Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 05, 1911, Image 7
WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD a ORDER OF OWLS 1 Many People Think BY THE NAME, THAT OWLS ARE ALL NIQHTERS; THAT MAY BE TRUE OF THE REAL BIRO, BUT THE ORDER OF OWLS USE THE BIRO IN THE MORE A8THETIC SENSE—AS AN EMBLEM OF WISDOM—AS IT HAS BEEN USED FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL. NOT AS SYMBOL OF REVELRY. THEY ALSO USE IT AS AN EMBLEM OF VIGILANCE—AS AN OWL CAN 8EE IN THE DARK. 80 THE OWL (MAN) MUST BE EVER VIGILANT TO THE NEEDS OF HI8 BROTHERS AND BE EVER READY TO RE8P0ND; BE IT DAY OR. NIGHT. THE OWLS DO BELIEVE IN PLEASURE, THEY PREACH THAT WE SHOULD -LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE—NOT DWELL ON ITS GLOOMY ASPECT8. THE TRUE OWL STANDS EVER READY TO SPEAK A WORD OF CHEER TO THE SORROWFUL, OF COURAGE TO THE FAINTING BROTHER—BELIEVES IN SMILE3 INSTEAD OF FROWNS AND SAYS THERE ARE NONE ALL GOOD AND NONE ALL BAO, THAT WE ARE ALL- ALL OF US GOOD AND BAD,~OIFFERING IN THESE RESPECTS ONLY IN DEGREE. FOR PARTICULARS CALL ON OR ADDRESS: Fred H. Corthell Charter Fee $5. Monthly Dues 50c BENEFITS $8.00 PER WEEK—$100 AT DEATH—FREE NEST PHYSI CIAN-SOCIAL FEATURES. OEPU TY ORGANIZER, PHOENIX HOTEL, WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. AIMS IT IS THE FLA.N OF THE ORDER TO USE ITS REV- ENUES WHENEVER THEY EXCEED IT8 EXPENSES, IN BUILOING AN-> MAINTAINING THREE GREAT BE NEVOLENT IN STITUTIONS. THE FIRST OF THE3E IS INTENDED TO BE A HOME AND SCHOOL FOR THe ORPHAN CHILDREN OF THE OWLS. THE SECOND IS INTENDED TO BE A HOME FOR AGED AND INFIRM MEMBERS OF THE OROER. THE THIRO INSTITUTION PLANNED IS TO BE A GENERAL HOSPITAL CONDUCTED UPON THE MOST MODERN SCIENTIFIC LINES. THIS LAST INSTITUTION IS INTENDED TO MAKE POSSIBLE THE GIVING OF THE BEST MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ATTENTION' AND CARE IN DIFFICULT ANO CAPITAL CA8E8 TO ALL* MEMBERS O FTHE ORDER, EITHER AT MINIMUM EXPENSE, OR AT NO EXPENSE AT ALL. IT IS BELIEVED THE BUILDING OF SUCH INSTITUTIONS WILL 00 MORE GOOD.FOR .> MANKIND. . THAN . WOULD THE PAYMENT OF SALARIES AND THE FURNISHING OF POSITIONS FROM TIME TO TIME TO AMBITIOUS MEN. j FOR PARTICULARS CALL ON OR AOORE38, Fred H. Corthell DEPUTY ORGANIZER. PHOENIX HOTEL. waycross, Georgia: ,_ tro now ready for dlatrlbu- tlon. It la Impossible to get any better or —re reliable plants than oars, as we — bins but the best aeeds from old of nndiapated reputation. Try ours and _, jonrlnced. Don't look for cheap aeeds or plants from which to crow crops, bat seek or plants from which to srow crops, bat i WriEfseWlZS&ttEwquEuvK count and Bart delivery naranWad. Cheap ax- preaa rates to all points. $.M.$»iaaC»Nleii,Messitt,«.C. The L. Norman Pretty line Chifforobea and Chiffo niers at the Waycrlss Furn. Co. 3 2t OLD SOLDIER TOTURED. “For years I suffered unspeakable torture from Indigestion, constipation and liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all right. They’re simply great” Try them for an/ stomach, liver or kid ney trouble. Only 25c at All Drug gists. Located at Hoboken; Ga. FOR SALE . / 1 In 30 Acre Tracts. Office at Hoboken Chicago Office 135 Adam St. W.H. ULMER, Wheelwright and Blacksmith, I Horseshoeing A Specialty, Next to Wilson Laundry, just in rear of Singleton iFurniture Company. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Listen, everybody:? Bring the last receipt we gate you and get your Xmas ;pres*nt|. They are beautiful Indeed. Sam Heller. Have you seen how the Waycross Furn. Co., cluld furnish your home complete from kitclieu to parlor for $133.00. Look In the window at their store and see how nicely It can be done. 3 2t RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. IS IN PROSPfCT What la a home without Dice furni ture. l.et the Wuycroas Him, Co., umko your homo look inviting. Price, low and terma easy. 3 2t Cooking ware In all llio leading | nlera, at the Waycroaa Furn. Co. 3 2t i Reform. Promiaed In Illinois. Springfield, 111.. Jan. 4.—The forty- seventh Illinois legislature convened lode- conditions that promts# WOMEN—Sell guaranteed hoae, 70 per cent profit. Make 110 dally. Pul* or part time. Beginners investigate, strong Knit, Box 4029, West Philadel phia. tf Prettiest line dining room suites In the city at the Waycroaa Furn. Co. > 2 Why not save enough fuel t« buy n good range. The Monarch will pay tor Itself. Let the Waycroaa. Furn. Co., tell you about It 3 2t WOOD! WOODI WOOD! Wood, any length, at Thomas Bros. Large shipment or matting just re ceived at the Waycroaa Furn. Co. 2 2t CABBAGE PLANTS. For Cabbage Plants see me. tf A. P. Pcrham. Sr. Providence, R. I., Jan. 4.—With two Republicans and a Democratic can didate In the Held for Uni.od States senator to succeed Nelson W. Aldrich, present Indications point to another' more for (lie public welfare than any deadlock In the Rbofle Jslantl legists-- session of recent yeuru. .Willi ring rule abolished the prospects are bright for the enactment or many laws fbo passage of which for years has' keen bllckcd by the politicians pivll service extension, (lie Initiative and referendum, a corrupt practices act, changes In the election laws lo minimize rrauds, amendments to the commission furm of government act, employers' liability leglaletlon, re vision of the coal mining laws, and the Improvement oh'tbe waterways •re among the Important matters that will receive attention. The biggest political light In the tcH.ilm |s ezpccted in come over Iht reapportionment of itho Hjntn into new congressional and senatorial dis trict,. and another sharp contest Is expected over tbs question of countv option. Hava you seen Earn Heller's adf It's an Installment dry foods house, tf Do yon want yon home to be attrac tive? Let the Waycross Furn. Co, make it so for yon on easy terms. 2 2 turo now In session, unless there Is n marked change In the attitude of the Republican majority. The Re- publican candidates are Henry F. Lip pi tt. one of the leading wool manu facturers of the country and Judge LeBaron B. Colt of the United States Circuit Court, a brother of Col. Sam uel P. Colt, president of the Unltod States Rubber Company. The Dem ocratic candidate is Judge Arthur 1, Brown of the United Stale, District Court, who has received the indorse ment of the Democratic State con vention as well as the Democratic members of the legislature. To all appearances the strength of Llppltt and Colt, the Republican as plrsnts. Is about equally divldad. Up pltt la regarded as the machine can- dldate, while Colt, hoi the Indorse ment of the progressive or Insurgent wing of the Republican parly. Up- pltt Is the choice of Senator Aldrich and also has tjie backing of a major ity of .the members of the State com mittee, Whether this will help or hinder bis candidacy is a dlaputad question. Judge Colt appears to have Ineraaaed his strength within the past fhw weeks and apparently baa anOclant strength to Indicate a dead- lock should all the Democrats stand for Judge Brown on. every ballot. Ladies! Money and Keep h —■ Style by Reading McCeff. Magarine aid Utinj McCall Pattens ■war. Mao,Is, wilt help you draw styl ishly at s modertto •xpenso by kaeplnr you posted on tfc* fctest fas It tons lo clothe.! and hau SO Now Fashion DeeifOS la tact) Issue, Also valuable information on all home and par* aopal matter*. Onlr Mo » year, loctodlor a free pattern. Hub- acrlbo today or aawi for freoaample copy. McCall Palters* will anabla you to make In yonr own home, with your own band*, clotblDfto* yourself and children which will boperfsea w Prtoo—nooa bIrber than lb cent*. Send for firoo Pattern Caiatofoa. 01 », We W* Q*e Tea Flas trass* for re III nr anb- *8SWM£5nrHiF m uoit coamr, at a z« w«u7* smea For either acute or chronic kidney dlrqrders, for annoy and painful uri nary Irregularities, take Foley Kidney Pills. An honest and effective medi cine for kidney and bladder disor der,. Coni' Pharmacy. Ws "easy pi sell furi Aaif furniture and stoves on ." plan. Waycroaa Furn. 3 21 Stoves and ranges all styles and prices at the Waycroaa Furn. Co. 2 2t Did you promise your wife some new furniture on the Drat of the New Tear. Let the Waycroaa Furn. Co., help you save money on this prom ise. 2 tt Wood’s Seeds For The Farm and Garden have an established reputation extending over thirty years, be ing planted and used extensively by the beat Farmers and Garden- era throughout the Middle and Southern States. Wood’s New for 1911 win Seed Catalog to what crops and seeds to plant for success and profit Our pub lications have long been noted for the full and complete infor mation which they give. Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it T.W. WOOD 6 SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Direr mixs • TRY THE WANT ADS ~ for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, slid urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vi(jor. K-j(uue substitutes, FOR BALE BY GEM FHARMACY. //