Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 11, 1911, Image 6

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# /
Are Ready-Institution will Take Place
At Parker Opera House
Don’t Fail to be on Hand.
Aduntic Coast Line Schedule.
Jeaup »«d Savannah
**«« ........
Train 2S5
......6:50 am
12:60 pm! Train
.4:6’i pm
lUiOiiyuj | ViuiQ 16U ,.i:2u pi.
i train li’/ t:iv pii
train 67
/run Montgomery
,rr ""' 58 6 ,5 a “ | .Mir .Mont gurnet»
trr.il, ISO 6:45 P m jTrain lsa 6:in a
from Halnbrldge ak ThotnasvIMe I Train f>7. 10:20 ,
®7raln 181 9:60 an); y or Halnbrldge and ITjatua.vih«
Vrnm Alban? i Train lab w.lti a
Train 93 1:55 pm wluauj
ITaln VI 8:55 aui
Crain 97 5:00 pm
From Chicago and Nortweat
L c. apodal (via Albany)....4:55 am
Dixie Flyer (via Tltton)... .5:35 am
•oath Atlantic Limited 6:35 am
From Brunswick
Train 9«.... 7:40 am
Crain 80 5:55 pm
From Jacksonville
Train 98 5:55 pm
Train 33 10:15 pm
Train M 10:3{i pm
Crain 81 10:45 pm!
Train 93 ,1*1:3" p* ;
Train 96 7:60 an
Train 90 6:10 pro.
Fur Chicago and Nortowei*.
1. C. Special (via Albany) 10:50 pn |
Dixie Flyer (via Tlflon) ....10:30 pro
ben'll Atlantic Limited.. ..10:30 pm
1 For Hruniwlck
Train 91
.10:05 an
.Train 97 6:10 pm
For Jacksonville
Train 95 (Dixie Flyer 5:40 im
Train 93 ...,1 5:00 an '
Train 33 6:40 an j
From Tampn. High Bprlngt via Du-1 r * ,B 11 * :1 * 11,1 !
pont j Fur Tampa. Hlxh Spring,
Train 43 7:35 pm'TvuIn 4» 8.no an i
, Far through bchedulea, Pullman reservations, etc., Call Cn
1 K M. North. A. O. P. A. K. H. Pollard, T|c«ct A vent.
, Savannah Os War-ms. rja
j W. H. ULMER, I
} Wheelwright and Blaehsmilh,
Horseshoeing A 'Specialty.
Next to Wilson Ltundry, just ia rear of
Singleton i Furniture Company.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Wood’s Seeds
For The
Farm end Garden
have an established reputation
extending over thirty yeara.be-
ing planted and used extensively
by the best Fanners and Garden-
era throughout the Middle and
Southern Staten.
Wood’s New for 1911 will
SMd Catalog
to what crops and seeds to plant
for success and profit. Our pub
lications have long been noted
for the full and complete infor
mation which they giVe.
Catalog mailed free on
* request. Write for it
Seedsmen, • Richmond, Va.
A-Great Invention
| r For Bath=§hampoo=Massage *
The Knkkeibocker Spraybrush—a practical, much needed invention for cleanliness,
circulation and a healthy skin — has already benefited over a million people.
Through the hundreds of velvety tubes the water flows in dashing streams, giving an
invigorating shower or needle spray bath. The rubber “teeth” give a thorough massage,
getting the. dirt out of the pores better than any bristle bmsh or sponge ever could.
The Spraybrush makes the indoor bath as beneficial as the vigorous splash at the seaside.
Your money refunded if not entirely Mtbfactorr.
Event Spraybrush guaranteed one year—will
last five. Aa ideal shampoo brush for men and
i ideal shampoo brush
women alike. Makes shampooing easy no mat'
ter bow long or thick your hair is.
Sorsybrab No. 1-Hlks lllattntkm—Is msds of finest
India Rubber, luxurious In ererr detail. iH In. Ions,
8H In. wldt, with IQS hollow teeth, six feet of extra
fins whits rubber tubing, one stasis faucet connection
extension bandlo. and flexible strap handle to use
when extension handle is detached.'All fiA
complete, nicely boxed
Other styles at $2.00 and $3.00.
Special Barber’s Shampoo Brash $2.00
Siphon Attachment for homes without bath.... .. 90o
S py the Knickerbocker Spraybrush now—no risk—
oney refunded If it isn't satisfactory In KVipays*
Trial. Tha only bath brush absolutely Insuring -
Cabbage Plants *ce me.
A. P. Peiham.’Sr.
Have you' seen Sara Heller’s nl?
L’r an installment dry goods house, tf
Cleanliness=Good Circulation=Beautiful Skin
Knickerbocker Spraybrtishes ate for sale by leadnig Drug, Dept., Hardware and Plumbing stores every*
where. Get a Spraybrush o n your ft st top down town. If your dealer does not carry them send his name and
money. We will send direct to you, prepaid, on ten days trial. Descriptive booklet free.
^ THE PROGRESS COMPANY, 55-210 Monroe St., Chicago, Ill.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any ease of Caiarrti that can
not be cured 1 y Mali's Catarth Cure.
K. J. CHENEY £ Cty Toledo, O.
the und* reigneu, have known
F. ,i. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
iu all. business transactions and rt*
ranclttily able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm. *
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Dnigggists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall’s Family puis for const!
ration. ' J
Take. Foley's Honey and Tar. It
giver dwelt relief and expels the cold
from your system. It contains no
opiates, is safe and sure. Gem Phar
i Col I. aw ton look 3 ufter the finan-
| ces nnjl Mr. Win burn , tho physical
! management of the road.
| The next tdated meeting of the
{ bon'd of directors of tho'Central will
J taW place three months hence but It
j Is possible a president may he elected
• before that time aa a meeting can bd
’•egigterrd will be entitled to vote at. DIRECTORS AT MEETING YES‘called sooner if it is found necessary.
*3iu election. The polls will open atj TERDAY.
tue Courthouse and the Opera House,
An election will be held in the city
of Way cross on the first Saturday In
January, 1911, for the purpose of elec-
tine three aldermen and a member of
the Board of Education of the City of
Waycross for the ensuing terms as
provided by law. All persons duly
Ci« six o’clock a. m„ to seven o'clock
V lit., Central Standard Railroad time.
.'he registered voters are requested
r > vote a said eleciton.
tf J. M. Cox, Major.
{or backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladddr trouble, Cid urincry irregularities.
Foley Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor’ -Kefuue substi tutes.
la a valuable family friend. Foley’*
Honey and Tar fulfills this condition
exactly. Mm. Charles Kline. N\ Sth
St.. Easton. Pn.. etatea: “Several
members ot my family have Vcn cur
ed of bad rongha and colds by the
use of Folcv’x Honey and Tar and I
aid never without a bottle In The
house. It soothe, and relieves the
Irritation In the throat and loosens up
the cold. I have always found jt 1
reliable cough cure.- Gem Pharmacy.
Savannah, Ua.. Jan. 10.—The fail
ure of the directors of the Central
railway to elect a president of that
system at. the quarterly meeting yes'-
terday caused Surphse In some quar
ters but was Just what many thought
would happen. There la no particular
After attending the hoard meeting
'itere yesterday President l^trahan
’ ’ ’ “' special traitv
left for Atlanta on
We had better let politic! alone tot
awhile and try to upbuild Waycraaa
Why pay 825,830 and 840 for a suit
ot clothes, all cash of course, when
need to hurry with this election a. 1 yon can purchase one of Sam Heller
Mr. Harahnn the president of the. and pay aa yon wear It* A. lit or no
Illinois Central railway Is to retire j sale! A customer pleased la a ciis-
and his successor will lie busy learn-1 tomer made
lag the rupee for a few months. The j —
affairs ot the Central railway ate' PERSONAL.
being managed very successfully by
CoL A. R. l-xwton and Mr. W. A.
i 'Wtnbnrn. respectively, itrat and s-c-
ond vice presidents. -
.We stlj pay yon
new names and a*
tetloo, lot a.
501. Vn