Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 12, 1911, Image 6
THE OWLS Are Ready—Institution will Take Place At Parker Opera House THURSDAY, JANUARY 12TH, 7 O’CLOCK P. M. Don’t Fail to be on Hand. AtluntlC.,Coa8t l-Jne Schedule. .liuWil WAYCROSS. I pBjKAKTUKBli. I Kyr Jerup ud hav*nutafc Savannah MO Train 185 U:C0 prajTrsln if... flnuo SI 5:55 pm | *f«uu «»• fraiB 57 io uypai j train i»o .^oq if ornery 11'nilD .iu;0o i .. 7: So pa ! . .o. iv pt* Tralii ISO ...5:15 put •or .vlooigoinerj »um Bain bride*? * TbomamrtU* Train 57 Train 118 . .8:50 am For Hnlnhrldav ana 1 tiotuasvllle. From Albany Train MS .. *..\ . 6:10 an. Train 03 . .4:55 pm tor aIuhdj rratn tl , am Train 07 .10:50 po H*Mlaa 47 i><UI Min Train 06 ..1:50 an Wnm Chicago and Nortweat Train 80 . .6:1b pm * c. special ivla Albanyi. ..4:55 am For Chicago and Norm west Dixie Flyer (via Tiflon). . .5:35 am 1. C. Special Ivla Albany) 10:80 pm Bunts Atlantia Limited 4:35 am Dials Flyer (via Tlfton) ... .10:30 pm »om Brunswick South Atlantic Limited.. . 10:30 pm Train H... ..7:40 am ►or Hrun*wtch ft.ln N ..5:55 pm Train 01 .10:05 ns WWen Jackaoavllle Train 07 ..4:10 pm Train 78 .,8:58 D.n For Jacksonville Train tl .10:18 pm Train 05 (Dial# Flyer ..8:40 am Train M 10:78 pm Train 07 f. ..1:00 an Main H .10:48 pm Train 33 ..1:40 am Pram Tampa. High Spring! via Do- rain 31 .... .4.1* »<s poet For Tampa. Hlab Springs Train <1 Train 43 .4.00 am Wood’s Seeds For The Farm <»>& Garden have an established reputation extending over thirty years, be ing planted and used extensively by the best Farmers and Garden er* throughout the Middle and Southern States. Wood's New for 1911 will s-JCsud.* J*K5 to what craps and seeds to plant for success and profit Our pub lications have long been noted for the full and complete infor mation which they give. Catalog mailed free on request Writs for it T. W. WOOD Cf SONS, Seedsmen, • Richmond, Va. PLACED IN JAIL CABBAGE PLANTS. For Cabbage Plants see me. f A. P. Perham. Sr. Par through Schedules, Pullman reservations, ate, Call On K. M. North, A. 0. P. A. It B. Pollard. Ticket Agent Savannah .On * , Wnr-roae Os Hava yon area Sam Htllar’a ad? > TVs an installment dry goods bouse. If W. H. ULMER, Wheelwright and Blacksmith, Horseshoeing 1 A'Specialty. Next to Wilson Laundry, justiin rear of Singleton I Furniture'Company. Satisfaction Guaranteed. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any rase of Catarrti that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrli Cure. ft J. CHBNKt & CO.. Toledo, O. We. Ibe undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the lose- 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and II- nanclally able to carry out any ob- llgatlona made by hie firm. Waldlng, Klnnan dk Marvin, Wholesale Drugggiats, Toledo, O. ; .Hall’s catarrh cure It taken Inter- 1 nnlly, acting directly upon the blood ! and mucous surfaces ot the system. I Testimonials tent tree. Price 75c I per bottle. Sold by all Drunlata. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti pation. APREST IS AFTERMATH OF GIL MER COUNTY TRAGEDY. EUljsy, da., Jan. 11.—The Rev. James A. Klmmons. who with his brother, Uie Rev. Benjamin Klmmons, Is charged with the killing of Carter Ungerfelt at Mount Plsmh Church In Gilmer county eeveral weeks ago, was arrestod Monday night with bla son James and his son-in-law John Scruggs. The Rev. Benjamin Kim- mons baa not bean capturad. Tbe killing for which the preachers are wanted occurred In the church yard|pt the same lime federal officers wen raiding an Illicit distillary near by which Ungerfelt was said to oper ate. Ungerfelt. It la claimed wan trying to break up a church service at the time of the dhpotlng. Re wards have been offered for tbe cap- tun of the preachere. | ten years, during whirl) time It has NOTICE. j accomplished much In the way of per- j An election will be held in the citjr | feeling and developing.tbe little dogs of Waycross on tile first Saturday, j which have won such high favor In i January, lfilf. for the piir “■ j recent years. ! tinr three aldermen and' ! Mrs. 1.. C. Dyer of Pontafon, North ! die Board of Education ; Wales, came over specially to Judge I Waycrosa for the ensuing term?*'®-; ' the dogs at the present show. I provided liy law. All ■ persons duly I registered will be entitled to vote at FUR AND FEATHER SHOW. j laid election. The polls will open'at Toledo. O., Jan. in.—Tbe aiutm. • toe Courthouse and the Opera House, 1 winter show of the Tri-State Poultry j bom six o'clock a. m.. to seven b'ctoqk and Pet stock Club was opened in Meinorlal Hall today, and will be, con tinued through the remainder of the week. The show this year Is one of the largest in the hlstt.-v of the or ganisation, there being hundreds of fancy birds entered from all over northwestern. Ohio, southeastern Mlrjt Igan and northeastern Indiana. p m., Central Standard Railroad time. The registered voters are requested t > vote a said election. If J. M. Cox, Mayor. A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE 1s a valuable family friend. Foley’s Honey and Tar fulfllla this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline. N. 8tb 8t, Easton, Pa., states: “Several members of my famlly have been curt ed of bad coughs andhcnjds by the uas of Folay’a Honey dhKFTar and I am never- without a'bottle In..the house. Jt soothes and relievo* the Irritation In the throat and loosens up the cold. I hove always found It a reliable cough cure," Gem Pharmacy. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1ns FOR LAGRIPPE COUGHS AND 8TUFFY COLDS. Take Foley'e Honey and Tar. ■ It gives quick relief and expels the cold - from your system. It contains no “ opiates, la safe and sure. Gam Phan macy, ' Southern “Back Homs’’ Movamant. Alta Pass. N. C., Jon. Id—Industrial agents of the leading railroads of the South met In conference today to dlseuaa plana for the “Back Home" movement, recently Initiated by the Carolina. Clincbfleld and Ohio Rail way. The iilan of Immigration aug- gated meets with the piost enthusi astic approval of the rallraadt gener ally. The proepecta are that all the important roads In the south will Join In the movement, and that the long talked of queetion of Immigration for 'the South will, at last, be placed on a practical working basis. ■R iKjffi (or backache, rheumatism, kidney or Madder trouble, arid urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills pertly tbe blood, restorelost vitality and vigor.- Rcfuue xubciitotes. for sale ay gem pharmacy. • «...i FIRST SHOW CfF POMERANIANS. New York, Jan. 10.- Wore than too rqatemnlans of all sixes and I were placed on view at the Inaugural show of the American Pomeranian Club of. America at 'the Waldorf-As- ,torts today. The show marks the Lrst benching under the auspices of the rlnb, which has been in existence NEW YORK GIRL WEDS IN LONDON. London, Jen. 10.—Many prominent members of the American colony In London were present at the wedding here today of Miss Harriet Frances Arnold, daughter of William H. Ar- why w , 25> |J0 |4# ,« nold.’of New York City, and Captain > c)othtIi ^ ^ J. B. Lyon,. Captain Lyon. I. a .on j you „„ r „ rchate 0 „ of 8sm Of ,h. Dean of Omory. | p » y you wwr u , K flt w DO _ ! 5a lcl A customer pleased Is a cu*- Conference On Play Grounds. - tomrr made t , Baltimore, Md.. Jan. ll.-The Play* . ■ Ground Institute for the .Middle At- PERSONAL. Isntlc States began a three-dsy sea- We will pay you ten cents each f.,r slon In his city. odny. Among those new names and address** of amatfo on the programme for addresses are photographers. Carver, Bex 504, w 0 - Edward W. Stiff of Now York. George. terloe, Iowa. E. Johnson of Pittsburg, E. B. ’De-' — MjMf? Groot of Chicago, Dr. Rebecca 8tone-j FRUIT CAKE AND POUND CAKE road of Washington, and A. E. Car-j AT MUTUAL GROCERY CC. soy of Waltham, Mass. 1 n*c< Auras _ Or;s^,o CcevP ' I'Wic. INDIANA LUMBER DEALERS. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. tl.—At the Cla.vpoo) Hotel today the RetaiJ Lum ber Dealers’ Association or Indiana began its twenty-seventh annual con-! ventlon with n large attendance. The discussion' of numerous questions of, Importance To the Lumber frsde’ It i provided 'for In dm two -days’ a/t-1 ' gramme. r '• - . I Mam 8e« notice of term and dairy hand ; r ; W “ M ‘ . V ‘ ~ f