Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 10, 1911, Image 2

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J WAVC" EVEN INC HERALD COUNTS EXHIBITS HELD BY THE | A. B. * A. R. R.-AT ATLANTA ■ — PubUtHed By-—-- ! THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. HAVE PROVEN EMINENT- THE EVENING HERALD GRAY HAIRS BANISHED. ASTHMA A. P. Parham, Sr. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editor# and Proprietor#. Mi## Carrie Perham, Peraonal, Society and Loca.l. LY SUCCESSFUL. The Atlanta,' Birmingham and At lantic Railroad'* series of eablblU or .iS* S* rs S 1°“"^ I 11 ,'he product# If Bouth Ceorgte coun- list. The Dally Herald founded In » 1892 by A. V. Petharu, Sr. j tlea, namely, Thomas, Coffee, Col quitt, Tift and Ware, which have been given In the Ticket OSico of the A. B. & A. railroad, 70 Peachtree shreet, ' have proven very successful. It la eg-1 Unrated that about 3,000 people view ed theee exhibit# -every day, while) they were on diapiay. The city ticket office of the A. U. t A. railroad is located In the heart CURED telephones Business Office 25 Editorial Offle 25 ^ ^VEverySQTTrneofi Except Sunday. Entered at Uio Waycrosn. G*.. Pott- office at second data malt matter. The old Idwi ol u*inf *»f* for darken ing the hair It ataiu coir#lag In vogue. Our grandmothers uard to bar* dark. Clotty hair at the a?? of serenty-flv*-, while our mother* have white half before i they are. fiftj-, Our xrandajotber* used | to maid* a "*ay .* and apply It, to, , their hair. Tin tfca made their hair Hofc and g lossy and gradually restored the natural cofo». On* object Mo to using tueh a preparation was the trouble of nuking it, cape cl ally ts it had to f)o made every taro or ture> day* on account of it toariiig quickly. This objection bi« been overcome snd^by asking almost any fir*t-clas* druggist for Wyeth’* Kaye _ and Sulphur the. public can yet a su-fl by The Woodworth Co., 1161 Broad* Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained By Senpine. New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made Office No. 8 Jan# Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Month 9 3 Months 91.25 6 Month* 92.50 1 Year 95.00 * SPECIAL. NOTICE ** All otdtnary notices, cards of thanks, Vtresolu'ion* and notice* of entertain- Vftenra, where charges are made, will fe charged at advertising rates of 6 cents a line. ~ ^NOTICE 1 TO SUBSCRIBERS Siibaprlhci a lo The Herald that in not rcielve tho paper promptly and early will plenae rlne-up the Circula tion Mankgcr nud report the trouble lo him, pd this In the only mean# that we can adkure you prompt and early NjgwKR j__ Mm THE HERALD IS THE /-\onh !ol Orlaii of the city of tVaycroaa. f TDffifTsh’Orr-.ttLJDt th^ County Hoard • ’ ,T ', t\.on«duf;Hlon. QlUctttlj Ofnait■ aLtfi<> V pi tod State* Cj»urt hf of -iC WavcRooo, oml The l.ycusVtrial. and son? begun at thu*hvle' >ent* t*t qji.. No I*11- tnj* when It* wilT/eu-ti ' u The fellow who 9!hjw Jpr near beqr liraa?<- at Griffin ma^have known how ver> d»y the hoys wAyg.' of. tha city and at' the Junction oi j Auburn avenue, -Peac.'Urec and Pop- i filar streets, inhere thousands of peo* ( pie pass dally. Tho displays wore J well illuminated at night and held I crowds of people until Into In the evenings. Tho literature! itum'ed by the A. B. J L A. railroad of the South Georgia ! counties, us well as the individual I literature Issued by the Boards of Trades and Realty Companies located In each of the counties referred to Were thoroughly distributed and hun- dredn of pieces were handed out daily. The Atlanta, Birmingham and At* lanile railroad appreciates thoroughly ttye co-operation of the counties fur* tilshlng these exhibits, and the Indus trial Department is very much en couraged by what liu.. been accom plished in the way ol life exploitation the wonderful resources of tho South Georgia country, tho Atlanta, Birmingham and At lantic rslIrene • • perior preparation of sage, with the ad- mixtare of salphnr, another valuable r<*m* edy for natr and scalp trouble*. * Daily us*- of this preparation will not only quick!v restore the color of the hair bu: will >1*0 stop the hair from falling out and /nske it grow. It is sold by all. druyyisft. for f»Qc. and 91.00 a bottle, or j* sent direct by the Wyeth Chemical Company, 74 Cortlandt Su, New York City, upon receipt of price. , **i*s and recommended by Cltaro* h.- Pharmacy. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are tonic. In action, quick tn re mits. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. Mary r, Abbott. Wolfe boro, N. H.. says: “I was afflicted with a bad,case of rheu- ii.siUm. due to uric acid that my kid ney* failed to clear out of my blood. I was so lame in my feet# joints,' and back that it was agony for roe to atep. I used Foley Kidney Pills for three days when l was able to get up and move about and-the pains were all gone. 'This great change In condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pills and re- cwmr.aid them to anyone Buffering as I have." Gain Pharmacy. The man who has saved his money- for a rrflny day, generally gets into a condition where he believes It might rain any minute. 4, ' Atlanta can use the old cnpltol building an a place of refuge for dis gruntled politician^ says the Sanders- ullle Georgian. The Democrat* will have a majority of 60 (n the House while the Repub licans hold tho senate by » majority. That’s the long and short of It. “—■ «?• Waycros* has South (^eorgla nod when It comes to population, lliey have about twice as many whole one:* as any other city in this 'Milan can hotut. 'riiomnsvilfe T. K. v *• Give the masses nothing lo do and they topple down thrones and cut throuiH. give them the govern ment and they will make pulpits use less and colleges an Impertinence.— Wendell Phillips. . A resident of the Okefenokce mtgh» be moved to wonder why In the name of t common souse the Atlanta people want street cam |o run all night, when the rnl bevr fountains put .out their lights at 11 o’clock. —News. ■ s - “4 I The saw pegratlon law # In Balti more has M (n several arrests al ready. One landlord, waa surprised when served with a warrant' forwent• log a house to a white tennant lu a negro district, as he never heard of I the law; the others ’were obavgad j with renting houses to negroes in" ***! White districts. , a-_> - '■ SEEDS Fre*h, l*ilsbl«. Pur* QMrantMd to PImio Every 0»r*lener and Planter should ttit the wperJor menu ftf On r Northern Grown Seed*. SPECIAL OFFER - FOR 10 CENTS bflRHV , , we will aeml poHtiwiiri our COLLECT.ON I «Ve. . a . . lirMblliN , l*e OkilMnmrlMi . »>• was tad I* Mrt* to help f»y pwtof u4 Iva toitoi'ltouM tolUcWoo,-' to- (aw iMtnMn ftwtoi UulU. ra way. New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senpinp, the great' discovery for Asthma, Hay Fe ver. Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which is mailed free of charge to al^wbo write for It. ft is curing, thousands of the most stubborn cases. ' It makes no difference bow lonr you have been Buffering or how severe tho climatic conditions are where you live. Sen* pine will cure you. If )'ou have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to find a cure do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonderful truly merltous remedy which is scientific compound discovered by a Professor of Vienna ’ University, and is being recommended by thousands. 8aL tf. ABOUT IRONING tLAND COTTON SEED FOR 8ALE. i Sea Island Cotton Seed ilantlng purposes. Fresh nd at 91.00 per bushel. Ga. B. Staten, F. D. 1. Valdosta, Ga. * _ r .1. ; U A DEEP MYSTERY., » thank you from the hot icart." wrote C. B. Rader, g, W. Va„ “for the* won- ‘ benefit I got from Elec- In curlnn me of both ‘of stomach trouble and an», from wwich 1 had oKt helpless sufferer for t suited my case 1 just for me." For dy nation, jaundice ami to in of kidney poisons that intlsm, Electric Bitters . Try them. Every hot- ntobd to satisfy. Only •rugglsts. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Supervising Architect, Washington, I). C., November 2C, 1910 Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until " o’clock p, m., on the 7th day of January. 1911, and then opened, for tho construction (includ ing-plumbing, gas piping, heating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) o fthe United States Post Office at WAYCROSS, GA., in accordance with drawings and specification, copies of which may he had from the Custodian of site ..at Wavifross. Ca., or at this office at the discretion of the Super vising Architect. James Knox Taylor, S*i **r7*‘ *Dg Architect DO YOU KNOW THAT 8Y USING AN ELECTRIC FLATIRON YOU CAN CUT YOUR IRONING LABOR IN HALF? HOWEVER, BECAUSE. CF THE GREAT SAVING IN TIME. THE COST IS LESS THAN BY THE "HOT STOVE" METHOD. WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO PROVE THIS TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. AND A REQUEST WILL BRING AN IRON TO YOU FOR A WEEK’S TRIAL. Ware County Light & Power Company! Teiephone'30 - _ / i 8E ECONOMICAL SAVE MONEY ON MEATS, A New Orlcana bo of 14 y„re baa, boon aanteared to aev.o yaara In fulaoD (or atnllng a (ear pennle*. Bone huadreda o( year* wo Solon taid th,t (be law waa like a aplder wqb. In tbnt whenever anythin# weak and triple## (ell'Into It that (blag 1 became bopeleaaly and fatally rata 1 tied, where## It aMnelhtng big and j powerful .truck the me.li It broke It# wag through and .reaped. And the law today la aot different from wbat It wu in Bolon’a time.—Savannah News. It la qnlta *awmc“ hundred* ot year* alnce the wlae lawgiver. Solon. Bon golden opinion, la Allien*—twenty, five huedred to 'b* exact. But the point wade by (be New* la not any the lea# forcible tar that reaeon.— Macon Telegraph. MC MONTHLY’S SPEC ODUCTORY OFFER. i Monthly, of Portland, 11 fully Illustrated month* hlcb glrea full lnforma* rraourcea and opportu- country lying Weet ot It tells about tbq dor- motion Project., tree nd end tells about the d tp fruit raising, dairy- alng, etc. It bae splen* Jack Ixmdon and other 11.30. a year,, but to In* dll send six month# tor la offer must be accept* a February 1. 19lf. ie and add res# accent- cents in stamp* and Oregon,' Vtaabtngton, Hria Par I {Sc Monthly, Pert iamtt. SHADE TREES FOR SALE. 3.000 Oak and Maple hade trees toi rale. Will set them out and warrant tbelr living. Price $1.00 each, careful, ly wet out. Orders solicited. R. W. Lewis, 13 ads SI .'.’tq.'SfMorftha Wnycross yvefedptod everything. Even Ibe recent cold blasts of tlie north found It wrnrrn hete. Don't forgi'! to come and get your Xnras present. Sam Heller &. Co. tf The lisk Self-Basting Enameled Roaster WILL CUT YOUR M EAT BILL IN HALF. A GOOD POSITION. wo good men, for can- 47 Albany Avenue. * tf Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies In the field of ."Wireless’’ or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8 hour law became effective, and since the wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout the country there la a great shortage of telegra phers. Positions pay beginners from 970 to 900 per month, with gooa chance Of advancement. The Nation al Telegraph Institute operates six official Institutes in' America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Offi cials and places all graduate* Into po sitions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Cincinnati, O.. Phil adelphia, Pa., Memphis, Tenn., Daven port, la.. Columbia, S. C., cr Portland, Ore., according to where you wish to enter. . 15 30t Economical cuts of meats may be properly and deliciously, cooked and will yield more nutrition because the juices and flavors are retained. Re quires less heal, therefore less fuel. Fewer utensils required, for - SEVERAL ARTICLES MAY BE COOKED AT THE SAME TIME. It is to the American People what the Casserole is to the French. */] RUN NO RISK—BE »URE IT l& A LI3K. j Watt Hardware hCo. PIANO TUNER Geo, W.Coe ■, i •*- .11’.: * Formerly of New York city, will locate permanently tn Waycroaa, after Oct 15th. Save Your Piano Work! for a local tone-, that will Xroc It in good shape at all time* Leave order* with J. S. Knight. G. R. Brinson ov Majestic Theatre, or 'phone m R| 3w»wiVHffiWMWWIiwavi iroi4vhniii*h)i<Yih9iAtxvi<viiVh«rtaVin|iR|g| - ?_ ’ • • 7; -* . ' " . . ■'.> v .. Drug Store Comforts There, are many things for your convenience and comfort at our Drug Store. Ice Caps, Bath Brushes, Spouses, Chamois Hot Water Bags, Toilet Necessities, Face -Lotions, Su porlor Cold Cream. If hero ever ther* Is anything you want from a drag store telephone u» and you will secure the beat of service and quality. “ lev Cherokee Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS 1 PHONE 150 POTTER & McMAHAN GENTS FURNISHINGS,- TAILORS and ^ARBERS. • Tailoring At^Reisontble PJices, THE LA GRANDE BIRDER SHOP II Plant;Ave. LaGrande Bldg.