Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, January 13, 1911, Image 3
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Waycross & Southern R. R. CO. Schct'uict of Train* Effective January Z, 1911. Notice: -The arrival and departures are given as information and are not guaranteed. lanos “He Standard cl Excellence In Passenger Seritcc. SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1*. 1910. Northbound: Southbound: 6:00 pm Lv. Brunswick' Ar. 6:40 pm Lv. Thalmar. Ar 8:00 }.m Lv. Waycross Ar. 9:40 pin I.v. Douglas Ar 10:45 pm Ar Fitzgerald Lv. IF A PIANO DEALER SPEAKS H!S MIND HE WILL TELL YOU: “THERE'S NOTHING LIKE THE McPHAlL GRAND FOR BEAUTY OF FINISH AND BEAUTY OF TONE." ASK A DOZEN FAIR JUDGES WHAT ARE ITS CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS AND YOU WILL GET A DOZEN ANSWERS. CNE SEES BRILLIANCY, ANOTH- F-P. SEES RICHNESS, ANOTHER SEES PERFECTNES, ANOTHER DELICACY OF TONE, ANOTHER THE POWER OF EXPRESSION, ANOTHER ACTION, ANOTHER THOROUGH CONSTRUCTION. ONE SEES NEW IDEAS, ANOTH- ER OLD IDEAS IMPROVED. THE McPHAlL GRAND PIANO IS ENDOWED WITH* PERSONAL ITY QUITE ITS OWN. MUSICI ANS UNDERSTAND ITS CHARM INTUITIVELY. Southbound Tri Ml,!es Station 0 Ilebardville. Gu. 2 Waycros* ,Alban; 8 Lavinia 7:15 pm J.v. TJionmsville Ar. S:22 pm Lv. .Moultrie Ar. 9:30 pm Lv. Tifton Ar. NoTthbound Train 10 Fredtl. 8 Lavinia 2 Waycross (Albany av OHebardville Trains No. 1 and No. cept Sunday. Jno. M. Hopkins 1:23 am I.v Monte/.utna Lv. 1:35 am Lv. Oglethorpe Lv 2:58 am Lv. Tnlboiton l.v. 3:40 am Ar. Manchester Lv. 3:46 am Lv. MancheHter Ar. 4:06 am Lv. Woodbury Lv. 4:59 am Lv,.8enoiA Lv. 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta Lv Superintendent. WOMEN—Sell guaranteed hose, 70 nor cent pjoflt. Make $10 daily. Kill 1 or part time. BMtinnerg investigate. Strong Knit, Box 4029, West Philadel phia. tf For either acute or chronic kidney disorders, for annoy and painful uri nary irregularities, take Foley Kidney Pills. An honest ahd effective medi cine for kidney apd bladder disor ders. Gem Pharmacy. 3:45 am Lv. Manchester 4:45 am Lv. jLaGrange 8:40 am J.v. Talladega 11:45 aui Ar. Birmingham We have other makes and we are proud of ev ery Piano we handle. McPhail, Chickerir Laffargue, Bush & Lan e Henry F. Miller, Hains Bros., Cambridge,plcgal, Brewster and others. We give easy monthly [payments if desired and take old pianos and organs in exchange at full value. C. C. Cocroft Music Co. Broad Street, Thomasville, Ga. V ' A. W. LANG, AG T., ayircse, Ga. Listen, everybody:! Bring the last rceript wc gave you and get your Xmas •present. They are beautiful indeed. Sam Jlcller. *f Pullman clectric-lightcd sleeping cars on night trains between Thomaa- villa and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupancy at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:15 pm. gets connections from all? incoming trains at Atlanta, Including the South Atlantic Limited from .Cin cinnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and St. Louis. Connections ati other junction points are well-adjusted and are shown In the schedule folder which can be secured from any agent of this company. Attention ia called to the establishment of connections at Atlanta from train arriving at Atlanta 6:40 am., with the South Atlantic Limited leaving Atlanta at 6:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving: Atlanta 7:32 am., for Chicago and 8t. Louis. W. IJ. Leahy, General Pass. Agt. B. H. Fell, Arfst. Gen. Pass Agt.- Atlnntu, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, Traveling Passenger Agent. WANTBD-^Salesroen of V ^kllity and neat appearance to call on all merchants In their territory; elegant side line, con venient to carry;-good commissions; prompt remittance. A 419, Bellmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. 24, 31, t, 14 *AVCROa8 COUNCIL NO. 21 Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets everj Monday evening in K«J »ten’* Halt, Lott-HItcb building at * o. in. Vislilog brothers eord'ally * Invited to meet with ns. She»od (ioilinr., L. Carl Collins. Hec-Secty. * Couii'clloi The L. -Norman Ladies! Save Money and Keep*in ■ ■ ==■- Style fcy Reading McCall’i Magazine and Using McCall Patterns Mc&lfc Magatiarwlli help you drew alyl- iamy ui a modfiaio expenseby keep!us you i.'-.iied on the Ltmt fnaliion* lu rlolbea and ham. M> Sew Fashion Designs in each Issna. AUo valuable Information on all borne and per sonal matters. Only 60c a year, Including a free pattern, Sub scribe today or tend WAKEFIELD LODGE, ftt\ Z7 .KNIGHT^ OF PVT** ML . ^ Me*?:* ev * Monday evening at :8<l in ^£'1 \v| Castle Hal ’ >, aot av* y. r.j^) Member* a- reouoatec 'to * fiend, and visiting m Knights are most “Of dlaily itivltsd to Inset with ns. CHA8. E. CASON, C. C. T. H. Miller, K. of R. 4c S. ft M. of F. MOGUL'S MACAZB15 Located at Hoboken, Ga\ Automobiles s Motorcycles y Bicycles And "Supplies. Automobiles with Safe Drivers For Hire DAY OR NIQHT, for free,sample copy. NcCaN Patten* will enable you to make in your own borne, with yourown bends, clothing for yourself and children which will be perfect in style and flt. Price—none higher then tt cents. Send for free Pattern Catalogue. * We Wa Gee Tea Plat Praam* for netting sub scription* among your Magda. Hand for free WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 193. Uwii Dm and third Thurwl.y m each month. Masonic Hall. RJcbnrd L.' Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woollcr. Clerk. In 30 Acre Tracts. Office at Hoboken Chicago Office J35 Adam St. Try A Want Ad F. H. McGEE, Phone 35, 20 Pendleton St. .WAYCROSS—GEORGIA. Hate .Lire insurance Ljompany OP INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Depeelt. With Slit* fer Guarantee of Policies, .... *8,000,000.00 Surplue to Polloy Holder!,.... *9,174,606.00 ) FROST PROOF CABBAGE HAWS c GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS FHOM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS. WhAt They Will Do tor Von They will cure yourbackache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. eect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the eacesa uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and Dia. bates, and ret tore health and strength. Retuie substitutes. FOR8AIE BV GEM PHARMACY * r TRV THE WANT ADS Security la a Ufa Insurance Policy Is the principal thing. One waste protection that protects without regard' to J genera) financial enotfltlona.Ths STATE IJPE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of all Its policy holders, the entire cash value of every outstanding policy. At thle time the company has on deposit with tbe State. In first class securl-’ ties, a larger amount than all other large companies combined.' furniture Repairing and Upholstering We are still doing baslnase _ at the seme old stand, tt Brew- , ar Street near the Court Hones. We will repair—clean up and rerarnisk your old . furniture, and make It new—We also do all kinds . of upholstering—re pair trunks, suit cases, etc. All our work Is strictly cash when finished—NO work dell*-' ered without the money—Work left Id the'shop thirty days af ter It 1* finished will have star*, , ace charges added and will be liable to te .old for chance. J. I. ITaiie A 8m. r ITS POLICIES ApE AS SECURE AS THE BANK OF ENG- LAND. I have been with this good company »ot»nte< tbrojgh Its sgoncy have paid man, thousands , beneficiaries, . • , ?.V' Foley Kidney Pills are tonic In ac, tlon, quick In result., and restore the natural action of the kidneys and hladdcr. They correct Irregularities. -Gem Pharmacy. ’ ' /.- . Take no chance with rour life policy bth see me for “INSURANCE THAT INSURES.’ I Nice furs, capes, eoats, roatsults. j and men’, snfr, at 47 Albany avenue, j Quite a variety of skirts reining from IMS to H6.M ■ J* V. L. STANTON, .6 WAVMOM, GEORGIA.