ' EASTERN ONTARIO DAIRYMEN, tChlted States army. BrlfT Gen. Kttl “• v ^ offer. You will be well repaid \K Perth. OoL; Jan. I.—Questions of D. Thomas, recently In command of *“4 your visit to our store. Two sixes, Altai Importance No Canadian dairy* the department If Colorado, was ptac- * 50 cents and $1.00 Remember you men and those engaged In handling ed on the retired list today on account PERSONAL. 1 can obtain Rcxall Remedies in Way the pproducta of the dairy farm will of age. . W f|j pa cfosa only at our store,—The Rcxall he dealt with at the annual convention ! The vacancy caused In the list or names a Store, The Seals Pharmacy. J of the Eastern^ Ontario Dairymen** brigadier generals by the retirement photographen — . Association, which began her* today of Gen. Thomas la to be filled by the terloo, fowa. Invalid chairs for aala or rent at the* with a large attendance. The session* pormotlon of CoL Walter S. Schuyler. Way cross Porn. Co. >lt win last three days. of the Fifth cavalry. Valdosta, Ga., Jan. 4;-Twenty Ms tramps were taken front a special rw*» «.»» Atlun'lc last I. .m *• ThomaavlUe and Quitman Sunday. Grcit Havoc Wrouj|it By Women’s Carelessness. The tramp* wens on u special train of stock which was being taken fiotn P«acacola to Tampa for th« Tampa races, and when they left Pensacola 'they bought tickets ovor Hie laouin- will® and Nashville determined to beat their way over tbo Atlantic Coast The trainmen put them off at a number of plaeo#. but when they reached the next station the tramps war® on hand. The ThomaavlUe of- -feera ware notified to meet the train, wA eleven of the bun<*i were caught. The officers at Quitman were atso no tified to meet the train and they wart, on hand In largt numbers. A switch engine from this city happened *s ha in Quit man. \V':cn Hie train stopped the awltcb engine took the aini in which the tramps had secret* - «fi themselves and ran to the trestle Many wpiuen destroy ihe beauty of j their hair through caielcusnehs or Is* \ norancc of certain facts. They do not tbumpoo their hair often enough, or too often. They use soaps or prep arations wwhich contain ingredients harmful to the •scalp and hair. A8 a result of such treatment dan* diuffi Is created, the hair Horens, los es color, falls out, aud baldness com mences, unless proper and prompt precautions arc taken In time. Then again, microbes and ceitaln diseases bring about unhealthy scalp and 'natr conditions. Most people cau rid themselves of dandruff und correct diseased scalp and hair conditions. If they will use the right remedy. We have that remedy, and we will positively guar* ante® that it will eradicate dandruff and prevent baldness or It will not cost the user-anything. The Famous ijuayfo | | Does Not Strain the Eyes Don't use a smalt, concentrated, light over one ahoulder. It puta an unequal atrain on your eyes. Use a diffused, soft, mellow light that cannot flicker, that equal izes the work of the eyes, such as the Rayo Lamp gives, and avoid eye atrain. The Rayo is designed to give the best light, and it does. It has a strong, durable shade-holder that Is held Arm and true. A new burner gives added strength. Made of solid brass and finished In nickel. Easy to keep polished. The Rayo is low priced, but no other lamp gives a better light at any price. Once a Rayo User, Always One. D—krs Everywhere. If not et yevrs, wntefor deseriptiet« lirauar to the Mores/ agency of iko Standard Oil Company WANTADS TO RENT FOR RENT—Three elegant rooms, furnished. Splendid location. Phone 284. 4 3t FOR RENT—Two rooms, close to Postoffice. Apply 10 Francis st. 4 2t £ FOR RENT—Cottage on Tebeau street. Apply 79 Pendleton. Phone ! 318. 3 It | COURT MARTTIAL MAJOR — j HENRY C. DAVI8. Portland, Ore.. Jan. 4. The forty-j — seventh annual convention of the Na- ! Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 4. A court* tional Wool. Growers’ Association has : martial to try Major Henry C. Davis, attracted thousands of visitors to! °f ’he Marine iprps, opened at the. Portland. Piomlner.t sheep breeders | League Island navy yard today. MaJ. ^ founded It and captured fourlden of I Tonic Is the icmedy that wll grow bait*; from Kansas. Colora'io, Nebraska,! Davis Is charged with conduct to the the tramps, fhree of them managing and overcome scalp and hair trou j FOR RENT—Three unfurnished • rO'«*-3 for rent, with hallway, and use cf telephone and elect:*; lights at 54 | Elizabeth str'eet. C. H. Lowtber. 3 It That’s a pretty broad statement the Ocapilco crook. The train, but we will back it aud prove It with Chare, the officers :iur**our own money. Rexall ••93’* l^alr FOR RENT—Hardy Broa. Grocery stand on Plant avenue for rent Jan uary 1,1913. See D. ft O. LotL 2w2w WANTEDt-^tSfo good men, for can! vasslng. Apply 47 Albany Aventml Sam Heller. . ’.' : * BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. For immediate sale,, this city, first class drug store, well located, up-to-date fixtures and stick of goods 14 years established trade. Reason lor selling, owner has too much bus iness. Price: $2,500, Terms; $1,(^' cash, ’balance monthly. Address:- G. H. Bowen, Waycross, Ga to earape. TTe hoboes will be tried for beating their way on the train in Ttreoka and Thomas counties. hies. It will grow hair even on bald heads, unless all life in Ihe hair roots has been extinguished, the follicles closed, and the scalp la glu/ad and shiny. It gets Its name from *he fact that it grew hair in 93 out of 100 cates, where It -iecelvh? a thorough ly hard, Impartial and practical test We want yon to try Rerall • Hair Tonic at our risk. Yon surely isnnot lose nnythtug by *lo!hg so. while you hive everything to gain. You would better think this over, and v>p . FOR SALE—A No. 1 Young mule Idaho, Wyoming, Utah. Moulana, Or- * prejudice cl good order and military for aa! ^ by <* S- Hardy. .1 Si egbiH Washington and California and , discipline. It la alleged that, while In from several of the eaatern State*, i command of the marine hayrack, on F0R SALE—Horae and buggy and Canada and MeaTcOtlled the National l«l«“d »l Guam, he wrote an ini- haraesa. No. 1 ;hone. Buggy and Guard Armory today wwhen the con- pertinent letter to the Navy Depart- harnef, as good as new. Aphly at ventlon was called to older hy Prea-1 ment in regard to It, action on his Jefferson Hotel. :) n Ident Fred \\\ GooJln*. of 3iioshone. | apdlcatlon for transfer to the United ~~ Idaho. Governor-elect West welcom- j States. ed the visitors. The sessions of the; 1 r—— convention will conllmie three days,: BRIG. GEN. THOMAS RETIRES. during which time many questions of importance, to the wool growing In dustry will be discussed. »' carerr of many years of faithful anil P0R SALE—Few settings, pure Buff GOVERN-!? B^C&WIN TAKES HI8 OFFICE TODAY Hsrtford. Conn.. Jan. L—Simeon F Baldtrfti L.caw-5 toe sixty-sixth gov ernor of Connecticut this noon, when h, took oath to defend the constltu tlon of the State. Beroi-e him we the member, of the gener.-il i-sfn’.h' who a short time before had be- sworn In, moat of the state omc^il commlaslouers. members of the diclary and the State bar end many persona! friends o'- ^ governor. The Ittan,.' ceded hy the cnetoma- rade. After taking V Baldwin read hia