Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 11, 1911, Image 1

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    NUMBER 126
Waycross Tops Them All OATH 1AKEN BY
In Thirteenth Census MAYOR & COUNCIL
The following telegram was receiv
ed by The Herald and allows conclu
sively that Waycross tops them all:
Evening Ileruld, Waycross, Ga.
Washington, D. C., Jan 1J.—Bruns
wick city thirteenth census, 10,182,
tweffth census, 0,081, eleventh census
8,459. ;
. | The following oath was administer-
led last night to the new aldermen,
I Messrs James Sinclair, C. E. Dunn,
I and Fred Brewer, and was sworn to
I by them. In aimuch as this make*
' &ood v reading! and for future referen
ces, we publish same in this column:
» "I do solemnly swear that I will faith
I fully and inipnrtilly discharge all of
I the duties devolving upon me (as
mayor or alderman, as the case may
be) of the city of Waycross, and that
I will to the utmost of my skill amT
ability endeavor to promote the iir
, tefeat and prosperity of said city and
I of all its people, during my contlnu-
! ance In office, and without fear, favor
or affection; and that I have not, In
order to indure my'nomination or
election to this office or for any rea
son either directly or Indirectly, ex
pressly or Impliedly, promised my vote
or support to any person for any of
fice or position under the city govern
ment of Waycross or in any way of
the department thereof; and that I
will not knowingly permit my vote In
| the election or appointment of any
person to any position in the city
government or In any department
thereof to be influenced by any fear,
favor or reward or the hope thereof
but that 1 will in discharging the du-
tie* of my office be governed alone by
of what is for the
Valdosta city thirteenth census 7,*
656', twelfth census 5,613, eleventh
census 2,854.
Dublin city thirteenth census 5,795,
twelfth census 2,987, eleventh census
E. Dana Durand, Director.
D&v&nt •:.».,.... ;;j,\
Tiedeman's Majority .......
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 11.
That thl3 section will get consider
ablf advertising thfough; the campaign
W. H. Crumb and associates will soon
The matter for the
start 1r assured,
booklet has been carefully prepared
and at the suggestion of. the sect
tary of the Board of Trade muen
j To The Hon. Councilmen:
' J f desire to make some recoinmen-
1 J dations concerning the welfare of our
! city for 1911.
1 I recommend that we should engage
an Expert Accountant to examine our
books and vouchers thoroughly for *
the yeaTs 1909 and 1910. I think ev- i
ery municipality should have their j
books examined at lAsst one eacn j
year, by some Expert Accountant, and I
| by a party who is* disinterested and
i nowise connected with our Officials.
| 1 also recommend the installation
■ of an up to date set of books for the
| city of Waycross, as the method we
j are now pursuing In the way of keep-j
j ing our City Records is absolutely {
wrong, and should be remedied. )
j I understand that some of our |
Councilmen are in favor of abolishing i
| the office of Chief of Police. I do 1
| not recommend that this should be*
i done, ns th<* city of Waycrosn has]
i now gotten beyond village Ideas, and
|j has developed Into a magnificent City
[of the Cosmopolitan Type, and It U«
I therefore necessary for us to maintain
an up to date Police Force,^ headed
by an efficient Chief, and it is our
duty to see that his assistants are
fearless but conservative Policemen.
, » i
• 1 am not in favor of increasing the ^
( salaries of Officials this year, with ^
the exception of our City Marshal Mr.
J. W. Colley, who, If re-elected, should ^
receive an increase In salary as he ^
has been faithful In the discharge of }
bis duties, and is ever watching out f
for the welfare of the city, and did
not receive an Increase last year {
when the salaries of ao&e qt our otbet
Officers were increased. (
The duties of our Tax Collector and
Receiver have been, Increased mater
ially by our new system of collect
lng and receiving Taxes, and on that '
account the work In this office Is' (
about twice as hard os It was prev
iously. It might be well for us t£.
consider a small increase in that po
The paBt administration was se
verely criticised by many, for our
action in increasing the salaries of
the Policemen and others last year,
but I have personally, never had any
upologies to make for the part I lot
In that matter. I believe they Justly
deserved the small Increase we made
them. |
The Cow question no doubt will - be
one we will 4iave to deal with this
your, as the same has nlready been
agitated. While we hold the power
as a body to pass an ordinance to
prohibit the Cows from running at
largo on our streets, I do not believe
it fair to all the people, for us to ex
ercise and force that privilege. I
therefor^ suggest that un election be
called at sumo future date, and this
matter be settled by a majority of the
hllfrtinllliii c * L - ™< GPEN DEAD
MEET T()f)AY' The B&d nowa of the sudden dentb
HILL I I (Jlffl I | of our old time citizen and friend, Mr.
C. L. Thigpen, which occurred at Val-
At the Board of Trade this after- * dosta last night following a sickness
noon the governors of the Board of of only a few days..
, Trade are scheduled to meet and dl* j Mr. Thigpen was In ^Waycross last
cuss various matters of Interest to week visiting among his many friends
the city. Several communications have and lelativcs and looked it: bis usual
been received, and resolutions of var- health. Mr. Thigpen was formerly,one
lous kinds have been sent the Wuy- of our most prominent citizens, very
cross organization for approval. In Highly respedted by all and has a very
addition to receiving applications for large family connection to all of whom
membership today this afternoon’s wc extend our sympathy,
meeting wil devote some time to a \ We are unadvised as to vh|»R the'
proposition that effects vitally every funeral will be held but Waycross will
man in business In the city. be largely represented.
my c on vie i jo n s
public good, and without regard to
the political* or personal Influence or
private advancement of myself or any
ope else; and ! have qot in the prl
mary or regular election used any
money or other things of value to In
fluence votes or vmipfbyei! workers;
So Help Me God^,"
Said oath shall be entered on the
mlnutos of the city council. No per
son who Is unable to take said oath-
truthfully shall be eligible to the of-'
flee of mayor or alderman ot the
city, and any person who shall take
■aid oath shall be guilty of false
swearing and shall be punishable as
for a misdemeanor and subject to im
peachment and Temoval from office.
e No Mistake
Suit Made by
Wearing a
All taxes da., State and County,
will call at Sheriff* office and settle
tamo by Jan. 38, or levy will be
D. W. Pittman. Sheriff.
Strause & Bros,
The best dressed men you meet on the street
wearing them. , t
They are the best on the market today.
Lengthy Meeting of New Council Held
All 1910 Men Are Retained.
when you are In ’search of any de
scription of real eatate. If you wlab
to have a home or ator* you will 1
Dnd our Kata Include about every
thing worth looking at.
you' will 'cflrtalnly aav. tlmt), and’
probably money, by consulting ua an'
to.your requirement!. Our exper
ience and knowledge of value, should
certainly be of aervlce to you aa they
have proved to he to many othere.
. . Joiner chief of lire department; A. C.
ich or
ouncll B> * t *e< ••hit ary toupee tor, and W. H.
fficlala Bucb,n,n cl| l' treaaurer. A. C. Low-
I her waa elected tax collector vice H.
P. Brewer, wlfo waa not an nppllcsnt
(or the poaitlon again. The Waycroaa
»*. tor Journal waa elected the official organ
til po- this year.
w ha- Satarlea remain practically the same
ifflces, throughout the city officea. A booat
s. Alt of |26 each ’for (he clerk of council
which and city marshal, giving trfem $133
Inlght. , month, wa, authorized, aa well aa a
I chief $]o Increase In the pay of city ux
rehei: collector. i' -
Ulcer; Council abollahed the fee system In
J. W. all city offices, substituting In It* place
i. M straight salaries.
1 You can get them at
Anything You Need For
The Stein-
Sam W. Peck
Block Co.
and Cd.