Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 12, 1911, Image 5
Butter, pound. thickens week THE THENEW INVISIBLE 8ifocai_. guano Inspected will please drop me a card and I will visit them at once. A. P. Parham, Sr.. Inspector, It 6t Waycrors, (la. THE MOST CENTRALLY LO- *'CATEO HOTEL IN SAVAN- HAH. ~~ 26c, 11 tt Humphreys 4 Williamson. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Public Stenographer can Se found at Herald offlee. Work done at reasonable srtcea tt FOR BOTH THE COMMER CIAL MAN AND THE MER CHANT ^ ENTIRELY REMODELED. Big shipment Persian Silk Jabots and collars, 26c and 50c. 11 2t Humphreys 4 Williamson. 1 ALL THE LATEST IMPROVE MENTS. The EXCHANGE BANK Solicits Your Bank Aceount And Influence. Smoke! ft “Oran Chico’s”, ^Yer Best Smokers”, and > "Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear navaaa ntygd Cigars. edanufactu'ed In Wayereee, Ga., Sy PITTMAN CICAR Ct. % ACCURACY AND PROMPTNESS!* % SAFETY AND LIBERALITY j t) —Are th 3 Marked Features of Our Business. J j | We Invite You to Try Us. i (! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. .] (| C. 5VT. Sweat, President. 1 || ‘ W'. H Buchanan,- Cashier. J Ladies Long COATS $8.00 $15.00 $18.50 Green. LADIES Ladies’s Petticoats All Colors, Satin, Beatherbloom and Silk 50c, 75,c 90c, 1.50,1.98, 4.(X), 5.00, 6.50 CHILDREN’S COATS. SEE LARE 018 PLAY IN 8H0W Wl NDOWS. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN EVERY COAT, „ 82.49, $2.39, 82-98, 83.49, 83.98, 85.98 WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD~ want 500 r s tor C. D. 25 cts. each from Tennessee esh Celery Every Saturday Grain and Cow Feed on hand. Brunswick Bread Every Day. Phone 128 we will deliver the lop Invisible BIFOCAL CLASSES: >.FOR CLOSE AND DISTANT SEING. THE8E NEW GLA8- ARE AN IMMENSE IM PROVEMENT OVER THE OLD LENSES. THERE 18 Sing line to inter. WITH YOUR VISION, OR WILL THE LEN8E8 GET CLOWDEO AND COME APART. . CALL AND HAVE US SHOW THEM TO YOU. Little & Odom, -JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. THE SCREVENj HOUSE .Savannah, Georgia. American Plan. TSLEPHOy/fc IN ALL ROOMS. Forest City Hotel Co. List Your Country and City Property WITH US .We Are Having Demands For Both HE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. D. & 0. LOTT, R. £. & I. Co. AT THE LOCAL ITEMS. LEE AND JACK80N’S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION PROGRAMME. W© publish below the program as arranged by the U. D. C. Chapter In celebration of Lee'« and Jackson’s birthday on Jan. 19th to be held In Central School. Auditorium. Prof. Ray of Bunn-Bell Institute will be speaker for the occasion. The par ents of the children of the Confeder acy are especially requested by the Daughters to see that the children be there to attend in a body. Program Instrumental Solo—Miss Ger trude Brown. Invocation—Rev? R. Aj Brown. Chorus, Auld Ijsng Synye—Au dience. 4. Recitation -Stonewall Jackson Way. G. Vocal Duet—Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Whitman. G. Chorus—Children of the Con federacy. 7. Recitation, On the Rappahanock —Miss Woodard. 8. Address—Prof, i^j THEATRE si ;i! Singing and Dancing J Soubrette. THURSDAY, FRIDAY ■AND SATURDAY. 9. Be,towal of Crowe, by the President. 10. Benediction—Rev. W. Scruggs. New sprang CUnghams In tplalde, check, and solid colors. Big .elec tion,, 10c sad 12 l-2c. 11 2t Humphreys 4 Williamson. AT. MUTUAL GROCERY COM PANV FRUIT CAKE AND, POUND CAKE. BOX SUPPER AT PARK. The Christian Endeavor Union of the V. B. Church In Gilchrist Park will give a boxsupper tomorrow night In the room adjoining Innman's store. The proceeds will be used towards paying for wiring the church. Como out and help a good cause. Don't forget the date. Friday, Jan. 13th. New shipment Mercerised Cotton Foulard, 25c. 11 2t Humphrey, 4 Williamson. GUANO INSPECTOR BEGINS. I have been instructed by the Com missioner of Agriculture of the State to commenco the Inspection of feft) Users In the Southeast Georgia terri tory and have entered upon,my duties as Inapector. Parties desiring their STOMACH REMEDY Guaranteed By G. R. Brinson 4 Co. If your stomach Is weak and con stantly upaet, you must quickly do one of two tilings. Allow the rest of your body to be come as weak as your stomach, make your stomach as strong as your body. There Is only one choice for those who want to lire and enjoy life, and that is to make the stomach as strong as the body. I Thla can best be done by using the prescription of a specialist that Iq yean of practice gave relief and per. manent cure to 96 per cent of the people who used It This prescription Is known from coast to coast as MI-O-NA. MI-O-NA stomach tablets, most pea-' pie coll them, -are guannteed by G. R. Brinson 4 Co., to cure Indigestion (acute or chronic) or any upset con dition of the stomach, or money b*ck. In five minutes they give relief from heartburn, acid stomach, gas on stomach, belching of sour food, fer mentation, heartburn and waterbnab. It you suffer from stomach trouble get a large 50 cent box of Ml-O-NA stomach tablets today and put your self on the Toad to health. A O. R. Brinson 4 Co., and leadingj druggists everywhere. Jan. 12, 24. Fed 2. New lot One curtain Swlsaea and Scrim, 10c and 20c. 11 2t - Humphrey, 4 Williamson. If It la a Sweater you want yoo have no exeuae these cold daya. For It can be had Just by bringing a little money to Sam Heller’s. 47 Albany avenue. tf Big Shipment new Unen Suitings, OOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOXtOOOOt OOCOOOO C>iXX>005000 FIRST Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 NEW BUiUDIISJG New Safety Deposit Boxes THOSE PERSONS HAVING 80*1:8 RENTED IN OUR OLD BUILD ING WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAK.’ STATEMENTS AND ACCEPT THIS AS NOTICE THAT WE CAN NO LONGER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR DEPOSITS THERE. WE ARE NOW IN OUR New Building in the PHOENIX BLOCK WHERE WE HAVE ALL MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE CONVENIENCES —UP-TO-DATE SAFETY BOXES, $5.00, $10.00 AND $15.00 PER YEAR. IN A MODERN FIRE-PROOF VAULT. THOSE WlftHINO BOXES WILL PLEASE CALL AND MAKE THEIR SELECTIONS. WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ALL TO CALL AND _ INSPECT OUR NEW HOME. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US FOR THE NEW YEAR. WE PAY 4S INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. RESOURCES NEARLY $700,000 L. t. COOPER, Preald.nt. J W.-BELL.NOER, Cashier. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SPECIAL REDUCTIONS) ON Ladies Coats, Coat Suits and Skirts >’ COATS -AT- H. J. BENTON & CO. Ladies' Tailored COAT SUITS Browns, Navy, Blacks, Gasset, I Ml I I WS4i " " S t