Newspaper Page Text
For the benefit of the strangers in our city, we again explain the
following plans, which has proven so popular during the past year.
We give you spot cash prices on your purchase,you pay only l of the
three equalpayments,payable in 30,60and 90 days
bill, we divide the remainder in three equal payments,payable in 30,60and90 days
and charge absolutely nothing for the extra time, or we will sell you on our easy
payment plan and instead of sending a collector to get the payments, we pay you
10 per cent, in trade coupons good in trade at cash prices, for making your pay
ments at the store. We have five large stores, buy goods in large quantities and
therefore get price consessions that enables us to sell you goods much cheaper
than the small dealer, ' ^ '
Our Spring Line of Rugs Will
Be on Display this.Week.
We are proud of the assortment we have
ready for your insj-edtion, all the newest shades
and pat'.ertis are here, in all sizes, and you will
fi id the prices lower
than these rugs have
ever beefr offered in
this city except at this
Our line of small
Rugs contain an
other shipment of
Rattan Parlor Suit. •
A beautiful suit exadtly like above cut
made of best grade whole rattan, 17 QC
finished in finest quality shellac *■
/$ cash balance 39, 60 and 90 days.
We seH very Viaml«. >n:C solid oak extension Table, claw
feet, extends to 0 feet, exactly like cut.
A great value at $14.50
1-3 Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Day*.
Don’t feel like you are imposing on us when jou phone
us to send out samples.
The Store of Great Values where Your Credit is Good
A. R. HOOD, Mgr.
Phone 499
Spxf Ginghams In plaids,
checks and solid colors. Big selec
tions, 10c and 12 l*2o.
11 Zt # Humphreys & Williamson.
Are the two great foes of indigestion |
- and very few people reaCa the age!
of foity without falling a victim toi
Indigesttou In some form or other. j
| MAKE YOUR OWN* PAINT j Undigested food is a serious menace !
! and you will know what you are using to health and is the cause of head- i
The way is easy-
Good wages to rignt party. Apply at
" Brunei street. , «i 8t
WANTED—Stenographer. salary
$35.00 .per month. Light work, eaay
hours. Claim & Adjustment Co., room
No. 422, LaGrande Building. 6 .t
. aches, sleeplessness, flatulency, gas
| and distress In the stomach, despond-
I ency, nervousness, bad breath and
jImpure blood.
| In such cases Vlnol has marked
! beneficial tesult. It seems to go dl-
1 rectly to the seat ot trouble, strength-
I ens and tones up the tired, weakened
!ami one gallon of'Pure Linseed Oil. nesves of he stomach, enabling one
put them together, stir them up well, to digest with ease the very foods
and you will have two gallons of Pore that once caused distress.
Linseed Oil Paint; there Is no doubt I ,
about your on being Pur. .Inc. YOU' ** C# “* 10 ° Ur
have bought and added ItYOURSELlh U<m 10 Barre ’ VL Mr ' 8 * mu ' 1 Wb ** 1 * r
This l. safer, than to Uk. someone * U “* r * d w,ai * ,ton “ ch troubl « for
el..-, word that the Linseed Oil In >•». »»* b « Uken all kind, ot med-
Iclnes without relief, and at lot found
a core In Vlnol. He says Vlnol was
worth flea dollars a bottle to him.
(We guarantee this testimonial to be
" — on your property.
night. here. * , j tea. mr
for immediate sale,, thin city, first-
class drug .store, well located, with
up-to-date fixtures and stick of goods;
14 years estsblished trade. Reason
for selling, owner has too much bu»
loess. Pries: $2,500. Terms: $1,001
cssh, balaofce monthly. Address:
4 St G. H. Bowen, Waycross, Go.
FOR RENT—One large desirable
front room. Phone 487. 6 3t.
That the present lino of the Way-
cro n and St. Mary’s running from
St. Marys to Klngsland, a distance of
11 miles, will tbii year be extended
to Wsycross and west at loaat as far |
as Nashville, in Berrien county, to
conaect with a road proposed by Sen
ator Henderson, of Octlla. Is practl-
(ally assured now.
The name of lha road will proba
bly be changed shortly, sad • petition
presented to tb* Slats railroad com
mission for permission lo bond the
lino Tho sale ot these bonds will
tarnish capital for the track work
needed, while land owners and others
ere cooperating closely to secure the
Tight of wdya and other prlvllgea.
With the completion of the road
Wayorosc will have a new route In and
out of Florida, and II Is believed that
by some connection with the Sea- 1
board Air Line a number of through
trains will be operated aver rbe line
to Waycroes and points beyond.
Waycross no longer bht n'tele
phone strike. After conferences wltb
officials ot the Southern Bell Tele
phone Compnny lost night end today
a satisfactory adjustment of differen
ces between the operators who struch
Tuesday noon was reached, and the
strikers,-fifteen in number, have re
turned to their duties, f
' C. A. Barth, of Savannah. district
trafllc i nlet, will remain Jo the local
eschange at chief operator until mat
ters are finally adjusted. This Is to
Insure Waycross patrons gelling an
efficient service. The only trouble
was a kick on the chief operator, who.
K turns out, Insisted upon the ofwr-
utora attending entirely jo
In the exchange. Previous to this one
complaint against telephones In the
city his been on service from the
exchange, and not jn the hfilem.
The operators brought here fimn
Savannah were allowed to return ‘td
FOR RENT—One large furnished
frount room to two men. Also one
small tarnished boot room. All con
venlences. N light housekeeping. Ap
ply 53 Jane street or Shared Collins
P. O. Box 353 7 6t
Many women do not realise -ft'e at-
“°*t d'H'-1 tractions they possess because they
aide Park. ^ ^ gi,,, proper attention to the
»uyer. Ad-
rleston, S. frbe women of Paris are famed for
8 61 their beauty, not because their facial
features are superior, hut because
wood-hand they know how to keep young by sqp-
sgont and Plying vigor, luster and strength to
1 - w the hair.
■ ■ , Three years ago Parisian Sage could
—A form | hardly be obtained In America. But
Apply to j now this delightful hair tonic and
New shipment Mercerised Cotton
Foulard, 35c. — j If you suffer from any form of
11 2t Humphreys & Williamson. * •'omach trouble, try a bottle of Vlnol
_____ with the undertUandkig that you-
It la wonderful how little conscience money will be returned If it docs not
some people seem to hove. help you. The Seals Pharmacy.
America. O. IL Brinson A Co., tell/
it for r>0 cents a large bottle, and they
guarantee It to grow beautiful. lui-
uriant hair;, to turn dulljifelesf boir
into lustrous hair; to stop fa'IlneLfiilr.
to stop Itching of lha scalp. f vu tar
j FOR 8ALE—Good easy running
tricycle, $15. See me quick, J. P.
Luther,. 1 .Tebean street. o 31
Is the Lamp of Real Beauty
because it gives the best light of sit
lamps. The Rayo gives a white; soft,
mellow, diffused light-easy on the
eye because it cannot flicker. You
can use-your eyes as longjis you wish /
under the Rayo light without strain. /
The Rayo Lamp is low-priced, and j
even though you pay $5, $10 or $20 for ^
other limps, you may get more expensive
decorations but you cannot get a better
light than the low-priced Rayo gives. A
strong, durable shade-holder holds .the ,
shade on firm and true. This season’s
new burner adds strength and appearance.
Once a Rayo User, Always One.
’i# **?’*£&* fKSX3SS&
Standard Oil Company
Parisian Rage.
Indianoplla, lod, Jan. 10.—Ths In
diana 8tatc Optical Bociely held Its
alxtsentb annual meeting In this city
today with many prominent members
ot the profession la attendance Lorn
ell over Ore state.
Washlagton. a C_ Jan ', ID. The
ccukui bureau announced tho follow
ing figures:
Fort Valley. 2.5S7, ■„ against 2.022
in 13 h>. This Is a (tain at 4*7 or 33
per oent.
'Units. Toombs' county, 1,178, as
affilbst 503 In 1905. ^ Thla Isgui'impre-
cedruloi gain ot l.tli or #<3 per cent.!
j WANTED FOR U. S ARMY—Able- ~ 1
j bodied unmarried men between ages Carnegie Labatory Extension,
of 18 and,35; citizens of United Sta- New York. Jan. 10.—Interesting
tea, ot good character and temperate commemorative exercises were held
habits, who can apeak, read and write this afternoon In celebration of’ the
the English language. For Informs-j completion of the first twenty-five
tfon apply to Recruiting officer. South-J years of work of he Catqegle labatory
Building. Waycross, Ga.; t3 West York I 'he New York University and Bel-
strcct Savannah Ga.: 108 West For- ••*uo Medical College, and of the
eytb at-eet Jacksonville. Fla.: ho'opening of ihe Carnegie labatory ex-
Market street Charleston, S. C.; or,tension.
113 South Maine street. Fitzgerald,' Addresses were-m,dffi-,by And:»»
Ga. Jan. 7 tf. j Carnegie, Dr. Henry Dr.
—TZ ■' —r fwmiam H. Welch and other men of
WANTED—At once. a-goofi cook, j Prominence.
Madiscn. Wts.. Jan 10.—The ta«y-
■ filth annual convention or the Wis
consin Horticultural Society began
here today with a largo attendance
jand an attractive programme. Tho
j seaalous will coni Inue over Weilncs-
fday and Thursday.
’> '1 cattle is taking on new arllv;
In Wsycrnas. Well booin' It on
li Is strange bow low n
Jviil sloop lo gain * point