Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 13, 1911, Image 1

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■ / WAYCROSS, GA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1911 NUMBER 128 VOLUMEXVIII Will be a mass meeting to- bight hi 7;-30 o’clock at the Baid “ Stapd, fcome out. Several speeches Will'-be made. 'We tfoe undersigned business men and subscribers to the phones of your system in the city Way cross, hav ing heard the complaints made by your operators, thinkv-tbat the con* tentioos of said operators are reason* able. They do not ask ;for money or for easier hours,-, but they do ask for cburteous. trl&tment at the hands of your Chief 0 heritor, and they contend that your said Chief Operator does not ti eat them with the common courtesy, due them as subordinates, that she is cross and fiery in dispo sition and domineering in attitude toward them rendering the service t<j •them.' irksome and disagreeable in the hjfhest degree, and that the said Chief Operator, Miss Brown, be re* moved and a more agreeable dispos- 1 ed and courteous chief be installed in 1 her plaoe. / * BUSY SESSION PROMISED BOTH DOCKET8. TELEPHONE - OFFICIAL? HERE ATLANTA.' f •. Nest Starts^ With Large Gathering Of Owls—Another Meeting Schei ay dud ' probably rain. j judge J. C. McDonald preside* at a aln la acheduled tonight In north- ( bn»y session of city court next week, Georgia, to be followed Saturday according to prospects at tblB date, a change of emperature. Light j The civil docket will be taken up by the judge Monday at ten o’clock, arid confimied until finished. The I criminal business is inor der then, and will keep the court busy roost of I desire to thank my friends and , the week. the public generally for the liberal j . patronage you have given* me while CARD^OF THANKS selling cane Juice In the city. | Cole Eunice. I w tn fhank our miinv • Telephone officials are In Waycross? fioin Atlanta, and hope to settle the strike of operators before the day ! ends. j The officials from Savannah offices- | have remained here* and will be ire I the city until the differences are ad justed If possible. 1 .lust what action will be .taken Is not know. There has been no general meeting as yet j of parties concerned. , tiled For Jan. 31, Who- who-you. Owls, lots of ’em; alj with big eyes, gathered about the tb^pter last nigh: to take part in the formal organiza tion of their Waycrosi Nest. The charter list numbered about MR. A. W. LANG. In the death of our friend A. W. ! Lang, Waycross and # Its surrounding j country has lost one of Its most val ued citizens, and one whose place j j will remain unfilled wo fear. ! Always on errands of mercy and ; charity to the exclusion of himself , and hits own at all times, day or 1 night; unceasing Iq his efforts to help | someone other thun himself, and with the most liberal unselfishness devot ing his entire time and his all to the relief of his neighbors. Tills kind hearted man of whom spent his last l several years among us, died yester day after an Illness of only a few days. The funeral arrangements are not yet made is being delayed in an ef fort to locate the family of Mr. l*ang, will be announced later; and will doubtless be one of the largest, ever had in Waycross, for the echo of charity, mercy and help by Mr. Lang extended so universally that an ap preciative citizen will be bound to attend these last'tributes of respect. Mr. Lang was our friend as he was of all and one of the most, unselfish ^men we have ever known; always placing the wishes and wauls of oth ers ahead of his own. JtVft ycr 9 g * cap |ily spare. Mn. lAris* hut yet we must do no most sadly. Mr. I^tngs wdj-k for others Is only partially illustrated by the eairying a life Insurance policy for the Indus trial Home of Macon, and but a very few friends knew' of it and It has been bin intention to extend this line of CARD OF THANKS. South Georgia order Excepting Sav annah, where 478 Owls were recently.; given attention. / The general organlz.br, H. R. Caul-! field, assisted -by V. H. Corthell and | Goodwin Fitch, conducted ceicmonles Incident to the organjVJtion. in the .membership las- represented at the theater last night the thorough care given to member^ by the organ! j zeis was very evideit. The order s arts with an excellent membership. NOTICE ODD FELLOWS. You are requested to meet at thcr Lodge Room Sunday afternoon Jan. 15th, 1911 at 2 o'clock, p. m., tor the purpose of attending the funeral of our deceased brother, A. W. I^ang. A full attendance it earnest request ed. By order of, S. Clark Houk, Jr., N. 0- Attest C. A. LeCount, Secty. 13 2t ALABAMA LIVE STOCK MEN. ; Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 13.-—There was a gratifying attendance of mem bers of the Alabama Live Stock As sociation at the opening here today of the association's fifteenth annua! meeting. Several instructive addres ses on the feeding and care of beef cattle were included In the program me of the Initial session this after- : boon, in addition to the presidential, address of Dr. C. A. Cary of Auburn! and the annual reports of Secretary, D. T. Gray and the other officers. | The convention will continue and j conclude Its buslncsa tomorrow. ' The better facility and improved service In the Exchange is not due to Miss Brown, but is primarily due to the efficient work of the lineman and phoneman, namely, Mr. Carson, who has effected better connections and improved the.wording of the ip- dividual phones. This can be prov en from the fact- that during Miss Browns absence of some twb weeks* the service was good, and has been j constantly improving under Mr. Car- sons care of lines and phones. We therefore ask for the good of the CAMP NO. 819 UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS Dear Veterans:—You are invited by the Francis 8. Onr tow Chapter Unt ied Daughters of the Confederacy of this city to attend in a body, the memorial exercises of Jncksons and* Lee's birthday; to he held in the Central Hchool Auditorium on Thurs day, J$P. 19th, at ten o'clock a. m. 13 Cl n v Mrs. Fr#l Brewer, Secty., service that you make such ebangu as will heal the breach and adjust the difference so that four business may not be hampered. Yon Can Make No Mistake By Wearing a Suit Made by NOTICE* KNI0HT8 OF PYTHIAS. Yon sro requested 'to meet at the thistle Hall, Sunday afternoon, Jan uary 15th, 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m„ tor Ihc purpose'of attending the funeral of our deceased brother, A. W. Lang. A full attendance la earnestly reques ted, By order of, , Chas, E. Cason, C. C. Attest: T. II. MlUer. K. ot ft. and 8. , SERVICE LOSES AN ABLE OFFICER Washington, a. c., Jan. 13.—Major General William P. Duvall, wbowaa placed ou the retired Hat ot (he army i today on account ot age, Icavas be hind him an enviable record ot effl- , clast and laltbtul service. Gen. Du- . vail la a native ot Maryland and a , graduate ot the West Point Academy , ot tbs class ot 1869. Appointed sec ond lieutenant, Fifth Artillery In 1877. graduated from the Artillery , School In 1898 and In 1898 was made . captain ot artillery. ' When the war with Spain began he was selected at major general of sot- j unteera. In 1899, after having been . made lieutenant colonel he was hon orably discharged from the volunteer service. He was mustered out of the service In 1901 with the rank or colo nel. The. same year ha was made {major of. the Artillery Corpe and In 1900 took the rank of lieutenant colonel. In March of the seme year ha wits made brigadier general. This " rank hd held until Oct. 2, 1907,' when i he became major general. A year later he was*sekcted to succeed Maj. . Gen. John F. Weston In command of the troops In the Pbllllplnea. The Herald will give you all too news you ought tn know, but we haven't apace to give you the names of all the Iters in Wsycrose. WILIFRED JULIAN MULLIS DEAD The little son of' Mr.' and Mrs. W. J. Mullls died at the home on Tues day the 10th Of an attack of croup. The Interment took place Wednesday at Woresboro. Rev. t. a Thrasher, of Trinity Methodist and Rev, C. O. Ben nett of Millwood conducted the cere, vices Mr. and Mrs. Mullls havq the deepest sympathy of a large number, of friends in their sorrow. Strause & Bros. The best dressed men you meet on the street are wearing them. They are the best on the market today. ATTENTION CONFEDERATE VETERANS The regular meeting of the Way- cross Camp Confederal* Veterans No- 813, will-he held at tha court housa In this city at 11 o'rlork on the morn ing of the 19th, Inet., Lee’s birthday, j At thla time naw officers will be elec-| ted the terma ot the old ones will have expired. A full meeting of the Camp la greatly to bn desired and I the present Commander urges every member to he present. The ladles of the U. D. C. have a beautiful program for the day and every Veteran should be in attendance. A. P. Perhptn, 8r. Capt. Comd. I. W. Strickland, Adjutant. 13 ft CONSULT OUR LIST8 when you are In search of any de scription of real eaiate. If yon wish to htve a house or store you will And one lists Include shout every thing worth looking s(. IF YOU WANTO BUY REAL E8TATE you will Icdrtslnly save tlm4 ami' probably money, by consulting us its to your requirements. Our exper ience and knowledge of. valueR should certainly be of service to vou as they have proved to be to many other,. You can get them at: The Editor of the Herald acknowl edges the receipt of an-Invitation to the Insulation 'ceremonies of the Woodmen of the World at Masonic Hall on Saturday night. Providence permitting we will he there brother. .Mestere. "■ Don’t forget, all winter goods at clove price* now while you neej the goods at—Dfcklns Stores. , The Stein- ■ Sam W. Peck 'ii- Block Co. and Co.