Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 09, 1911, Image 2
WAVC7 ">?£, EVEN INC HERALD THE EVENING HERALD A fin THE Published By HERALD PUBLISHING A. P. Perham, Sr. A. P. Perham, Jr. < Editor* and Proprietor*, j' Mil* Carrie Perham, Personal, 8ociety and Loeal. The Waycroes Herald founded in 1885. The Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. Pertain, Hr. RATE9 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Mont'a i,... f -45 Month* 11.25 6 Month# $2.50 1 Year $5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE AH obituary notice*, card* of thank*, resolutions and notice* of entertain meots, where charges are made, will be charged at advertising rate* of 6 rent* a line. EARLY IN THE YEAR 1911, THE HERALD WILL ISSUE IT*8 WEEK LY EDITION AS IN THE PAST. OUR weekly will be twelve £°“l PACES AND WILL BE SENT TO | Uni < " EVERY FAMILY IN WARE COUNTY l “ " ’ AND TO HUNDREDS IN NEIGHBOR ING COUNTIES. OUR J08 DEPARTMENT WILL ALSO DE REOPENED AND VERY MUCH IMPROVED. NEW MACHIN ERV WILL BE ADDED AND A LARGE STOCK OF STATIONARY WILL BE CARRIED. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will ptease rlng up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, a* iIHh I* the only mean* that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the City of Waycross. Official' Organ of the County Hoard of Kduratlon. Official Orgnn of the* United State* Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, GA., JAN. 9, 1910. AN EASY AND HARMLESS WAY TO DARKEN THE HAIR. Who doe* nor know of tiia value of ■age and sulphur for keeping the hair dark, *oft, gto*»y aud in B'KkI condition? A* a matter of fact. Kulphnr I* a natural element of hair, and a deficiency of it in the hair la held by many scalp *[**- ; clalfatv to *be conn»*cred with Ins* of j color and vitality of ih - hair. Unques tionably. there i* no bette.* remedy fer hair and scalp troubles, #*.»;»-daily preaia lure graynea*. than sage and sulphur, i properJ> prepared. Tli - Wyeth Ulieraic.;; Company. 74 Cortland: 8NVr.* York ideal preparation <#f 'h‘. Sage and Sulphur nil hading drug?:*:* {»' 50c. and giaKJ a bottld or,i.» s«:iT direr by the manufacturer:, upon r**ev!»r price. Sale and recommend**., by Chero ee Pharmacy. ASTHMA CATARRH CORED FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are tonic In action, quick in re- cult*. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. Mary C. Abbott. Wolfeboro. N. H., soys: “I THESE FEATURES WILL IN NO j n 8 8 airlifted with a bad cafe of rheu WAY INTERFERE WITH OUR DAI- m LY EDITION, WHICH WILL ALSO, tnnriRRi. due to uric arid that my kid ney* failed to dear out of my blood. I wan so lame in my feet, joint*, and back that it wan a irony for me to step. BE GREATLY IMPROVED. OUR j mXtoZ FRIENDS WILL PLEASE TAKE D,UE | day* when I was able to j&t lip and NOTICE OF THI8 STATEMENT AND BE READY WITH THE PRICE OF A YEARS SUBSCRIPTION. Wood’s Seeds For The Farm and Garden have an established reputation extending over thirty years, be ing planted and used extensively by the best Farmers and Garden ers throughout the Middle and Southern States. Wood’s New for 1911 will Seed Catalog 5&E; to what crops and seed* to plant for success and profit Our pub lication* have long been noted for the full and complete infor mation which they give. Catalog mailed free on request. Writs; for it T.W. WOOD ©SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. RING 17* FOR WOOD. CABBAGE PLANTS. For Cabbage Plant* n6e me. A. P. Perham, Sr. Have you seen Sam Heller’s ad? It’s an installment dry good* bouse, tf Atlanta can t;r<- the old caplfol building a3 u place of lefugo for dis gruntled politicians, say* the Sander* vUIo Georgian. / The Democrats will have a majority of 60 In the House while the Repub licans hold the senate by 9 majority. That’Afie long and short of It —— The Mercer removal talk bus about subsided but the talk of removing (ho eapitol from Atlanta • seems to be growing warmer and more interesting. We I f t'eve in the people and we want to see them decide the matter.—Rx. d* j- - Tito effort to keep ‘potigressman Hrantley from being put! back .on the ways and moans committee because •jhe voted for a *m*U dut|- on lumber will not succeed. Tin !)* mor-ats have hotter ^flense. And they will hardly act the fool before the Ink on their com missions become dry - Darien (In- ’ zette. fr~* 1» in said that Gofrnuir Smith will advocate ,!i:q comblnlm: of the Octo ber iiml Xofetnber election^ and the Inauguration of the governor early in January'Instead of late in June. These are refer ms that are reforms, and we hope lh»v new governor will leave nothing undone to convince the legis lature cirtbe wisdom in making theae change/. Om» election every two years , ./certainly einiujfh.- Darien Garotte. - ’ ly— *—— The Ahudaoti tilulu* .iu*n nays that a man who refuses to arbitrate a con troversy I* usually wrong—and that l* Just our l(fm about It. Much suffer ing hod mpmy ktllluuH coul.i he pre vented If pt aple win* have difference* would I«iv« thorn to arbitration- to ProrMW by law. All perwna duly will*. Cultivate your bump of InV- ^t'orod will be entitled to voto at tbK-Vlndneso and you will get along j' ®* ect * on - R 0 " 8 * 1 * 1 0!ien at /batter. Thla ia the way tho daaetto I Courtbouae and the Opera' Hou.o, feel. about It and we are »ure we are» f,fm fls 0 ' clor " "> •<° *® ve » 0 ' clocl1 about and the pain* were all gono. Thl* great change in condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pills and re commend them to anyone suffering as I have.” Gem Pharmacy. EEDS Freih, Rollablo; Firs Cmnmteed to Pltaa* >ry Gardener and Planter ihouldti •upe rh>r merit* of Oar Nortticrn Grown SPECIAL OFFER FOR 10 CENTS e will Mad poRtpalil onr FAMOUS COLLECTION - ,k|. Ferlf l.-m-WM ^»bbe,a . f I *k(. rallerlH lirkM Ultaa* . I &l*a It twUtUlCMlM klawar Ha*4t . . 1 • *7 Write today! Hand 10 cauM to help P»T poatoca • packing and »acai*a khaalmta "fainou, Collactlo/i," galbar with oar Saw 111 Inatnirtlv, Uardan (laid*. ORKAT ItOETlIKRN SKKD CO. 417 Rockford, Illinois FINE SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED FOR SALE. i*ot selected Sea Island Cotton Seed for sule for planting purposes. Fresh • rom the Island nt $1.00 per bushel, fob Valdosta. Cn.. law 3w W. H. Staten. H. I. Valdosta, Gn. HOW’S THI8? We offer One Hundred Dollars lie- ird for anv ciifi* of Catarrti that can- not be cuYcd by Hall's Catarrh t’ure. H. J. CIIKNKY * CO„ Tnluflo, O. We. the undersigned, have known .1. Cheney for the' hist 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all huidnosH transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by bis firm. Waldlng, Klnnan A Marvin, Wholesale DrmiKcUts. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter im il.v, acting directly upon the blood i.ml mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. i * NOTICE. An election will be held In the city of Waycross on tho first Saturday in January, 1911, for tho purpose of elec ting three aldermen and a member of hie Board Of Education of the City of Waycross for the ensuing terms as SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. I want to thank you from tho bot tom of my heart.” wrote C. B. Rader, of J.ewlsbhrg, W. Va., ”for tho won derful double benefit ‘I got from Elec tric Bitters, In curing mo of both severe caso of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from wwlch I bad been nn almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my ense though inado Just for me.” For dys pepsia, indigestion, Jaundice and to rid tho s>stom of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism. Electric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bot tle Ih guaranteed to satisfy. Only | 50c at All Druggists. THE PACIFFIC MONTHLY’S SPEC IAL INTRODUCTORY^ OFFER. Expert Medical Scientist* Announce Startling Result* Obtained By Senptne. New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of tho generous offer, made by The Woodworth Co.. 1161 Broad way, New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senplne, the great discovery for Asthma, Hay Fe ver, Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for It. it is curiug thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference how lone you have been suffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you live. Sen- pine will cure you. U you have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to fina a cure do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonderful truly meritous remedy which Is scientific compound discovered by a Professor af Vienna University, and is being recommended by thousand*. Sat tf TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C., November 2G, 1910 Sealed Proposal* will be received at this office until ?. o’clock p. in., on the 7th day of January, 1911, and then opened, for 1 the construction (Includ ing plumbing, gas piping, heating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) »> fthe United States Post Office at WAYCROSS, GA., in accordance with drawings and specification, copies of which may he had from the Custodian vf site at Waycross, Oa.. or at this office at the discretion of the Super vising Architect. James Knox Taylor, Sit^r/’-tpg Architect ABOUT IRONING ■ >» DO YOU KNOW THAT BY USING AN ELECTRIC FLATIRON YOU CAN CUT YOUR IRONING LABOR IN HALF? HOWEVER, BECAUSE OF THE GREAT SAVING IN TIME. THE COST IS LESS THAN BY THE “HOT STOVE” METHOD. WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO PROVE THIS TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. AND A REQUEST WILL BRING AN IRON TO YOU FOR A WEEK’S TRIAL. II Ware County Light & Company. Telephone 30 J ower BE ECONOMICAL SAVE MONEY ON MEATS. rt«1iLvD»rioii Oaintp. I.O, Cabin Fnylnn In Atlanta Con stitution: I .tin I. a hi, tinoa allow, an oven do bluo ribbon wltinor baa mtgr »» Itttlo Him- lor ,o trottln, roun wtd ' |t m.. Contra! Standard Railroad tint*, t ! ,v ie ro,tatored voters are requested 11 tote a laid election. it 1. U. Cot. Mayor. Why pay |25. J30 and *40 (or a ault of olothca. all cub of courae, when It. Yon baa got to make a loud nolle | , ou can purchaie one of Sam HelUr to cel the intention of folk., hut dar. | in4 w „ T0U wear * fl , or no *un, er man who can't five a reaton A caitom „ la a cun- ter de nolle when do crowd collect,, tomer made. - tl If you Icy to Siunry bapplneaa yon'II / . Mt It la aneb a hurry you won't know . - saves TWO LIVES, dat tu been ter aoe yo at alt To-’, "Neither my al.ter nor myaelf inl^il i lx* living today, tf It had not been i morrow come* ao quick dat you hulnt j f or Ur. KlnrtNew DlucoVery" write. The Padffic Monthly, or Porilaud, Ore., is a beautifully illustrated month ly nmgaxlne which gives, full Informa tion about the resources and opportu nities of tho country lying West of tho Rockies. It tells about tho Gov ernment Reclamation Projects, free Government land and tells about the districts adapted to fruit raising, dairy ing, poultry raising, etc. It has splen did stories by Jnek London and other noted authors. The price Is $1.50 a year,, but to-In troduce It we will send six months for fifty cents. This offer must be accept ed on or before February 1, 1911. Send yonr name and address accom panied by iflfty cents In stamps and learo all about Oregon. Washington, Idaho, and California. Addross: The Paclffic Monthly, Port *and. Oregon. ismtl SHADE TREES FOR SALE. 5,000 Oak and Maple hade trees for sole. Will set them out and warrunt their living. Price $1.00 each, careful ly set out. Orders solicited. R. W. Lewis. 13 ads St. Nug. 20 "inontha Wayrroas welcomed everything. Even tho recent cold blasts of • the north found li warm hore. Don’t forget to come and get your Xtuus present. Sam Heller & Co. tf A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE Is a valuable family friend. Foley’s Honey and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline. N. 8th St., Easton. Pa., states: “Several members of my family have been cur ed of bad cough* and colds by the use of Foley’s Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle In the house. If soothes and relieves the irritation in the throat and looaena up the cold. I have always found It a reliable cough cure” Gem Pharmacy. A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville. N. C„ R. P. D.. No. 8, “For we both had frightful coughs th?t no remedy* could help. We were told my elster had consumption. She was very weak I and had night sweaU but your won derful medicine completely cured us both. It Is the best I ever used pr. heard of.” For sore lungs, coughs, colds, hemorrhago, lagrlppe. asthma, hay fever, erbup, whooping cough,— _ all bronchtcal troubles.—Its supreme. half got done with yesterday befo It* knocking at yo door an asking what yer rwine ter do bout It Wisdom stay* by mighty few; 1 baa teen % man jump Into a ortermobUe fer a Joy ride tec de poorhousc. Wto pros perity tilts his hat sidewise an lights wld $5 bills de worl dont A GOOD POSITION, Can be had by ambitious young men anil ladies in the field of “Wireless” or Railway telegraphy. Since the S hour law became effective, and since the wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout the country tbere Is a great shortage of telegra phers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per ' month, with goou chance of advancement. The Nation al Telegraph Institute operates six official institutes In America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Offi cials and placet all graduates into po sition*. It will pay you to write them for full details at Cincinnati. O.. Phil adelphia, Pa„ Memphis, Tenn., Daven port, la.. Columbta, S. C., cr Portland, Ore., according tc where you wish to enter. 1R S0f PIANO TUNER Geo. IV. Coe Formerly of New York City, will • locate permanently In Waycroaa, after Oct. ISth. Save Your Piano Work! for a local tun*-, that will toec It In food ebap* at *U tunc* Leave order* with J. & Knight. G. R. Brlnton ,ov Majestic Theatre, or ‘phon* n* *♦*♦*»♦♦♦«♦«»♦»♦♦♦< The Lfsk Self-Basting Enameled Roaster WILL CUT YOUR M EAT BILL IN HALF. It is eaSy foj the reduce living expensed i Us3S Lisk Economical cuts of meats may be properly and deliciously cooked and will yield more nutrition because the juices and flavors arc retained. Re quires less heat, therefore Ibhs fuel. Fewer utensils required, for SEVERAL ARTICLES MAY BE COCKED AT THE SAME TIME. It is to the American People what the Casserole is to the French, _ . <s RUN NO RISK—BE »URE IT IS A LISK. j ”» Watt Hardware mm Drug Store Comforts There are many things for your convenience and comfort at our Drug Store. Ice , Caps, Bath Brushes, Sponges, Chamois Hot Water Bags, Toilet Necessities, Face ^Lotions, Su perior Cold Cream. If here ever thero is anything you want from a drug' store jtelephone us and you will secure tbe best of service and quality. Cherokee Pharmacy _kt PRESCR1PTION SPECIALISTS PHONE ISO POTTER & McMAHA GENTS FURNISHINGS, - TAILORS and BARBERS. •Tailoring AtJReasonbble Priced!) TBE LA GRANDE BARBERSHOP 10 Plant*Ave. LaGrande Bldg. -