Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 05, 1911, Image 4
Marshall Comedy Duo Usual Prizes Will Prevail ' 10 and 15 Cents. I married. •• u l4Mt night fit-the hwr# at Sunny- side, Miss l^tha -llaidjr end Mr. Jam- re Booth-were very quietly married. Only the family being present, Rev. R. A. Brown of the Presbyterian church officiating. Miss Hardy ip the daughter of Mr. and Mrt. C, 8. Hardy and one of oar city'* very charming • young women. Mr. Booth is well known here and for a number of yeara has been connected With Hardy Bros. Mr.y and Mrs. Booth left last night for North Georgia, SEASONABLE Groceries We now here In stock Ralston Whole Wheat Flour Ralston Breakfast Food, fleckers Oatmeal in barrel! and package), Hooker* , Buckwheat, Self-rising, In barrel!, Cream ot Wheat, Shredded Wheat BlaculU, New Georgia syrup, and loti ot other rood things' too numerous to mention. Our prices ere reasonable nod our goods ffrst-clasi. We guarantee to ears you money. Mr. Mathew Carswell li now-with ua permanently and will be pleased-to see hla friends and terse their wants. MAY'S Milt and FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3; Indies Sweaters, $1.50 to $6.00.— Dlcklns. The cold ware today don’t hurt much. We are used to It. Mr. More of Oklahoma, la here looking after lands and such like. The fact that people are cumins from Oklahoma to look after South Georgia lands, is an Indication that something Is doing In this section. . All Blankets end Comforts at cut prices lo close.—Dlcklns. Great Improvements tor Riverside Park are reported for the near future. The Lyman Hall Chapted U. D. C. held tb^fr tegular monthly jneetlng yesterday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Brewer on Elizabeth street. THE MAN WHO ENJOYS DRIVING WILL SURELY ENJOY DRIVING WITH ONE*OF OUR RIOS. THE KINO THAT GIVE PLEASURE TO THE DRIVER, NEAT NOBBY AND UP TO DATE, PURNI8HEO WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. THAT YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH <JURi SERVICE, GOES WITHOUT BAYING. MoGregor, Mayo Boardings LI very and Safes Stable*, tobcau 8t. Waycrow, da. PHONE NO. 63. COPPER INTERESTS TO CON80LIDATC. Hew York, Jan. 6.—What is regard ed in flnanjrinl clrcIcH u* another atcp toward the eventual rousolldatlon of the sorrvnl large grdup* of copper - Intcreata wan taken Unlay, when the stockholders of the American Sttjflb Ing and Refining. Codtpany met to- au thorlxe an Increaae of capital stock from $160,000,000 to $U&,OOo.ooQ' in order Jo convert the newly authorised $16,000,000, 6 per cent debenture bondi of the American Smelter So- curtUea Company. There ii much poverty and'Buffering in the world and much of it I* brought to the warfare by 'extreme cold weath er. IN FIVE MINUTES Upset Stomach Peels Splendid. Mf-O-NA stomach tablet* will re lieve a dlntresHod, sour or greasy Moiuarh in five minute*. In three days they will make the most miserable or cranky dyspeptic feel that there is plenty of eunehlne In life.* Ytf'a Week tie will hare'flu appetite for and will eat without any bad after effects food whlcto now causes hi* Btomachjo strenulusly rebell. If continued for from two week* to a -month Ml-O-NA will thoroughly ro- novate and rlclnse the stomach and will compel It. (no matter how obsti nate It may be) to throw off It* weak ness and become,,t\g nature Intended It should be, strong and elastic. If you have a coated tongue, heart burn. sour food upheavels. uneasiness In stomach. dt?.7.lue*w, biliousness, sick headache, bad dreams or any kind or stomach trouble put your faith In Ml- O-NA. Fifty cent* is all n large box of Ml- O-NA costs at 0. R. Brinson Co., or leading druggists everywhere, on tnott cy back guarantee. Write Booth's .Ml-o-na, Buffalo. N, Y.. for Tree sam ple- Dec. 16, 17, Jan. 6 [Personal f Miss Carrie PerHam Social Editor Another chapter from the Book cf Life /I* given to u*. with leave itucut a* yet. U* pristine purity shall we forget, And mar each page with act* of petty strife and selflsbne**— Written full large In sin's unfading ink, Line upon line that ne’er can be ef faced , Showing us anger, Idleness, and waste, ’ Making us pause—impelling us to think. And much regret? No: rather let us write the title clear, Inscribe the preface, start our tale anew, Working with care .that blots may be but few. Nor let old mistakes again appear Throng bout the' whole. If thin new year, this''chapter we ^ could ML With records true and right, that' when our book *t Of Life Is bound we need-not fear to- look, Rut feel that we, through good re port and 111. Have done our -best! —-Leslie May Oyfer. Mr*. C. J. Thomas and little Miss Nell Orecnleaf returned last night after a visit to Jacksonville. " Mr; V. L. Stanton spent yesterday in Jacksonville the. guest of Mayor W. T. Cole*. Mr. W. R. Dempster 1* reported very much Hotter hut is still confined to hi* room. ■v> - - • •-/.** Mis* Sophia May Lambdin left yes terday for Wesleyan College at Ma*' con. Messrs E. Jordan’ and David Pope returned yesterday after a short trip to Tifton. FOSS SWORN IN AS GOVERNOR. , Boston, Mass., Jsn. D.—Eugene *N. Fata, (Democrat) was sworn In as governor of Massachusetts today, succeeding Rben 8. Draper (Republi can). The occasion was one of en thusiasm tor the many Democrats ■trom all {tans of the State to attend the ceremonies. * Miss Mary Stanton will entertain the Bachelor Girls Club tomorrow af ternoon at her home oi^Gilmore street. Miss Ester Pccn has returned to Macon where she re-enters Wesleyan College. Mr. DeWItt Deen left last night for Oxford where he re-enters Emory College. A CHINAMAN, Removes hi* glasses when he.greets a- friend, a Japan ese wears glasses for style, but we Americans wears glasses when we need them and we use the best glasses and spectacles in the world. 8c# me regarding your • eyes. r r T. A. W. ELMGREN. OPTOMETRIST, 43 Gilmore Street. *oo6oooooo<voooooo« <-^>000000000000000 ooooooooooooooooo CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting 1 \ NEATLY EXECUTED F. O. SMITH, ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE FAINTER IN TOWN. ’ *00000000000000 000000|00000000000< / j The friends of -Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peach regret to learn that Mrs. Peach Is very III at the home on Elisabeth street. Childrens Sweaters, 25c to $1.98.— Dlektna. Now la the time to advertise. Don’t loose wbnt you have mnde by, adver tising by a failure to keep up the trick. Mrec. Council Puckerf of Greensboro N. C., ’arrived Inst night and’will be tho guest of Rev; and Mrs. R. A. Brown for some months. Mr». Pack er Is Mrs. Browne mother. Mit. and k$r^. Fred Brewer and children accompanied by Mrs. C. H. Lowthor Teft III their car for Douglaa this afternoon. ' They will be gnesta of Mr. nqd NVi. Joe Brewer for tho night v Watch This Space FOR Special Sale of China Ware HOME FURNITURE GO- v-l- Phone 49 40 Plant Ave. HUMPHREYS* WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale” One lot Men’s Colored Laundry and Negligee Shirts.. Regular Price 50c t<v$1.00 Clearance Price 23c. -M One Table of Ladles’, Childreu and Men’s Win ter Underwear. Regular price 25c. Clearance Sale 13c. Extra Large Size Union Linen Huck Towel?. Clearance Sale 12$£c • Small lot of Large Size Cotton Comforts. Clearance Sale $1 *00 BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL SHOES. Humphreys & Williamson Ijidlea and childrens Coats st way- down cut prices to close. 1 —Dlcklns. Lookout for burglars. They ar« bore and hereabouts. —*- News Items of personal or social na tore, sent In or pboned Mias Carrie. Perham at.Herald office will be great ly appreciated. Phone 25; Florida, the tand of flowers, la badly hit by the cold. Bad Colds! Seals Cold Tablets will break up your cold in one day. II they fail you Can*bave your money back—‘25c THE SEALS PHARMACY - THK SEX ALL STORE ' . ' V SKIN AFFECTIONS. Whether On Infant or Grown Parson Cured by Zemo and Zemo Soap. AN UNUSUAL OFFER. The Seal, Pharmacy says to every person, be It man, woman or child, who has an Irritated, tender or Itching skin to come to our store and procure n bottle of ZEMO and a cake ot ZE- MO Map and If yon are not entirely sattsfled with results, come back and get your money. So confident are we of the etflclacy If this clean, slmplt treatment, that we make yon this unusual offer. ZEMO is a clean liquid (or external use that has cured.so many case, ot ectems, pimples, dandruff and other forma ot akin eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO slap are sold by. druggists ev erywhere and In Waycross by The Seals Pharmacy. ZEMO and ZEMO soap are the most economical ns well as the cleanest and roost effective treatment for affections of the skin or scalp, whether on Infant or grown Flannelette Kimonos Long or short at cut prices to close out.—Dlcklns. KENTUCKY HORSE BREEDERS. Lexington, Ky.', Jan.'^6.—Plana to advance the horse Industry in Ken tucky were discussed et a conference of prominent farmers and breeders held at the State College of Agrieul- ture today. The conference was JS* of a aeries ot gatherings held in con nection with the celebration of farm ers’ week at the State College. To morrow there will be a conference of the dairymen of the State. BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS f Oswego, N.Y., Jsn. 5.—Team* c " basketball players from many points have gathered here to precipitate In the national basketball cuimpionahlps ot the,Amateor Athletic Union of the United State*. The tournament ts to last three days and Is cogf^ted un der the auspices of the Otsego Noe- ■ mat Athletic Association.