Newspaper Page Text
We Are Wide Awake in the Sleep Frodneing Business
Brass Beds
Ecatfly like illustra
tion, heavy 2 in.
cotinuous poSts, 12
fillers, finished in
finest grade enelish
laquer, pol- f M CH
isbed at - ULltlJU
others up to $50. /$ cash, bal. 30, 60 & 90 days.
Our Peerless Cotton Mattress
h full 49 lbs. weight, has roll edge good quality
tick, the beSt mattress on the mar- djo AA
ket at this price - - ipO* W
$1.00 cash, 50c per week.
A strong, servicable
ir n bed exactly like
cut, finished in best
? 'raJe white enameled
ull size, guarantetd
M SOc per
In riding In nn ox-eaxt and a Htiflmun Palace car. Is about the same
"an the difference In comfort In sleeping on an old faahloncd, sagging
noisy spring, and one of the new guaranteed NATIONAL kind.
WeUiave a great
value, exacUy as
illustrated,^ has
french bevel
mifror 12x20 ins
70 /ns. high, 6
drawers, solid
o/k, quartered,
/jwed front.
$1 cash 75c week
Spot cash
on 30, 60 and
90 days
We Carry This Excel
lent Mattress in
The LuxYoury embodies
all that is required of a per
fect mattress. It is Insured.
Price, $12,75 '
at the price we sell
it. Exactly like cut,
has 2 inch continu
ous nodts, 10 fillers,
finished in highest
grade white enam- __________
e’.ed - ... - - $12.0
In the popular and durable Vernis
Martin finish - - • 13.50
In the new q i?rt r d o ; k finish *»*'•,* 15.25
[/$ cash, balance 30. 60 an • 90 days.
Full 50 lbs . high grade felted cotton, best qual-
itv twilled tick, roll edge, imperial pitched,
guaranteed never to lump. Our price $10.50
$2 cash 75c per week.
- , This beautiful bed is
strictly high-class in
every resp ct, 2 inch
continuous posts,heavy
fillers, brass' trimmed.
Re&quality brars rollers
finished in best grade
white enamel $14.50
% cash bal. 30-60 90 days
Is guaranteed never to sag, is absolutely nolsless, Is made entirely of
ateel, requires no slats. Is absolutely sanitary. Has 1-4 Inch tube
aide rails, 1 1-2 Inch by 2 Inch steel end angles, 5 1-2 Inch malleable
comer blocks, and 58 oil tempered helllcal steel springs Iti the ends.
On our easy payment plan, from ’ ‘.$3.35 to I
We pay our customers
10 per eent in trade cou
pons, to make payment*
at the store.
The Store of Great Values where Your Credit is Gocd
Phone 499. A. R. HOOD, Mgr. 106 Plant Ave.
Don’t feel like you are imposing on us, when you phoae to us tc send out samples.
' for Ba.bys
Insist thattne pillow be
tvra absent from b!c neet In the jeen-j
ate. ITo returned In I8C0, ant! In tho .
notable session of*that anj the fol*j
1 lowing year he wua a r,t:ong opnoneut i
j of any form of compromise. j
In other phased of Siimnei’M public j
I career he filled an important place in |
~ r * — ■ t*n© history of his country. Hut tVse
Botlon. Maas.. Jan. 5.—Eighteen I ulM,n3 ' h .™ n tor s o,ten m ,hlS
hundred and 'Hmmo -whs • tbs natal I"?" 1 of “* ra,wr ““ “ n unff-^avery
year of many American, who wur. advocate"an4 Salesman. From 1801
to win Extinction; sumo of ,0 1878 h * * aa , ' htllrma " of "">
i established $ reputation which' at0 c °' uia,1 " ; « ° a for " , * n !ola,lon ■
beyond their own country aad ln t 1 * 1 l>°» 11,0 n hs contributed
into Europe. Of then, notable Amcr- ® aM!riall > r ,0 Merature of Interna
lout* whoso centenaries will bo cel- Uonal law .' Hl " * reat *‘ reech oa t1,e
ohrsteff dnrln* the present year, fco '" TreBl AB * ,r "' dcllTered ln **• " enBt «
throe ot widest reputation .or. Char- ln ,88s - '» cla "“ d a ”°»* hla all,c,t
lea Bummers, Horace Grecly and P™*'"*' 0 "*-
Wendell Phillips, all natives of Eng
Tbs first of tha csntenarles will
com* tomorrow, which will be the
owe hundredth anniversary of the birth
ot Charles Summers, who has been
cJsxscd among America's greatest
C loitrcn. Born In Boston, Jan.
1, Summers bectni* a graduate of
When (be war was concluded Sum
ner ardently supported the policy of
conciliation and amnesty. HI* death
occurred In Washington, March .11,
Tbo Naw England Suffrage League
the Issuance of roml bonds. A $200,-
000 company was chartered to build
a railroad through Washington mnl.
<■ t I
Choctaw counties, Alabama. Bids arc,
Invited for $250,000 of shore-protection j
work along the Savannah river at
" j Augusta, Ca. A $50,000 company was
I formed at Cedartown, Ga, to manufac-
Columbus. Hu., Jan. 5.- The Oeor. tllre p a |, er products. A sewer pipe
gla and Alabama Industrial Index manufacturing company at Rome, Ga..
says In Its regular weekly Issue: /will double the capacity of Its plant.
“Developments which will have an I 'f wo ires manufacturing companies
Important bearing; on mining opera-; werc formc d at Birmingham. Ala., one
tlons In the tw'g stwift-dnarked lho! of them ravlng capital of $160,000.
beginning of the New Year. Blrtn- -The1 deposits of a Birmingham
Ingham Inve.tora acquired between j ban)l croMcd the tcn-mllllon-dollar
eight and nine thousand acres of the mark for the first time In Its history,
best coal land. In Alabama, lying ln A new mnlk (i reported for Bowman,
Jefferson ana Walker counties, at a, Cp Tlfton, Ga., business men are
consideration of about half-million j promoting the organization of two In-
dollate, and will proceed with the auatrial corporation!. A dozen new
FOR RENT—Three elegant rooms,
furnished. SplendhT"locatlon. Phone
184. 4 3t
j For Immediate sale,, tills city, llrst-
i class drug store, well located, with
up-to-date fixtures and stick of goods; .
14 years established,,trade. Reason
lor selling, owner hhs tguliinyqh bu» 1 J
iness. Price: $2,506. TitU*:
cash, 'Balance monthly. ‘.-jnbrim:
4 St G. H. Bowen, Waycross, Ga.
FOR RENT—Two rooma, close to
Postofflce. Apply 10 Francis at. 4 21
FOR RENT—Hardy Bros. Grocery
stand on Plant arenne for rent Jan
uary 1,1911. See D. t O. Lott. 2w2w
active development of the property,
their plans contemplating it la said,
an ultimate Investment of a million
dollara In Impnovements, At Rome
corporations, .with capital stock of
$3,3J) ,004 are reported.”
FOR SALE—A No. 1 Young mule
for sale by C. S. Hardy. 3 31
Washington, D. O., Jan. 5.—Con-
and various other organlsaUont 0 f' Ga ’ “ three-mllllon-dollar corporation,
Boston hare made elaborate preps* W,B forl “ ed ,« mlrol * ad operate!
jutlous for the oiikervanre of the Sum-J** 1 ® Georgia Interests of a Michigan _ ^ ^
Harvard In f$30 The next year he n<!r l ' < ' nlc,lory - Beginning with »| millionaire, with the excepllon of J 1 rcaseembled today after the -Jefferson Hotel.
l . v.rd bw'"chl whcrl “ e "' hla ,a » a » withm,..rouJ_.ha« he recently built out of Bu are ^
entered the H.tverd law school. »her. Ak|| o'Conn.11 and u*6er noted ^ onie <» a ao f a<,rty d ‘««'» a - Th « for
he atudlefi under the repowned Judge ... ... new cor mratlnn will develnh the ex.
; men as speakers,, the celebration .will - npw corporation will develop tne ex
Jospb Story. He spent the years
1 , . . . , , be continued over, tomorrow. A fen-
m „l t, n . , r0 . s ’V n "ire of tomorros s programme will bej * ho «• «- ^lers, of Malnstee.
Uwdon. Berlin. Paris and other llu „ llorU , „ ert(lf , tt ( „.'Mlch. A Virginia corporation which
centers, and becoming .equals |t#w)M|> 8t , ;100li (vb|( . h ,„ nJ , on ha. been Investing In mineral prop-
FOR SALE—Horae and buggy and
harness. No. *1 /horse. Buggy and
harness as good as now. Apply at
3 St
both senatort and representatives
there Smunrr wua horn.
ted with Ihe leading public men of
Europe. Ilia studies and tastes led
him toward polltlel and. the Inw. He.'
became-Intereated very early In the SOUTH DAKOTA LEGISLATURE,
anti-slavery movement. On Nov. 0. |
JSS0, la Faneull Hall, soon afisr the D . tan- Vnilt!
FOIT6ALE—Sewing Machine lot
V' t«"'7 ro r perti™' of”tMr mv«t«. f" “ 'j* 4 ** '? 8lD * OT "*•> *
both branches fo keep the legtslatlv* very cheap. Apply Jo iS-Hruael street
mill grinding at full sp-qd from now Quick. ' 27 Cl
until the end of the session. 1 1—~~
In order to rnsh the work through FOR SALE—Few settlnge, pure Bull
psecaze of (he fugitive elav. Inn, he
delivered a speech on that subject
which led to Ms election to the Uni
ted Slates senate.
'litre ‘atarior !*_u> bo . V, 'v.l at the
present eesslon of the South Dakota
legislature, but It Is expected that ac
tion will be taken during tbo winter
ertles In Polk county, Georgia, made
Its third purchase In that section dur
Ing the past w>ek.
"Statistics show that Georgia had
tbe distinction of leading every South
ern state east of he Mlsatsslppl dur
ing the pact year In the number of
new banka established, reporting 05
brand new Institutions and expan
sions In capital by ten others, mak
ing a total of $4.-320,1140.of .new bank-
II Is probable that evening aesslons Orpington eggs, and one fine year-old
will be held. It le the Intention of cock. J. E. Wadley. 2 ot.
the Republican managers In both — .
houses to attempt to make a record WANTED
of this session and not merely con- ^ ^ ^ ^ - .n^,.- L - L
tent with the passage of the appro- PERSONAL.
priatlon measures. In their desire to We will pay you ten cents each.; ir
accomplish as much as possible before new name* and addresses of amatior
the session ends the Republicans are photographers. Carver, Rex 504.' \Ca
governed by political considerations, terloo, lor n. * ti
The presidential campaign of 1912
In th^ senate It w» with difficulty | on many matters of Htate Importance,
that Summers found an opportunity ( Amendment ot the primary election
to spaak upon Ms "one Idea". On' la**, good roads legislation, and a Ing capital for the state In 1910. Blr Is already opened so far aa Washing- 1 ». WANTED—Reliable man foz. gro
Jut Id. Ittt, be made his celebrated | constitutional amendment Increasing' mlngham^ Alt., reports Investments ton Is concerned and the cloelng ot' eery wagon. Only hastier need apply,
speech for the-Repeal of the Fngttlve rite number of signatures required for. In that city .and vicinity of twenty, the Republican congress before the Apply “fl", this office. :;‘it
yynlBi:, -opt!o5H.,hwg CMFWT-— ^submission of,a law under tho Inltla-1million dollara during the past year, nomination Is made Is relied on to ^—j —\ j—-—-
Klava iriw.” in 1959 he delivered hlv live and referendum are among the Building permits In Atlanta, Ga., dur- help the party when the campaign Is WANTED—Two good men. for can- .
speech In the senate on "The Crime' principal Items on the legislative pro- Ing ipit afangated $7,403,940, sW- formerly opened. A good record of vasalng. Apply 47 Albany Avenue, j Jects, succeeded his grandr,
Agmlett Kansas." ihe speech <or which 'gramme. .taring Its own records and leading bills la naturally counted upon to help Sam Heller. tf lcle Grand Duke Charles
be was assaulted by Senator Brooks. I — ‘ Ihe entire South. the candidates In their appeals to the : — - on r*n. 5. 1901. -when lie
set foer years thereafter Sumner' Tor wood phone 215. 20 la “Polk county, Georgia, will vote on country. - - - • ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. v twenty-five years of age.
I. . -? *
Best line mattress’ In
the Waycrosi Furn. Co. 3. 2t
New York, Jan. 5.—James J. Gal
lagher, who shot Mayor Gnynor last
August, was sentenced to twelve
years’ Imprisonment. He was convic
ted In Jersey City on an Indtotment
charging him not with shooting May
or Gaynolv buj Xvllb assaulting with
Intent t& kill William II. Edwards,
(omtnlssloner of street cleaning ot
New York. • fir
The Jury was out forty minutes and
tho trial lasted but a portion of one
day. In addition to tbe twelve years
Gallagher will have to stay In prison '
until the coat of hls prosecution lias
been paid by prison service. He
showed no i motion when tbe verillcl
was lead or sentence p oiounced.
1~ . ' . .
Atlanta, Ga, Jan. 6.—According to n
statement made public, there was on
January 1 a cash "balance of $018,-
923.85 In the state treusmy. This is
approylmately $132,000 more than tbe
each balance on January I, 1010. The
slates obligations villi eat it up ln
hurt order. ^
Berlin, Jan. 5.. —A dispatch
Weimar says that' a general bolidu
was observed throughout 8*xe-W|
roar today In celebration .of I
annlversaty of the accession of
Duke William Ernest to the
The Grand Duke, wwhv m
ly popular with all Hasses i