Newspaper Page Text
For the benefit of the strangers in our city, we again explain the
following plans, which has proven so popular during the past year.
Our Spring Line of Rugs Will
Be on Display this Week.
We aie proud of the assortment we have
lead# fur your inarcdtion, all the-newedt shades
and pit erns are here, in all.sizes, and you will
- i .^in| fi id the prices lower
than these rugs have
ever been offered in
, * lis city except at this
Our Hie of small
Rugs contain an-
iSraireJ&SfinMlf other shipment of ,
OUR famous
Rattan Parlor Suit.
A. beautiful suit exadtly like above cut
made of best grade whole rattan, OC
finished in finest quality shellac Xi •09
Ys cash balance 30, 69 and 90 days.
We sell very hand -• ere solid oak extension Table, claw
feet, extends to 6 feet, exactly like cut. #
■A great value at $14.50
1-3- Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
Don’t feel like you are imposing on us when joufhone
• us to send out samples.
The Store of Great Values where Your Credit is Gocd
A. R. HOOD, Mgr.
Phone 499
106 Plant.
-■—— Dalian; Texas, Jan. 0.—The annual ’
Nightmare, Restlessness and Night* Southwestern Poultry show opened In
swsata all Cause by Indlgsetlon. . Dallas tddny with some of the Unest
Half of the nervousness in the exhibits ever seen in this pait of the I
world, all of the disturbing dreams country in an exposition of feathered'
uid nlft'atmares can be ended In a stock and pot animals.^Some of the'
’ew weeks by a simple. Inexpensive entries come from States as far'dls-*
.'eattnent guaranteed by Q. It. Brin* tant as Massachusetts and Warfulng-j
•on (To. j ton. The show will continue until
ITpact stomach is tho cuuse or nerv* Fulday.
usnoss and bad dreams.
Good wages to right party. , Apply at
Cl Brunei street. * . 6 €t,
wanted—stenographed stfitro
$35.00 per month. I.lghi work, easy
hours. Claim & Adjustment Co., room
No. 432, I.uQrande Building. 6 ,t
For Immediate tale,, this city, flret-
ctaas drug atora, wall located, with
up-to-date fixturea and atlck of goods;
14 ycara established trade. Reason
for selling, owner has too much bus
Ineta. Price: $2,600. Terms: $1,004
cash, 'balance monthly. Address:.'
4 St 0. H. Bowen, Waycross, Ga.
18 LOST FOR ONE HOUR, AND IP Savunnah. t(a,.J«n. 10.— 1 The mu:i
FINALLY FOUND IN FIELDS. Irlpal election was not Ihe only thin;
— In the way balloting that held tht
Dallas, Texas, Jan. 10. Roland Car- boards In Svri.troah today. Turn
roa turnt,lied tuc thrills at Sunday's
uvlr.ion meeting. First he dodged
among the ciouda at a bright estimat
ed at 8,000 foot and finding that his
barograph was out of commission, ho
abandoned an attempt for an altitude
record. Darting toward tho down
town dlatrict be pawed out or vlalon
wlbiln levelal minutes.
Minutes multiplied and 1 the tele
phone was brought Into rcqulstlo'.,
but no tidings cold hai had of the av
iator, tbro scouting psrtlee went out
and finally tbe alr-mnn was found by
a party under the jeaJerahlp of R. It.
B. Green, enjoying a cigarette and.
standing guard over Ida thachlne In
a field three mile, from the aviation
grounds. ,
Approachlug darkness amt s rest
lilmlnlrhlng stipplly of gasoline madfl
It necessary for him In land, Garros
explained. In si) he was aloft tor an
“'for’” ”r E N f^One'Targic ^desirable
front room. Phonj 487. 6 3t
- board. In -Sc V:rah today,
i luti’V jelcctcyl 1 tpel',- )’tre<J(ora thlt
I morning nnd tc.-nriew two uf than
- will name tbe otb-tern
l Tbe directors vlro met were those
> of the National Bank of Savannah,
■ the Meichanta Vat onal Bank and the
■ Citizens Trust Conp-oxf. Tha Ogle-
i tiiorpe Savlnra an Trust Company
also elected dlre'lb-t for the year
- today. ,
The two national batiks will elect
oUlcers tomorrow at lb* national bank
law requ'ref It it aot known If any
changes are due though there have
been minors *< H new president of
Your food I — - ■■■
i lying in your stomach undigested' RATE ARGUMENTS BEGIN,
nd fermenting. It la forming poison- ——— 4
oils gases which Irritates the pneu- Washington, D. C., dan 9.—The
mogaatrlc nerv* that leads direct from* most Important public Investigation
the brain, and ends In a network of of railroad business, methods and
llnjr branches running through foe j conditions that the country has never
stomach. , < | known was advanced another step
FOR RENT—One large furnished
frount room to two men. Also one
small furnished front room. All corn
sentence*. N light housekeeping. Ap
ply 53 Jade street or Sheroj Collins
P. O. Box 353 7 6t
; In crosaing Plant, avenue late yes
terday John Gates, a negro about 15
l years old, was struck by the auto of
Dr. p, c. Polka and badly hurt. Th»
negro was Injured mainly In the head,
, his skull being- fractured. Re wat
I rendered unconscious, and fears were
I entertained for bis recovery.
FOR BALE, CHEAP—Second-hand
buggies, harness, saddles, wagons and
Itoi sea. McGregor Mayo. 6 2w
Court-Martial For Pay Officers.
and dairy hand wanted.* Apply to
Mr. Prank Armstrong at Saints Rest |
farm or to Herald odlce. • 9 et
-A general
Virginia Farmers In Session.
Democratic Governor In Oregon.
Salem. Ore., Jan, 9.—The Inaugura
lion of Governor’ Oswald West aw
chief executive bf the State of Ore-
Roanoke, Va., Jan. 9.—Leaders in
all branches of the agricultural In
dustry in Virginia rounded up In this
city today for their annual ^'.Farm
ers' Week" conference. Among th-
organizations that will hold them
annual sessions during the week are
tho State Farmers’ Institute and the
State associations of dairymen, hor
ticulturists, com. growers and swine
| FOR .SALE—Good easy rnnnfng
bicycle, $16. Sea rct Quick, J. P.
Luther, 1 Teheau street. 9 3t
tysbtQ. lUrrltv and sIirou also
made apoctarulir Eights. The tourn
ament will coat hide tomorrow.
bom the paymaster's rale on the
cruiser Philadelphia last July. Captain
Jill, commanding officer of the Coto-
»do. Is president of the court.
Newark, N. J.,After delays and post
ponementa extending over a year,
rauied chiefly by the judicial Inquiry
Into the sanity of Mrs: Caroline B.
Martin, the prospects art blight for
an early end of tha so-called Snead
.murder case. *. *
In the Essex county .court the case
of Mrs. Martin and her sister. Mrs.
MuO' \V. Snead, who were Indicted
Jointly foe tlte alleged'luurder of Mrs.
Martin’s daughter, Mrs. Orey \V. M.
Snead, In a bathtub in a. house at
East Orange, In November 1949, was
called up today, and It Is expected tb«
triol will, proceed without further de-
eantry and pomp which are usually
made a part of tbe ceremonies on the
occasion of the administration of the
formal oath of oflee to-t’ae first mag-
■: mte uf tho Commonwealth.
Meeting of Trotting' Horsemen.
Buffalo. N. Y„ Jan. $.—To discuss
plana for the ''betterment of all trot
ting Interests".,a national conference
ofb renders, owners, trainers and
track managers assembled at the' Iro
quois Hotel In this-city today In rg-
spouse to a call laaned by, K. Do-
verm*. president 6f the Grand Circuit.
The caaferenco sill be followed to
morrow by the regular, annual meet
ing of the steward* of ’the Grand Cir
cuit, at which th* dates foe the com-
Ing ee.-son-w'UI 1>« VlottVd. -
bodied unmarried mett between ages
of48.and 33; citizens of United Sta
tes, of good charactor and temperate
habits’, who catt apeak, read and write
the English language. For. Informs-
Hon apply to Recruiting officer. South- j HUGH JENNINGS TAKES A BRIDE
Building, Waycross, Cal; 13 West York I Scranton, Pa., Jan. 70.—Hugh .len
street Savknnah Ga.; 108 West For-’ nlngs, manager of tho Detroit Amert-
syth Street JackaonvlUe, Fla.; uojean League team, was married here
Maiket street Charleston, 8. C,; to Miss Nora O’Boyle of .hi,
113 South Maine street, Fitigerald. • city. The ceremony was perforated |„
Ga - ‘ Jan. 7 ttjSL Patrick’s CatbeJal |„ , he pro-
Meat To Discuss Steel Prices.
- Now York, Jan. 9.—Financial and
Industrial Interest* are awaiting with
keen Interest ’ announcement of the
results of the conference of steel man
ufacturers which met In this city to
day to discuss prices and the tfade
Whether -. ..decried action will. be
taken look'ng 'owariTa readjustment
of prices downward for the purpose
of reviving the slackening demand In
the steel trade, la not. known..
Tuba Works Resume Full Tim#.
I o:eln. O, Jan. 9.—The local plant
of the National Tube Company, which
has been -running to a small propor
tlon of Iti capacity tor some time
past, today resumed full operations In
all deportments. Ax the company la
reported to have a number of large
ordecs Booked It Is expected the plant
full lime for
will continue.running on-
several months at least
WANTED—At once.