Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 10, 1911, Image 1

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OR PLACE ON THE WAYS AND ANDREW WHItE PLEADS FOR MEANS. I LAWS t HAT WILL BAR THE ' THIEVES AND THUOS. Washington, Jan. 10.—The Georgia * J ..T ' - . . .. | New York, Jan. II 1 - A great host of Indorsed Wfl- accomplished European una.rlilsls e Eleventh dls-: an( ^ criminals is shortly coming to te new all-pow-, this.country to Join the thugs, yegg- i committee of men ani> black' handers who already d Thomas W. enjoy American hospitality, according slttee on rules, *9 Andrew D. White, former presi- i taken by the dent of Cornell' University and ex- r Indorsements minister to Russia and Germany, t this time. in a statement to. the press Dr.- WlUte urges the Immediate passage ow represents- gt ^ ^^ from the shores if the- srs. Howard of ^jnltad States a flood of un&strables of the Eighth. wh<(j j Je ,j ec | or g,_ i||i hasten hlthor ret ng Monday. <00n a9 England expels them, He rates that hah says: /’c , e Oeorgla del- M ' , . ' "The assassin-and anarchist, fehom iy- differences , , . London plans to be well rid of soon, subject of the . ... .... . • . - „ , have an admirable refuge In the,Urn- aces ya\e been gmtes—p country iylih* wide open 8 8 ,aCt ,tlat to them, In which they will find moro presented on . | companions, sympathizers and effee- bat Mr, Brant-1./ . , . live helpers than In any other. ) place. ! , . - "Our nation affords tbem the bap* j piest of happy.f untlng.gTOiinds.Evcnta “J^New'T*^!f Vlos Angrles, In Chl- "go and olhSr cities prove this. ‘This nation with Its carelessness admitting foreign criminals, Its In active ways of dealing with them d Its (acuities for clearing them guilt la becoming more and more ' for them every day. In tiro l/nlted. States the number , nJUflltiyjiirlnf the year just clos an Increase of 900 over preceding. Only Ine Jnur- er InM/wai given capllal punish- iby-Jiimher qf murders In the Hfffi States la to. the number In gland asU4 to 0.*-, IAL MEETINGS OF BANKS HELD TODAY. bbers enter bank in west VIRGINIA AND GET ALL THE CASH. - WAYCROSS GIRLS LEAVE TELE- PHONE EXCHANGE AT NOON. • The Came” la the offering at Par ker Theater tonight by the Mabel, delegation at a caucus held Mondavi Pal go r i'ofnpaiVy it la a. One show,' morning unanimously t,...... and better than muny high priced at- Haiti O. Brantley, of the Eleventh die-; tractions. Reserve seat-sale at the trlct, for a place on the new all-pow-, ‘ Two Wa.vcroas. Baaks. the First National and the Exchange, will hold annual meetings’tbis afternoon. Dividends have been declared by ifcoth, each paying a cash dividend of four per cent. The stockholders to- Waycroaa girls employed by the' | Bell company In the exchange here | went on a strike at noon today. Their I strike Is for a new chief operator, j They wired an official at Savannah: that they were out for bn operator.' and asked for ag answer. For nearly I an hour no ‘'Central" could be had. In . striking the girls lacked the | front door, and the manager had to enter through a window. He and several from hla office are In the ex- 1 change pending the' arrival of help from neifrby cities. Wheeling, W. Va., Jan.-lO.—flic' First National Hank of'Elm CroYf, W, Va., near here, was entered by rob? bers early yesterday, the! vault dyna mited and all the money taken. The robbers took every dollar In cash in the bank, aald to be between ♦3,000 and 14,000. There Is no clue, except that footprints In tbe'snow indicate the'robbery took place early yesterday and not Sunday., Rain tonight In some sections, and warmer,'Is the only available dope on the weather. The cold spell predic ted for the state as a result of dla- MR8. LAURA FARNW££l-, la ced ON TRIAL B£f*ORE ENORMOUS CROWDAb NDAY . It is reported about the streets to* turbances In the northwest, is believ- day thgt an air ship, going from north ed to have shied off, aR'nothin* has west to south, passed over Wayoross been heard of it. early this mornings So far no air —. - ■■ —- — 1 ship has been reported as strayed or $10 REWARD • lost, and It is not known w’nat caused Over $200 In goods was stolen from the report. The information came j my stora Wednesday t^igit. 1 will frQjp one who does not care to get j give $5. for every $100 woefh recover intt print, but who is almost willing & to take oath that an air ship of some ] <L “ J. E. Dick In*. V**.. , dijsciiption passed here today. Wiieellng. W. Va., Jan. 10.- The . t;ial of Mrs. I,aura Farnwell opened at 9 'o’clock yesterday morning. The greatest interest was manifested in the famous case, owing to the promi nence oft he-parties. Involved, and a big crowd surged about the court house long bofotfe the time set for the convening court V charge, the first of which ' Jesup, after which they Were a new t'rial and the case in* Brunswick, where a mistrial when thetease was moved to The J&cused have certain the confinement of two yea Cant. Lyons shows very 11 ttl effects Ait bhi long Jjnprii while Afdble, though v$ry p erwifle seems In good heal mental strain under which tl labored would havf unnervet raeem as cheerful as anyybodj under such circumstances. .«» Owing to the prominence of t ties connected and the wfde ty the case has galno^nffl j South Georgia, over 200 w have been summoned and ar« I tendance, besides a number of on both sides who . hate cc watch-the progress-of the ca hundred and eight ment ha’ 'summoned for Jury duty. C 72 have been called an4 ten when the court adjourned tb noon. -■ NOTICE. ill taxes due, State and County,- lcaJ^^Shcriffs office and settle, He by Jan. 28, or levy will be Make No Mistake Suit MadeJrfr' W. Pittman. Sheriff. Wearing TJitAWTlGAR CO„ ARE STILL ! HE CIGAR BUSINESS IN WAY- SS ANO WILL BE FOR YEARS COME^DEMAND THE BEST Wfr, B. 8-"f “WAYCROSS 1.4, (LOOK FOR GOLD LET- S);BEST SMOK- S 4b and Co. j The ten Jurors chosen n»r Cole, W. T. Perry, S. W. Ha R. pf iten, K. B. Mannj Cniropler, J. T. Pitta, P. B. J. B. Falrcloth and R. it. Oil The array of counn: on hi la an exceedingly strong on, dlcatlona are that every poln bearing on the esse will he I ly-threshed out. Counsel for eeutlon embraces the foilowl Inent lawyers: Col. Earnest llcltor of (he Brunswick Cll Col. J. A. Morris of Jesup, of the County Coml of Wa‘ .John W. Bennett of Wayer J. H. Thomas of Baxley, General of the Brunswick Col. Walter F. George, Soli, eral of the Cordele .CIrct Pierce Smith of McRae, brol ind Col. M. Strause dc Bros. The best dressed men you meet on the street are wearing them. V They are the best on the market today. f COMBtfCT OUR LISTS, rh^^o^ye lo search of any Ue- niption of real estate. If you wish o i hare a bouse or hi ore you wlU Ind oiin lists' Include about ovory- h ng worth looking nt. IF YOU WANTO BUY REAL ESTATE re u will 'farlnfoly save tlm^. and irbbsbly money, 1 by consulting us as your reqtilrements.. Oar oxper-- coco an,: knowledge of values should ,-rtaioly lie of servlco to you us they ,ave proved to bo to many others. Ybu can get them at: Fleming Smith; Solicitor t>f the City Court o The following able and p. lawyers will represent the Col. John R. Cooper of M, W. W. Bennett of Jesup; C< Thomas of Jesup; Col. Max Brunswick; Co. 1). M. Park- ley and the strong local fin $ Dennard and Crum A Jot Beautiful colored- Pkend for wgUt* and, skirts, 25c | 9 it Humphreys & Wlj g % in ^ .'. l ... - ■ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS ANL- WARE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION V) v ■h ;; j.;,-,;;-'! VOLUME XVIII • -% WAYCROSS, GA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1911 j' > UM ' ER 125 \ 5 -