Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 13, 1911, Image 2

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WAYCROSS EVEN tt'C HF.RAU> THE EVENING HERALD ——Published By ■ THe HERALD PUBLI8HINO CO, A. P. Perhzm, V. A. P, PerMm, Jr. Editor* and Proprietor*. Miss Carris Parham, Personal, Society and Local. the highest terms of Cordele. Said he: GRAY HAIRS BANISHED. The WaycroM Herald founded In 1885. The Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. Perham, 8r. Telephones Business Office 25 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 268. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycross, Oa.. Post- office ai second class mail matter. "* - ..rpr.«d a« the wonder,u. growth and progress of Cordele ha* Our frandmotber* uu^d to have dark. ...... ...... flawy hair at lb* ag* of sawnty-five, : made- in the last few years. With otir white bai/ befor* J the advantages and 'posslbiiities that ***** * n ‘ Our grandmothers u**d | to make a "aaga tea" and apply it to ; are before you, there Is no reason tb<»ir hair. T'.i • tea rna.!« their hair »oft • why Cordele ahoa.d no, he » e.ty of 20,000 people within the next decade." such a preparation was the trouble of Col. J. H. Thom... of Baxley. ..He “«■*£ Itor general of the Brunswick circuit, of it souring quickly. This objection ha* . „ , „ . . „ , , i 5»*cn overcome and v bjr asking almost and Col. Max Isaacs, of Brunswick, aoy fir»t-c!:iss druggirt for Wyeth's Mage are also attending court, and botli . a,, d Sulphur the public can get a au- . 1 perlor preparation of mm*. with flic ad- speak in high and glowing terms of mixture of sulphur, unoth-r valuable rein- Cordele and her advantages. These 1 ?f- T *» ,r » , “ 1 « tJl " DmiWss. .ftilly ASTHMA CURED Offle* No. S Jans Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Month I ■« 3 Months « Months $2.60 l Year ... >5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain ments. where charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 5 cents a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will pleaMe ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, aa this Is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALO IS THE , Official Organ of the City of Waycross. Official Organ of the County Boa.rd i of Education. Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, OA.. JAN. 13, 1911. Brother Lorlmer wonders how Brother Ballinger got on so easily. of this preparation will j quickly r^tor* th** color of the h;tir but j will ■■'•■<> tfiop the hair from falling out I ami if trrow. It I* sold by nl* j drugvi.»t<i for 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. gentlemen were agreeably tmtprUed at the wonderful growth and progres sive strides this city has made. .. . „ 1 is **nt direct by the Wyeth Chemical Col. John W. Dennett, former dollc- c „ Dlp10 , 74 r / rtIjndt 8t „ YorK Itor'general of the Brunswick circuit, » City, upon receipt of price. . , .. . ... ,, . , I f >r aud rtcoimut*D<l*iJ by Cherts Is very much delighted with Cordele. J #e pharmacy and says It Is the best town in Wire- j grass Georgia, except Waycross. Many expressions such ns the pre- POLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are tonic in action, quick in re* ults. A special medicine for all .. . , , ... t a special meaicine lor an ceding are heard in conversation with . k!dnl . y flnd b!adder disorders. Mary hundreds of prominent lawyers., far- J C. Abbott. Wolfeboro, N. H., says: "I ... m ... i was afflicted with a bad case of rheu- mers and butdneftH men from other I matlwn. due ^ uric acid that my kid- sections who are in the city attend Ing Superior Court, either as witness es, counsel or friends to parties con nected with the (.yens case. —— EVERBODY’8 FRIEND. I know a Jolly fellow, Perhaps you know him, too; He’s out in every weather, •You never see him blue. He has a way of smiling, That drives away all pain; He seems the happiest fellow. In sunshine or in ruin. n, b „ Paym- believes in .akin* ' Vo “ n<,v<,r hMr hlnl hi. tariff reform In homeopathic dot. i Whalever cornea ho taken: And now It's Dr. Emperor Kal.or Wilhelm van llolieuzolleru of Berlin, flwrmany. • A headline leads: "Portugal Facing New Upheaval." That country cer tainly must he sick. —: The Illinois method of feeding the fugitive to the bloodhound, avoid, .tuty rourt complications. + Adams county, Ohio, may as well adopt a New Years resolution to re frain from voting for a while. +— — Never mind whether the other fel low sticks to hit New Year resolu tions. Watch out for your own. * Why couldn't Texts send a com mittee of thoae re d , headed widows down Into Mexico and stop that war. i —•——+ :— Attorney General Wlckerehani has decided that lire only wav to uo allot the Beef Tru.l Is with an ak and a dearer. Another Oehtral American revolu- tlon Is about to start, and we prtaufue -the moving picture meu are there on the ground !f there’s nothing there to gladdou him, / Why, something he will fake. He’a born for optomlsm. And making the world bright; • And everybody loves hltn, And thinks that he's all right. SKIN AND SCALP TROUBLES YIELD TO ZEMQ TREATMENT A Clean Liquid Preparation For Ex- ! f ternal Use. The Seals Pharmacy is so confident that ZKMO and ZEMO soap used to gether will rid the skin or scalp oi ncys failed to clear out of my blood. I was so lame tn my feet, joints, and back that It was agony for me to step. I used Foley Kidney Pills for three days when I was able to get up and move about and the pains were all gone. This great change in condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pills and re commend them to anyone suffering as I have." Gem Pharmacy. EEDS Fitlh, RtllablaTPvrt •varanlMd to PIm>« I trerr Gardener and J Planter tboald teat the J superior merit* of Oar f Northern Grown Seed* SHCML OFFER FOR 10 CENTS vi will tend postpaid our TTIIvtt!!! 00 . 8 collection * ***■ ***** • • * JJj > {ij. £!e» iw? £s?»aui * . ik iShNirMlirMMMr. Me XlMlSfarteUMCMMflMNrSMda . U* # SIM W»H* to**' M esata to Mr psr vMtofla atU parking u4 NNlfg Mi* too** -r.O»tn Osllsltoi" to- TawBBi: FINE SEA ISLAND COTTON . SEED FOR 8ALE. l.ot selected Sea Island Cotton Seed for sale for planting purposes. Fresli from the Island at $1.00 per bushel, fob Valdosta. Ga. W. H. Staten, law 3w U. F. D. 1, 1 Valdosta. Ga. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. “I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart." wrote C. B. Rader, of IjCwiBburg, W. Va., "for the won derful double benefit I got from Elec tric Bitters, in curing roe of both a severe caBe of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from wwlch I had Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained By 8enplns. New York:—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made t>y The Woodworth Co., 1181 Brood- way. New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senplne, the great discovery for Asthma, Hay Fe ver, Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which ic mailed free of charge to all who write for it. ft la curing thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference how lone you bare been suffering or bow sqvere the climatic conditions are where you lire. Sen- pine will cure you. If you have experimented with oth er treatments and have failed to find a cure do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonderful truly meritous remedy which la scientific compound discovered by a Professor of Vienna University, and is being recommended by thousands. SaL tf. ABOUT IRONING TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Supervising Architect, V/asbington, D. C-, November 26, 1910 Seated Proposals will bo received at this office until 3 o'clock p. m., on the 7th day of January, 1911, and then opened, for the construction (Includ ing plumbing, gas piping, beating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) o ft he United States Post Office at WAYCROSS, GA., In accordance with drawings and specification, copies of which may be bad from the Custodian ef site at Waycross, Ga., or at this office at the discretion of the Super vising Architect. James Knox Taylor, S«i /•' # ng Archltec! DO YOU KNOW THAT BY USING AN ELECTRIC FLATIRON YOU CAN CUT YOUR iRONjNG LABOR IN HA4F? HOWEVER, BECAUSE OF THE GREAT SAVING IN TIME. THE COST IS LESS THAN BY THE “HOT STOVE" METHOD. WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO PROVE THIS TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION, AND A REQUEST WILL BRING AN IRON TO YOU FOR A WEEK’S TRIAL. Ware County Light & Power Company. Telephone 30 BE ECONOMICAL SAVE MONEY ON ’MEATS. other form of skin or scalp eruption, [ ,een 111 aJn jP*f helpless sufferer for | ten years. It suited my case as blackheads, dandruff, eczema, prickly . neat, rashes, hives. Ivy poison or any It Is svtdetlt that Nebraska Is mak ing a bid tor the suffrngelVe vote. She hss decided not to have any In augural ball. •" 1 -I* - War le threatened between Peru *Ud Bolivia, probably juxt because neither country has. any other trou- ble of a serious nature on hand. i ■ + Infant or grown person of pimples that they will give your money hack It you are not entirely satisfied with the rcsnlt obtained from the uee of ZEMO and he soap. The flret application will give prompt relief and show an Improve ment and tn every instance where uM persistently, will destroy the germ life, leaving the akin In a clean, healthy condition. Sold and guaranteed by druggists everywhere and In Waycroee by The Seals pharmacy. Let us show you proof of some re- markable cures made by ZEMO and give you a 3S page booklet how to preserve the skin. The 8eala Phar macy. *" ■KIN AFFECTIONS. Whether On Infant or drown Parson Curod by Zomo and Zamo Soap. AN UNUSUAL OFFER. The Beals Pharmacy saya to every The New York bool d (of health person, be It mas, woman or chtN, doe* not know what to do with nine ,-tims of bad eggs It svlisd. We wish •Uwvy could be ted to the cold storage who hoe on Irritated, tender or Itching skin to come to our store and procura a bottle of ZEMO end > cake of ZB- /meo. MO toep and It yon are not entirely • satisfied with results, corns bock and Judge Alton H, Parker Is again cnl- get your money. 80 confident are we tlvattug the silence' Shlch beBte a of the eOclacy If this dean, simple man with dark hone possibilities. treatmesL that we make you thia Ha sow mike a great Senator, how- unaaual otter. , ever, ft; that fa what New York wants 1 ZEMO Is a clean liquid tor externa! t in iha Benate. , use that haa cured so many rases of eesema, pimples, dandruff and other forma of akla eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO slap are sold by druggists ev erywhere and In Waycross by The Seals Pharmacy. ZEMO and ZEMO soap are (he most economical at well as the cleanest and most effective trellment for affections of the' skin or scalp, whether on faftut or grown i - k'L 1 though made Just tor me." Far dys pepsia, indigestion. Jaundice and to rid the aystera of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bot tle Is guaranteed to satisfy. Only KOc at All Oruyglats. THE PACIFFIC MONTHLY’S SPEC IAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER. -The Paelfflc Monthly, of Portland, Ora., la i beautifully Illustrated month ly magazine which gives full informa tion about the resources and opportu nities of the country lying West of the Ruckles. It tells about the Gov ernment Reclamation Projects, frse Government land-and tall, about the district! adapted to fruit raising, dairy ing. poultry raistog, etc. It has splen did stories by Jack London and other noted authors. The price la *1.80 a year,, but to In. traduce ft we wll) send six month, for fifty cents. Tht, offer must he accept ed on or before February 1, 101L Send your name and address accom panied by fifty cents In stomps and learn all about Oregon. Washington. Idaho, and California. Address: The Pocifilc Monthly, Port •and, Oregon. i a m tf. SHADE TREES FOR SALE. 5.000 Oak and Maple hade trees for sale. Will set them out and warrant their living. Price *1-00 each, careful: ly set out. Orders solicited. R. W. Lewis, 13 ads St. Aug. ;o Smooths - Waycross welcomed everything. Even the recent cold blasts of the north fonod It warm here. The Lisk Self-Basling Enameled Roaster WILL CUT YOUR M EA T BILL IN HALF, It Is easy for the hous reduce living expenses tf shi Don’t forget to come and' get your Xmas present Sam Htller & Co. tf A GOOD POSITION, Can be had by ambitions young mau and lodlea In the field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8- bour law became effective, and since tbe wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout tbe country there Is a great shortage of telegra phers. Positions pay beginners from 870 to *00 per month, with I chance of advancement The Nation al Telegraph Institute operates six offlctal institutes In America, under supervision of R; R. and Wireless Offi cial* and places all graduates Into po sitions. It will pay yon to write them tor full details at Cincinnati, O., Phil adelphia. Pa, Memphis, Tenn., Daven port, la.. Columbia, S. C„ cr Portland. Ore., according tc where you wleb to enter. 15 *01. WANTED—Two food men. for can vassing. Apply 47 Albany Avenue. Sam Heller. tf VISITORS PLEASED WITH CORDELE’S PROGRESS „ Cordele Rambler. CoL Ernest Dari, at Brunswick, one of the best-known lawyers la hi* park •m lh« State, who Ij attending Crt.p Superior Court. In an Interrlew glees , a Rambler rqp.-eaentatlve. apeak* b. ■ SSEEDSJ pH ooaitrswa*3aczm*S ■ SPECIAL OFFERS fWt *■ MM »•» HmM, AtmlwjUl f aUarMMriwaiMitcwtwiw. ■ PrUc Crttauai P'SSaSrSS#* I Writs radar; KUmtiem tali fkpsr. I ^woMaeAiuwuuMuuwwuuuuut SEND K> CENTS I PIANO TUNER Geo. W. Coe Formerly of New York City, will locate permanently In Woycrqes, after OcL 16th. Save Xour Piano Work! for a local tan*', that will hear It tn good shape nt all Ittnetr 'Leave orders with J. a Knlgbh, G. R. Brinson ov Majestic Theatre, or ’phon* *1*. Uses A Lisk KconottifeAi cuts of meats may bo properly and deliciously ; cooked dud will yield more nutrition because the Juices and flavors are retained. Bo- quires less beat, therefore less fuel. Fewer utensils required, for SEVERAL ARTICLES MAY BE COOKED AT THE SAME TIME. ' It U to the American People what the Casserole is to the French. "Jj * RUN NO RISK-BE SURE IT IS A LISK. j ; 1 Watt Hardware £o. Drug Store Comforts There are many things for your convenience and comfort at our Drag Store. Ice Cape, Both Brushes, Sponges, Chamois Hot Water Bogs, Toilet Necessities. Face Lotions, Su perior Cold Cream. If here ever there is anything yon want from a drag store telephone ua and yon wilt secure the best of service and quality. Cherokee Pharmacy* PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS PHONE ISO «»»»»*»»dd*aaaaa>^.. MttMM ^| POTTER & McMAHAN' GENTS FURNISHINGS, TAILORS and BARBERS. •Tailoring At;Re«sons,ble / Pjices. TBE IA GRANDE BARBER SHOP Plant Ave. LaGrande Bldg.