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if tfcera is r.n
ail “show •oops*
I Everyone Can AffortUThis
SplendidModern Shower Bath
! The Knickerbocker Spraybrush is mere ben- £03)$ *
HAS NUT obnoxious pkuvi&iuim j lhe nilnerg . international ron.<TehB of,
, rho fl r(lt union of fur cap makers 1
Atlanta, Go., Jan. 6,-ln an inter. . W „ H rorraed Nbw York ,, Uy re J
tlew. Judge Arthur G. Powell of tha cln „ y „ nd |ntnd( , llR)ler j
3Ute Coup of Appegla .aid that in W(W , an „ fl , h0 . ter workdaj ,
tin opinion the recent docLIon of the T|)e nowIy orgullMd E , lt 8 | da
Supremo Court of the Uolted Slate. Han ‘ k dl<irk ,. Un|on NBW York c|ty
icelnrlng nncoo.tltutlonul and .old lntend „ make a donlaIld for hlK , ler
ho Alabama labor contract law he- Bnd irortl . r |lour , ROOn
" ""O'* 011 P* 0 " 4 **’ "°“ w no, A meeting of Pullmnn rar porter,
.tfoct the Georgia law of a .In,Mar ch|<al|IO m ot||er ^
rtlure, for the reawn that It doe. w |.h a vlaw of organhdng a union with
,ot contain the aame obno.lon. pro- , deaU , t< ., tura>
Lion bat I. found In th. Alabama organ'ged labor throughoutTkff
' * homa I.' working strenuously for the
-The Prt.vl.lun. on which, chlelly, „ do!lt|oil of aRK , Ddneat th ,
h.t law w.« hold Invalid, wu that ConMlt , ltloI)> exlendln< t0
f a laborer who receives advances womcn
ireache. hi. contract/...eta breach ’ ^ dffmu are being made In
htdljm taken a. prim, fade evidence CoIor „ d(MO Ma% a
f intent to defraud. In Oeorgin the wort4n|f hoar , „ f tactory
urden of proving fraud 1. put upon mpn and'u, e.t.bll.l. a minimum wag.
be .tale, and the Brat, conviction for A UI)
Oder th. Georgia law. which will j Japal f . new |aw „„ |JW „ .
land the teat, la yet to he had. L** whJ „ pn . Mn |hat
must And work for til discharged
I0TE8 FROM THE LABOR WORLO prtwnor., and which make. It an of.
In lhe last three monih. the rail- fenca to moleat or boycott them,
ay carmen have formed twenty-live The Stale federation of labor or-
ew union.. . jganlud in Wyoming In-1999. now It..
About 91 pejr cent of the hulldlng! nffiljatid with it .l.lyosc loci un-
mde* mechanic, at Hpt Spring., j Iona, compiling in'all nineteen trade.
rk„ are organized. ' and craft..'
The Orcgop State federation Of ^ Oaring Ole pant year The Baker."
abnr will meet In annual ronvenlloh j and Conffvilmmr.' International Jin-
i Salem tbfa month. ion .pent tlfju in .trike' benetlt..
At pre.ent Porto Rico ban /Itir loci It lisd '.liieen .irljica during'|be year
plumbing npenae. Tha bath b ready InUanlly.
Tha hundred. of .oft robber lube, or "teeth" give
a tboroagtr musaga to eery part of tba body, get
the dirt oat u nothing elm caa, and the myriad.
> I invigorating atraama envelop tba body in a
delightful shower.
The Knickerbocker
Spraybrush Gives
The Ideal Bath, ^
Shampoo and 4B8L
' Cyyn!rJr tin. Bn]. B. l'.v*fto,.
In the January issue of HAMPTON’S
MAGAZINE — the magazine that published
i Commander Peary'* Own Story of the Conqueit
j of the North Pole—Dr. Cook frankly admit. .
that he docs not know whether he reached the
, North Pole or not.
Since the sudden and mysteiious disappear
ance of Dr. Frederick A. Cook in November,
1909 until the publication of this series no word •*
has been received from this man who stood so
conspicuously for a brief wh|lc before the world,
the recipient of unprecedented honors. Why
, did Dr. Cook disappear? Was not this a tacit
admission that he had presented a fraudulent
claim to the discovery of the North Pole? Or
did he ever possibly believe in himself ? Where
has he been ? What has he done ? <
In his story—a human document of die most
extraordinary interest and importance—Dr.Cook
has held up his own naked soul for public exam
ination; has searchingly and mercilessly analyzed
the mental processes which preceeded his extra
ordinary actions since his return from that barren
world where, he says, '•* I felt what few men of
a'tits feel" —the tragic isolation of the human I
soul -a thing which, dwelt upon, must mean •
madness, I think I realized the aching va«nei» of ;
the world site: Creation, before man Was made.
On its own merits, wc print Dr. Cook’s
Own Story in the January issue of
Mohan AttKtima foe bom., without tatbtooias, 90* FUA»rF«tat >|>
Oat a Knickerbocker Spreybnuh today * Fully goaraataad-yoo risk oothb*-
Your* Money Back If Not Satisfactory
Knickerbocker era for .ale by leading Drug, Dept., HanT-
ware and Plumbing .tore, everywbar e. Get a Bpraybrtub on your Brat trip-,
down town. Ittyour dealer doe. not' carry them «en his name andt be mon
ey. We will send direct to yon, pro paid, un ten day. trial. Descriptive
booklet free. — . \]
Wj-JtO Monroe Sir eat, Chicago, III. ; ’ f j‘
Try A Want Adi
labor union's with a nr thereinD orj ol which, ten were wob arid' ajs a:o, .
more tl
- pending.’
Itan six. thousand.
San Frynclaco. Cal,, Typog Blililrar .Cn^; lev law. In. Portugal the
Union No. *1 now ha. ■ member.>.in i.ii, i».j ,.r
of mme than one thoiuaigl. clattn'._oI tobnr. »|rl, ,b.. ev« Bft3rf of
‘Toe North Knd Coal Heavers’ x*-government'o,,|,ldyc«. St.' W ,-J
’ elety, at Liverpool, Kurland, ha. ainal give frooi elriu to twelve days Botha'
now on sale —15 cents
Broken ’ promise, never make a ; —until fi
pretty moMlc for the foundation of!visiting.
GUS EDWARDS latest song success the big hit of JARDIN DE PARIS
The New York Theatre Roof. New York
« J —
i! 1 ii—
i.. r ^fer5:
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— - *
t r' —r " . 1 ~
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Copyright, XC7SZ, by GU> SDWARDS. In^rporalod, ijjt Broadway, Hew York
'International CQpyrT;ht S-curcd
Uieti by pemutbion, MURRAY. M t’/1 " I*cw Yojk
In Ht. Louis, Mo., tbero sro more {
than two thousand men l•mploye<l , ht
Urn brlok un'l term cotfa Industry.
i mi mu i nTiiin- New York ,n<,n!,,er • of tbo ,ntor *
I A Ini Villi I V | An! || natluiiit! Wood Carvqru union uro try-
LH rl fl ILL U III111/ . InK to obtain a forty-four-bour week.
I A sehemo to regulstc the output i , - . . . www„
, 4l , ,. , I encutl to every member of the family than n n |u
' ?t,nw or 8tr,k0 1,a8 bew * hy | *hc finest over-head shower bMh equipment