Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 11, 1911, Image 4
/ I OLD SOLDIER TOTURED. “For year* I suffered unspeakable torture from Indigestion, constipation I and liver trouble,” wrote A. K. Smith, |a war veteran at Erie, Pa„ “but Dr. | King s New Life Pills fixed me all right They’re simply great." Try them for any stomach, liver or kid ney trouble. Only 25c at -All Drug gists. Mr. O. H. Lowther and Mr Hudspeth were hosts at a charming little dinner party at LaGrande last evening, then guests being Miss Marie Johnson, of Talhoton, who is the attractive guest tf Mini Susie Charpe. Miss Kate Wil son and Miss Susie Sharpe. The young ladles were entertained on a delightful automobile drive and after wards at dinner at LaOrande. ,o<KK>ooooooooo^>oooooooooo^oooodoo^o CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street Phone $74 X Carriage and Automobile Painting i NEATLY EXECUTED h ROOSEVELT ON “FORESTRY.’*.. I Bo»ton, Hus.. Jan. 10.—Former Freildent Theodore Roosevelt came to Bo*ton today In acceptance of an in vitation to apeak' before the Exchaaee Club on the subject of "For- t eatfjr". » The affair was arranged under the' . Joint anaptees of the Harvard' For- *etry School, Ini Masaachusatta Wholesale LumlSTOeslers' Aksocia- tlon and the Lutjber Trade Club. Gad Colds! Seals Cold Tablets will break up day. If they fail your you Caxt*bave your money back*—25c THE SEALS PHARMACY i .* - THE RCKALUTOHE F. O. SMITH, ONLY FIRST CLASS. CARRIAGE FAINTER >N TOWN. PLENTY OF CHICKENS AT 10 2t -• 1 HARDY BROS. WAYCROSS EVEN IftC HERALD AT THE [Personal [• M l»* Carrie PerKam Sonia! Ed.lor SEASONABLE Groceries We now have in. stock Ralston Whole Wheat Flour Ralston Breakfast Food, Keekers Oatmeal In barrels and packages, Hackers Buckwheat, Self-rising, In barrels, Cream, of Wheat. Shredded Wheat Biscuits. New Georgia Syrup. - and lota of other good*thlng* too numerous to mention. Our prices are reasonable and our goods first-claims. We guarantee to save you money. Mr. Mathew Cornwell is now with us’ permanently sad will he pleased to see fils friends s*nd serve their, wants. EARLY MORNING STAR PEAS BLISS EVER BEARING PEAS. SUGAR SALID PEAS, BLACK EYE ^ARROW-FAT PEA8. 50 BUSHELS OF 8EEO BEANS OF. GREAT VARIETIES. ALL KINDS OF WATERMEL ON 8EED. BEST ADAPTED TO SOUTH GEORGiA SOIL. CANTELOPE SEED, SEED CORN, SEED RYE. OUR SPRING SEED OATS HAVE ARRIVED. 2 A CAR LOAD FERTILIZERS Ijv ARRIVED. MISS LILLIAS NICHOlLS DEAD The death of Miss l.flUaa NiclioUs 1 last night has cast a chiud over hun dred* in our city today. Miss Nicbolls was one of our moat beautiful and lovable young women in the prime of young womanhood and loved by all who knew her. She, is survived by'aer mother and three sisters, Mr* Vernon Jones. Miss Meta Nichoils and Mias Ida Nichoils and two brothers. Messrs William and John Nlcholis. The funer al service will take place at the home tomorrow morning at half past eight c’ock. Rev. R. A. Brown, of the Presbyterian church will conduct the service. The remains will he carried lo Blackshear at ten o’clock where the interment will take place. The fol lowing gentlemen who will act as pall* lieaye: s are requested to meet at the i Hinson undertaking parlors at eight j Vclock. j John W. Moore. Warren I^ott, J. E. | MAY'S MILL and FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3. OUR SEED IRISH POTATOES WILL BE HERE IN A FEW DAYS. Wadley. Geo. Mayo, Joe D. Mitchell, • Beautiful Assortment of China- ware-on SALE JANUARY 12, at 10 a. m. Prices from 5c to 75c The first 25 that buy as much as 50c worth will receive a beautiful Souvenier free. FREE! FREE! FREE! •N ' / During this sale we \yjll give each 10 dts purchase one.chance on a beautiful 40 piece set of decor ated chinaware to be given to the one that holds the lucky number. ' INVESTIGATE See Display in Window. HARD BROS. K<*o Miss Parnell this week every thing at reduced pieces. 1 PHONE 62 '0<--* ./wvvv <v>0000000 The Herald's weekly and job offle vlll soon bo on their feet again.. HOME FURNITURE CO. Phone 49 40 Plant Ave. Mrs. J. L\ Vann is better afte Don't Be So Rapt Up in the News lit* editor of the Herald made fine census supervisor and he is first-class guano Inspector. for him when you need his services. i of some days Evidently the blizzard prophets have been working over-time. Nothing doing in. the blizzard line yet. The telephone girls walked out and Some other telephone girls walked in, and that’* the way it goes. Mrs. Thlot, of. Savannah is in the I HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S “Big Clearance Sale" The Journal put In the lowest Jjid for the City Printing and got the Jeb, and that's all there la about it. THAT YOU CANT PAY ATTENTION TO AOS. THERE’S A TIME WHEN YOU WILL NEEO A FIRST CLASS LIVERY RIG AND WE WISH TO TELL YOU WHERE YOU CAN SE- CURE IT. ITS RIGHT HERE. RIOS for all occasions—With or WITHOUT DRIVERS. IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY TELEPHONE US FOR WHAT YOU WAfJT. WE WILL HAVE IT AT YOUR HOME OR PLACE OF BUSINESS PROMPTLY. McGregor Mayo Change [McGregor Mayo 8oJrdino, Livery and Slice Sublet. ftbeau st ' * Wr.ycrots, Ga. PHONE NO. 63 iglit and dark Percales, yard-wide, 10c yard. 11 2t Humphrey* &. Williamson. WQOP! WOOD! WOOD! Wood, any length, at Thomas Bros. CAUSES SICKNESS. <k>oooooooddooooodo A CHINAMAN, Removes his glasses when lie greOta a friend, a Japan- eae wears glasses for atylc. but we Americans wears glosses when we need them ami we use the best glasses and spectacles In ttye world. Hee me regarding your •yea. T» A. W. ELMGREN OPTOMETRIST, 43 Gilmore Street. Good Health Impossible With A Dis ordered 8tomach. There is nothing that will create sickness or cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many peo ple dally contract* serious maladies simply through disregard or abuse of the stomach, ^ f Wo urge everyone suffering from any stomach derangement, indiges tion or dyspepsia, whether acute or • hronie, to try Rexuli Dyspepsia Tab lets, with the distinct understanding that we will refund their money with out question or formality,. If afte reasonable use of this medicine they nre not satisfied with the results. We recommend them to our customers every day, and have yet to hear of anjr one who has not been benefittted by them. Three sites, 25c, 50c and $1.00 a box. Sold In Waycross only at our stoir*,—The Roxall Store. The Seals Pharmacy. Mr. W. D. Morton hat from Atlanta and reports visit. returned | pleasant J Mrs. J. N. Hughes and qhildren have returned after an extended trip to Birmingham. Ala. ' The publishers of The Waycross ICvcnlug Herald owfa their own plant and will add a number of Improve ments during tlm present year. Mr. Trucy Acosta, of Jacksonville *s in the city toattend the funeral of Miss Nichoils. Mr. C. T. Hurt and Mr. Lung are reported very slightly better at King’s Daughters Hospital* today. One lot Men’s Colored Laundry and Negligee Shirts. Regular Price 50c to $1.00 Clearance Price 25c. One Table of Ladies’, Children and Mea’s Win ter Underwear. Regular price 25c. Clearance Sale 15c. Extra Large Size Union Linen Huck Towels. Clearance Sale 12&c Smsll lot of Large Size Cotton Comforts. Clearance Sale $1 .O© Mrs. Cornell and daughter, Mis* Wll lie Cornell, of Brunswick have arrived j in the city and will make their home j on Elizabeth street. ! New Plaid* and plain Flaxon*. 25 cents. list Humphreys & Williamson. After a pleasant visit of a few days • Q here the guest of Miss Parnell. Mr*, j Joe Hopps and baby have returned to their home at Jesup. Mm. Hopps was well known and*popular here as Miss Sallte Baum. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL .SHOES. Mrs. |>. o. Morton who ha, been * Pending some day. In . Jacksonville left thjpe today for Winter Haven where ahe will visit rorae day, be fore returning here. In Saturday, Herald we will offer lo SOOOOOOOiXXXOOOOOfl! OUr r ** <lor * u>» premeat embroidery - ' ~ ' 11 '| and braldt'J pattern that can be Big ahlpnicut Persian Silk Jabot,, found. It will be a shirt-waist front and collar*, 25c and 50c. j iuttable toil braiding wlUt a touch of 9 91 Humphrey, k Williamson. I embroidery. We will continue to give — i each Saturday a pattern that will be Tor wood phone Hi, n la | well worth having. A 96- PAGE DIARY [ TRUST COMPANIES TO MERGE. FOR OUR READERS, j Philadelphia. Pa., Jan. Stock holder, of the Merchant,' Trust Com- NOTICE. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF BURT SEED OATS. THEY GOST A LITTLE MORE, BUT IT state, and 300 of the largest cities, We take pleaiure In announcing that our reader, can ,ecure a pretty 00-page diary for 1911 by sending 4 one-cent stamp, to D. Swift k Co., Patent Lawyer*. Washington, D. C. This diary I, worth 25 cent,; con tain* a note space and date for each day in the year, 1010 census of the :. t kJbGkb ' a synopsis of valuable everyday In formation, business form,, business laws, patent laws, postage rates, and the amount of core, wheat. oaU,4»- bacco and cotton produced in each Stale and -a calendar for 1911 and 1912. pany and of tbe Union Trust Com pany met today and rattled plans for tbe merger of the two companies al ready agreed upon by the directors. Tbe merger Is planned to go Into effect about the end of this month. The new concern will be. known as the Merchants Union Trustlcompany and Its president will bdfrjohn S. Bloren, at present a, director pi the Merchants’ Trust Company.